HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-11-04 - MinutesGROUP: DATE: PRESIDING: PRESENT: Mike A & P COMMISSION NOVEMBER 4, 1991 MICHAEL GREEN, CHAIRMAN Green, Joe Fennel, Pat Henry, OTHER PRESENT: Ed Barham, Marilyn Johnson, Mayes, Steve Ward, Michelle Galloway. CALL TO ORDER: Meeting was called to order by Mike Green. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Pat Henry motioned to approve the minutes of meeting. Bob Blackston seconded the motion. BUSINESS: Bob Blackston. Kevin Crosson, Ben the October 8, 1991 Motion Carried. Director Bob Blackston was welcomed to the Commission by Chairman Mike Green. Monthly Reports: - Michelle Galloway gave a Financial Report and an Activity Report which included a 1-800 number information and convention recruitment information. Joe Fennel announced that on August 4 - 7, 1991 there is a Swimming Competition in Fayetteville. Mike Green asked Michelle Galloway to check with the University Swim Coach to get more details about this competition. The financial report format was approved by Bob Blackston with slight modifications. Seconded by Joe Fennel. Motion Carried. OLD BUSINESS: Locomotive Update - A & P Commission discussed options (attached). The Commission has received several proposals from interested parties. Steve Ward suggested that the Commission check into getting the locomotive cleaned up, painting an advertisement of Fayetteville on the sides and putting it next to the Tourist Information Center in Siloam Springs. Mike Green asked Michelle Galloway to check into this possibility and give a report for the next meeting. The Commission voted unanimously to table this issue until the next meeting. Keith Newhouse Brochure - Ed Barham reported that he had a meeting with Keith Newhouse about his planned brochure of Headquarters House; the Commission agreed to give Mr. Newhouse $2,100 to help in the printing costs •at the last meeting. Ed Barham said that he • • will help Keith find a reasonable printer for the brochure. Mr. Newhouse agreed to use the "Fayetteville is Fantastic" logo on the brochure. Photo Replacement Recommendation - Ed Barham told the Commission that Richard Berquist was planning on taking a picture of a tailgate party at the home football game last weekend. Since the weather was extremely cold, he is not sure if Richard was able to get a good picture. Ed said that he would have a recommendation for a replacement photo on the nomadic display board at the next meeting. NEW BUSINESS: MAPS Update - Ed Barham reported that a MAPS Update and the two new brochures "Fall Foliage Tours" and "All Seasons Trail", will be mailed out this week to all MAPS participants to let them know the status of the report. There will be a quarterly update of this report in the future. Convention Recruitment Video - Marilyn Johnson, Chairperson of the Convention and Visitor's Committee at the Chamber, presented the most recent accomplishment of the Committee - a convention recruitment video. Marilyn Johnson invited the Commissioners to • attend the Convention and Visitor's Committee meetings in the future; the A & P Commission and the Committee have many of the • same goals and will be working together more closely in the future. OTHER BUSINESS: Michelle Galloway informed the Commission of a funding request from Teacher's Learning Network to produce a video tape about Fayetteville, Arkansas. The Commission discussed this issue and unanimously decided to not participate in this program. Michelle Galloway said she would contact Teacher's Learning Network to notify them of the Commission's decision. Next meeting will be Monday, December 2, 1991 at 2:00 p.m., City Hall. Meeting Adjourned. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: nuida Michelle B. Galloway Convention and Visitor's Dev. Director A & P LOCOMOTIVE OPTIONS 1. Return property to the State of Arkansas. 2. Offer from Mr. Narbutowitch of the Arkansas Railroad Museum in Pine Bluff, AR (835-3111) - return locomotive to the State so that it may be placed in the museum. The museum would, after the eighteen month holding period,, be eligible to sell the property. 3. Tony Hannold (751-5763) who operates the excursion train through Fayetteville to Van Buren proposed leasing the engine to Ft. Smith for use in connection with the port OR painting advertisements of upcoming attractions on the engine and locating it near the Walton Arts Center. Mr Hannold is of the opinion that engines lease for about $50 per day. 4. Jim Beam of Haskell County Industrial. Trust, Oklahoma. He seeks to lease the engine for about $500 per month for use at the Muskogee port and would be willing to bear. the costs of repairing the engine and placing it is working order, and would be willing to install a sign advertising Fayettevilleon the engine. 5. Melvin Hardy, Gutherie Corp. (918-464-2296) offered to purchase or otherwise acquire the locomotive currently being transferred into ownership by the A & P Commission. 6. Contact Siloam Springs Chamber of Commerce to see if they would be willing to let the locomotive sit next to their Tourist Information Center (which is a train) with an advertisement of Fayetteville on the locomotive. pfg05 (,, ('392 - CPrpi'-lL.) 7. Seek competitive bids, without revealing what has been offered thus far, for the use of the locomotive for a period of eighteen months with the stipulation thatthe proposal shall include purposes which will advertise and promote the City of Fayetteville. • • • Funding Request from Fayetteville Advertising & promotion Commission 1. Name of organization or event - Southern Living SEC Special Section, September 1992. 2. Contract Person - Mr. Wayne Woods Senior Vice President Cranford Johnson Robinson Woods 303 West Capitol Little. Rock, Arkansas 72201 3. Purpose - To fund one full page, 4/color ad in the September issue of the Southern Living magazine in a special 16 -page Arkansas section. • 4. Period of Operation - September 1992 5. Location or event site - N/A 6. Background and History - Arkansas Department of Parks and Tourism, Arkansas Industrial Development Commission, University of Arkansas and Southern Living magazine will form a partnership to produce and insert a 16 -page special economic section in the September 1992 issue of Southern Living. See attached fact sheet. 7. Expected Visitor Draw - Visitors from the nine states that make up the SEC which include Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee, Georgia, Alabama, Honda, South Carolina and Kentucky. 8. Anticipated Media Exposure - 1,230,000 households, plus the special section will be insertedin six Arkansas Razorback home game programs with a circulation of approximately 50,000 total. 9. Image - This special section will be designed as an image piece touting all of Arkansas' scenic and natural beauty. 10. Marketing plan - N/A 11. Marketing plan budget - N/A 12. Funding request - One full page, 4/color - $29,995.00 gross. 13. Full financial disclosure - N/A • • • Cranford Johnson Robinson Woods 1.1 Capitol Center (501)376-6251 303 West Capitol Avenue FAX: (501)376-4291 Little Rock, Arkansas 72201-3593 • Arkansas Southern Living/SEC Special Section Fact Sheet Special 16 -page Arkansas section to be published inside Southern Living Magazine's All South football section in September, 1992. * Section to showcase Arkansas -- its liveability, its positive climate for industry and business, its tourism attractions and its quality education. Arkansas section to have circulation of 1,230,000 in these nine SEC markets -- Arkansas, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee and South Carolina. Section will contain 12 pages of full-page, four color advertisements and 4 pages of editorial. Negotiated a 33% savings on advertising. Cost is $29,995, compared to normal cost of $44,452. Arkansas section will also be inserted into home Razorback football • games in 1992 (six games) at no added cost to advertiser. (Program ad • normally costs $1,300.) 40, Goo COPi ELi Advertisers will get 500 additional copies of Arkansas section for further marketing their company/attraction/product. Advertisers will benefit from publicity which will be generated on this special section. Advertisers will be honored at a reception hosted by UofA, Southern Living and CJRW on September 18-19 weekend when Arkansas plays its first home SEC football game (against Alabama). * Our negotiated rates cannot be matched in terms of costs, reach and delivery. Arkansas will be the only state with a special section inside the All South section. A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to introduce Arkansas to eight new SEC markets. * Section has been endorsed by the University of Arkansas Athletic Department and the Razorback Foundation Inc., Arkansas Department Iof Parks and Tourism and Arkansas Industrial Development • Commission- • .1 drrrtisiug/1Uarketing( Puhlir Rrlo1/mis/Armen Arurrirvar Ass's -lotion r j -1 rhrtiisirrg Agenens