HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-08-21 - MinutesGROUP: CITY ADVERTISING & PROMOTION COMMISSION DATE: . AUGUST 21, 1990 PRESIDING: MICHAEL GREEN, CHAIRMAN PRESENT: Fred Vorsanger, Pat Henry, Jim Waseleus, and Michael Green. ABSENT: Bill Martin and Nathan Comb. OTHERS PRESENT: Richard Shewmaker, and Steve Ward ACTION: 1. Michael Green, Chairman, called the meeting to order at 3:30 p.m. 2. Motion by Fred Vorsanger and seconded by Jim Waseleus to approve the July 23 minutes as read. Carried. 3. Pat Henry presented two options for holiday lighting of the Continuing Education Center. Option A consisted of a string of lights around the top of the building at a cost of $700.00. Option B consisted of lighting the top of the building and three vertical columns at a cost of $1300.00. Motion by Fred Vorsanger seconded by Michael Green to light the building as proposed in Option B at a cost of $1300.00 subject to CCE agreeing to pay the utility cost for the lighting. Carried. Pat Henry agreed to contact CCE in regards to utilities. 4. Richard Shewmaker presented a proposal for the City to contact with the A & P Commission for hiring a individual to develop and promote a festival or event similiar to War Eagle. This event would be held in Fayetteville, with a proposed location of the fairgrounds. The proposal included the city hiring a individual, providing benifits, travel expense and __.. promotion -of the':event-at=a cost: of -$35,-000.00. -The, person hired would be a city employee and managed by Richard Shewmaker, with their time devoted to research- ing, make contacts & recruit participants, develop the concept and promote the event. Motion by Michael Green seconded by Fred Vorsanger to contract with the city to hire a individual for one year to develop a festival similar to War Eagel, at a cost of $30,000.00 to include salary, benifits, travel expense and advertising cost. Carried. 5. Steve Ward presented a request to fund a 800 number for Fayetteville promotion at a projected annual cost of $2800.00. After much discussion about projected cost , Fred Vorsange moved to fund a 800 number for one year at a cost of $10,000.00, seconded by Pat Henry. Carried. MEETING ADJOURNED L c`1go tLtk-- I