HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-09-09 - Agendas CITY OF a e evl Iq AGENDA Y ARKANS Water, Sewer, and Solid Waste Committee September 9, 2014 5:30 p.m. (or immediately after City Council Agenda Session) City Hall — Room 326 Committee: Chairman Mark Kinion; Aldermen Sarah Marsh, Martin Schoppmeyer, Alan Long Copy to: Mayor Lioneld Jordan; Sondra Smith, Don Marr, Paul Becker, Lindsley Smith, Jeremy Pate, Chris Brown, Lynn Hyke, Peggy Bell, CH2M Hill, Brian Pugh, Jeff Coles From: Tim Nyander, Interim Director for Water& Sewer Functions 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Approval of Minutes 4. Approval of Meeting Agenda 5. Old Business a. Lake Seguovah Sediment Removal Project Previous discussions and verbal agreements between the land owner along Highway 16 East where the new discharge line from the sediment removal project will need to be placed, as well as City staff from Parks, Engineering, the City Land Agents, and the City Attorney office have culminated in a Council-approved land swap and easement acquisition for this project. The land swap of approximately equal parcels will allow correction of some long standing issues that affect both the current land owner's residence and our proposed sedimentation basin construction areas, while the easement will allow a much less complicated installation of the pipeline we need. The installation of this pipeline is expected to commence in the near future. b. Ozone Project Having completed the design and development of specifications for equipment and installation, staff recommends approval of a bid waiver with BluelnGreen, LLC of Fayetteville, AR to purchase ozone disinfection system equipment to replace the existing ultraviolet light disinfection system equipment in the amount of$1,780,825, inclusive of performance surety. Pursuing this course of action will provide assurance of obtaining a system that has been proven to work at the City's treatment plant and will remove a large degree of uncertainty from potential installation contractors, thus resulting in a significant savings to the City. This system is unique and protected by Mailing Address: 113 W. Mountain Street www.fayetteville-ar.gov Fayetteville,AR 72701 various patents and pending patents, which makes bidding for procurement of the equipment neither practical nor feasible. A draft Council Memo, Pricing Assurance Memo from BluelnGreen LLC and ozone disinfection specifications and some general drawings are attached for your review. Staff requests approval from the committee to forward this item to the full council for approval at the October 7, 2014 meeting. c. White River Use Attainability Analysis (UAA) ADEQ has provided preliminary calculations for minerals for the Noland plant permit of 72 mg/L chloride, 72 mg/L sulfate, and 467 mg/L TDS. Based on the last year of routine monthly analyses, the Noland plant discharge would have violated the proposed sulfate level 9 times. This does not appear to be an acceptable situation for the City and would ultimately likely result in enforcement action from ADEQ. We are continuing to discuss potential alternatives and hope to reach consensus on a potential path forward in the next month or two. A similar though not directly related issue has arisen which also affects the potential future discharge from the Noland facility. ADEQ held a meeting in Springdale to open a dialogue with interested parties regarding potential nutrient (nitrogen and phosphorus) limits in Extraordinary Resource Waters in Arkansas as well as in Beaver Lake. The discussion regarding Beaver Lake is of particular interest and could ultimately result in much more stringent nutrient limits for point sources within the Beaver Lake watershed. We propose to have a presentation to the full council at the October 1411 Agenda Session pertaining to these issues delivered by Steve Miller of CH2M HILL (a water quality expert who has been assisting with the UAA process for several years). We also propose to hear a presentation from Dr. Thad Scott of the University of Arkansas at the next Water-Sewer-Solid Waste Committee meeting, also on October 1411, to address storm water flows and related issues in the West Fork of the White River watershed, which is significantly impacted the stormwater runoff from the City of Fayetteville. This work was originally commissioned by the Beaver Watershed Alliance, which the City provides some support for on an annual basis. The Beaver Watershed Alliance has also developed plans to use Dr. Scott and a fellow water-quality related professor, Dr. Brian Haggard, to address the nutrient limits for Beaver Lake as mentioned above. Staff would like to propose that the City utilize some portion of existing water-quality related funding to support that effort. 1. New Business a. Maple Street W/S Maple Street from Garland Avenue to razorback Road is AHTD State Highway 112. Razorback Road from Maple to Martin Luther King (and south) is also AHTD State Highway 112. Razorback Rd —Garland Avenue (HWY 112) water and sewer relocations are required to allow the 2015 widening of Maple Street and Razorback Road (AHTD Job 040582) and these relocations need to be completed within an extremely short time frame to comply with existing federal funding and AHTD schedules. AHTD generally reimburses utility owners for relocating lines currently existing outside of the existing ROW, and the owner pays for lines that are currently inside the ROW and any increases in capacity. The existing water and sanitary sewer are within the AHTD existing ROW and thus this project (water and sewer 2 relocations) is City funded and not eligible for reimbursement. This construction project has been advertised and will open later in September, but needs to be considered by the entire Council at the first meeting in October to allow the project to remain on schedule. Staff requests approval from the committee to forward this item to the full council for approval at the October 7, 2014 meeting pending successful completion of the bidding process. b. Ramsey & Overcrest The Ramsey and Overcrest Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation project is an approved 2015 CIP project to address remaining known sanitary sewer overflows (SSOs). The City of Fayetteville has historically, and through the WSIP, done a good job at reducing and eliminating SSOs and this project will continue that process and eliminate one of the few remaining routine overflows. Staff requests to design the project in FaII/Wlnter 2014 to allow construction to begin earlier in 2015 (estimated to begin May, 2015). The project includes an estimated 6,843 linear feet of 15 inch diameter sewer pipe construction. McClelland Consulting Engineers was selected for this project through the City's formal section procedure and purchasing requirements, and the scope of work and the proposed fee have been reviewed and negotiated by Utilities and Engineering. The proposed Professional Engineering Services Contract with McClelland Consulting Engineers is Not to Exceed $228,644.00. Staff requests approval from the committee to forward this item to the full council for approval at the October 7, 2014 meeting. 2. Reports a. Capital Project Update Number Project Description Contractor Cost %Complete 1 Greenland Gravity Sewer Improvements Fors ren, Inc. $1,242,968.30 14% Suncoast 2 SE Fayetteville/Elkins Outfall CIPP Part 2 Infrastructure $76.995.00 99% In Design 3 White River Streambank Restoration Design WCRC $ 577,221 ETA 2015 4 Swr Rehab-Cured in Place Pipe City Wide Insituform $ 330,000 20% Design/Const In- 75% 5 South Mountain Pump Station Rehab House $ 200,000 6 Water Transmission Line Easements McClelland En rs Prelim Surveys Completed 8. Presentations 3 3. Attachments Noland Ozone Draft memo Maple Street W/S Relocation Draft memo Ramsey and Overcrest Sanitary Sewer Draft memo 4. Adjourn Next Water, Sewer, Solid Waste Committee meets on Tuesday, October 14, 2014, 5:30 p.m., room 326 4 CITY OF Taye ARKeAN SAS le CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMO AN MEETING OF OCTOBER 7, 2014 TO: Mayor and City Council THRU: Don Marr, Chief of Staff Tim Nyander, Water/Sewer Operations Manager (Interim Utilities Director) FROM: Jim Beavers, P.E. Utilities engineer DATE: September 4, 2014 SUBJECT: Bid 14-54 Razorback Rd — Garland Ave (HWY 112) Job 040582 (Utilities) Aka Maple Street Water/Sewer Relocations RECOMMENDATION: City Administration recommends: awarding a contract to for$ for construction of water and sewer relocations and improvements on Maple Street from Razorback Road to Garland avenue, also at the intersection of razorback and Maple and water line extension on stadium Drive, approving a 10% project contingency for $ approving the attached Budget Adjustment BACKGROUND: Maple Street from Garland Avenue to razorback Road is AHTD State Highway 112. Razorback Road from Maple to Martin Luther King (and south) is AHTD State Highway 112. The Razorback Rd — Garland Avenue (HWY 112)water and sewer relocations are required to allow the 2015 widening of Maple Street and Razorback Road (AHTD Job 040582). This project (water and sewer relocations) is City funded and not eligible for reimbursement. AHTD generally reimburses utility owners for relocating lines currently existing outside of the existing ROW, and the owner pays for lines that are currently inside the ROW and any increases in capacity. The existing water and sanitary sewer are within the AHTD existing ROW. Mailing Address: 113 W. Mountain Street www.fayetteville-ar.gov Fayetteville,AR 72701 The Project includes approximately 3000 linear feet of 12 inch waterline, approximately 760 linear feet of 12 inch sanitary sewer main replacement,fittings, street repair, appurtenances and special considerations as noted and specified. DISCUSSION: The construction project was advertised on September 2 and 9, 2014 and bids were publically opened on September 23, 2014. The City received construction bids shown below. The Bid results are tabulated as follows: Contractor Bid BUDGET/STAFF IMPACT: The Construction project is funded from the following sources: A Budget Adjustment is required. Attachments: Proposed Construction Contract with 2 CITY OF Taye evl le CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMO ARKANSAS MEETING OF OCTOBER 7"' 2014 TO: Mayor and City Council THRU: Don Marr, Chief of Staff FROM: Billy Ammons, Wastewater Treatment Water, Sewer, and Solids Waste Committee DATE: September 5, 2014 SUBJECT: Approval to purchase ozone disinfection system equipment for the disinfection of treated wastewater at the Paul R. Noland Wastewater Treatment Plant. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of a bid waiver with BluelnGreen, LLC of Fayetteville, AR to purchase ozone disinfection system equipment to replace the existing ultraviolet light disinfection system equipment in the amount of$1,780,825, inclusive of performance surety. BACKGROUND: BluelnGreen, LLC, completed a 2-phase pilot study at the Noland WWTP which consisted of using its HyDOZO technology to mix a concentrated ozone solution with the plant's treated effluent. The study that began in 2011 and concluded in 2012, produced pilot scale disinfection results that complied with the plant's NPDES permit requirements for pathogenic bacteria and demonstrated the removal of emerging contaminants of concern, such as antibiotic residuals, when compared to ultraviolet disinfection. In addition to disinfection, the injection of ozone into the plant effluent using HyDOZ® creates a residual dissolved oxygen by-product as a result of the breakdown of ozone in water and improved effluent color and clarity. Accordingly, the existing effluent post-aeration system will no longer be required since the ozone disinfection will produce sufficient dissolved oxygen to comply with the plant's NPDES permit requirements for dissolved oxygen. DISCUSSION: The Noland WWTP currently disinfects its treated wastewater using ultraviolet light disinfection technology. The plant's existing ultraviolet (UV) disinfection system was installed and placed Mailing Address: 113 W. Mountain Street www.fayetteville-acgOv Fayetteville,AR 72701 into operation in the fall of 1999. This equipment is nearing the end of its useful life and requires frequent maintenance. Repair and replacement parts for the existing equipment are beginning to be difficult to find and costly to obtain. This situation has created a need to replace the existing UV disinfection equipment at the Noland WWTP. BluelnGreen LLC's HyDOZ® technology is protected by patent with additional patents-pending and is thus regarded as a sole source provider. A letter from the sole source provider, BluelnGreen, LLC, August 27, 2014, that includes firm pricing, payment terms, warranty and delivery of the entire scope of supply for the ozone disinfection system is attached hereto. Also attached is a prepared specification for the ozone disinfection system equipment which BluelnGreen, LLC has reviewed and used as a basis for its price proposal. Staff recommends approving a bid waiver to purchase the ozone disinfection system equipment exclusively from BluelnGreen, LLC to provide effective and reliable disinfection equipment at the Paul R. Noland Wastewater Treatment Plant. The City can expect to save approximately 10 percent contractor markup on the cost of the equipment, an estimated savings of$174,700, through the bid waiver. BUDGET/STAFF IMPACT: The operating and maintenance costs of the ozone disinfection system should ultimately be slightly less than those same costs for the existing UV system. It should be noted, however, that certain unanticipated expenses are virtually assured with the startup of any new system like this, so the net result on budget and staff is expected to be minimal. 2 U =► BluelnGreen® solutions for water quality m a 3 3 August 27, 2014 3 v m 0 Dear Sir or Madam, o m n Thank you for the opportunity to work with you on the City of Fayetteville's improvements to the Noland Wastewater Treatment Plant. In order to come to an agreement on some specific terms of the pre-purchase agreement between BluelnGreen and the City of Fayetteville, we propose the following: m n Time to build equipment BluelnGreen is committed to submitting drawings for approval within 3 weeks of o receiving a purchase order. Upon receiving approval of the submitted drawings, the lead n time for the production of equipment is 14 weeks. a CD Warranty BluelnGreen and its partners have agreed to provide a 2-year warranty on their equipment, which is a 1-year extension over the normal warranty. The installation date LL of the equipment is still to be determined, and some of the critical concrete construction required for the installation of the equipment will occur during the winter months. Bad weather can delay the project and put equipment delivery on an indefinite hold. We believe that a fair warranty agreement would start the 2-year warranty at either beneficial use of the equipment by the City or 3 months after notice has been given by BluelnGreen that the equipment is ready for shipment, whichever comes first. m a Pricing A total project price of$1,747,620 was established on August 14, 2014. There have t been no price changes except the request for the project to be bonded by BluelnGreen. Bond pricing estimates are $33,205. Total price including bonding is $1,780,825. Terms of Payment 50% - at initial purchase order 20% -when drawing submittals are approved 20% -when notice that equipment is ready for shipment is provided Adft 10% - upon installation and start-up/training `' Recommended Contractors va BluelnGreen had previously supplied the name of Van Horn Construction to the City of Fayetteville, but a request was made by the City for additional names. We are able to recommend the following based on work experience on other water and wastewater projects: Seven Valleys Concrete PO Box 88 Cassville, MO 65629 Contact: Hobie Davis Office 417-847-2355 Cell 870-754-1305 VEI General Contractors 202 East 39`h St. Russellville, AR 72802 Contact: Terry Epperson or Kelly Freeman Office 479-968-5060 We look forward to working with the City on this project. We are proud to be helping our own community maintain and provide water of the highest quality. Regards, Clete Brewer CEO - BluelnGreen 2 2 3 4 5 6 1 - – - – -- – NOTES: i Y, L EQUIPMENT LOCATIONS REFLECTED ON 3 wG IT— THIS SITE PLAN ARE APPROXIMATE AND O y z ��� . . _. _ _ – �. •' FOR REFERENCE PURPOSES ONLY.SEEQ r r w ti rc n g f MECHANICAL BAGS M-3,M-4,M-5,M-6 Z w m m o j w o AND M4 FOR ALL EQUIPMENT LOCATIONS � EOOw�m�OzX 03 GAS PIPING BE P2. 1114 CED J90 ` ♦ . I r T ` L IN THE EXISTING 14"DIAMETER CARRIER W o w a w rc O m m O L .t r f ♦ PIPE BENEATH THE ROAD.REMAINING PIPE d' 4 w�z m w z O u e J •_ ♦ t1 / t /. ' } • ' TO BE INSTALLED BY DIRECT BURY dF rc a 0 d G H LL 0 y f t fr / R �.• •I • /X fr • 3. ALL EXISTING CONDITIONS TO BE FIELD A o VERIFIED BY CONTRACTOR > PROPOSED ROUTE NEW 03 PIPING a p x�_ r • INDICATED)PRIOR TOO ANY EXCAVATION, 1` , • !p �.r I FABRICATION OR CONSTRUCTION AB I. r 4. REMOVE CONCRETE SIDEWALK PANEL b I r ' • FOR INSTALLATION OF BURIED 03 LINE AND REPLACE WITH 4"CONCRETE o 7 AREA LIMITS FOR NEW OZONE WITH p @12" i t Y'� PIPING(BELOW GRADE)TO GFENCEp EEISTIN .l CONTACT BASIN EQUIPMENT,SEE NOTE 3GO �X AREA LIMITS FOR ' ' O r w� X r 11/4"031N EXST / ur �X� / NEW CHILLERS • CARRIER PIPE,SEE NOTE 2 it �3 -- - — ■ II • f4 ' � wa w �^ e o -- � w • 1 � . 03 0 m AREA LIMITS FOR NEW OZONE N o� DISSOLUTION AND INJECTION U z w PIS AND EQUIPMENT 1ti w / z3 , Ll o w a L� W� ' J OU = LL z w N Q ° F NTA T ONT T - , w = ; 1 \ ALIMITS FOR NEW nAQIKIBA O LL GEN II ' ��Z(O1'NE GENERATING ATORS ♦ 1 �� i fUIPMENTAND r -, Q I ��I�! • SOCIATED PIPING 4 • u �. "+ •' { `r . �1{ �' i r . EXISTINGLIV DISINFECTION • LLI - • • r ,, FACILITIES ~ Lull a� 1 J •r� b� Z _ Ii t• W Z W • ti W 1 BAR IS ONE INCH ON J 11 J VERIFY SCALE W ZO ORIGINAL DRPWING. W { 0-1" DATE AUGUST 2014 Z • ' O 10 20 30 PROJ 399884 LD DWG C-2 W 1`10' SHEET 15 of X $PWURL pw'llpro,ecmise ch2m Com;CH2MHILL_WBGIDocumenis1399884&space,&space',FAVETTEVILLEIDesignlNoland&spate Ozone/26&space}&space;WWTP&space',-&space;OzoneICIIDIv1100-C-2CO110239WII i8AME'100-C-2C01102_399884 agn PLOT DATE:812012014 PLOTTIME 8;04;16PM 2 3 4 5 6 A B A **TRAPEZE PIPE SUPPORT C D E NOTES: i ANCHORED T STTRCUCTURE Z� 1 FOR SIGN SCHEDULE AND REQUIREMENTS SEE DWG M-10 AND } wW¢F pw�z a M-4 4005-558 SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 1014 00 m z_O w QSC z H B, www0 \\ 2. ALL GAS PIERS TO BE SUPPLIED AND INSTALLED BY CONTRACTOR z Du u G LL m'm O `EXST ;V7 CHR-OB-53-01 *CHILL R CHR-OB 53-02 U'LLpw w r Z N N o vw~i - 3.REFER TO DWG M-2 FOR LOCATION OF V340 CWSIR VALVES FENCE JOmO ¢�mOpZ 11/4"03 TO HL BEINE W p¢awmOmzmO a 'TACT B SIN BE ESHEET � iw�zm�z'"orc R 2 AND M-6 OR CONTINUATION d F rc a O O d O H LL O A WALL PENETRATIONS 402]-60] TVP EXST SDOX PIPING ¢ 4 11/4'CWS 1114"CWS f////// \\\\ it/4"QWR 1114"CWR *11/4'V340 *AMBIENT OZONE N VERT >- 1114-02 MONITOR 4091-kp# TYP AB *11VE T 11/4"CWR NOTE IN VERT 1 1l4"CWS 1 1/4"03 p 1 1 114"02 S> *OXYGEN BUFFER TANK q G T-08-51-10 ***VALVED [$ 1 VAT 02 CAP 1 1/4•'03 FOR FUTURE CONNECTION CAP 1114"CWS/CWR TO UNIT,TYP AND-1]f4LO2FQR FUTURE I 7 SDOX ENCLOSURE �S D Li XE *AMBIENT I I z0 mOZONEION I - - - - - I L - I MONITOR ,TVP OZONE O w O zz C GENERATOR rc zo of ***VALVED (FUTURE) - M-4 1 1/4"CWS o ow CONNECTION,TYP ***TRANSFORMER,TYP z aF e *OZONE GENERATOR o~ **X-1 SIGN CLG MTD, ra M-0 SEE NOTE 1 PACKAGE,TYP OF 2 ***VALVED 1 1l4"CWR CONNECTION,TVP EXST FLR GRAIN q INSTALL NEW 6"METAL STUD WALL li ABOVE NEW 4'-O'HIGH CMU WALL p° AND H-10 SIGNS _J p ° WALL MTD OUTSIDE I o OF EQUIPMENT J I I I rwj si ROOM,SEE NOTE 1 **X-1 SIGN,CLG MTD w 1114-02 I I I I I *OXYGEN PACKAG TYPOFTRATORS 1 PACKAGE,TVP OF 3 I I I I z 2 1/2"O2 I "02 1I 1 o **X-1 SIGN **C-1,D-4,H-9 AND H-10 SIGNS w oz CLG MTD, WALL MTD OUTSIDE OF zo SEE NOTE 1 q EQUIPMENT ROOM,SEE NOTE 1 �_ J SC O z 3 v2°oz DDD Dm DDD DDD Dm mD Dm z 3 ul *vz"vsso ° 3 w ¢ TVP OF 3 11/4"02 INSTALL NEW fi"METAL STUD WALL w o ui - T\\ ABOVE NEW 4'-0"HIGH CMU WALL z LL *1/2 V600 MIN.REQUIRED \ OXYGEN TVP OF3 CLEARANCE,TYP \` CONCENTRATORS(FUTURE) m Z p r RE **C-1,D-4,H-9 AND H-10 SIGNS p _ WALL MTD OUTSIDE OF i O Q EQUIPMENT ROOM,SEE NOTE 1 O O CHLORINATION BUILDING c�z z J J oa 4 Jz J_ U z2 2 = O0- C O C � Zw OZ =a Ua F z D LLI a O AS NOTED J VERIFY SCALE w * - ITEMS/EQUIPMENT PROVIDED BY THE OZONE SYSTEM SUPPLIER AND INSTALLED BY CONTRACTORBAR IS ONE INCH ON W ORIGINAL DRAWING. Q 0-1" MECHANICAL PLAN ** ITEMS/EQUIPMENT TO BE PROVIDED AND INSTALLED BY CONTRACTOR DATE AUGUST 2014 Z PROJ 399884 _ 114"=1'-0" ITEMS/EQUIPMENT PROVIDED AND ASSEMBLED BY THE OZONE SYSTEM SUPPLIER DWG M-3 w SHEET X of X $PWURL pwllpmjecmise ch2m Com:CH2MHILL_WBGIOocumenis/399884&space,&space',FAYETTEVILLE/Design/Noland&space;Omnel26&space}&space;WWTP&space-&space;Ozone/ME/DIv1200-M-01101399BMdWME 200-M-01101399884 Sign PLOT DATE:812012014 PLOTTIME 8:04:49PM 2 3 4 5 6 N NOTES: i 1. PIPE SUPPORT LOCATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE 3 w G AND FOR REFERENCE PURPOSES ONLY,REFER m i w 0. z0 TO SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 40 0515 FOR ANY Q r r w ti rc ..n F PIPING SUPPORT REQUIREMENTS z w mO LL G LL o v m U � �LLOOw�m�Ozrc 2. ALL SST 03PIPING SHALL FURNISHED rR AND INSTALLED ALLED BV CONTRACTORRr0 FLANGED J O m m G�''O 9 0 CONNECTION AT OZONE DISSOLUTION N AND INJECTION SKID W O pj a w m O m z M0 x 0_ Frc a 1odo�°o OZONE DISSOLUTION 1 AND INJECTION EQUIPMENT,SEE s A M-8 > i A a **1SST 03 FROM M-7 EXISTING CHLORINATION BLDG, m 4"SDO% SEE SHEETC-2AND MASE �o FOR CONTINUATION,SEE NOTE 2 S> tom I a II " xT LIQUID SUPPLY 1 PUMPS(BELOW)WP I ***PROPOSED I _ I BOUNDARY OF DISSOLUTION —O ***SATURATION I I EQUIPMENT SKID oS VESSELS I I O 0 x EXISTING ACCESS rc O zo of 1 I C HATCH IN ROOF LL; z **PIPING SUPPORT **6"03 i I Qoaw= NOTE *°ozoNE ryP I i POST AERATION BASIN f3 **r z** RESIDUAL MONITOR ** kkx31kk* Q p<a *6"V784 MT LW^�z AV RV **6"030FF-GASFROM 2 w CONTACT BASIN BELOW�SIM o M-8 *6"V786 *6"V514 VALVE _ _ PVRV O 0 N VERTICAL,TYP K f z o - O zm 1 O o R3'vslavALVE,TY 03 _ ` J N `*OZONE RESIDUAL H a A. MONITOR I _ > 2 W F K *OZONE DESTRUCT w UNITS,SEEB. O LL J z MB z g w _N Q TV FOT V Z F W - > 0 V Q O O SOUTH CONTACT BASIN POST AERATION BASIN z ® m J Z U Q < FJ 2 U z Z� Q v U W wa za N _ ° J = F U Z D LLI a O 3116"=1'-0" J VERIFY SCALE 11.1 * - ITEMS/EQUIPMENT PROVIDED BY THE OZONE SYSTEM SUPPLIER AND INSTALLED BY CONTRACTOR W UPPER PLAN oR ORIGINAL o ** - ITEMS/EQUIPMENT TO BE PROVIDED AND INSTALLED BY CONTRACTOR DATE AUGUST 2014 Z 3116"=1'-0" PROJ 399884 2 *** - ITEMS/EQUIPMENT PROVIDED AND ASSEMBLED BY THE OZONE SYSTEM SUPPLIER DWG M-6 w SHEET X of X � $PWURL pwllpmjecmise ch2m Com:CH2MHILL_WBGIOocumenisl399884&space,&space',FAYETTEVILLEIDesignINoland&space;Omnel26&space}&space;WWTP&space',-&space;OzonWMElDIvl300-M-011o43998MdWME 300-M-01104399884 Sign PLOT DATE:81202014 PLOTTIME 8:0438PM 399884B.GN1 SECTION 44 42 56.18 OZONE DISINFECTION SYSTEM PART1 GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION A. Scope: Furnish all labor, materials, equipment and incidentals required to provide an ozone disinfection system installed complete and fully functional as shown on the Drawings and as specified herein. Refer to the P&ID Drawings which clearly define the scope of equipment to be supplied by the ozone disinfection system supplier. B. The ozone disinfection equipment as specified herein shall be supplied by one System Supplier who shall provide an integrated system of component equipment and be responsible for all equipment, including instrumentation and controls, specified in this section. C. The ozone disinfection system shall be comprised of oxygen concentration, ozone generation, chillers, ozone dissolution and injection equipment and ozone destruct units along with appurtenant equipment, instrumentation and controls necessary to enable the system to satisfactorily and reliably function to meet the design intent. Furnish all control panels and field instruments as shown on P&ID Drawings, and specified in Sections 40 90 01, Instrumentation and Control for Process System, and 40 99 90, Package Control Systems. All electrical requirements are shown on the electrical Drawings. D. The overall dimensions of the components and sub-assemblies comprising the ozone disinfection system shall permit its installation in the space provided where shown on the Drawings including all appurtenances specified herein. E. The ozone disinfection system shall be designed to disinfect wastewater that has received secondary treatment and tertiary(sand) filtration. F. The ozone disinfection system provided by the System Supplier and installed by the Contractor shall effectively and reliably disinfect plant effluent flows in compliance with applicable regulatory requirements prior to discharge to State waters. G. Coordination: 1. The Contractor shall be responsible for all of the following: a. Installation of equipment and materials as provided by the System Supplier, including instrumentation. PW/WBG/399884 OZONE DISINFECTION SYSTEM SEPTEMBER 3, 2014 44 42 56.18 - 1 ©COPYRIGHT 2014 CH2M HILL 399884B.GN1 b. Supply and installation of buried and exposed piping and valves as specified and as shown on the Drawings. C. Cutting, welding, fitting and finishing field fabricated piping. d. Supply and installation of flange gaskets and bolts for piping components. e. Supply and installation of pipe supports. f Supply and installation of equipment and materials not provided by the System Supplier but required for the ozone disinfection system to properly function. g. Supply and installation of insulation and freeze protection for tanks and piping where shown on the Drawings and as required by the System Supplier. h. Provide all labor, materials, supplies and utilities as required for startup, adjustment and performance testing with the exception of lab facilities, analytical work and chemicals which will be furnished by the Owner. i. Provide all lubricants and other supplies required for equipment startup and adjustment. j. Installation of all anchor bolts and mounting hardware for equipment and piping furnished by the System Supplier. k. Provide and install all piping required to connect to and interconnect between the equipment furnished by the System Supplier. 1. Provide all piping, pipe reducers and fittings from the liquid supply pumps to the equipment furnished by the System Supplier, including pipe guide rails and supports for pump removal. M. Provide all grating, floor plate, handrailing, and platforms as shown to meet applicable safety requirements and as required by the System Supplier. n. Provide a portable hoist and winch constructed of series 300 stainless steel for the retrieval and removal of liquid supply pumps that serve the ozone dissolution and injection system. o. Supply and install all motor control centers, motor starters, panels and transformers as required to enable the ozone disinfection system to function as part of the work under Division 26, Electrical, and shown on the electrical Drawings. p. Supply and/or installation of all necessary equipment and services not otherwise listed herein, but required by the ozone disinfection System Supplier to enable the ozone disinfection system to function in a satisfactory manner. q. Provide and install all conduit and wiring to the instrumentation specified herein, and shown on the electrical Drawings. r. Provide power supply to the liquid supply pumps via the variable frequency drive units, part of FP-08-01 supplied by system supplier. OZONE DISINFECTION SYSTEM PW/WBG/399884 44 42 56.18 - 2 SEPTEMBER 3, 2014 ©COPYRIGHT 2014 CH2M HILL 399884B.GN1 S. Provide and install power to the master control panel described herein. 2. The System Supplier shall verify that each ozone disinfection system component and sub-assembly is compatible with all other sub- assemblies comprising the system and that all devices necessary for a properly functioning system have been provided. 3. The Contractor shall coordinate the installation and timing of all interface and tie-in points such as piping and electrical tie-ins with the plant staff and System Supplier in advance of the installation. 4. If the ozone disinfection system equipment requires an arrangement that differs from that shown on the Drawings or as specified, the System Supplier shall submit for review detailed drawings showing all necessary changes and special features of the equipment that are being proposed. Such changes shall be made at no additional cost to the Owner. 5. The Contractor shall be responsible for coordinating all required modifications to the ozone disinfection system so that units and interconnections are compatible. Such modifications shall be made subject to the approval of the Engineer, and at no additional cost to the Owner. Equipment shall be designed and provided in accordance with the Specifications herein. 6. The System Supplier shall prepare system installation drawings, anchorage layouts and instructions, interconnecting diagrams, P&IDs and other data required for a complete system description as shown on the Drawings, to assist Contractor. H. Related Work Specified Elsewhere: 1. Division 3, Concrete. 2. Division 5, Metal Fabrications. 3. Division 5, Metal Railings. 4. Division 5, Metal Gratings. 5. Division 9, Painting. 6. Division 40, All Sections Related to Piping and Valves, Instrumentation and Controls. 7. Division 26, Electrical. 1.02 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Reference Standards: Comply with all Federal, State and local ordinances, as well as applicable codes, standards, regulations and/or regulatory agency requirements including the listing below: 1. American Gear Manufacturer's Association (AGMA). 2. American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI). 3. American National Standards Institute (ANSI). PW/WBG/399884 OZONE DISINFECTION SYSTEM SEPTEMBER 3, 2014 44 42 56.18 - 3 ©COPYRIGHT 2014 C112M HILL 399884B.GN1 4. American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). 5. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM). 6. American Welding Society (AWS). 7. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). 8. National Electric Code (NEC). 9. National Electric Manufacturer's Association (NEMA). 10. Occupational Safety and Health Administration(OSHA). 11. Underwriter's Laboratory (UL). 12. Instrument Society of America (ISA). 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Comply with the General Conditions and Division 1, General Requirements. B. Submittal binders for equipment and materials comprising the ozone disinfection system shall be clearly marked and tabbed to coincide with the outline of specifications provided herein. C. For any modification of the ozone disinfection system(based on the details herein and on the Drawings) that is proposed, the System Supplier shall submit a certificate that is signed and sealed by a registered professional engineer, licensed in the State of Arkansas, indicating that the proposed revision will: 1. Be equivalent to the specified item(s). 2. Function in compliance with the specified requirements of the ozone disinfection system. D. Submit for approval complete, detailed shop drawings and descriptions of the proposed ozone disinfection equipment and materials, including but not limited to the following: 1. General: a. Submit complete general arrangement drawings of each component and sub-assembly, including equipment platform or skid and piping connections showing dimensions provided by the System Supplier using a scale not less than 1/4-inch equals 1 foot. b. Submit a letter stating that the equipment and materials to be provided meets or exceeds the process requirements and design conditions of these Specifications. C. Submit installation drawings showing key details of construction, dimensions and anchor bolt locations. OZONE DISINFECTION SYSTEM PW/WBG/399884 44 42 56.18 - 4 SEPTEMBER 3, 2014 ©COPYRIGHT 2014 CH2M HILL 399884B.GN1 d. Submit descriptive literature, technical data and catalog cut sheets of the proposed equipment. e. Submit data on the characteristics, features and performance of each ozone disinfection system component and sub-assembly. f Submit electrical connection and wiring diagrams and schematics identifying and describing all items required for operation of the system. g. Submit detailed data on the liquid supply pumps, including name of manufacturer, type and model, number of pumps to be furnished, variable frequency drive data and manufacturer, design operating point and rotation speed, size of pump discharge, type and ratings of bearings, net weight of pump, overall pump dimensions, performance curves showing capacity, head,NPSH requirements, efficiency, motor horsepower requirements, including voltage, phase, current and power factor, shaft diameter, type of pump seal, anchor bolt layout and data on painting system. h. Submit detailed data on the ozone dissolution saturation vessel, including name of manufacturer, number of vessels to be furnished, materials of construction, dimensions, capacity, pressure rating, certifications, flanged nozzle sizes and locations, net weight of vessel when empty and fully charged with fluid and gas. i. Submit details of the ozone ,venerators, including name of manufacturer, type and model, number of ozone generators to be furnished, materials of construction, type of enclosure, number, location and size of pipe connections, ozone output and output control, total number, type and description of ozone production cells, water coolant flow required for necessary heat transfer, power requirements, including voltage, phase, current and power factor, overall dimensions, net weight of equipment, anchor bolt locations, instrumentation provided and their respective range, PLC and user interface, overall performance data and the coating system. j. Submit details of the chillers, including manufacturer and model, number of units to be furnished, refrigerant, overall dimensions and unit weight, number, location and size of pipe connections, evaporator information, condenser information, integrated pump information, overall performance, including cooling capacity, power requirements for compressor, fan and pump, accessories provided with each unit, field wiring diagram, electrical schematic, anchor bolt location, and details of coating system. PW/WBG/399884 OZONE DISINFECTION SYSTEM SEPTEMBER 3, 2014 44 42 56.18 - 5 ©COPYRIGHT 2014 CH2M HILL 399884B.GN1 k. Submit details of the ooUgen concentrators (generators) and oxygen buffer tank, including manufacturer and model, overall dimensions, number of units to be furnished, unit weight, type of enclosure and materials of construction, details of the reversible blower, including inlet and exhaust flange size, motor size, details of the resin type and chamber, details of the gas compressor, size of tank and type of controls, oxygen production rate, oxygen purity, output pressure, operating temperature, power requirement for the blower and compressor, materials of construction, sizes and location of inlet and outlet pipe connections, net weight, overall dimensions, details of anchorage and data on coating system. 1. Submit details of the ozone destruct units, including manufacturer, model, materials of construction, capacity, efficiency, inlet and outlet connections, temperature requirements, maximum ozone concentration and pressure drop, heater and blower details, electrical requirements and control information. m. Submit details of all motors furnished, including name of manufacturer, type and model, type of bearings and lubrication, horsepower rating, power factor, NEMA designation, temperature rating, rotating speed, net weight, efficiency at full load and rated conditions, full load current, locked rotor current, shaft diameter, overall dimensions. All motors shall comply with the requirements of Division 26, Electrical. n. Submit details of each and every instrument being furnished as part of the ozone disinfection system, including name of manufacturer, sensing range, accuracy, process connections and electrical requirements. Refer to Specification Sections 40 90 01, Instrumentation and Control for Process System, and 40 99 90, Package Control Systems. o. Submit details of each valve type being furnished as part of the ozone disinfection system, including manufacturer, valve type, materials of construction, size, connections, function and type of operator, p. Submit electrical schematics, panel layouts, wiring diagrams and product data sheets for all electrical equipment supplied. q. Submit certification and qualifications of pipe welders, including experience and certification using TIG process. E. Master Control Panel (MCP), Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) Field Panel and Programming: 1. MCP and PLCs will be furnished by the System Supplier and installed as a part of the work under Division 26, Electrical. Furnish control panels MCP-08 and FP-08-01 as shown and specified. OZONE DISINFECTION SYSTEM PW/WBG/399884 44 42 56.18 - 6 SEPTEMBER 3, 2014 ©COPYRIGHT 2014 CH2M HILL 399884B.GN1 2. Programming Coordination: a. All programming of the PLCs shall be performed by the equipment manufacturer's programmers under the direction of the System Supplier to ensure a fully functional, integrated and properly operating system. 1) Provide all data needed by the ozone disinfection system (i.e. operator input, run status, etc.). 2) Provide all data output from the ozone disinfection system (i.e. alarm, system running, etc.). 3) Provide operator interface (OI) screen requirements needed to monitor and control the ozone disinfection system from the plant control system. 4) System integration of the ozone disinfection control system with plant SCADA system is not included in the Project. However the Submittal on PLC shall include SCADA data exchange table as specified. At a minimum, supply all data from the ozone process local control panels and field 1/0 as accessible data to the plant SCADA system. 5) Provide functional descriptions of the ozone disinfection equipment operations to enable programming of PLCs. F. Process Instrumentation: Submittals for ozone residual meters and ambient ozone monitors and other instrumentation shall be in accordance with the requirements contained in herein, contained in Section 40 99 90, Package Control Systems, and shown on P&ID Drawings. G. Operation and Maintenance: 1. Provide detailed operation and maintenance(O&M) manuals for each component and sub-assembly of the ozone disinfection system. 2. Provide the following additional information: a. Detailed parts lists. b. Repair instructions. C. Spare parts and maintenance materials. d. Electrical and wiring diagrams. e. Mechanical diagrams. f. Troubleshooting data. g. Results of performance demonstration data (include as a supplement to O&M Manual). 3. The O&M manuals shall be prepared specifically for this project and shall include all required catalog cut sheets, drawings, equipment lists, descriptions, diagrams, schematics and all other information needed to clearly instruct O&M personnel in the operation and maintenance of the ozone disinfection system specified herein. Generic information such as marketing information, etc. will not be acceptable. PW/WBG/399884 OZONE DISINFECTION SYSTEM SEPTEMBER 3, 2014 44 42 56.18 - 7 ©COPYRIGHT 2014 CH2M HILL 399884B.GN1 4. Provide the names, addresses, phone numbers and e-mail addresses of each equipment manufacturer and the nearest location where spare parts can be obtained. H. Training: 1. A trained representative from the System Supplier with thorough knowledge and understanding of the ozone disinfection system operation and maintenance shall be provided to instruct plant staff on proper operation and maintenance of the ozone disinfection system. Comply with Section 01 43 33, Manufacturer's Field Services. 2. Provide a minimum two week notice to the Owner prior to the time training will be provided. L Record Drawings: Comply with the General Conditions and Section 01 77 00, Closeout Procedures. 1.04 PRODUCT DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. All equipment and spare parts shall be clearly marked as to content and shipped to the jobsite by the System Supplier. A representative of the Owner shall acknowledge in writing, on a form prepared by the System Supplier, that all spare parts specified herein have been received from the System Supplier. B. The Contractor shall be responsible for receiving, unloading and properly storing the equipment in accordance with the System Supplier's instructions. C. The Contractor shall inspect all deliveries and prepare a receiving report noting any and all evidence of damage in transit. Equipment that is damaged or does not meet the requirements of the approved shop drawings shall be returned immediately for replacement. D. Each skid, box or package shall be properly marked to show its content. E. Finished iron or steel surfaces not required to be painted such as flange faces shall be properly protected to prevent rust, corrosion and damage. F. Stainless steel items and equipment shall not be stored in contact with ferrous materials. G. Owner shall make reasonable effort to facilitate storage of equipment but will not be responsible for damage to stored or staged equipment and materials. 1.05 WARRANTY A. An extended warranty for no less than 24 months shall be provided by the System Supplier for each component of the ozone disinfection system as OZONE DISINFECTION SYSTEM PW/WBG/399884 44 42 56.18 - 8 SEPTEMBER 3, 2014 ©COPYRIGHT 2014 CH2M HILL 399884B.GN1 specified herein. The System Supplier shall warrant that the ozone disinfection system shall meet and comply with the performance criteria as stated herein for no less than 24 months of continuous operation. B. The extended warranty shall begin following successful completion of the performance demonstration as acknowledged in writing by the Owner or 6 months following delivery of equipment to the jobsite, whichever occurs first. C. The System Supplier shall provide all labor and materials to correct any mechanical or electrical problem, equipment defect or process malfunction during the warranty period provided that warranty matters do not relate to or result from misuse of equipment or improper maintenance of equipment. 1.06 ON-SITE SUPPORT A. The System Supplier shall provide a qualified and technically competent and responsible person familiar with the ozone disinfection system as described herein for installation, mechanical/electrical startup of the equipment, performance demonstration testing and training of plant staff. 1.07 SERVICE CONDITIONS A. Treatment Site: El. 1170. B. Ambient temperature range: -20 to 114 degrees F. C. Plant effluent temperature range: 40 to 80 degrees F. D. The ozone disinfection system shall operate continuously to treat and disinfect tertiary (sand) filtered secondary plant effluent produced from an activated sludge system that accomplishes full nitrification. E. The plant effluent to be treated by the ozone disinfection system has the following average quality: 1. Total Suspended Solids: < 5 mg/L. 2. Carbonaceous Biochemical Oxygen Demand: < 5 mg/L. 3. Ammonia Nitrogen: < 0.5 mg/L. 4. Total Phosphorus: < 1.0 mg/L. F. Items and equipment that shall be suitable for outdoor operation where shown at the Contact Basin include the skid-mounted ozone dissolution and injection system, ozone destruct unit and related instrumentation. Contractor shall provide the following: 1. Appurtenant piping, valves and electrical and instrumentation conduit and wiring associated with the above equipment. PW/WBG/399884 OZONE DISINFECTION SYSTEM SEPTEMBER 3, 2014 44 42 56.18 - 9 ©COPYRIGHT 2014 CH2M HILL 399884B.GN1 2. Equipment enclosures to protect the instrumentation. 3. Weather and freeze protection required for equipment installed outside building enclosures. G. Items and equipment that shall be suitable for outdoor service where shown at the Chlorination Building include the air-cooled chillers. Contractor shall provide the following: 1. Appurtenant piping, valves and electrical and instrumentation conduit and wiring associated with the above equipment. 2. Equipment enclosures to protect the instrumentation. 3. Weather and freeze protection required for equipment installed outside building enclosures. 1.08 DESCRIPTION OF OZONE DISINFECTION SYSTEM A. The ozone disinfection system shall be an integrated assemblage of components and sub-systems that are intended to function in a coordinated and sequential manner to produce and deliver ozone to disinfect the plant effluent and thereby comply with prevailing regulatory requirements as follows: 1. Production of a concentrated oxygen gas stream from an ambient air source. Ambient air which contains approximately 21 percent oxygen by volume will be concentrated in oxygen generators located in the Chlorination Building where shown on the Drawings. The oxygen generators shall use vacuum swing absorption (VSA) technology to concentrate the oxygen in the gas to an approximate range of 90 to 96 percent oxygen by volume. The oxygen-rich gas flow shall then be compressed before it exits the oxygen generator via exposed piping to the oxygen buffer tank which shall control the flow and pressure of oxygen to the ozone generators. 2. The ozone generators, also located in the Chlorination Building where shown on the Drawings, shall accept the pressurized oxygen-rich gas flow stream from the oxygen buffer tank and direct the gas through a high voltage electrical field which converts a fraction of the oxygen to ozone gas. Ozone shall be produced in ozone production cells within the ozone generators as a 10 percent by weight ozone gas mixture. The reaction will generate heat and require water coolant flow to transfer heat and thereby control the temperature of the process. Self-contained, air-cooled, scroll-type chillers installed where shown on the Drawings shall use vapor-compression technology to remove heat from the coolant water that exits the ozone generators. The chilled water flow is then returned to the ozone generator to repeat the process. Each chiller shall consist of a refrigerant compressor, an evaporative condenser, condenser fans and pump and shall use a City water source in a closed loop system. OZONE DISINFECTION SYSTEM PW/WBG/399884 44 42 56.18 - 10 SEPTEMBER 3, 2014 ©COPYRIGHT 2014 CH2M HILL 399884B.GN1 3. The pressurized ozone gas shall be conveyed via exposed and underground piping where shown on the Drawings from the ozone generators to the saturation vessel included as part of the ozone dissolution and injection system. The ozone dissolution and injection system shall be located at the Contact Basin where shown on the Drawings. The pressurized ozone will contact a liquid sidestream inside the saturation vessel at a pressure of approximately 30 psig. The sidestream shall be furnished by liquid supply pumps that pump a fraction of the total flow from Contact Basin Pass 1 to the saturation vessel. 4. A nominal 585 pounds per 24-hour day shall be generated and dissolved into the liquid sidestream flow. This sidestream of ozonated water shall discharge from the saturation vessel and be re-introduced to and mix with the plant effluent within the Contact Basin at the location shown on the Drawings to disinfect the plant effluent. Ozone destruct units will be provided and installed where shown on the Drawings to remove and treat headspace gas from the Contact Basin. B. The dissolved ozone shall disinfect the plant effluent within the Contact Basin in compliance with regulatory criteria as contained in the plant's NPDES permit and shall perform equal to or better than the existing ultraviolet light (UV) disinfection system. C. The dissolved ozone shall increase the dissolved oxygen concentration in the plant effluent as the ozone decomposes in water. D. The Master Control Panel installed within the Chlorination Building where shown on the Drawings shall monitor and reliably control all components of the ozone disinfection system. The Master Control Panel shall be furnished by the System Supplier and be installed and powered as a part of the work under Division 26, Electrical. 1.09 PROCESS REQUIREMENTS A. Performance Criteria: 1. The ozone disinfection system shall be designed to operate continuously with minimal operator attention, to automatically treat and disinfect effluent flows up to the maximum daily plant effluent flow as specified herein. 2. The ozone disinfection system shall meet or exceed the following performance criteria: a. Provide and deliver a nominal capacity of 585 pounds per 24-hour day of 10 percent ozone (weight basis) to the point(s) of application shown on the Drawings. PW/WBG/399884 OZONE DISINFECTION SYSTEM SEPTEMBER 3, 2014 44 42 56.18 - 11 ©COPYRIGHT 2014 CH2M HILL 399884B.GN1 b. Provide a minimum 10:1 turndown capability in ozone delivery rate(based upon the nominal capacity) to the point(s) of application shown on the Drawings. C. Maintain a minimum ozone concentration to disinfect the plant effluent in compliance with the regulatory disinfection requirements. d. Comply with the following regulatory disinfection requirements as follows at the plant effluent sample location: 1) Monthly Geometric Mean: 200 colony-forming units/100 mL (fecal coliform bacteria). 2) 7-Day Geometric Mean: 400 colony-forming units/100 mL (fecal coliform bacteria). B. Plant Effluent Flows: 1. Minimum Daily Flow: 2.2 mgd. 2. Design average: 12.6 mgd. 3. Maximum daily flow: 28.8 mgd. PART 2 EQUIPMENT/MATERIALS 2.01 GENERAL A. All equipment shall be of best construction with components designed for reliable, continuous operation. B. System Supplier: 1. The ozone disinfection system shall be installed at the locations shown on the Drawings. All costs for engineering and electrical modifications other than that to furnish and install the ozone disinfection system as shown on the Drawings and specified herein from the System Supplier indicated herein shall be the responsibility of the Contractor and must be accounted for with all substitutions approved by the Owner to be acceptable. Engineering and electrical modifications shall include but not be limited to structural and building modifications, mechanical and electrical re-design and all related engineering work inclusive of as-built drawing preparation. OZONE DISINFECTION SYSTEM PW/WBG/399884 44 42 56.18 - 12 SEPTEMBER 3, 2014 ©COPYRIGHT 2014 CH2M HILL 399884B.GN1 2. Any request by the Contractor to furnish and install an ozone disinfection system from an alternate System Supplier may be rejected by the Owner for being deficient in any of the system requirements specified herein or for not successfully completing an on-site pilot demonstration of their system as specified herein. 3. An alternate System Supplier shall successfully complete a minimum 30-day on-site pilot demonstration of their ozone disinfection system equipment prior to contract award that: a. Determines and confirms design criteria for the ozone disinfection system to disinfect plant effluent to meet NPDES discharge criteria at the City of Fayetteville Noland WWTP. b. Measures the effectiveness of their ozone disinfection system to inactivate fecal coliform and E. coliform bacteria at the City of Fayetteville Noland WWTP. C. Determines and establishes the optimal parameters for control of the ozone disinfection system at the City of Fayetteville Noland WWTP. d. Demonstrates effective emerging contaminant removal, including performing all sampling and analytical testing of pilot influent and effluent to demonstrate adequate treatment to the satisfaction of the Owner. 4. Acceptable Ozone Disinfection System Suppliers: a. BlueinGreen, LLC (Fayetteville, AR). b. Or approved equal. C. The equipment covered by these specifications shall describe key components and equipment but may not describe all details of the ozone disinfection system. Related appurtenances and accessory devices, not specified herein but within the confines of the System Supplier scope, necessary for satisfactory ozone disinfection system performance, shall be provided by the System Supplier. D. The equipment furnished shall be field-proven process equipment as manufactured by entities having satisfactory experience in the production of such equipment. E. The equipment furnished shall be designed, constructed and installed in accordance with best practices and methods and shall operate satisfactorily and reliably when installed where shown on the Drawings. F. All components shall be robust and so designed and proportioned as to have liberal strength and stiffness and to be especially adapted for the work to be performed. Ample room shall be provided for access to equipment in accordance with applicable code requirements so that inspection, repair and adjustment is not hindered. PW/WBG/399884 OZONE DISINFECTION SYSTEM SEPTEMBER 3, 2014 44 42 56.18 - 13 ©COPYRIGHT 2014 CH2M HILL 399884B.GN1 G. Motors with a nameplate rating of 1 horsepower and larger shall be premium efficiency type motors. In all cases, motors shall be suitable for the indicated starting method and have a minimum service factor of 1.15. H. The nameplate rating for any motor shall not be exceeded, nor shall the design service factor be reduced when its respective piece of equipment is operating at any point on its characteristic curve. L The location, size, and type of all piping shall be as shown on the Drawings. All ozone disinfection system piping except as noted otherwise shall be Type 316L, Schedule 40 stainless steel complying with Section 40 27 00.09, Stainless Steel Pipe and Fittings Special Service. J. All motor driven components shall be designed and constructed so that the maximum noise level measured at 3 feet from the installed equipment drives and motors shall not exceed 85 dBA. K. Field assembly bolts, anchor bolts, nuts, washers, pins and any other threaded or unthreaded fastener shall be 300 Series stainless steel. Submerged anchor bolts shall be Type 316 stainless steel. L. All anchor bolts shall be provided by the Contractor in accordance with the requirements contained in Section 05 50 00, Metal Fabrication. The System Supplier shall locate and size all anchor bolts for the equipment specified herein. M. All parts, assemblies and sub-assemblies that are exposed to corrosive atmospheres shall be made from corrosion resistant materials or covered with protective coatings where approved by the Engineer. N. Welded joints shall be sealed tight with full penetration continuous welds, free of cracks, overlaps and cold laps. Contractor shall submit TIG welding qualifications of each welder to be utilized. O. Items fabricated from stainless steel shall be thoroughly cleaned, de-greased and pickled following fabrication. Pickling shall produce a modest etch and shall remove all embedded ferrous materials and heat tinting. P. All painting and associated surface preparation shall comply with Division 9, Finishes requirements. Q. All piping shall comply with Division 40, Process Integration requirements. R. All valves shall comply with Section 42 27 02, Process Valves and Operators. S. Installation of control panels and instrumentation provided by the System Supplier shall be in compliance with Division 26, Electrical. OZONE DISINFECTION SYSTEM PW/WBG/399884 44 42 56.18 - 14 SEPTEMBER 3, 2014 ©COPYRIGHT 2014 CH2M HILL 399884B.GN1 T. Installation of all electrical power, control wiring and conduit to the ozone disinfection system equipment including wire, cable,junction boxes, fittings and conduit shall be in compliance with Division 26, Electrical. U. Interconnection of the ozone system sub-assemblies including wire, cable, junction boxes, fittings and conduit shall be in compliance with Division 26, Electrical. 2.02 OXYGEN GENERATORS A. The Contractor shall install Oxygen Generators and all appurtenant work, complete and operable, including enclosures, all necessary controls, valves, piping, gages, switches, regulators, strainers, tanks, safety devices, fittings, and adaptors as required to enable safe and reliable operation. B. Each Oxygen Generator shall utilize vacuum swing adsorbtion technology and be furnished as a skid mounted package that includes but is not limited to the following: 1. Reversible blower module. 2. Adsorbtion vessel. 3. Adsorbtion media (separate nitrogen from oxygen gas). 4. Oil-free oxygen compressor. 5. Hardwired control panel with Ethernet data link for remote monitoring of process conditions. 6. Associated Type 304L stainless steel piping and valves. 7. Electrical termination block. C. Controls/Indicators: Each Oxygen Generator shall include but not be limited to the following functions and measurements: 1. Logic controls with remote monitoring and diagnostics. 2. Automatic shut-off& start function. 3. Emergency stop. 4. Low oxygen purity alarm. 5. Low pressure alarm. 6. Fault override. 7. Process Temperature. 8. Process Pressure. 9. Process Flow. D. Equipment Requirements: 1. Total Units: 3. 2. Location: Where shown on Drawings. 3. Oxygen Production Rate (minimum): 2,100 lb/day (each unit). 4. Oxygen Discharge Rate (minimum): 500 liters/min. PW/WBG/399884 OZONE DISINFECTION SYSTEM SEPTEMBER 3, 2014 44 42 56.18 - 15 ©COPYRIGHT 2014 C112M HILL 399884B.GN1 5. Oxygen Purity: 93% + 3% (by volume). 6. Gas Output Pressure Range: 0-55 psig. 7. Operating Temperature: 0 to 120 degrees F. 8. Power: 480VAC/60Hz/3-phase. 9. Metal ductwork(blower intake and exhaust). 10. Oxygen calibration port. 11. Painting: a. Factory Painting: Factory painting shall include a corrosion resistant coating system for ferrous materials that is compatible with Division 9 requirements. b. Field Painting: Equipment that does not receive a factory finish shall be painted as specified in Division 9, Finishes requirements. Factory painted items requiring touching up in the field shall be thoroughly cleaned of all foreign material and shall undergo surface preparation and be primed and top coated with the manufacturer's factory finish. E. Acceptable Manufacturers: 1. DOCS 500 Series by Pacific Consolidated Industries (PCI). 2. Or approved equal. 2.03 OXYGEN BUFFER TANK A. Total installed units: 1 (where shown on Drawings). B. Size: As determined by System Supplier and as approved by Engineer. C. Materials of Construction: Stainless steel welded construction. D. Connections: As shown on Drawings. 2.04 OZONE GENERATORS A. The Contractor shall install Ozone Generators and appurtenant work, complete and operable, including enclosures, all necessary controls, ozone production cells, valves, piping, gages, switches, regulators, safety devices, fittings, adaptors and step-down transformers as required to enable safe and reliable operation. B. Each Ozone Generator shall be compatible with the vacuum swing adsorbtion technology of the Oxygen Generator and be energy efficient, consuming no more than 5.1 KWH per pound of 10 percent ozone(weight basis)produced. C. Each Ozone Generator shall utilize pulse density modulation technology to provide precise control of ozone output. OZONE DISINFECTION SYSTEM PW/WBG/399884 44 42 56.18 - 16 SEPTEMBER 3, 2014 ©COPYRIGHT 2014 CH2M HILL 399884B.GN1 D. Each Ozone Generator shall be furnished as a skid mounted system within a UL-approved sealed and internally cooled NEMA 12 enclosure that includes but is not limited to the following: 1. Ozone production cells (quadblocks). 2. Oxygen inlet piping connection. 3. Water coolant inlet piping connection. 4. Water coolant outlet piping connection. 5. Ozone outlet piping connection. 6. PLC with touchscreen interface and ethernet access, for communication with master PLC, as shown on the block diagram (incoming power: 480V, 3 ph, 60 Hz). 7. Step-down electrical transformer. 8. Associated Type 304L stainless steel piping and valves. 9. Electrical termination block. E. Controls/Indicators: Each Ozone Generator shall include but not be limited to the following functions and measurements: 1. Logic controls with remote monitoring and diagnostics. 2. Automatic shut-off& start function. 3. Emergency stop. 4. Oxygen flow rate. 5. Oxygen pressure. 6. Oxygen concentration. 7. Water temperature. 8. Ozone pressure. 9. Ozone concentration. 10. Ozone output control. 11. Provide capability for taking an individual ozone generating cell (quadblock) that is malfunctioning out of service for repair/replacement. F. Equipment Requirements: 1. Total Units: 2. 2. Location: Where shown on Drawings. 3. Oxygen Feed Rate: 1,110 liters/min (minimum). 4. Oxygen Feed Purity: Minimum 90 percent oxygen (weight basis). 5. Ozone Production Cells (quadblocks): as determined by manufacturer for specified ozone production rate. 6. Ozone Production Rate: 300 lb/day (each unit). 7. Ozone Purity: 10 percent (by weight). 8. Gas Output Pressure Range: 20-40 psig. 9. Water Coolant Inlet Temperature: 50-65 degrees F. 10. Water Coolant Flow: less than 40 gpm (per enclosure). 11. Piping Connections: Type 316 stainless steel. PW/WBG/399884 OZONE DISINFECTION SYSTEM SEPTEMBER 3, 2014 44 42 56.18 - 17 ©COPYRIGHT 2014 CH2M HILL