HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-08-09 - Agendas • WATER/SEWER COMMITTEE AGENDA a e evl le MEETING DATE OF AUGUST 9, 2011 y THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE,ARKANSAS AP%AN SAS Committee: Chairperson Sarah Lewis; Aldermen: Adella Gray, Mark Kinion, Justin Tennant Copy to: Mayor Lioneld Jordan; Sondra Smith, Dan Marr, Paul Becker, Lindsley Smith, Jeremy Pate, Chris Brown, Lynn Hyke, Shannon Jones, y Bell, Will Winn, CH2M Hill, Allison Atha From: David Jurgens, P. E., Utilities Director j A Fayetteville Water, Sewer and Solid Waste Com i ee mdeting will be August 9, 2011, 5:15 PM, following the City Council Agenda Session, in room 3 6, Fayetteville City Hall. Proposed topics include: 1. Ca ital Pro ect U date. Contract Description Contractor Cost %Complete WL-10a Farmington Gravity Sewer Line Gamey Const $ 1,750,122 100% EL-3&5 Razorback-Ha Hollow 36/42" Swr Line S J Louis Const $ 5,387,098 100.0% CIPP 2011 Rehab- Cured in Place Pipe City Wide Insituform $ 330,000 82% Mt Se uo ah Area Wtr/Swr Upgrades LaRue Contr $ 852,976 100% 36"W/L 36"Water Line on Township Seven Valles $ 1,783,720 100% 265 W/S Relocation &36"Wtr Line, Hwy 265 Gamey Const $ 4,989,135 32.1% WL-13 Broyles Avenue Gravity Sewer Lines Goodwin&Goodwin $ 845,359 100.0% ' WL-14 Broyles Avenue Sewer Force Mains Redford Const $ 899,626 100.0% WL-15 Broyles Avenue Sewer Pump Station Seven Valles $ 591,768 100% BI0-1 Biosolids Solar Drying Dean Crowder $ 4,971,886 100.0% BIO-2 Biosolids Thermal Drying Crossland Heavy $ 2,770,280 68.7% BIO-Gast Biosolids Gas Line River Crossing Bid Open Aug16 0.0% CanterburX 500,000 Gallon Water Tower C B & I Inc. $ 1,590,091 98% Canterbury Water Lines & Pump Station Sweetser Const 1 $ 1,057,331 30.6% Project is substantially complete, meaning the work can be used to execute its mission. 2.White River Use Attainability Analysis process is well underway. The revised Use Attainability Analysis has been approved by ADEQ. Staff, ADEQ and EPA Region 6 representatives had an excellent meeting at Little Rock (EPA via teleconference) July 14, working to streamline the process. After the meeting, at ADEQ's request, staff sent ADEQ the attached letter stating our preferences about when and how the Noland WWTF NPDES permit is issued. The City requested the new permit not be issued until after the science is established through the UAA. This is similar to what is occurring with the West Side WWTF permit on the Illinois River basin. The White River study will be completed in summer, 2012. 3. Illinois Phosphorus Evaluation process is continuing, with the EPA developing a Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) study for the basin. Simultaneously, Oklahoma is evaluating the 0.037 phosphorus stream standard, as required by the Statement of Joint Principles of 2002. The City sent the attached letter to the Oklahoma Water Resources Board (OWRB) in response to their call for scientific data for the evaluation. The five Northwest Arkansas Cities are evaluating the need to collectively hire a consultant to run the model parallel with the EPA consultant in order to validate the model, confirm assumptions, and ensure the model is fully accurate. The EPA TMDL schedule is: Final Simulation Plan, Gap Report, GIS Database, Modeling QAPP Aug 2011 WQ Modeling (Setup) Jul 2011 WQ Modeling (Calibration/Validation) Sept 2011 WQ Modeling Scenarios Oct 2011 Preliminary TMDL(s) Nov-Dec 2011 TMDL(s) -- Publish Notice Jan 2012 TMDL(s)—Establishment Apr—May 2012 4. Biosolids Facility Gas Service Line bids opened July 15. The one bid received exceeded the certified funding; the project will be re-bid August 16, 2011. The work is for installation of 450 feet of 4-inch steel pipe Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 1 of 24 W&S CommitteeAgenda 97711 WATER/SEWER COMMITTEE AGENDA MEETING DATE OF AUGUST 9, 2011 underneath the White River. This pipe, plus approximately 6,600' of pipe that will be installed using in-house crews, will connect gas service from the gas meter at the Noland WWTF on Fox Hunter Road to the biosolids site on Wyman Road east of the White River. 5. Industrial Extra Strength Surcharge Rates ordinance is being developed. The proposed time line is: August 19 Submit agenda packet for surcharge adjustment ordinance August 30 City Council Agenda Session September 6 First reading of surcharge adjustment ordinance, announce public hearing September 7 Advertise surcharge adjustment September 20 Public hearing, second reading of rate adjustment ordinance, optional third and final reading of surcharge adjustment ordinance October 4 Possible third reading of surcharge adjustment ordinance December 31, 2011 Effective date of new sewer surcharge 6. Highway 265/Crossover Water/Sewer Relocation Easement Condemnations have been filed and orders of possession acquired. Easements have been acquired from 27 of 29 owners. We are still negotiating. Two new easements were added with the extension north of Joyce; one of these two has been ac uired. Perm Temp Temp Tract property Owner Parcel# Easmnt Easmnt Perm Const Damages Total # ft' fP Easement Easement 10 John David Brown 765-13295-000 22.K 9,603 $23,700 1 $ 3,500 $ 400 $27,600 7. CH2M Hill Change Order for$14,929.45 for operational expenses incurred as a direct result of the 2011 spring flooding is attached. In order to obtain FEMA reimbursement, these activities and the related expenses must be detailed from CH2M Hill identifying the actual costs of the work. This must be approved by the City Council in a separate resolution from the normal wastewater operations contract. This amendment follows the exact format used in the 2009 ice storm whereby the City was reimbursed by FEMA. It does not include facilities damage, which was submitted as an insurance claim and will be considered part of the normal operations contract with no changes required. This amendment only includes items deemed by pre- submission review to be FEMA reimbursable. These expenses shall be reimbursed at the same rates as other ice storm reimbursements. Staff requests this item be forwarded to the full City Council. B. Solid Waste Franchise Program Alternatives Evaluation is deferred the next Water, Sewer and Solid Waste Committee meeting. 9. Highway 265 Garnev Change Order 2 to the construction contract with Garvey Companies, Inc. for $32,020 is attached, extending the work approximately 190 feet north of Millennium Drive. AHTD has moved the "End of Construction"from Sta. 124+10 to 126+40 (230 feet) in the vicinity of Millennium Drive on the north end of the project since the City bid the water and sewer relocations. The AHTD work consists of extending the storm drain system on the west side of Hwy 265. During the easement acquisition process, the owner of the property on the north side of Millennium Drive requested that the City minimize the impact of construction to the property. McClelland Consulting Engineers completed a design to extend both a 12-inch water line and an 8-inch sewer line across the lot on the north side of Millennium Drive. The work would have been necessary during the second phase of the highway project. Executing the work now will minimize the overall construction time on the property and facilitate easement acquisition. Funds are available within the project contingency. AHTD will reimburse the City approximately 93.75% of the costs. After reimbursement, approximately$196,117.65 will remain in contingency after the change order is approved. 10. Stone Mountain Pump Station Change Order 1 with Sweetser Construction, Inc. for $31,999.50 is attached to accommodate shifting the pump station to the southeast and install a cedar privacy fence in lieu of a chain link fence. The Contract is for the construction of a water pump station, and pipelines supporting the 500,000 gallon elevated water storage tank that is currently under construction on Canterbury Street. The objective of the tank project is to meet fire flow requirements, provide adequate flows during high demand periods, and meet industry standard and Health Department minimum storage requirements. The pump station and related water lines will be used in conjunction with the tank to provide the necessary level of Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 2 of 24 W&S CommitteeAgenda 9Augl I WATER/SEWER COMMITTEE AGENDA MEETING DATE OF AUGUST 9, 2011 service to the area. During the construction layout of the pump station site, one of the adjacent property owners requested that we re-evaluate the layout of the site. After discussion with the adjoining property owners, it was determined that the site could be shifted to the southeast so it would not be in close proximity to the existing house and that a privacy fence would be constructed with cedar pickets instead of wire chain link. The shifting of the location of the pump station did not change any operating parameters of the pump station, but merely a more aesthetically pleasing location acceptable to all parties. Funds are available within the project contingency. Approximately $21,000.50 will remain in contingency after the change order is approved. 11. Water Master Plan Amendment 2 With McGoodwin, Williams & Yates for $5,347.00 is attached. The model proves a detailed fire flow and pressure analysis for the present and in the future, and provides a prioritized project list based on system needs. In February, 2009, the City approved amendment 1 to upgrade the model and plan. Essentially, it is a new 5 year plan. The model will allow City staff to evaluate specific development impacts and detailed flow evaluations. This Amendment updates the plan and model to 2011 conditions, reconciles work performed to date, and captures all future work to be performed. Additional effort was required: ➢ To calibrate the model to incorporate the EPA disinfectant byproduct rule, becoming effective in 2012. ➢ To rectify field anomalies in the Goshen part of our system that were identified during calibration. ➢ To incorporate the Canterbury Tank, lines and pump station, the 36"lines on Township and Crossover, that significantly change the system flow characteristics. ➢ The model will allow City staff to evaluate specific development impacts and detailed flow evaluations. This model is calibrated by a system-wide evaluation of actual flows from hydrants, pump stations, and other system assets. This field calibration assures an accurate product, and requires close coordination between the Engineer and City staff. The model will allow City staff to evaluate specific development impacts and detailed flow evaluations. 12. Water/Sewer Committee Meetina is Tuesday, September 13, 2011, 5:15 p.m., room 326. Attachments: 2 City Letter to ADEQ ref Noland WWTF NPDES Permit 3 City Letter to OWRB ref Phosphorus Standard Evaluation 7 CH2M Hill Change Order for damage repair 9 Highway 265 Garvey Change Order 2 10 Stone Mountain Pump Station Sweetser Change Order 1 11 Water Master Plan Amendment 2 With McGoodwin, Williams & Yates Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 3 of 24 W&S CommitteeAgeuda 9Aug11 THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE,ARKANSAS Faywet evl le UTIUTIESDEPARTMENT e,AR7201113 West Mounteln Fayetteville,AR 72701 A PKANSAS P1479)575-8330 F(479)575-8257 July 15,2011 Steve Drown,Chief,Water Division Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality 5301 North Shore Drive North Little Rock,AR 72118-5317 Re: Noland NPDES Permit Number AR0020010 Permit Renewal Actions and Proposed Time Line Request Dear Steve, With the cooperative efforts of the entire team including ADEQ,USEPA, USGS,Beaver Water District,the City,and our consultant representatives,the City of Fayetteville continues to make substantive progress in developing the Use Attainability Analysis(UAA)for the White River. Given that the scientific evaluation is underway, the City requests that the Noland NPDES permit be treated as is the case with the permit for the West Side Wastewater Treatment Facility(WWTF) in the Illinois River Basin,where no action is being taken on the permit while the scientific study supporting the TMDL evaluation is underway. Thus,I would request no action be taken on the Noland permit until the UAA is completed. If a"no action"alternative is not feasible for ADEQ,and a draft permit has to be submitted for the Noland WWTF,then I request ADEQ request and recommend USEPA Region 6 take no action on this permit until the scientific evaluation is completed. If neither of the above alternatives are feasible,then the City requests that any permit issued for the Noland WWTF not contain limits for total dissolved solids, sulfate, and chloride,and contain monitoring and reporting requirements only. I understand this would probably mean the permit would have to be issued for a three year period. I request that any permit submitted to EPA for consideration,even with a request for"no action"on their part,have a three year effective period. In a related issue,the City of West Fork's discharge permit expires in early 2012,and they will be facing a similar issue regarding TDS and sulfate. Due to funding availability, West Fork was unable to partner with Fayetteville in the UAA process. The West Fork mayor has approached the City of Fayetteville requesting approval to connect their wastewater system to the Fayetteville system. This flow would thus be treated at the Noland WWTF. This arrangement would create several specific advantages: - Eliminates the need for West Fork to construct a new WWTF or significantly renovate their existing facility - Reduces the potential for plant overflows and bypasses as have occurred when the existing West Fork facility has flooded in large rains - Eliminates the need for West Fork to conduct a UAA - Eliminates a point source discharger to the White River - Because the Noland WWTF has more stringent discharge limits,reduces overall pollutant loads to the White River Given these environmental,permitting, and public benefits,the City intends to evaluate accepting West Fork's wastewater. This decision will have to be made by the two City Councils. In order to allow us to make a well informed decision,the City requests ADEQ increase the Noland WWTF discharge average daily flow volume from 11.21 mgd to 11.41 mgd, if Fayetteville does opt to receive West Fork WWTF flow. This may have significant impact on the decision, as this increase would mean that Fayetteville could accept this wastewater with zero loss of capacity for Fayetteville Telecommunications Device for the Deaf TDD1479)521-1316 113 West Mountain-Fayetteville,AR 72701 Noland Penh timing ADEQ Lir Mull]aloe Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 4 of 24 THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE,ARKANSAS citizens. While a separate issue from issuing the Noland permit,addressing this issue while both the West Fork and Noland NPDES permits are being drafted would be much more efficient for all involved. If you would like to discuss this further or need more information for your decision,please do not hesitate to contact me at 479-575-8330 or d�urgeenns(aci.fayetteville.ar.us or Billy Ammons at 479-582-9055,Billv.AlmnonslKH2M.com,if you have any questions. Sincerely, City of Fayetteville Davd urgen , P. E. Util ti s Director Telecommunications Device for the Deaf TDD(479)521-1316 113 West Mountain-Fayetteville,AR 72701 Noland Permit timing ADEQ Llr 15Jull l.doc Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 5 of 24 • ayeeve ARKANSAS THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE,ARKANSAS July 29, 2011 Mr. Phillip Moerschel Water Quality Standards Section Head Oklahoma Water Resources Board(OWRB) 3800 North Classen Oklahoma City, OK 73118 Re: Public Comments Regarding the Oklahoma Scenic Rivers Phosphorus Criterion Review and Statement of Joint Principles 10-Year Evaluation Dear Mr. Moerschel, The City of Fayetteville appreciates the opportunity to provide the following comments to the Oklahoma Water Resources Board as it performs the ten year evaluation, as agreed to in the Statement of Joint Principles, of its 0.037 mg/1 phosphorus standard. Fayetteville believes deeply in and is fully committed to its responsibilities as an environmental steward in and around the City,nearby areas, and in the region impacted by our actions, including the state of Oklahoma. The wonderful water resources in both states are enjoyed by residents on both sides of the state line. For decades, Fayetteville is been a leader in Arkansas and the region for its leadership in environmental stewardship. As an individual, I hold this environmental commitment as a core belief. As Mayor,I represent a City Council and a population that also holds this environmental commitment as a core belief. We have not wavered from this dedication,and we will not. Water quality is a major focus of this effort, not simply in the reduction of phosphorus,but also addressing other pollutants, sediment, and reducing both total flow and peak flows within and downstream of our creeks and streams. As sediment is a significant issue,coupled with the fact that 86%of the phosphorus in the Illinois River comes from sources other than Wastewater Treatment Plant(W WTP)discharges, Fayetteville believes a broad-spectrum watershed approach is the only way to truly create the maximum benefit to improving the water quality. Addressing phosphorus alone will not achieve all water quality objectives. In the late 90's, W WTPs were 45% of the total load. Regional WWTPs have made significant progress, and continue to improve(L.B. Massey,L.W. Cash, and B.E. Haggard, Water Quality Sampling, Analysis and Annual Load Determinations For The Illinois River At Arkansas Highway 59 Bridge, 2008). To achieve these water quality benefits, Fayetteville has, for over 23 years, led the way in Arkansas and the region in wastewater treatment and water quality protection. Let me list a few of our accomplishments and ongoing actions: • 1988, the Paul R. Noland WWTP came on-line as just the second full-scale Anaerobic/Anoxic/Oxic(A20) facility in the nation,meeting a(then almost unheard of) 1.0 mg/1 phosphorus discharge limit. • Effluent from the City's two W WTPs, while allowed to contain as much as 1.0 mg/1 of P by NPDES permit, has averaged less than half of that concentration over the life of the two facilities. • Uses a biological nutrient removal treatment system with available polishing via alum at both W WTPs. As these facilities must be designed to meet peak flow and loading conditions, they produce much better than required effluent during normal conditions. As a result,the total pounds per day of P discharged from the West Side W WTP averages less than 20%of what is allowed by the NPDES permit. • 2005,made an agreement with the Beaver Water District,in which the City committed to meet a voluntary Telecommunications Device for the Deaf TDD(479)521-1316 113 West Mountain-Fayetteville,AR 72701 Ok W tr Res Brd Curls I IJul I I Am Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 6 of 24 THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE,ARKANSAS annual average phosphorus limit of 0.5 mg/l in our Noland WWTP discharge. We have met,with significant safety margins,this discharge limit since the agreement was made. • 2008,completed construction on its new West Side W WTP,the cornerstone of a$185 million wastewater system improvement effort. Since its first discharge on June 1,2008,the plant has a perfect compliance record,has passed all toxicity testing, has"undetect" levels for most priority pollutants, and has received not one single public complaint- for odor, effluent, or any other aspect of the operation. • Like most cities,Fayetteville had significant issues with wet weather sewer overflows(SSOs). After 20 years of concentrated efforts costing over$40 million, we have now achieved the goal of eliminating wet weather overflows in a five year storm. The SSO elimination program in Fayetteville is heralded as one of the most successful in the nation. This sanitary sewer rehabilitation program continues using wastewater system revenues and STAG funds to continue our efforts to prevent any future SSOs and capacity issues. In addition to the wastewater efforts,Fayetteville has completed or is working on the following efforts that will directly benefit the water quality in both the Illinois and White River watersheds, including but not limited to: • 2007, first city in Arkansas to hire a full-time sustainability coordinator. His work has significantly benefited all aspects of the municipal operation and environment in which we work. • 2007, formally adopted City Plan 2025 as its formal land use master plan,which identifies reducing suburban sprawl and developing an enduring green network as two of the six primary goals. CP2025 has won multiple national awards, including a best practices designation for"smart growth"by the EPA. Fayetteville's Natural Heritage Association is developing a Green Infrastructure Plan for the region that will provide data to update Fayetteville's City Plan 2030 green infrastructure goals and designations. • 2009, completed a two year Nutrient Reduction Plan for the White River Basin,completed by Geosyntec. While focused on the White River watershed,the vast majority of the actions recommended in that plan have equal benefit in both the White and Illinois River watersheds.The region partnered with Tetratech to develop a Beaver Lake Watershed Protection Plan that targets sediment and nutrient reduction mirroring Fayetteville's plan. • 2008, completed a$262,200 stream bank restoration project on the Niokaska Creek(Illinois River Basin) in our Gulley Park using partnership funding from Section 319 grants and City funds. • 2011,nearing completion on a $312,000 stream bank restoration project on the Niokaska Creek(Illinois River Basin)on private property and in our Sweetbriar Park with City and USEPA wetland grant funds. • Continuing program of other stream bank restoration projects in both the Illinois and White River basins with total funding either spent or programmed within the next 18 months, of over$1.9 million,using funds from Arkansas Natural Resources Commission, University partnerships, watershed foundation partnerships,and City funds. National expert Dave Rosgen from Colorado Springs is assisting the City in these efforts. We have completed one project already and are in planning and/or design on four other stream bank projects. • 2010, the Fayetteville City Council adopted a Low Impact Development ordinance whereby new developments are encouraged to incorporate sustainable design and construction techniques. • 2011, after many hours of public discussion, the City Council adopted a Riparian Zone/Streamside Protection ordinance creating significant riparian zone protection in the City's. This is the only such ordinance in the state of Arkansas, and was used as a reference in the City of Norman's development of its own similar ordinance. • Developing a Stormwater Utility Feasibility Study evaluating the best methods of operating,maintaining, and funding our stormwater system. • Actively participate, financially and with staff time, in numerous cooperative watershed protection partnerships including the Illinois River Watershed Partnership, the Beaver Lake/White River Partnership, and others. Developed a pet waste program providing pet waste stations and baggies in parks, trails and other public areas. • Currently executing a broad-based$40,000 stormwater education program including the local cable provider, local television stations,and advertisements at movie theaters, integrated and coordinated with other area education programs to reach all public segments. We also have an additional$40,000 per year educational Telecommunications Device for the Deaf TDD(479)521-1316 113 West Mountain-Fayetteville,AR 72701 Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 7 of 24 THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE,ARKANSAS partnership with the University of Arkansas Cooperative Extension Agency. The City's Environmental Action Committee,chaired by a member of the City Council,recently completed a year-long Watershed Luncheon Series focused on the economic and environmental impacts of watershed protection.The series targeted influential residents in the community that carried this message to their larger networks. • Inventoried septic systems within the City to better capture potential water quality impacts of these systems and identify requirements to connect them to the City's wastewater treatment. Over the past decade, Fayetteville grew by 15,533 residents,to a population of 73,580 citizens. All the while, we have continued to increase our commitment to water quality needs as detailed above. We are committed to continuing our work to improve water quality in the coming years,but that's not to suggest Oklahoma's 0.037 mg/l phosphorus standard can be attained. The 0.037 standard is based on small streams in forested,undeveloped regions of the U.S., and is not achievable in developed watersheds like the Illinois River basin. Fayetteville is not alone in its efforts to improve water quality. Fayetteville and other Northwest Arkansas cities have invested$225 million in capital expenditures related to water quality since 2000. Fayetteville specifically is just now completing a$185 million Wastewater System Improvement project, in which the vast majority of the effort was taken in the Illinois River basin including a$61 million state of the art wastewater treatment plant. We're proud of the tremendous steps we've taken to protect water quality in Arkansas and Oklahoma. The citizens of Bentonville, Rogers,Siloam Springs and Springdale also paid to build and upgrade sewer plants,and the cities enhanced wastewater treatment processes to reduce phosphorus discharges. Bentonville and Tontitown are partners in a regional Northwest Arkansas Conservation Authority(NACA)wastewater treatment plant that will someday be expanded to provide additional high-quality wastewater treatment and water protection for other Northwest Arkansas cities. All of these improvements, excluding the NACA plant,were designed in good faith to meet a 1.0 mg/1 as specified within the Statement of Joint Principles. The region's poultry companies, which provide thousands of jobs to Oklahomans,have spent millions of dollars developing transportation systems to help independent,contract growers send poultry litter out of the Illinois River and other Scenic River watersheds in both Oklahoma and Arkansas. The companies' efforts have taken tons of poultry litter to cropland in Arkansas and Oklahoma outside the Illinois River watershed. Developers are meeting ever tighter requirements and best management practices to protect water quality in the short term—during development—and in the long term,once a development is built out. Arkansas' State government has supported our efforts by providing low-interest loans to assist the Northwest Arkansas Conservation Authority and the city of Fayetteville with sewer treatment projects. It has required area farmers to have nutrient management plans to monitor and control poultry litter's use as fertilizer.More recently,the Arkansas Natural Resources Commission took aggressive steps to ensure that lawn fertilization companies in Northwest Arkansas are spreading lawn fertilizer as required by state laws regulating the use of commercial fertilizer. Modifying four wastewater treatment plants in Northwest Arkansas to discharge phosphorus of 0.1 mg/l instead of 1 mg/l is estimated to cost an additional$90 million to $100 million in capital upgrades,plus several million per year in operations and maintenance expenses. This is an unreasonable amount of additional money for these communities to be called upon to spend when scientists say there would be little or no environmental benefit. The expenditures on upgrading wastewater treatment plants do not begin to cover the costs associated with urban stormwater water quality controls.Cities would have to spend millions more dealing with the runoff from their boundaries,while once again producing minimal water quality impacts. These successes, and the resulting reductions in phosphorus, are well documented in both states' water quality monitoring reports developed for the Arkansas—Oklahoma Compact, The 2009 Arkansas—Oklahoma Compact reports from both states show that the long targeted 40%phosphorus reduction has been achieved in the Illinois River-both at Watts and at the state line(Oklahoma's 5-year Rolling Average Phosphorus Report for the Illinois River Basin, Illinois River Basin. Arkansas—Oklahoma Compact, CY2009 and Water Quality Monitoring Report, Illinois River Basin, Arkansas—Oklahoma Compact CY20091, The 40%has been a stated objective of the Arkansas Telecommunications Device for the Deaf TDD(479)521 1316 113 West Mountain-Fayetteville,AR 72701 Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 8 of 24 THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE,ARKANSAS Oklahoma Arkansas River Compact Commission since 1993. While there was little documented success prior to 2001,which led to developing the Statement of Joint Principles and Actions,there has been significant measurable success since. In conclusion, the City of Fayetteville is and has long remained fully committed to its responsibilities as a steward of the watershed and our environment. We are dedicated to improving all aspects of the environment,using a broad- spectrum watershed approach as the most effective way of improving the water quality. We arc partners with the rest of Northwest Arkansas,Oklahoma, and the EPA in these goals. We share the same vision of a cleaner environment,and have a proven and effective track record of partnership with all other agencies dedicated to this effort. Given the success seen in the Illinois River,and in keeping with objectives of the Arkansas Oklahoma Arkansas River Compact Commission and the Statement of Joint Principles, Fayetteville strongly requests Oklahoma keep the promise made in 2003 to rely on the best available science to achieve realistic,reasonable water quality criteria that meet the designated uses all along the waterway, as opposed to standing by the unattainable, arbitrary reference-stream methodology used to develop the 0.037 mg/1 standard for the Illinois River. Please do not hesitate to contact David Jurgcns,my Utilities Director,at 479-575-8330 or djurgens(a)ci.fayetteville.ar.us if you have any questions. Sincerely, City f Fayettev' l Lioneld Jordan Mayor Cc: Steve Drown,Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality Telecommunications Device for the Deaf TDD(479)5211316 113 West Mountain-Fayetteville,AR 72701 Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 9 of 24 Fae evi le CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMO MEETINWMff64k& f' arE "s Afl KANSAS To: Fayetteville City Council Thru: Mayor Lioneld Jordan Don Marr, Chief of Staff From: David Jurgens, Utilities Director (� 1 Fayetteville Water and Sewer Commit ee Date: August 5, 2011 Subject: Approval of a$14,929.45 change order with CH2M Hill for operational expenses incurred as a direct result of the 2011 spring flooding RECOMMENDATION Fayetteville City Administration recommends approval of a$14,929.45 change order with CH2M Hill for operational expenses incurred as a direct result of the 2011 spring flooding. BACKGROUND CH2M Hill performed emergency operations during the spring flooding, incurring emergency and unanticipated expenses, damage repair to wastewater treatment and pumping facilities. DISCUSSION In order to obtain FEMA reimbursement, these activities and the related expenses must be detailed from CH2M Hill identifying the actual costs of the work. This must be approved by the City Council in a separate resolution from the normal wastewater operations contract. This amendment follows the exact format used in the 2009 ice storm whereby the City was reimbursed by FEMA. It does not include facilities damage, which was submitted as an insurance claim and will be considered part of the normal operations contract with no changes required. This amendment only includes items deemed by pre-submission review to be FEMA reimbursable. BUDGETIMPACT These expenses shall be reimbursed at the same rates as other ice storm reimbursements. Telecommunications Device for the Deaf TCO1M0{ 9W_ 'And Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 10 of 24 113 West Mountain-Fayetteville,AR 72701 CH2M HILL 9193 South Jamaica Street Englewood,CO 80112 Tel 720.286.2000 IM, CH2MHILLm July 21, 2011 Mr. David Jurgens City of Fayetteville 113 West Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 Subject: Out of Scope Letter Agreement Dear David: During the week of April 22, 2011, the City of Fayetteville experienced a flood event which qualified for Federal Emergency Management Assistance. Under Section C.1.26 of the Operations, Maintenance and Management Agreement dated December 15, 2009, executed between the Parties, CH2M HILL Engineers, Inc. (CH2M HILL) will provide this out of scope work to the City. Attached to this letter is the documentation for the work. The amount of the work performed is $14,929.45 which includes the twenty-five percent (25%). This amount is due upon receipt of OMI's invoice and payable within 30 days as per Section 5.2 of our Agreement. All other terms and conditions of the Agreement dated December 15, 2009, as amended November 16, 2010, between CH2M HILL and The City of Fayetteville remain in full force and effect. If these terms are agreeable to you, please sign both copies of this letter. We will return one fully executed original for your files. CH2M HILL appreciates the opportunity to provide these additional services to the City of Fayetteville. Sincerely, rV�_' Duyen Tran Project Manager n Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 11 of 24 Z.J Printed on Mohawk Via paper,which is 30%post consumer waste. Both parties indicate their approval of the above-described services by their signature below. Authorized Authorized CH2M HILL Engineers, Inc. City of Fayetteville, Arkansas Name: Natalie L. Eldredge Name: Lionel Jordan Title: Designated Senior Manager Title: Mayor ��D^^a''ems�: �! Date: N/& �/& ?-j I-jar Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 12 of 24 Pay etLlle CONTRACT REVIEW MEMO MAYOR'S APPROVAL THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE,ARKANSAS S To: Mayor Lioneld Jordan Thru: Don Marr, Chief of Staff David Jurgens, Utilities Director Fayetteville Water and Sewer Coi mittee From: Shannon Jones, Utilities Engineer Date: August 5, 2011 Subject: Change Order 2 to the construction contract with Garrey Companies, Inc. for$32,030.00. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of Change Order 2 to the construction contract with Gamey Companies, Inc. for $32,020 extending the work approximately 190 feet north of Millennium Drive. BACKGROUND This project consists of relocating water and sewer lines as a result of the combined Arkansas Highway Department (AHTD) and City widening of Phase I of Crossover Road (Hwy 265) between Mission and Joyce, and upsizing the existing pipes and connecting a 36" transmission line. Work includes installing a 36" and 24" transmission main along Crossover from Joyce to connect to the existing 24" main on Crossover at Mission. This work will complete the eastern portion of the water transmission main loop that was initially constructed when the southern section of Crossover Road between Mission and Huntsville was widened by the AHTD. DISCUSSION AHTD has moved the "End of Construction" from Sta. 124+10 to 126+40 (230 feet) in the vicinity of Millennium Drive on the north end of the project since the City bid the water and sewer relocations. The AHTD work consists of extending the storm drain system on the west side of Hwy 265. During the easement acquisition process, the owner of the property on the north side of Millennium Drive requested that the City minimize the impact of construction to the property. McClelland Consulting Engineers competed a design to extend both a 12-inch water line and an 8-inch sewer line across the lot on the north side of Millennium Drive. The work would have been necessary during the second phase of the highway project. Executing the work now will minimize the overall construction time on the property and facilitate easement acquisition. BUDGETIMPACT Funds are available within the project contingency. AHTD will reimburse the City approximately 93.75% of the costs. After reimbursement, approximately $196,117.65 will remain in contingency after the change order is approved. Gamey CO2 CCMemo Magi Ldoe Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 13 of 24 aye dile Chan,-,c Order No. 2 Page I or 2 CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER City Contract 9 Schcdole City Resolution 9 —v_Date 7/11/2011 Pity Project No.: Project Name: Crossover Road Water&Sewer Replacement Location: Faocuct illc.Arkansas t tw ner City of Faycttevilte Contractor: Carne% Companies, Inc. Address: 113 West Mountain Address: 1333 NW V iv ion Rd Fayetteville,AR 72701 Kansas CII\. MO 64118 1 IIF.FOLLOWING CI IANCil'S ARE HEREBY AMENDED INTO TI IF CONTRACT PLANS AND' PECIFICATIONS: ITEM 4 DESCRIPTION DECREASE INCREASE I Change order to accommodate easement acquisition north of Milleuium Drive. See attached Cost Breakdown, Revised Plan Sheet I 1 and Plan Sheet S6. .$32,030.00 TOTAL DECREASE AMOUNT $0.00 TOTAL INCREASE AMOUN'1 $32,030.00 NET CHANGE ORDER $32,030.00 F'NGINEERS FINAL CI IAN(& 10('ON I RACf AMOIIN F: I'QIAI_AMOIIN_f 1_(1,ki[3LEAMOUN_I_ Original Contract Amount .$,0489.0}5.0{} .54.989.I35A11 Iota] Previous Change Order(s) r.30.08247 $30 IISZ4T Net Amount This Change Order $.32.010.00 $12,01 if1.00 TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT TO DATE $i.051.252.d7 I- CHANGE TO CONTRACT COMPLETION DATE: Original Completion Time 195 Days Previous Adjusted Completion Time 2 Dava (Inerease)(Beerea This Change Order 7 Days Calendar 1 hry, NEW CONTRACT COMPLETION DATE: 204 Days RE('UNI\II NDIA1: MCCLELLAND CONSULTING ENGINEERS,INC. Engineer BY: �(.C./4.J it.! r!'r-Qty hI all Signature Title I Lor AC'CITI ED: GARNEY COMPANIES, INC. / Com 141 / ,// /2 a ' Signature Title Date 4PVROVFD CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE Owner ItY Si uawre Iillc Untr Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 14 of 24 COST BREAKDOWN FOR CHANGE ORDER#2 12-INCH WATER MAIN AND 8-INCH SEWER MAIN EXTENSIONS NORTH OF MILLENIUM DRIVE CROSSOVER ROAD WATER& SEWER MAIN REPLACEMENT AHTD JOB NO. 040517 MCE JOB#FY112117 Change in Bid Item# Description Quantity Units Unit Price Extended I-7 12" PVC Water Main 141 FT $50.00 $7,050.00 I-13 1" Polyethylene Service Tubing 10 FT $6.00 $60.00 I-46 Service Line Connection to Existing Meter Setting 1 EA $400.00 $400.00 I-48 12" Saddle, 1" Corporation Stop and Tap t EA $100.00 $100.00 I-69 8" PVC Sewer Main, SDR-26 190 FT $5.00 $950.00 1-72 Sewer Main Trenching,6'-10' Deep 56 FT $30.00 $1,680.00 1-73 Sewer Main Trenching, 10'-14'Deep 134 FT $35.00 $4,690.00 1-74 -4' Dia Std. Manhole t EA $2,300.00 $2,300.00 1-75 Extra Manhole D th, Over 6' 3 VF $150.00 $450.00 1-89 Asphalt Surfacing Restoration 140 SY $45.00 $6,300.00 I-94 Curb and Gutter Restoration 1 210 LF $25.001 $5,250.00 I-95 Granular Fill 1 140 ITONI $20.001 $2,800.00 Total $32,030.00 NOTE: The purpose of this Change Order#2 is to extend the 12-inch water main and an 8-inch sewer main the full length across the lot on the north side of Millennium Drive, instead of doing part of the work on this lot now and part during the next construction phase. This will minimize the overall construction time on this lot, and facilitate easement acquisition. J:2011/112I17/Table 6-13-II.As Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 15 of 24 aTyvele-1le CONTRACTREVIEW MEMO M MAYOR'S APPROVAL, THE CITYOF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS Aaida 5 ,A vw.accessfayetteville.arg To: Mayor Lioneld Jordan Thru: Don Marr, Chief of Staff David Jurgens, Utilities Director Fayetteville Water and Sewer Committee From: Shannon Jones, Utilities EngineeiJ6/,*/ Date: August 5, 2011 Subject: Change Order 1 to the construction contract with Sweetser Construction, Inc. for$31,999.50. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of Change Order 1 to the construction contract with Sweetser Construction, Inc. for $31,999.50 to accommodate shifting the pump station to the southeast and install a cedar privacy fence in lieu of a chain link fence. BACKGROUND The Contract is for the construction of a 1,200 gpm water pump station, approximately 5,700 feet of 8-inch through 18-inch water main, water meter connections, fire hydrants, valves, fittings, street repairs and related facilities. This work is part of the 500,000 gallon elevated water storage tank that is currently under construction on Canterbury Street. The objective of the tank project is to meet fire flow requirements, provide adequate flows during high demand periods, and meet industry standard and Health Department minimum storage requirements. The pump station and related water lines will be used in conjunction with the tank to provide the necessary level of service to the area. DISCUSSION During the construction layout of the pump station site, one of the adjacent property owners requested that we re-evaluate the layout of the site. After discussion with the adjoining property owners, it was determined that the site could be shifted to the southeast so it would not be in close proximity to the existing house and that a privacy fence would be constructed with cedar pickets instead of wire chain link. The shifting of the location of the pump station did not change any operating parameters of the pump station, but merely a more aesthetically pleasing location acceptable to all parties. BUDGETIMPACT Funds are available within the project contingency. Approximately$21,000.50 will remain in contingency after the change order is approved. Swmwi COI CCMcmo 5Augl Ldoc Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 16 of 24 aye ey Ie Change Order No. I Page l of 2 CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER City Contract# schedule City Resolution# Date 7/25/2011 City Project No.: Project Name: Water Main Interconnections Bc Stone Mt. Location: Fa ettevi Ile,Arkansas Pump Station Owner: City of Fayetteville Contractor: Sweetser Construction,Inc. Address: 113 West Mountain Address: 590 West Poplar Fayetteville,AR 72701 _ Fayetteville,AR 72703 THE FOLLOWING CHANGES ARE HEREBY AMENDED INTO THE CONTRACT PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS: ITEM# DESCRIPTION DECREASE INCREASE 1 Change Order to accommodate shifting the pump station location to the southeast and replacing the chain link $31,999.50 fence with a cedar picket fence. See attached Cost Breakdown and revised Plan Sheets 9 and 11. TOTAL DECREASE AMOUNTI $0.00 TOTAL INCREASE AMOUNT $31,999.50 NET CHANGE ORDERI $31,999.50 ENGINEERS FINAL CHANGE TO CONTRACT AMOUNT: TOTAL AMOUNT ELIGIBLE AMOUNT Original Contract Amount $1.057,331.00 $1,057,331.00 Tata]Previous Change Order(s) $0.00 $0.00 ITtNcAmount This Change Order $31,999.50 $31.999.50 t OTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT TO DATE $1,089.330.50 $1,089,330.50 CHANGE TO CONTRACT COMPLETION DATE: Original Completion Time 150 Days Previous Adjusted Completion Time 0 Days (I ncrease)(Desrease)This Change Order 90 Das Calendar Days NEW CONTRACT COMPLETION DATE 240 Days RECOMMENDED: MCCLELLAND CONSULTING ENGINEERS.INC. nginecr Signatt Tit]a Date ACCEPTED: SWEE'rs>t0. 1Q INC. on or BY: r Signature Title ate APPROVED: CITY OFFAYETTEVILLE Owrner I Signature Title Date Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 17 of 24 COST BREAKDOWN FOR CHANGE ORDER NO. l WATER MAIN INTERCONNECTIONS AND STONE MOUNTAIN PUMP STATION FOR CANTERBURY ROAD WATER TANK MCE Job#FY042150 Contract Section II Original Change Change In Bid Item No. Description Bid Price Order Price Contract Amount 53 Site Work and Grading $4,050.00 $17,950.00 $13,900.00 54 Fencing(Revise Chain Link to Cedar Picket) $5,775.00 $14,175.00 $8,400.00 55 Concrete Floor Slab, Sidewalk and Generator Pad $22,500.00 $19,751.00 ($2,749.00) 56 Asphalt Paving $3,998.00 $16,446.50 $12,448.50 Total Cost Increase $31,999.50 Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 18 of 24 CONTRACT REVIEW MEMO Faye evlle MAYOR'S APPROVAL THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE,ARKANSAS ARKANSAS To: Mayor Lioneld Jordan Thru: Don Mart, Chief of Staff From: David Jurgens, Utilities Director WaterlSewer/Solid Waste Committee Date: August 5, 2011 Subject: Amendment 2 to Engineering Agreement with McGoodwin, Williams &Yates for Water System Model and Master Plan RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of Amendment 2 to the Engineering Services Agreement with McGoodwin, Williams &Yates in the amount of$5,347.00 to update the Water Transmission and Distribution System Model and Master Plan. BACKGROUND This engineering contract was awarded in 2002 to develop the City's updated water master plan and computer model. A draft of the plan was delivered in 2004; the model software was delivered in 2007. Due to staff s focus on the WSIP, neither the plan nor the model were completed. Individual evaluations were accomplished on a case by case basis by McGoodwin. The model proves a detailed fire flow and pressure analysis for the present and in the future, and provides a prioritized project list based on system needs. In February, 2009,the City approved amendment 1 to upgrade the model and plan. Essentially, it is a new 5 year plan. There were many system upgrades, to include 18" water lines on Wedington and Gregg, which significantly change the system flow characteristics. The model will allow City staff to evaluate specific development impacts and detailed flow evaluations. DISCUSSION This Amendment provides for final update the plan and the model to the 2011 conditions. It also reconciles work performed to date, and captures all future work to be performed. Additional effort was required: ➢ To calibrate the model to incorporate the EPA disinfectant byproduct rule, which becomes effective in 2012. ➢ To rectify field anomalies in the Goshen part of our system that were identified during calibration. ➢ To incorporate the Canterbury Tank, lines and pump station, the 36"lines on Township and Crossover, that significantly change the system flow characteristics. ➢ The model will allow City staff to evaluate specific development impacts and detailed flow evaluations. This model is calibrated by a system-wide evaluation of actual flows from hydrants, pump stations, and other system assets. This field calibration assures an accurate product, and requires close coordination between the Engineer and City staff. The model will allow City staff to evaluate specific development impacts and detailed flow evaluations. BUDGETIMPACT $5,347.08 remains in the approved project contingency; this change order will use all remaining contingency. MWY WatMastf`lan Amend 2 CCMemo Janl l Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 19 of 24 AMENDMENT NO. 2 TO AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES BETWEEN CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE,ARKANSAS AND McGOODWIN, WILLIAMS AND YATES,INC. WHEREAS,on August 6,2002, the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas(CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE) and McGoodwin, Williams and Yates, Inc. of Fayetteville,Arkansas(MWY) entered into an Agreement for engineering services in connection with a Water Transmission and Distribution System Master Plan Study, and WHEREAS, MWY has proceeded with these services in accordance with the scope set forth in the Agreement, and WHEREAS, MWY submitted an engineering report to CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE on June 28, 2004,and WHEREAS, CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE has experienced extraordinary growth in its water distribution system since the submission of the report, and WHEREAS, CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE requests that the scope of MWY's services be amended to provide an Update of the Water Transmission and Distribution System Model and perform analyses as directed to respond to the needs created by recent significant growth and demands in the water system. WHEREAS, on February 17, 2009,the CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE and MWY entered into Amendment No. 1 to update the Water Transmission and Distribution System Model and Master Plan. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and Agreements herein contained, CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE and MWY, the parties hereto, stipulate and agree that the Agreement for Engineering Services dated August 6, 2002, is hereby amended in the following particulars. SECTION 2.0.A2—DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT UNDER AMENDMENT NO. 2 MWY shall perform the necessary engineering studies to create an Updated Water Transmission and Distribution System Model to be furnished to CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE. MWY will perform system analyses as directed by CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE. SECTION 3.0.A2—SERVICES TO BE FURNISHED BY McGOODWIN, WILLIAMS AND YATES UNDER AMENDMENT NO.2 3.7 The model developed in the Master Plan will be updated in the following particulars: Fy-309A2- I of 3 Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 20 of 24 3.7.1 The digital map base for the model will be updated using the latest digital mapping available for the CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE. 3.7.2 New pipes,nodes,pump stations and tanks will be added to the model based on data submitted to MWY by CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE. This data will consist of revised mapping and newly-developed infrastructure created by developers and through CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE water system projects. 3.7.3 The model will be updated using current usage data from CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE's billing system. 3.7.4 The usage data will be geo-coded and placed into the model at the geographic location that the usage occurs based on the most recent street centerline file created by CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE. 3.7.5 The model will be calibrated with the assistance of CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE personnel performing pressure tests in the field and supplying said data from the tests to MWY. MWY will perform limited field assistance as required by CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE. 3.7.6 MWY shall provide water system analyses of problem areas identified by the updated model as directed in writing by CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE. 3.7.7 MWY will provide a written report to CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE setting out the changes to the updated model. SECTION 7.4.A2—MASTER PLAN UPDATE FINAL REPORT UNDER AMENDMENT NO. 2 MWY shall submit the following documents to CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE for their review and use: 7.4.A2 An electronic copy of the report including charts, data and graphs. The Ries will be delivered in one of the following electronic formats: Microsoft Word; Microsoft Excel; Microsoft Access; Microsoft Visio; or AutoCAD 2010. SECTION 10.1.A2—FEES AND PAYMENTS FOR THE MASTER PLAN UPDATE UNDER AMENDMENT NO. 2 In consideration of the performance of the foregoing services, CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE shall compensate MWY as follows: 10.1.A2 For Engineering Services set out under Section 3.0.A1,payment shall be based on actual time required to perform the work by the various classifications of employees at the hourly rates set out in Attachment LA2,plus reimbursable expenses. 10.2.A2 MWY agrees to keep an accurate record of the hours of the personnel working on the project. The schedule of Hourly Rates shown in Attachment LA2 will be revised on January I of each calendar year. 10.3.A2 MWY shall be reimbursed for expenses as hereinafter set out when the expense to be incurred is approved in advance by CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE's representative. Reimbursable expenses shall include: 1) travel costs when traveling outside of Northwest Arkansas in connection with the project, 2)rental expenses for special equipment needed for completion of the work, 3)purchase of material, and 4) other expenses directly attributable to the project, including any work performed by subcontractors. MWY shall Fy-309A2-2 of 3 Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 21 of 24 charge CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE for reimbursable expenses at actual cost plus ten percent(10%). 10.4.A2 The estimated total compensation for the services set out under Section 3.0.A2 is $5,347.00,which makes the total contract compensation$274,147.00. The basis of this cost estimate is shown in Attachment 2.A2. This total compensation will not be exceeded without prior authorization from CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE. Subject to the City Council of CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE's prior approval,adjustment of this upper limit may be made should MWY and CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE agree that there has been a significant change in scope, character or complexity of the services to be performed. It is understood and agreed that the total compensation cost ceiling does not cover unforeseen contingencies such as litigation or other events not normally anticipated. 10.5.A2 The breakdown of costs between the various work tasks as given in Attachment 2.A2 is a convenience and is not intended to set a maximum cost for any of the work tasks. Costs may be transferred from one work task to another so long as the maximum cost as given above is not exceeded. Billing shall be submitted monthly and shall include all costs accrued plus reimbursable expenses. The City of Fayetteville will make every effort to approve and pay such invoices within 30 days of the date of the invoice. SECTION 19.0.A2—LIST OF ATTACHMENTS FOR MASTER PLAN UPDATE UNDER AMENDMENT NO. 2 The following attachments are hereby made a part of this contract: Attachment LA2—MWY 2011 Schedule of Classification and Rates Attachment 2.A2—Estimate of Engineering Costs SECTION 20.0—ORIGINAL AGREEMENT PROVISIONS All other provisions of the original Agreement and Amendment No. 1 remain in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be duly executed this day of 2011. CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE,ARKANSAS McGOODWIN, WILLIAMS AND YATES, INC. By: By: Lioneld Jordan,Mayor L. Carl Yates, Chief Executive Officer ATTEST: ATTEST: Sondra Smith, City Clerk James C. Ulmer, Chief Operating Officer Fy-309A2 -3 of 3 Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 22 of 24 ATTACHMENT I.A2 TO AGREEMENT FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES SCHEDULE OF CLASSIFICATIONS AND RATES FOR 2011 Classification Hourly Rate Engineer 7 ................................................................ $207.00 Engineer 6 ............................................................... 168.00 Engineer 5............................. ................... ....--..... 146.00 Engineer4............................................................... 114.00 Engineer3 ............................................................... 104.00 Engineer2 ................................. ........................ ..... 96.00 Engineer1 ............................................................... 80.00 Architect 3.............................................................. $ 124.00 Architect 2..................................... ......................... 115.00 Architect1 ............................................................... 88.00 Technician 6 .......................................................... $ 109.00 Technician5 ............................................................ 92.00 Technician 4 .......................... ................... ............. 85.00 Technician3............................................................ 66.50 Technician 2 ...... .................... ........ ........ 58.00 Technician 1 ........................................................ ... 45.00 Admin5.................................................................... $ 90.00 Admin4.................................................................... 80.00 Admin3.................................................................... 65.00 Admin2.................................................................... 45.00 Admin1..._... ................................ .......................... 35.00 GPS Surveying Equipment(when utilized) ............. $ 71.00 Hourly rate schedules will be adjusted annually each January 1. McGoodwin, Williams and Yates, Inc. Consulting Engineers Fayetteville, Arkansas January 1, 2011 Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 23 of 24 E - a$ sa ll | | !t■ ! If � | | | | | | | | | , ! •] ! , ■ ! � I | , § | | ! � ; | | , It. | § | Water,Sew. `