HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-07-06 - Minutesa 0 GROUP: DATE: PRESIDING: PRESENT: ADVERTISING & PROMOTION COMMISSION JULY 6, 1992 MICHAEL GREEN, CHAIRMAN Mike Green, Mayor Fred Vorsanger, Pat Henry, Jim Waselues, Bob Blackston, Susan Stirewalt, Milissa Carroll, Dede Ellis, Ben Mayes, Marilyn Johnson, Patti Irwin. • CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by Chairman Mike Green. MONTHLY REPORTS: MINUTES: Pat Henry moved to approve the minutes as written and recieved. Fred Vorsanger seconded. Motion carried. FINANCIAL REPORT: Ben Mayes presented the Financial Report to the Commission noting the 14% increase in HMR taxes over June of last year. ACTIVITY REPORT: Dede Ellis presented the June, 1992 Activity Report. She informed the Commission of the Post Anesthesia Care Nurses of Arkansas meeting in Fayetteville on August 1-2, 1992, and the National Academic Advisor's Association Convention which she is working on for May, 1994. OLD BUSINESS: Northwest Arkansas Tour Guide: Susan Stirewalt presented a new proposal for obtaining advertising in the Northwest Arkansas Tour Guide. It is based on three pages of coop plus one page of city ad. After the matter was discussed, Fred Vorsanger moved to subsidize 30% up to 4 pages including one page of city ad at $3,792. Bob Blackston second. Motion carried. Pat Henry emphasized that the HMR taxpayers should be given priority in the matter. Susan said that Dede Ellis should send a letter to all HMR taxpayers informing them of the availability of this advertising, and that they would get priority. After this, the ads would become available to all Fayetteville businesses. a Mike Green expressed concern that the money for the subsidy be tagged in the right category of the budget, i.e., Special Projects, since that money hasn't been committed. ADR/Hotel Occupancy Rate:, Marilyn. Johnson commented that the ADR/Hotel. Occupancy figures are picking up. Fred Vorsanger questioned why these figures are needed, and Marilyn replied that they are needed to see what months need to be targeted for marketing increases. Pat Henry said that he believed they are needed. Mike Green told the committee that the City Attorney, Jerry Rose, should be consulted before giving out the figures. Entranceway Beautification: Patti Irwin, City Horticulturist, presented a recap of a meeting which was held earlier on ways to beautify entranceways to the City. She said that the one having the most potential is Razorback Road. The other entranceways are Mission St. (Hwy 45), Hwy 71 South, and Wedington Road. Solid signs of native stone would mark the entranceways cost of $10,000 per sign: Patti said that garden clubs civic clubs could adopt a sign and plant flowers arount Locomotive: There was no update on the matter of the locomotive at this point. NEW BUSINESS: at a and it. Transitional Report - Blackwood/Martin: Susan Stirewalt presented a report on Blackwood/Martins's transition to become the City's Ad Agency. She said that the biggest problem has been getting the material for the Tour Guide by August, which necessitates getting the money situation cleared up completely. Retreat: Susan said that we need to think about a retreat, and Mike Green suggested that we incorporate the retreat into the August meeting. Smokehouse Illustrations: A request from Diane Bostick was made to use artist illustrations in an ad for the Smokehouse. The City owns the illustrations. The artist will not charge for them; however, Mayor Vorsanger felt that there should be a reasonable charge, and the committee agreed. The concensus was that letting them go for free would set a precedent. Returned Peace Corp Volunteers: Marilyn Johnson mentioned that there were sugnificantly fewer Peace Corp Volunteers than had been expected As many as 1,500 were expected, and e Is 0 there were only about 400 who had turned in their reservations so far. There was no further business; the meeting was adjourned. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, aee- Cay Dede Carter Ellis Convention & Visitor Development Director 4b July 13, 1992 Dear HMR Taxpayer, Your Fayetteville Advertising and Promotion Commission encourages you to advertise in the 1993 Northwest Arkansas Tour Guide. This guide is used to rspond to inquiries generated by the Arkansas Newspaper Insert Program, and requests through the State Tourism Devision. They are also distributed at Tourist Information Centers, Travel Shows and trouugh the Chamber of Commerce; a total circulation of 210,000. In an effort to increase Fayetteville's overall visability in this important publication, the A & P Commission will subsidize 30% of your placement cost. There are limited pages, and HMR taxpayers will get first priority. Rates are as follows: Full Page Half Page Quarter Page Regular Cost $2,160.00 $1,250.00 $ 790.00 Discounted Cost $1,512.00 $ 875.00 $ 553.00 You will be contacted before the end of July by a representative from Cranford Johnson Robinson Woods on behalf of the Northwest Arkansas Tourism Association. We urge you to participate in this cooperative advertising program. If you have any questions, please feel free to call us. Sincerely, Dede Carter Ellis Convention & Visitor Development Director •