HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-04-14 - Agendas a e evple Y WATER/SEWER COMMITTEE AGENDA Meeting Date of April 14, 2009 COMMITTEE: Chairman Kyle Cook; Aldermen: Adella Gray, Robert Rhoads, Sarah Lewis COPY TO: Mayor Lioneld Jordan, Sondra Smith, Don arr, Paul Becker, Ron Petrie, Jeremy Pate, Tom Hubbard, Lynn Hyk nnon Jones, Peggy Bell, OMI FROM: David Jurgens, P. E., Utilities Director A Fayetteville Water and Sewer Committee meeting wil a h�JId April 14, 2009, 5:30 PM, room 326, Fayetteville City Hall, following the Agenda Ses Ion. Proposed topics include: 1. Geosyntec White River Nutrient Reduction Studv. In August 2007 the City began working with Geosyntec Consultants to develop a nutrient reduction plan based on the guidance in a 2006 agreement with the Beaver Water District. The Agreement called for the City to hire a nationally recognized firm to evaluate sources of phosphorus within the White River Watershed portion of the City; identify actions or projects to reduce nutrient loadings from nonpoint sources and determine the potential phosphorus load reductions from these actions; and provide methods for documenting the reduction achieved. The Agreement requires the City to spend $200,000 per year for five years to implement non-point source reduction projects; this includes the development of the Nutrient Reduction Plan. The Plan was developed in consultation with City staff and a Stakeholder Review Group. The resulting plan includes a suite of projects to potentially be implemented in the City of Fayetteville to reduce non-point source loading of phosphorus to the White River Watershed. Mark Willobee of Geosyntec will be at the meeting to present the Nutrient Reduction Plan. 2. WSIP U date. Contract Description Contractor Cost %Complete WLA &3 Porter—Hamestring&Old Wire—GreggOscar Renda $ 7,186,957 100% WL-2 North St—Poplar—GreggGravity Line T-G Excavating $ 4,433,820 100% WL-4 GreggAve—Hamestring LS Gravity Line Oscar Renda $ 10,970,164 100% WL-5 Force Mains Hamestrin —West Plant Gamey Const $ 4,752,287 100% WL-6 Hamestring Lift Station Brasfield &Gorrie $ 7,082,133 100% WL-7 GreggAve Lift Station Crossland Heavy $ 1,527,000 100% WL-9a Tieover-Critical Items OMI $ 65,000 100% WL-9 Tieover-Non Critical Items Goodwin&Goodwin $ 1,546,400 45.97% WL-10 Farmington Gravity Line Redford Const $ 335,967 100% WL-10a Farmington Gravity Line In Town Portion Gamey Const $ 1,664,231 5% WL-11 Farmington Force Main Gamey Const $ 1,367,314 100% WL-12 Farmington Lift Station JL Bryson $ 1,703,216 100% EP-1 Noland Wet Weather Improvements Wilson Brothers $ 1,336,886 100% ELA Mally Wa non Lift Station and Force Main Gamey Const $ 1,398,357 100% EL-2 Happy Hollow—Noland WWTP 42" Gravity Rosetta Const $ 10,464,082 100% EL-3&5 Razorback- Happy Hollow 36/42" Gravity S J Louis Const $ 5,253,795 28% EP-2 Noland WWTP Renovation Archer Western $ 14,836,631 100% EP-3 Noland WWTP Aeration, Clarifier Work Crossland Heavy $ 2,439,646 56.3% EP-4 Noland WWTP Oxygen Injection BluelnGreen $ 66,460 100% BIO-1 Biosolids Solar Drying In Design BIO-2 Biosolids Thermal Drying In Design WP-1 b Broyles Road Construction Crowder Const $ 3,826,874 100% BWD-1 Geosyntec Consulting Geosyntec $ 199,883 99% WP-2b Wetlands Miti ation, WWTP Site Multi le Contractors $ 3,297 100% WP&L BP West Side L-6 &WP-3 Backup Power I PowerSecure $ 1,986,897 100% WP-3 Elec Electric Line Relocation, Broyles Rd Ozarks Electric $ 264,818 100% WP-3 West Side WWTP Construction Brasfield &Gorrie 1 $60,936,574 100% Project is substantially complete, meaning the work can be used to execute its mission. Page 1 of 29 W&S committee agenda I4AprO9 aY e evla le WATER/SEWER COMMITTEE AGENDA a. Biosolids Handling design is underway. This project is being submitted for stimulus funding approval. b. WL-9 Change Orders 1 and 2 with Godwin and Goodwin for$38,474.40 and $200.00 respectively are attached. WL-9 covers for tieover and cutover of the west side wastewater collection system. Change Order 1 allows for installation of variable frequency drives for the pumps at the refitted Old Wire Road pump station. The variable frequency drives are required so the lift station can pump the appropriate amounts of flow when pumping is required. Change Order 2 allows for demolition of 5 decommissioned lift stations, filling the dry well/repairing the floor at the Poplar Street lift station and excavating and repairing leaks at the bottom of existing manholes. The contractor's price was less than the cost of water and sewer executing the work in house. This change order also reflects a reconciliation of work performed to date. A$77,000 contingency was approved with this contract; $38,325.60 will remain in the contingency after both change orders. c. WL-12 Change Order 2 with JL Bryson for work at the Farmington Lift Station is attached. This change order, in the amount of$35,291.83, includes reinforcing rock anchors due to very high ground water; adding concrete surface for future tractor trailer turn around inside fenced area; and various small electrical modifications to meet Ozark Electric requirements. The cost share between Far min ton and Fayetteville is below. Change I Fayetteville Farmington Fayetteville Farmington Order Fayetteville Farmington Contingency Contingency Contingency Contingency Amount Share Share Before CO 2 Before CO 2 After CO 2 After CO 2 $35,291.83 $10,020.39 $25,271.44 $28,485.24 $ 56,969.76 $ 18,464.84 $31,698.33 d. EL-3 and 5 Change Order 2 with SJ Louis Construction for$56,003.00, for the construction of the gravity sewer main from Happy Hollow Road to Razorback Road, is attached. This change order is required to revise frame and cover types on 4 manholes, add footing on 6' piers, add lamination ramps at pier spans, conduct extra work on water lines, remove unknown buried concrete near manhole 57 and also includes a delay due to a conflict with a gas line. It also lengthens the contract time by 13 days for ice storm delays. A$420,000 contingency was approved with the contract; $387,400 remains after Change Order 1. A balance of$331,397 will remain after Change Order 2 is executed. e. Persimmon Land Sale Agreement, which included 34.27 acres of land adjacent to Persimmon Street on the West Side WWTP property, has been cancelled. Two checks, each for $2,500.00, are being produced to return earnest money to Charley Sloan and JB Hays. f. WSIP Construction Schedule & Cost Update will be distributed at meeting. 3. Highway 265 Water/Sewer Relocations and 36" Water Line design work is being executed by McClelland Consulting Engineers. Easement acquisition is underway for the Township portion of this work. The first phase of construction, the 36"water line on Township between Crossover and Old Wire Road is expected to begin in June or July. The bond issue comes before the City Council on April 21, 2009. These bonds will be used to pay for all of the Township work and the City's portion of the design. 4. Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Project Update. a. Insituform Sewer Pipe Lining Term Contract work is complete for the 2008 work order for 8,725' of 6" — 12" cured in place pipe (CIPP) lining. The CIPP process involves lining existing sewer pipes with a new pipe that saves digging, costs less than traditional dig and replace work, and essentially installs a new water tight pipe within the existing pipeline. Under this work order, approximately 9,000' of pipe can be essentially replaced. The 2009 term renewal Council packet is attached. Staff requests this be approved for forwarding for City Council approval. b. Minisystems 5, 6, 13A, 20 and 32 sanitary sewer evaluation study(SSES)flow monitoring, inspecting approximately 810 manholes and 175,000 feet of sewer mains preliminary report is being reviewed by staff. The work identified within this report will be submitted for stimulus funding approval. 5. Farmington Wastewater Agreement Addendum is being discussed to make the agreement consistent with the updated WSIP costs and to incorporate impact fees. Page 2 of 29 W&S committee agenda 14Apx09 am*yeey11e WATEMEWER COMMITTEE AGENDA 6. Illinois River Watershed Proposed Phosphorus Limit staff memorandum update and USEPA Region 6 letter regarding the NACA permit is attached. 7. American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA), i.e. Stimulus Package, Water, Wastewater and Stormwater Funding guidance was distributed by ANRC April 9, 2009; the project submission deadline for consideration is April 20th. The guidance states: "To be eligible for ARRA funds, a project must have a Facilities Plan, Environmental Review, and Plans and Specification of all completed and approved by the Commission by September 1, 2009. If this deadline can not be met, ARRA funds will not be offered." A copy of the guidance is attached. 8. Utilities Capital Management Team information packet will be distributed at the meeting. 9. Water/Sewer Committee Meeting is planned for Tuesday, May 12 2009, 5:30, room 326, following the Agenda Session. Attachments: 2.b. WL-9 Change Order 1 2.b. WL-9 Change Order 2 2.c. WL-12 Change Order 2 2.d. EL-3 and 5 Change Order 2 4. Insituform 2009 Work Order Council Packet 6. Phosphorus Limit Memorandum and Letter 7. American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA)funding guidance 8. Utilities Project Management Team Packet (to be distributed at meeting) 21 WSIP Construction Schedule & Cost Update (to be distributed at meeting) Page 3 of 29 W&S committee agenda 14Apc09 lle6 '8 3 Mayor's Approval NKANSAS CONTRACT REVIEW MEMO To: Mayor Lioneld Jordan Thru: Fayetteville Sewer Committee Don Marr, Chief of Staff From: David Jurgens, Public Utilities Director Date: 18 March 2009 Subject: Approval of Change Order 1 to the construction contract with Goodwin & Goodwin Inc in the amount of$38,474.40, for tieover and cutover of the west side wastewater collection system, WSIP Subproject WL-9 RECOMMENDATION City staff recommends approval of Change Order 1 to the construction contract with Goodwin & Goodwin Inc in the amount of$38,474.40, for tieover and cutover of the west side wastewater collection system,WSIP Subproject WL-9. BACKGROUND The project involves abandoning 8 manholes, cutting and plugging approximately 29 sanitary sewer lines, reconditioning manholes and approximately 10 force mains, and abandoning 8 lift stations. Approximately 235 linear feet of 8 inch to 21 inch sanitary sewer lines will be installed and 2 manholes will be constructed. The project substantially completes the work required to permanently tie the remainder of the Illinois River Basin collection system pipelines to the new transmission lines. A few items of in-house work will remain at several lift stations to completely finish tie-over work. Construction on this complex project is proceeding very well. DISCUSSION This change order allows for installation of variable frequency drives for the pumps at the refitted Old Wire Road pump station. The variable frequency drives are required so the lift station can pump the appropriate amounts of flow when pumping is required. BUDGETIMPACT A $77,000 contingency was approved with this contract; none has been used to date. $38,525.60 will remain in the contingency after this change order. WIr9 C01 CCMemo Mar09 Page 4 of 29 Change Order No. 1 Page 1 of 1 CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER Contract Schedule Section Date 3/17/2009 FProject No.: Owner Project No.: WL-9 - Project Name: Old Wire Road Lift Station Location: Fayetteville,Arkansas Owner: City of Fayetteville Contractor: Goodwin&Goodwin Address: 113 West Mountain Address: 3503 Free Ferry Road Fayetteville,AR 72701 Fort Smith,AR,72903 - HE FOLLOWING CHANGES ARE HEREBY AMENDED INTO THE CONTRACT PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS: ITEM h DESCRIPTION DECREASE INCREASE 1 Control Panel-Revised to VFD drives for pumps $38,474 TOTAL DECREASE AMOUNTI $0.00 TOTAL INCREASE AMOUNT $38,474.40 NET CHANGE ORDER $38,474.40 ENGII LEERS FINAL CHANGE TO CONTRACT AMOUNT: TOTAL AMOUNT ELIGIBLE AMOUNT Original Contract Amount $1,543.600.00 Total Previous Change Order(s) 0.00 $0.00 Net Amount This Change Order $3&474.40 $38A74.40 TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT TO DATE $1.582.074.40 SX474.40 CHANGE TO CONTRACT COMPLETION DATE: Original Completion Date August 3,2009 Previous Adjusted Completion Date (Increase)(Decrease)This Change Order Calendar Days W CONTRACT COMPLETION DATE, August 3,2009 RECOMMENDED: RJN GROUP ngmeer Y: ,�— --kol"TLr cT Signature Title Date ACCEPTED: Goodwin&Goodwin,Inc. Contract Signature Title Date APPROVED: _ � ner BY: de Title 3 a ature Title Page 5 of 29 Page 1 of 1 Kevin White From: SGo0104339@aol.com Sent: Friday, March 13,2009 4:21 PM To: kwhite@rjn.com Subject: Re:Old Wire Lift Station Kevin, Old wire road pump station control panel change order. Scope of work. 1. Panel will be name 3r 2-Level switches,drywell.high,low. 3.2 submersible transmitter 4.Extra space for spare inputs and outputs. 5-M.A.S.711 monitoring system 6.Fan in outside panel. 7.110vac and 24vdc power in panel available 8-New drive panel 72x36x24 9-Two square D variable frequency drives 10.Master panel disconnect 11 PLC control panel 12.Allen Bradley micro logix 1100 system 13.Red Lion color touch screen operator display 14.Required relay Interlocks 15. Programming and Documentations 16.Start up service and operator training TOTAL CHANGE ORDER $38,474.40 Kevin, if you need anything else please let me know,thanks Bryan Submittals within 2 week Need a job? Find employment hem in your area. 3/16/2009 Page 6 of 29 Ta'y"e*tevl le AftKAN5A5 Mayor's Approval CONTRACT REVIEW MEMO To: Mayor Lioneld Jordan Thru: Fayetteville Sewer Committee Don Marr, Chief of Staff (� From: David Jurgens, Public Utilities Director Date: 9 April 2009 Subject: Approval Of Change Order 2 to the construction contract with Goodwin&Goodwin Inc in the amount of$200.00,for tieover and cutover of the west side wastewater collection system,WSIP Subproject WL-9 RECOMMENDATION City staff recommends approval of Change Order 2 to the construction contract with Goodwin& Goodwin Inc in the amount of$200.00, for tieover and cutover of the west side wastewater collection system, WSIP Subproject WL-9. BACKGROUND The project involves abandoning 8 manholes, cutting and plugging approximately 29 sanitary sewer lines, reconditioning manholes and approximately 10 force mains, and abandoning 8 lift stations. Approximately 235 linear feet of 8 inch to 21 inch sanitary sewer lines will be installed and 2 manholes will be constructed. The project substantially completes the work required to permanently tie the remainder of the Illinois River Basin collection system pipelines to the new transmission lines. A few items of in-house work will remain at several lift stations to completely finish tie-over work. Construction on this complex project is proceeding very well. DISCUSSION This change order allows for demolition of 5 decommissioned lift stations, filling the dry well/repairing the floor at the Poplar Street lift station and excavating and repairing leaks at the bottom of existing manholes. The contractor's price was less than the cost of water and sewer executing the work in house. This change order also reflects a reconciliation of work performed to date. The net result is an increase of$200 to the contract. BUDGETIMPACT A $77,000 contingency was approved with this contract, of which$38,525.60 remains after Change Order# 1. $38,325.60 will remain in the contingency after this change order#2. WL-9 CO2 CCM=o 9 Apr09 Page 7 of 29 Change Order No. 2 Page 1 of I CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER Contract Schedule Section Date 3/27/2009 NRC Project No.: CS-050803-03 Owner Project No.: 72903 Project Name: Westside non-critical cutover plan Location: Fayetteville,Arkansas Owner: City of Fayetteville Contractor: Goodwin&Goodwin,Inc. Address: 113 West Mountain Address: 3503 Free Ferry Road Fayetteville,AR 72701 Fort Smith,AR THE FOLLOWING CHANGES ARE HEREBY AMENDED INTO THE CONTRACT PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS: ITEM ff DESCRIPTION DECREASE INCREASE 1 Change Order to take advantage of favorable prices to demolish 5 decommissioned lift stations $40,000.00 2 Fill dry well at Poplar and repair holes in floor $12,000 3 Excavate and repair four leaks at bottom of existing manholes $4,000 4 Delete unit items 33 through 50(inclusive)from contract $55,800 TOTAL DECREASE AMOUNT $55,800.00 TOTAL INCREASE AMOUNT $56,000.00 NET CHANGE ORDERI $200.00 ENGINEERS FINAL CHANGE TO CONTRACT AMOUNT: TOTAL AMOUNT ELIGIBLE AMOUNT Original Contract Amount $1,543,600.00 $1,543,600.00 Total Previous Change Order(s) $38,474.40 138,474.40 Net Amount This Change Order $200.00 $200.00 TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT TO DATE 1,582.274,40 $1,582,274.40 CHANGE TO CONTRACT COMPLETION DATE: Original Completion Date 3-Aug-09 Previous Adjusted Completion Date n/a (Increase)(Decrease)This Change Order 0 Calendar Days NEW CONTRACT COMPLETION DATE: 3-Aug-09 RECOMMENDED: R7N GROUP /� er BY: �/b Signature Title Date ACCEPTED: Goodwin&Goodwin,Inc. Contracto BY: AtrAte'/ Signature Title Date APPROVED: CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE Owner BY: Si nature Title Date Page 8 of 29 7ay"eI armisgton ARKANSAS ARKANSAS CONTRACT REVIEW MEMO To: Mayor Lioneld Jordan Thru: Don Marr, Chief of Staff From: David Jurgens, Water and Wastewater Director Fayetteville Sewer Committee Y Date: 19 March 2009 Subject: Approval of Fayetteville's Cost Share of Change Order 2 to the Purchase Order to Farmington for the Construction Contract with JL Bryson,in the amount of$10,020.39 for the Farmington Lift Station, WSIP Subproject WL-12 RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval Fayetteville's Cost Share of Change Order 2 to the Purchase Order to Farmington for the Construction Contract with JL Bryson, in the amount of$10,020.39 for the Farmington Lift Station, WSIP Subproject WL-12. BACKGROUND This project includes the construction of a submersible lift station that contains three pumps and provisions for two future pumps. Work includes odor control and back-up power. The generator, one pump and related controls are being provided from other City of Fayetteville lift stations,with the fair market value being credited to Fayetteville. The project is located on the north side of Farmington, at 511 North Double Springs Road,near the intersection of Goose Creek Rd(RT 66) and North Double Springs Rd(RT 27). DISCUSSION Change Order 2,in the amount of$35,291.83, includes labor,material,equipment, tools and supervision for the following: reinforcing rock anchors due to very high ground water; adding concrete surface for future tractor trailer turn around inside fenced area; and various small electrical modifications to meet Ozark Electric requirements. RJN,the Engineer,recommends approval of the change order. The cost share between Farmington and Fayetteville is below. Change Fayetteville Farmington Fayetteville Farmington Order Fayetteville Farmington Contingency Contingency Contingency Contingency Amount Share Share Before CO 2 Before CO 2 After CO 2 After CO 2 $35,291.83 $10,020.39 1 $25,271.44 1 $28,485.24 $56,969.76 $ 18,464.84 $31,698.33 BUDGETIMPACT Shown above. ��-�� Page 9 of 29 Change Order No. 2 Page 1 of 1 CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER Contract Schedule Section Date 11/14/2008 RLF Project No.: CS-00584-CWRLF-L Owner Project No.: WL-12 Project Name: Double Springs Lift Station Location: Farmington,Arkansas Owner: City of Farrington Contractor: J.L.Bryson,Inc. - Address: 354 West Main Address: 1301 E Robertson Ave,Ste 810 Farmington,AR 72730 Springdale,AR 72764 - HE FOLLOWING CHANGES ARE HEREBY AMENDED INTO THE CONTRACT PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS: ITEM# DESCRIPTION DECREASE INCREASE 1 Furnish labor,material,equipment,tools and supervision $7,224.43 necessary to re-drill and install grout socks on rock anchors.Additional testing of rock anchors required because of ground water issues 2 Cost to add concrete to inside of fenced area. $22,291.20 3 Pressure switch revision $1,986.11 - 4 Rework PVC to rigid conduit at transformer $3,089.31 5 Changes to meter service per Ozark Electric requirement $700.78 TOTAL DECREASE AMOUNT $0.00 TOTAL INCREASE AMOUNT $35,291.83 NET CHANGE ORDERI $35,291.83 ENGINEERS FINAL CHANGE TO CONTRACT AMOUNT: TOTAL AMOUNT ELIGIBLE AMOUNT Original Contract Amount $1,692881.38 Total Previous Change Order(s) $5,335.00 Net Amount This Change Order $35,291.83 $35,291.83 TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT TO DATE $1,738,508.21 CHANGE TO CONTRACT COMPLETION DATE: Original Completion Date 3/21/2009 Previous Adjusted Completion Date n/a (Increase)(Decrease)This Change Order 0 Calendar Days W CONTRACT COMPLETION DATE: 3/21/2009 RECOMMENDED: RJN Group,Inc. Engin BY: Project Manager ,3 Signature Title Date ACCEPTED: J.L.Bryson,Inc. Contractor ��// ���� BY: -Ru-, /p1�41(Nwz— 3•17-09 - Signature Title Date APPROVED: City of Farmington Owner BY: E.'�J Signature Title Date Page 10 of 29 WL-12 J. L. Bryson, Inc. Summary Of Change Orders Invoice # Item #1 Amount Mult. Total Socks 1 $ 429.25 1.15 $ 493.64 1 month overdue charges 2 $ 4,109.50 3 $ (1,643.81) 4 $ (821.90) $ 1,643.79 1.05 $ 1,725.98 Test Jack for Add Testing 5 $ 2,549.00 6 $ (201.48) 6 $ 688.91 7 $ (1,119.64) $ 1,916.79 1.05 $ 2,012.63 Frieght 8 $ 580.08 1 $ 580.08 Redrill Holes 9 $ 1,750.00 1.05 $ 1,837.50 Bryson Labor $ 500.00 1.15 $ 575.00 $ 7,224.83 Item #2 Concrete 10 $ 30,132.00 11 $ (7,650.00) Base Reduction $ (1,500.00) Dowels 12 $ 959.20 Labor $ 350.00 $ 22,291.20 1.0 $ 22,291.20 Item #3 Presure Switch Revision 13 $ 1,986.11 1.0 $ 1,986.11 Item #4 PVC to Rigid at transformer 14 $ 2,942.20 1.05 $ 3,089.31 Item #5 Changes to meter service 15 $ 667.41 1.05 $ 700.78 Page 11 of 29 Ta'y'M�-yle NSAS Mayor's Approval CONTRACT REVIEW MEMO To: Mayor Lioneld Jordan Fayetteville Sewer Committee Thru: Don Marr, Chief of Staff From: David Jurgens,Utilities Director Date: 9 April 2009 Subject: Approval of Change Order 2 to the contract with SJ Louis Construction Inc. in the amount of$56,003.00, for the construction of the gravity sewer main from Happy Hollow Road to Razorback Road, WSIP Subproject EL-3 and 5 RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of Change Order Number 2 to the contract with SJ Louis Construction Inc. in the amount of$56,003, for the construction of the gravity sewer main from Happy Hollow Road to Razorback Road, WSIP Subproject EL-3 and 5. BACKGROUND This contract provides for construction and installation of approximatelz 18,000' of 8"—42" gravity sewer line and 70 manholes. The EL-3 portion is parallel to 15 Street from Razorback Road to Happy Hollow Road; the EL-5 portion is from the South Mountain pump station on 29s' Circle east to the Water/Sewer Operations site. Work began in November, 2008. DISCUSSION This Change Order is required to revise frame and cover types on 4 manholes, add footing on 6' piers, add lamination ramps at pier spans, conduct extra work on water lines, remove unknown buried concrete near manhole 57 and also includes a delay due to a conflict with a gas line. It also lengthens the contract time by 13 days for ice storm delays. Garver Engineers recommends approval of this change order. BUDGETIMPACT This change order increases the contract price by $56,003. A$420,000 contingency was approved with the contract; $387,400 remains after Change Order 1. A balance of$331;397 will remain after this Change Order 2 is executed. EL3&5 CO2 CC Memo 9ApN9 Page 12 of 29 CHANGE ORDER Tao' C ev1 'II e - Contract Number EL-3 and EL-5 ARKANSAS Contract Title EL-3 and EL-5 Gravity Sewer Lines Change Order No. 2 Date of Issuance March 26,2009 To Contractor: S.I.Louis Construction,Inc. ORDINANCE/RESOLUTION: The Contract is changed as follows: Effective March 26,2009 Description Eliminated taper on concrete piers for constructablity per substitution request number 1. Revised frame and cover types on 4 manholes because of availability per substitution request number 3. Added additional footing on 6'piers per request for proposal number 2. Added lamination ramps at pier spans per request for proposal number 3. Waterline"B",'T","A",and"E"extra work,gas line delay,and unknown concrete removal near manhole 57 per request for proposal number 4. Additional Contract time for ice storm delays per Contractor request. Bid Bid Previous Unit Contract Revised Revised Original Revised Item Item Estimated of Unit Estimated Unit Estimated Estimated No. Description Quantity Measure Price Quantity Price Cost Cost 47 Reinforced Concrete Pier 6'Heigth 15 EA $9,000.00 15 $9,275.00 $135,000.00 $139,125.70- 48 Reinforced Concrete Pier Greater than 6 EA $10,000.00 6 $9,825.00 $60,000.00 $58,950.00 6 Height 77 Mat Lamination 0 EA $0.00 12 x$160.00 $0.00 $1,920.00 78 Manhole Frame and Cover Substitution 0 EA $6.00 4 -$100.00 $0.00 -400.00 79 Water Line"B","F","A",and"E" 0 LS $0.00 1 $36,014.05 $0.00 $36,014.05 extra work 80 Gas Line Delay at Industrial Place 0 LS $0.00 1 $4,745.25 $0.00 $4,745.25 81 Concrete Removal near Manhole 57 0 LS $0.00 ] $10,649.00 $0.00 $10,649.00 Summation of Cost $195,000.00 $251,003.30 Net Cost for this Change Order $56,003.30 Not valid until signed by the Owner The original Contract Price was ........._............_.._....._......_............ .........._......I._......... $ 5,253,795.00 Net change by previously authorized change orders $32,600.00 The Contract Price prior to this Change Order was $ 5,286,395.00 The Contract Price will be increased by ..............._....._......_._.._.._..............._.._.................. _........... ........_ ........_.. .._.._._.._._. $56,00330 ...... The new Contract Price including this Change Order will be S 5,342,398.30 The Contract Time(s)will increase .................................,........._.._ 13 calendar days Required date of Competion as ofthe date of this Change Order therefore is: Final Completion 25-Sep-09 NOTE: This summary does not reflect changes in the Contract Price or Time(s)which have been authorized by Work Change Directives not incorporated in this or previous Change Orders. Vi N INEERS City of Fayetteville Ah BY DATE BY DATE S.J.Louis Construction,Inc. ti-lC 3 DA Page 13 of 29 Ta*y*4eVll le City Council Meeting of May 5, 2009 KANSAS CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMO To: Mayor and City Council Thru: David Jurgens, Public Utilities Director Don Man, Chief of Staff From: Shannon Jones, Engineering 5=T Date: April 10, 2009 Subject: Resolution approving a contract extension with hisituform Technologies, Inc. for cured-in-place sanitary sewer linings. RECOMMENDATION Fayetteville City Administration recommends renewal of the construction contract with Insituform Technologies, Inc., and approving an authorization totaling$330,000.00, for sanitary sewer lining services. This contract will provide services for 2009 and is included in the Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation project within the Fiscal Year 2009 Budget. BACKGROUND On April 16,2008 the City of Fayetteville accepted sealed competitive bids for sanitary sewer main line and service lateral lining services with Insituform Technologies submitting the successful bid proposal(see attached materials). This contract maybe renewed for additional periods up to four(4) additional contract periods beyond the original bid. This is the first of the four renewals. The bid schedule includes specific unit prices for various items of work; with the sanitary sewer rehabilitation program then using the pricing to complete the annual rehabilitation program. The exact needs of each rehabilitation activity cannot be explicitly defined until the final design is completed, hence the unit price bid schedule to correlate costs to project scopes. DISCUSSION The direct contracting with Insituform Technologies allows the City of Fayetteville to execute its sanitary sewer rehabilitation program effectively and efficiently. It is effective as the administrative delays and costs are minimized due to the annual contract and pre-established pricing. Pipes being lined under this contract are either identified by City forces through normal maintenance operations or by consultants executing Sanitary Sewer Evaluation Studies. Either way, engineering and administrative costs are held to a bare minimum as formal plans and specifications are not required. This work is an integral part of the City's ongoing program to maintain its sewer system in the most long-term yet cost effective fashion,with cured-in-place linings being by far the lowest cost strategy for applications where it is appropriate. Although the contract allows for a limited price increase each year,Insituform has agreed to execute the work at the original price bid in 2008. BUDGETIMPACT Funds are available in the 2009 Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Project budget. Insitufonn Contract Renewa12009 CC Metno.doc Page 14 of 29 2008 CIPP Bid Tabulation April 16,2008 at 2:00 p.m. Insituform Technologies Suncoast Infrastructure Item Approx. Unit Price In Unit Price In No. Item Description Unit Figures Total Figures Total 6"x 4.5mm trenchless rehabilitation by CIPP I of existing sewer pipe mainline,complete in lace 3500 LF $ 36.50 $ 127,750.00 $ 30.60 $ 107,100.00 8"x 6.Omm trenchless rehabilitation by CIPP 2 of existing sewer pipe mainline,complete in place 15001 LF IS 32.00 $ 48,000.00 $ 30.30 $ 45,450.00 10"x 6.Omm trenchless rehabilitation by CIPP 3 of existing sewer pipe mainline,complete in place 500 LF $ 34.00 $ 17,000.00 $ 31.00 $ 15,500.00 12"x 6.Omm trenchless rehabilitation by CIPP 4 of existing sewer pipe mainline,complete in lace 500 LF $ 42.00 $ 21,000.00 1$ 32.80 $ 16,400.00. 15"x 7.5mm trenchless rehabilitation by CIPP 5 of existing sewer pipe mainline,complete in lace 100 LF $ 57.00 $ 5,700.00 $ 50.00 $ 5,000.00 18"x gram trenchless rehabilitation by CIPP 6 of existing sewer pipe mainline,complete in place 100 LF $ 73.00 $ 7,300.00 $ 60.50 $ 6,050.00 7 Internal reinstatement of Service Laterals 60 EA $ 0.01 $ 0.601$ 150.00 $ 9,000.00 8 Trenchless rehabilitation by CIPP of existing 4"Service Lateral 301 EA $ 2,000.00 $ 60,000.00 $ 2,900.00 $ 87,000.00 9 Standard Mobilization(within 15 working da s) 2 EA $ 2,000.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 2,500.00 $ 5,000.00 10 Emergency Mobilization(within 3 working days) 1 EA $ 3,000.00 $ 3,000.00 $ 9,060.00 $ 9,060.00 L1 CIPP Point Repair,6"- 12"Diameter, 10 LF 5 EA $ 1,000.00 $ 5,000.00 $ 3,320.00 $ 16,600.00 Total Bid I $ 298,750.60 $ 322,160.00 Page 15 of 29 4.0 BIDDER'S PROPOSAL 4.1 ITEMIZED DESCRIPTION OF BID PRICING TO: City of Fayetteville Fayetteville, Arkansas GENTLEMEN: The undersigned bidder, having examined the specifications and contract documents, and being fully advised as to the extent and character of the work, propose to furnish all equipment and to perform all labor and work necessary for the completion of the work described by and in accordance with the specifications and contracts for the following prices to wit. Item Approx. Unit Price No. Item Description gtY-. Unit In Figures Total 6"x 4.5mm trenchless rehabilitation by CIDP of existing sewer pipe 1 mainline,complete in place It11 y Sly 5 KO j + 3500 LF $ $ I Z3'- '*5e). ccs F►RfV 8"x 6.0mm trenchless C.E rehabilitation by CIDP of existing sewer pipe 2 mainline,complete in place TkiwY Wo dollars6 1500 LF $ 32 oo $ —ILJr moo. 00 2r� CEutio 10"x 6.Omm trenchless rehabilitation by CIPP of existing sewer pipe 3 mainline,complete in place TWZTY FouR dollars t 500 LF $ •� $ CXDO. o0 2Et+a cFu�. 12"x 6.Omm trenchless rehabilitation by CIPP of existing sewer pipe 4 mainline,complete in place FoiZTY IfD o dollars t 500 LF $ 142.o o- $ 24 ooO .o0 Zf'ito CEN?5 Page 16 of 29 _ _ Item Approx• Unit Price No. Item Description Qty. Unit In Figures Total 15"x 7.5mm trenchless rehabilitation by CIDP of existing sewer pipe 5 mainline,complete in place Fir-7Y UNCM dollarsZ 100 LF $ 67.CX=s __$ $, 4QC�, so UPO CENTS 18"x 9mm trenchless rehabilitation by CIPP of existing sewer pipe 6 mainline,complete in place SEUEMTY imza dollars 100 LF $ ��.a7. $ Zer-a C6N Internal reinstatement of Service 7 Laterals QNE Cleyr .dallars 60 EA $ -CA $ ' (00 Trenchless rehabilitation by CIDP of 8 existing 4"Service Lateral Two Tuom5 AMp dollars 30 EA $ ZcxlU.Go $ 60f C>00 . 00 4:90 cevr�p Standard Mobilization(within 15 9 working days) Two muw'mD dollars 2 EA $ ZCOO•0. $ G( Coo. Od Zeno CEnTS Emergency Mobilization(within 3 10 working days) "(WEE VWS&MV dollars 1 EA $So"D,00 $ 000. 00 Up' . Cews CIDP Point Repair,6"-12" 11 Diameter, 10 LF ONE TFbuSsuO dollars 5 EA $ JOW.oO $ nOo , 00 Page 17 of 29 TOTAL BID AMOUNT $_ Z9Sr - '50. Ga 1X00 9w1VM MiNrY &6d r THod5aUb 6EUE)1 WUP((WP FfFrf 1bLLAr?,S )SJJO 6%xtY e4nwr , (In Writing) The undersigned understands that this bid is for a term maintenance contract for the rehabilitation of sanitary sewer mainlines throughout Fayetteville, Arkansas and that the City here may choose to purchase more, less, or none of the rehabilitation, depending upon its needs. The City-is under no obligation to purchase a minimum amount of any item awarded. This contract is generally for miscellaneous and unidentified rehabilitation of sanitary sewer mains and service connections using the cured-in-place pipe method. The bidder understands that the City reserves the right to reject any or all bids, and to waive informalities in the bidding. The undersigned further agrees that the proposal guaranty may be retained by the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, provided the undersigned is one of the lowest and most advantageous bidders, and that said proposal guaranty shall remain with the City until the contract has been signed, and the bond required for the faithful performance of the contract has been made by one of the lowest responsible bidders;otherwise, proposal guaranty may be obtained from the City after forty-eight hours from the time of opening of the bids. The undersigned hereby declares that he has had sufficient time to make all test and investigations to arrive at an intelligent estimate of the cost of doing the work, and has carefully examined the specifications and documents relating to the work covered by his bid or bids, that he agrees to do the work, and that no representation made by the City are in any sense a warranty, but are mere estimates for guidance of the CONTRACTOR. Upon receipt of notice of the acceptance of the bid, we will execute the formal contract attached in quintupricate,within ten days,and will deliver a Surety Bond for the faithful performance of the contract,and such other bonds as may have been required in the specifications.The bid security attached in the sum of 57oof the greatest amount of the total bid is ($57o) is to become the property of the City if a cashier's check, and if a bond, the principal amount shall be paid to the City of Fayetteville, in the event the contract and bond are not executed within the time set forth,and to be considered as liquidated damages because the delay and additional work caused thereby are incapable of accurate ascertainment. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: Insituform Technologies, Inc. Bidder /�5�,� Seal If bidder is a corporation) SIGNATUREAND7111E H. Douglas Thomas V.P,-Global Procurement/Ops.Suppoit - SIGNANREANDm1E Business Address 17988 Edison Avenue' Chesterfield, MO 63005 Telephone Number 636-530-8000 FAX Number 636=530=0751 Arkansas Contractors License Number 0072030409 NOTE: DO NOT DETACH BID FROM OTHER PAPERS BOUND IN THIS DOCUMENT.Fill Bid Form in with ink and submit complete with all other papers bound in this document Page 18 of 29 Sy'ceVed! le UTILITIES DEPARTMENT CORRESPONDENCE To: Mayor Lioneld Jordan Fayetteville Water and Sewer Committee Thru: Don Marr, Chief of Staff From: David Jurgens, Utilities Director Date: 27 March 2009 Subject: USEPA Proposed 0.1 Phosphorus Limit for Illinois River Basin NPDES Permits The USEPA response to ADEQ about the 0.1 NACA phosphorus limit is attached. EPA is not backing down from the 0.1 phosphorus limit. The second to last paragraph in the letter summarizes with "Therefore,by this letter, EPA is notifying you that the revised draft permit for NACA submitted to EPA by ADEQ on February 13, 2009, is not sufficient to comply with EPA's specific objection. Instead, we ask that ADEQ resubmit a draft permit that includes language specifying that a final water-quality based effluent limit of 0.1 mg/1 phosphorus applies to the NACA facility as of June 30, 2012." The third to last paragraph gives wiggle room in the event new data is presented that changes the water quality protection requirements. It ends with the following, implying that EPA does not feel new data will change their position "However, EPA believes a total phosphorus limit of 0.1 mg/1 is necessary to protect the water quality of the receiving stream from any discharges associated with the NACA facility." Below is a list provided by USEPA current as of January showing eight treatment plant permits with a 0.11 mg/1 or stricter phosphorus permit limit- it appears that these plants may be all that are currently required by permit to meet such a strict limit in the entire country. Three of these are larger than our West Side WWTP. Staff is continuing to investigate alternatives, including techniques in use at these treatment facilities and others with low phosphorus discharges. Permitted Treatment NPDES NPDES Capacity Phosphorus Facility Name/Location Permit# m d Limit(mg/1) Westborough, MA MA0100412 7.68 0.1 Woonsocket, RI R10100111 16 0.1 Delhi, NY NY0020265 0.82 0.11 Upper OccD uan, VA VA0024988 42 0.1 Pinery WWRF, Parker, CO C00041092 2 0.05 Sn derville Basin WRD, UT UT0020001 4 0.1 Clean Water Services Rock Creek WWTP, OR OR0029777 39 0.1 Ruidoso, NM NM0029165 2.6 0.1 Phosphorous 2010 Prop Limit Dep Memo I0Apr09.doc - Page 19 of 29 Staff is developing a preliminary cost estimate using lime precipitation as the method of treatment. This is in use at one or more of these plants. This is typically a drinking water treatment process,but staff feels certain it would work for Fayetteville. That is not to say or imply that some other method may not work,but with only eight plants in the country, the range of options to reach a permit limit of 0.1 (effectively guaranteeing attainment, as opposed to reaching an average of that number) is limited. Also, as a very advanced treatment method, there are more variables introduced with wastewater characteristics, weather seasonal impacts,peaking factors during high flow, etc. The cost estimate will also include rough numbers for operational costs, which will also increase. The estimate will only be for the West Side WWTP, as it is the permit for which the 0.1 limit is being discussed. Based on EPA's firm position, I believe we need to provide a finalized cost estimate, recognizing it is very preliminary, along with supporting data, to our state and national level elected representatives. We should request their support on the basis of the significant cost burden our citizens and rate payers would bear, over and above what they are already providing, and the minimal benefit derived from the expense. Phosphorous 2010 Prop Limit Dep Memo l0Apr09.doc Page 20 of 29 A r� UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY REGION 6 $ Q 1445 ROSS AVENUE,SUITE 1200 y3�Nrq<PAOt2�r02 DALLAS,TX 75202-2733 APR 0 3 2009 Ms. Teresa Marks,Director Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality 5301 Northshore Drive North Little Rock,Arkansas 72118-5317 Re: NPDES Permit No.AR0050024-NACA Dear Ms.Marks: Thank you for your letter dated February 13, 2009,regarding the Environmental Protection Agency Region 6's (EPA) specific objection to the draft National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System(NPDES)permit for the Northwest Arkansas Conservation Authority(NACA) submitted to EPA for review by the Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality(ADEQ). We appreciate the State of Arkansas' strong commitment to water quality and commend you on the numerous actions taken over the last several years to address phosphorus and sediment issues in the Illinois River watershed. As you are aware,under the Clean Water Act(CWA),EPA is tasked with ensuring that state-issued NPDES permits meet all the requirements of the CWA and its implementing regulations,including the requirement that all permits contain effluent limits sufficient to meet the water quality standards of all affected states. In January 2009,based on preliminary data,EPA determined that the 1 mg/1 phosphorus effluent limit included in the draft NACA permit was not stringent enough to be protective of Arkansas water quality standards or those of the downstream State. Accordingly, we objected to issuance of the permit as drafted. Your February 13`11 letter included a revised draft permit submitted in response to EPA's specific objection letter of January 16, 2009. Although we believe the revised draft permit complies with EPA's objection with regard to the required additional monitoring for total phosphorus(TP)and dissolved oxygen (DO),we believe the revised draft permit still falls short of the requirements of the CWA and 40 C.F.R. Part 122 with regard to the water-quality based effluent limitation for phosphorus. EPA does not object to ADEQ's issuance of a 3-year permit to NACA. However,as we have previously discussed,EPA will not object to a total phosphorus limit o€1 mg/1 for the NACA facility until June 30, 2012, based on the Statement of Joint Principles and Actions agreed to by Arkansas and Oklahoma environmental agencies in 2003. That agreement was intended to act as a complement to the provision allowing compliance schedules included in Oklahoma's 0.037 mg/1 criterion for phosphorus in its six (6) scenic rivers. Oklahoma's 0.037 mg/1 criterion included a compliance schedule provision allowing point source dischargers up to 10 years from July 1,2002, or until June 30,2012,to come into compliance with permit limits based on the criterion. RecycleCM(royyclable.Printed with Vegetable Oil Based Inks on 100%Recycled Paper(4o%Postoansumer) Page 21 of 29 Letter to Teresa Marks Page 2of3 The inclusion of compliance schedules in NPDES permits for the purpose of achieving water quality standards was addressed by the EPA Administrator in In the Matter of Star-Kist Caribe, Inc., 3 E.A.D. 172 (1990). In Star-Kist the Administrator interpreted §301(b)(1)(C) of the CWA to mean that compliance schedules are allowed for effluent limitations based on standards adopted after July 1, 1977, only if the State has clearly indicated in its water quality standards or implementing regulations that it intends to allow them. In this instance, Oklahoma's water quality standards indicate the intent to include with the State's phosphorus criterion a provision allowing compliance schedules. However,the standards also provide that compliance schedules are to end as of June 30, 2012, and as of that date,all dischargers must comply with effluent limits designed to meet the 0.037 mg/1 criterion. EPA further addressed the inclusion of compliance schedules in NPDES permits for the purpose of achieving water quality standards in a 2007 memorandum from the Office of Wastewater Management(enclosed). That memorandum enumerates certain principles applicable to assessing whether a compliance schedule for achieving water quality-based effluent limits is consistent with the CWA and its implementing regulations. Two of the enumerated principles are as follows: Any compliance schedule contained in an NPDES permit must include an enforceable final effluent limitation and a date for its achievement that is within the timeframe allowed by the applicable State or federal law provision authorizing compliance schedules as required by CWA sections 301(b)(1)(C); 502(17);the Administrator's decision in Star-Kist Caribe, Inc. 3 E.A.D. 172, 175, 177-178 (1990);and 40 C.F.R. § 122.2, 122.44(d) and 122.44(d)(1)(vii)(A);and Any compliance schedule that extends past the expiration date of a permit must include the final effluent limitations in the permit in order to ensure enforceability of the compliance schedule as required by CWA section 502(17) and 40 C.F.R. § 122.2 "Memorandum from Jim Hanlon, Director of the EPA Office of Wastewater Management, to Alexis Strauss, Water Division Director, EPA Region 9, dated May 70, 2007." In this instance, a permit limit of 0.1 mg/1 is necessary in order for the permit to comply with the requirement of the CWA that the permit include an effluent limit as stringent as necessary to meet water quality standards. The 1 mg/1 phosphorus limit proposed for the NACA facility is an interim limit included as part of a compliance schedule ending June 30,2012. Therefore,based on the above,NACA's permit,regardless of its term,must include an enforceable final effluent limitation for phosphorus stringent enough to meet water quality standards and a date for its achievement that is on or before June 30, 2012.1 The permit should also include an enforceable sequence of actions or operations leading to compliance with the water quality-based effluent limit(40 C.F.R. § 122.2). 1 The June 15, 2012 date referenced in EPA's January 16, 2009, Specific Objection letter was in error. The correct date is June 30, 2012. Page 22 of 29 - Letter to Teresa Marks Page 3 of 3 We understand that ADEQ disagrees with EPA's determination that Osage Creek is impaired for phosphorus and we are aware of the State's ongoing study of that water body. We are also aware of Oklahoma's commitment under the Joint Statement of Principles and Actions to reevaluate its 0.037 mg/l criterion for phosphorus by 2012. As EPA has stated previously, should new data indicate that a phosphorus limit of other than 0.1 mg/l is appropriate for this facility,the permit limit may be revised. However,EPA believes a total phosphorus limit of 0.1 mg/1 is necessary to protect the water quality of the receiving stream from any discharges associated with the NACA facility. Therefore, by this letter,EPA is notifying you that the revised draft permit for NACA submitted to EPA by ADEQ on February 13,2009, is not sufficient to comply with EPA's specific objection. Instead,we ask that ADEQ resubmit a draft permit that includes language specifying that a final water-quality based effluent limit of 0.1 mg/l phosphorus applies to the NACA facility as of June 30,2012. Thank you for your efforts to improve the environment. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at(214)665-7311 or Mguel Flores at(214)665-7101. Sincerely yours, (:Jawrence E: Starfield ng Regional Administrator Enclosure " cc: Steve Drown, Chief Water Division, ADEQ Mo Shafii, Asst. Chief,Water Division, ADEQ John Sempier,Northwest Arkansas Conservation Authority I Page 23 of 29 0 V4 Solicitation for Wastewater System Projects Under the Arkansas Clean Water Revolving Loan Fund Program The Arkansas Natural Resources Commission(Commission) is soliciting for wastewater projects from Publicly Owned Wastewater systems (POTW) to be funded from the Clean Water Revolving Loan Fund Program(Program). The Program will be using funds from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act(ARRA) as well as other funds from the Program. To be eligible for funding from this solicitation, the applicant must be a public entity and the project must demonstrate that it will facilitate compliance with the Clean Water Act (Act). Projects that address present or prevent future violations of water quality standards are eligible, including projects to replace aging infrastructure if they are needed to maintain compliance or further objectives of the Act. Funding from the ARRA will be in the form of low interest loans, grants, or grant equivalents. Assistance from other Program funds will be in the form of low interest loans. To be eligible for ARRA funds, a project must have a Facilities Plan, Environmental Review and Plans and Specification of all completed and approved by the Commission by September 1, 2009. If this deadline can not be met, ARRA funds will not be offered. The decision as to the likelihood of completion of these items by the deadline will be in the sole discretion of the Commission. Funding using other Program funds will still be available for eligible projects that can not meet this deadline. In addition to traditional wastewater projects, ARRA reserves a portion of its funds for green wastewater projects. ANRC is accepting submittals for projects wishing to use funds from this reserve. To be eligible for funding from this reserve, a project must meet all of the Program requirements as well as one of the following four green requirements: Energy Efficiency—The project must conserve energy above the norms available in equipment currently. Water Efficiency—The project must conserve water above the norms for operations and maintenance of a POTW. Green Infrastructure—The project must manage and treat stormwater while maintaining or restoring natural hydrology. Environmentally Innovative—The project must demonstrate innovative approaches to manage water resources in a more sustainable way. Page 24 of 29 Additional information on green infrastructure projects can be found at www.anrc.arkansas.gov. To submit a project for consideration under this solicitation, please send a preliminary engineering report containing information on the problem the POTW is having with its wastewater system, alternatives to solve the problem, costs estimates for the alternatives and the selected alternative the POTW is seeking to construct. Additional information on the Program and this solicitation can be found at www.anrc.arkansas.gov. You may also contact Mike Chandler at 501-682-0547 or via email at mike chandler(a,arkansas.ggv. All requested information should be submitted to: ARRA Clean Water Revolving Loan Fund Projects Water Development Division Arkansas Natural Resources Commission 101 E. Capitol Avenue Suite 350 Little Rock,Arkansas 72201 Submittals must be received by 4:30 pm on Monday,April 20,2009. Page 25 of 29 0 V Solicitation of Non-Point Source(Section 319) Water Pollution Management Projects Under the Arkansas Clean Water Revolving Loan Fund The Arkansas Natural Resources Commission (Commission) is soliciting for non-point source water pollution management projects from entities to be funded from the Clean Water Revolving Loan Fund Program (Program). These projects are defined in Section 319 of the Clean Water Act (Act) and must be contained as an element in the Arkansas Non-Point Source Management Plan. The Program will be using funds from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA)as well as other funds from the Program. To be eligible for funding from this solicitation, the applicant can be either a public, private or non-profit entity and the project must demonstrate that it will provide identifiable water quality benefits in furtherance of the Act. Non-permitted stormwater projects are eligible. Funding from the ARRA will be in the form of low interest loans, grants, or grant equivalents. Assistance from other Program funds will be in the form of low interest loans. To be eligible for ARRA funds, a project must have an Engineering Report, Environmental Review and Plans and Specification completed and approved by the Commission by September 1, 2009. If this deadline can not be met, ARRA funds will not be offered. The decision as to the likelihood of completion of these items by the deadline will be in the sole discretion of the Commission. Funding using other Program funds will still be available for eligible projects that can not meet this deadline. ARRA reserves a portion of its funds for green infrastructure projects, non-point projects must qualify for funding as a green infrastructure project. To be eligible for funding from this reserve, a project must meet Program requirements as well as one of the following four green requirements: Energy Efficiency—The project must conserve energy above the norms available in equipment currently. Water Efficiency—The project must conserve water above the norms for operations and maintenance of water resources. Green Infrastructure—The project must manage and treat stormwater while maintaining or restoring natural hydrology. Environmentally Innovative—The project must demonstrate innovative approaches to manage water resources in a more sustainable way. Special emphasis will be given to non-point projects meeting the Green Infrastructure or Environmentally Innovative requirements. Page 26 of 29 Additional information on green infrastructure projects can be found at www.anrc.arkansas.gov. To submit a project for consideration under this solicitation, please send a report containing a description of the project including the water quality benefits to be derived from the project, alternatives considered,costs estimates for the alternatives and the selected alternative. Additional information on the Program and this solicitation can be found at www.anrc.arkansas.gov. You may also contact Mike Chandler at 501-682-0547 or via email at mike.chandlerAarkansas.gov. All requested information should be submitted to: ARRA Non-Point Source Management Projects Water Development Division Arkansas Natural Resources Commission 101 E. Capitol Avenue Suite 350 Little Rock, Arkansas 72201 Submittals will be accepted until 4:30 pm on Monday, April 20, 2009. Page 27 of 29 e Soliciation for Public Water System Projects Under the Drinking Water Revolving Loan Fund Program The Arkansas Natural Resources Commission(Commission) is soliciting for water projects from Public Water Systems (PWS) to be funded from the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Program (Program). The Program will be using funds from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act(ARRA) as well as other funds from the Program. To be eligible for funding from this solicitation, the applicant must be a PWS and the project must demonstrate that it will facilitate compliance with national primary drinking water regulations or otherwise significantly further the public health protection objectives of the Safe Drinking Water Act (Act). Projects that address present or prevent future violations of health- based drinking water standards are eligible, including projects to replace aging infrastructure if they are needed to maintain compliance or further public health protection objectives of the Act. Funding from the ARRA will be in the form of low interest loans, grants, or grant equivalents. Assistance from other Program funds will be in the form of low interest loans. To be eligible for ARRA funds, a project must have a Facilities Plan, Environmental Review and Plans and Specification of all completed and approved by the Commission by September 1, 2009. If this deadline can not be met, ARRA funds will not be offered. The decision as to the likelihood of completion of these items by the deadline will be in the sole discretion of the Commission. Funding using other Program funds will still be available for eligible projects that can not meet this deadline. In addition to traditional PWS projects, ARRA reserves a portion of its funds for green infrastructure projects. ANRC is accepting submittals for projects wishing to use funds from this reserve. To be eligible for funding from this reserve, a project must meet all Program requirements as well as one of the following four green requirements: Energy Efficiency—The project must conserve energy above the norms available in equipment currently. Water Efficiency—The project must conserve water above the norms for operations and maintenance of PWS. Green Infrastructure—The project must manage and treat stormwater while maintaining or restoring natural hydrology. Environmentally Innovative—The project must demonstrate innovative approaches to manage water resources in a more sustainable way. Page 28 of 29 Additional information on green infrastructure projects can be found at www.anrc.arkansas.gov. To submit a project for consideration under this solicitation, please send a preliminary engineering report containing information on the problem the PWS is having with its system, alternatives to solve the problem, costs estimates for the alternatives and the selected alternative the PWS is seeking funding for. Additional information on the Program and this solicitation can be found at www.anre.arkansas.aov. You may also contact Mike Chandler at 501-682-0547 or via email at mike.chandler(n),arkansas.gov. All requested information should be submitted to: ARRA Drinking Water Revolving Loan Fund Projects Water Development Division Arkansas Natural Resources Commission 101 E. Capitol Avenue Suite 350 Little Rock,Arkansas 72201 Submittals will be accepted until 4:30 pm on Monday, April 20,2009. Page 29 of 29