HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-04-29 - Minutes• • • GROUP: A&P COMISSIONERS AND REPRESENTATIVES SELECTION COMMITTEE DATE: APRIL 29, 1992 PRESIDING: MIRE GREEN, CHAIRMAN,•A&P COMISSION PRESENT: Mike Green, Coy Naylor, Jim Waselues, Bob Blackston, Joe Fennel, Mayor Fred' Vorsanger, Denise Land, Brian Swain, Melissa Carroll, Dede Ellis and Peggy Bates. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by Mike Green. BUSINESS: Mike Green announced that seven firms had submitted proposals for Advertising Services for the City of Fayetteville. He told the committee that a proposal from Cain Hill Press was received after the deadline, but that it was postmarked before the deadline. Peggy Bates said that State Statute states that it must be received by the deadline date. Mike Green stated that the evaluation form was the same as the one used last year, and asked the committee for approval on the value of the points assigned to each section. Coy Naylor moved for approval. and Mayor Vorsanger seconded. The motion carried. • Each advertising firm was presented in alphabetical order. There was no discussion on any of the applicants. Gurley & Associates and Walker & Associates each submitted a vidio which were both viewed at the meeting. The applicants who were presented in alphabetical order were: Blackwood/Martin & Associates Gurley Associates Kirkpatrick/Williams Mangan Rains Ginnaven Holcomb The AdVantage Group • Ghe Communications Group Walker & Associates • • Some of the committee members had already filled out their ballots when they arrived. While the rest of the members finished tally- ing their ballots Mike brought up the time element for the final interviews. He said that they should be from 10:00 AM until 12:00 and from 1:00 until 4:00 PM. and that they should be 45 • minutes long; the first 5 minutes to be introductions, the next 25 minutes consisting of proposals, and the final 15 minutes to be questions and answers. Coy asked when the next regular meeting would be held, and Mike said that it would be May 11. Coy brought up the negative ads which have been appearing in papers and on TV regarding Governor Clinton and the waste products for. Tyson Foods which the ads say are being dumped into the Buffalo River. He said the ads are having a detrimental effect on Arkansas, and questioned whether they could be counter- acted, since President Bush will undoubtedly upgrade the attacks after the primaries. He said that he knew of two large corpor- ate parties which were cancelled because of the ads. Mike proposed interviewing the five winning candidates in alpha- betical order and Joe Fennel seconded. Motion carried. Peggy Bates and Melissa Carroll each tallied the votes. Melissa used the point system, and Peggy used the system of picking first, second, third, etc., and the committee chose to use Peggy's system. Peggy announced that there was a 3 -way tie for 4th place. The committee then reballoted. The top five who were picked were: Blackwood/Martin & Associates Kirkpatrick/Williams & Associates Mangan Rains Ginnaven Holcomb The Advantage Group Walker & Associates The Meeting as Adjourned. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED� ippL Dede Carter Ellis Convention & Visitor Development Director • ACTIVITY REPORT APRIL ACTUAL TAX REV. $58,202 APR I L 1992 HMR SUMMARY YTD ACTUAL • • ANNUAL BUDGET \ $201,656 $588,668 800 Number April 1992 298 YTD: 2667 SALES TAX 1992 $484,937 1991 $399,912 CONVENTION ACTIVITY Presentations: 0 Recruited: 2 HMR COLLECTION COMPARISON April 1991 $47,017 April 1992 $58,205 PERCENT INCREASE 24% YTD 1991: $17`2,920 YTD: 1992 $201,656 PERCENT INCREASE 17% •