HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006-02-02 - MinutesMayor Dan Coody City Attomey Kit Williams City Clerk Sondra Smith City Council Water & Sewer Meeting Minutes February 2, 2006 Page 1 of 5 Member Aldermen aye evi le AR KA N SA 5 City of Fayetteville Arkansas City Council Water & Sewer Committee Meeting Minutes February 2, 2006 Ward 1 Position 1 - Ward 2 Position 1 - Ward 3 Position 2 Ward 4 Position 2 - Robert Reynolds Kyle B. Cook — Robert Ferrell Lioneld Jordan A meeting of the Fayetteville City Council Water & Sewer Committee was held on February 2, 2006 at 5:30 p.m. in Room 326 of the City Administration Building located at 113 West Mountain Street, Fayetteville, Arkansas. MEMBERS PRESENT: Alderman Kyle Cook, Chair; Alderman Lioneld Jordan; Alderman Robert Ferrell; and Alderman Robert Reynolds. Staff Present: David Jurgens, Stephen Davis, Gary Dumas, Ron Petrie, Tim Conklin, Susan Thomas, Chairman Kyle Cook called the meeting to order. 1. Approval of the Minutes Alderman Ferrell moved that the minutes of the January 10, 2006 Water/Sewer Committee meeting be approved as distributed. Alderman Jordan seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. 2. WSIP Update. a. West Side Wastewater Treatment Plant. David Jurgens reminded the Committee that the groundbreaking for the WSIP project is scheduled for 2:00 p.m., Friday, February 3, 2006, on site. Broyles Road will be closed beginning Monday, February 6. Notification has been sent to Farmington Schools, the City of Farmington and others. Brasfield & Gorrie is in Fayetteville and things are going very well. Until we can get the project manager and staff hired, Stan from OMI is helping out in that capacity. Alderman Cook asked if Brasfield & Gorrie is working on an accelerated construction schedule or simply a five-day a week standard schedule David Jurgens said he had not seen a schedule of work hours but he assumes they will be working five days a week. 113 West Mountain 72701 (479) 521-7700 (479) 575-8257 (Fax) accessfayetteville.org City Council Water & Sewer Meeting Minutes February 2, 2006 Page 2 of 5 b. Subproject WL -5 David Jurgens said staff had a pre -construction conference with Arkansas Natural Resources and with Garney on February 1, 2006. Garney will be starting work next week and the project is moving forward. They will be starting their prep work immediately. c. Subproject WL -1 and 3, Gravity Lines from Old Wire Road to Gregg Avenue, and from Porter Road to Hamestring Lift Station, combined as one contract. David Jurgens said we have received the bids on these projects. He said all the bids look good and pending a letter from the engineer and approval from ANRC, Mr. Jurgens would like to take this to the Council at the first meeting in March. The contract would be the standard form approved by the City Attorney. He said he has already begun assembling the packet to submit to ANRC and to put the item on the agenda. As soon as he receives the letter from the engineer to complete the packet, he will send a copy to each of the Committee members. Alderman Ferrell asked about the turn around time for approval from Arkansas Natural Resources on items submitted to them. David Jurgens said they have been approving things pretty quickly. These contracts take a little longer because Federal funds are involved and the contractor must document good faith efforts to employ minority or women's businesses as sub contractors in these jobs. Because of the extra time involved, he would like to parallel track the Council process with the ANRC process. That way, if ANRC approves the contract, it can be awarded immediately. In response to a question from Alderman Reynolds, Mr. Jurgens said the low bidder, Oscar Renda, is out of Arlington, Texas. They are a big contractor and do a lot of work down there. They haven't done much work up here but that is primarily because we don't have many jobs that are big enough to draw them. They have done a lot of work for engineers we know and have a very good reputation. d. Subproject WL -4, Gravity Lines and Force Main from Gregg Avenue Lift Station to Hamestring Lift Station. David Jurgens said that Oscar Renda also had the low bid on this project. The job came in at $10.4 million and the Engineer's estimate was $13.5 million. He would like to handle this contract the same as Subproject WL1 and WL3 — trying to get the item on the agenda for the first Council meeting in March. In response to a question from Alderman Cook, Mr. Jurgens said staff will check the bonding numbers to make sure that Oscar Renda doesn't exceed themselves between the two jobs. Purchasing has checked their licensing and will check their bonding as a matter of course. 113 West Mountain 72701 (479) 521-7700 (479) 575-8257 (Fax) accessfayetteville.org City Council Water & Sewer Meeting Minutes February 2, 2006 Page 3 of 5 e. Project Staffing. David Jurgens said that contracts are being developed by Cross Gunter. The jobs have been advertised. We have received some phone calls about the inspector position and applications for the secretary. The project manager position was advertised nationally. f. Backup Power Generator Alternatives. David Jurgens said staff is still evaluating the proposal from Power Secure for purchase of the generators required for the West Side WWTP and the Hamestring Lift Station. This item has been deferred until all the pipe bids have been opened. Alderman Reynolds asked if the generators would be three years old before they are used. David Jurgens said they would, but they have a useful life of about 40 years. If we can save 15 to 20% on the generator, it would probably still be worth the purchase. g. Easement Status Update. David Jurgens said we have received verbal agreements from two property owners — Paradise Valley Golf Course and CMN on Gregg Avenue. We still have four unresolved easements. One of those is Chestnut Apartments. The reroute for this area is not covered under our existing Corp of Engineers permit. This is a very small intrusion into the actual floodway of the creek and Mr. Jurgens said he thinks we can get a nationwide permit to go with the routing between the building and the creek. This would avoid the condemnation with the routing around the building. He recommended to the Committee that we proceed in that direction, finalizing the plans for the routing adjacent to the creek. Alderman Reynolds moved that staff proceed as outlined. Alderman Ferrell seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. h. WSIP Property Potential Sale. David Jurgens said the City has been approached by Ozarks Electric Cooperative in regard to purchasing approximately five acres adjacent to the West Side WWTP for a future electrical substation location. The last appraisal on the property was $30,000 an acre. In order to sell now, we would have to get a new appraisal. Arkansas Natural Resources is also interested in purchasing land in the area. They are constructing a wetlands on a 40 acre site immediately south and adjacent to the WSIP site. They have approached the City about making more wetlands in that 300 acre site. There was some discussion about possible uses for the acreage, including a possible community park and the advantages of the options. Mr. Jurgens reviewed which parts of the acreage will be sold and which kept. 113 West Mountain 72701 (479) 521-7700 (479) 575-8257 (Fax) accessfayetteville.org City Council Water & Sewer Meeting Minutes February 2, 2006 Page 4 of 5 3. Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Project Update. a. Basin 1-5, 18 & 19 Sewer Rehabilitation Construction. David Jurgens stated that bids were opened on this project. The low bid, submitted by T -G Excavating, was more than expected at $2,223,022. This company has done a number of jobs for us and is very familiar with the project. The Engineer has evaluated the bids and references and recommends the contract be awarded to T -G Excavating. Mr. Jurgens will put together the information to send to ANRC from the City recommending that this contract be awarded. He is also requesting approval from the Committee to send this contract to the Council at the first meeting in March. b. Farmington Area. David Jurgens said that the final design is still underway for the line work. We have identified a number of lines that would be most cost effective to do by Insituform. c. Insituform Term Contract Renewal. David Jurgens said this is the last year to extend this contract. Mr. Jurgens will be submitting a one-year extension for approval soon. Toward the end of this year staff will initiate a new five-year contract. 4. Wedington Drive Water and Sewer Relocations. Ron Petrie said we have received a good set of bids on this project. The Engineer's estimate was $1,550,000 and the low bid (from Crossland) is slightly over that at $1,591,426.20. The project will replace primarily 8 -inch line with mostly 18 -inch water line all the way to Double Springs. 5. Razorback Road Water and Sewer Relocations. Ron Petrie said this section of road is between 6th St. and 15th St. The State is widening this to four -lanes, creating the need to relocate water and sewer lines that exist. There is a hodgepodge of water & sewer lines in that area which will be replaced with 12 -inch water lines. There is a 24 -inch sewer line through that corridor that will remain in place. The low bid was from Goodwin & Goodwin for $722,890.50 and came in just under the Engineer's estimate of $783,685.00. Goodwin & Goodwin is out of Ft. Smith. It has been four or five years since they've done a project for the City. Staff requests approval to forward this item for full City Council consideration. Alderman Reynolds moved that both the contract for the Wedington Drive & Razorback Road Water & Sewer Relocations be forwarded to the Council. Alderman Ferrell seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. 6. 24 -Inch Water Line Replacement. David Jurgens said the design for the water line sections on Custer and Morningside/Lewis Lane is complete. The WSIP requires that several hundred feet of that 24" water line be lowered in order to lay the new replacement sewer line in at 113 West Mountain 72701 (479) 521-7700 (479) 575-8257 (Fax) accessfayetteville.org City Council Water & Sewer Meeting Minutes February 2, 2006 Page 5 of 5 Morningside Drive. He feels we can get a better and much more cost effective solution if extend the replacement to include this line lowering as part of the 24" water line project. The cost for the WSIP portion would be paid for out of WSIP funds. Alderman Jordan asked about the time frame for this project. David Jurgens said the original engineering contract for this did not include any contingency, so the cost of the engineering to add this in will require a change order which will have to be approved by the Council. The design is already done for the part that will be lowered for the sewer line, so the design to "connect the dots" will probably take less than 30 days. In response to a question from Alderman Ferrell, Ron Petrie said he purposely did not build a contingency into this contract because we were in the process of evaluating McGoodwin's contract with the Wastewater Treatment Plant. He was convinced that this was the price needed to do the job and that there would be no change orders. David Jurgens said if we put a placeholder in to get this on the City Council Agenda for the second meeting in February, assuming 30 days for design and if everything goes at top speed, bids could be advertised at the end of March, bid in April and the contract awarded at the end of May. Work could potentially start in the summer. 7. Beaver Water District Negotiations. David Jurgens said negotiations with Beaver Water District are continuing. He feels we are making progress and should be able to reach an agreement. This involves stormwater protection issues to help protect the watershed. More discussions are scheduled. 8. Farmington Contract Update. Steve Davis said there has not been a meeting with the Farmington negotiating team since late November/early December. Mr. Davis distributed a letter he proposes to send to Mayor Harris which will update all involved in the negotiation on where the negotiation rests right now and where we need to go with it. We expect to have meetings with the Farmington negotiating team within the next two weeks. He intends to send the letter to Mayor Harris tomorrow (February 3). 9. Scheduling the Next Water/Sewer Committee Meeting. The next meeting of the W/S Committee was scheduled for Tuesday, February 28, 2006 at 6:30 in room 326. 113 West Mountain 72701 (479) 521-7700 (479) 575-8257 (Fax) accessfayetteville.org