HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-01-08 - Agendas I of 23 ye VKHle WATEMEWERCOMMMEEAOENRASUPPLEMENT Meeting Deb of January 8, 2009 COMMITTEE: Chairman Kyle Cook; Aldermen: Angle Gray, Robert Rhoads, Sarah Lewis COPYTO: Mayor Lioneltl Jordan, Sondra Smith, Gary Dumas, Paul Becker, Jeremy Pate, Ron Petrie, Shannon Jonas, Tom Hubbard, Peg el , Lynn Hyke, OMI FROM: David Jurgen, P. E., Water and Wastewater Director A meeting of the Fayetteville Water and Sewer Committee is plannetl f r anuary e, 2009, at 4:30 PM, in room 326, Fayetteville City Hall. This is a supplem t to the previously published agenda, 1. WaterAYastawater Business Off ice Information and Welcome to the Committed Staff has attached some general information that protides an overview of the Water and Wastewater utility. Unlike other City functions, the utility provides service to multiple municipalities and jurisdictions. 2. WSIP Information. a. Biosolids Handling preliminary design Information is attached. It. ECO Compact Amendment Number 3 for Corps of Engineers permitting, wetlands design, stormwater monitoring, as well as for long term wetlands areas monitoring as required by the Corps of Engineers 006 perm9, in the amount of $59,967, is attached This change order reconciles work performed to date, adds Me work required for the WL-8 sewer line work, and adds the work required for to seven year monitoring period for the mitigation wetlands site, as required by to Corps of Engineers. The Intent from the beginning of the WSIP process was to execute the wetlands monitoring change order at the time it became necessary. Now is the time. The wetlands monitoring, In order to comply with the Corps of Engineers permit requirements, must last seven years. The intent is to identify the needs up front, but to execute a contract amendment each year to approve the appropriation for Mat year. This contract amendment requires a new appropriation of $59,067. $20,000 will be used out of to existing contingency, reducing the remaining contingency to $20,000. c. WSIP Construction Schedule & Cost Update Is attached. Anachmants: Business Of ca Division Information Biosolids Design General Information ECO Engineering Contract Amendment 3 WSIP Construction Schedule & Cost Update W65 VImIm,IW egGIWI aupplanem d"09 z or zs BILLING AND COLLECTIONS DIVISION FISD Director Paul Becker , Billing a CclleGicns Manager Rainy Lill FlrariclelAnalysl Accouming Clark chert Petlain enim Cain Billing CkM Senior Cuar Sery Rep Senor Cashler BIIImg Clerk Peggy Glisson Annelle Jamagen Alinea VJM1he Karen Shan Customer Sery. Rep Cummer Serv.Rep CeMier Teresa Murray Chain HouseCsnslanm Flsler Customer Sen. Rep Cuslonair Sow.Rep Cashier 14JIy rapperGebm Branson Jo Frederick Customer Serv. Rep Customer Serv. Rap CasM1iar Manan Heeman vacant mnona c,wpl, Jones cannier JUOy Bawlln 3 of 23 Billing Processed $35,000,000.00 $30,000,000.00 $25,0w,ow 00 $20,000,000.00 -- ■Regular Billing $15,00,000.00 - ■Final Bills $10,00,000.00 $5,000,000.00 Billing Processed 450,000 400,000 350,000 300,000 -- 0° 250,000 -- - ■Regular Billing F200000 -- -- - ■Final Bills 150,000 --- - - - 100,000 --- 50,000 -- 0 4 of 23 Payments Processed $25,oW,000.00 $20,00,000.00 00 $15,00,000.00 ■Mail Payments EE ■Counter Payments 810,00,00000 DWeb Payments eDDraft Payments $5,00,000.00 s. Payments Processed 250,000 - - - 200,000 _ ■Mail Payments 0 150,000 - o MCounter Payments E ❑Web Payments 100,000 > o Draft Payments 50,000 0 ` 5 of 23 Cut-Off Orders 8,000 7.000 - 6,000 oOn Orginal Cut-off List u 5,000 ATotal Cut-Off 4,000 ❑Total Reconnected — 3,000 O Final Appned 2,000 ■Wr�ten OH 0 Work Orders Processed 20,000 18,000 16,000 ' 14,000 - - 12,000 ■Tum/transfer On's e 10,000 ■Tum/Tmnsfer Offs E ❑Internal Orders E 8,000 j 6,000 - LNew Accounts 4,000 --- -- 2,000 0 - 6 of mry m Fynwllk.99,959 ARN, "Midland am.ew.mn..m.ae VhdAn n.l..fR,,A Fidettowillo v City Alma 2 000 pill... Z26 IN W 160000011pe 299 111 avuvm ed xmnev evnua wm R.M f Faamvllle Cdy 0-300"Indiana 281 ad 300001 and � III ZIA 11111 1 mew Adman ml MEM India,M,I'm Am"s FvYOlYrllk O oft All uman011. 100 xb 5vreevx dlnvdmn wan An.I xa Fa Onw10e v OOOOallon¢ 3109 3w Man,and Anal 316 2Q NonINrWall,e0M 4dwdni an Bandar Sh,m Fa atla oul,id, Vital, erlll Melt 615 T Sl6v ya' ck anal, 4125 4.0 5% 6.79 127A IISO 1.85 1778 2.Tr Is.dO 17.26 211S 3.W 34.96 40.19 46113 OW 67,85 66.63 7247 0W 115,65 133.00 1�194 Wmxn 8W Om4ry waw All wv-o.m ay water 9 FMMW CuneM ea4v in 4TaT en mm¢ F on .RPDA QOOn1mna 03W98 aamvlax axiox MI 7S Flvolftl br Gaulann AM WIbna AM No,ee,haaaal-NIWq 101 Malo lndwda1-All Yan0 Im r:M101" G.."d,A 4d4ldaElly Ad Wage SA3 av &S7 0aimv� ",I All mmdm evaea ryesrvn uvesa uv vyvu ewryiwv w Mem m ev m Faa rfl10 Faiminpbn wr6W CIS Son 12Q 11M 12.40 W,314 1245 1110 1140 1 1620 21 M 8110 1160. 4 4 37M 4110 2,W Palo AIM SAW 300 87 76 1103 12550 40P 14a.50 16085 MAO 600" RM.45 17040 4tB.60 7 of 23 City of Fayetteville,Arkansas Eflirag"DOW Water 01A)IM09 Sewer 0 MIAM09 Other Rates 01N1/2009 Monthly Standby Fire Protection service Line Inside Outside She CRY C1 21nch 7.23 8.32 31nch 21.70 14.98 41nch 43.41 49.92 6Inch 120.57 138.88 81nch 253.20 291.18 10 Inch 434.05 499.16 Sewer Only Customers - Flat Rate 2009•" 9eutl on 21)(183vstem+wlde Sewer Rverna 4000 8 of 23 SEWER AVERAGE PROCESS Pursuant to section 51.137 of the Fayetteville Code of Ordinances, ( C ) Defe orinatlon of sewer quantity charge for munch ndal customers (1) In the case of residential customers residing in a single family home, duplex, triplex, and/or fourplex, the average monthly water consumption for the preceding months of December, January, and February shall be computed separately for each customer, and a uniform monthly charge for each customer shall be determined by applying the schedule of rates sell out in subsection (A) of this section to such average monthly water consumption. In the case of a residential user for whom a uniform monthly charge has been established and who moves to a new location the same uniform monthly charge shall apply at the new location. In the case of new residential customers, sewer averages shall be established based on the number of individuals residing within the dwelling unit, at a rate of 2,100 gallons per customer per month. This methodology of sewer averaging shall not apply to multi-family structures containing five (5) or more units in a contiguous building. (2) In the case of sewer customers who do not have a water meter provided by a public water utility, the sewer usage volume billed shall be the average volume of all users in the sewer system in like dwellings from the most recent system-wide sewer average calculation. The following page lists the read dates to be used for each cycle in 2009. 9 of 23 2009 SEWER AVERAGE PROPOSED READ DATES Cycles 1125/00 1229108 34 1229/00 0128109 30 0128409 0225/09 28 Total Days 92 Cycle 12/01100 01105/09 35 01105/09 02/02109 28 02102109 03/02/09 28 Total Days 91 Cycler 12103108 01107109 35 01107/09 02/04/09 28 02/0409 03/04/09 28 Total Days 91 cycle 12108/08 01/12109 35 01/12109 02109/09 28 02109109 03109/09 28 Total Days 91 Cycle 12/19109 01/14/09 35 01114109 02111/09 20 02111/09 ON11109 20 Total DM 91 Cycle 12/15/00 0111599 31 01/1599 02/17109 33 02117109 0.3116109 27 Total Days 91 Cycle 1211&08 0121109 34 0121/09 02119/09 29 02/19109 0311&09 27 Total Days 99 Cycle 12222008 1282009 35 1282009 2232009 28 2232009 3232009 28 Total Days 91 MARKING CUTOFF LISTS 10 of 23 (Make sure you are in Inquiry & NOT Work with Accounts) There are three main criteria for an account to be marked for cutoff: 1. If the account has been an service less than 12 months: To determine this, look at screen I for the move in date. If the move in date is less than 12 months, pull up screen 18 and page down to the bottom to we if this is a transfer account. 2. If the account has been cutoff for non-oavment in the last 12 months: To determine this, look at screen 24 for cutoff messages from the last 12 months. If it is a transfer =want, you can pull up screen 1, and hit F5 and page down. This will show if the customer was cutoff at both the new address end the old address. If the balance on the account is what was tra ashamed in the last 30 days, do not mark them. 3. If the account has anything other than penalty in 60 day monev: To determine this, look at screen l9. If the only thing in the 60 day column is a penalty, do not mark the account. Do Not Mark Accounts that: I. Have a pending payment showing. 2. Have a transfer off or final apply date close to the cutoff date. 3. Have transferred on in the last 30 days. 4. Have a promise or payment agreement. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT TO READ THE NOTES IN SCREEN 241 When you have determined that an account needs to be marked for cutoff, go to screen 1, hit F4, then F6 to add a message. The message code is ONCO, color 9, and the end date should be the date we are to cut off that cycle. Put a tick mark beside the woman number on your printed list if they are to be on the list, and strike through the account number and time if they are not to be marked. 11 of 23 Diosoliels Management - Solar Driers Probable Cost of Construction Ilan Demiipro Untr Qlarily kmlC„t TmaCost Consulting work Suevcy, G,Qu,h Repro, Concrete Demlls IS I 515000,00 $15,00400 CmimRln ;Werk-S,looml $15,00600 SieWalk Solar Pier 5 Cmcne-Flat (240N9) SF 51000.00 $925 9394,10000 cuwcic-vmm,d Cv 27100 WO00 .113550000 $509,600.00 Leaning Pit Cmwctc Nit (24,6,0) S'Ir 400 $?u 5290000 Conon, 1 )mod Cv 850 $500.00 34250-00 S7.151).00 Leading Ramp IWoove& Rcplum w/1111 ... ,-2feet Cy 41500 $20.00 58100.00 Nmpacod Put wn3ulsde cr 45000 $1300 $(.950.0( ronupe-FIm(6,a) SF 550-0o S5s0 $1402100 s29,095.00 Drive Arco Cenceeae 3F 11000.00 flay 5$9975000 caevd Sr 25000n0 152,5 $55,250.00 Cbrb & Grant LF 50000 i10Or $8,000.00 S144,0061)1) stn ni wale,elaborate, IoDIi & reale m Noland ww I F 1S 1 sgo'soo00 $80,000 Or $80,000.00 nrmditakeotd Gmeiat Sm W01 FS 1 x35,00000 '635,00000 a�cnn1)_a0 Slm work-Sulnetw 8(2((2425.0( War Deers HowlnornI eeek,p, 1-A 6 $500,000.00 ,$3,00000000 luvwnadon LS 1 $95D,00O00 5750,000.00 Fleer:wl 1S 1 ,$250,000.00 x50000.00 Solar Drierv- s,pmem $4,000,000.00 L'pdeme,t TmekLOader ItI 25 C Packet T l $50,000.00 15000000 Tmmer LS 1 $s5,000.00 $89,00000 5pnadunada Ie 1 510,nnu00 ,$40,000.00 Rynilnneer- , treat $19$,000.00 Total consnnenon Con $4994,825L0 eonlm et a lU%. 34 9 9 482 5O .$19948150 6rnnd Tnml Sg94,30230 12 of 23 Biosolids Management- Solar Driers Preliminary Construction Time Line mmtmam nwl�aan< uor'k T,,[ Tlme(AaY9) 'Lbne Jxys) Rd� JO 60 final llesign i0 60 Cmmiy Plaoomp, Ro,',, (posmcbly concurrent w/(knl dni¢o) 30 fi0 Bid Pmccn, Alecnmto Comma ArvreN 60 90 const eoe6eu 180 270 Totalime 330 SJe aye _vl le City Centel] Meeting of lanssuaAA Owl CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMO To: Fayetteville City Council Than: Mayor Lioneld Jordan Fayetteville Sewer Cammittee From: David Jurgens, Water and Wastewater Director Ij., p Date: 8 discovery 2009 V Subject Approval of contract amendment 3 bihe Engine 'og contract with Euvimtunennrl Consulting Operations, Inc., (ECO) in the amount of$59,069, for comwetion and post-oonstmeto s phase services for the entire WSIP relating to regulatory and environmectal issues including Corps of Engineers, wetlands, and storm water permits RECOMMENDATION Citye mnistrntion recommends approval of an amerWment to the Engineering contract with Environmental In Consulting Operations, d., m carrier ant of$59,067, for construction and poet-wmtructien phase sines for the entire WSW relining to regulatory,and en tromnental issues including Corps ofEngine se, wetlmWs, and stormwaterpemdts. BACKGROUND ECO,Inc.has developed the wetlands and storm water protection best mavagenumt plans for an aspects of the WSN, and is the best qualified firm to ensure frllwmplauce with the related mgulations and permits. A previous version of thin amendment was pulled firm the duly 19,2005, agenda, in the amount of$598,329.00. The cannot was renegotiated, and the scope of work updatod to match the number and scope or projects. Scope details were worked out with City staff, ECO, McGoodwin, Williams, and Yater, and the 1tN Groep to ensure complete environmental oversight without duplicated open. DISCUSSION The amendment Noes two primary work tasks. 'Ile first is for sewer lines and lift stations in the Owl Crock isamerbasin which are being essential to address the growth and potential growth within that basin. Diamond is for long term monitoring of the wetlands. The intent from the beginning of the WSW process was to exavte the wetlands menitoring change order at the Was it became uwessery. Now is the time. The wealands mdtoriag. in order to comply with be Cops of Engineers permit requirements, must last seven years. The Intent Is W Identify the needs op Sorg but to execute a contract amendersont each year to approve the appropdmion for that year. The best method to protect both the envuamment and the City is to have the consistent high quality envircournestal overwanch that ECO will Provide. They will meet at the preComtruetion conferewe with all contractors, and will perfom,monthly compliance inspections for all wntmdts. ECO developed the tervironmentad portion of cash set of combination epoclncatloea. ois these have been approved by all surra and federal operates, ECO can provide this service ore cost effeetively and with better comiareucy than any other consultant orgroup of consultants. BUDGET IMPACT TkscontractrNuiresanewappropriationof$59,069. $20,000 will be used out ofthe existing Contingency, redwing the famishing contivgemy to$20,000. aid aeons 3 Come=611,09 14 of 23 AMENDMENTN0.3 To AGREEMENT FOR LN V IRONMEN IAT O ONF11 VfINQ SERVICES RRTWREN CITY OF FAVETTEVILU,ARKANSAS AND ENV IRON MENTA L CONS It CEI NO OPERATIONS,INCORPORATED FOR CONS IRE( IONAND POS F-CONS FRIA TIES PH ASF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING SERVICES PER EN IRE: WSIP THIS AMENDMENT F0. 3 to the Affecmun ['or 1 1ma] lirv'nonmmIS] ComNIinphysical, dalcd September 16,7003 (ths'Ayrecnrznl"'),by and between CITY OP 1Abe CII LNILLL, ARKANSAS (IIfth and ENVIRONMENTAL(ONSU I I N0 OFF Post PONS, INCECO) 6r emimnmub9 vitbinIWes uSysteolmpro to Pr oleA(WS IP) Is made and ul�xoveprodum¢aions ),o,c li vemet tache mm fbryoryoau of ow nerng ornafn dO0l ons of Agru: C11 ro addresa unanticipated ..huge-s to requirements teas I I urvlmnmuvel regolaaay oompllenm anda4cwool ofconswWimp wmtmps ,n .uoenmon .v;ln me erne wsP. W NHRIAw cbanga to to W9P implfmintation schedule,changes to the number and scope of W SIE , Loathing cF1Iaf 9 E 1111 eslmm oonmM1e¢ulatory points. and new developed Liv W oaimv.o mcmd r�ulaary aquimments Nat are applicable in the WSIP, have thu'efmes necessitated m change to No W SIP Design File ccnnd COoaw.ban PM1mn I'LL Scope at novice provided Ia Cl IY by IG0- wHrRNAE. Ne waalfion nfronnan wL8 (Owl Creep Lm Sation, mice maim and Savlry Losses) note so SIP netzssittlEs Additional W SE' De i_on ELI... Lmemcdon Phase/I'wi CansL'nttioL Phase Hnvhvmnenlal Comvling Ors ices;aid SlH Inial, i 15011 COM onbe , ACLros ll (AR 1I ort,wimnnehal Quality and the catuw sol,nwato� Pean;t nor conah.noamn nm;dn� (naals0000) on oanbm'31,2ooa,ana mesubsepLent vnd,ess)ln To, Xost ombQaano unsebean al¢al neceSsnmeenddinom, wslr uesgn Pba�tcnnswnnon pnawEasreonm'Ldmm Phase Lnaironmeawl coaaL¢;,ry sd.;vat; 'and wHER PAs, Ne wslr Individual seetima 4on Pemlil (peony No_ 142091 Inalwly rty,n',W wdland noIiga(on site Inonindng beyond Nal lst YO, sol,mb ing in FCC's send of vi,iwol necessitates Additional WSIP DPsign PhasocCoostuuion Phase/PonConth ion Pbmx Iire6onmsml ( oosWfinr Su'VOld, and W IERLAS aha axoiiaaion oCte WE1P indiridual Soction406 ounit (pvnOt No. 14207)On D oejnhw If 2008 So the Westside Wastewater'rrenmmnifuiliry 'mdlnmrvmk aonamcb, m es Addliooal WSIP Deign whyl Al Phosticrna (ir,Amflon Phase Environmental Consulting SA vices, and W ILRIAS,the Ouobm 311,200]modifievton ofand WSIP Individual Section 404 permit(peaNa Ho. mzo9) mreALi e.aaenl lelanmmanm amenu .aAdd;rl ,m WAP Design Phase Cosa hall.... nrdPna (rrc oc Oa Phase F. sran enM Consulting Servces.n WHPRGS I:CO'a Gnlmd AiKndmrnt Fa-3 Sete Offell Ices w111 ho to continue dewlopmenl and ImPloncnonton oClbc WSIP Fmtronmenul Re4adatop Program almrta ac¢simud Nm to changes in colonial m¢ulazoryiquirumms Lnd dozen WSIP design changes. ECO's WSIPCon¢aar 15 of 23 AmmedmrntNo.2 fm W51P Emlranmanal Consulting besides ao specified to apply to eight-urn (Is) WSH" mlc of era,am felon me moot lo& and a Period Of Sl not C,emend bayu rt Fob] 2004. W I IEREAS. revieons to WSIP Imran sc ulAngoilI cacnd Ido WS I P Cion I in, Pdr,Obadiah F, y are 2010, and I I,e W S I P Di an or Constmction Ph a ses have been Ieood to Indndn Carmact W L8 (V wt Cock 1,111 Sla[ia, mal Porte Main). The a ahcance of the W51P AULQ CNnaal Storm Water Permit For ALIrNlcal Act]vities. W SIP Section 404 Form it l,qtd2mmag to,atodaI oI seven yam's of wetland mitigation site ini ads.and the pending reflation of tlw ASI P So,1iem 404 Peontl nvssimm add trade I Iv4bn ncrial friction , or,1... NOW I IILM FORII, the CI"I Y and BCO m_nx to amend the Se41on 2"BASIC SEINICES of ECO" as follows'. 1. Pai t A- Phone mW ILIatcard Anal Managmal ISD mall pmride Ibe following in who,whon wOM1 IbeAnVi nl Nog described herein'. 11 (uncal mm,m,Imhpn aW proper calendar, IS Fare, U project iufrarnn activities'. Is Pi come environmental Igilamn information to C] I C Dol...1, and (i)It acISO, 14 Meet Loch inaminnal Design Noassmnals as whAmmmn "'It Lear smml4.Wfing Location,, ASI,S planrfda G MZI WILL nygarmy control mphortties,Itocesshry,6r compliance cvolmdons and Or mldman violations. L6 Peilbnn ICUs Internal proBcl control fni...S,badgcno inhabiting aad gaalgy control 1] floodseny"namental regl0amry updres m of I Y fe projcu srmhsilq IB Rare,Conn'attor suamcals associated snh mvtronmmal emnpllanw 3. Pari B—Daign/Cmulmglioll/Poll (costmcfail, Phase Ewimmmen2l Consnitlg¢Semites For WSIP Chiral mall,8 WSIP Nnbaa air L9 (Owl Crezh Litt Station and three rvhi,) a,car Let of the original WSIP contracts whereby Nrvlromncoca] Alf ow pumit applications are rmplel W and s,bmitned to orvlmnmenml segulamry permitting agencies gnat required permits Sli ssmd to din I fI Y_ Regulamd mgmmoGnn iw inde, will m cite a Section 404 parent to heisted he Ibc Dcpanmmtof Anny Coms oFFaginws; the ADEO GNnaal Smnnwater Permit for coashectlon Acthices,aShort Ian Ards its Author . bored by ADFQ, and Secm 401 Wmv (jual5n ( mir,atiog to be iron by ADFQ At be current time. It is witiclpated the contrast W ,8maybe coinedrthree(3) separ ms. FCO 9trier"d-11 111111 vv bdo ,, bvW Loan .. mor.. Ib ¢ W ... Jim, Cm Per Bf 1 2.1 Dpcnrem,pl nfarignmwWrnMnes fiom Duiryrer. ECO shall Induct Condad WL 8 design re One presence of envimnmentol clal...os to Indiana ban ran be mmlctod to, stlearral aid Ikamf ,Maids,and other ecoloycallyse -iv.amas_ 16 of 23 22 ECO wd l prepare technical at ne ia.rvrusn closer i and app,I Pro on necesarr for Ifiiits apt,liCal pre for Com of W1, 8 Promis fmr 'hou"te of no I'd aha e,haNng Jurnsdnion m rapier on'approve the one it PITIPmy per hung of the 'A SI and assist 31 mans nnpmvals. Aral Ting mW peonit fees will be paid by CITY. ECO Ill as6t CI I Y in aonsahatmns who appinpd.4.aat6ounu_ CO wI 11 attic (IIIY 1" cap liap for a 1 no annular( ed alRLBPar "AndappOwns fyprcally retain sit by law for pm)ens atmiher to the one for which ECO'a wrvlres a,e being araged_ 'Has assistance Owams o f complmug and xthrilling dollar rc wddFfthe Pei Nmmnce of cerhir sets OCS prior to commmmnent of consul ound SpeciGwl ly,its Ism d adc Cmps or Fnaftsa Semon 404 pefm4 the ADEQ General Snoi Tracer Perri for Conxl...hour Act...has,401 Wats Qaalily C11 iflualla and adrifts. 14en Ahl,ky Autbadxalion. 24 1 ( 0 will ensu for applicable (:unit se 1 .8 ...nor mmall regulatory barrels rNmillmm6 to berousin atlroCITY and )hSIP Design Pmlessi0nals who will be prepm'Ing bidding trotters to Is, ,at or 25 1 CO pill prepare owimnmmtal reaudwmy prnnilliog iNairnmIQ mut east MmOenunt Pmrnces Tons gualpitO roindvde Far,PPi Section 404 permit special ....sites for stream and ,adding o0sin as APog Iw... A,phin, A,rhallopionnyuir C ,,Syne Cny inse Plan,nandla a to t emIfe,enhon) ha Canrr0l anddd Warps Gomct'memara plan foe InmA beelo n to Ibc Correa Down....,m showthc cbaramv and som oamo WoM1 in be pv6mwl by hum remen on commd Wal (Laeinattaea111 of S,,tvnr0mnenrelloloirm peSwc,filregni us forle,ts''), end (CITY, its legal ofSm nORQpor, rophve. andce tCH and p pmvol by of added Its Icing comsel,mtl oOrzradvas0o as nppmprlate and asst CITY In the pryrarenmaofolharmlasW documcnlc. 2.6 ECO shall not be Carited to attend the Contract WL-B Pmeid Con Don.gs). As leads er'vse far Draft, cxhoi ofshoo hand ixuulnmryqui ts pitchman itspOSW film prospective bstlticts, ECO shall consider the mnestion.snpoem and provddcthe necessary clarltlanners and shall to the CI I Y 2r chgommar0n to cmri sallies 2"] Fel xhah ml 6c rcmmcd to anmd Its ( nn tact WI 8 PH,Cmngtuctson Corteon*s). 28 FCC and mndmt no mg, thanfree G) Contract as ElPirenniemal gaining Sessions to address contract specific arvb'onmemal nege lamty mquimm.au. 29 ECO will conduct peaodm(typiraur mommyworld On site observations ofConaact wLB value unplon l ofeMPr and lDh,r F gen ianmdawn of aorvibes o ndattN do Conirod coransate ohroaatmns and provide teconmentlat ens Capplaablo Dl Isporwhanads and CI,and mend Dcelgn Ro essimra6 in the pose aa;0n of other relamtl doeumems reporting to ens,lmnmon al hodamp Issue. 210 upon complefion Of Contract wLB. ECO wiucamas.Cbmtacmfl compliance with CITY'S a restlessly Maloe findingsw CITY and contlngLLt lfiu to 4mmcat, nothpome anvnonmcaml opulabiy Pei mits 17 of 23 3. Ila It C-WSIIs Re So rnr comet Pemel raid Statin 464 Par Init l on-Slmin,ate] ditwo arhas 11 on are uTrs Wsl Po aaivtres mboroeeWme AofR Gera Smimx lerpar In It for ConnrLINien Activities(ARR1l0541)�I lie goals a peril expired oil Oaebe' 31,2008 and was revised i renoved v ,ill Ianelders I dot, ofNevembot 1 2009. Th,new ill lot It'll' that wining damiuees who aro amb0ii had at the lime oftbe Oct don 31,2008 east rall date will be required to submit notifiiauon to ATi of poor intent to be covered colder this new permit wINN 60 da,a atter in, elMenve date of renmvW seneml pal in,1,art t0 opdee Ims appear Sea Pill'within 60lova tram me INd,verdata of partial. Th¢ l "fill Collins In l be apPl'uwMc )ell W9 Pc "It that matted prier to eipi Iran of the previmis general sr amwam' per caThan the CITY vsoill be repair ed to rattail a Heals Of loleIli III'aa@mimtioo order berenewed enlist permit are la update all all PPPs for active WSIP car ]acts '[lie III Is,ing WS IN coneacts will remain as active earn acts after callation at the genial real WL 9-Cotova Dano, Wl, Ra- Rectevillel armingmn kowapractie Line Upper Sectien, WIL 12- Per min¢ImJ.in east ion 12 all, Non Citical Controls FT-3 1 ,41'mvn Blood, to Happy Hollow, EL 5-Line IS Sbmh Mmmtaia m ladian al book, Hr3 CalaMLot sunl Pilot, tiialion Aunpan Hssin_ ponhernmc it,, CI'I Y rraxizxued indiridwd wilim,404 permit Top) 14207 by Iba 13111,Risk IT41tld Cmpv of I m1 March 10,2005 2r dimhmgm of fill mamlaG inm'fvalcrs Cf the 111 Smtes" allocated win,the V,,C Side Wm@w,ne HeebnmtFacilif, and the we teds hire York c 'I he CI"I Y's wI P 404 pmnil No 14107 coilI ,,pill on Vcc,m bot 31.200%. A da,iimi 9f No west side I We IP ,onnmciion commas wi11 not be completed into after the ClTY'a 004 as i1 No. 1020- as,11 mplrc lhacCo,N Iba CII Y all 1160 ill ad n tobm 1cpa0vlfor no aviation to 404 pennh Na 14209- It is am Impared that the follow iogvalor side line work WSIP cow noel anthotballon No dimharga ofnu mmw,b lar, lwmis of Ne OnI1 W Stale'Inner cxpiiatmn 0nh,CTTY,404 per„It mo- 14207 act, ( a- Pac ClaliumPantnilmm.. idetcnmty Cmc wpbs area . WI. mNm I I - Pmini Japan, arm IS 1210 Won Side allow TV Can Cdticnl Howell 3.1 ECO shall prepare a orrice Of loom to amity ADEOOf OITY'S' inem forappllcable WSIP 10bcamholl handerNmenewcal ADLQ Gmaal Smmnvala Permit 10, Conmmlio, real radio updateseven(7)S W PPPs Nr Ne seven (9)applicable WSIP connac swithin 60 Islas sftbe d`cQr,e date ofthe mnewed gzn ml pernit, is regoired. 1 t 0 _ L( 1i11 tcpai wn nRlw mtamwPartial vd general Partial OU [I Heald_ Pmfssonals and Carnal 33 I( 0 will tactic's ascgaal fm anumnmmn 1n the T^, WSIP 404 planar No I4201 m, stentoil mthe Llvle Rack District Corps 0flealm s and convey domments associated collide eAeMed 404 pernit 1, CI TV and opple,bl, DI pmfiasmnals, and Conimarae- 18 of 23 NOW TUFHFFORF fill(I I Y mi O raw la amend Section' of Agoeenrsns to III 'L AMNUALSCNVICLSoffCO asfololon 4. Pall D—WSIP Welland AnO Slroam Millgalion tide Manllnring- The Cl'fY'y WSIP indieldoal Section 404 stimll oponil To, 42 requires wetland mrignion site momloring fora pe'iod of myour Wlnrin, hm I air ingae nfoIIT,pro completionof the won IF The wad sws ¢n pil'd , ..Od6 ae' In, l i ,heeahe raw file calendar for uawr 1007literatiS<Ihe 4 per mommang ire co inavac2ofa an n al pain_ Pot rep rtthat Cash year. submadtire( rs weC Corps at Enginews o Ne before uonofmlanmlal painful reportthat Ihhe,bo mbmilmdlI the Carpsof ,,Iil If Alpant owco Omembv3lofradrmcni I Ill Pu Throe FIT arshallr,aludelmenloriuofl plant opliecaloog with Their e "Inisldrelative hequeovyand FIT aid pho aphssho, earl mpm Oflhe clopeoff of 1 Your 200] iedFall V i . M_ Manll L IIn ECO Construction rPhase oul(4pe of neutral ngstitio;n permute ISIIamere prod Innom.vcod P SO bloo rmtyavrven Site ing stations,skcompleted Oe required monitoring rt the NSIP W at En Mhl done D oro 07rIahil dmonllminy n:poq nM sobmilted Ne repair t0 the par ofEnglrfee¢-by the December n.zoaF road line lTic (l l I FPS WS IF Nmioo I'd' Sell"ITT 404 pu ,it (or out No14207-I) was i ssuod On holder W, work doe to Me 1elorafion of appmxifnnrcly t 30 11 near feet of books Creek associated with Of 1110 scratch] It' c for lire Wortad, ov"twin, Ilc: nldli Pat, II,(1IIy is required m ournate for the unawldab]e lmpatts m 0.02 act so of—Ws of 1110 lfn1iN Safes' by placing' Ticks dongaupbraid' bufRrr 'Too'kill ntel[ zl NationwideSlpliant 7 n404 No- 1420Iregones doe NIT) m maor Nescre mi a pmgod0of Ihrec yesrs and mra it plain[ id W o Monod fopoas Mlb ph1i the roar and thimymn whl3r will be 2009 Sol 2010. 4.1 ISO shall mndnot armed Ikronor Ing al rbc(➢l'Y'S W SIP VAN dark MuranoOnSite tlnorgb 2013,and complete and submit the man Iran ng reports to the Corps oCTourist 0 as spmiClod 'IT' In,CI'I I I W SIP tietllMn 404 permit 4.2 ICO sol l control Nmcouited filo lam of In aim III Full aquimd by the CITY'S NSIP Nanomnde Section 404 permit NO. 142V1-1 Mod"Flat M meal OF 11)m'mal repor'IS With Photos On Oe fill and bad swe1, mhoh will To 2008 uM 2010. 5. Part F—ON P WAITInd Panhandled Site Mouagenrat Manning, Aad (ordlnaGan-Thr CII Y'S War P individual Scetinn 414 pomp (permit No. 14209) requires the CITY to menage Ne NSIP retland mitigation site to meet defined Success C)iw to and I Ill StandaNs Nrmtghom Na IT pard lhnl lotumd.Though its end of 201 i. To achiee thil site AlTragemporl, p]m and Foil li I Tillablel ores of Clock pe^ fel, hd I ," I ' IT mih fwd, implitarov,to control not cata III speclos,and nesili Feel burns to enhance the d sersity of naive Flout mmmunlp 5.113CCI dark mako pi,irmo Sao obso vdm ofacerm sir hyimleap,soil;:cad vafrn.waland ""Allmw with mcefnp n rsonal per6mrzna smndandi 52 X 0 loll] nveiarc acbcdm lop,and ow,dination of site management own bus to Include mowing armioide applications,licensed bions. and hydm[ogI®1 wnn'cil 52 1 (0 xhall mwtae illhouel advuOiy "I'manee to and erordmme nalonaman ap1Jm¢Wnm, OMI and cmmai 19 of 23 a FCO shall cited act ivilics wngmant sriin site permanent pimmPar are star two and rcall ni(it s spc,,Fred 'm 1110404 pcnninbmunfair the loinmotiot motioning pitied though 201310 meet an riot rmnce slandmas requiivd by Section 404 pe'mb'. 5 f FCO than meet with I.iuI, Rock p¢uiat Corps of play inset s der ohad eI as necessary fou 5.6 FLO shall .. a ad in maiB a 9,to d anat par cfped hr ship 11a 'net alae . undnl end island, 1 iamhrq o , ln; e ' g �M Oanand mut,and . . 1 ' &mtloo atonal pr t ...... t brain, xhould monad.., moms ung lxtiod 1112011 n 6period Oflemon-Ihedis chat Agreement bwcbm landu ,patio 0the elderly solues of the U51P stupidcmnpl 1 d ' use \_momon IdCwill proceed end pmvsmi,[lie a,ill omcl zveims loco W imely upon recount Of ardell amhorieation 000 CI IY,as follows: 6.1 The ported of sengce for Puul A P,Jout Admmmmuot And Mmayemem shall rammer" mmW n¢ty plot execution of Amendment Ne.3 and [is anoual ,od to cot mood beyond December 31,2013_ 62llie table vcrviusf PW 0 (iinitial W LN A ahold commerce innua ely upon exem(on of Amendment No. l and be annuli'd to nm would bgand food,30,2010_ 6dPart Cso esto, e,imoflrequi ofVaSIP n kind 104paltshallc rr,doolk npor ofAalmdl,,nt No, andL anticipated to extend beyond Decambef3l 200$ltd pelvices provided by 6C0 onde�The ronnainiyg badger ofAmotdmont NO I RA((..dael I IWIA 5nfil pet csound beyond August 2009. 6 4 demote for Pols D and Eshall mmmusc Iomediaely alpha mmmion of Amand mont No 3 and bcanoazlimd lowtcxtcnit bwond December 3 l_2013. ]. ComI,,,, ion- For the amended Erope of Services deed bell ho dn. CIIYdraft pay IL'A the son of the tollwain& as specified below and w shown on Ibc(e L day,1 9J Pte to PON complel><g fix ma]orlll or lbovducryfar,,bed an der Amsupport No.2 under radial, ponfoN of ad,I A OnvCW not F an be completed unde'the Amendment No.2 budget and will not be a part of file Amendment No. 3bwhall "IAIa represent, ,Nunn, a,wope to extend awhmimnon of FCO's sm,iws or portion of Part A through Pm E in Downibor31,2009,hat not art i ni in n far Amendment Na_2 an,Ponmental consultag An buys prorided by ECO. llpoo ,It nl ni of FCO to plowed with these set,ices labor Amendment No 2, ECO will proceed sun completion ofrorvic¢. aid apply n prince ortha calculations Not anchor toward pollens of A Through Parr E. The left] perymont shell be a Imnp tam ""if to mooed" mutt of ONE 11UNDRED AND IHIR IYTHRF.E THOUSAND ONF HUNDRED AND SPIV P:VTUFN U S. DOLLARS(5133,1 P/). This figure represents a "savings" of y r kws poll by UN under the Amendmemt No.2 scope rvhc eby t portion of At remaining Attend sent No.2 hwlgetwill be applied noticed the Amendment No. 3 scope. The lamenting portions ofThC Amoldmmt No.2 mdoclrelay beTpld,d fmwN services that as wrtenUy aotbonz i under the Amcialent No-2scope. 20 of 23 7.2 Eor completion oftlie flat portion ofPa, Alh,or h S,l E the local puymwl lot Amandmemt No_3 to Pa 's Services of ECO to extend to DesmbeA. 2009, shall be lump sum oBeed' normal of SEVENIY NINC I HOUSAND AND SIXTY-SEVEN 11 S. DOLLARS(57`1,067). IASIC SERVE VS COST DETAIL Th, care, vital Costs for Amendment No. 2 and AmyMin ant 1, 3 almostto, 2U99-20rttobe n' waded by ECO then ill not extend bevond Desmbrr31,2009 areas lollmve_. . ECO SCOPE Piss to.... hope m PrnpnvN]allr In me Parvoorder to be yrviJ under enc nmemm nrvr.3 m rva.z Amename nmlOt 52,4eP PART1-1 ,mn.t eel 9 PM' S2J3U' $34,30 P. �R C .lost 519,193' $1i,3AJ _Gs PAR II ten a+eJ Iroms Seats, pro, i SYaPlT 951J8Jr S"24,613 1!Fort,, oldstate,404 Pun it A4, u . ➢ole Ccor- rx'sP Wetilald and S'J9,6nry b"[x,951 r m St nl g s cmi it, zow wl ou'erml 512,,2^ S39'-u � m M _ and CrrSinalirn me Tend, — $133x119' %994067 ' Proposed fees to be olthm'iud to be paid under ILe Amendment No. E bodies Jn nm represent all increase in L bill repre change in the cups for u Seaw ithin 0e Aenmm dent No.3 snipe to be mr@orDcd to be paid under the remaining Amendment No.2 beret. The Eger,of S133,117 represents a 4smmgY' of services provided by Eco tanner the Amendment No.2 sweewnereM it portion of remaining Aumauent No.2 budget Pill be aypfned mwmrd the Amemlment No.3 mope 93 Err completion of the tnmaining potons of Paris A,D, Dad E, the total payment 2r Ammdm carNo. tolfr'Anieol'ved S ettoTCO' I endlo De< mbei !1,201r, shall be Fiorillo "not to exceed" senator of'I W O HUNDRED SIXTY NINE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED AND PODIA YOUR U.S. DOLLARS(1269S44)a, shown below. ANNUALIZED SIiRVICLS (:OS'I DETAIL Unegmq 2t 2011 2012 2013 TOTALS R .. . I Jin nemlols aooA $5,41,42 $4 5 55,841 ,365 $6,330 ffi3,F61 rvin Palin (IlblctElIr - - $94541 $0 $0 $0 Y9,541 Dti&n?nmani IiMUPsoCrm ntwn , PARFDckou 1111 a" & olmA on'.00bMEw walnmJ $37,082 . ,W36,d01 S38,928 $414213 5li3.ffiI R Aa'eam MldraJan 51c.Monlbdn PARA svfa,r ,a brw9P wtdane $24.0101 R11I59 $10890 $14,881 $82518 C'mrlion Sile 01anu2nnmh PlmninN R Cro.d_I ratio, _ Toads Y76,1158 %63,3191) $65,663 564,424 Grand Tohl ---- - $269.544 Net Annual lncrease/Uwrra — . 312,659 +S2,234 -SI,239 _. 21 of 23 74 The bid a ,, aMlb'emaln good and flat for a Iniabmnn oft calendar year ofwbicn lila battles I the date atIcI am, noon council app iv...I Count act air II cam arealIy anew for las(a) audldonnl Lyw.terms upon mnlnnl agaemnnt by balm the Cy and ECO_ l'he Gy may con sldv an it mal as uslment ofp,ves and met filled m vt annual adII m7mIll of prices alio tons for the nln lea ns. Such addval t must be rygactlebin.aritl ng, cot lovr 11,an bros (b0) dics pdm to the cod oC lbu all Iart din' Cnotmct Icronls we sobjmuo budget evil lability 7 5 'fhb told payment mr Amendment No_3 sat lues la faced upon espending 270 1 than 2,385 per m,holms. 3, NoticesanyNotice rodured miner in, Apreament .{II no all wiling, addmssad m theoppropr ea patty cars DAlnwha MdabQ3. iaddrma: 113 Overt McI,paum Fayetteville., AIli 72701 EC'O's addmsa: 19724 Ltlnslale 311, Still c Reatml, Atl1 72019 Ibis Amwdmznt No.3 together dN All eemrnl 0311111nuns the emire anrecmon between CI IV and L(:OOld supeeedch all Paco unit and written andGia lag.will ivpm to the sublW 'It fact hudn. bibles apeeiLnlle allied all order fare and ce...alo s ofthe Agmoncni stall lelmlo In An flee and elha. Niinto Indie entnNnhe Aproemcnt moy nc modified exccptl nwritb^sighed by and red,tried opresAva w if CITU m,d Its Ibe Cl'IY xnd FCO urea gm be legally bound had,It, Ther appmvol on 11,Amendment by thea volcanic ballox_ ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING CITY OIr IrAVFTTFVILLF, AKKANSAS OPERA'OONS, INC By, _ _. toy' H,wc SIMECava, blesidern Lionald locao_ Mel'or Dote'.._._._ _. . _ . .. IFm A ITFST: Ila'. City Clerk bf Us,k N Data pa.act, loodmNmlonsb,amendments In scope price o,fees m iliiI row mall not lie nhnwed wimNm mm,ul0 ,anal endm nspmbsed de by cars,and me a is Council in nm'ade of oat Ji ncops Cost Miser, ttition, End Of Amendment Nn 3 To Agreement Fm &rvnrvnment,t Cmnvaltinp Seri sees 22 of 23 .4R4 CERTIFICATE QE V.,VARB flP`r ]NSURANCE 1""' 1 0, IF. 11 ONLY AND CONFERS ON FICHTE LEON I HE 9 ALD HILDER LOAN (NArIENkTF DOES NOT ANAMEND EXTEND BE p 0 UFF AL I' ALTER TIRE COVERAGE AFFORPED By THE POLICIES BELOW '� I sa< ..o„o.. o,o All III 'I COLLIAL, "I I' ll I'll, 0 T CALF, ALITITY" TALI _ IRA ORG I FACILITY 1,10 NO ,� 111.EEso FILL,/ oa ss TV III T ... so,,, ,io ��ai I�Yu✓ Il Ary 11 FRONT IS CAP OF 1 101,101 n _ „o, ATAI T—f� IF OR ATFAR CANCEU OFFICE! I. AIO TV 12�60 ALFALFA AFRO 111 . .. ,00 IFUI. 1 10 ALL AIDED 25 ,o,i 1.2,61 m.,OoRo� w. APo ,io.,a�o 23 of 23 Ann, 171,11 uQUESCITIOMILIN, I Kill m DID 11,41 Al I'll Sul il I All 1,A1 31 "1 11.0 NWN, IWIDII 11 5171, ul A,r INKLY11 ii 'I' "I Il 27ANDE All WIN, li FROKIECTOOMPLETE Ni AS, "1 11,1.1 Al I,Aul ,,I LANNAll inn DIAKA 11 W, 11 MAN 1,111 IW FWAnFCOMPLIESHE 1111, 114 Noul Sill l Ail Sul Due 2 TI AND a ml ii A l CAL 11 A 11 DAUHAUL 11 Sul NWAII.A.M."Nums I"Al 171 All I Kill FAINSWIM NSA fried TANI I,110, NAKINK 111 1 1. Arl Am In,,11 WUFASI AIDE All VITAE I Ill INS ANN DID N,11 11 IN'1. Ang I'D,1 M1771 INNINmi Sul 11 ,SNAD Sill 11 DI'll 14 1.11fir} �,.c..,... ...w s,.— �sv 1..w � , „, O cn O n ' 0 ¢, o Ee ITI .O O D • 0 O v U Gs �1 CD n v.ry Y h gin 1 tl � � Op ✓ '��rBR-..aP s d h .fff vi _VIFII � BIomINS Nnns,amant Soler Brlam i Overall Bim Pim 1 ee 011 =ai IN ®'� if7ilg: 0 C 0 Ilk m LJ Ll Lam, ! °°' ° I . d I !' C I _ pp Fri _ 1 "ALL I 1 FWD] V D] � W§ . � . . Pik I.N1 % 4 / § § ƒ � ! \ kip \ y \ - - � �r� � _ � O cn O n ' 0 ¢, o Ee ITI .O O D • 0 O v U Gs �1 CD n v.ry Y h gin 1 tl � � Op ✓ '��rBR-..aP s d h .fff vi _VIFII � BIomINS Nnns,amant Soler Brlam i Overall Bim Pim 1 ee 011 =ai IN ®'� if7ilg: 0 C 0 Ilk m LJ Ll Lam, ! °°' ° I . d I !' C I _ pp Fri _ 1 "ALL I 1 FWD] V D]