HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-02-15 - MinutesGROUP: ADVERTISING & PROMOTION COMMISSION DATE: FEBRUARY 15, 1991 PRESIDING: MICHAEL GREEN, CHAIRMAN PRESENT: Michael Green, Pat Henry, Dan Coody, Coy Kaylor and Jim Waseleus ABSENT: Fred Vorsanger and Joe Fennell OTHERS PRESENT: Richard Shewmaker, Alete Little, Michelle Galloway, Susan Stirewalt, Mark Blackwood, Steve Ward and members of the press. CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by Michael Green at 2:30 p.m. MINUTES: Motion by Coy Kaylor, seconded by Pat Henry to approve the minutes of January 21 & 28 as amended. Carried. SUB COMMITTEE REPORT: The sub -committee established to develop the procedures to interview/hire an advertising agency gave their report and recommendation. Those present reviewed the written report and asked questions. Chairman Green commended those on the sub -committee on the fine job they had done. Motion by Coy Kaylor seconded by Pat Henry to accept the recommendation and to accept the recommendation and to implement the process. The motion was amended by Coy Kaylor seconded by Jim Waseleus tohave the contract run from April 1, 1991 through December 31, 1993. Amendment carried. The motion was re- turned to the floor for the vote and carried. WARNER CABLE TV ADS: Steve Ward presented an overview of an offer from Woody Bell, local manager of Warner Cable. The offer is for Fayetteville to run a promotional TV ad on many of their systems throughout the United States at no cost to Fayetteville. Mark Blackwood then presented an overview and proposal for an ad development, noting that if the ad place- ment were charged to A & P for one 30 -second ad per day for 60 days the cost would be $71,400 for air time. The cost to develop such an ad would run normally $20-$30,000, but due to available film footage etc., the cost for production will run only $5,930. Mark Blackwood then reviewed a proposed ad copy showing Fayetteville's quality of Life, University, Business and Transportation. Motion was made by Coy Kaylor, seconded give the green light to the project and Blackwood/Martin to develop the spot at $5,930 as per the proposal. Motion carr by Michael Green, to to authorize a cost not to exceed ied. Motion by Michael Green seconded by Jim Waseleus to have the chairman of A & P Commission write a "thank you letter" to Woody Bell and Warner Cable for their enormous contribution. Motion carried. Adjourned.