HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-12-04 - MinutesGROUP: DATE: PRESIDING: PRESENT: ABSENT: OTHERS -. PRESENT: ACTION: CITY ADVERTISING & PROMOTION COMMISSION December 4, 1989 Michael Green Michael Green, Fred Vorsanger, Clodfelter, Nathan Combs, Bill none Coy Kaylor, Bill Martin, Jim Waseleus Richard Shewmaker, R. Dale Christy, Mark Blackwood, Susan Stirewalt, Gary Weidner, Gwyn Wood, Pat Henry, Zee Zee Moore, Scott Linebaugh, Shelby Woods, Phyllis Rice, Ron Woods 1. The meeting was called to order by Michael Green. 2. On a motion by Vorsanger, second by Kaylor, the minutes of the October 23 meeting were approved as mailed. 3. Richard Shewmaker introduced Shelby Woods of the Woods Brothers Agency in Little Rock, the agency handling the State advertising program. Woods reviewed the process they have gone through to plan the expanded advertising program made possible through the passage of the 2% tourism tax expected to generate $4-5 million in 1990. He discussed the results of the independent research which showsthat tourists will come to Arkansas for the following reasons: (1) family attractions, (2) fishing, (3).outdoors, (4) golf, (5) dining and entertainment, (6) history. _ Creating an awareness of Arkansas is the primary goal for 1990. The state will be concentrating on selected nearby markets and will flood those markets with TV, radio, magazine, print and outdoor advertising. They have developed some co- op TV spot possibilities. Printed materials have all been upgraded and will feature the 1 -800 -Natural toll free number for information._ Copies of ads and tapes of commercials were reviewed. 4. The chairman opened discussion of how we should proceed to discuss our 1990 program and the budget. Scott Linebaugh presented some financial information showing the status of the excess CEC fundsindicating an available excess balance of approximately $405,000. Christy distributed a recap of HMR tax collections since the beginning of the program and indicated that this tax should exceed $500,000 in collections this year. Bill Martin suggested thatwe consider City Board to allocate all available funds, at level of $350,000, leaving. $50,000 for special asking the least to the needs. After discussion, it was agreed that we should have a sub -committee to develop a marketing plan for 1990 and to develop a budget request to fund that plan for the Commission to consider at its next meeting. Chairman Green appointed the following to serve on this sub -committee: Dale Christy, Richard Shewmaker, Coy Kaylor, Pat Henry and Nathan Combs. 5. Mark Blackwood asked the Commission for action on three items that need to be committed by year-end for --Spring-publication:- A. Newspaper insert $ 2,690.00 B. Southern Living 1,837.50 C. Spring Qtly. News. 800.00 On a motion by Combs, second by Vorsanger, these three items were approved to be included in the 1990 budget. MEETING ADJOURNED