HomeMy WebLinkAbout1992-02-10 - MinutesGROUP: DATE: PRESIDING: PRESENT: A & P COMMISSION FEBRUARY 10, 1992 MICHAEL GREEN, CHAIRMAN Mike Green, Coy Kaylor, Pat Henry, Jim Waselues, Bob Blackston, Joe Fennel and Fred Vorsanger. OTHERS PRESENT: Ed Barham, Steve Holcomb, Bill Walker, Marilyn Johnson, Susan Stirewalt, Steve Ward and Michelle Galloway. CALL TO ORDER: Meeting was called to order by Mike Green. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Joe Fennel motioned to approve the minutes of meeting; Fred Vorsanger seconded the motion. MONTHLY REPORTS: the January 6, 1992 Motion Carried. •Financial Report - Michelle Galloway gave the December 1991 Financial Report to the Commission for review. Activity Report _Michelle Galloway gave the November 1991 Activity Report to the Commission for review. Chamber of Commerce Ouarterly Report - Steve Ward presented the Commission with the Chamber of Commerce Quarterly Report including Michelle Galloway's activities, job description and expense recap. Mr. Ward expressed his enthusiasm for the cooperative effort between the A & P Commission and the Chamber of Commerce. Coy Kaylor motioned to approve the Quarterly Report; Mike Green seconded the motion. Motion Carried. OLD BUSINESS: Locomotive Update - Michelle Galloway informed the Commission of a possible bid from the Ft. Smith Advertising and Promotion Commission regarding putting the locomotive into use in Ft. Smith. Mr. Dee Carroll is in the process of researching the costs of using the locomotive, but was unable to have a complete bid presentation at this time. However, he submitted a letter of intent and will contact Michelle Galloway or Steve Ward when he has all his IA information confirmed. An update of the locomotive will be made at the next Commission meeting. NEW BUSINESS: MRGH - Ed Barham distributed a copy of the Dining and Lodging Guide for the Commission to review. The Guide will be printed in a quantity of 60,000 and will be printed on an as needed basis. A brochure and letter of explanation will be sent to each restaurant and hotel on the brochure to show them how their HMR tax money is being used. The Shopping, Newcomers and Recreation Guide are also scheduled to be printed within the next two weeks. Ed Barham has met with Randy Rhine, CCE, and Marilyn Johnson, Hilton, in order to plan the Mayor's Conference on Tourism. Ed Barham will meet with Mayor Vorsanger to determine a definite date for the conference. An invitation will be sent to every business listed in the Dining & Lodging Guide. Fred Vorsanger made a motion to allot up to $1,500 for the Mayor's Conference on Tourism expenses; Foe Fennel seconded the motion. Motion Carried. Convention & Visitor's Committee - Marilyn Johnson made a presentation to the Commission from the Chamber's Convention & Visitors Committee for Tourism Table Tents that would acquaint people with Fayetteville and things to do. The tents were to be placed on restaurant tables in Fayetteville. After general discussion, the Commission decided not to take any action until Marilyn Johnson contacted hotel managers to see if they would be interested in placing the table tents in hotel rooms. Springfest Special Funding Request - Bill Walker, President of Springfest, presented a funding request for $6,000. The requested money would be used to design and mail a direct mail piece to the 35,000 members of the Razorback Foundation, inviting the members to Springfest. Coy Kaylor motioned to give Springfest $6,000 for the direct mail piece; Bob Blackston seconded the motion. Motion Carried. Governor's Conference on Tourism - Michelle Galloway made a presentation on behalf of the Governor's Conference on Tourism. Historically the Arkansas Advertising and Promotion Commissions sponsor the Monday Night Henry Awards. The Governor's Conference on Tourism requests $500 from the Fayetteville A & P Commission for this event. Coy Kaylor made a motion to help sponsor the event for $500; Pat Henry seconded the motion. Motion Carried. OTHER BUSINESS: Fred Vorsanger presented a request for $6,000 on behalf of the cooperative effort between the private sector, the city and the university to split the costs (rooming, work and reception) of the architects and planners that worked on the future plans for Dickson Street. After general discussion, no action was taken. • • The next meeting will be Monday, March 2, 1992. at 2:00 Hall. • Meeting Adjourned. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: NICIL4LQ Qi—re(9JQ.-0-,6)u,retti f Michelle B. Galloway Convention & Visitor's Development Director • p.m., City •