HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-09-14 - Minutes• • GROUP: DATE: PRESIDING: PRESENT: ABSENT: ACTION: son. CITY ADVERTISING & PROMOTION COMMISSION September 14, 1988 Marilyn Johnson Marilyn Johnson, Jeremy Hess, Bill Clodfelter, Zee Zee Moore, Garland Melton, Ron Bumpass, Nathan Combs, R. Dale Christy, Dale Frederick, Steve Selin None 1. The meeting was called to order by Marilyn John - 2. Steve Selin, Director of the UAF Center for Rec- reation and Tourism Research, was present to discuss possible local research that may be of benefit to the Commission in planning future advertising and promotion. He explained that the Center could develop a research project to include those elements that the Commission may desire and that the Univer- sity will assist in every way possible. Dale Christy commented that up to now we have been using research provided by the State and other sources which may or may not be Fayetteville accurate. He also noted that funding for local research would need to be considered in the the 1989 budget and the results would not help us materially until the following year. One more caution was that the City would need to waive competitive bidding if the Commission desires to have the University do this research. Selin agreed to develop a working draft of a proposed project for consideration by the Commission. From this draft, we can then develop a proposal with costs to be considered in the 1989 budget preparation. • 3. Marilyn Johnson reported on that Donrey would not sell us billboards in Arkansas to post the boards as proposed by the agency for this Fall. It was agreed to see whatother ideas the agency comes up with before making a decision. 4. Johnson reported that the Air Museum is interested in developing a tourist information center in their facility. They could be used as a distributor of such information if the Commission could help them finance the cost of racks to be in- stalled in the museum and the Chamber could help supply the brochures. The Commission asked that the Museum come up with a cost factor for further consideration. 5. Christy informed the Commission that the Tourist Information Center directors from throughout the State will be in Fayetteville on their annual familiarization tour on September 28-29. The Hilton has agreed to provide free rooms and he asked the Commission to pick up the cost of a dinner for approximately 20 people on the night of the 28th. On a motion by Melton, second by Bumpass, the cost of this dinner was authorized. ` 6. The Commission had some further discussion on the criteria to be used for special project funding and the role we should play in the funding of on-going annual projects. It was generally agreed that our role should be one of helping to advertise and promote such events rather than to finance specific social functions connected with the events. `Perhaps our future advertising plan`should'include contingency arrangements to plug in appropriate event -oriented advertising when appropriate as our contribution to the promotion of these special functions. It was further agreed that we are not in a position to provide continuing financial support to annual events. Our funds may be more useful as seed money when needed with the intent that repetitive support should decline rather than increase. Christy agreed to attempt to put a concept for addressing this issue in writing t� be considered by the Commission as we look at the 1989 budget proposal. 7. The Commission requested that Blackwood/Martin & Associates be asked to supply us with at least a quarterly report on placements made to date for the year and projections for the balance of the year. This report should include copy samples where appropriate. MEETING ADJOURNED