HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-05-06 - Minutes4_4". • • • • GROUP: A & P COMMISSION DATE: MAY 6, 1991 PRESIDING: MICHAEL GREEN • PRESENT: Michael Green, Ed Barham, Carlton Woods, Linda Moore, Pat Henry, Jim Waselus, Coy Kaylor, Fred Vorsanger, Richard Shewmaker, Alett Little, Michelle Galloway, Evonne McLaughlin, Melissa Carroll & others CALL TO ORDER: - The meeting was called to order by Michael Green. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: A motion was made by Coy Kaylor and seconded by Pat Henry to approve the minutes as written. Carried. • BUSINESS: MAPS Committee Selection - Evonne McLaughlin will meet with people who were nominated more than once. Between the people nominated more than once and the A & P Commissioners participating, there should be a total of 12 - 15 participants. The following have agreed to participate: John Lewis, Randy Rhine, John Cole, Mike Macechko, Bill Mitchell, Charlie Sego, Pat Donat, Marilyn Johnson. Rick Shaffer cannot participate and Steve Ward as well as Bill Walker cannot commit until a definite date is set. Terry Don Phillips and Bill Rogers will be contacted by Alett Little for possible participation. The session is now scheduled for June 13th and 14th. Pat Henry has offered accomodations at the Fayetteville Hilton since Mt. Sequoyah cannot accomodate the new dates. The fact book will be completed by MRGH by June 3, 1991 which is the date for the next scheduled A & P meeting. The session will be held June 13th and 14th. Special -Projects Policy`- Alett Little presented information regarding funding requests The commissioners agreed to review and study the information and submit any changes needed at the next meeting. Potential Convention - Chris Brothers was scheduled to give information to the commission about a potential national convention that may possibly be held in Fayetteville in 1992. The convention will last 2-3 days and involve about 1200 participants. Chris Brothers was not present at the meeting and has resigned from his position at the Best Western. Pat Henry will try to gain information about the possible convention. Reports - MRGH - Ed Barham informed the commission that ads would be running in the USA WeekendTravel Planner. The first one ran on April 5, 1991 and the next one will run on May 26, 1991. The responses have been very good in the past. The ads reach 3.8 million people in 12 states. The contract was a 4 time contract so two additional ads will be run later in the year. Ed Barham also reported that he had been working with Robin Brandeis on some public service announcements for the' Music Festival. J. Economic Development Department - Alett Little reported that the "Plant the Town Red" campaign is off and running! Each elementary school has been visited and seed packages distributed. 17,794 -packets of seeds have been mailed. Public service Announcements have started and will continue through the summer. There will be a radio remote on the square at Mcllroy Paza at 9:30 a.m. on May 10, 1991. Contests for businesses, neighborhoods and homeowners willbegin on June 15, 1991. The contests will be kicked -off on June 10, 1991 on "Noon On 5". Allet also reported that a tour•group from Little group will be in Fayetteville on May 9th and 10th. A tour group from Nebraska will be in Fayetteville on June 4th and 5th. There will be a FAM tour on June 16th. Included in the Fayetteville tours will be the Air Museum, the U of A Museum and the historical district. Alett Little added that she has been working on developing and obtaining cards for the tours so that tour guides can give accurate and consistant information about Fayetteville to the tourists. Alett Little also reported that'the Economic Development Department has been contacting and confirming the MAPS participants, developing a program and a budget for the Birthday Party Celebration as well as working on a festival handbook. Funding Request A presentation was made by Linda Moore with the Music Festival of Arkansas requesting the following funds: $2,500 for season ticket brochures, $1,500 for concert recording and $1,600 for student recruitment brochures. The request for $5,600 was approved by the commission and a check was presented to Linda Moore by Michael • Green for $5,60000. 1-800 Inquiries _ Melissa Carroll reported that the Fayetteville Chamber of Commerce received 285 calls in March and 409 calls in April from people requesting tourist information. Carol McCullough has been hired part-time to work in the Chamber office and handle the tourist inquiries. It was also reported that the psychic calls have decreased substantially. Financial Report - Richard Shewmaker presented copies of the Financial Report and reported that we were ahead of expectations in revenue. Fayetteville Vision - Michael Green reported that he had received a bill for $350.00 for the May 1, 1991 reception. There was $1,000.00 `allocated in -the budget -for the reception. A motion was made by Coy Kaylor and seconded by Fred Vorsanger to pay the submitted bill. Carried. Convention Recruitment Tape - It was reported that the Convention and Tourism Committee of the Fayetteville Chamber of Commerce is currently working on a convention recruitment tape. The'A & P Commission may be asked to fund copies of the tapes to be used'for convention recruitment. Hospitality Association - Coy Kaylor reported that there is a possibility of a small trade show beeing held in Fayetteville in 1992. The final decision has not been made yet. Birthday Party- Fred Vorsanger reported that the Chamber and the City are working together to plan the Birthday Party. Tickets will probably • go on sale in June and will cost approximately $20.00. It is estimated .; that there may be 3,000 - 4,000 people attending for dinner. The set-up 'and clean-up is estimated to cost $4,000. There may have to be a fund raising effort. Air Museum - It was reported that the Air Museum had some 1800 visitors in April. Approximately 1/3 of those requested visitor information. Scott Linebaugh is aware of the need for signs at the museum and is trying to work towards obtaining some. Open Channel - Bill Aimes announced that anyone can come and minutes of time to promote any project on film. The filming will be on Mondays from 5:00 - 6:30 and on Tuesdays from 9:0 and the spots will be played in the evenings at no charge. is new and is called "Take 5". ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: Ty0th„ (/LOGS Co„co,a Melissa Carroll Administrative Assistant have five sessions 0 - 11:30 The program