HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-12-02 - Minutesicwi 1Z. GROUP: DATE: PRESIDING: PRESENT: ABSENT: GUESTS: ACTION: son. CITY ADVERTISING & PROMOTION COMMISSION December 2, 1988 Marilyn Johnson Marilyn Johnson, Ron Bumpass, Garland Melton, Nathan Combs, Moore, Richard Shewmaker, R. None Bill Clodfelter, Jeremy Hess, Zee Dale Christy Zee Mark Blackwood, Joe Martin, Susan Stirewalt, Steve Selin, Richard Atkinson, Carlton Woods, Gwyn Wood, (and some others from Music Fesitval), Dale Freder- ick, Wayne Dyer 1. The meeting was called to order by Marilyn John - 2. Gwyn Wood presented the 1989 budget for the Music Festival of Arkansas including a request for $5,000 of dedi- cated advertising, $2,100 from special fund allocation and an additional $3,500 from other sources. This is the amount al- located from the Commission in 1988 for this project. The Commission took this request under advisement, but at the end of the meeting voted unanimously on a motion by Hess, second by Moore to approve the request as made. 3. Steve Selin further discussed his previous request for a research project to be funded for 1989. There was some discussion concerning the exact content of this research and it was generally agreed that the details were negotiable and could be refined to the desires of the Commission. On a mot- ion by Melton; second by Bumpass, the -Commission voted•to al- locate $6,830 from unused 1988 special fund money for this project. The Commission asked Selin to discuss this project further with Shewmaker, Christy and other interested parties before final drafting of the proposal. Consideration should be given to expanding this scope to a year-long study. 4. The Commission discussed the proposed special pro- jects funding proposal as presented at the October meeting. There was some concern that on=going fesivals may need a spec- ial category so as to be reviewed differently from one-time special events. It was agreed to leave this matter on the table until further study is made. 5. Some discussion was given to the AM 1150 program in Central Arkansas giving tourist information. Blackwood/ Martin is checking on this and will consider for future use. 6. Moore advised the Commission of some meetings held this week with representatives of the Parks & Tourism Department relative to group travel and promotion of Fayet- teville as a group desitination. She also discussed the need for a Fayetteville poster. It was noted that the Com- mission did participate in a group travel state-wide pro- motion in 1988 and had previously voted not to fund a poster. 7. Garland. Melton brought up the issue of the City's no -smoking ordinance and urged that the hospitality industry be asked to voluntarily address the problem and be given time to resolve it without a mandatory ordinance. On a motion by Melton, second by Clodfelter, the Com- mission voted to ask the City Board of Directors to postpone action on a proposed ordinance to eliminate the City sending a negative economic development impact message to the public. 8. 'The advertising placement budget for 1989 as pro- posed in October by Blackwood/Martin was brought up for dis- cussion. On a motion by Melton, second by Bumpass, it was approved as submitted subject to further refinement during the course of the year. MEETING ADJOURNED