HomeMy WebLinkAbout2011-05-18 - Agendas • WATER/SEWER COMMITTEE AGENDA aye evl e MEETING DATE OF MAY 18, 2011 THE CITY OF FAYE77EVILLE,ARKANSAS l,P KANSAS Committee: Chairperson Sarah Lewis; Aldermen: Adella Gray, Mark Kinion, Justin Tennant Copy to: Mayor Lioneld Jordan; Sondra Smith, Don arr, Paul Becker, Lindsley Smith, Jeremy Pate, Chris Brown, Lynn Hyke, Shannon Jones, Pell, Will Winn, CH2M Hill, Allison Atha l" From: David Jurgens, P. E., Utilities Director AW A Fayetteville Water, Sewer and Solid Waste Com i a eating will be May 18, 2011, 4:30 PM in room 326, Fayetteville City Hall. Proposed topics include: w 1. Ca ital Prollect Update. Contract Description Contractor Cost %Complete WL-10a Farmington Gravity Sewer Line Gamey Const $ 1,750,122 100% EL-3&5 Razorback-Hap Hollow 36/42" Swr Line S J Louis Const $ 5,387,098 100.0% CIPP 2010 Rehab-Cured in Place Pipe City Wide Insituform $ 330,000 100% Mt Se uo ah Area Wtr/Swr Upgrades LaRue Contr $ 852,976 100% 36"W/L 36"Water Line on Township Seven Valles $ 1,783,720 100% 265 W/S Relocation &36"Wtr Line, Hwy 265 Gamey Const $ 4,989,135 NTP 9M 11 WL-13 Broyles Avenue Gravity Sewer Lines Goodwin&Goodwin $ 845,359 100.0% WL-14 Broyles Avenue Sewer Force Mains Redford Const $ 899,626 100.0% WL-15 Broyles Avenue Sewer Pump Station Seven Valles $ 591,768 100% 13I0-1 Biosolids Solar Drying Dean Crowder $ 4,971,886 97.0% 13I0-2 Biosolids Thermal Drying Crossland Heavy $ 2,770,280 42.5% Canterbury 500,000 Gallon Water Tower C B & I Inc. $ 1,590,091 90.0% Canterbury Water Lines & Pump Station Sweetser Const $ 1,057,331 NTP 11A rl1 Project is substantially complete, meaning the work can be used to execute its mission. 2. White River Use Attainability Analysis process is well underway. The two plans-the Use Attainability Analysis and the USGS Beaver Reservoir Model, were submitted to ADEQ for approval by April 8, 2011; comments were received back last week. The revised plan will be submitted within 2 — 3 weeks. The extreme April rain events made spring stream sampling impossible for this year. Thus, the White River study will be completed in summer, 2012. 3. STAG Grant- $465,000, Elkins Outfall and Area Sewer Lines Fayetteville received and accepted, on 3 May, a grant award for sanitary sewer system improvements, specifically replacing and upgrading the Elkins outfall sewer line, and other lines in that area. This EPA grant funding was requested in February 2009. The EPA grant provides a maximum of 55% of the costs, with the remaining 45% ($412,250.00) being the required minimum local match. A preliminary design report(PDR) was completed by Garver Engineers in 2000. The project includes the Fayetteville owned sewer transmission line which carries flow from the end of the Elkins line, shown on the attached map, as well as other lines in this area. It is anticipated that these grant funds will be used for construction, possibly including construction inspection. Replacement of the Elkins sewer force main is a budgeted project using impact fees as it increases the capacity of the existing line. The grant proceeds will be combined with the City's budgeted funds and a cost share from Elkins. 4. Highway 265/Crossover Water/Sewer Relocation Easement Condemnations have been filed and orders of possession acquired. Easements have been acquired from 26 of 29 owners. Two new easements were added with the extension north of Joyce; one of these two easements has been acquired. Perm Temp Perm Temp Tract Property Owner Parcel# Easmnt Easmnt Easement Coast Damages Total ft' ft' Easement 8 Murphy R.&Betty N.Taylor 765-13305-000 6,980 3,365 $22,000 $ 1,500 0 $23,500 10 John David Brown 765-13295-000 22,883 9,603 $23,700 $ 3,500 $ 400 $27,600 Totals 29,863 12,968 $45,70 $ 5,000 $ 400 $51,100 Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 1 of 22 W&S CommitteeAgenda 18Mayl Ldoc WATER/SEWER COMMITTEE AGENDA MEETING DATE OF APRIL 12, 2011 5. Highway 265 Water/Sewer Relocations Change Order 1 with Garvey Construction $30,087.47 is attached. AHTD has moved the "End of Construction" from Ste. 124+10 to 126+40 (230 feet) in the vicinity of Millennium Drive on the north end of the project since the City bid the water and sewer relocations. The AHTD work consists of extending the storm drain system on the west side of Hwy 265. Approximately 300' of 12-inch water line will need to be relocated as a result of a conflict with the proposed storm sewer system. The relocation is considered a replacement in-kind, and will be reimbursed at approximately 94%. Funds are available within the project contingency. AHTD will reimburse the City approximately 93.75% of the costs. After reimbursement, approximately$198,119.53 will remain in contingency after the change order is approved. 6. Highway 265 North Section Water/Sewer Relocation agreement with the Arkansas Highway and Transportation Department, for design of water and sewer relocations relating to the widening of Crossover Road (Highway 265) between Joyce Boulevard and Albright Road is attached. The project involves relocating water and sewer lines as required for widening Crossover Road (Hwy 265) between Joyce and the northern City limits. The design contract has been awarded to McClelland Consulting Engineers as a change order to their design on the Mission —Joyce section of the work. This agreement covers reimbursement from the AHTD to the City for the surveying easements, design, and other pre-construction actions. Proportional cost shares will be identified as the design progresses. A construction agreement will come forward when the design is complete. Staff requests these items be forwarded to the full City Council. 7. Standard Specifications For Design And Construction Of Sanitary Sewers. New design standards for the wastewater collection system including sewer pipes and pump stations are attached (separate attachment). These will be available to engineers and developers to give them clear design criteria before they begin designing and collection system projects that will ultimately be owned by the City. The standards apply to projects by developers, City contracted work, and in-house City projects, and make the requirements among the three consistent. We received comments from McClelland Consulting Engineers, Bates &Associates, Morrison-Shipley Engineers, and H2 Engineering. Other than minor clarification or editing tweaks, which were incorporated, their comments focused on three areas discussed below. In each of these areas, the proposed design standards make development work on wastewater projects consistent with the requirements the City uses for any City-paid project. Staff requests this item be approved by the Committee. ➢ Full-time inspection of the work. Arkansas Code §22-9-101. Observation by registered professionals required. (a) Neither the state nor any township, county, municipality, village, or other political subdivision of the state shall engage in the capital improvement of any public works involving engineering or architecture for which the plans, specifications, and estimates have not been made by and the capital improvement executed under the observation of a registered professional engineer or architect, in their respective areas of expertise, who are licensed to practice under the laws of Arkansas." Every Arkansas Department of Health project approval letter states "[Engineer] shall provide construction inspection services." ➢ Televising sewer lines before final acceptance. This is a new requirement for Fayetteville development work, but has been the industry standard for years. Local cities also require television inspections, but city crews perform the work. In our case, City crews are fully engaged televising existing lines, and do not have time to add new lines to their workload. ➢ Life cycling cost analysis/operations and maintenance prepayment for sewer pump stations. We knew this would cause discussions, but life cycle costing is much more protective of the City's long term interests, and thus customer service and expense control, where pump stations are a consideration. 8. BWD Water Treatment Residuals Land Application contract, attached, is complete for applying their residuals from the water treatment process on the Noland WWTF biosolids processing site east of the White River. They are currently landfilling their material. The contract will be presented to the BWD board May 19. Once the contract is completed, the City will develop and submit a land application permit application to ADEQ. ADEQ has stated strong approval to the project, but there is no guarantee of approval. Upon permit issuance, there will be capital equipment leases or purchases required (a tractor, a spreader, and a loader), with the costs to be covered within the rates paid by the BWD. Staff requests this item be forwarded to the full City Council. Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 2 of 22 W&S CommitteeAgenda IgMayl Ldoc WATER/SEWER COMMITTEE AGENDA MEETING DATE OF APRIL 12, 2011 9. Solid Waste ADEO Grant Through Boston Mountain Solid Waste District application is attached. BMSWD compiles the grant applications and submits them to their board for approval. The City has benefited from these grants in the past. The recycling grant awards are not matching grants, so no City funds are obligated with this request. This grant would be used to purchase a new container four use in a pilot program for apartment recycling. The container would be collected utilizing the existing vehicles dedicated to the Drop Box program. Staff is currently engaged in a Solid Waste and Recycling Plan in which pilot programs are to be identified. This pilot would be included in the plan for future consideration of expansion of recycling services to apartment complexes. Staff requests these items be forwarded to the full City Council. 10. Annual Bulky Waste Cleanups have been completed. A summary of results will be published next Committee meeting. The last two cleanups occurred as shown below. Storm Response—Saturday, May 7; Solid Waste & Recycling Facility Ward 2 —Saturday, May 14; Woodland Jr. High School and Church of Christ 11. Utilities Related City Council Tour have tentatively been scheduled: May 16 Noland Wastewater Treatment Plant and Biosolids Management Site June 6 Westside Wastewater Treatment Plant and Woolsey Prairie July 18 Solid Waste and Recycling August 15 Water/Sewer Facility, Tanks, and Pump Stations 12. WSIP Public Information Updates have been published bi-weekly since July, 2006. They provide information about Utilities Department construction projects, including location, cost, completion date, contractor, and a one line project description. It is posted on the City's web page, and distributed to anyone who requests the information. The most recent is attached. 13. Water/Sewer Committee Meetina is Tuesday, June 14, 2011, 5:15 p.m., room 326. Attachments: 5 Hwy 265 Garney Construction Change Order 1 6 Highway 265 North Section Water/Sewer Relocation AHTD agreement 7 Standard Specifications for Design and Construction Of Sanitary Sewers (separate attachment) 8 BWD Water Treatment Residuals Land Application agreement 9 Recycling Grant Application 12 WSIP Public Information Update Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 3 of 22 W&S CommitteeAgenda 18May1l.doc CONTRACT REVIEW MEMO Tavele—lia MAYOR'S APPROVAL THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE,ARKANSAS ARKS To: Mayor Lioneld Jordan Thru: Don Marr, Chief of Staff From: David Jurgens, Utilities Director Fayetteville Water and Sewer Commf e Y Date: May 16, 2011 Subject: Change Order 1 to the construction contract with Gamey Companies, Inc. for$30,087.47. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of Change Order 1 to the construction contract with Gamey Companies, Inc. for $30,087.47, extending the work 230 feet north. BACKGROUND This project consists of relocating water and sewer lines as a result of the combined Arkansas Highway Department (AHTD) and City widening of Phase I of Crossover Road (Hwy 265) between Mission and Joyce, and upsizing the existing pipes and connecting a 36" transmission line. Work includes installing a 36" and 24" transmission main along Crossover from Joyce to connect to the existing 24" main on Crossover at Mission. This work will complete the eastern portion of the water transmission main loop that was initially constructed when the southern section of Crossover Road between Mission and Huntsville was widened by the AHTD. DISCUSSION AHTD has moved the "End of Construction" from Sta. 124+10 to 126+40 (230 feet) in the vicinity of Millennium Drive on the north end of the project since the City bid the water and sewer relocations. The AHTD work consists of extending the storm drain system on the west side of Hwy 265. Approximately 300' of 12-inch water line will need to be relocated as a result of a conflict with the proposed storm sewer system. The relocation is considered a replacement in-kind, and will be reimbursed at approximately 94%. BUDGETIMPACT Funds are available within the project contingency. AHTD will reimburse the City approximately 93.75% of the costs. After reimbursement, approximately $198,119.53 will remain in contingency after the change order is approved. Gamey Cot CCMemo 9Mayl l.doc Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 4 of 22 aye vide Change Order No. I Page I of I CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER City Contract# Schedule City Resolution# Date 5/3/2011 City Project No.: Project Name: Crossover Road Water&Sewer Replacement Location: Fayetteville,Arkansas Owner: City of Fayetteville Contractor: Garney Companies, Inc. Address: 113 West Mountain Address: 1333 NW Vivion Rd Fayetteville,AR 72701 Kansas City,MO 64118 THE FOLLOWING CHANGES ARE HEREBY AMENDED INTO THE CONTRACT PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS: ITEM# DESCRIPTION DECREASE INCREASE I Change order to reflect updated AHTD construction drawings north of Joyce Street See Attached for Cost Breakdown and Revised $30,087.47 Plan Sheet I I TOTAL DECREASE AMOUNTI $0.00 TOTAL INCREASE AMOUNT $30,087.47 NET CHANGE ORDERI $30,087.47 ENGINEERS FINAL CHANGE TO CONTRACT AMOUNT: TOTAL AMOUNT ELIGIBLE AMOUNT Original Contract Amount $4.989,135.00 $4,989,135.00 Total Previous Change Order(s) $0.00 $000 Net Amount This Change Order $30,087.47 $X087.47 TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT TO DATE $ $5,019,222.47 CHANGE TO CONTRACT COMPLETION DATE: Original Completion Time 195 Days Previous Adjusted Completion Time 0 Days (Increase)(DoeFease-)This Change Order 2 Days Calendar Days NEW CONTRACT COMPLETION DATE: 197 Days RECOMMENDED: MCCLELLAND CONSULTING ENGINEERS,INC. 7 ngineer BY: ;f�i�.l' WGA F 1 zd)2-01 f Signature Title Date ACCEPTED: GARNEY COMPANIES, INC. Contract it / Sionatim::1 Title Dnte APPROVED: CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE Owner BY: Si2nature Title Date Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 5 of 22 COST BREAKDOWN FOR CHANGE ORDER#1 12-INCH WATER MAIN EXTENSION AT MILLENNIUM DRIVE CROSSOVER ROAD WATER& SEWER MAIN REPLACEMENT AHTD JOB NO. 040517 MCE JOB #FV112117 Change in Bid Item# Description Quantity Units Unit Price Extended I-7 12" PVC Water Main 292 FT $50.00 $14,600.00 I-10 6" Ductile Iron Water Main 32 FT $30.00 $960.00 I-16 12" Butterfly Valve 1 EA $2,000.00 $2,000.00 1-18 6" Gate Valve 2 EA $900.00 $1,800.00 1-20 3-Way Fire Hydrant 1 EA $2,000.00 $2,000.00 1-26 6" x 6" Tapping Sleeve and Valve 1 EA $2,200.00 $2,200.00 1-31 Abandon Existing Valve 1 EA $100.00 $100.00 I-32 Epoxy Coated D.I. Fittings 247 LB $0.01 $2.47 I-66 Cut and Cap 6" Main 1 EA $250.00 $250.00 I-89 Asphalt Surfacing Restoration 51 SY $45.001 $1295.00 I-92 Concrete Sidewalk Restoration 13 SY $60.001 $780.00 I-94 Curb and Gutter Restoration 80 LF $25.001 $2,000.00 I-95 Granular Fill 55 TON $20.001 $1,100.00 Total $30,087.47 NOTE: The purpose of this Change Order 41 is to extend the 12-inch water main in the Millenium Drive vicinity to accommodate the change in AHTD's Plans to move the "End of Construction" from Sta. 124+10 to Sta. 126+40. J:2008/082146/Tables 4-13-1 l.xls Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 6 of 22 Faqwele—di leCITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMO MEETING DATE OF JUNE 7,2011 THE CITY OF DA JUN ARKANSAS aRRAN5A5 To: Fayetteville City Council Thru: Mayor Lioneld Jordan Don Marr, Chief of Staff From: David Jurgens, Utilities Director9 1 ,, Water/Sewer Committee =' Date: May 16, 2011 Subject: Crossover Road-Northern Section- Water and Sewer Relocation AHTD-Utility Agreement for Design RECOMMENDATION City Administration recommends approval of an agreement with the Arkansas Highway and Transportation Department for design of water and sewer relocations relating to the widening of Crossover Road(Highway 265)between Joyce Boulevard and Albright Road. BACKGROUND The project involves relocating water and sewer lines as required in preparation for the Arkansas Highway and Transportation Department (AHTD)widening of Crossover Road (Hwy 265)between Joyce and the northern City limits. The design contract has been awarded to McClelland Consulting Engineers as a change order to their design on the Mission–Joyce section of the work. DISCUSSION This agreement commits the AHTD to reimburse the City for the tasks shown below: - Field surveys to confirm rights-of-ways and utility locations -project cost estimating with AHTD and Fayetteville shares predicted -right-of-way requirement identification and easement document development - final engineering design Proportional cost shares will be identified as the design progresses. BUDGETIMPACT The City's portion will be funded from Water and Sewer revenue bonds; the remainder will be paid by the AHTD. The cost share split will be determined when the design is completed. AHTD Hwy 265 North W-S Design Agmt CCMemo Mayl Ldoc Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 7 of 22 Rev. 07-02-01 AC X LS ARKANSAS STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION HIGHWAY-UTILITY AGREEMENT FOR PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING SERVICES Job No. 040518(Utilities) FAP No. STP-9142(27) Job Location E.Joyce Blvd.-City Limits _ Utility Owner City of Fayetteville (Fayetteville)(S) Water and Sewer Route 265 Section 2 Consultant McClelland Consulting_ County Washington _ Engineers,Inc. THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this day of _ 20by and between the Arkansas State Highway Commission, acting by and through the duly authorized representatives of the Arkansas State Highway and Transportation Department, with headquarters at Little Rock,Arkansas,hereinafter referred to as the "Department" and the City of Fayetteville Water and Sewer of Fayetteville,Arkansas acting by and through its duly authorized representatives,hereinafter referred to as the"Owner" WITNESSETH: (1). The "Department" proposes to make highway improvements and the "Owner" is required to adjust or relocate its facilities, as necessary,to clear highway construction. (2). The "Owner" is not adequately staffed to carry out the necessary preliminary engineering and has requested the services of the licensed engineering company of McClelland Consulting Engineers, Inc. to perform the following services. (a) Make all necessary field surveys and investigation and subsequently prepare complete plans, estimate of costs, and construction specifications. (b) Furnish four(4)copies of plans,specifications,etc. for"Department" review and approval. (c) if construction work is to be performed by other than "Owner's" forces,prepare all necessary documents to secure bids and let a contract for the proposed work. (d) Conduct bid opening and complete contract documents. (3). The "Owner" has entered into a contract with the consultant, subject to the "Department's" approval, and has furnished a copy which is attached and made part of this agreement. The estnnated costs are not to exceed $144,001.99. (4a). The cost of preliminary engineering services shall be eligible for reimbursement from the "Department" at the same ratio as the adjustment of"Owner's" facilities are eligible. (4b). "Owner' agrees to retain cost records and accounts for inspection and audit for a period of tlu-ee (3) years from the date of final payment. (5). The consultant shall begin work 5 days after receiving written authorization from "Owner" and complete 134 days thereafter. Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 8 of 22 Rev.07-02-01 (6).The "Department'may suspend or cancel the work under this contract at any time. Reimbursement will be made, in a proportionate amount, for any services performed by the consultant prior to the receipt, by the "Owner," of written notice of cancellation. (7). "Owner' shall be responsible for any and all hazards to persons, property, and traffic. With respect to traffic control, owner shall adhere to the requirements of the "Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices", as amended and supplemented. (8). This agreement is governed by all applicable State and Federal laws, rules, and regulations including the Arkansas State Highway Commission Utility Accommodation Policy adopted by Commission Minute Order 96- 167 as amended and supplemented, the Federal Aid Program Guide on Utility Adjustments and Accommodation on Federal Aid Highway Projects as amended and supplemented, and the provisions of 23 CFR § 645 as amended and supplemented. (9). Subject to the terms and conditions herein, neither the "Owner" nor the "Department' by execution of this agreement waives or relinquishes any rights which either may legally have within the limits of the law or constitution either State or Federal. City of Fayetteville ARKANSAS STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION Water and Sewer Acting By and Through The ARKANSAS STATE HIGHWAY AND TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT Name(Typed or Printed) (For)Director of Highways&Transportation Title Right of Way Division Head Signature u Section Head-Utilities Section Right of Way Division FEDERAL TAXPAYER IDENTIFICATION# Name(Typed or Printed) Title Signature Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 9 of 22 CONTRACT FOR WATER TREATMENT RESIDUAL DISPOSAL SERVICE BETWEEN THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS, AND THE BEAVER WATER DISTRICT THIS CONTRACT made and entered into this day of 2011, by and between the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, a municipal corporation, (hereinafter called "Fayetteville"), whose address for any formal notice is 113 West Mountain, Fayetteville, AR, 72701 and the Beaver Water District, a regional water distribution district created under Arkansas Act 114 of 1957 (hereinafter called "BWD"), whose address for any formal notice is PO Box 400, Lowell, AR 72745. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Fayetteville now owns and operates a biosolids management site located at 16464 Wyman Road, Fayetteville, Arkansas; and, WHEREAS Fayetteville has previously applied municipal biosolids to the property at the biosolids management site; and, WHEREAS, BWD produces an average of 6,100 wet tons of water treatment residuals ("WTR") per year from the water treatment facility in Lowell, Arkansas; and, WHEREAS, scientific studies have shown that the alum in water treatment residuals may bind phosphorus in soil and reduce the concentration of phosphorus in non-point source runoff; and, WHEREAS, it is to their mutual advantage that BWD and Fayetteville enter into an agreement to establish provisions for BWD to dispose of WTR at the Fayetteville biosolids management site; and, WHEREAS, in meeting this service commitment, Fayetteville must ensure that this service does not place a financial burden on the citizens of Fayetteville, nor should there be any additional financial burden on the BWD wholesale water customers for disposal of these WTR for which the BWD does not receive a corresponding benefit; and, WHEREAS, it is to the parties' mutual benefit that a procedure be established for setting disposal fees sufficient to cover costs incurred by Fayetteville in performing this service; NOW, THEREFORE, IN CONSIDERATION OF THE MUTUAL COVENANTS AND CONDITIONS HEREINAFTER SET FORTH, FAYETTEVILLE AND BWD HERETO MUTUALLY AGREE AS FOLLOWS; (1) COOPERATION: Fayetteville and BWD shall mutually cooperate, and all matters related to this agreement shall be communicated through the Fayetteville City Council and the BWD Board of Directors, or their authorized representatives. - 1 - nw Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 18 P2k TR Disposal Agreement 11 May11.doc (2) OWNERSHIP: It is agreed by the parties that Fayetteville shall continue to own, operate, and maintain the biosolids management site, and that the BWD shall continue to own, operate, and maintain the water treatment facility in Lowell, Arkansas. (3) TERM OF CONTRACT: Fayetteville and BWD hereby agree that the initial term of this Contract shall be for a period of five (5) years from the date of this Contract. Thereafter, this Contract shall be automatically renewed for successive terms of one (1) year each unless cancelled by either party not less than sixty (60) calendar days prior to termination. Either party may terminate this Contract for a material breach of this Contract by the other party by giving written notice of the breach and allowing the other party a reasonable time to correct the breach. Excepting breaches by BWD for non-payment of Fayetteville invoices, neither party shall terminate this Agreement without giving the other party thirty (30) calendar days' written notice of intent to terminate for failure of the other party to correct the breach within a reasonable time. (4) EFFECTIVE DATE: This Contract shall become effective and enforceable on the date of this Contract. (5) REGULATORY RESPONSIBILITIES: Fayetteville shall apply for and maintain compliance with a permit from the Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) for land application of WTR. The site management plan shall be modified as necessary and approved by ADEQ before commencement of disposal operations. Fayetteville shall apply the WTR to the land as directed under the provisions of the permit as well as the ADEQ approved site management plan. Fayetteville shall perform and pay for all sampling and analysis of the WTR, soil, groundwater, and surface water at the biosolids management site as required by the ADEQ permit. Copies of all analyses shall be provided to BWD. (6) DISPOSAL COSTS: BWD shall produce the WTR and convey them to the Fayetteville site. BWD shall be responsible for all costs associated with producing and conveying the WTR to the Fayetteville site and shall pay Fayetteville $32.50 per wet ton of solids disposed of on the Fayetteville site. This is a fixed cost with the exception of fuel price changes and regulatory changes. This cost is based on a City fuel cost of $3.25 per gallon, which corresponds to $2.30 per wet ton of WTR. The billed price shall include a proportional fuel cost adjustment that shall be reflected on each invoice as a separate line item. This fuel cost adjustment may be either a debit or a credit. Should regulatory requirements change resulting in a change in costs, the per-ton price shall be renegotiated. (7) BILLING AND PAYMENTS: Fayetteville shall weigh each truckload of conveyed WTR and provide a receipt for that load to the driver of the truck. Fayetteville shall issue a billing statement to BWD on a monthly basis with payment due on a net thirty (30) calendar day basis. Fayetteville will provide BWD with a copy of an annual certification of its truck scales. -2- Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 19 LLL WQLLLTR Disposal Agreement 11 Mayl1.doc (8) LIABILITY: It is stipulated that the furnishing of WTR disposal service by Fayetteville is a governmental function and that Fayetteville does not agree to furnish any specific amount of WTR disposal service. WTR disposal service shall not be provided when conditions of weather, resource availability, restrictions of permit or site management plan are unfavorable, although it is the intention of Fayetteville to provide such disposal service at all times that these conditions are favorable. Fayetteville will notify BWD as soon as practicable when such conditions exist that will not permit the disposal of WTR. In those instances, BWD reserves the right to either use an alternate disposal method (i.e., landfilling) or to store the WTR at BWD for later transport and disposal by Fayetteville. BWD and Fayetteville commit to work together to coordinate WTR disposal schedules. Fayetteville shall not be responsible for acts of God, acts of war, acts of foreign or domestic terrorism, insurrections or rebellions, acts of a public enemy, acts of any unauthorized person, firm or corporation, or acts of BWD. BWD shall not be responsible for acts of God, acts of war, acts of foreign or domestic terrorism, insurrections or rebellions, acts of a public enemy, acts of any unauthorized person, firm or corporation, or acts of Fayetteville. Neither party shall be liable for damages, delays or failure to perform its obligations, under this Contract if such failure is due to any unforeseen circumstances beyond its reasonable control. The party invoking this clause shall notify the other party immediately by verbal communication and in writing of the nature and extent of the contingency within ten (10) business days after its occurrence, and shall take reasonable measures to mitigate any impact of an unforeseen circumstance. Regardless of anything in this Contract to the contrary, title to, ownership of, and legal responsibility and liability for any and all pre-existing conditions at or from the biosolids management site shall remain with Fayetteville. Fayetteville shall release, defend, indemnify and hold BWD harmless from any and all liability which may in any manner be related to, arise from, or in any way be directly or indirectly caused by such pre- existing conditions. BWD shall release, defend, indemnify and hold Fayetteville harmless from any and all liability caused solely by WTR disposed by BWD. (9) NOTICES: Any written notices provided for herein shall be sufficient if sent by certified mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid, to the respective parties, at the addresses listed above. (10) IMMEDIATE TERMINATION OF CONTRACT: Notwithstanding anything in this Contract, Fayetteville reserves the right to discontinue performing the disposal of WTR for BWD without notice and immediately terminate this Contract for any of the following reasons: a. If conditions of the ADEQ land application permit or approved site management plan cannot be maintained through normal operating practices or if such conditions impose undue financial hardship on Fayetteville; - 3 — Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 12\N(iffTR Disposal Agreement 1 r Mayi t doc b. If the constituents within the WTR change such that the WTR exceeds the ADEQ permit limits for any regulated parameter or causes adverse impact to the Fayetteville biosolids management site; c. For emergencies where damage to property, equipment or life is possible or likely to occur; d. If ADEQ terminates the land application permit; e. For noncompliance with the rules and regulations of the Arkansas Department of Health (ADH), ADEQ, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency; or f. Pursuant to an order of any local, state, or federal agency or court having jurisdiction over the disposal of WTR. BWD reserves the right to terminate this Agreement immediately for any of the following reasons: a. If ADEQ terminates the land application permit; b. For noncompliance with the rules and regulations of the ADH, ADEQ, or the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency; or c. Pursuant to an order of any local, state, or federal agency or court having jurisdiction over the disposal of WTR. (11) CITY AS PUBLIC UTILITY: Fayetteville shall perform all work under this Contract as a Public Utility. Neither Fayetteville nor BWD shall be responsible for the acts or omissions of the other entity's officers, agents, employees, contractors and subcontractors. Nothing in the Contract shall be construed as creating a partnership or joint venture between the City of Fayetteville and BWD. (12) SOVEREIGN IMMUNITY: Nothing in this contract shall be construed to waive or limit the sovereign immunity enjoyed by both entities. Any provision that could be interpreted as a waiver or limitation of the sovereign immunity of either party is expressly rejected and invalidated to the extent of such waiver or limitation. (13) ARKANSAS FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT: City contracts and documents, including internal documents and documents of subcontractors and sub-consultants, prepared while performing City contractual work are subject to the Arkansas Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). If a Freedom of Information Act request related to this Contract is presented to the City of Fayetteville, or to BWD, the entity receiving the FOIA request will do everything possible to provide the applicable documents in its possession in a prompt and timely manner as prescribed in the Arkansas Freedom of Information Act (A.C.A. §25-19-101 et seq.). Only legally authorized costs pursuant to the FOIA may be assessed for this compliance. (14) CHANGES, MODIFICATIONS OR AMENDMENTS: Changes, modifications, or amendments to this Contract shall not be allowed without a formal written Contract amendment approved by the Mayor and the City Council of Fayetteville and the Chief Executive Officer and the Board of Directors of BWD in advance of the change. (15) AUTHORITY: Both parties represent and warrant to the other party that the execution and delivery and performance of this Contract has been duly authorized by -¢— Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 1 %NF2�TR Disposal Agreement t t Mayl l.doc the responsible parties hereof. Both parties warrant that all required approvals have been obtained and the executing party below has such authority to bind the other party. (16) JURISDICTION: This Contract shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Arkansas. (17) SEVERABILITY AND SURVIVAL: If any phrase, clause, sentence or paragraph of this contract shall be declared invalid by the Judgment or decree of a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity shall not affect any of the remaining sentences or paragraphs of this Contract. (18) ENTIRE AGREEMENT: This Contract contains all representations and the entire understanding between the parties with respect to the subject matter of this Contract. Any prior correspondence, memoranda, or agreements with respect to WTR disposal, whether or not such correspondence, memoranda or agreements are in conflict with this Contract, are intended to be replaced in total by this Contract. The parties mutually declare there are no oral understandings or promises not contained in the Contract which contains the complete, integrated, and final agreement between the parties. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Mayor and City Clerk of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, by authority of a resolution adopted by the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, and the Chief Executive Officer and President of the Board of Directors of BWD, Arkansas, by authority of a resolution adopted by the Board of Directors of BWD, have hereunto set their hand and caused the corporation seal to be affixed and dated this day of 2011 . City of Fayetteville, Arkansas Beaver Water District Mayor Lioneld Jordan David A. Short, President Sondra Smith, City Clerk Alan Fortenberry, Chief Executive Officer -5— gW �y Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 14 0PgTR Disposal Agreement 11 Mayr 7.doc CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMO ale eveic THE DATE OF JUNE 7 2011 E CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE,ARKANSAS ARKANSAS To: Fayetteville City Council Thru: Mayor Lioneld Jordan Don Marr,Chief of Staff David Jurgen, Utilities Director9 ^n - Carrol Hill, Solid Waste and Recycli From: Brian Pugh, Solid Waste and Recycli Date: May 11, 2011 Subject: Resolution Authorizing Application for a 2011 ADEQ Recycling Grant through the Boston Mountain Solid Waste District for$23,500 for a Pilot Apartment Recycling Container. RECOMMENDATION Fayetteville City Administration recommends authorizing application for a 2011 Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality(ADEQ)recycling grant though the Boston Mountain Solid Waste District for$23,500 for a pilot apartment recycling container. BACKGROUND Each year the Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality issues recycling grants through local Solid Waste Districts to help fund recycling programs. The City has benefited from these grants in the past. The Boston Mountain Solid Waste District compiles the grant pre applications and submits them to their Grant Committee for review. ADEQ no longer requires a signature from the Mayor for the pre application process. The pre application deadline to ADEQ is July 15th, 2011. DISCUSSION This grant will be used to purchase a new container for use in a pilot program for apartment recycling. The container would be collected utilizing the existing vehicles dedicated to the Drop Box program. Staff is currently engaged in a Solid Waste and Recycling Plan in which pilot programs are to be identified. This pilot would be included in the plan for future consideration of expansion of recycling services to apartment complexes. With expanded programs and service in small business and paper recycling areas, apartment recycling is the next area where the City is looking to expand the recycling program. The challenges inherent in apartment recycling require that we move slowly,using small pilot programs to determine the best methods of providing service. The new container uses a new concept in waste handling by utilizing solar power to dump containers and also houses a multiple bin configuration on a drop box style container which will support the source separated nature of the recycling program. The container can be easily incorporated into existing operations since collection is handled with a drop off style truck,whereby eliminating the need to purchase new vehicles for recycling collections at apartments. BUDGET IMPACT The recycling grant awards are not matching grants, so no City funds are obligated with this request. Upon approval and award of the grant a budget adjustment will be requested to recognize the grant revenue and a capital project will be created. Apart ent Container Grant App CCMemo May 117 Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 15 of 1m2 �D mom Cl)CD E r �r t � A � 9 � s Municipalities & Commercial Recycling Solutions 3i L MADROC at recycle Convenience Center Recycling can be so much easier with the MADROC Mixed Paper Aluminum Our MADROC containers provide individual Paperboard Landfill compartments to separate recycle content before being hauled to a MERF or Transfer Station. The multiple compartment design helps municipalities and the waste hauling industry in their efforts to recycle & save energy. Yards yertla: Used in Schools, Recycle Convenience Centers, Curb Side Recycling, as well as Local, State and Federal Government Agencies. 'faYde. yards i • Used in various Commercial Industries such as Offices, Apartment Complexes, Sustainable Cardboard Plastic Communities, Manufacturing, Retail, Medical, 4 Glass Steel Cans Restaurants, Transportation, Trade & Wholesale environments. Typical School Recycling Configuration Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 17 of 22 � ! &7ƒ 2 § oF J2§ = ƒn2t ' i#J ] oom° ate - , !vo2 | | , ■ �2J � C » # � � � ® �I006 > 2 � o� 30 En7a » ! 7 « § § E � | ; so ! � ■ 2 +a , .�. o ■ O � (} !\ {! —(Do n 0 � ck0 / E ±7 | § « n * � ` ` / ` ; : ! 3\ § - _. $/ G\ ; / � � // k{J2 } � B - - | z ! < z o ■ 00- COL ® ; 3a � ' ` ° { | )& 2 } 2n t, 0 # 2 0 PL(03 )! ® J\ fa ` - c s | ! -; / / mo0c ■ !7 V) \! 0 � o l.0 ■ C- 03 . , ¥ r0 § � �_ � � £ Mot © } - 2 g = o CA PEP 2 co ■ # ! . . 0 � . i Wastewater System Improvement Project (WSIP) The Wastewater System Improvement Project (WSIP) is a system wide project that significantly increases the capacity of the City's wastewater system. This project addresses capacity short- falls in the wastewater collection and treatment systems; the design is expected to treat the wastewater for 115,000 people. This project will increase the City's wastewater treatment capacity from 12.6 to 21.2 million gallons per day, and will reduce the number of sewer system overflows due to rain entering the system. It also improves odor control facilities system wide. The west side wastewater treat- ment plant started treating wastewater on May 29, 2008. Major construction elements of the project include: Cash Available 1 Constructinga new West Side Wastewater 1 .61% for Construction ( ) $ 2,91;2,,4,4(1 � Not Yet Underway Treatment Plant ($62.7 million including water Construction lines, wetlands construction, and other work Underway adjacent to the site). (2) Constructing 21.6 miles of new or replacement sewer transmission pipes and 2 pump stations in the north and west areas of the City to carry the wastewater to the new West Side WWTP ($39.9 million). (3) Upgrading the existing Noland WWTP and a biosolids processing facility on the east side of 98.23% edt Comple town ($25.0 million). $ 182,749,729 t (4) Constructing 9.3 miles of new or replacement (Fayetteville funded 93.70% S 177,665,254 sewer transmission pipes and replacing, Farmington funded $174,025,428 modifying, or upgrading six pump stations in $5,04,475) as of May 5,2011 the south and east areas of the City to better carry the wastewater to the Noland WWTP ($18.2 million). (5) The project also involves work including constructing 25.5 acres of wetlands, over one mile of roadway, 1/2 mile of water pipe, engineering design and construction inspection for all aspects of the project, easements for the pipelines, and all of the associated permitting and coordination with the Corps of Engineers, Arkansas Department of Equality, the Arkansas Natural Resources Commission, the Beaver Water District, various Oklahoma agencies, and contingency calculated ($32.9 million). (6) A lift station and approximately four miles of associated pipe line work to service Farmington and the Fayetteville area immediately east of Farmington (Approx. $5.0 million provided by Farmington and $2.0 million provided by Fayetteville). The project is funded through a combination of a $42 million sales tax bond issue approved in September 2006, a $125 million sales tax bond issue approved in November 2001, system revenues, developer impact fees, and the sale of land at the West Side WWTP site. For additional information visit: www.accessfayettevilie.org Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 19 of 22 City of Fayetteville - Major Capital Improvements Progress Report as of May 5, 2011 Wastewater System Improvement Project (WSIP) 1 Hamestring Sewer Lift Station (WL-6) Phase H(EP-1) • Construct a 36 mgd capacity sewer pump station • Increase wet weather capacity • $7,082,133 cost • $1,319,486 cost • Construction complete • Construction complete 2 48" Gravity Sewer Line-Gregg to Hamestring(WL-4) Phase III(EP-3)- • Construct 28,627'of 30.48"sewer pipe line • Remove effluent pump, upgrade aeration basin • $2,532,065 cost • $10,970,165 cost • Construction complete • Construction complete 3 Force Mains- Hamestring to West Plant(WL-5) 13 Mally Wagnon Sewer Lift Station Er Force Main(EL-1) • Construct 21,740'of 24 and 30" sewer force pipe lines • Replace sewer pump station, install 4,000'of 16" • $4,752,287 cost sewer force pipe line • Construction complete • $1,398,358 cost • Construction complete 4 Broyles Road Water Line(WP-1a) 14 Ha • Construct 3,100'of 12"water Line PPY Hollow to Noland Wastewater Treatment •Cost included with West Side Wastewater Treatment Plant#5 Plant Sewer Line(EL-2) • Construction complete • Construct 26,458'of 42"gravity sewer pipe line Broyles Road (WP-1 b) • $10,677,024 cost • Construct 5,900'of two lane asphalt road • Construction complete • $3,695,085 cost 15& 16(combined projects) •Construction complete Razorback Rd to Happy Hollow Sewer Line(EL-3) 5 West Side Wastewater Treatment Plant(WP-3) • Construct 13,489'of 21-30"gravity sewer pipe line • Construct a new 10 million gallon per day(mgd) South Mountain to Industrial Park Sewer Line(EL-5) (average daily flow)wastewater treatment plant • Construct 4,084'of 10"gravity sewer pipe line • $61,068,511 cost • $5,387,098 cost • Construction complete • Construction substantially complete 6 Wetlands Mitigation (WP-2b) • SJ Louis Construction • Construct and plant 25.5 acres of wetlands 17 Hwy 62 West Water Line • Construction complete • Construction complete 7 Owl Creek Basin Lift Station Et Force Main (WL-8) 18 Sanitary Sewer Rehab • Upgrade the existing sewer pump station • Construction complete •Work completed in-house 19 North College Water Line-Maple to North 8 Porter Road to Hamestring Sewer Line(WL-3) • Construction complete • Construct 14,100'of 21.24"gravity sewer pipe line 20 24"Water Line Improvements • $7,186,957 cost • Construction complete • Construction complete 9 North Street to Poplar to Van Asche Sewer Line (WL-2) 21 Razorback Road Water Line Relocation •Construct 13,900'- mostly 24-33"gravity sewer pipe line • Construction complete • $4,433,820 cost 22 Hwy 16 Water Line Relocate- Rupple to •Construction complete Double Springs 10 Gregg Ave Sewer Lift Station (WL-7) • Construction complete • Construct a 19 mgd capacity sewer pump station 23 Mount Sequoyah Water&Sewer • $1,527,000 cost • Construct approximately 6,900' of water line and • Construction complete 600' of sewer line in the Mount Sequoyah area 11 Old Wire Road to Greggve Sewer Line L-1 • LaRue$997, 29 cost 8g (y✓ ) LaRue Contractor • Construct 15,770'of 21-36"gravity sewer pipe line • Construction complete • Cost included with Porter to Hamestring-#8 • Construction complete Other Major Capital Improvements (non-WSIP) 12 Noland (East Side)Wastewater Treatment Plant 25 36"Water Line Improvements (not shown on map) Renovation • Install pressure sustaining valves in trans. mains Phase I(EP-2) • $1,151,780 cost • Upgrade odor control, solids handling, headworks • Construction complete • $14,836,631 cost • Construction complete 30 Manhole Rehabilitation (not shown on map) Phase I(EP-4) • Repair approximately 800 manholes • Upgrade Effluent Aeration • $1,442,233 cost • $66,460 cost • Construction complete •Construction complete additionalFor Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 20 of 22 City of Fayetteville - Major Capital Improvements Progress Report as of May 5, 2011 Other Major Capital Improvements (non-WSIP) 31 Lift Station Upgrade(EL-4) 41 Canterbury Water Storage Tank • Upgrade Sewer Lift Stations 13, 14, Ft 16 • Construct 500,000 gallon elevated storage tank • $441,032 cost • $1,590,091 cost • Construction complete • Construction 90%complete 32 2008 SanitarySewer Evaluation Stud • Chicago Bridge @ Iron Contractor y • Estimated completion June, 2011 • Evaluate 400 manholes, 175,000'of sewer mains • $395,109 cost 42 Hwy 265 Utility Relocations • Work complete • Relocate and upsize approx. 16,222' of 24" and 30 33 Township Street 36" Water Main $4,water main • Construct 4,500' of 36"water line from Old Wire Rd • Garne Construction ,135 cost to Hwy 265 • City Co • $1,783,720 cost City Council awarded contract April 19, 2011 • Construction complete 43 Stone Mountain Pump Station 13 Water Lines • Seven Valley's Construction Co. • Construct water pump station, 5,700' of water pipes 34 Township Water/Sewer Relocations • $1,057,331 cost • Construct approximately 2,675' of water&sewer line • Sweetser Construction for street widening from Gregg to College • Estimated completion October, 2011 • $111,395 cost • Construction complete 35 Biosolids Management Facility- Phase 1 Construct 6 greenhouse type solar driers West Fayetteville Farmington WSlP Subprojects • • $4,963,386 cost 26 Farmington Gravity Sewer Line (WL-10) • Dean Crowder Construction Contract 1 • Construction 97%complete • Construct 2,000'of 21" gravity line • Estimated completion May, 2011 • $335,967 cost Biosolids Management Facility- Phase 2 • Construction complete • Construct thermal drier for biosolids Contract 2 (WL-10a) • $2,770,280 cost • Construct 12,322'of 12-24" gravity sewer line • Construction 42.53%complete . $1,750,122 cost • Crossland Heavy Contractors • Estimated completion September, 2011 • Construction complete 36 2010 CIPP Maintenance Contract 27 Farmington Force Main (WL-11) • 9,415' of 6"through 12" pipe • Construct 10,500'of 16"sewer force main • $330,000 cost • $1,376,586 cost • Construction complete • Construction complete • Insituform, Inc., Contractor 37 Broyles Rd Gravity Line (WL-13) 28 Farmington Lift Station (WL-12) • Construct 6,276' of 12" - 18" gravity line • Construct a 3.0 mgd capacity sewer pump station • $800,523 cost • $1,845,653 cost • Construction substantially complete • Construction complete • Goodwin fz Goodwin Contractors 29 Farmington Sanitary Sewer Rehab 38 Broyles Rd Force Main (WL-14) Unit 1 • Construct 8,190' of 12"force main • Construct 3,655' of sewer and 66 point repairs • $899,626 construction cost • $782,507 cost • Construction substantially complete • Construction complete • Redford Construction Contractors Unit 2 39 Broyles Rd Lift Station (WL-15) • Lining of 5,668'of 6" i3 8" sewer pipe • Construct a 1,500 gpm capacity sewer pump station • $175,885 cost • $591,768 cost • Construction complete • Construction substantially complete Notes: • Seven Valley's Concrete •All completion dates are for substantial complerlon, that being the date on which the constructed work can be placed in service. 40 West Side Collection System Tieover to New Lines(WL-9) •Percentage completion is based an dollars earned as of the most (not shown on map) recent pay request. • $1,611,574 cost • Construction complete additionalFor Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 21 of 22 s 0. c G O allo - 1 OR V (�D A La Vi o �p rt I n y mA i OD O O A ti S ro ORBACK RD r g y GA LgND AVE SCHOO<4 VE ~ 0 <G i z o C> N W y a rrY LAKE RD = x N z v � � i Opp y GE AV co lRi M FRO co N O A K O o Z i CROSSOVER RD p ■ i W i A A a i N O Z A 1� O N N i i Oy 0 i W W 671 Water,Sewer and Solid Waste Committee Agenda Page 22 of 22