HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-09-30 - Minutes• GROUP: A & P COMMISSION DATE: SEPTEMBER 30,11991 PRESIDING: MICHAEL GREEN, CHAIRMAN Present: Coy Kaylor, Pat Henry, Jim Waselues, Mike Green, Mayor Vorsanger, Joe Fennel. w Others Present: Bob Ginnaven, Tom Trevino, Ernest Lancaster, Bill Walker, Richard Shewmaker, Bill Mitchell, Mrs. Decker, Tony Hannold, Art Hollenbeck, Ben Mayes, Steve Davis, M. B. Lohr, Tom Sissom, Jim Blair, Steve Ward, Ed Barham, Michelle Galloway. The Advertising & Promotion Commission Contract with the Fayetteville Chamber of Commerce for convention and visitor's development was discussed. Motion made by Coy Kaylor to adopt this contract for $99,000 ($15,000 for remainder of 1991 and $84,000 for 1992.) Motion seconded by Pat Henry. Motion was passed unanimously. Locomotive Discussion - Mike Green asked that discussion be postponed until the City Attorney, Jerry Rose, and Kevin Crosson give their opinion of what to do with the locomotive. Arkansas Air Museum Funding - Art Hollenbeck, representing the Air Museum, asked for $50,000 from the Commission for funding of the Museum. Mayor Vorsanger motioned to fund the Air Museum $50,000 m 1992. Pat Henry seconded the motion. MenOtA Ge1/420-4 �. Ed Barham passed out MAPS book #3 - fmal version. 1992 Media Plan was distributed. Proposed Media Plan A = $264,238 Proposed Media Plan B - $212,200 No Action Taken. • Richard Shewmaker proposed a plan for the financing of the Downtown and University Corridor Revitalization Plan. Commission members decided to defer a decision on the improvements on Dickson Street until they have had the opportunity to look at the R M Plan. Mike Green requested Mayor Vorsanger to appoint another City Director to the A & P Commission to replace Director Din Coody. Mr. Coody had asked to be replaced as a member of the commission. The next meeting will be held October 8, 1991 at 2 p.m., City Hall, Room 326. Meeting adjourned. • THIS AGREEMENT made AGREEMENT and entered into on this .3DYe-_ day of , 1991, between the Advertising & Promotion Commission of Fayetteville, Arkansas, hereinafter called "A&P", and the Fayetteville Chamber of Commerce, a non-profit corporation, hereinafter called "Chamber"; WITNESSETH WHEREAS, the A&P, recognizing the need for continued development of Convention and Visitor activities, with increased employment opportunities and expanded tax base and improved quality • of life for its citizens, wishes to provide for a coordinated effort to encourage, foster, and promote Convention and Visitor development for the City and its environs; and WHEREAS, the Chamber has actively promoted Convention and Visitor development within the city for the purpose of creating jobs, and as a result thereof has attained certain knowledge and expertise in this field of endeavor; and WHEREAS, it is the desire of the parties hereto that the entities involved in furthering the economic well being combine and coordinate their efforts for such purpose and provide an effective Convention & Visitors Development Program for Fayetteville, to be operated as hereinafter provided; NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the covenants and conditions stated herein, and in consideration of the mutual benefits which will accrue to each of the parties hereof, as well as the general citizenry of Fayetteville and its environs, the parties have agreed and do hereby agree as follows: 1. CONVENTION AND VISITORS COUNCIL 1.0 Creation.-- There shall be created a Convention and Visitor Council, hereinafter called "COUNCIL". The Council shall be composed of six (6) members, who shall be: the Chairman of the A&P Commission of Fayetteville; the Mayor of the City of Fayetteville; a commissioner from the A&P of Fayetteville, as appointed by the A&P Commission; the Chief Executive Officer/President of the Chamber; Chairperson of the Convention and Visitors Committee; and the Chairman of the Board of the Chamber. 1.1 Terms of Office.-- The council members shall serve for a term to run with this agreement. If a council member elects not to serve or is unable to serve, the Chamber Board or A&P may • designate their respective replacement. • 1.2 Authority of Council.-- The council shall direct activity and establish procedures for management and operation of the Convention and Visitors Development Program, hereinafter called "PROGRAM". The President of the Chamber or his designate shall be responsible for the day-to-day operations and the general supervision and management of the business affairs of the program under this agreement. 2. CONVENTION & VISITORS DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM 2.0 Funding.-- Subject to the terms and conditions set forth in this agreement, the A&P shall compensate the Chamber for services rendered as follows: (a) For the period October 1, 1991 to December 31, 1991, 2 compensation shall be in an amount up to but not to exceed fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000.00). (b) For the period January, 1, 1992 to December 31, 1992, compensation shall be in an amount up to but not to exceed eighty-four thousand dollars ($84,000.00), subject to the A&P's approval of the yearly budget. Said compensation is to be paid in three (3) installments. The first installment, in an amount up to but not to exceed forty-two thousand dollars ($42,000.00), shall be paid on or about the fifteenth day of January. The second installment, in an amount up to but not to exceed twenty-one thousand dollars ($21,000.00), shall be paid on or about the fifteenth day of April. The third and final installment, in an • amount up to and not to exceed twenty-one thousand ($21,000.00) • shall be paid on or about the fifteenth day of July. Any monies that are not expended for documented authorized expenditures shall revert back to the A&P. 2.1 Staffing.-- The Chamber agrees to provide a qualified and competent staff assigned to recruit and assist conventions recruitment, to develop and implement programs designed to attract new visitors, to encourage expansion of existing festivals and to carry out and further the goals, duties and responsibilities as set out otherwise in the agreement. It is understood and agreed by all parties hereto that any and all persons working for the Chamber, in any capacity whatsoever, shall not be considered as employees of the A&P, and that any liability which should arise under the Workers Compensation laws of the State of Arkansas due to injury of 3 any employee of the Chamber, the same shall be the sole liability of the Chamber. 2.2 Services.-- The goal of the Program shall be "To promote Fayetteville as a Convention and/or Visitor site for out of town travelers while maintaining and improving our quality of life." To further this goal the Chamber shall provide management and administrative services necessary to present a viable and competitive program. Additionally, in this regard, the Chamber shall focus on, but not be limited to the following activities: attract sports, trade and travel shows; convention and conference recruitment; advertisements in trade publications; develop and print brochures for convention and bus tour recruitment; festival development; the gathering and dissemination of information; and provide promotional programs. The Chamber and its Convention and Visitors Program staff shall represent the A&P's interest in recruiting conventions, and promotion of tourism for Fayetteville. The Chamber understands that its operation under this agreement is to work for the general public for the purpose of promotion of conventions and tourism within the City and its environs. 2.3 Reporting.-- The Chamber agrees to render the following reports to the A&P: (1) Quarterly activity and financial reports, including documentation of expenditures, related to the Program. Such reports shall be due to the chairman of the A&P no later than April 15, July 15, October 15, and January 15 of each year. (2) A comprehensive annual report which shall include, but not be limited to a balance sheet, statement of revenues and expenditures, and 4 program performance. This report shall be due to the Chairman of the A&P no later than February 15 of each year. IT IF FURTHER understood that the A&P has the right, at any time, to review and audit Chamber books and financial records concerning funds paid the Chamber under this agreement. 2.4 Miscellaneous.-- The Chamber agrees to provide office space in the Chamber office building including all furnishings, equipment, and utilities necessary in order to effectively carry out the functions of the Convention and Visitors Development Program. 3. TERMINATION 3.0 Notification.-- The A&P or Chamber may terminate this contract at any time and for any reason. The terminating party shall give written notice of termination by certified mail. Termination shall become effective thirty (30) days after receipt of the written notice. Notice shall be addressed to the Chairman of the A&P, in the event the Chamber elects to terminate, and addressed to the President of the Chamber, in the event the A&P elects to terminate. In the event of termination by either party, the Chamber shall refund to the A&P, funds in excess of documented expenditures incurred by the Chamber pursuant to this agreement. Records shall be subject to immediate audit. IT IS AGREED between the parties that this agreement is not assignable. This agreement shall commence on the 1st day of October, 1991 and shall terminate on December 31, 1992, with the 5 • • • A&P having the option to renew yearly for four (4) additional one (1) year terms. Notice of intent to renew shall be given by letter ninety (90) days prior to the end of the contract term and shall be subject to the A&P Commissions approval of the yearly budget. WITNESS our hands on the 30day of /-c/;w , 1991, at Fayetteville, Arkansas. v ATTEST: A&P COMMISSION OF FAYETPEVILLE --`. � </�id JHt<. Chairman CHAMBER OF CO fifes dent