HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-10-11 - Agendas Supplement WATER/SEWER/SOLID WASTE COMMITTEE AGENDA SUPPLEMENT a e evi le MEETING DATE OF OCTOBER 11, 2011 THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE,ARKANSAS Arun HSAS Committee: Chairperson Sarah Lewis; Aldermen: Adella Gray, Mark Kinion, Justin Tennant Copy to: Mayor Lioneld Jordan; Sondra Smith, arr, Paul Becker, Lindsley Smith, Jeremy Pate, Chris Brown, Lynn Hyke, Shannon Jones, Bell, Will Winn, CH2M Hill, Allison Atha From: David Jurgens, P. E., Utilities Director , A Fayetteville Water, Sewer and Solid Waste Commi ee eeting will be October 11, 2011, 5:15 PM, following the City Council Agenda Session, in room 321 Fayetteville City Hall. This is a supplement to the original agenda. 1. AHTD Hwy 265 Budget Amendment is attached, recognizing cost share revenue from the Arkansas Highway and Transportation Department for engineering and easement acquisition costs for water and sewer relocations relating to the widening of Crossover Road (Highway 265) between Mission and Joyce Boulevard. This budget amendment recognizes $596,957.75 (estimated within the agreement) from the AHTD to reimburse the City for their share of engineering ($270,103.94) and easement acquisition ($326,853.81) expenses, and allocates these funds to the project. The BA for construction reimbursement has already been processed. Staff requests this item be forwarded to the full City Council. 2. KSB Sewer Pump Replacement bid waiver is requested, with a not-to-exceed amount of$15,000. During a routine inspection of the Mally Wagnon pump station, it was discovered that one of the three submersible wastewater pumps was not functioning properly. The unit was removed and it was determined the pump was damaged beyond reasonable repair. The existing mounting and guide system within the pump station wet well is such that only a KSB pump can be used as a replacement. It is not feasible to change out to a different manufacturer. The station would have to be taken completely out of service to replace the base discharge elbow and to replace the mounting guide system. This would most likely result in sewer overflows, would add the cost of contract wastewater haulers to haul the water by truck, and would more than double the cost of executing the repair. The cost of a replacement KSB pump is far less than the costs associated with taking the pump station out of service and the possible risk of a sewer overflow during that time. A pump from a different pump manufacturer would also not perform the same as the existing pumps, resulting in significant operational challenges at the station. Therefore, staff recommends approving a bid waiver to have the unit replaced. Staff requests this item be forwarded to the full City Council. 3. Water Treatment Residuals Land Application. Staff met October 10 with ADEQ Director Teresa Marks and members of her staff, and received her personal commitment to support and expedite the project to the extent allowed within the regulations. Based on the decisions and commitments made in the meeting, we feel much more secure in receiving approval. Director Marks committed to granting a temporary authorization/ guarantee of no enforcement, allowing us to start our process as soon as the required ADEQ permit application is submitted, rather than waiting up to six months for the permit to be issued. Upon receipt of her letter, staff will be able to begin the required capital equipment purchases (truck, spreader, and loader). 4. Crossland Construction, Thermal Dryers Change Order 1 is attached for$5,670.00. The change order accomplishes three tasks: (1) adds interior panels to isolate the dry product storage area from the main equipment room, primarily for dust mitigation; (2)adds an opening in the south wall of the building to allow for the installation of a product loading conveyor; and (3) adds 60 calendar days to the contract for unavoidable equipment delays beyond the contractor's control. We will solicit bids for the dried product next month. 5. Eauigment Rental bid waiver. Staff is developing a bid waiver for City Council consideration for city-wide equipment rentals. Different City departments often rent equipment for specific tasks. Generally the equipment is not used often enough to warrant purchase, so renting is more cost effective. The types of equipment can include lift equipment for hanging lights of the Ozarks, light sets for nighttime operations, backup power generators for emergency use, specialized tools for varied needs, specialized equipment for Water,Sewer and Solidase Committee Agenda Supplement Page 1 WA@ Commit eeAgenda Supplement]loin l WATER/SEWER COMMITTEE AGENDA MEETING DATE OF OCTOBER 11, 2011 Solid Waste transfer station operations, and bulldozers and large track hoes for large excavations and construction. Virtually all field operation divisions rent equipment at different times through a year. Renting equipment is often a short-term requirement, where the item is needed for anywhere from a few hours to several months. There are a variety of rental vendors in the area, including but not limited to Herz, United Rentals, Williams Tractor, Volvo, Precision Instruments, Warrior, and Hugg & Haul. Before any equipment is rented, the renting division checks with other City divisions to ensure there is no similar equipment available within the City. Rental equipment prices and availability is highly variable based on the number of like units a vendor has in inventory, proximity to location where the equipment will be used, and the length of time the equipment will be used. These variables make it impossible to bid this equipment in an annual bid. The need is often short-term, with immediate needs to use the equipment. In all cases, at least three bids are solicited to determine the best value for the City. Attachments: 1 AHTD Budget Amendment 2 KSB Sewer Pump Replacement Memo and Quote 4 Crossland Construction, Thermal Dryers Change Order 1 Water,Sewer and Solidase Committee Agenda Supplement Page 2 WA9 CommitteeAgen&Supplement 1]Octl l CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMO ayereo, e MEETING DATE OF NOVEMBER 1,2011 THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE,ARKANSAS AR NA NSAS To: Fayetteville City Council Thru: Mayor Lioneld Jordan Don Marr, Chief of Staff From: David Jurgens, Utilities Director Water/Sewer Committee Date: October 11, 2011 Subject: Crossover Road Water and Sewer Relocation AHTD Budget Amendment for Engineering and Easements RECOMMENDATION City Administration recommends approval of a budget amendment recognizing cost share revenue from the Arkansas Highway and Transportation Department for engineering and easement acquisition costs for water and sewer relocations relating to the widening of Crossover Road (Highway 265)between Mission and Joyce Boulevard. BACKGROUND The project involves two simultaneous and collocated functions, relocating water and sewer lines as required in preparation for the widening of Crossover Road (Hwy 265)between Mission and Joyce, and installing a 36" and 24"transmission main along Crossover to connect to the existing 24" main on Crossover at Mission and the existing 36"main on Old Wire Road. The original agreement with the AHTD was approved by the City Council December 7, 2010. In general, the AHTD pays for relocating lines currently existing outside the existing ROW, and the City pays for lines that are currently inside the ROW and any increases in capacity. The construction portion of the cost share was recognized into the budget when the construction contract was awarded to Gamey Construction. DISCUSSION This budget amendment recognizes $596,957.75 (estimated within the agreement) from the AHTD to reimburse the City for their share of engineering($270,103.94) and easement acquisition($326,853.81) expenses, and allocates these funds to the project. BUDGETIMPACT The $596,957.75 will be allocated to the project budget. H 265 W-S Eng Ezsmnt BA CCMemo Octl l Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Supplement Page 3 o¥10 City of Fayetteville,Arkansas V1 1.0425 Budget Adjustment Form Budget Year Division: Utilities Director Request Date Adjustment Number 2011 Department: Utilities Director 10/11/2011 BUDGET ADJUSTMENT DESCRIPTION/JUSTIFICATION To recognize cost share revenue from the Arkansas Highway and Transportation Department for estimated engineering cost of$270,103.94 and estimated easement acquisition of$326,853.81. These costs are for water and sewer relocations relating to the widening of Crossover Road (Highway 265) between Mission and Joyce Boulevard. Prepared By: Cheryl Partain Division Head Date cpartain Reference: Budget Director Date Budget& Research Use Only Type: A B C D E P Department Director Date General Ledger Date Finance Director Date Posted to General Ledger Chief of Staff Date Initial Date Checked/Verified Mayor Date Initial Date TOTAL BUDGET ADJUSTMENT 596,958 596,958 Increase I(Decrease) Project.Sub Account Name Account Number Expense Revenue Number Professional services 5400.5600.5314.00 596,958 08072 . 1101 Federal Grants-Capital 5400.0940.4309.00 596,958 08072 . 1101 Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Supplement Page 4 of 10 W:1Utiities Project Management Team\Hwy 265 Water&Sewer Relocation ProjedlEasement and Engineering Revenue from AHTD B9 Of 1 DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE aye evMe THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE,ARKANSAS ARRA NSAS To: Fayetteville Water and Sewer Committee Thru: Mayor Lioneld Jordan Don Marr, Chief of Staff From: David Jurgens, PE, Utilities Director Date: October 11, 2011 Subject: Approval of a Bid Waiver with Instrument 8c Supply, Inc. for the replacement of a KSB wastewater pump for the Mally Wagnon sewer pump station, not to exceed $15,000 RECOMMENDATION City Administration recommends approval of a Bid Waiver with Instrument & Supply, Inc. for the replacement of a KSB wastewater pump for the Mally Wagnon pump station, not to exceed $15,000. Funds are available within the Wastewater Treatment Plant CIP - Upgrade/Replace Pump Stations project. BACKGROUND The Mally Wagnon pump station has a rated capacity of 2.6 million gallons per day through three pumps manufactured by KSB. The station collects sewer from a small area within Fayetteville east of Mally Wagnon Road, north of Highway 16, and west of Lewis Woods. The station also receives all of the wastewater collected and pumped from the City of Elkins. The station was constructed as part of the Wastewater System Improvement Project and was put into service in mid-2008. DISCUSSION During a routine inspection of the Mally Wagnon pump station, it was discovered that one of the three submersible wastewater pumps was not functioning properly. The unit was removed, and it was determined the pump was damaged beyond reasonable repair. The existing mounting and guide system within the pump station wet well is such that only a KSB pump can be used as a replacement. It is not feasible to change out to a different manufacturer. The station would have to be taken completely out of service to replace the base discharge elbow and to replace the mounting guide system. This would most likely result in sewer overflows, and would add the cost of contract wastewater haulers to haul the water by truck, and would more than double the cost of executing the repair. The cost of purchasing a replacement KSB pump is far less than the costs associated with taking the pump station out of service and the possible risk of a sewer overflow during that time. A pump from a different pump manufacturer would also not perform the same as the existing pumps,thus resulting in ongoing operational challenges at the station. Therefore, staff recommends approving a bid waiver to have the unit replaced. BUDGETIMPACT Funds are available within the Wastewater Treatment Plant CIP - Upgrade/Replace Pump Stations project, number 02068. KSB CCMemo1Nov1 l Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Supplement Page 5 of 10 \ INSTRUMENT & SUPPLY, INC. P. O. Box 1679, Hot Springs, AR 71902 501-262-3282 Phone 501-262-4847 Fax E www.isiequip.com Pump & Fluid Control Specialists October 11, 2011 TO: Mr. Shannon Jones, P.E. City of Fayetteville, AR QUOTE# 1011-06-1101 PROJECT: Lift Station 19 Pump Replacement LOCATION: Fayetteville, AR Dear Mr. Jones, INSTRUMENT & SUPPLY, INC. IS PLEASED TO OFFER THE FOLLOWING ITEMS: One (1) KSB submersible pump Conditions: 900 GPM @ 49'TDH Model: KTK 150/315 206XG Process connection: 300MM flanged Motor: 24HP 230V/460V 3PH 1160RPM w/50'cable Installation: Type S Net Budget Price Each,Not to Exceed: $13,000.00 Quote validity: 60 days from date of quote. F.O.B.Fayetteville,AR Shipment is 4-6 weeks after approval. Terms This proposal represents our best interpretation of plans, specifications, or design conditions. It remains the purchaser's responsibility to verify quantities and compliances. Back charges will not be accepted unless we have been notified in writing prior to work being done. Prices are F.O.B. factory unless otherwise noted. Applicable sales taxes and installation costs must be added to all quoted prices. Prices are good for 30 days from bid date. Payment terms are Net/30 days. A penalty equal to the maximum allowable interest rate will be applied to overdue accounts. Yours Truly, Chris Enloe Outside Sales Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Supplement Page 6 of 10 aye ev•lle CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER MEMO THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE,ARKANSAS ABKa NSaS To: Mayor Lioneld Jordan Thra: David Jurgens, Utilities Director Don Marr, Chief of Staff Fayetteville Water and Sewer Com ittee From: Shannon Jones, Utilities Engineer Date: October 11, 2011 "r Subject: Change Order 1 to the construction contract with Crossland Heavy Contractors, Inc. for construction of the Biosolids Management - Thermal Dryer project for$5,670.00. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of Change Order 1 to the construction contract with Crossland Heavy Contractors, Inc. for construction of the Biosolids Management-Thermal Dryer project for$5,670.00. BACKGROUND The Contract provides for the construction of thermal dryer at the Noland Biosolids Processing Site,to dry biosolids from both wastewater treatment plants. Prior to the installation of this dryer and the adjacent six solar drying houses, the City hauled an average of 15 tractor trailer loads of biosolids weekly to landfills in Lamar or Russellville. Fuel prices and tipping fees made the landfill operation much more expensive than when selected in 2003. This summer, the solar dryer units have been able to dry the material to 85-90% solids, although normal operations expect to produce a range of 40 - 70% solids. Substantial completion for the solar dryers was reached on May 12, 2011. We will solicit bids for the dried product next month. DISCUSSION The change order accomplishes three tasks: (1) adds interior panels to isolate the dry product storage area from the main equipment room, primarily for dust mitigation and control; (2) adds an opening in the south wall of the building to allow for the installation of a product loading conveyor; and (3) adds 60 calendar days to the contract for unavoidable equipment delays beyond the contractor's control. BUDGETIMPACT Funds are available in the project budget. The Council approved a $140,000 contingency for the project; $134,330 will remain in contingency after this change order is approved. CrosslandC01 CCMemo I10etl I Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Supplement Page 7 of 10 aye evi le 'Change Order No. I Page I of 2 CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER City Contract 2162 Schedale City Resoullion# 203-10 Date 10/11/2011 City Project No.: 02133-0610 Project Name: Biosolids Management-Thermal Dryer Location: Fayetteville,AR Owner: City of Favelteville Contractor: Crossland Heavy Contractors,Inc. Address: 113 W.Mountain Address: P.O.Box 350 Fayetteville,AR 72701 Columbus,KS 66725 THE FOLLOWING CHANGES ARE HEREBY AMENDED INTO THE CONTRACT PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS: ITEM# DESCRIPTION DECREASE INCREASE 1 Add interior panels to isolate the dry product storage area from the main equipment room. $2,473 2 Add opening in south wall of the building for a product conveyor $3,197.00 3 Add 60 days to contract for equipment delays beyond the contractors control. TOTAL DECREASE AMOUNT $0.00 TOTAL INCREASE AMOUNT $5.670.00 NET CHANGE ORDERJ 1 $5,670.00 ENGINEERS FINAL CHANGE TO CONTRACT AMOUNT: TOTAL AMOUNT ELIGIBLE AMOUNT Original Contract Amount $2,770,280.00 $2,770.280.00 Total Previous Change Order(s) $0.00 $0.00 Net Amount This Change Order5$ .670.00 SJ670.00 TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT TO DATE $2.775.950.00 $2,775,950.00 :HANGS TO CONT RAI.I COMPLEf ION DATE, Original Completion Date September 9,2011 Previous Adjusted Completion Date (Increase)(Decrease)This Change Order 60 Calendar Days JEW CONTRACT COMPLETION DATE: November 8,2011 RECOMMENDED: CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE Construction Observer BY: CONSTRUCTION&CONT.MGR. Signature Title Date RECOMMENDED: CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE Engineer BY: UTILITIES ENGINEER Signature Title Date ACCEPTED: Crossland Heavy Contractors,Inc. Contractor BY: Signature Title Date APPROVED: CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE Owner BY: _ Mayor Si nature Title Date Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Supplement Page 8 of 10 CHANCE ORDER REQUEST DETAILS Detail A Liner Panels Price Breakdown Materials #of Units Unit Price Extension ° Metal Bldg Macerads I $813.00 $813.00 ° STS 1 $r 00.00 $100.00 TotalMateaals $913.00 Labor #of Hours Hourly Wage FICA FUTA Total Hourly Extension Tatallabar $0.00 Equipment 4 of Hours Hourly Cost Extension Toa E4r,;y--t $0.00 Subcontractors #of Units Unit Price Extension I Metal Bldg Sub I $i,I50.00 $I,I50.00 idSh&2m acmts $I.150.00 Total Materials.Labor.Equioment&Subcontractors $ZO63170 Overhead&Profit Percent Change Order Amount Extension ° Overhead Cost 5.00% $2,063.00 $I2I.35 ° Profit 10.00% $2,063.00 $242.7I Total Qnahrad&Pro&t $364.06 Total Change Order Am t $2427.06 Bond I.85% of Change Order Amount $4S.7S Total Chan a OtderAmount with Bond A&473 Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Supplement Page 9 of 10 CHANGE ORDER REQUEST DETAILS Detail A South Building Wall Opening for Conveyor Price Breakdown Materials #of Units Unit Price Execnsion STS 1 $100.00 $100.00 Total Materials $100.00 Labor #of Hours Hourly Wage FICA FUTA Toral Hourly FXLeuSlOu I Superintendent 8 $36.10 $5.20 $2.60 $43.90 $351.20 I Laborer 8 $14.25 $2.80 $1.40 $18.45 $147.60 Totallabor $498.80 Equipment ft of Hours Hourly Cost Extension TotalEripemrnr $0.00 Subcontractors #of Units Unit Price Extension I Metal Bldg Sub I $600.00 $600.00 I Electrical Sub I $670.00 $670.00 I Paint Sub I $798.00 $798.00 TOral.Snbmnrracrors $2,068.00 TohdAbp=2&Labor.Erripmenr&Subcoatracrots 2666.80 Overhead&Profit Percent Change Order Amount Extension • Overhead Cost 5.00% $2,666.80 $I56.87 • Profit 10.00% $2,666.80 $3I3.74 TotalOverhad&Aro&c AMO61 Total Change OrdwAmorrar $3,137.41 Bond 1.85% of Change Order Amount 59.14 Total Change Order Amount with Bond 1&197 Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Supplement Page 10 of 10