HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-04-04 - MinutesGROUP: ADVERTISING & PROMOTIONS COMMISSION DATE: APRIL 4, 1991 PRESIDING: MIKE GREEN PRESENT: Mike Green, Fred Vorsanger, Steve Holcomb, Ed Barham, Richard Shewmaker, Dan Coody, Alett Little, Michelle Galloway, Diane Bostick, Daniel Hudgins, Jerry Rose,. Pat Henry, Jim Crider, Melissa Carroll, and others ABSENT: Steve Ward CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by Mike Green. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: A motion was made by Fred Vorsanger and seconded by Dan Coody to approve the Minutes as written and received. Carried. BUSINESS: Contract Discussion - Paragraph 4D gives Fayetteville the right to decide if other areas are competition. The contract was basically written to address this issue if their were two banks in the same city who were in direct competition with each other. Before MRGH could enter into another contract to represent another city, we would be notified and able to discuss our feelings. Pat Henry suggested adding something that said MRGH would not exceed the total budget of $160,000 annually. Record keeping will be done by MRGH to stay on budget. • Fred Vorsanger noted that there was no limitation in the contract regarding trips to Fayetteville and expenses associated with those trips. MRGH does hot see that as a problem but if it became a problem then it could be addressed at that time and account service time would be re-evaluated. Pat Henry noted that the contract states that the Economic Development Coordinator will have authority to approve advertising. A motion was made by Dan Coody and seconded Pat Henry to approve the Contract as written and presented. Carried. Maps Session - MRGH is puting together a fact book on Fayetteville that will be completed around May 1, 1991. A couple of weeks later a meeting will be held to develop a strategic plan for the A & P Commission. Each A & P Director should think of 10 people who they • think would be beneficial at the meeting and turn the names in to Mike Green By Thursday, April 11, 1991. MRGH suggested people such as Bill Mitchell, Rick Schafer, John Lewis, Randy Rhine, Pat Donat; etc. After all names are submitted, approximately 8-13 will be chosen to serve. Interim Promotional Plan - MRGH will work with -Michelle Galloway through this interim period where not much needs to be done. MRGH will obtain copies of magazines for A & P Commissioners when ads are run. Economic Development Report on Promotional Activities - Michelle Galloway distributed information regarding activities such as Plant the Town Red, Old Main Birthday Party Celebration, Fam Tour, Travel Shows etc. Financial Report - Michelle Galloway reported that a check for $38,650.00 had been paid to the Air Museum which is the annual allotment from the A & P Commission. Chamber 1-800 Number Report - Melissa Carroll reported that the tourism calls expected at the Chamber have been blocked by the wrong number calls to the psychic center. Thousands of calls have been received and completed. Several thousand more calls have not been completed. A T & T is in the process of removing North and South Carolina from the 1-800 area which should stop approximately 60% of the psychic calls. There are also a large number of calls coming from Texas but Steve Ward does not feel that Texas could be removed simply because we draw so many tourists from that area. Richard Shewmaker recommended changing the 1-800 number. The matter will be discussed further at the next meeting. Monthly Meetings - Mike Green asked the commission to try to decide on a regular meeting time for the commission. After some discussion, the commission members decided to meet on the first Monday of every month from 3:00 - 4:00. The next meeting will be May 6, 1991. Special Projects - Diane Bostick asked what criteria was used by the commission to decide whether a special project could receive special funding from the A & P. Commission. Pat Henry stated that he thought he had some guidelines which were developed some time ago and that he would get a copy to Mike Green and the commission could discuss them at its next meeting. ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned. RESPECTFULLY. SUBMITTED: ILL/Cl/XL cL Cu.0 o MELISSA CARROLL l • • FAYETTEVILLE HILTON Executive Office April 5, 1991 Dear Fellow Commissioners, Enclosed please find the discussion draft that was initiated January 1990 but never had any motion to make a decision since it was first promoted. According to the A&P Minutes we were supposed to decide in February, 1990, but did not do.so. This letter is just a reminder so that we can act one way or another. Sincerely, • Pat Henry, • General Manager PH: ew cc: Fred Vorsanger Coy Kaylor Michael Green Jim Waeleus Joe Fennell Dan Coody •• HILTON USA 70 \n:ur k as: ctreci FaNe:tccilk•. Aransa. 727111 3111,442-51:i R,• e; .I:IOns 1-RUt111111O'.5 • • •• GROUP: DATE: PRESIDING: PRESENT: ABSENT: OTHERS PRESENT: ACTION: CITY ADVERTISING & PROMOTION COMMISSION January 15, 1990 Michael Green Michael Green, Fred Vorsanger, Coy Kaylor, Bill Clodfelter, Jim Waseleus Bill Martin, Nathan Combs Richard Shewmaker, R Susan Stirewalt, Pat . Dale Christy, Mark Blackwood, Henry, Ron Wood, Phyllis Rice 1. The meeting was called to order by Michael Green. 2. On a motion by Vorsanger, second by Waseleus, the minutes of the December 4 meeting were approved as mailed. 3. Christy briefed the Commission on the budget as recommended by the Budget Committee as attached to and made a part of these minutes. The Commission had full discussion of the elements of this budget and agreed that it was a general plan to be developed further after the City allocates the funds. On a motion by Kaylor, second by Clodfelter, the Commission voted unanimously to recommend this $300,000 budget for 1990 to the City Board. Chairman Green announced that he would get it considered in the City's budgeting process. The Commission discussed the development of a Special ojects policy to guide future consideration of re- quests for fund allocation by the Commission. It was agreed that members of the Commission would review the discussion draft provided and communicate their individual suggestions to Dale Christy for inclusion in a revised draft to be con- sidered at the next meeting. MEETING ADJOURNED • • •• GROUP: DATE: PRESIDING: PRESENT: ABSENT: OTHERS PRESENT: CITY ADVERTISING & PROMOTION COMMISSION February 26, 1990 Michael Green Michael Green, Fred Vorsanger, Coy Kaylor, Jim Waseleus Bill Martin, Nathan Combs, Bill Clodfelter Richard Shewmaker, R. Dale Christy, Mark Blackwood, Susan Stirewalt, Ron Wood, Marilyn Johnson, Gwyn Wood, Tom Jordan, Steve Selin ACTION: 1. The meeting was called to order by Michael Green. 2. Minutes of the January 15 meeting were approved without dissent. 3. Tom Jordan thanked the Commission for funding provided for the reprint of the Air Museum brochure shown. He also reported that the Museum is beginning work to pro- vide space for the Tourist Information Center and he will be coordinating this project with Dale Christy. 4. Nark Blackwood and Susan Stirewalt presented the 1990 Media Plan as recommended by Blackwood/Martin & Associ- ates to utilize the $160,000 placement budget as approved. On a motion by Green, second by Kaylor, the media plan was approved as proposed. 5. Richard Shewmaker was asked to present further information at our next meeting on his concept of developing a local Arts & Crafts Fair as an annual event. 6. On a motion by Kaylor, second by Vorsanger, the Commission voted to host a reception on a date that may be agreeable in late March or early April for those collecting the A & P tax and other merchants that may be interested in co-op programs to encourage more visitors to Fayetteville. The chairman appointed Coy Kaylor as chairman of the committee to plan this event and authorized him to select his committee. Jim Waseleus agreed to help. 7. Steve Selin briefed the Commission on the report recently completed on Fayetteville Tourism. He offered his help where needed to interpret the results or to help develop follow-up programs that may be needed to increase visitor traffic. • •• 8. The next regular meeting should be Monday, March 26 at 3 p.m. A notice will be sent. MEETING ADJOURNED