HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-08-11 - Agendas a e ev le Y WATER/SEWER COMMITTEE AGENDA Meeting Date of August 11, 2009 COMMITTEE: Chairman Kyle Cook; Aldermen: Adella Gray, Robert Rhoads, Sarah Lewis COPY TO: Mayor Lioneld Jordan, Sondra Smith, Don Marr, Paul Becker, Lindsley Smith, Chris Brown, Jeremy Pate, Tom bb rd, Lynn Hyke, Shannon Jones, Peggy Bell, OMI FROM: David Jurgens, P. E., Utilities Director A Fayetteville Water and Sewer Committee meeting will a hel August 11, 2009, 5:30 PM, room 326, Fayetteville City Hall, following the Agenda ession. Proposed topics include: 1. WSIP U date. Contract Description Contractor Cost %Complete WL-9 Tieover- Non Critical Items Goodwin&Goodwin $ 1,546,400 90% WL-10a Farmington Gravity Line In Town Portion Gamey Const $ 1,664,231 16.73% WL-12 Farmington Lift Station JL Br son $ 1,703,216 100% EL-3&5 Razorback- Happy Hollow 36/42" Gravity S J Louis Const $ 5,253,795 60% EP-3 Noland WWTP Aeration, Clarifier Work Crossland Heavy $ 2,439,646 98.3% BIO-1 Biosolids Solar DryingIn Desi n BIO-2 Biosolids Thermal Drying In Desi n Project is substantially complete, meaning the work can be used to execute its mission. a. Biosolids Handling design is underway. Geotechnical investigations are underway in preparation for final design. b. EP-3 Change Order 3 in the amount of$15,084 is attached. It involves five items: (1) installation of wafer style check valves at Aeration Basin; (2) installation of additional fittings at the Effluent Pump Station; (3) additional joint repair at aeration basin; (4) repair of the aeration basin's floor slab; and (5) programming the adjustable frequency drive. The project is nearly complete. This change order also reconciles work to date, and will likely serve as the final change order. c. WL-9 Change Order 3 for approximately $29,600 will be distributed soon. It involves project reconciliation and completing small miscellaneous tasks required to finalize west side collection system work. d. WSIP Construction Schedule & Cost Update will be distributed at meeting. 2. Highway 265 Water/Sewer Relocations and 36" Water Line design work is being executed by McClelland Consulting Engineers. The contract for the first phase was awarded to Seven Valleys Construction for $1,757,232.00. This includes the installation of approximately 4,462 feet of 36-inch water main on Township between Crossover Road and Old Wire Road. The Notice to Proceed was issued on August 10; construction is expected to be completed by year end. Bond funds have been acquired for the project. The second phase of the project, 24" - 36" water line from Mission to Joyce along Highway 265 is nearing final design. Easement acquisition will commence as soon as the Highway Department has acquired their right-of-way. 3. Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Proiect Update. a. Minisystems 5, 6, 13A, 20 and 32 sanitary sewer evaluation study (SSES) flow monitoring, inspecting approximately 810 manholes and 175,000 feet of sewer mains preliminary report is completed. The work identified within this report was submitted for stimulus funding approval as well as for 2009 STAG funding. Staff has reviewed the final report and is working on a preliminary schedule to execute the work. b. Insituform Sewer Pipe Lining Term Contract 2009 work has been designed. The maintenance work is being combined with work identified in the SSES completed earlier this year. The CIPP process involves lining existing sewer pipes with a new pipe that saves digging, costs less W&S committee agenda 11 Aug09 a e ev le Y WATER/SEWER COMMITTEE AGENDA than traditional dig and replace work, and essentially installs a new water tight pipe within the existing pipeline. Under this work order, approximately 17,000' of pipe will essentially be replaced. 4. Canterbury Water Tank, pump station and lines are being designed by McClelland Engineers. All actions relating to the lot purchase are completed. Bid documents are expected to be completed this fall, and a construction contract awarded by year end. Elevated water tanks generally take approximately one year to construct. The design and construction of the offsite pump station and additional water line improvements necessary to connect the pump station to the new water tank will be ready before the tank completion. 5. Backflow Prevention Ordinance is attached reflecting final input received from the Arkansas Department of Health last week. This did not result in any substantive changes in the Ordinance, which was reviewed several years ago by the Ordinance Review Committee. Significant updates to the current Ordinance make a paragraph by paragraph comparison functionally impossible. The ordinance was presented to the Ordinance Review Committee and this committee last year. As defined at www.watereuse.om, backflow prevention is the prevention of the flow of any foreign liquids, gases, or substances into the distribution pipelines of a potable water supply; accomplished by an air gap or mechanical backflow obstacle. A backflow can occur when there is a leak or other cause of low pressure on the City's system, or if there is a temporary increase in pressure on the customer's line (this would generally happen only in a commercial or industrial type setting). Staff requests this item be forwarded to the full City Council for consideration. 6. Wastewater Treatment Plant Contract. RFQ planning is underway. The tentative schedule is: Aug 14 & 21 Advertise Request for Statements of Qualifications Aug 21 —Sept 11 Site visits by submitting firms (site visit is mandatory) Sept 3 Pre-submittal meeting (strongly recommended, but not mandatory) Sept 16 Open Statements of Qualification Sept 18 Selection Committee short list firms, notify firms for interviews Sept 22-24 Interview short listed firms(22nd), check references, visit sites Sept 25 Select firm Sept 25—Oct 15 Negotiate contract Oct 16 Contract submitted for City Council agenda Oct 27 City Council Agenda Session and Water/Sewer Committee Meeting Nov 3 City Council Meeting Nov— Dec Transition to new contract Jan 1, 2010 New Contract takes full effect A memorandum with the detailed plan will be distributed at meeting. 7. Woolsey Wet Prairie Wetlands Named The Governor's 2009 Corporate Conservationist Of The Year Sponsored By The Arkansas Wildlife Federation. For the first time since the Arkansas Wildlife Federation was formed in 1936, a municipality has been named the Governor's 2009 Corporate Conservationist of the Year. The City of Fayetteville is receiving the award through the Arkansas Wildlife Federation (AWF)for the Woolsey Wet Prairie wetlands mitigation site, located on the West Side Wastewater Treatment Facility site. The award is granted for excellence in protecting and managing the wildlife and natural resources in Arkansas. 8. Water/Sewer Committee Meeting is planned for Tuesday, September 8, 2009, 5:30, room 326, following the agenda session. Attachments: 1 b. EP-3 Change Order 3 5. Backflow Prevention Ordinance W&S committee agenda l 1Aug09 • 1 b. EP-3 CO 3 aye edle 1 of 3 AIIAN141 CONTRACT REVIEW MEMO To: Mayor Lioneld Jordan Thru: Don Marr, Chief of Staff From: David Jurgens, Utilities Director tmar Fayetteville Water and Sewer Commf tee Date: August 7, 2009 Subject: Approval of Change Order 3 to the Construction Contract with Crossland Heavy Contractors, for$15,084 for Noland Wastewater Treatment Plant improvements, WSIP Subproject EP-3 RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of Change Order 3 Order to Construction Contract with Crossland Heavy Contractors, for$15,084 for Noland Wastewater Treatment Plant improvements, WSIP Subproject EP-3. BACKGROUND This project includes the installation of denitrification pumps, non-potable water pumps, final clarifier drives, structural repairs, roofing replacement and other miscellaneous improvements at the Noland Wastewater Treatment Plant. This is the final of four WSIP contracts to be executed at Noland. The majority of this work could not be completed prior to the West Side WWTP becoming fully operational. DISCUSSION This change order for$15,084 involves five items: (1) installation of wafer style check valves at Aeration Basin; (2) installation of additional fittings at the Effluent Pump Station; (3) additional joint repair at aeration basin; (4) repair of the aeration basin's floor slab; and (5) programming the adjustable frequency drive. Black and Veatch, the Engineer, recommends approval of this change order. The project is nearly complete. This change order also reconciles work to date, and will likely serve as the final change order. BUDGET IMPACT This change order uses $15,084.00 of the remaining $190,110.60 contingency. A balance of $175,026.60 will remain in the approved project contingency after this change order. EP-3 CO3 CCMemo 4Aug09 1 b. EP-3 CO 3 2 of • CHANGE ORDER Faye Al 1 le Project Number: EP-3 ARKANSAS Contract Title: Noland W WTP Improvements Change Order No 3 Date of Issuance August 3,2009 TO CONTRACTOR:Crossland Heavy Contractors.Inc. ORDINANCE NO:/RESOLUTION NO: The Contract is changed as follows: EFFECTIVE Item CO3-I. Installation of Wafer Style Check Valves at Aeration Basin. Initiated by:Contractor At the recommendation of the Contractor,a wafer style check valve was installed in lieu of the standard swing check valve shown on the drawings. These valves were installed to allow the reuse of the existing concrete slab openings and reduce the overall length of the denitrification pump discharge.This change results in an increase of$9,242.00 in Contract Price.This will result in no change to the Contract Times. Item CO3-2. Installation of Additional Fittings at Effluent Pumpin Station. ation. Initiated by: Contractor Due to unforeseen conditions,an additional reducer was required for the discharge piping at the Effluent Pumping Station. In order to have the discharge of the pump connect to the existing discharge piping at the pumping station an additional reducer was needed. The additional cost for the fittings was$4,000. The Contractor will pay half of this additional cost.This change results in an increase of$2,000.00 in Contract Price.This will result in no change to the Contract Times. Item CO3-3. Additional Aeration Basin Joint Repair. Initiated by: Contractor Due to unforeseen conditions in the Aeration Basin,additional expansion joint repairs were required in the exterior walls of the Aeration Basin. A total of 8 joints required additional repair. This repair included a full injection of the depth of the joint on the interior and exterior of the expansion joint and concrete repair using corrosion resistant repair mortar on the exterior side of the joint. This change results in an increase of$15,084.00 in Contract Price.This change represents an increase in Contract of 35 calendar days. Item CO3-4, Aeration Basin Floor Slab Repair. Initiated by: Owner Due to unforeseen conditions in the Aeration Basin,concrete and waterstop repairs were required in two location on the east side of the Aeration Basin. The original concrete surrounding two joints had broken away from the floor of the basin. These repairs were done on a cost per linear foot basis. The cost for concrete repair is 58 dollars per linear foot and 52 dollars per linear for waterstop repairs. A total of 150 feet of concrete repair was required and 75 feet of waterstop repair. This change results in an increase of$12,600.00 in Contract Price.This change represents an increase in Contract of 21 calendar days. 00940 change order 3 00940- 1 Project No. 135045 SECTION 00940 - CHANGE ORDER FORM(continued) 1b. EP-3 CO 3 3 of Item CO3-5. Adiustable Frequency Drive Programming Initiated by:Contractor To expedite the start up of the Effluent Pumping Station Pumps,OMI staff programmed the adjustable frequency drives for both effluent pumps. This programming was removed from Contractor's scope of work. This change results in a decrease of$396.00 in Contract Price.This will result in no change to the Contract Times. Not valid until signed by the Owner. The original Contract Price was..........................................................................................................$ 2.439,646.00 Net change by previously authorized Change Orders .........................................................................$ 53,889.40 The Contract Price prior to this Change Order was ............................................................................$ 2,493,535.40 The Contract Price will be(X increased)(0 decreased)(O unchanged)by......................................$ 38,530.00 The new Contract Price including this Change Order will be.............................................................$ 2,532,065.40 The Contract Times will be(X increased)(0 decreased)(0 unchanged)by ....................................( 56 ) days Required date of Substantial Completion as of the date of this Change Order therefore is ................ August 4 2009 NOTE: This summary does not reflect changes in the Contract Price or Contract Times which have been authorized by Work Change Directives not incorporated in this or previous Change Orders. ENGINEER BY DATE CONTRACTOR BY DATE I certify there is a balance otherwise unencumbered to the credit of the appropriation to which the above amount is chargeable, and a cash balance otherwise unencumbered in the treasury to the credit of the fund from which payment is to be made, each sufficient to meet the above obligation. Distribution: 0 Owner(3) O Contractor 0 Engineer 00940-CHANGE,ORDER FORM 00940-2 5.Backflow Prevention Ordinance 1 of 9 51.146 Cross Connection Control And Backflow Prevention (3) Approved assembly means an assembly approved by the Water and (A)Purposes. Sewer Division and shall mean an assembly that has been manufactured The purposes of this article are to: in full conformance with the standards established by the American Water (1) Protect the City of Fayetteville potable Works Association's most recent revised water system from contamination or publication "Standards for Reduced pollution by preventing contaminants Pressure Principle and Double Check and pollutants within the water systems Valve Backflow Prevention Assemblies", of customers from entering the City and have met completely the laboratory water system. and field performance specifications of the Foundation for Cross-Connection (2) Provide for the maintenance of a Control and Hydraulic Research continuing program of Cross Connection (FCCCHR)of the University of Southern Control by requiring the installation of California established by specifications approved backflow prevention of backflow prevention assemblies of assemblies as required by the Arkansas the most current issue of the "Manual of State Plumbing Code and requiring the Cross-Connection Control", or such certification and operational testing of all other third party certifying entity testable backflow prevention approved by the Water and Sewer assemblies. Division. (3) Comply with applicable Federal (4) Auxiliary water supply means any water regulations related to cross-connections supply on or available to a customer's and backflow prevention, including premises from a source other than without limitation, those of the directly through the City water supply. Occupational Safety & Health Auxiliary water supplies include all of the Administration and the Environmental following: Protection Agency. (a) Water from another public water (4) Comply with State regulations related to system. cross-connections and backflow (b) Water from a natural source, such prevention, including, without limitation, spring,those of the Arkansas Department of as a well, p g, pond, river or Health creek. (B) Applicability. (c) Reclaimed water. This article applies to all connections to the (d) Any water supplied by a public City potable water system, and to all water system, including the city installations of backflow prevention water system, that has passed assemblies related to the City's potable through a point of delivery and is no water system, regardless of whether the longer controlled by the public connection or assembly is located within the water system. city limits of Fayetteville or in the city's water (5) AWWA means American Water Works service area, and regardless of whether the connection or assembly is for retail, Association. wholesale, industrial, or other customer or user of the City potable water supply system. (6) Backflow means the reversal of flow of water and/or mixtures of water and other (C) Definitions. liquids, gases, or other substances from a customer's side of the service (1) Air gap separation means a physical connection into the City water system. separation between the free flowing Backflow may occur under either a discharge end of a City water system backpressure or back siphon condition. pipeline and an open or unpressurized (7) Backflow prevention assembly or receiving line or vessel. assembly means a device or (2) ADH means the Arkansas Department aggregation of devices designed to of Health. prevent backflow, including reduced 1 5.Backflow Prevention Ordinance 2 of pressure backflow assemblies, double check valve assemblies, atmospheric (17)Cross connection means any physical vacuum breakers, pressure vacuum connection between the City water breaker assemblies or an air gap. system and another water system or source, through which backflow may (8) Backpressure means any situation occur. where the pressure in a customer's system is higher than in the City water (18)Customer means any person that is system. supplied potable water by or through the City water system, including, without (9) Back siphon occurs when the pressure limitation, retail, wholesale and industrial in the public water system becomes less customers and persons using a portion than that of the customer's system due of the City water system for water to a vacuum in the public system, transmission purposes. (10)Building official means the person (19)Customer's system means the entire designated as the Building Official in the plumbing system, including all pipes, Building Safety Division. conduits, tanks, receptacles, fixtures, equipment and appurtenances used to (11)Bypass means a connection from the produce, convey, store or utilize potable City side of a backflow prevention water between the point of delivery and assembly to the customer side of the the customer's point of use. assembly for the purpose of diverting the water around the assembly while it (20)Division means the City of Fayetteville is being repaired or replaced. Water and Sewer Division. (12)Certified Testing Technician means a (21)EPA means the United States person certified to test Backflow Environmental Protection Agency. Assemblies/Devices by the Arkansas Department of Health as an Assembly (22)Federal Government means United Testing Technician(ATT). States Federal Government and the Clean Water Act. (13)Certified Repair Technician means a person certified to repair Backflow (23)Hazardous contaminant means any Assemblies/Devices by the Arkansas form of contamination that poses a Department of Health as an Assembly health hazard with respect to the use of Repair Technician( RT). water for drinking or other domestic purposes. (14)Check valve means a valve that seats readily and completely to cease the flow (24)N.F.P.A. means National Fire Protection of water. Association. (15)City water system means the entire (25)Plumbing code means the most current potable water distribution system of the version of the State of Arkansas City and its water service area, Plumbing Code as adopted. including, without limitation, all pipes, facilities, valves, pumps, conduits, (26)Point of delivery means the point at tanks, receptacles and fixtures and which water leaves the City water appurtenances between the water system and enters a customer's system supply source and the point of delivery, at or near the property line or the edge used by the City to produce, convey, of an easement. When a water meter is deliver, measure, treat or store potable installed on or near the property line or water for public consumption or use, edge of an easement, the "point of delivery" is the terminal end on the (16)Contamination means the presence of discharge side of the water meter. any foreign substance (organic, inorganic, radiological or biological) in (27)Pollutant means a substance that water that tends to degrade its quality so impairs the quality of water in a manner as to constitute a hazard or impair the or to a degree that does not create a usefulness of the water. Contamination hazard to public health, but may includes both hazardous contaminants adversely affect the aesthetic qualities and pollutants, of the water for domestic use. 2 5.Backflow Prevention Ordinance 3 of (4) The Water and Sewer Division will make (28)Potable water means water that periodic inspections to verify that proper complies with United State records of the installation and Environmental Protection Agency and maintenance of backflow prevention Arkansas Department of Health rules for assemblies are maintained by drinking water and other domestic uses. customers in accordance with this article. (29)Service connection means the terminal end of a service connection from the (5) The Water and Sewer Division may City water system, i.e., where the City refuse to initiate service, or may loses jurisdiction and sanitary control discontinue service, to any customer over the water at the point of delivery to that maintains an actual or potential the customer. If a meter is installed at sanitary hazard in the customer's the point of delivery, the "service system, or whose plumbing is connection" means the point at which susceptible to cross connections, where the terminal end on the discharge side the Division determines that adequate of the water meter connects to the protection against backflow is not customer's system. provided. (D) Conflicts with other ordinances. (H) Authority of the Building Official. If there is a conflict between a provision of this article and the plumbing code or any (1) The Building Official designated is other provision of this Code, the most responsible for enforcing all provisions restrictive provision will apply. of the plumbing code pertaining to cross connections, including proper (E) Severability installation of each customer's system, If any provision of this ordinance or the and the connection to the City water application thereof to any person or system. circumstances is held invalid, such provisions or applications of these Rules and (2) The Building Official will coordinate all Regulations which can give effect without the building permit approvals to ensure invalid provisions or applications, and to this compliance with this article. the provision hereto are declared to be severable. (1) Responsibilities of the Certified Testing Technician and the Certified Repair (F) Repeal Technician. All ordinance and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. (1) Registration of testers: Each person who wishes to perform services as a (G) Authority of the Water and Sewer Division certified testing technician for a City water system customer must furnish (1) The Water and Sewer Division is evidence that the person is licensed by responsible for enforcing the the State of Arkansas and show that the requirements of this article with respect person has available the necessary to connections made to the City water tools and equipment to properly test system. backflow prevention assemblies. The Water and Sewer Division will refuse to (2) To ensure adequate protection in accept test results if the tester does not individual cases, the Water and Sewer hold a current license from the State of Division may assess and determine the Arkansas. degree of hazard to the public potable water system. (2) Testing equipment: The certified testing technician must be equipped with and (3) When the Water and Sewer Division be competent to use all the necessary determines that a backflow prevention tools, gauges and other equipment assembly is required for the protection necessary to properly test backflow of the City water system,the division will prevention assemblies. The certified require the customer, at the customer's testing and repair technician must expense, to properly install an approved furnish the Water and Sewer Division assembly at each service connection or with the serial number of the hazard point. technician's test kit, and the technician's test gauge must be tested when 3 5.Backflow Prevention Ordinance 4 of purchased and at least annually customer's complete internal water thereafter. The certified test technician system. must maintain the test gauge to ± 2% accuracy. (2) Each customer, as a condition of receiving water service, must allow City (3) Responsibility of certified testing Water and Sewer Department personnel technician: When employed by a access to the customer's property to customer, the certified testing technician inspect and survey the customer's is responsible for the testing of the system for potential contamination and customer's backflow prevention backflow hazards. assembly, The technician is responsible for the competency and accuracy of all (3) The customer, at the customer's tests and reports performed and expense, must install, operate, test and submitted. Test results must be maintain approved assemblies as submitted to the Water and Sewer required by this article. After any repair Division within 10 calendar days of or overhaul of an assembly, the testing the device. customer must have it tested by a certified tester to ensure it is in proper (4) Immediate reports by certified testing operating condition. A customer must technician: If a backflow prevention apply for and obtain a permit from the assembly test fails, or an assembly building official for the re-piping or malfunctions, the certified tester must relocation of a backflow prevention immediately notify the Water and Sewer assembly. Upon completion of any such Division and the customer by phone and work, the customer must have the with proper test reports showing the assembly retested by a certified tester. failure. The customer must maintain accurate test and maintenance report forms for all (5) Inspection and repair: Each customer tests and repairs made to backflow must use a licensed certified repair prevention assemblies, and must technician when repairing or overhauling provide the Water and Sewer Division backflow, prevention assemblies. The with copies of these reports. certified repair technician will make reports of the repair to the customer and (K) STANDARDS AND REQUIREMENTS the Water and Sewer Division. The certified repair technician must include (1) The ADH Rules and Regulations for in the report a list of materials or Public Water Systems, as amended replacement parts used. The certified from time to time,will govern the design, repair technician must ensure that parts construction, operation and recommended by the manufacturer of maintenance of the City water system the assembly or device being repaired with respect to cross-connection control are used in the repair or replacement of and backflow prevention. Each parts in the assembly or device. After customer must comply with all the repair test results must be submitted applicable provisions of these Rules and by the licensed repair technician to the Regulations. Water and Sewer Division within 10 calendar days of testing the device. (2) It is unlawful for a customer to cause or allow water from an auxiliary water (6) Procedure and equipment: It is unlawful supply to enter the City water system. for a certified repair technician to change the design, material, or (3) It is unlawful for a person to make a operational characteristics of a backflow connection from the City water system prevention assembly during repair or to a customer's system where an actual maintenance, or potential contamination hazard to the City water system exists. An air gap or (J) Responsibilities of Customers. approved backflow, protection device must be installed at the service (1) Each customer has the primary connection between the drinking water responsibility of preventing supply and the source of potential contaminants from entering the contamination. customer's system or the City water system. This responsibility starts at the (4) It is unlawful for a person to make any point of delivery, and includes the connection from the City water system 4 5.Backflow Prevention Ordinance 5 of to any condensing, cooling or industrial (1) Air gap separation. An air gap process or any other system of installation separating the city water nonpotable usage over which City water system from the customer's system is system officials do not have sanitary acceptable in all situations listed in this control, in a manner that does not fully article as long as it is properly comply with the requirements of maintained. Since air gap installation subsection (3) above. It is unlawful for separations are easily eliminated or any person to cause or permit backflow bypassed, the Water and Sewer from any such process to the City water Division may perform field surveys and system. require the additional protection of a mechanical backflow prevention (5) All backflow prevention assemblies must assembly. The air gap separation must be tested upon installation by a certified be located as close as practical to the tester and must be certified to be city water meter, and normally all piping operating within specifications. Backflow between the meter and the receiving prevention assemblies which are tank must be entirely visible. The term installed to provide protection against air gap shall mean a physical separation hazardous contaminants must be tested between the free flowing discharge end and certified to be operating within of a potable water supply pipeline and specifications at least annually by a an open or non-pressure receiving certified tester. vessel. An approved air-gap separation must be at least double the diameter of (6) Gauges used in the testing of backflow the supply pipe measured vertically prevention assemblies must be tested above the overflow rim of the vessel, but for accuracy annually in accordance in no case less than one inch(2.54 cm). with the American Water Works Association Manual of Cross- (2) Check valve. Each check valve must be Connection Control. Each certified tester carefully machined to save free moving that performs tests related to the City parts and assure water tightness, water system must include test gauge permitting no leakage in a direction serial numbers on all test and reverse to the normal flow. The valve maintenance report forms to verify that must be weighted or spring loaded to the tester uses gauges tested for one pound per square inch in the accuracy. direction of the flow. The face of the closure element and valve seat must be (7) Within 10 days a test report must be of bronze composition or other completed by a recognized backflow noncorrodible material which will seat prevention assembly tester for each tightly under all prevailing conditions of assembly tested. The signed and dated field use. Pins and bushings must be of original must be submitted to the City for bronze or other noncorrodible, record keeping purposes. nonsticking material, machined for easy, dependable operation. The closure (8) The use of a backflow prevention element, normally referred to as a assembly at a service connection will be clapper, must be internally weighted or considered an additional backflow otherwise internally equipped to prevention, and will not negate the need promote rapid and positive closure in all for use of backflow prevention on sizes where this feature is obtainable. internal hazards as defined by Arkansas Plumbing Code or the Department of (3) Double check valve backflow prevention Health assembly. (DC) This is a device composed of two independently acting, (9) It is unlawful for a customer to install, or approved check valves, including tightly to cause or permit the installation of, a closing resilient-seated shutoff valves bypass that has not been approved in located at each end of the assembly, advance by the Water and Sewer and fitted with properly located resilient- Division. All bypasses on backflow seated test cocks. prevention assemblies must themselves include provisions for backflow (4) Reduced pressure principle backflow prevention. prevention assembly. (RP) This is a device consisting of two independently (L) Types of backflow prevention. acting approved check valves together with a hydraulically operating, 5 5.Backflow Prevention Ordinance 6 of mechanically independent pressure backflow prevention assembly to be differential relief valve located between used in each individual case. the check valves and at the same time below the first check valve. These units (4) In some instances, the Water and are located between two tightly closing Sewer Division may require a customer resilient-seated shutoff valves and are to use total containment backflow fitted with properly located resilient prevention to allow the backflow seated test cocks. prevention assembly to be installed on an internal branch line. An example of (M) Types of backflow prevention required, this would be for a combination fire and domestic water service from the city (1) The degree of protection and the type of water supply. The backflow prevention protection deemed necessary to prevent for the domestic use would be installed backflow, and possible contamination of immediately after the fire line tee. In the City water system are outlined in this such a case, the fire line must be section. Cross connections vary widely provided with its own separate backflow in degree of contamination hazard. prevention. Backflow may occur under many different pressure differentials, varying (5) Auxiliary water supplies: Where a from vacuum to very high pressures. customer is served by an auxiliary water The protection afforded by a backflow supply in addition to the City water prevention assembly depends upon its system, all applicable regulations must type, the circumstances in which it is be followed, and the Water and Sewer installed, and on its proper installation, Division will determine the type of testing and maintenance. backflow prevention assembly to be used. (2) Criteria for selection of backflow, prevention assemblies: The selection of (6) Backflow,prevention for fire lines. an appropriate backflow prevention assembly depends upon the degree of (a) Backflow prevention is required on hazard involved and will be based on all fire line installations. The type the following criteria: and extent of backflow prevention needed for a particular fire (a) Whether or not the assembly could protection system is subject to ever be subject to backpressure approval by the Water and Sewer due to the customer's internal Division. Pressure losses across pumping pressures or elevation backflow prevention assemblies differentials. must be accommodated in the design or redesign of a fire (b) The nature of contaminating protection system. This factor is material under the most critical particularly important when circumstances. redesigning existing fire protection systems. All backflow prevention (c) The extent to which additions may assemblies for fire line installations be made to the plumbing system at must be Underwriters Laboratory a later date which would affect the listed. At no time can a fire line be initial selection of the assembly. connected to a water meter unless that meter is approved for that use (d) The frequency with which the City and approved by the Water and water supply could be exposed to a Sewer Division. hazardous condition. (b) Backflow, prevention requirements (e) The degree of protection of the for fire lines: Systems with chemical water supply as provided by the loops and/or foam injection will plumbing code as enforced by the require a reduced pressure Building Safety Division. principle backflow prevention assembly at the loop or foam (3) Decisions on selection of backflow injection point; however, an prevention assembly: The Water and expansion chamber or relief valve Sewer Division will have the final will have to be installed to approval authority over the type of compensate for thermal expansion in accordance with the fire code. 6 5.Backflow Prevention Ordinance 7 of The installation of reduced pressure service, or assume that a high principle assemblies for contamination hazard exists, and containment backflow prevention on therefore require the highest degree of fire lines should be avoided and protection on the customer's system. installed only in situations where chemical injection occurs prior to (0) New facilities. any taps or tees. Existing chemical loops and systems with access to (1) All new facilities are required to comply an auxiliary water supply must be with the requirements of this article. retrofitted with an approved Compliance by a new City water system assembly. customer with the requirements for installation of one or more backflow (c) Backflow prevention assemblies prevention assemblies will be verified in installed on fire lines must be tested conjunction with the customer's in accordance with N.F.P.A. application for water service, or with the requirements. Backflow devices customer's building and plumbing must be tested at least annually for permits, proper operation against backpressure and backsiphon. (2) The Water and Sewer Division may require field inspection of the customer's (d) Test and maintenance report forms premises, in addition to plan submittal for fire line backflow prevention and review, to determine the actual or assemblies: Test and maintenance potential hazards and backflow report forms used by fire line testers prevention assembly requirements. must include a confirmation that the system has been placed back in (3) All mechanical layouts or building plans operation upon completion of a test. submitted to the Building Safety Division Test forms must be submitted by will be reviewed to assure compliance the certified tester to the Water and with the requirements of this article and Sewer Division within 10 days of the plumbing code. All mechanical testing each device. layouts or plans will be stamped by the Water and Sewer Division to indicate (e) Single check valve: The single that the drawings have been reviewed to check valve is not considered to be assure compliance with the an approved assembly, and will be requirements of this article. Further used only in limited instances such contact by the Water and Sewer as for directional flow control. Division may be necessary for further determination. (N) Procedures. (4) A new customer's application for water (1) The procedures outlined in this section service must be accompanied by a are based on the principle of mechanical layout or plan for all containment of all actual and potential proposed structures to be connected to contamination hazards within the the City water system, showing or customer's system. describing all plumbing arrangements and indicating the proposed type and (2) A customer may request in writing a size of backflow prevention assemblies written approval from the Water and to be installed. This information will be Sewer Division for a proposed deviation routed through the Water and Sewer from or exception to the standards in Division to ensure compliance with the this article. The Water and Sewer provisions of this article. Division may approve a deviation or exception only if it does not involve a (5) Customer service inspections: The risk of contamination to the City water Water and Sewer Division will require a system, customer service inspection certification in all of the following circumstances: (3) If a customer refuses to allow access to Water and Sewer Division (a) Prior to providing continuous water representatives for an inspection or a service to new construction; water use survey, the Water and Sewer Division may either refuse or (b) On any existing service when the discontinue the customer's water water purveyor has reason to 7 5.Backflow Prevention Ordinance 8 of believe that cross-connections or this section. All assemblies must be other unacceptable plumbing tested at the time of installation, and at practices exist; and the time of any repair or relocation. All tests and repairs must be performed by (c) After any substantial improvement, a certified technician. The technician alteration, correction, or addition to must complete a test and maintenance a customer's system. report form and submit the form to the Water and Sewer Division within 10 (P) Existing facilities, calendar days of testing a device. It will be the responsibility of the customer to (1) Whenever it is determined by the Water initiate the testing and any maintenance and Sewer Division that a water service determined by the test to be necessary, poses an actual or potential threat to the and to submit written results to the physical properties of the water system Water and Sewer Division. or potability of the public water system, a device complying with this article shall (2) Time schedule: All assemblies must be be installed by the customer and at the tested annually no later than 30 days customer's expense. after the date of the original installation. (2) Inspection procedure: The Water and (3) Testing by city: City personnel may inspect the existing Perform periodic tests on assemblies at Sewer Division will ins p g random locations to ensure that facilities of all City water system acceptable test standards are being customers that pose a potential risk to followed by certified testers. City the City water system. After the personnel may also randomly select and inspection is completed, the Water and tag assemblies in a manner that will Sewer Division will provide a written determine if the assemblies have been notice to the customer advising of the tested as required. backflow prevention assembly requirements for the customer's system. (R) Costs. The customer will then be required to retrofit an assembly so that it will meet (1) All costs associated with compliance current standards. When notified, with this article, including purchase, customers will have 10 calendar days installation, testing, maintenance, repair from notification to have a device and replacement are to be borne by the installed. If, at any time, a customer is customer. Advisory assistance may be having difficultly meeting the time requested from the Water and Sewer requirement, the customer must contact Division and Building Safety Division the Water and Sewer Division for an without charge. extension of time to complete the installation. (2) Annual fee: The Water and Sewer Division, at the discretion of the City (3) Building Safety - Plan review: Plans Council, may collect an annual fee from submitted to the Building Safety Division each account that requires a backflow for approval of plumbing modifications, prevention assembly. The annual fees or additions to an existing plumbing collected shall be used to offset the cost system, will be reviewed by the Water of establishing and maintaining a record and Sewer Division to determine the system to permit and track backflow type of backflow prevention method or prevention assemblies and their annual assembly required for the entire certification. establishment. The method and type of assembly required will be noted on the (S) Penalty; disconnection. plans. (1) If the Water and Sewer Division (Q) Records and tests. discovers that a customer has not (1) In order to assure that backFlow installed a required backflow prevention device or that a backflow prevention prevention assemblies continue to device has been improperly tested, operate satisfactorily, each customer maintained, bypassed or removed, or that is required to use an assembly is that an unprotected cross-connection required to have periodic testing of the exists in the customers water system, assembly performed in accordance with the water service to that service 8 5.Backflow Prevention Ordinance 9 of connection shall be disconnected if the situation is not remedied within the time specified in the notice sent to the customer as required by this section. The service shall not be restored until the condition is remedied. (2) Water service to a fire sprinkler system shall not be subject to disconnection under this section. If a situation, which would otherwise result in discontinuance of water service in subsection(1)above, is not remedied within the time provided in the notice sent to the customer, the customer may be issued a citation each day for a misdemeanor until the offense is corrected. Each day the situation is allowed to continue thereafter may constitute a separate violation of this section. A notice to the insurance carrier, Department of Health and Fire Department will be sent by the Water and Sewer Division notifying them of the potential hazard. (3) Prior to disconnecting any water service because a condition set forth in subsection (1) above, exists, the department shall send a notice to the customer describing the condition and notifying the customer that the condition must be remedied within 10 days after mailing of the notice by the division. If such condition is not remedied within said 10 calendar day period, the division shall send a second notice to the customer notifying the customer that water service will be disconnected in 15 calendar days if the condition is not remedied. (4) The division may disconnect, without notice, water service to any customer when the department discovers that the customer's water system is contaminating the public potable water supply. The Water Division shall immediately attempt to notify the customer to the problem. (5) A person who knowingly or intentionally violates, or causes or permits the violation of any provision of this article commits a misdemeanor. Each day of an ongoing violation will be deemed a separate violation. (6) Failure, refusal or inability on the part of a customer or user to comply with any provision of this article will constitute grounds for refusing or discontinuing water service. 9