HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-04-03 - MinutesGROUP: DATE: PRESIDING: PRESENT: ABSENT: OTHERS PRESENT: ACTION: CITY ADVERTISING & PROMOTION COMMISSION April 3, 1989 Fred Vorsanger Fred Vorsanger, Michael Zee Moore, Bill Martin, Green, Nathan Combs, Zee Bill Clodfelter, Coy Kaylor Scott Linebaugh, Richard Shewmaker, R. Dale Christy, Mark Blackwood, Susan Stirewalt, Rick Stockdell, Mike Donat, Jack Rash, Phyllis Rice 1. The meeting was called to order by Fred Vorsanger who announced that the first order of business would be the election of a chairman. He then nominated Michael Green. On a motion by Martin, second by Combs, Michael Green was elected chairman by acclimation, and assumed the chair. 2. Green announced that the Commission at its last meeting approved the budget as presented by Scott Linebaugh for 1989 and this item is on the Board agenda for April 4 to be confirmed. He asked Linebaugh to review these numbers for the benefit of Commissioners not present at the last meeting.. There being no changes or corrections, the previous action stands as taken March 20, 1989. 3. Richard Shewmaker reviewed the issue discussed at the last meeting concerning the request for $2,000 to be pro- vided by the Commission toward the printing of the Summer ed- ition of the KUAF program guide. This edition will include a comprehensive arts calendar,,for_theaSummer_and will be mailed to'approximately 6,000 people in the KUAF listening area. Rick Stockdell estimated that 40-50% of these people would be outside Fayetteville; South to Mena, Russellville, Clarksville; North to Harrison, Branson areas. He agreed to coordinate the input for the calendar with the Chamber and Agency and to include as much time frame as space permits. On a motion by Martin, second by Vorsanger, the $2,000 was allocated from special projectsbudget. 4. Mark Blackwood discussed some brochure revamping concepts resulting from a meeting with Mike Green, Richard Shewmaker and Dale Christy since the last meeting. After discussion, it was agreed that the "Visitors Guide" update needs priority for immediate action and that the "Best of Both Worlds" revision can wait until present supply is used. • • Blackwood distributed some cost estimates for the brochure work but commented that the numbers for #1 were not correct since he had misunderstood the desires of the committee. The numbers for #2 are pertinent for initial discussion. On a motion by Kaylor, second by Martin, the agency was asked to proceed on the "Visitors Guide" project, using the same committee as the sounding board for ideas. Mark Blackwood agreed to be ready with a conceptual design within 30 days for review of the Commission. 5. Zee Zee Moore made a brief report on the Fam Tour ideas discussed at the last meeting. She indicated she was in the process of determining interest by other properties and of other groups to bring tours to Fayetteville. A further recommendation will be made to the Commission at a later date. ,in detail at the next meeting. 6. Mark Blackwood and Dale Christy advised the Com- mission that the Chamber Tourism Task Force is looking at a plan to provide literature distribution racks to appropriate locations throughout the City. 7. Christy advised the Commission that the Chamber Promotion Task Force is evaluating the Fayetteville display with an eye toward recommending.a replacement project in the near future. 8. Bill Clodfelter urged members of the Commission to encourage the Quorum Court to study the feasibility of a public golf course to be built in this area. He also urged continued interest in the moving of additional football games to Fayetteville. 8. It was agreed we would meet in approximately 30 days, day and time to be set. The next meeting will be at Coy's, the following one at the Hilton. 9. Richard Shewmaker introduced Mike Donat and Jack .Rash of Interactive Technology to make a presentation on the idea of developing_Fayetteville_.data..on aadisctfor_easy-use_ on a PC by anyone considering Fayetteville as a location. MEETING ADJOURNED •