HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-10-05 - MinutesGROUP: ADVERTISING & PROMOTION COMISSION DATE: OCTOBER 5, 1992 PRESIDING: MICHAEL GREEN, CHAIRMAN PRESENT: Mayor Fred Vorsanger, Susan Stirewalt, Michael Green, Bill Clodfelter, Jim Waselues, Steve Ward, Bob Blackston, Dede Ellis, Marilyn Johnson. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by Chairman Michael Green. MONTHLY REPORTS: MINUTES: A motion was made to approve the minutes as written and received. Carried. FINANCIAL REPORT: Ben Mayes presented the Financial Report to the Commission. ACTIVITY REPORT: Dede Ellis gave the april 1992 Activity Report to the Commission for review. OLD BUSINESS: Dede Ellis reported that she had finally succeeded in getting confirmation from the City of Fort Smith in the form of an invoice, which says that the switch engine locomotive has been transferred to that city. Fayetteville A & P Commission in no longer responsible for the locomotive. NEW BUSINESS: Mike Green discussed changes in the Commission after the election. He said figures are needed for the new members to go on, and that this comission need to establish goals and take a look at the Media Plan. He proposed a retreat on Monday, October 19th, to go over the Budget. Steve Ward said that the Chamber would put together packets of information on what the Commission had done, and mail them out before the retreat. Mike Green commented that the public is invited; however, it will be strictly a planning session. Media Plan - Brad & Susan handed out Media Recommendation Handbooks, and explained media distribution on various. publications. Southern Living now has three ads; they recommend four, to "test the waters". Broadcast TV was recommended, i.e.: Springfeild, Tulsa, Kansas & Dallas. Also, they would like to advertise in newspaper suppliments, and have seasonal press releases an what is going on in Fayetteville seasonally. Steve Ward brought up the subject of the TV Media providing trips to Fayetteville as prizes, and wondered if the plans are to continue this practice. Fred Vorsanger asked why there was such emphasis on Frequent Fliers when the emphasis should be on Facilities. Bill Clodfelter wanted to know why the ads haven't targeted Little Rock. Steve Ward asked Blackwood Martin & Associates to make a one- on-one presentation to the two absent commissioners. OTHER BUSINESS: Susan Stirewalt told the Commission that there were about ninety people at the Mayor's Conference counting both sessions. There was no further business: the meeting was adjourned. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: �<z Dede Carter Ellis, Director Convention & Visitor Development Director • SNI IUY:AKKANSAS DONEE NO. goZit' TOPEE: 10- b-92 •,9;_42AM FtUhHAL SUKPLUS NKUP-1 bUl b21 ii i;Fi 2 IUt UUUUMtN •1 • STATE OF ARKANSAS • FEDERAL SURPLUS PROPERTY 8700 REMOUNT ROAD NORTH LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS r7211B TELEPHONE 835-3111 25187 DATE nit TELEPHONE APPROVAL BY: o/rY of PT4Y67rovt .G, /13 w.Esr mootvt4/N 5rgoer. xE Frau/GdiE, /4RIf4N.0/4 & %27c°OUNTY WAREHOUSE REPRESENTATIVE PROPERTY LISTED ON THIS DOCUMENT WILL BE USED. SUBJECT TO THE CERTIFICATIONS, TERMS, AND CONDIT ONS WHICH APPEAR ON THE REVERSE SIDE, PRIMARY USE WILL 8E: EDUCATION ❑ HEALTH D CONSERVATION 0 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 0 PUBLIC SAFETY 0 PARKS & RECREATION D OTHER (BPEOIFy) THIS PROPERTY MUST BE PLACED IN USE WITHIN ONE YEAR FOR THE PURPOSE FOR SSN QTY. ITEM DESCRIPTION GOVT• ACQ. HANDLING CHARGE COST EACH TOTAL 470 ey d -0393-e/ 1 boGef 077V/ /iv re A/ 0,54 F - /a r . A/ ac, Ivo — PRopeRry Rscr/Pr owe)/ Me GOGOMpTJr 4s AS(Ai 7RAf✓5FCRR60 ,ti r G/ TY t2f 64vrriwzibt To 7A'- . ARr5n/w. Ir wr (-kit . RlsTn RRT,N A5soc,/4Tioit/;W eN /0 1�9 3 /Nvo/G6#aS/R$ IP " INVOICE PAYTHISAMOUNT -a THIS IS YOUR PROPERTY LISTED ON THIS DOCUMENT WILL BE USED. SUBJECT TO THE CERTIFICATIONS, TERMS, AND CONDIT ONS WHICH APPEAR ON THE REVERSE SIDE, PRIMARY USE WILL 8E: EDUCATION ❑ HEALTH D CONSERVATION 0 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 0 PUBLIC SAFETY 0 PARKS & RECREATION D OTHER (BPEOIFy) THIS PROPERTY MUST BE PLACED IN USE WITHIN ONE YEAR FOR THE PURPOSE FOR