HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-09-14 - MinutesGROUP: ADVERTISING & PROMOTION COMMISSION DATE: MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1992 PRESIDING: MICHAEL GREEN, CHAIRMAN PRESENT: Coy Kaylor, Jim Waselues, Michael Green, Steve Ward, Mayor Fred Vorsanger, Joe Fennel, Susan Stirewalt, Dede Ellis, Diane Bostick, Bill Walker, Cy Southerland, Keith Newhouse, John Kalagias. CALL TO ORDER: The meetingwas called to order by Chairman Michael Green. MONTHLY REPORTS: Mayor Fred Vorsanger movedto approve the minutes as written and received. Coy Kaylor seconded. Motion carried. ACTIVITY REPORT: Dede Ellis presented the Activity Report to the Committee. FINANCIAL REPORT: Ben Mays presented the Financial Report to the Committee. OLD BUSINESS: Locomotive: Dede Ellis presented a letter to the Committee from Dee Carroll, Executive Director, Fort Smith Convention & Visitors Bureau, which confirmed that Fort Smith will assume responsibility for the locomotive, and that the necessary paperwork will be forthcoming. Mayor Fred Vorsanger moved to accept Fort Smith's acquisition of the locomotive; Joe Fennel seconded. Motion Carried. NEW BUSINESS: A & P Commissioner - replacement: Michael Green offered Bill Clodfelter, Mangager of the Park Inn, as a replacement for A & P Commissioner Pat Henry. Fred Vorsanger moved to appoint Bill Clodfelter to replace Pat Henry. Coy Kaylor seconded the motion. Motion carried. Football Reservations Hotline: Dede Ellis reported that the requests for motel reservation for the Fayetteville games are frequent. The Line seems to be a success, and she is now placing people in Bentonville, and as far away as Siloam Springs and Eureka Springs. • • Funding Request - Video Visitor's Guide:: Diane Bostick presented a request for funding for a video visitor's guide in the amount of $1,000. She told the Committee that the video would attract attention in a way that brochures cannot touch. She said that the amount of the request was low because TV Access Channel 4 is using some tape which they have in storage. Fred Vorsanger stated that the price is right, and moved to support the project. Michael Green seconded. Motion carried. Funding Request - Autumnfest: Bill Walker presented a request for funding for advertising Autumnfest in the amount of $6,000. He told the committee that an estimated 15,000 people are expected and that the advertising has paid off in the past, but that funding is needed to promote Autumnfest outside the Fayetteville area. Coy Kaylor moved to grant the Autumnfest funding. Jim Waselues seconded. Motion carried. Funding Request - Headquarters House: Keith Newhouse presented a request for funding for restoring Headquarters House in the amount of $11,525. He told the Committee that Headquarters House is the "anchor pin" of the Historic District, and that among other things, termites have eroded it. They need help, as there is virtually .no other source of income. Fred Vorsanger moved the allocate the money, out of Special Funds, to restore and bring up to date the Headquarters House, with the stipulation that the A & P Commission be given appropriate publicity for doing so, possibly in the form of a plaque. Coy Kaylor seconded. Motion carried. Budget Funding Request - Arkansas Air Museum: John Kalagias presented a request for budget funding for the Arkansas Air Museum. He told the Committee that the Museum doesn't use A & P money.for special projects, but only for staffing and salaries. Michael Green told John Kalagias that it would be better to wait until the new Commission takes over so that they can make the decision on this matter. Michael asked if there were any other sources of income, and John said that they would have to cut back on staffing, and charge visitors fees. Coy Kaylor moved to table the Budget funding request. Michael seconded. Motion carried. • Blackwood/Martin Photo Policy: Susan Stirewalt told the Committee that Blackwood/Martin feels there should be a photo policy regarding the loaning of photograghs, i.e., make available 8-10 of the most requested photos with a $300 ceiling on usage. A request form would have to be filled out, and the Chamber would handle the collection of fees. Michael Green suggested that this matter be decided and voted on at the next meeting. Steve Ward told the Committee that they heed to move ahead on the budget for 1993 when they meet in October. It was mentioned that the Mayor's Conference is going to be held at the Arkansas Air Museum. There was no further business; the meeting was. adjourned. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: Let s=> Dede Carter Ellis Convention & Visitor's Development Director ACTUAL Tax Rev. $59,646 ACTIVITY REPORT September, 1992 HN,R SUMMARY YTD ACTUAL $483,114 ANNUAL BUDGET $588,668 • 1991 - $434,195 SALES TAX 1992 - $486,988 800 NUMBER • 1992 - YTD - CONVENTION ACTIVITY Communicating with Sam Pruitt of GENESIS, about a National Genesis Convention for Fayetteville in May of 1994. Furnishing him with 4111 information pertinant to bidding for the Convention in November. • • --HMR COLLECTION COMPARISON 1991----- $57,079- PERCENT INCREASE -.4,5% 1992 - $59,646 HMR YTD - 1991 - $426,063 YTD - 1992 - $.483,114 PERCENT INCREASE - 13.39%