HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-06-14 - Agendas WATER/SEWER COMMITTEE AGENDA ayettK-1614 MEETING DATE OF LUNE 14, 2011 THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE,ARKANSAS Committee: Chairperson Sarah Lewis; Aldermen: Adella Gray, Mark Kinion, Justin Tennant Copy to: Mayor Lioneld Jordan; Sondra Smith, on Marr, Paul Becker, Lindsley Smith, Jeremy Pate, Chris Brown, Lynn Hyke, Shannon Jones, P Bell, Will Winn, CH2M Hill, Allison Atha From: David Jurgens, P. E., Utilities Director A Fayetteville Water, Sewer and Solid Waste Com i ee eeting will be June 14, 2011, 5:15 PM, following the City Council Agenda Session, in room 326, Fayett Ile City Hall. Proposed topics include: 1. Ca ital Prolect U date. Contract Description Contractor Cost % Complete WL-10a Farmington Gravity Sewer Line Gamey Const $ 1,750,122 100% EL-3&5 Razorback-Ha Hollow 36/42" Swr Line S J Louis Const $ 5,387,098 100.0% CIPP 2010 Rehab-Cured in Place Pipe City Wide Insituform $ 330,000 100% Mt Se uo ah Area Wtr/Swr Upgrades LaRue Contr $ 852,976 100% 36"W/L 36"Water Line on Township Seven Valles $ 1,783,720 100% 265 W/S Relocation &36"Wtr Line, Hwy 265 Gamey Const $ 4,989,135 Const Begun WL-13 Broyles Avenue Gravity Sewer Lines Goodwin&Goodwin $ 845,359 100.0% WL-14 I Broyles Avenue Sewer Force Mains Redford Const $ 899,626 100.0% WL-15 Broyles Avenue Sewer Pump Station Seven Valle $ 591,768 100% 13I0-1 Biosolids Solar Drying Dean Crowder $ 4,971,886 97.0% 13I0-2 Biosolids Thermal Drying Crossland Heavy $ 2,770,280 51.8% Canterbury 500,000 Gallon Water Tower C B & 1 Inc. $ 1,590,091 95.0% Canterbury Water Lines& Pump Station Sweetser Const $ 1,057,331 Const Begun Project is substantially complete, meaning the work can be used to execute its mission. 2. White River Use Attainability Analysis process is well underway. The revised Use Attainability Analysis plan, incorporating comments, suggestions and requirements from both ADEQ and EPA, was submitted to both agencies. Both ADEQ and EPA were very prompt in providing suggestions and input. The White River study will be completed in summer, 2012. 3. Solid Waste Franchise Program Internal Auditors Report is attached. This report demonstrates weaknesses within our current franchise system. The report lists the following alternatives: 1. Continue the current program; the standard agreement could be rewritten to require lists of customers, addresses, services provided, and rates with every payment of fees under the agreement. The information would be subject to the Arkansas Freedom of Information Act. A staff member independent of the Solid Waste division could be assigned to review the information monthly. Periodically, the staff member could verify the customer name and address information provided with the fee payment to containers observed in the City. This would improve, not ensure, accuracy of fee payments. It may also cause significant issues with the haulers, who generally do not want some of this information available to the public and potential competition. 2. The City could allow the franchise agreements to lapse and the Solid Waste division could become the sole provider of these services within the Fayetteville City limits. This would eliminate the concern of fee payment accuracy. This would also ensure that equipment is maintained and registered, drivers are appropriately licensed, and risks are minimized through adequate insurance. 3. The City could allow one franchised hauler to operate within the City, this hauler being the sole authorized hauler, other than the City, for solid waste functions including those specified in the agreement plus special, medical and hazardous wastes. This hauler would have to be selected through a competitive request for proposal whereby all haulers are allowed to compete to provide franchise agreement services. Services would be limited to those specified within the current franchise agreements, plus those services the City does not currently provide (specifically special, medical, and hazardous wastes). It may also restrict recycling hauling to customers to which the franchisee is providing solid waste services. The Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 1 of 17 W&S CommitteeAgenda 147un1 la.doc WATER/SEWER COMMITTEE AGENDA MEETING DATE OF JUNE 14, 2011 selected hauler would have to provide documentation of fees that should be paid in a manner to improve the accuracy of fee payments. Having one hauler would simplify the tracking process for all information including payments, but would not ensure accuracy of fee payments. 4. ARWARN Mutual Aid Agreement for water and wastewater functions is attached. This updates an existing utility mutual aid agreement through the Arkansas Rural Water Association executed by resolution 60-00 in May 2000. The USEPA has developed an initiative whereby there is a national framework and standard agreement for these services, following the format of similar agreements for other emergency services and situations. It follows a National Incident Management System (NIMS) model. This agreement updates the provisions contained within the 2000 ARWA agreement, and identifies operational, logistical, chain of command, cost tracking, and legal support requirements for the supported and supporting utilities. While developed for intra-state support, it allows for interstate support when invoked through the states' Department of Emergency Management (DEM). Thus, any request for aid that Joplin may have made would have passed through the Missouri DEM to Arkansas DEM. This provides full legal protection and operational understanding for all parties. Utilities have a long history of providing mutual aid when needed. They often have equipment, parts, or expertise another utility lacks in an emergency, and can provide quick assistance when customer service, public health, or environmental security are threatened. These services have always been provided on a direct cost reimbursement basis. Fayetteville has provided emergency aid to several area utilities including Springdale, Washington Water Authority, Elkins, West Fork, and others, and has received similar emergency support from Fort Smith, Springdale, Beaver Water District and others. Customer service and environmental protection have benefited in every case, and efforts were reimbursed on an at-cost basis. For small, local support, these decisions have been made at an operational level by the Water/Sewer Maintenance Manager or the Utilities Director. Large or out-of state requests would require Mayor or Chief of Staff approval. Staff requests this item be forwarded to the full City Council. 5. Hlahway 265/Crossover Water/Sewer Relocation Easement Condemnations have been filed and orders of possession acquired. Easements have been acquired from 26 of 29 owners. We are still negotiating. Two new easements were added with the extension north of Joyce; one of these two has been ac uired. Perm Temp Temp TrPerm acProperty Owner Parcel# Easmnt Easmnt Easement Const Damages Total ft' k' Easement 8 Muiphy R.&Betty N.Taylor 765-13305-000 6,980 3.365 $22,000 $ 1,500 0 $23,500 10 John David Brown 765-13295-000 22,883 9,603 $23,700 $ 3,500 $ 400 $27,600 Totals 29,863 12,968 $45,700 S 5,000 $ 400 $51,100 6. Solid Waste and Recvclina Lona Ranae Plan, under development by Long Range Planning and Solid Waste staff, is a new internal project evaluating all aspects of the Solid Waste program including ordinance updates, capital requirements, recycling expansion, and more. The proposed table of contents is attached. 7. April-May Flood Impacts on Utility Business under Solid Waste ➢ 110 carts or recycle bins lost, $3,914.78 ➢ 43 customers with 7.86 tons provided curb-side (bulk pick up) ➢ 24 customers with 5.97 tons of waste delivery to the Solid Waste facility ➢ 31 customers with 7.51 tons of waste used our special Saturday drop-off Wastewater Treatment ➢ At peak time, the wastewater treatment plants received a combined of nearly 80 million gallons of water. Both plants maintained compliance with all our permitted parameters- all water discharged met all permit requirements. The flow volume did force us to seek ADEQ approval to partially bypass the West Side WWTP filters for a brief period on April 25. ➢ Total cost for operations and damage repair approximately$426,000 ➢ The most significant damages were done to the access roads and the stream bank area near the White River discharge outfall. The Noland discharge outfall and the outfall stream bank were completely Water,Sewer and Solidase committee Agenda Page 2 ot 17 W&S CommitteeAgenda 10=1 la.doc WATER/SEWER COMMITTEE AGENDA MEETING DATE OF JUNE 14, 2011 submerged during the flood and sustained severe damage. The estimated cost for repairing the outfall and it's stream bank is $350K. ➢ The White River restoration stream bank lost another 2 ft, which will cause the repair cost to increase by approximately 10%. ➢ CH2M Hill staff incurred 146 hours of overtime and callout, plus roughly 100 hours of extra hours worked by the salaried/supervisory staff ➢ Other minor damages at the Hamestring Lift Station, several pump stations, and the Biosolids Management Site. ➢ The West Side WWTP did not sustain any significant damage. ➢ The lightning at the Hamestring lift station took out the communication system and other electronic devices. There were several days that our staff had to operate and control flow at Hamestring and Gregg Avenue lift stations manually. ➢ We reported overflows at three lift stations for April: Hamestring, Gregg Ave., and Owl Creek lift stations. Water/Sewer Operations ➢ 12 water breaks due to rain damage ➢ 60 water/sewer creek crossings confirmed damage ➢ 14 sanitary sewer overflows due to April storms $39,149 in-house labor and vehicle costs during the events and for emergency repairs (excludes follow- up field investigation and costs of most permanent repairs) 8. Annual Bulky Waste Cleanups pring results are shown below. Ward Date Electronics" Tons Trash Tons Metal Tons Total Tons 4 3/26/2011 0 42.78 7.37 50.15 1 4/9/2011 0 41.20 5.11 46.31 3 412/2011 0 25.18 5.27 30.45 2 5/14/2011 0 39.76 5.82 45.58 Flood Clean up 5/7/2011 0 5.52 1.17 6.69 2011 Spring Total 0 148.92 24.74 173.66 2010 SDrina Total 0 166.40 35.40 201.80 2009 Spring Total 7.76 83.57 28.00 119.33 2008 Spring Total 8.32 120.33 25.95 154.60 2007 Spring Total 8.26 156.41 59.62 216.03 2006 S rin Total 10.18 156.75 64.51 231.44 2005 S rin Total 0 191.27 54.15 246.19 Electronics were not accepted after December 31, 2009 nor before 2006. 9. BWD FY 2012 Rate Increase. BWD has stated its intent to increase their wholesale water rate from $1.22/1,000 gallons to $1.24/1,000 gallons, effective October 1, 2011. This is part of their long range financial plan, which is structured to cover existing expenses as well as increased operational and capital costs due to the requirement to meet the new disinfection by-produce rule that goes into effect in 2012. This increase is covered within our rate structure, as we have built in a 3% annual increase effective January 1 of each year. 10. Utilities Related City Council Tours have tentatively been scheduled: May 16 Noland Wastewater Treatment Plant and Biosolids Management Site June 6 Westside Wastewater Treatment Plant and Woolsey Prairie July 18 Solid Waste and Recycling August 15 Water/Sewer Facility, Tanks, and Pump Stations 11. Water/Sewer Committee Meeting is Tuesday, July 12, 2011, 5:15 p.m., room 326. Attachments: 3 Solid Waste Franchise Program Internal Auditors Report 4 ARWARN Mutual Aid Agreement 6 Solid Waste and Recycling Long Range Plan Table of Contents Water,Sewer and Solidase committee Agenda Page 3 ot 17 W&S CommitteeAgenda 14Jml la.doc aye reLivill e THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE,ARKANSAS S To: Tony Uth,Jr.,Audit Committee Chairman Judy M.Jacobs,Audit Committee Adam K.Motherwell,Audit Committee Adella Gray,City Council and Audit Committee Brenda Thiel,City Council Mark Kinion,City Council Matthew Petty, City Council Justin Tennant,City Council Bobby Ferrell,City Council Rhonda Adams,City Council Sarah Lewis,City Council Paul A.Becker,Finance and Internal Services Director Marsha Hertweck,Accounting Director David Jurgens,Utilities Department Director Terry Gulley,Transportation Services Director Carrol Hill, Solid Waste and Recycling Manager Lindsley Smith,Communications,Marketing, and Volunteer Services Director Kit Williams, City Attorney Sondra Smith,City Clerk David Coleman,BKD, LLP Through: Mayor Lioneld Jordan Don Marr,Chief of Staff From: Vicki D.Deaton,Internal Auditor Tom Hubbard,Capital Projects and Contracts Engineer,assisted with this audit. Date: 5/17/2011 Subject: Solid Waste Hauler Vendor Audit Audit Scope: Title V,Public Works,Chapter 50.29 Private Collectors; Contract With City Required, of the City Code of Ordinances states: No person, except a duly authorized agent or employee of the city, shall empty garbage or trash receptacles, or convey or transport garbage or trash on the streets or public thoroughfares of the city, without a written contract with the city. The first Agreement to Haul and Dispose of Solid Waste in the City of Fayetteville was executed with an outside vendor in 2004 for a term of 3 years. There is a standard agreement used for all of these type haulers. The agreement allows the hauler to collect and haul solid waste in roll off style open top or roll off style compactor containers of at least 20 cubic yards or greater within the City of Fayetteville for a fee of 10%of the gross revenues of the services. There are currently 5 active haulers in the City. Two of the agreements have expired,but both the City and the haulers have agreed to continue operating under the original terms while the City evaluates the continuation of these agreements. Hauler Agreement Date Ex irationDate Allied Waste Services 11/6/2008 10/1/2011 Fulton Waste and Sustainability Services 11/6/2008 10/2/2011 Hogeye Manufacturin Co. 12/16/2008 11/17/2011 Rol]Off Service 9/4/2007 9/4/2010 Waste Management of Arkansas 4/3/2007 4/3/2010 Telecommunications Device for the Deaf TDD(479)521-1316 113 West Mountain-Fayetteville,AR 72701 Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 4 of 17 The agreements contain a right to audit clause which says: The City shall have the right to conduct an audit ofHauler's customer files and records for all customers located within the City,provided that such audit privilege shall be limited to once per calendar quarter. If such audit reveals the hauler should have paid at least 5%more than reported, the cost of the audit shall he paid by the Hauler to the City. During such audit, the City may review certain trade secret information, including rates,frequency of service, customer lists, and other customer information provided that such trade secret information may not be copied or removed by the City. Nor shall such information de divulged to any third party by the City, its employees, officers, or elected officials without the express written consent of the Hauler. The objective of this audit was to determine each vendor's compliance with the terms of the agreement. Agreement Requirement 41 According to the standard hauler agreement, in consideration of the right to provide the services described under this Agreement, Hauler agrees and understands that it shall be required to pay a monthly fee often (10%)percent(the "Fee') ofthe gross revenue received for all services provided under this Agreement. Fees are self-reported based on revenues generated from services provided to customers,and it is difficult to prove accuracy of hauler fee payment to the City. The City does not have information on the placement of these containers within the City, or the services provided for each customer account,so must rely on each hauler to accurately report and pay the fees. This audit was performed by driving through town, observing and listing containers that were seen,then verifying the list to the vendor's payment backup for the audited months. The vendors were questioned about discrepancies between observed containers and payments to the City,but again,the City had no information about the services provided to a customer except by relying on the information the vendor gave during the audit. This method did not ensure that all containers were observed and accounted for,but it did identify underpayments for 3 of the vendors during the audited months of April and May 2010. It can be.presumed that more underpayments exist due to unreported containers and/or unreported services. Hauler Underpaid Fees Collected Durin Audit Reason for Underpayment 2 accounts omitted firom City payments, Allied Waste Services $3,085.10 10/2007 to 6/2010 Fulton Waste and Sustainability Services $0.00 no errors detected Ho e e Manufacturin Co. $0.00 no errors detected 5 accounts omitted from City payments, Roll Off Service $6,064.12 112010 to 8/2010 unknown number of accounts omitted from Waste Management of Arkansas $25 270 94 City payments,4/2010 to 8/2010 Total Fees Collected During Audit $34,420.16 The vendor errors that led to the underpayments related to how each vendor coded their customer accounts, inside or outside Fayetteville City limits, usually during the initial account set up process. It was made clear to the vendors during the audit that their processes need to be corrected so that these errors will not occur in the future,but there is nothing that the City can do to assure the accuracy of each hauler's internal processes regarding account set up or customer billing. Because 3 haulers underpaid the months of April and May 2010 by more than 5%,the following audit costs were recovered from the haulers. Audit Cost Hauler Recover Allied Waste Services $1,620.47 Waste ManagementofArkansas $1,745.51 Roll Off Service $2.118.19 Total Audit Cost Recovery $5,484.17 Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 5 of 17 Agreement Requirement#2 According to the standard hauler agreement,the supporting information shall be sufficient to demonstrate the accuracy of the fee calculation, and shall include the following information: (i)Hauler's worksheet calculating the fees submitted, (ir) a blind list ofpayments receivedfrom customers within the City (iii)such list shall clearly indicate whether each payment was from a permanent or temporary customer, and(iv) the fee shall be based upon all activityfrom each customer account within the City, and shall include the normal billing charges for all free or discounted services(excluding those for non profit organizations) including but not limited to delivery,pull charges, disposal charges, transportation charges,final pull charges, and return charges. As specified in the agreement,any documents submitted to the City in relation to this agreement are subject to the Arkansas Freedom of Information Act. Both Allied Waste Services and Hogeye Manufacturing Co.submitted 2009 fees to the City without all of the required supporting information. The City provides a Required Supporting Information Form that can be completed and remitted by each hauler with their monthly payment of fees. The form was designed by the Internal Auditor to capture the information required in the agreement. Two of the haulers used the City's form. Hauler Fee Support Allied Waste Services no suuDorting documentation submitted required supporting information form provided Fulton Waste and Sustainability Services by City Ha e e Manufacturing Co. support was list with date,invoice#,and price support was list with date,acct.,customer#,container Roll Off Service _ size,P or T,and price submitted required supporting information form provided Waste Management of Arkansas by City with a revenue report attached Even when all required supporting information is provided with a payment,the accuracy of the fee cannot be determined. Only the accuracy of the fee calculation can be determined based on the information provided by the hauler. Fayetteville customers and/or services may be omitted from the payment. The City's Solid Waste division provides these same hauling services to customers in Fayetteville,so is in competition with the vendors. Because of this and the availability of vendor information remitted to the City through the Arkansas Freedom of Information Act,the standard agreement was written to provide protection to the vendors to keep their customer information and rates confidential. The required supporting payment information and the audit provisions are limited so that the City and others have no unfair advantage in the marketplace. Currently,payment support is not received by or reviewed by any employee of the Solid Waste division. Agreement Requirement#3 According to the standard hauler agreement,Hauler agrees and understands that it shall submit to the City on an annual basis a list of all commercial vehicles used to provide services in the City,proofofappropriate vehicle registration, and proof of vehicle insurance. Prior to the audit,none of the haulers had submitted an up to date list of the required vehicle information for 2010. 2010 2010 2010 List of Vehicle Proof of Hauler Vehicles Re istration Insurance Allied Waste Services No No No Fulton Waste and Sustainability Services No No No Ho eye Manufacturing Co. No No No Roll Off Service No No No Waste Management of Arkansas No No No Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 6 of 17 Current vehicle information was obtained for all the above vendors during the audit. Agreement Requirement 44 According to the standard hauler agreement,Hauler agrees and understands that it shall provide a list of vehicle operators collecting and hauling waste in the City offayetteville, along with proof of their valid and appropriate commercial drivers'licenses issued by the State of Arkansas. Prior to the audit,none of the haulers had submitted an up to date list of the required operator information for 2010. 2010 2010 List of Vehicle Proof of Hauler Operators CDL EAllied WasteEandvSustainability ices No No Fulton Waste Services No No Ho eye Manufacturing Co. No No Roll Off Service No No Waste Management of Arkansas No No Current vehicle operator information was obtained for all the above vendors during the audit. Agreement Requirement 45 According to the standard hauler agreement,the Hauler shall provide and maintain certain insurance coverage during the tern of the agreement. The agreement includes a list of required coverage. In addition,the comprehensive general liability insurance policy shall contain a clause that the insurer will not cancel or decrease the insurance coverage without first giving the City 60 days notice in writing. Upon written request, Hauler shall furnish the City with evidence that the insurance required of it is in force. Prior to the audit,none of the haulers had submitted an up to date list of all the required insurance information. Waste Management of Arkansas had provided proof of comprehensive general liability insurance for I/1/10 to I/l/11. Requirement for Proof of Insurance Haulers Allied Fulton Waste Waste Hogeye Roll Off Waste Services Services Manu. Services Maw comprehensive eneral liability-$1,000,000 each occurrence No No No No Yes workmen's compensation-statutory No No No No No employer's liability-$500,000 No No No No No bodily injury liability except auto-$1,000,000 each occurrence No No No No No property damage liability except auto-$1,000,000 each aggregate No No No No No automobile bodily injury-$1,000,000 each person No No No No No automobile property damage liability-$1,000,000 each occurrence No No No No No excess umbrella liability-$1,000,000 each occurrence No No No No No Insurance information was requested and collected for all the above vendors during the audit. Agreement Requirement#6 According to the standard hauler agreement,Hauler agrees and understands that it may utilize the City's transfer station. Hauler shall pay all transfer station fees to the transfer station operator as they may be established and amended,from time to time. Hauler agrees and understands that it shall be required to establish an individual credit or service relationship with the City of Fayetteville transfer station operator. Hauler agrees that it shall comply with all practices,policies and procedures as established by the transfer station operator from time to time. The only hauler that is currently using the City's transfer station is Allied Waste Services. They have established a credit relationship with the City and are billed monthly. Accounts receivable billing and payment Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 7 of 17 information was reviewed for Allied Waste Services,and it appears that they have paid their account in a timely manner. Audit Results Summary All 5 audited vendors with an Agreement to Haul and Dispose of Solid Waste in the City of Fayetteville were out of compliance with the terms of the agreement. None of the haulers had submitted the required vehicle information,operator information, or complete insurance information. Underpaid fees of over$34,000 were identified and collected from 3 of the haulers. Fees are self-reported based on revenues generated from services provided to customers,and it is difficult, if not impossible,to prove accuracy of hauler fee payment to the City. Even with agreement required payment support,the accuracy of the fee cannot be ensured. It can be presumed that more underpayments exist due to non-reported Fayetteville customers and/or services. Options The following options were developed with input from the Utilities Department Director. I. The standard agreement could be rewritten to require lists of customers,addresses,services provided,and rates with every payment of fees under the agreement. The information would be subject to the Arkansas Freedom of Information Act. A staff member independent of the Solid Waste division could be assigned to review the information monthly. Periodically, the staff member could verify the customer name and address information provided with the fee payment to containers observed in the City. This would improve,not ensure,accuracy of fee payments. It might also cause significant issues with the haulers,who generally do not want some of this information available to the public and potential competitors. 2. The City could allow the franchise agreements to lapse and the Solid Waste division could become the sole provider of these services within the Fayetteville City limits. This would eliminate the concern of fee payment accuracy. This would also ensure that equipment is maintained and registered,drivers are appropriately licensed,and risks are minimized through adequate insurance. 3. The City could allow one franchised hauler to operate within the City. The hauler would be the sole authorized hauler,other than the City,for the solid waste functions specified in the agreement plus special, medical,and hazardous wastes. This hauler would have to be selected through a competitive request for proposals whereby all haulers are allowed to compete to provide franchise agreement services. Services would be limited to those specified within the current franchise agreements,plus those services the City does not currently provide(specifically special, medical,and hazardous wastes). It may also restrict recycling hauling to customers to which the franchisee is providing solid waste services. The selected hauler would provide documentation of fees in an agreed upon manner to improve the accuracy of fee payments. Having one hauler would simplify the tracking process for all information including payments,but would not ensure accuracy of fee payments. Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 8 of 17 • CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMO e evlle MEETING DATE OF JUNE 21,2011 THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE,ARKANSAS ay AF%ANSAS To: Fayetteville City Council Thru: Mayor Lioneld Jordan Don Marr,Chief of Staff From: David Jurgens,Utilities Director �� n Fayetteville Water and Sewer Comm' e Date: June 2,2011 Subject: Arkansas Water&Wastewater Agency Response Network(ARWARN)Mutual Aid Agreement RECOMMENDATION City Administration recommends approving a water and wastewater mutual aid agreement through Arkansas Water& Wastewater Agency Response Network(ARWARN), a USEPA initiative that standardizes emergency preparedness, disaster response,mutual assistance among utilities, and assigning the Utilities Director as the Authorized Official. This updates an existing utility mutual aid agreement executed with resolution 60-00 on May 16, 2000. BACKGROUND Utilities have a long history of providing mutual aid when needed. They often have equipment,parts,or expertise another utility requires in an emergency, and can provide quick assistance when customer service, public health,or environmental security are threatened. These services have always been provided on a direct cost reimbursement basis. In May,2000,Fayetteville formalized this process by executing a mutual aid agreement coordinated through the Arkansas Rural Water Association. In recent years,Fayetteville has provided emergency aid to several area utilities including Springdale, Washington Water Authority,Elkins,West Fork, and others. We have received similar emergency support from Fort Smith, Springdale,Beaver Water District and others. Customer service and environmental protection have benefited in every case, and all costs were reimbursed on an at-cost basis. For small, local support,these decisions have been made at an operational level by the Water/Sewer Maintenance Manager or the Utilities Director. Large or out-of state requests would require Mayor or Chief of Staff approval. DISCUSSION The USEPA has developed a national framework and standard agreement for emergency preparedness, disaster response,mutual assistance among utilities nation-wide, following the format of similar agreements for other emergency services and situations. The ARWARN agreement updates the provisions contained within the 2000 ARWA agreement,and identifies operational, logistical,chain of command, cost tracking,and legal support requirements for the supported and supporting utilities. While developed for support within the state, it allows for interstate support when invoked though the states' Department of Emergency Management(DEM). Thus, any request for aid that Joplin may have made would have passed through the Missouri DEM to Arkansas DEM, and thence to members of ARWARN. While seemingly bureaucratic,this provides full legal protection and operational understanding for all parties. BUDGET IMPACT None. All aid rendered under this agreement is reimbursed on a direct cost basis. ARWARN Mutual Aid CCM=u Junl 17 Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 9 of 17 va r norg Arkansas Mutual Aid and Assistance Agreement For Water and Wastewater Utilities AGREEMENT This Agreement is made and en--crud into by public and private non-profit Water and Wastewater Otilities that have, by executing this Agreement, manifested their intent_ to participate in an 7ntra8�ate Program for Mutual Aid and Assistance . This Agreementis authorized under A. C.A. 19-I1-201, which provides tha'- Water and wastewater_ U-ilities may contract with each other to provide services . ARTICLE I PURPOSE Recognizing that: emergencies may require assistance in the torr) of personnel , equipment, and supp'_ Les from outside the area of s impact, the signatory utiiities etablished an Intrastate Pro- yrrim for Mutual Aid and Assistance . Through the Mutual Aid and Assistance Prcgram, Members coordinate response act-ivities and share resources during emergencies . This Agreement sets forth the procedures and standards for the administration of the Intrastate yutuai Aid and Assistance Program. ARTICLE II DEFINITIONS A. Emergency - A natural or manmade event that is, or is like�y to be, beyond the control of the services, personnel, equ '�pmen C, and facilities of a Mutual Aid and Assistance Program Member . B. Member - Any public or private norl-profit Water or Wastewater Eltility that manifests invent to participate in the Mutual Aid and Assistance Programby oxecuti_ng this Agreement . C. Au(-hori_7,rd Official - An emr, Ioyee of a Member that is authorized by the Member ' s governing board or nianayement to request assistance or offer assistance under- this Agreement . log, I of 7 ARWARN Nlamal Aid Ap,ement Mayl I doc Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 10 of 17 D. Requesting Member - A Member who requests assistance under the Mutual Aid and Assistance Program. E. Responding Member - A Member that= responds to a request for assistance under the Mutual Aid and Assistance Program. F. Period of Assistance - A specified period of time when a Responding Member assists a Requesting Member. The period continences when personnel, equipment, or supplies depart from a Responding Member' s facility and ends when the resources return to their facility (portal to portal ) . All protections identified in the agreement apply during this period. The specified Period of Assistance may occur during response to or recovery from an emergency, as previously defined. G. National Incident Management System (NIMS) - A national , standardized approach to incident management and response that sets uniform processes and procedures for emergency response operations . ARTICLE III ADMINISTRATION The Mutual Aid and Assistance Program shall be administered through a Sate Cocvnittee. The purpose of the State Committee is to provide coordination of the Mutual Aid and Assistance program before, dur-ifly, and after an emergency. The SLal.e Cormnittee, under the leadership of an elected Chair, shall meet annually to address Mutual Aid and Assistance Program issues and to review emergency preparedness and response procedures . The StaLe Committee includes representatives from Arkansas Water Works & Water Environment Association, Arkansas Rural Water Association, Arkansas Department of Emergency Management, and Arkansas Water_ & Wastewater Managers Association. Under the leadership of the Chaff r, the State COILULt I PC stra p plan and coordinate emergency planning and response activities for the Mutua. Aid and Ass- stance Program. ARTICLE IV PROCEDURES The State Corrmittee shall develop operational and planning procedures for the Mutual Aid and Assistance Program. 'Plrese. procedures shall be updated at least annually. The Committee shall coordinate as approp- late with other applicable agencies . Page 2 017 ARWARN Muwal Aid Agreement Mayl I due Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 11 of 17 ARTICLE V REQUESTS FOR ASSISTANCE Mein bcr Responsibility: Members shall identify a❑ Authorized Official and alternates; provide contact information including 21-hour access; and maintain resource information made available Uy Lire utility for mutual aid and assistance response . In the event of an Emergency, a Member' s Authorczod Official may request mutual_ aid and assistance from a participating Member. Requests for assistonce can be made orally or in writing. when made orally, the request for personnel , eq,rLptrlent, arid supplies shall be prepared in w ' iLirlq a; soon as practicable . Requests for assistance shall be directed to the Authorized Official of Lhe participating Member. Specific protocols for requesting aid shall be provided in the required procedures (ArLicic 1V) . Response to a Request for Assistance: After a Member receives a request for assistance, the Authorized Official evaluates whether resources are available to respond to the request for assistance . Following the evaluation, `_hc Authorized Representative shall. inform, as soon as possible, Lite Requestinq Member whether it has the resources to respond. If the Member is wiLliny and able to provide assistance, the Member shall inform Che Requesting Member about the type of available resources and the approximate arrival Lime oL such assistance . Discretion oP Responding Member's Authorized OCEicfaC : Execution of phis Agreement does not create any duty Lo furnish assistance when requested. When a Mejnb(?r receives a request for assistance, the Authorized Official shall have absolute discretion as Lo the availability of resources . An Authorized Mcmber' a decisions on the availability oL resources shall be final . ARTICLE VI RESPONDING MEMBER PERSONNEL National Incident_ Manayerrlent SysLem: When providing assistance under this Agreement, the Requesting ( tility ane Responding Utility shall be organized and shall fanCLion under the NaLional Incident Manaqement System. Control: Respondinq Mcmber personnel shall remain under Lite direction and control o£ the Responding Mcmber. The ROque�:Ling Member ' s Authorized Official shall coordinate response activities with the designated supervisor (s) of the Responding Member (s) . Whenever practical, Responding Member personnoL must be self sufficient for up to 72 hnurs . Food and Shelter: The Request rnq Memher e•ha11 supp_y reasonable food and shelt=er for Respondinq Member personnel . =f the Page l A 7 ARWARN MuI,al Aid Agi a>n.,[Mayl I doc Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 12 of 17 Requesting Member fails to provide fnod and shelter for Resoonding Personnel, the Responding Member' s designated supervisor is authorized to secure the resources necessary to meet the needs of its personnel . The reimbursement for such resources must not exceed the State per diem rates for that area . The Requesting Member remains responsible for reimbursinq the Responding Member for el L costs associated with providinq food and shelter, if ssch resources are not provided. Corrununicatiorl: The Requesting Member shall provide Responding Meinber personnel with radio equipment as available, or radio frequency informatics. Lc program existing radio, in order to facilitate cotrunicaLions with local respgnders and utility personnel . Status: Unless otherwise provided by taw, the Responding Member ' s officers and employee: retain the same privileges, immunities, Lights, duties, avid benefits ac provided in their respective jurisdictions . Licenses and Permits: To the extent permitted by law, Respondinq Member personnel who hold ticnnses, certificates, or permits evidencinq professional , mechanical, or other skills shall bit allowed to carry out activities and tasks relevant and related Lo their respective credcntiale during the specified Period of Assistance . Right to Withdraw: 'I'hc, Respnridi_nq Member 's Authorizu:d Official retains the right to withdraw some or aLl of its resources at any time. Notice of intention to withdraw must be cornmunic:ated to the Requesting Member' s ]\ULnor IZell Official as soon as possible, and will be effective, when made or sent by the responding member, who shalt have no further obligations or responsibilities thereafter. ARTICLE VII COST REIMBURSEMENT Dnless otherwise mutually agreed in whole or in part, the Requesting Member shall reimbnr.se '`he Respondinq Member for each of the fol , owing categories of costs incurred while providinq aid and assistance during the specified Period of Assistance . Personnel : Respondinq Member personnel are to be paid for work, completed duriiiq a specified Period -)f r.cp iicordinq to the. Lernms provided in their employment . 'the Responding Member designated supervisor (s) must keep accurate records of work Peitormed by pers0nneL during the specified Period oL Assistanco. Requesting Member reimbursement to tale Responding Member must consider all personne'_ costs, including salaries or hourly wages, costs for fringe benefit:;, and indirect costs . Vag,4 ,f 7 ARWARN Munml Aid Agieemenl May]I Mc Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 13 of 17 Equipment: The Requesting Member shall reimburse the Responding Member for the use of equipment during a specified Period of Assistance. As a minimum, rates for equipment use roust be based on the Federal Emergency Management Agency's (FEMA) Schedule of Equipment Rates . If a Respondirnq Member uses rates different from those i"n the FEMA Schedule of Equipment Rates, the Responding Member must provide such rales in writing to the Requesting Member prior to supplying resources, Reimbursement for equipment not referenced on the FEMA Schedule of Equipment Rates m.r.st be developed based on actual recovery of costs. Materials and Supplies: The RcquesLin9 Member must reimbarse the Responding Member in kind or at actual replacement cost for use of expendable or non-returnable supp Les . The Responding Member must not cha-ge direct fees or rental charges to the Requesting Member for other supplies and reusable items that are returned to the Responding Member in a clean, damage-free condition. Reusable sc.pplies that sire returned to the Responding Member with damage must be treated as expendable supplies for purposes of cost reimbursement . Payment Period: The Respor"ding Member must provide an itemized bill to the Requesting Member for all expenses it incurred es a result of prow.ding assistance under this Agreement. The Responding Member must= send the it=emized bill not later than ninety (90) days followLug Lhe end of the Period of Assistance . "Phe Requesting Member should pay the bill in full on or before the nineri_eth (90`I') day followinq the billing date. Ln the event of a utility' s inability to pay, the responding utility will agree to accept payment based on Federal Assistance granted to the area through a Reduced Disaster Area Ueclaralion. ARTICLE VIII WORKER'S COMPENSATION CLAIMS ':he Responding Member i_s fcr prcvidinq worker ' s compensation benefits and acllirnistering worker' s for its employees . ARTICLE IX INSURANCE Each Put tcioa-inq utility shall boar the risk of its own actions, as it does with It - day-to-day opers� ioas, and deLerrnrnr,. for itself it .ind whoL kinds of rnsurance, and in what amounts, It should carry. Pzgc 5 of 7 ARWARN NWtusl Aid Agreancill M,ryl I dnc Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 14 of 17 ARTICLE X EFFECTIVE DATE This Agreement shall_ be efLecLive after the City of Fayetteville' s authorized representative executes the Agreement and the Stage Committee Chair receives the Agreement . The Slate Committee Chair sha11 ❑iaint.ain a master list of all members of the Mutual Aid and Assistance Program. ARTICLE XI WITHDRAWAL A Member may withdraw at any L(, - t ,i -i >s „l, . ern- - by providing written notice of i ii -r,l- 'o ,. r � 1, ,:, I „ _ i ,tr, Chair and the member shaLi han., t _t rhet ,I� x;sthr 1 , U obligations, or liability of n.at �.r- in t.� -, �.,,it , 1 agreement . ARTICLE XII MODIFICATION No provision of Lhi_s Agreement may be moditied, altered, or rescinded by individual parties to the Agreement . Modifications to this AgreeatenL may be due -o programmatic operational changes to support Lhe agreement. Modifications req,iire a simple majority vote of Mernbers . The St_aCe Committee Charr must provide writ'-en notice to all Members of approved nodi Lications to this Agreement. Approved modifications Lake effect 6n days after the date upon which noLir:e is senL Lo t�hc Members . ARTICLE XIII PRIOR AGREEMENTS tt,�- : Y.- `hat 5ii � i,<_} ➢irylt -� , ti ;�n _t't ent �dl ttr h.� � ARTICLE XIV PROHIBITION ON THIRD PARTIES AND ASSIGNMENT OF RIGHTS/DUTIES This Agreement is for Che sole benefit of the Mernbers and no person or entity must have any rights undrr this Aq m cnionL as third-party beneficiary . Assignments of benefits and delegations of duties createa by this Aqreement are prohlb` Led and dust be without effect_. ARTICLE XV TORT IMMUNITY This agreement shall be gov�rned by the law of Lhe State of Arkansas, including, but not limited to, theprovisions of A. C. A. Pag_e6N7 AV WARN Mutual Aid Agreement MuyI I dc. Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 15 of 17 521-9-301 regarding immunity From tort liabiliLy, which shall be applicable at all times to the parties hereto. Any legal actions in connection with this agreement must be brought in the county in which the member has its principle office and operation, arid, if at any time it is determined, judicially or otherwise, that any member is not, accordingly immune from tort liability, this agreement shall be null and void and of no effect for any purpose as to that member. Now, therefore, in consideration of the covenants and obligations set forth in this Agreement, the City of Fayetteville manifests its intent to be a Member of the Arkansas Mutual Aid and Assistance Program for Water and Wastewater Utilities by executing this Agreement on this day of , 2011 . Water/Wastewater Utility: City of Fayetteville_ 6y: By: Title: Mayor TitLe: Utilities Cir- cte Lioneld Jordan David Jurgens Please Print Name Please Print Name Poge 7 o r 7 ARWARN Mutual Aid Agreement Mayl Ldo Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 16 of 17 rA 1 1 yri a bN N a o 0 U V t x a 4 o biaa M , o, o ;Z o ° G a [� o 0 4 to *4'J y C) 0 V a 0 a v bV C4 U W 0 0 0 •k �.r' � a FA L43 U N M M M ra ra d l- I 1 a c a N szj o u o ! N 7118) a � a q C7 a°. cn U W b v Via`' : • • C:) a z v Zi en °� G b . A Q +� U 0 FQ U U ♦Yi it �N/ if `4{ •��,:�.. �.ti y. F+i 4) 4 - ��:} 'TI Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 17 of 17