HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-07-12 - Agendas WATER/SEWER COMMITTEE AGENDA Say e evi le MEETING DATE OF JULY 12, 2011 THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE,ARKANSAS hRKP m Committee: Chairperson Sarah Lewis; Aldermen: Adella Gray, Mark Kinion, Justin Tennant Copy to: Mayor Lioneld Jordan; Sondra Smith, Don Marr, Paul Becker, Lindsley Smith, Jeremy Pate, Chris Brown, Lynn Hyke, Shannon Jones, Pr ell, Will Winn, CI-12M Hill, Allison Atha From: David Jurgens, P. E., Utilities Director A Fayetteville Water, Sewer and Solid Waste ComTi ee eeting will be July 12, 2011, 5:15 PM, following the City Council Agenda Session, in room 326, Fayett elle City Hall. Proposed topics include: 1. Ca ital Pro'ect U date. Contract Description Contractor Cost % Com lete WL-10a Farmin ton GravitX Sewer Line Gamey Const $ 1,750,122 100% EL-3&5 Razorback-Ha Hollow 36/42" Swr Line S J Louis Const $ 5,387,098 100.0% CIPP 2010 Rehab-Cured in Place Pipe City Wide Insituform $ 330,000 100% Mt Sequoyah Area Wtr/Swr Upgrades LaRue Contr $ 852,976 100% 36"W!L 36"Water Line on Township Seven Valles $ 1,783,720 100% 265 W/S Relocation &36"Wtr Line, Hwy 265 Gamey Const $ 4,989,135 5.0% WL-13 Broyles Avenue Gravity Sewer Lines Goodwin&Goodwin $ 845,359 100.0% WL-14 Broyles Avenue Sewer Force Mains Redford Const $ 899,626 100-0% 1-- WL-15 Broyles Avenue Sewer Pump Station Seven Valles $ 591,768 100% BI0-1 Biosolids Solar D ing Dean Crowder $ 4,971,886 100.0% 13I0-2 Biosolids Thermal Drying Crossland Heavy $ 2,770,280 66.0% Canterbury 500,000 Gallon Water Tower C B & I Inc. $ 1,590,091 98% Canterbury Water Lines & Pump Station Sweetser Const $ 1,057,331 18.8% Project is substantially complete, meaning the work can be used to execute its mission. 2. White River Use Attainability Analysis process is well underway. The revised Use Attainability Analysis has been approved by ADEQ. Staff, ADEQ and EPA Region 6 representatives are meeting via teleconference July 14. The White River study will be completed in summer, 2012. 3. Solid Waste Franchise Proaram Alternatives Evaluation will be distributed at the next Water, Sewer and Solid Waste Committee meeting. 4. Elkins Outfall Line Engineering Contract with Garver Engineers is attached. When the Wastewater Master Facilities Plan was developed and approved by the ADH and ADEQ in 2001, several sewer transmission lines identified within the plan were deferred for future construction. They approved the plan on the condition that these deferred projects remain included in the City's Capital Improvements Program, and be constructed when needed. Elkins has increased their system capacity such that it now exceeds the capacity of the existing Fayetteville sewer line that carries flow from the end of the Elkins wastewater system and much of southeast Fayetteville. Thus, this gravity line now needs to be upsized. As part of the Plan, Garver Engineers was selected through the professional selection process to perform engineering design on all of the sewer lines in the White River basin, including preliminary design on this sewer line. The design is currently 80% complete. Under this contract, Garver shall provide design and limited surveying services to assist the City in the replacement of approximately 4,350 feet of existing 10 inch gravity sewer from the outfall of the Elkins sewer force main to the Mally Wagon sewer lift station with an 18 inch gravity sewer. Construction will be funded with a combination of a $485,000 EPA STAG grant, a $150,000 cost share from Elkins, and wastewater impact fees. Staff requests this item be forwarded to the full City Council. 5. Verizon Gulley Road Water Tank Cellular Antenna Agreement amendment is attached. This amendment allows Verizon to install a generator, change out six existing antiquated antennas, and add three new antennas. Verizon's installation design has been reviewed and is able to handle the loads created by the antennas. The original agreement was approved in 1999. In December 2009, the City and Verizon agreed to Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 1 of 39 W&5 CommitteeAgenda 127ul1 Ldoc WATER/SEWER COMMITTEE AGENDA MEETING DATE OF JULY 12, 2011 the current contract, which has been amended twice, updating rental rates and specific renter details, including the requirement for annual structural inspections. The current monthly rent(revenue to the City) is $1,685.70 ($20,228.40 annually). Staff requests this item be forwarded to the full City Council. 6. AHTD Water/Sewer Relocation Aareement for Highway 16 East(Huntsville Road) is attached. Relocation of existing water and sewer lines is required in preparation for the combined Arkansas Highway Department (AHTD) and City widening of Hwy. 16 (Huntsville Rd.)from Armstrong Ave. to Stone Bridge Rd. The preliminary design has been completed in-house by Engineering staff. The specific project details relating to the scope of work, specifically where upgrades are being considered are still under review. This agreement obligates the AHTD to pay an estimated 33.10% of the total project cost, or an estimated $977,972.54, and the City to pay the remaining 66.90%, estimated at $1,976,627.27, plus an estimated additional amount of $973,551.25 for upgrades (betterment)for a total estimated cost to the City of$2,950,178.52. These costs are maximum amounts; the specific scope of work, and the related costs, will be determined as design is finalized and bids awarded. It is almost certain that some of the improvements will be removed from the project to reduce the overall cost. Staff expects to advertise for bids for the utility relocations prior to January 1, 2012. This project is funded from a combination of water and sewer revenues and water/sewer revenue bonds. The actual appropriations, and the budget adjustment moving the funds from the revenue bond account to the project account, will be requested when the construction contract is awarded. Staff requests this item be forwarded to the full City Council. 7. Biosolids Facility Gas Service Line bids will be opened July 15, 2011, for installation of 450 feet of 4-inch steel pipe underneath the White River. This pipe, plus approximately 6,600' of pipe that will be installed using in-house crews, will connect gas service from the gas meter at the Noland WWTF on Fox Hunter Road to the biosolids site on Wyman Road east of the White River. The pipeline is required to put the thermal dryer in service; the dryer is scheduled for completion September 9, 2011. Once completed, we will be able to dry all biosolids in house, preventing hauling to landfills, and allow for virtually unrestricted and unlimited use of the product. Bids are expected to be from $75,000 to $95,000; we anticipate up to four firms will submit bids. Due to the short time line, Staff requests this item be allowed to go forwarded to the full City Council for the August 2 meeting, assuming bids are in the expected range. 8. Industrial Extra Stenath Surcharge Rates are being evaluated by staff. In early 2011, due to the discovery of minerals issues that may impact the Noland WWTF National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES), City staff met individually with industries that may be impacted by the potential new permit limits. During these discussions, staff was requested to review the industrial surcharge rates relating specifically to biochemical oxygen demand (BOD). Staff evaluated both the in-house costs relating to treating high concentrations of BOD as well as comparing our rates to those of other Northwest Arkansas cities. Details are in the attached memo. 9. Highway 265/Crossover Water/Sewer Relocation Easement Condemnations have been filed and orders of possession acquired. Easements have been acquired from 27 of 29 owners. We are still negotiating. Two new easements were added with the extension north of Joyce; one of these two has been ac uired. Tract Perm Temp perm Temp Property Owner Parcel if Easmnt Easmnt Const Damages Total 00W Easement Easement 10 John David Brown 765-!3295-000 22,883 9,603 $23,700 $ 3,500 $ 400 $27,600 10. Water/Sewer Committee Meeting is Tuesday, August 9, 2011, 5:15 p.m., room 326. Attachments: 4 Elkins Outfall Line Engineering Contract, Garver Engineers 5 Verizon Gulley Road Water Tank Cellular Antenna Agreement amendment 6 AHTD Water/Sewer Relocation Agreement 8 Industrial Extra Stength Surcharge Rates Memorandum W&S CommitteeAgenda Mull l.doc Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 2 of 39 • CITY COUNCIL AGENDA Tayv��etrewle M STING DATF.OF:.Il ILV 19.2011 THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE,ARKANSAS ARKANSAS www.accessfayetteville.org To: Fayetteville City Council Thru: Mayor Lioneld Jordan David Jurgens, Utilities Director Don Marr, Chief of Staff Water/Sewer/Solid Waste Commi ee From: Allison Atha, Utilities Capital Project Date: July 01, 2011 ���JJJ Subject: Approval Of Professional Engineering Services Contract with Garver, LLC for the Elkins Outfall Sewer Line RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of a professional engineering services agreement with Garver Engineers for design of the Elkins Outfall Sewer Line not to exceed $20,000, with a$2,000 contingency. BACKGROUND When the Wastewater Master Facilities Plan was developed and approved by the Arkansas Department of Health(ADH) and Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality(ADEQ)in 2001, several sewer transmission lines identified within the plan were deferred for future construction. The ADEQ and ADH approved the plan on the condition that these deferred projects remain included in the City's Capital Improvements Program, and be constructed when needed either due to growth in southeast Fayetteville or in Elkins. Elkins has increased their system capacity such that it now exceeds the capacity of the existing Fayetteville sewer line which receives their flow. Thus, this gravity line now needs to be upsized. As part of the Plan, Garver Engineers was selected through the professional selection process to perform engineering design on all of the sewer lines in the White River basin, including preliminary design on this sewer line. The design is currently 80% complete. DISCUSSION Under this contract, Garver shall provide design and limited surveying services to assist the City in the replacement of approximately 4,350 feet of existing 10 inch gravity sewer from the outfall of the Elkins sewer force main to the Mally Wagon sewer lift station with an 18 inch gravity sewer. The pipe line being improved carries flow from the end of the Elkins wastewater system and much of southeast Fayetteville. BUDGET IMPACT Funds are available in the project budget. Construction will be funded with a combination of a$485,000 EPA STAG grant, a$150,000 cost share from Elkins, and wastewater impact fees. Garver Contract-Elkins Outfall CCMemo Jun l.doc Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 3 of 39 AGREEMENT For PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES Between CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS And GARVER, LLC THIS AGREEMENT is made as of ,2011, by and between City of Fayetteville, Arkansas,acting by and through its Mayor(hereinafter called CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE)and GARVER, LLC(hereinafter called GARVER, LLC). CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE from time to time requires professional engineering services in connection with the investigation,planning,design,permitting,and construction of the Fayetteville Wastewater Treatment System. Therefore, CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE and GARVER,LLC in consideration of their mutual covenants agree as follows: GARVER, LLC shall serve as CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE's professional engineering consultant in those assignments to which this Agreement applies, and shall give consultation and advice to CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE during the performance of GARVER,LLC's services. All services shall be performed under the direction of a professional engineer registered in the State of Arkansas and qualified in the particular field. SECTION 1- AUTHORIZATION OF SERVICES 1.1 Services on any assignment shall he undertaken only upon written Authorization of CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE and agreement of GARVER,LLC 1.2 Assignments may include services described hereafter as Basic Services or as Additional Services of GARVER,LLC 1.3 Changes,modifications or amendments in scope,price or fees to this contract shall not be allowed without a formal contract amendment approved by the Mayor and the City Council in advance of the change in scope, costs,fees,or delivery schedule. Garver Contract Junl 1 1 7/1/2011 Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 4 of 39 SECTION 2- BASIC SERVICES OF GARVER,LLC 2.1 General 2.1.1 Perform professional services in connection with the Project as hereinafter stated. The Scope of Services to be furnished by GARVER,LLC during the Engineering Study Phase is included in Section 2.2 hereafter and in Appendix A attached hereto and made part of this Agreement. 2.1.2 GARVER,LLC shall coordinate their activities and services with the CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE. GARVER,LLC and CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE agree that GARVER, LLC has full responsibility for the engineering services. 2.2 Engineering Services—Elkins Outfall Line 2.2.1 Perform engineering services for the Elkins Outfall Line as described in the Scope of Services in Appendix A. SECTION 3- RESPONSIBILITIES OF CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE shall, within a reasonable time,so as not to delay the services of GARVER, LLC 3.1 Provide full information as to CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE's requirements for the Project. 3.2 Assist GARVER,LLC by placing at GARVER,LLC's disposal all available information pertinent to the assignment including previous reports and any other data relative thereto. 3.3 Guarantee access to and make all provisions for GARVER,LLC to enter upon public and private property as required for GARVER,LLC to perform his services under this Agreement. 3.4 Examine all studies,reports,sketches,cost opinions,proposals, and other documents presented by GARVER,LLC and render in writing decisions pertaining thereto. 3.5 Provide such professional legal,accounting,financial, and insurance counseling services as may be required for the Project. Garver Contract hnl l 2 7!i@01 I Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 5 of 39 3.6 The Utilities Engineer is the CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE's project representative with respect to the services to be performed under this Agreement. The Utilities Engineer shall have complete authority to transmit instructions,receive information, interpret and define CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE's policies and decisions with respect to materials,equipment, elements and systems to be used in the Project,and other matters pertinent to the services covered by this Agreement. 3.7 CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE and/or its representative will review all documents and provide written comments to GARVER,LLC in a timely manner. SECTION 4- PERIOD OF SERVICE 4.1 This Agreement will become effective upon the first written notice by CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE authorizing services hereunder. 4.2 The provisions of this Agreement have been agreed to in anticipation of the orderly progress of the Project through completion of the services stated in the Agreement. GARVER,LLC will proceed with providing the authorized services immediately upon receipt of written authorization from CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE. Said authorization shall include the scope of the services authorized and the time in which the services are to be completed. The anticipated schedule for this project is included as Appendix A. SECTION 5- PAYMENTS TO GARVER,LLC 5.1 Compensation 5.1.1 Elkins Outfall Line The maximum not-to-exceed amount authorized for this Agreement is $20,000. The CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE shall compensate GARVER,LLC based on a Unit Price or Lump Sum basis as described in Appendix A. Subject to the City Council approval,adjustment of the not-to-exceed amount may be made should GARVER,LLC establish and CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE agree that there has been or is to be a significant change in scope, complexity or character of the services to be performed; or if CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE decides to shorten the duration of work from the time period specified in the Agreement for completion of work and such modification warrants such adjustment. Changes, modifications or amendments in scope, Garver Contract Jun 11 3 VIM[I Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 6 of 39 price or fees to this Contract shall not be allowed without formal contract amendment approved by the Mayor and the City Council in advance of the change in scope,cost, fees,or delivery schedule. Monthly statements for each calendar month shall be submitted to CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE or such parties as CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE may designate for professional services consistent with GARVER,LLC's normal billing schedule. Once established, the billing schedule shall be maintained throughout the duration of the Project. Applications for payment shall be made in accordance with a format to be developed by GARVER,LLC and approved by CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE. Applications for payment shall be accompanied each month by the updated project schedule as the basis for determining the value earned as the work is accomplished. Final payment for professional services shall be made upon CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE's approval and acceptance with the satisfactory completion of the study and report for the Project. 5.2 Statements Statements and progress report for each calendar month will be submitted to CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE. Statements will be based on GARVER,LLC's percent completion of the project. 5.3 Payments All statements are payable upon receipt and due within thirty(30)days. If a portion of GARVER, LLC's statement is disputed by CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, the undisputed portion shall be paid by CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE by the due date.CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE shall advise GARVER,LLC in writing of the basis for any disputed portion of any statement.CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE will make reasonable effort to pay invoices within 30 days of date the invoice is approved,however, payment within 30 days is not guaranteed. 5.4 Final Payment Upon satisfactory completion of the work performed under this Agreement, as a condition before final payment under this Agreement, or as a temtination settlement under this Agreement,GARVER,LLC shall execute and deliver to CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE a release of all claims against CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE arising under or by virtue of this Agreement, except claims which are specifically exempted by GARVER,LLC to be set forth therein. Unless otherwise provided in this Agreement or by Garver Contnwt lun l l 4 7AI301 I Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 7 of 39 State law or otherwise expressly agreed to by the parties to this Agreement,final payment under this Agreement or settlement upon termination of this Agreement shall not constitute a waiver of CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE's claims against GARVER,LLC or his sureties under this Agreement or applicable performance and payment bonds, if any. SECTION 6 - GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS 6.1 Insurance 6.1.1 During the course of performance of these services, GARVER,LLC will maintain (in United States Dollars)the following minimum insurance coverages: Type of Coverage Limits of Liability Workers' Compensation Statutory Employers' Liability $500,000 Each Accident Commercial General Liability Bodily Injury and $1,000,000 Combined Single Limit Property Damage Automobile Liability: Bodily Injury and $1,000,000 Combined Single Limit Property Damage Professional Liability Insurance $1,000,000 Each Claim GARVER, LLC will provide to CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE certificates as evidence of the specified insurance within ten days of the date of this Agreement and upon each renewal of coverage. 6.L2 CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE and GARVER, LLC waive all rights against each other and their officers,directors, agents, or employees for damage covered by property insurance during and after the completion of GARVER,LLC's services. 6.2 Professional Responsibility 6.2.1 GARVER,LLC will exercise reasonable skill,care, and diligence in the performance of GARVER,LLC's services and will carry out its responsibilities in accordance with customarily accepted professional engineering practices. CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE will promptly report to GARVER,LLC any defects or suspected defects in GARVER, LLC's services of which CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE becomes aware, so that GARVER, LLC can Garver Contract Junt 1 5 7/12011 Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 8 of 39 take measures to minimize the consequences of such a defect. CITY OF FAYETTEVI LE retains all remedies to recover for its damages caused by any negligence of GARVER,LLC 6.3 Cost Opinions and Projections Cost opinions and projections prepared by GARVER,LLC relating to construction costs and schedules, operation and maintenance costs,equipment characteristics and performance, and operating results are based on GARVER,LLC's experience, qualifications, and judgment as a design professional. Since GARVER,LLC has no control over weather,cost and availability of labor,material and equipment,labor productivity, construction Contractors' procedures and methods, unavoidable delays,construction Contractors' methods of determining prices,economic conditions,competitive bidding or market conditions,and other factors affecting such cost opinions or projections,GARVER,LLC does not guarantee that actual rates,costs,performance, schedules, and related items will not vary from cost opinions and projections prepared by GARVER,LLC 6.4 Changes CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE shall have the right to make changes within the general scope of GARVER, LLC's services,with an appropriate change in compensation and schedule only after Fayetteville City Council approval of such proposed changes and, upon execution of a mutually acceptable amendment or change order signed by the Mayor of.the CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE and the duly authorized officer of GARVER, LLC 6.5 Termination 6.5.1 This Agreement may be terminated in whole or in part in writing by either party in the event of substantial failure by the other party to fulfill its obligations under this Agreement through no fault of the terminating party,provided that no termination may be effected unless the other party is given: Not less than ten(10) calendar days written notice(delivered by certified mail,return receipt requested) of intent to terminate, An opportunity for consultation with the terminating party prior to termination. Garver Contract Juni l 6 7/1/2011 Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 9 of 39 6.5.2 This Agreement may be terminated in whole or in part in writing by CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE for its convenience,provided that GARVER,LLC is given: Not less than ten(10) calendar days written notice(delivered by certified mail,return receipt requested)of intent to terminate, An opportunity for consultation with the terminating party prior to termination. 6.5.3 If termination for default is effected by CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE,an equitable adjustment in the price provided for in this Agreement shall be made,but No amount shall be allowed for anticipated profit on unperformed services or other work, Any payment due to GARVER,LLC at the time of termination may be adjusted to cover any additional costs to CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE because of GARVER,LLC's default. v 6.5.4 If termination for default is effected by GARVER,LLC,or if termination for convenience is effected by CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, the equitable adjustment shall include a reasonable profit for services or other work performed. The equitable adjustment for any termination shall provide for payment to GARVER,LLC for services rendered and expenses incurred prior to the termination, in addition to termination settlement costs reasonably incurred by GARVER,LLC relating to commitments which had become firm prior to the termination. 6.5.5 Upon receipt of a termination action under Paragraphs 6.5.1 or 6.5.2 above,GARVER,LLC shall: Promptly discontinue all affected work(unless the notice directs otherwise), Deliver or otherwise make available to CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE all data,drawings, specifications, reports,estimates, summaries and such other information and materials as may have been accumulated by GARVER,LLC in performing this Agreement, whether completed or in process. 6.5.6 Upon termination under Paragraphs 6.5.1 or 6.5.2 above CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE may take over the work and may award another party an agreement to complete the work under this Agreement. Garver Contract Juni 1 7 711 t201 Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 10 of 39 6.5.7 If,after termination for failure of GARVER,LLC to fulfill contractual obligations,it is determined that GARVER,LLC had not failed to fulfill contractual obligations,the termination shall be deemed to have been for the convenience of CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE. In such event, adjustments of the agreement price shall be made as provided in Paragraph 6.5.4 of this clause. 6.6 Delays In the event the services of GARVER,LLC are suspended or delayed by CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE or by other events beyond GARVER,LLC's reasonable control,GARVER,LLC shall be entitled to additional compensation and time for reasonable costs incurred by GARVER,LLC in temporarily closing down or delaying the Project. 6.7 Rights and Benefits GARVER,LLC's services will be performed solely for the benefit of CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE and not for the benefit of any other persons or entities. 6.8 Dispute Resolution 6.8.1 Scope of Paragraph: The procedures of this Paragraph shall apply to any and all disputes between CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE and GARVER, LLC which arise from,or in any way are related to, this Agreement, including, but not limited to the interpretation of this Agreement,the enforcement of its terms, any acts,errors,or omissions of CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE or GARVER,LLC in the performance of this Agreement,and disputes concerning payment. 6.8.2 Exhaustion of Remedies Required: No action may be filed unless the parties fust negotiate. If timely Notice is given under Paragraph 6.8.3, but an action is initiated prior to exhaustion of these procedures, such action shall be stayed, upon application by either party to a court of proper jurisdiction,until the procedures in Paragraphs 6.8.3 and 6.8.4 have been complied with. Garver Contract Jun I I 8 7/1/2011 Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 11 of 39 6.8.3 Notice of Dispute For disputes arising prior to the making of final payment promptly after the occurrence of any incident, action,or failure to act upon which a claim is based,the party seeking relief shall serve the other party with a written Notice; For disputes arising within one year after the making of final payment,CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE shall give GARVER,LLC written Notice at the address listed in Paragraph 6.14 within thirty (30)days after occurrence of any incident,accident, or first observance of defect or damage. In both instances, the Notice shall specify the nature and amount of relief sought,the reason relief should be granted,and the appropriate portions of this Agreement that authorize the relief requested. 6.8.4 Negotiation: Within seven days of receipt of the Notice,the Project Managers for CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE and GARVER,LLC shall confer in an effort to resolve the dispute. If the dispute cannot be resolved at that level,then, upon written request of either side,the matter shall be referred to the President of GARVER,LLC and the Mayor of CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE or his designee. These officers shall meet at the Project Site or such other location as is agreed upon within 30 days of the written request to resolve the dispute. 6.9 CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE represents that it has sufficient funds or the means of obtaining funds to remit payment to GARVER,LLC for services rendered by GARVER,LLC 6.10 Publications Recognizing the importance of professional development on the part of GARVER,LLC's employees and the importance of GARVER, LLC's public relations, GARVER,LLC may prepare publications, such as technical papers,articles for periodicals,and press releases,pertaining to GARVER, LLC's services for the Project. Such publications will be provided to CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE in draft form for CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE's advance review. CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE shall review such drafts promptly and provide CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE's comments to GARVER, LLC CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE may require deletion of proprietary data or confidential information from such publications,but otherwise CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE will not unreasonably withhold approval. The cost of GARVER, LLC's activities pertaining to any such publication shall be for GARVER,LLC's account. Garver Contract 1un11 9 7/12011 Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 12 of 39 6.11 Indemnification 6.11.1 CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE agrees that it will require all construction Contractors to indemnify,defend,and hold harmless CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE and GARVER, LLC from and against any and all loss where loss is caused or incurred or alleged to be caused or incurred in whole or in part as a result of the negligence or other actionable fault of the Contractors,or their employees,agents, Subcontractors,and Suppliers. 6.12 Computer Models(Not Applicable) 6.13 Ownership of Documents All documents provided by CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE including original drawings,disks of CADD drawings and cross sections,estimates, specification field notes,and data are and remain the property of CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE. GARVER,LLC may retain reproduced copies of drawings and copies of Other documents. Engineering documents,drawings,and specifications prepared by GARVER, LLC as part of the Services shall become the property of CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE when GARVER,LLC has been compensated for all Services rendered,provided,however,that GARVER,LLC shall have the unrestricted right to their use. GARVER,LLC shall,however,retain its rights in its standard drawings details, specifications, databases,computer software,and other proprietary property. Rights to intellectual property developed, utilized,or modified in the performance of the Services shall remain the property of GARVER,LLC Any files delivered in electronic medium may not work on systems and software different than those with which they were originally produced. GARVER,LLC makes no warranty as to the compatibility of these files with any other system or software. Because of the potential degradation of electronic medium over time, in the event of a conflict between the sealed original drawings/hard copies and the electronic files, the sealed drawings/hard copies will govern. Garver Contract Jun 1 10 7/1/2011 Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 13 of 39 6.14 Notices Any Notice required under this Agreement will be in writing,addressed to the appropriate party at the following addresses: CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE's address: 113 West Mountain Street Fayetteville,Arkansas 72701 GARVER,LLC's address: 2049 E.Joyce Blvd, Suite 400 Fayetteville,Arkansas 72703 6.15 Successor and Assigns CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE and GARVER,LLC each binds himself and his successors,executors, administrators, and assigns to the other party of this Agreement and to the successors,executors, administrators,and assigns of such other party, in respect to all covenants of this Agreement;except as above,neither CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE nor GARVER,LLC shall assign, sublet,or transfer his interest in the Agreement without the written consent of the other. 6.16 Controlling Law This Agreement shall be subject to,interpreted and enforced according to the taws of the State of Arkansas without regard to any conflicts of law provisions. 6.17 Entire Agreement This Agreement represents the entire Agreement between GARVER,LLC and CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE relative to the Scope of Services herein. Since terms contained in purchase orders do not generally apply to professional services, in the event CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE issues to GARVER, LLC a purchase order,no preprinted terms thereon shall become a part of this Agreement. Said purchase order document,whether or not signed by GARVER,LLC,shall be considered as a document for CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE's internal management of its operations. Garver Contract!un I1 11 7/12011 Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 14 of 39 SECTION 7- SPECIAL CONDITIONS 7.1 Additional Responsibilities of GARVER,LLC 7.1.1 CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE's review, approval,or acceptance of design drawings, specifications,reports and other services furnished hereunder shall not in any way relieve GARVER, LLC of responsibility for the technical adequacy of the work. Neither CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE's review,approval or acceptance of,nor payment for any of the services shall be construed as a waiver of any rights under this Agreement or of any cause of action arising out of the performance of this Agreement. 7.1,2 GARVER,LLC shall be and shall remain liable,in accordance with applicable law,for all damages to CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE caused by GARVER, LLC's negligent performance of any of the services furnished under this Agreement except for errors,omissions or other deficiencies to the extent attributable to CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE or CITY OF FAYETTEVI LLE-fumishcd data. In recognition of the relative risks and benefits of the project to both the CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE and Garver, LLC, the risks have been allocated such that the CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE agrees,to the fullest extent permitted by law, to limit the liability of the GARVER, LLC and his or her subconsultants to the CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE and to all construction contractors and subcontractors on the project for any and all claims,losses,costs,damages of any nature whatsoever or claims for expenses from any cause or causes, so that the total aggregate liability of Garver, LLC and his or her subconsultants to all those named shall not exceed amount of collectable from insurance proceeds. Such claims and causes include, but are not limited to negligence, professional errors or omissions, strict liability, breach of contractor warranty, and indemnity obligations. Engineer shall not be liable to Owner for any special, indirect, or consequential damages,such as, but not limited to,loss of revenue or loss of anticipated profits. 7.L3 GARVER, LLC's obligations under this clause are in addition to GARVER, LLC's other express or implied assurances under this Agreement or State law and in no way diminish any other rights that CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE may have against GARVER,LLC for faulty materials,equipment, or work. Garver Contract Jun I 1 12 7/!/2011 Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 15 of 39 7.2 Remedies Except as may be otherwise provided in this Agreement,all claims,counter-claims,disputes and other matters in question between CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE and GARVER,LLC arising out of or relating to this Agreement or the breach thereof will be decided in a court of competent jurisdiction within Arkansas. 7.3 Audit: Access to Records 7.3.1 GARVER,LLC shall maintain books, records,documents and other evidence directly pertinent to performance on work under this Agreement in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and practices consistently applied in effect on the date of execution of this Agreement. GARVER,LLC shall also maintain the financial information and data used by GARVER,LLC in the preparation of support of the cost submission required for any negotiated agreement or change order and send to CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE a copy of the cost summary submitted. CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, the State or any of their authorized representatives shall have access to all such books,records, documents and other evidence for the purpose of inspection,audit and copying during normal business hours. GARVER,LLC will provide proper facilities for such access and inspection. 7.3.2 Records under Paragraph 7.3.1 above, shall be maintained and made available during performance on assisted work under this Agreement and until three years from the date of final payment for the project. In addition,those records which relate to any controversy arising out of such performance,or to costs or items to which an audit exception has been taken, shall be maintained and made available until three years after the date of resolution of such appeal,litigation,claim or exception. 7.3.3 This right of access clause(with respect to financial records) applies to: Negotiated prime agreements: Negotiated change orders or agreement amendments in excess of$10,000 affecting the price of any formally advertised,competitively awarded,fixed price agreement: Agreements or purchase orders under any agreement other than a formally advertised, competitively awarded,fixed price agreement. However,this right of access does not apply to a prime agreement, lower tier subagreement or purchase order awarded after effective price competition,except: Garver Contract Junt 1 13 7/1/2011 Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 16 of 39 With respect to record pertaining directly to subagreement performance,excluding any financial records of GARVER,LLC; If there is any indication that fraud, gross abuse or corrupt practices may be involved; If the subagreement is terminated for default or for convenience. 7.4 Covenant Against Contingent Fees GARVER,LLC warrants that no person or selling agency has been employed or retained to solicit or secure this Agreement upon an agreement of understanding for a commission,percentage, brokerage or continent fee,excepting bona fide employees or bona Fide established commercial or selling agencies maintained by GARVER, LLC for the purpose of securing business. For breach or violation of this warranty,CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE shall have the right to annul this Agreement without liability or at its discretion,to deduct from the contract price or consideration,or otherwise recover,the full amount of such commission, percentage, brokerage,or contingent fee. 7.5 Gratuities 7.5.1 If CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE finds after a notice and hearing that GARVER,LLC or any of GARVER, LLC's agents or representatives,offered or gave gratuities (in the form of entertainment,gifts or otherwise)to any official,employee or agent of CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, in an attempt to secure an agreement or favorable treatment in awarding, amending or making any determinations related to the performance of this Agreement,CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE may, by written notice to GARVER,LLC terminate this Agreement. CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE may also pursue other rights and remedies that the law or this Agreement provides. However,the existence of the facts on which CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE bases such finding shall be in issue and may be reviewed in proceedings under the Remedies clause of this Agreement. 7.5.2 In the event this Agreement is terminated as provided in Paragraph 7.5.1,CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE may pursue the same remedies against GARVER,LLC as it could pursue in the event of a breach of the Agreement by GARVER,LLC As a penalty, in addition to any other damages to which it may be entitled by law,CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE may pursue exemplary damages in an amount(as determined by CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE)which shall be not less than three nor more than ten times the costs GARVER,LLC incurs in providing any such gratuities to any such officer or employee. Garver Contract Jun 11 14 7112011 Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 17 of 39 7.6 Arkansas Freedom of Information Act City contracts and documents,including internal documents and documents of subcontractors and sub- consultants,prepared while performing City contractual work are subject to the Arkansas Freedom of Information Act(FOIA). If a Freedom of Information Act request is presented to the CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE,GARVER,LLC will do everything possible to provide the documents in a prompt and timely manner as prescribed in the Arkansas Freedom of Information Act(A.C.A. §25-19-101 et seq.). Only legally authorized photocopying costs pursuant to the FOIA may be assessed for this compliance. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE,ARKANSAS by and through its Mayor,and GARVER,LLC, by its authorized officer have made and executed this Agreement as of the day and year first above written. CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS By: Mayor,Lioneld Jordan ATTEST: By: City Clerk GARVER LLC Bw / Title: Brock Hoskins, Vice President Changes,modifications or amendments in scope,price or fees to this Contract shall not be allowed without formal contract amendment approved by the Mayor and the City Council in advance of the change in scope,cost, fees,or delivery schedule. END OF AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES Garver Contract Jun 11 15 7/1/1011 Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 18 of 39 EXHIBIT A ELKINS OUTFALL LINE SCOPE OF SERVICES 1.0 ENGINEER'S SERVICES GARVER, LLC shall provide design and limited surveying services to assist the City of Fayetteville in the replacement of approximately 4,350 feet of existing 10 inch gravity sewer from the outfall of the Elkins sewer force main to the Mally Wagnon sewer lift station with an 18 inch gravity sewer. The design will maintain the existing alignment and consist of replacement of all manholes and pipe at the same location except to connect to the sewer lift station and to correct adverse and abrupt angles. The design will include pipe bursting the upper half of the project which is parallel to Highway 16. The City of Fayetteville assumes responsibility for soil displacement and any damage to adjacent utilities and structures. The design will include replacing existing 4' ID manholes with with 4' ID manholes. More specifically, GARVER, LLC proposes to accomplish the following: 1.1 Verification of the pipe size to accommodate future flows. 1.2 Generate all construction drawings which include a cover sheet, plan and profiles at a 50 scale, erosion control drawings and details, and construction details. a. Construction drawings will be based upon a basemap drawing provided by the City of Fayetteville and manhole rim and invert information previously obtained by GARVER, LLC under a previous agreement. 1.3 Establish an existing ground profile for the connection to the lift station (approximately 150 linear feet). 1.4 Survey elevations of spot dug utilities. 1.5 Perform a plan-in-hand review of the construction drawings with the City of Fayetteville and make any required minor changes before bidding. 1.6 Produce an opinion of probable construction cost. 1.7 Prepare Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan 1.8 Wetlands Identification Garver Contract Jun l-ExhibitA-CRB A-1 7/12011 Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 19 of 39 2.0 CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE The City of Fayetteville's responsibilities shall include providing the following: 2.1 Right of entry to the property. 2.2 Adjacent property owner notifications. 2.3 Previous available surveys, reports, etc. 2.4 Paying all plan review and advertising costs. 2.5 Furnishing all permits and providing permit review fees. 2.6 Provide basemap drawing based upon city planimetrics showing contours, structures,right-of-way, property lines, easements, and all utilities including private sewer service connections. a. Utility locations provided by the City of Fayetteville will be derived from GIS. 2.7 Spot digging and determination of utilities at critical locations. 2.8 Coordination and fees associated with AHTD, ADH, AQEQ,USACE, ARKUPS, Utility Owners,Property Owners, U.S. Fish and Wildlife, and State Historic Preservation Office. Garver will answer questions and advise the City of Fayetteville on environmental coordination performed by the City of Fayetteville. 3.0 EXCLUSIONS For clarification,our proposed scope of services does not include the following: 3.1 Utility relocation design other than sewer. 3.2 Sewer utility re-alignments. 3.3 Mitigation design or other work related to environmentally or historically (culturally) significant items. 3.4 Changes to major design elements after previous direction or approval or redesign to accommodate City of Fayetteville's budget after receipt of construction bids that exceed the Engineer's cost opinions. 3.5 Design Surveys beyond item 1.3 above 3.6 Record Research Garver Cont=Uunl l-BxhibitA-CRB A-2 711/1011 Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 20 of 39 3.7 Geotechnical Services 3.8 Property Surveys 3.9 Property Acquisition Documents 3.10 Front End Construction Contract Documents and Specifications 3.11 Bidding Services 3.12 Construction Support Services 3.13 Construction Materials Testing 3.14 Services after construction 3.15 Determination of cost sharing between the City of Fayetteville and the City of Elkins. 4.0 SCHEDULE The time periods for the performance of GARVER, LLC's Services as set forth in Section 4 of said Agreement are as follows: 45 calendar days from NTP 5.0 COMPENSATION The method of payment for Services rendered by GARVER, LLC shall be as follows. GARVER, LLC shall invoice the CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE on a lump sum basis based upon the percent complete of the project. The total lump sum amount for all scope items in this project shall be$20,000. Garver Contract Jun I l-ExhibltA-CRB A-3 7YI12011 Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 21 of 39 � THE CITY COUNCIL AGENDA aye evlle MEETING DATE OF:JULY 19,2011 CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE,ARKANSAS ARKpry5A5 To: Fayetteville City Council Thru: Mayor Lioneld Jordan David Jurgen,Utilities Director Don Marr, Chief of Staff Water/Sewer/Solid Waste Colin ee From: Allison Atha,Utilities Capital Project Date: July 01, 2011 Subject: Approval of the Third Amendment to the agreement with Verizon/Fayetteville MSA Limited Partnership to add and replace existing equipment on the Gulley Road water tower RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the Third Amendment to the Agreement with Verizon/Fayetteville MSA Limited Partnership to allow the addition of a generator, three cellular antennas, and replace six cellular antennas on the Gulley Road water tower. BACKGROUND The original 5-year lease agreement between the City of Fayetteville and Verizon/Alltel was approved 21 September 1999. In December 2009,the City and Verizon agreed to the current lease contract for another 5 years.The rent(revenue to the City)increases by twenty percent(4%per year) at the beginning of each five year renewal term. The 2009 contract has been amended twice, updating rental rates and specific renter details, including the requirement for annual structural inspections. The current monthly rent is $1,685.70 ($20,228.40 annually). DISCUSSION With this amendment, Verizon is contractually allowed to install a generator, change out six existing antiquated antennas, and add three new antennas. The tower antenna mountings were structurally designed to carry the load of these type antennas. Verizon's installation design has been reviewed and is able to handle the loads created by the antennas. Therefore,it is in the City's best interest to allow this antenna to be installed upon the water tower. The rates agreed to in the most recent contract amendment are appropriate for the service provided. BUDGETIMPACT None. Gulley Verizon Amend3 CC Memo lull I modified.doc Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 22 of 39 Owner Site Name/Location:Gulley Road Water Tank Tenant Site Name:Mall West Beta Offload 3265 Gulley Road. Fayetteville,AR 72703 Tenant Location Code: 203600 THIRD AMENDMENT TO WATER TOWER ATTACHMENT COMMUNICATION SITE AGREEMENT This Third Amendment to Water Tower Attachment Communication Site Agreement ("Amendment") is made and entered into this _ day of ,20. by and between City of Fayetteville("Owner")and Fayetteville MSA Limited Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless("Tenant"). WHEREAS, Owner and Tenant previously entered into a Water Tower Attachment Communication Site Agreement dated the 20th day of October, 1999 whereby Owner agreed to lease to Tenant space on Owner's water tower and a certain parcel of land for the installation of a structure to house Tenant's equipment on a site owned by Owner;and WHEREAS, Owner and Tenant previously entered into a First Amendment to Water Tower Attachment Communications Site Agreement dated January 19,2010 and Second Amendment to Water Tower Attachment Communications Site Agreement dated November 16, 2010 (collectively with the Water Tower Attachment Communication Site Agreement,the"Agreement");and WHEREAS, Owner and Tenant desire to amend and modify the Agreement as provided for in this Amendment. NOW THEREFORE,for good and valuable consideration the sufficiency of which is acknowledged by both parties Owner and Tenant do hereby agree as follows: 1. Exhibit B. Exhibit B is hereby replaced and superseded with Exhibit B-1 attached hereto and incorporated herein. In the event of any discrepancy between Exhibit B and Exhibit B-1, Exhibit B-1 shall prevail. 2. Exhibit C-1. Exhibit C-1 is hereby replaced and superseded with Exhibit C-2 attached hereto and incorporated herein. In the event of any discrepancy between Exhibit C-1 and Exhibit C-2, Exhibit C-2 shall prevail. 3. All remaining provisions of the Agreement shall remain in full force and effect as to all other terms and conditions,and shall remain binding on the parties hereto. 4. The Agreement and Amendment contain all agreements, promises or understandings between Owner and Tenant and no verbal or oral agreements, promises or understandings shall be binding upon either the Owner or Tenant in any dispute,controversy or proceeding at law,and any addition,variation or modification to the Agreement and Amendment shall be void and ineffective unless made in writing and signed by the parties. In the event any provision of the Agreement and Amendment is found to be invalid or unenforceable, such a finding shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the remaining provislons of the Agreement and Amendment. 1 Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 23 of 39 Owner Site Name/Location:Gulley Road Water Tank Tenant Site Name:Mall West Beta Offload 3265 Gulley Road.Fayetteville,AR 72703 Tenant Location Code:203600 IN WITNESS WHEREOF,Owner and Tenant have executed this Agreement as of the date first written above. OWNER: CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE 8y: Lioneld Jordan Mayor Date: TENANT: FAYETTEVILLE MSA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP D/B/A VERIZON WIRELESS By:Alltel Com u c t' ns,LLC Its:Ge7� r e By: Hans F. Leutenegger Area Vice rresident Network Date: 2 Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 24 of 39 Owner Site Name/Location:Gulley Road Water Tank Tenant Site Name: Mail West Beta Offload 3265 Gulley Road. Fayetteville,AR 72703 Tenant Location Code:203600 EXHIBIT 0-1 SITE PLAN [SEE ATTACHED] 3 Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 25 of 39 EXHIBIT B-I 'ITNANT 2716"x 1115''SFI ELI'M t90=!'rest. CWM1'ttlM!rhYC — ' m 1'r IP RETE GENERATOR PAD I TLMANT r • • ru ped UNDERGROUND ,yV"' CONDUIT TROM GEN. TO ATS, 3 I 3} I 1 yr}I r.•d ON nq, li \ !e+vnwr nu UMIof FOR asci •TENANT m rmix GEN.12x72. JUNCTION BOx, `�• \, REMOVE GEN. .. CWr cr CwcrrM i_-. \ PW041NSTALL (Arse or wera rmtl�• �� � Pc•!n¢,r. of Gcaaral � �'� rh+fv .nnr Apll1 • f..iLnp Cmerw •ere, rmr • -- i� ,: rersr z�Tr rto I I d MALL WEST BETA OFF LOAD —AR. ® LEASE EXHIBIT SCAM NTS 25WRrMi Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 26 of 39 Owner Site Name/Location:Gulley Road Water Tank Tenant Site Name:Mall West Beta Offload 3265 Gulley Road.Fayetteville,AR 72703 Tenant Location Code:203600 EXHIBIT C-2 EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION ANTENNA INFORMATION ANTENNAS: Three(3)Antel BXA-80063-4CF5 antennas @ 123'A.G.L. rad center Three(3)Antel BXA-70063-4CF antennas @ 123'A,G.L. rad center Orientation: 20°/140°/260° Diameter of transmission line: Not to exceed 7/8" GROUND EQUIPMENT INFORMATION Size of Equipment Shelter: 27'6"x 11'S" Size of Generator Pad:4'x 10'for placement of generator 4 Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 27 of 39 Owner Site Name/Location: Gulley Road Water Tank Tenant Site Name:Mall West Beta Offload 3265 Gulley Road. Fayetteville, AR 72703 Tenant Location Code:203600 PREPARED BY AND AFTER RECORDING RETURN TO: PENNINGTON LAW FIRM, L.L.C. POST OFFICE BOX 2844 COLUMBIA, SOUTH CAROLINA 29202 STATE OF ARKANSAS } 1 COUNTY OF WASHINGTON I MEMORANDUM OF THIRD AMENDMENT TO WATER TOWER ATTACHMENT COMMUNICATION SITE AGREEMENT This Memorandum of Third Amendment to Water Tower Attachment Communication Site Agreement ("Memorandum") is made this day of 20 , between CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE (hereinafter "(5WNER") and FAYETTEVILLE MSA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP d/b/a Verizon Wireless (hereinafter "TENANT"). WHEREAS, OWNER and TENANT (and/or their respective predecessors in interest) previously entered into a prior agreement dated October 20, 1999 (the "Agreement"), as may have been previously amended and; WHEREAS, this Memorandum is not intended to supersede, replace, or release TENANT's rights under any prior recorded Memorandum; 1 . OWNER and TENANT entered into a Third Amendment to Water Tower Attachment Communication Site Agreement (the "Amendment") dated 20 , which amends that certain Water Tower Attachment I Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 28 of 39 Communication Site Agreement dated October 20, 1999 (the "Agreement'), between OWNER and TENANT and/or their respective predecessors-in-interest, whereby OWNER leases space to TENANT at a certain parcel located in Washington County, Arkansas as described in the Agreement. 2. Pursuant to the terms of the Amendment, the property leased by TENANT from OWNER has been modified as shown on Exhibit 1 attached hereto and made a part hereof. 3. The terms, covenants and provisions of the Agreement and this Amendment shall extend to and be binding upon the respective administrators, successors and assigns of OWNER and TENANT. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, hereunto OWNER and TENANT have caused this Memorandum to be duly executed on the day and year first written above. OWNER: CITY OF FAYETTVILLE By: (Seal) Witness Name: Lioneld Jordan Title: Mayor Date: TENANT: FAYETTEVILLE MSA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP D/B/A VERIZON WIRELESS By: Alltel o nications, LLC Its: Goner I er By: (Seal) Witness Name: ans F. Leutenegger Title: Area Vice resident Network Date: 11 �r- 2 Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 29 of 39 STATE OF OWNER ACKNOWLEDGEMENT COUNTY OF I, , a Notary Public for the aforesaid State and County, do hereby certify that Lioneld Jordan, to me personally known,, who, being by me duly sworn, did say that he is the Mayor, of CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, and that he, as Mayor, being authorized to do so, executed the foregoing Instrument on behalf of CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE. WITNESS my hand and official Notarial Seal, this _ day of , 20_. Notary Public My Commission Expires: 3 Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 30 of 39