HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-03-11 - Agendas aye eyi le WATEMEWER COMMITTEE AGENDA Meeting Date of March 11, 2006 COMMITTEE: Chairman Kyle Cook; Aldermen: Lioneld Jordan, Bobby Ferrell, Adella Gray COPY TO: Mayor Dan Coady, Sondra Smith, Gary Dumas, Paul Becker, Susan Thomas, Tim Conklin, Jeremy Pate, Ron Petrie, ha on Jones, Tom Hubbard, Peggy Bell, Lynn Hyke, OMI n FROM: David Jurgens, Water and Wastewater Directorfol/ A meeting of the Fayetteville Water and Sewer Committee is p n ed arch 11, 2008, at 5:15 PM, in Room 326, Fayetteville City Hall, immediately fol 'ng the City Council Agenda Session. At 6:00 p.m., wherever we are In the agenda, proposes to initiate the Water/Sewer Impact Fee presentation by Clancy Mullen, Duncan and Associates, and related discussion. Other proposed topics include: 1. Approve Minutes of the February 12, 2008 Water/Sewer Committee meeting. 2. WSIP Until comma Description contractor coat %Cc,ra INa WL-1 Porter- Hamestring &Old Wirel Gregg Oscar Randa $ ] 18895] 100% WL-2 North St- Poplar-Gregg Gravity Line TuG Excavating $ 4.413.064 100% WL-3 Porter- Hamestring & Old Wild-going Combined contract with WL-1 100% WL-4 Gregg Ave-Hamearm LS Grocery Line Oscar Randa $ 10,613,44] 100% WL-5 Force Mains Harrestring-West Plant Grocery Const $ 4 ]5228] 100% WL-B Handsel Lift Station Sol & Game $ ],099,396 89% WL-7 Grew Ave Lit Station Grassland Heavy $ 1527000 80.74 WL-10 Farmington Gravity Line Redford Const $ 331 WP12Mam8 Win11Farminton Force Main Barney Const $ 1,324,485 NTP17Ml EP-1 Noland Wet Weather improvements Wilson Brothers $ 1,32]]94 ]9]% EL-1 MallyWradinsch Lift Sharon and Force Main Game Const $ 1393880 44.0% EL-2 Happy Hollow-Noland WWTP 4Y Gravity Rosette Const $ 10,431,995 467% EP-2 I Noland WWTP Renovation ArcherWestern $ 14836831 100% EP4 Noland WWTP Ox en Injection BluelnGreen $ 66,460 100% WP-1b Bre es Road Construction Crowder Const $ 3]3],985 66.9% BWD-t Geoa ntec Consul0ln Geos ntec $ 199883 228% WP Be WNlands Mitigation. WWTP Site Green soared $ 3,297 100% WP&L BP West Side mi &WP-3 Backup Power Power-Secure $ 1,986,89] 69]% W113 West Side WWTP Construction Brasfield & Garcia $ 0039&]85 8859% This contract Is being cancelled due to the natural restoration of the site. The overall completion percentage for Me wetland mlllgatbn site, Including berms. water Wotfd structures, etc., Is 75%. This project Is substantially complete, meaning the work can be used to execute he mission. a. WL-4 Change Order Number 3 In the amount of approximately$100,000 will be distributed soon. This change order Is required to reconcile unit quantities within the contract, created by differences between actual ground and underground circumstances found on the project dtgeredmomwhatwasanticipeted. The largest factor was the amount of rock that was estimated versusthatfoundunderground. This is the final Mange order for this project. Asthisexceedsthe remaining contingency. b. WSIP Auc h Accounting Tracking Information. The WSIP team met with the Audit Committee 21 February. Based on feedback, the Audit Committee was pleased with the information presented. Was ra,,,m„a wnm hi c. Contract Legal Review-West Plant construction Contract. Contract negotiations are underway with Williams & Anderson, PLC. d WSIP Easement Update. All tracts are required for pipelines EL-1 and 2; West Fork Place Subdivision, owned by Flying Monkey LLC was signed on 22 February. An updated matrix is slashed. e. Deed Restriction Covenant for the West Side Wil Outfall Site is attached. Corps of Engineers Section 404 Nationwide Permit Number 14207-1 requires that the the 0.084 acre Outfall Site deed contain a restrictive covepant by which the site must be held In perpetuity as a wetlands area. This site is separate from the larger total project wetlands mitigation site to that it is specifically located where the plant outfall Is constructed on Goose Creek. 'I he site Is part of the inside the West Side W WTP facility, located around the outfall structure on Goose Creek. It has no impact on any potential future land uses for as long as the West Side W WTP is used for wastewater treatment. Thele is no possibility that the land could be sold or used for any other purpose. L WSIP Construction Schedule & Cost Update will be distributed at the meeting. 3. Water and Sewer Impact Fee Stud has been distributed separately. A presentation will be given by Clancy Mullen, Duncan and Associates, starting at 6'.00 (this item may supersede any other items on the agenda due to the number of individuals who are likely to be on hand for the presentation). 4. Consideration of Stooping Water Bill Payments at Local Banks discussion due to the significantly Increased flexibility to now make payments through on-line bill paying and credit cards, and the frequency and Impact of errors Invoked with the payments made through the banks. 5. Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Protect Utlt . a. Farmington Area. The dig and replace portion of the Farmington Sewer Rehabilitation (T-G Excavating) is complete. Change Ordi 3 with T Excavating, reducing the final contract cost, will be distributed soon. It is the reconciliation change order Identifying final quantities and closing out the contract upon final approval by ANRC. The lining pohlon (In fuform) is complete; the final reconciliation change order, which will be for a slight reduction in the contract oast, will be processed within the next month. It. Basin 15 and minisystems 2, 5, 6, and 13A manhole rehabilitation Involves rehabilitating over 800 manholes in the southern and Hamestring areas of Fayetteville. The Notice to Proceed was issued 26 February 08. A map of the areas involved Is attached. C. Minisystems 5, 6, 13A, 20 and 32 sanitary sewer evaluation study (SSES) involves the engineering selection for an SSES In the southern portions of Fayetteville and In Greenland. This is a continuation of the ongoing City-wide program. 6. 36" Water Line Improvements within the Fayetteville city limits between Joyce and Ovemrest Is complete. Work at Hwy 412 is underway and should be complete in March. This construction contract has exceeded its allowable time. As a result, there will be a change order forthcoming for increased engineering/inspection costs with black and Veatch. It is Staffs intent is to withhold damages from the contractor to sever these excess 6rlgin6ering costs. This should result in a net no cost to the City. T. WatemSewer Committee Meeting is proposed for Tuesday, April B, 2008, 5:15, roam 326 (following Agenda Session). Attachments: WSIP Easement Matrix West Side W WTP Outfall Site Deed Restriction Covenant Water/Sewer Impact Fee Study (Previously distributed) Basin ib and minisyatems 2, 5, 6, and ISA manhole rehabilitation Map WSIP Construction Schedule and Cosi Update (To be distributed at meeting) � o mmmmm m � m � p � � � N ` m - NQ � ti � s z _ H Ax Ay 9 _A n AA n 9 N � a � m .� AN_ V � N3 u m 3 � n 3 An N n m n0i W � ~ A3 3 0 A is ll lye LE',Ir alyCnm,ul Meeting nrmawl P�°'ftPBAaerrolaa CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMO To: Fayetteville Cry Council Thru: Mayor Dan Cordy Fayttenlle Sewer m Comotio From: David ]mgens, Water ffi We owater Torbert Nor Date: February 29,20( Stbjerr.. Approval of a Dcod Refection Covenant fm the Weal Slide.Wastewater lkealmeal Plant Oclfall Site, as Regtired by Carps of Engineers Section 404 Nationwide pmmitNmnber 14209-1 RECOMMENDATION Payclteville City Administration rerommcnds approval of allied Restriction Covenant for the West Side Wastewater Treatment pliant Outfall Ste, as mgnired by Corps of Engineers Section 404 Natiomvide perml Nnmber 14209-1, attached. BACKGROUND Corps of Erglimers Section 404 Nationwide Proven Number 14209-1, issued for the work associated with the contain of the West Side Waetewates Treatment Point, requires that the the 0.084 sae West Side WWTP Outfall Site deed contain a restrictive covered by which than Site most beheld in perpetuity as a wetlands area. This Site is separate from the largo total project walands mitigation site to that it is specifically located where the plant Set is constructed on Goose Creek DISCUSSION one attached deed Sea mi ess is part of the formal West Side W SS III facility, located around the ou all structure oil Goose Creek, It has 310 impact oa any potential future land uses for as long as the West Side WWTP is used for wastewater hydr onl. 'I'll is no possibility thanholand could be sold or used for any otherporpose. BUDGET IMPACT The only mat is the county filing fro of less than $50.00. a is Pace 4 of 26 NOTICE'OF UNIT)RESTRICTION STATE OF ARKANSAS COUNTYOPWASHINGTON 1WOW ALLMENBY',IHI,'EPRPSPNTSTHA'C Clq ofPayattevigeislheowna of That real proppymoreyalloflarly demnbedfn the attached legal deacdpoon and Noun in the attached map be the retaliation site based on a Sancy performed by registered profeaslonal land accounts, the legal descrlprton and the map are bah model part hereof Poranpurposes Throughout this duration,that real proeWy will be nrmreA to as The'Poultry As of the date executed,die P,open,has been designated is a mt,fu lion site associated with U S_Army Corps ofbngiueero SMion4tt4Peimlt No. 142-09-I,ore revlslorahwwf Ampyofthepermita Cached Thcparmvt giants authorisation to the City o(EayenevlM for maltreatment of fill material inecamO oNm Inched States Avry purUlpty ofall or any part of WePropaly or any peronbwing an inside lnorproposil stabile an int yli esti or any part of the Prodady, any peeves Recovery to develop orlmpmveull or any part of pay Factory,is C citynotSxl of follotviug materia nr dedication alRctlng Cha Aopertyt Nry activity on if,dialects,must comply with me trmsand spedel conditions dcwnbed in U.S. Andy Corps ofPugi acmd Section 404 PxmltNo lA20]-f,ora mvisiou thereof L sbould lw noted that he Property has bee,designated to be diseased forriparfnn buff rand wildlife habitat nutigation,and maynot be converted To snoWveon, monthly can not banned b- dmnng, logging,baghhogning, mowln& spraying withhvbil YlEog Tracing, draming, dumping construction of any structures pother man for wildhas mhvsementh or any other activity flat v,ld adveredy impact the rvamal state oftile area Norval momw management or wildlife arnhancement activities lmmlving merec,nofus,Papery would reymn,Prior mourrol 5mn The Eads Rock District Clasps of Pastel EXECUTED this day of 20M BY EY: Dan Cooly,Mayor SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO BEFORE MA by on, this*a _day of _,2008, to ratify which ultimate my hvTd and add of office Noary,Public in me lot the State of Arkansas My Combustion explrea_ Prated Name of Narrow I a , ® @ ! § �` © L r \ fill] \ \®bw,: \oil .t \,~^ Q i / } � » » \ i /• \; ( ) ; —�-- I LLLLL�. > G � � § a ; MONNrC FOUND rowxmiE sr SII - -_ - w OPNGr o Noflrxsr 8 a oicnoNs W-13A W42 - HNN VILLEfl W-os W-06 w¢Lotq�r� .. WUH Water and Wastewater Impart Fee Study Prepared for City of Fayetteville and Farmington, Elkins and Greenland dun n I associates Consultant Team James B. Duncan, FAICP 45 Years Planning and Impact Fee Experience Manager, Nation's First Multi-Facility Impact Fee System Co-Author, Nation's First Impact Fee Enabling Act 0 Master of Urban Planning, University of Oklahoma Clancy Mullen 0 19 Years Planning and Impact Fee Experience 0 Director of Infrastructure Financing, Duncan Associates Officer, National Impact Fee Roundtable Master of Urban Planning, University of Texas Pwma Robert Rosenthal President, Rosenthal & Associates ,rye , 25 Years Fiscal and Impact Fee Experience Specialist in Capital Facility Finance MBA in Finance, Wharton School, Univ. of Pennsylvania National Impact Fee Experience c� r a • InhaAmcNi Flmndng _ What Impact Fees Are One-time fee payment . . . by new development . . . . . . for off-site capital facilities . . . . . . needed by new development. La 9M Proposed Types of Fees • Water • System Costs (>14° Lines) • All Customers • Local Costs (10-14° Lines) • Elkins Customers lei !- • Rest of Water Customersy • Wastewater • System Costs (WSIP - Wastewater System Improvement Project) • All Customers • Local Costs (All Other Improvements) • Fayetteville Customers mow. • Elkins Customers !-1 • Farmington Customers = " • Greenland Customers Service Units per Customer Residential Nonresidential Single- Family (avg . ) 1 .00 5/8° x 3/4" 1 .00 up to 1 ,300 sf 0 .82 1 " meter 2 .50 1 ,301 -1 ,700 sf 1 .04 1 -11291 meter 5 .00 1 ,701 -2 ,300 sf 1 . 18 2" meter 8 .00 >2 ,300 sf 1 .32 3" meter 16. 00 4" meter 25. 00 Multi- Family 0 .71 6" meter 50. 00 Impact Fee Formula ■ Fee = Service Units (SU) x Net Cost/SU Net Cost/SU = Cost/SU - Revenue Credit/SU Revenue Credits for Debt or Future Funding Types of Methodologies ( Cost /SU ) ■ Recoupment • Recover costs already incurred or funded • Cost/SU = cost + service unit capacity ■ Incremental Expansion • No master plan, little excess capacity • Cost/SU = existing cost + existing service units ■ Plan-Based • Master plan, little excess capacity • Cost/SU = planned cost + future service units ■ End State • Master plan, some excess capacity • Cost/SU = (existing + planned costs) -- build-out SUs Methodologies Used ■ Water o System Costs - Plan-Based (debt credit) o Local Costs • Elkins — Plan-Based • Rest of Fayetteville System — End State - Wastewater o System Costs — Recoupment (sales tax credit) o Local Costs • Fayetteville — Incremental Expansion/End State • Elkins, Farmington, Greenland — Plan-Based (Greenland has debt credit) Single - Family Fees Waste- Water Water Fayetteville (current) $308 $835 Fayetteville (proposed) $2 ,954 $2 ,631 Farmington (proposed) $2 ,954 $2 ,798 Elkins (proposed ) $32501 $3 ,694 Greenland (proposed) $2 ,954 $3 ,598 National Average $3 ,232 $2 ,885 Single =Family Fees by Jurisdiction Fayett. Farm. Elkins Green. Fayetteville $2,954 $2 ,954 $2 ,297 $2 ,954 Clients - - $1 ,204 - Total Water $2,954 $2 ,954 $3 ,501 $2 ,954 Fayetteville $2,631 $1 ,247 $1 ,247 $1 ,247 Clients - $1 ,551 $2 ,447 $2 ,351 Total Wastewater $2,631 $2 ,798 $3 ,694 $3 ,598 Potential 10 -Year Revenue Jurisdiction Water Wastewater Fayetteville $43,800 ,000 $2%400,000 Farmington - $800,000 Elkins $300 ,000 $700,000 Greenland - $500,000 Total $44, 100 ,000 $31 ,400,000 Alternatives ■ Residential Flat Rate or Variable Fees • Cost Recovery • Adopt the total maximum fees • Adopt maximum fees for system costs ( Fayetteville) • Adopt at percentage of maximum fees ■ Phase-In • 90-day grace period • Half of ultimate increase for first year ■ Indexing Annual inflation adjustment Single =Family Options , Fayetteville Waste- Water water Total Current Fee $308 $835 $1 , 143 50% System Cost $1 , 148 $623 $1 ,771 100% System Cost $2,297 $1 ,247 $3 ,544 100% System & Local $2,954 $2,631 $5 ,585 Questions ? . . . ■ WATER AND WASTEWATER CAPITAL PLAN AND IMPACT FEE ANALYSIS V� CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS AND FARMINGTON, ELKINS AND GREENLAND a Y e evi le ABKANSAB prep by duncanassociates m�lmmnwlm ROSENTHAL ASSOCIATES INC Match 12, 2008 Contents Eaecutme Summsey 1 Lgal Cnnrert—The Acim.nva.s Devel pmmtImpact Pees Act. 6 ElWbk Capitol Po.cilityTypes 6 Impz Fm Savke At®s 7 Pee CakWationmcdh doltgy 9 Wastnvata 11 Savke Ata. 11 Savke D®aml 11 Dem n Equivalency 14 Capita PoNitis Neal&Level&Service 16 Revem a Credit& Net Cost per Service Unit 19 Net Cnsc Schedule aml Totllmpzct Pee Revemre Z Wzs tea Capitl Po fies Plan 27 Waa 28 Service Ata. 28 Service D®aml 29 Dem n Equivalency 31 Capitl PocJiris Neal&Leveltt'Service 32 Aevemre Credit& Net Coxpa Service Unit 35 Net Cnsc Schedule aml Totllmpzct Pee Revemre 37 Waal Capitl Po.cilitles Plan 40 Appendiz 41 List of Tables Table l: Me = Wssa tern pane Pees...........................................................................................2 Tablet Ma = Waaalmpact Pees 3 Table 3: Impact Pee Reve shallowmre Disuibution(single Uy® pk) .....................................4 Table 4: C pmtive S'vglcPsmilylmp�Fms...................................................................................4 Table5: ........................................................5 Table & C mt Was ter Demand 12 Table 7: Pcp.Jo.t Pcgatims 13 Table 8: Pegmad Wasrsvaat Service Dem m ...................................................................................13 Ubk9: Dm PquivsJmcylkbk 14 Ubk10: Vsrisbk Ante AesidemtlWD®s.m1...........................................................................................15 Ubk ll: Wastmsra Cnseto Meet Wasraw D®s.vd fr® New De cd pme ........................16 nbkl2: Wamwaarl.e lofsavkesands.ra......................................................................................17 Ubk 13: Payare Wasraw.ae Lom prov®ems Cose...............................................................17 Ubk 14: FemingronWasraw.ra Lom Prov®ma Cn ..............................................................18 Ubk 15: P.Wins Wasraw.ra Lom prov®ma Cn ........................................................................18 Ubk 16: C mnk d Wasrewara Loa pro ma Cn ................................................................18 Ubk17: W Fording Snmmsry...........................................................................................................20 Ubk 18: Cadit foe Saksl Hoed P6ncip4 Paymma......................................................................21 Ubk 19: caemland mpmvmma Credir...................................................................................22 Ubk20: Wastmsra Na Cnstpa Savke IInic....................................................................................22 Ubk 21: Wasawsra Ne Cn Scbed -Sys Improv®ma Z 'lhbk 22: Wastrnsra Na Cnsc Schedue-I.omlymprov®ems M 'lhbk 23: Wasawsra Na Cnsc Schedue-Sysrm &I.omlymprov®ma 24 'lhbk 24: Wastrnsra SinglcPsmily Vuisbk Na Cast- Sys� ympmv®ma 24 Ubk25: Wastrn Sing) Fmlly Vui kNa Cn -� pr ma 25 Ubk 26: Wastrn Sing) Fmlly Vui kNe Cn -I.o®1& Sys pm =mt.............25 Ubk27: Wastmsra Ma = Potema pace Pee R� (n 10y ) ..............................26 lkbkM WSIPCapiWl prov®em Pffi ............................................................................................27 Ubk29: Wasrewaralmprw=® foe New Decdpmmr..............................................................27 Ubk30: C mt Warn Dmand.............................................................................................................29 Ubk31: PWWa nPmjmdons ..............................................................................................................30 Ubk 32: Projx Warn Savke Dmand............................................................................................30 Ubk 33: D®aal Fquiwknc Ubk......................................................................................................31 Ubk 34: Cole m Meet Wars Dmand from New Devdopmem.......................................................32 Ubk35: Wares level&t ke Sa. a...............................................................................................33 Ubk 36: Unit Cost&wzW Capi F.cilides.......................................................................................33 Ubk37: Va ofFv'eHm�Warn Capi F.cilides ..............................................................................34 Ubk 38: Pkmed Puw a Wars Capi Improv=e .......................................................................34 Ubk 39: Cre tfor Wares Rduading Reveme Hoed Pdncysl Nay ........................................36 Ubk 40: Wsae Net Cosepa Sadie Unt.............................................................................................36 Ubk 41: Waar Ne Cn Scbed -Sys y pro ma 37 Ubk 42: 37 Ubk 43: Waal Ne Sysrm y povmmm 38 Ubk 44: Waal S'vgl F=i*Va bk Aaa Na Cost- Sysr Prov®ems 38 Ubk 45: Waar S'LT)cFmily Va bk Aaa Na Cost-� prov®ems 38 Ubk 46: Waar S'vgl F=i*Va bk Aaa Na Coss- Sys &I.oal Improv®eas..............39 Ubk 47: Wsae Ma = Paan y pa Pee Revenm (n 10y ).........................................39 Ubk 48: Waresy pro mt for New Decdpmea.........................................................................40 Ubk 49: W C Amibumbk mNew Devebpmmt(page. lof2)................................................41 Ubk 50: W C Amibumbk mNew New Devebpmmt(page. tat'2) ......................................42 Ubk 51: Wasmaae Cdlmtion Sys lnoemmry(pge. l t'3).........................................................43 Ubk 52: Wasmaae Cdlmtion Sys lnoemmry(pge. 2 at 3).........................................................44 Ubk 53: Wasmaae C tion Sys Ince y(pge 3 at3).........................................................45 Ubk 54: Gmevknd Wasaw New De cd pmmr Uni ..................................................................45 Ubk 55: Wsae Disrtlburon Sys eaory(pge 1 it3)...............................................................46 Ubk 56: Wsae Disrtlburon Sys eaory(pge2at 3)...............................................................47 Ubk 57: Wsae Disrtlburon Sys eaory(pge3 it3)...............................................................47 List of Figures F 1: Wasawsavymp FP Savke Ara.Map.................................................................................8 Pigum2: Wzav p FmSavke Ara Map...........................................................................................8 Erect five Smmma.y, EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Tae City ef' payettevillc cams and Worms regioml wastewater imd water utilities. T xis smdy quanUfxs ci l5c'Jity cil demand, cost imd impzct fees foe n developmeta in Payetteville and iasome t'rte cities stat connect ro rte payarevillc system. It also quantiflek impact fres foe ia-mwnfactitla tint me owned avl�mredbyctemtcmmunities. Fem waNewa4r and flame waxer impact fees side mkWared hers dE aemmil based m the type of iysil m pr (`Systm" oe edmint l& owner 1amc e.cilides. WaN ea- fees o dma sysi fa sysrm impdovmeom (aeanaeta plain and elated pip'vy� avl fa in-cky all tion sysrm sysil impsavedmims (Miller transmission .Wins avl crzeedavl. Waxer �paa fees zee dcnlatal foe lines). fa lad impdovmeom for pa.yct is sEps coned cranade% ib foe ofM lad impdovmeom (rhe inmwndiNtlh.don sysrm in P.Wins is sepaearely own d by the Qty ofP.Wivs). Tae ddffaeta fees ean be quickly reviewed by reference m Table 1 and Table 2. Table 3 may be pmtiadad1ybelp1 Wintin.tit shows revem.e distribution, using as an®mple one singlcemllyh®e built in Payetmvi Panningtm, Elkin% and Greedand Pees miami d in itis analysis are the maunum that could be adopred by the ride. T pnpose of an impact fee andysis is m quand£y the maamum seppaable impzct me amamil Tae lad governing body may chase m emct lender fees. Payetteville and sumus ng cm unities have experienced, and cma aye m bap camel hgh rtes ofgmwthwkruv eaeavg wastewater amdwamd eapiamentities denier Tlils amWysis ea irridd a way, m provide a n:w eevem�e source m help meet stat denial and m do so in a rely mamerwittotu iue buedmmaisdng sysrm uses. An impact fee is a mcrme claege m n:w ddme pmem. It pays fa ci l e. tie% not fa wentims a maimevance cal and is one ef' the most direct mems kxil govemmeom inn mploy m fiord inftasreucmeS a m recoup cuss alead➢ im mrt for rte bemb3t of new ddme pmem. T amcata et'rte me is a camm1y ci laxed pro ram shade et'rte cost amBumble m dmamd from n ddme pd at TypimJly, rte amount et' tte fee is less tha rte cost t' ttc recuked espial ectima bens se impact fees are reduced by aedis m account fa otter fimdmi; souse% acute paymeom by new ddme pdeta for ecUities fimded by iapact fees, and ata amre pal forwhichm esme llbe received. Impactfre assessoemi aArla.nw.s is governed by an impactfre enabling act—the Ddebpmmv bwpw Fm Ash T xis analysis £claws rte requiemems et'tte As,, and so been s sail propammm and defensible impact fres. Table l and Table 2 show maamum impact fees for each lend use imd i.Uity type. %ingaediUj fres ale peesmal in two frons m stow rte Wtim for assessoem either as a flat tare fes a as va.dable mm me based m square £mage. Va.dable mm fres fffer rte advamge ef' dingadmg pommal hwsing affordability impact, bemuse smaller anis are ctvged ata reduced fee tare. ' Rl f fly ivdcdes l-f fly&&led mtc Aa+cbed tivgN-f mIR d,*m n+Plei fi lei +P*tm to ,1 c®d�ivicrosae bawl+s mild-firmly, ,1 orchid Game is epu+o-lyi1,mfsd City M FiypWNlle Cmplkl Plan and Impel Foci Mayas— MemM1 1],]000 Pawl Exgawe &Aamary rax r MOMUN W/319ygMNPAUPEES grMymm (MM SVg. SVg. Styr slp+ srr.•w.waVMw..mVM VM VM VM gMRMl&laM aVMwMw VM VM Slyer SIM gMa"I&Im maMwMw VM VM SIM SIM srr..w.�m.ImSMw..m SVM SVM SVM SI wM Im. SVg. SVg. Slpr Slpr ua+ ua+ ua+ ua+ Mm am am am am am am am Sg01 SqW SqW SqW V1.174 V1.174 V1.174 V1.174 MM MM MM MM Mm Mm Mm Mm SWOI SWOI SWOI SWOI gprMy(MM SIM Slal aur gal grtr�M.wb!Mwvem RMT VM gprw„IaM aSMwMw µW SSW gMa"I&VaM m awMw Ran am gpr�M.�meIMSMwvem am am µm µM MwMy Ma SI.IM S1.10 SI.M Im. am swl m.. gal a, aal VM um: aMlo Mm MMSSM SS%411 Sam SIAM Mm Mel Mtn MMa MmMal Mm Slam Slamm SIMM SIMM SIMW Slam SIMM =IM MAM TM gprMy(MM gal aM SAM SAW sa+rr.rin3ja.wal""aow..m aM SSM Mm aM so.r.M,laM aVMw..m am aW MM M+g �M.^deII�SMww em r r err aK MMua ',`IinM gm aM SAM MM gal aM MM MM Mm MM am am SAW SIAM SIAM MW Mal MM Y In Mm Mal Mm MOST Mar MW Slags SIMM SIAM alOff MM Mal gam Wag mum-BpLn FpwerinMImIInpwerrlaetl xMMm TMl RIATMMRRe TMMRS Pegs] CIy MFipWVIIIp Ceplgl Plan eM Impact Fee Melyslc-Manch 1], ]000 r84z WYMIY VVAM WAM iFFB rmY- "Rel YY.inp nm BSyseMl�rl IIID/ n.ID/ am add BSW ser4vsuwww BSW seM.iAlu�l*onmeY II.R Sxq BµseM.lmluxmgaeY ;ma am BxFSa4t�meYxpw�Y Rw5 Awn WalSlam Sap wa ;e/ Stam wNNwJId IIID/ PW qna qna aap Saap MIN MIN Rnb Rnb RA14 8414 vp l IAM $MIN 10',Nw Rlam Rlam leyhl BaW ser41�r1 m all aw BaW ser4vsuwww BµseM.wba}npveY BaW seM.aAaulxa gveMm Sap BaW seM.lmauxmgaeYFm 5414 BaMSa4a�MxpnveM fm S4ID Waal M Ro R Sap wNNww ap all qmo M AAM gAI A,m n}a MIN all Raw Rp RR RAM Was 10',Nw MIN SRxn BSyseMl�rl Nat Awa am BaW ser4vsuwww BaW seM.iAauplwnaeY PON Roo BµseM.lmauxmgaeY Ran Ram BaW seM.�meYxpgveY SW W14 Wal R1o1 Sl ul Pp Awl wNNwJId Pp Awl AA Ram ym1 Snye MIN Mm W.2" Rp11 nAa al W,Nw num Mm Sl famoea 10',Nw Pull �uu-8pleriFpweris141mIInpwerrmetl kp,ftm Title41,15M1,42mtl Ta <S City M ft""Alle Ceplkl Plan and Impel Fme Melymll:- MemM1 1],]000 Page Eaecl gnmmary ➢ enue ft= the mpactfees shown=Tebk 1 and Table 2 accrues m diffaem loal govanmem emit&% aepevd;ngonlhe czpialfacidty type andfu tim("y crlo Mpcov®ems). An ®mpk of this revenue distribution is shown in Table 3, based on coal & a single S Uy unit in Payettevilk, Pumingron, Hkins anE Caeevlanl. TIne purpose & Teak 3 is m Zalemre point of coil tion vases t ultinare r Tmt of mpact fres assessed in each mun'rip2lay. (he distribuwn & mpact fee revenue is governed by aist'nug utility service zgremmbw Toc3yhowfoe revenuea m be cdkcted, hcwheld,andthmwhae r®tired) ]ami IMPACT FEE REVENUE 01MRIIIUTION (cingle{amllyenmple) MEmrykdRusua[WIWMMaBYyz VrEtl MWpnmlln FateEv.Y,FumYdIm,EMe,vfi�amarq ImpeFr Ftl mWhn�� pyyy pyy�a Ravua o w.e F araEW, �lwd tv.9«1. Baan SI]n Ela, Eta, Elyn Il $1661 0447 091 ah m e/Yan 0)47 0,a] 0,a] 0,20 Ems Ems 0® El as Trial(eerier"ua0w9F1j "An SE)01 345" Kul $1,51 "51 SS}51 wml (,,W 12M EI a, Eta, $1247 $1661 0447 091 ahm("M 12054 004 0a] 0w 61 m anm-an�g lmowmkonTm,t .,aT. z Pees inthisaalysis are genially similarmns.tiomlavenge impactfresfa simile fscilirks. Tebk4 shows a wmpariwn of s'vug�fwily wasmwamr and wamr impact fees. ]aM4 COMPARAMESINOIE-FAMILY IMPACT FEES n.am.e 1l F.,wne wr..wmwdm x.ama wmaFm.lwwl 0886 040 .m,Pam"F.,awaew..Fw aw Fm F, ban 00t 0,0]88 0,ml Eh*w0,et Olaw Weals cow-CNm!®1mmmgYry urvry EyWmm Pa"mmdhpy 1R.Zn]. Iatlmvl NeMm ee Ne m mym , m memh�w.y alueeMmn.I rne...Wm..1.88..188 Fp.e km Fmpmm.rq.lmrh FPe l.m Immrw,lt ,nd emrwez Pngn4 City MFa lgvlllp Cnplgl Plan ana Impact Fen Melyslc-MnmM1 12, 2008