HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-02-12 - Agendas Supplement aye ev le WATER/SEWER COMMITTEE AGENDA SUPPLEMENT Meeting Date of February 12, 2008 COMMITTEE: Chairman Kyle Cook; Alderman: Lioneld Jordan, Bobby Ferrell, Adella Gray COPY TO: Mayor Dan Coody, Sondra Smith, Gary Dumas, Paul Becker, Susan Thomas, Tim Conklin, Jeremy Pate, Ron Petrie, Sha on Jones, Tom Hubbard, Peggy Bell, Lynn Hyke, OMI FROM: David Jurgens, Water and Wastewater Director A meeting of the Fayetteville Water and Sewer Committee is platnda. for February 12, 2008, at 5:15 PM, in Room 326, Fayetteville City Hall, immediateowing the City Council Agenda Session. This is a supplement to the published ag 1. WSIP Update. a. WSIP Farmington Area Work bids and cost shares for WL-10 and WL-11were approved last night by the Farmington City Council. b. West Side WWTP Furniture, Fixtures, and Equipment purchases are underway. The only item that staff expects to require Council approval is the furniture. The cost summary is below. Details for the furniture purchase are in the attached memo. Item Cost Remarks Furniture $ 29,948.99 Appliances $ 4,000.00 estimate Computer Equipment $ 3,000.00 estimate Lab Equipment $ 27,348.17 Phone System $ 19,002.21 additional requests to follow Radio $ no estimate yet Operational and Security Video $ majority included in Brasfield contract TOTAL $ 83,299.37 c. EP-1 Change Order Number 1 for$9,091.98 with Wilson Brothers is attached. This change order is required to add additional reinforcement for the pond drive at the liner connection by increasing the amount of rebar and concrete thickness. An additional concrete approach is to be installed at the entrance to the Primary Pond drive, and the elevation of the pond entrance will be raised 4 inches. These actions will decrease the potential run off into the Primary Pond and provide operators with an easier transition from the gravel road to the concrete drive. d. Contract Legal Review-West Plant Construction Contract. Contract negotiations are about complete with Williams &Anderson, PLC. e. WSIP Construction Schedule & Cost Update is attached. f. Tour of West Side WWTP and WL-6 (Hamestring Lift Station) needs to be scheduled. 3. South Pass Park Development and Cost Share. The South Pass development will add a great deal of acreage to the City. When WSIP pipe sizes were established, they were for the existing City limits at ultimate build-out, with a significant storm event. Evaluating the development and the additional acreage to be added to the City requires that a portion of the pipeline from Happy Hollow to Razorback Road (EL-3) be increased in diameter. There is also a sewer cost share that was agreed to in the original contract, signed in September, 2004. W&S committee agoida 12Feb08 Supp South Pass Development, LLC, has agreed to pay 50% of the estimated $561,600 increase in the EL-3 cost. 4. Water and Sewer Rate Study proposed time line and basic ordinance information is attached. The ordinance is not yet fully developed, but we hope to have a draft completed by Friday, 15 February. It will be distributed to the Committee upon completion. 5. Water/Sewer Committee Meetings are proposed for(1) Water/Sewer Rate Study, to be determined if needed; and (2) general topics, Tuesday, March 11, 2008, 5:15, room 326 (following Agenda Session). Due to the pace of action leading up to the startup of the new West Side WWTP, there are likely to be out-of-cycle requests for approval sent via email for review and/or approval. Attachments: West Side WWTP Furniture Memo and Detail EP-1 Change Order Number 1 WSIP Construction Schedule and Cost Update Water and Sewer Rate Study Proposed Time Line Memo W .0..........La.............1.. 19 GnhOR Cmn 7fit(� - 7N I f', City Council Meeting of March 4, 2008 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMO To: Fayetteville City Council Thru: Mayor Dan Coody Fayetteville Sewer Committee From: David Jurgens, Water and Wastewater Director \ Date: 12 February 2008 Subject: Approval of the purchase of office equipment and furniture for the new West Side Wastewater Treatment Plant in the amount of$29,948.99, and approval of a $1,000 contingency. RECOMMENDATION City Administration recommends approval of the purchase of office equipment and furniture for the new West Side Wastewater Treatment Plant in the amount of$29,948.99 (tax included), and approval of a$1,000 contingency. BACKGROUND The West Side WWTP Construction is nearing completion. The WWTP will reach substantial completion in the end of May, with effluent being discharged in early June, as projected when we entered into this contract in 2005. While there will be construction that takes place after this date that will bring the facility to final completion, the plant will be placed in operation in the end of May. DISCUSSION This office equipment and furniture is required for operations and training at the new West Side WWTP. The furniture will primarily be used in the Operations Building and the Vehicle Storage Building. The cost includes installation. Prices are established through an existing publicly solicited purchasing contract through US Communities. The contingency is requested to allow for minor hardware and adjustments that may be necessary to make the equipment fit correctly in the spaces available. BUDGETIMPACT Funds are available within the WSIP Project. West WWTP Fumiture CCMemol' 608 Itemized Furniture List Bldg Area Qty Item Unit Cost Ext Cost T 2 Chair $514.99 $1,029.98 LL 1 Coffee Table $120.00 $120.00 E 2 Filing Cabinet Multi High) $570.00 $1,140.00 0 2 Filing Cabinet 2 drawer lateral $325.00 $650.00 2 Cabinet for Blue Prints flat filing) $399.001 $798.00 LL 1 Base for flat file cabinet $45.00 $45.00 2 Office Desk, left $737.50 $1,475.00 m 2 Office Desk, right $737.50 $1,475.00 m Q 4 Desk Chair $330.74 $1,322.96 o p 4 Chair $141.68 $566.72 m 2 Wall Mounting Kit for panels $31.04 $62.08 0 4 Petition Panel $251.521 $1,006.08 m E 6 Chair $330.74 $1,984.44 o 1 Rectangular Table $390.00 $390.00 0 2 Filing Cabinet $325.00 $650.00 1 Stool for Lab $202.50 $202.50 20 Chair k of 4 $225.00 $4,500.00 0 10 Long Table/DropLeaf $459.24 $4,592.40 o 2 Chair Stacking Doll $240.00 $480.00 v 1 Table Transport Doll $433.87 $433.87 3 Storage Shelves Heavy Duty) $79.00 $237.00 m o $0.00 $0.00 m 06 1 Desk $275.50 $275.50 L m v = 2 Chair $141.68 $283.36 jm 0 C/) 1 File Cabinet $620.00 $620.00 2 Book Shelf for Manuals $287.50 $575.00 a m 2 Chair $141.68 $283.36 U � m OJ Labor and Installation $2,215.00 Sub-Total $27,413.25 Tax $2,535.74 Total $29,948.99 ut �eCla) �� � jl e 5 City Council Meeting of N/A- Mayor's Approval CONTRACT REVIEW MEMO To: Mayor Dan Coody Fayetteville Sewer Committee From: David Jurgens, Water and Wastewater Director Date: February 11, 2008 Subject: Approval of change order# 1 to the construction act with Wilson Brothers Construction, in the amount of$9,091.98, for Noland WWTP renovations, WSIP Subproject EP-1. Funds are available within the approved contract contingency of$65,000.00. RECOMMENDATION City Administration recommends approval of change order# 1 to the construction contract with Wilson Brothers Construction, in the amount of$9,091.98, for Noland WWTP renovations, WSIP Subproject EP-1. Funds are available within the approved contract contingency of$65,000.00. BACKGROUND The project involves lining the 17 million gallon Noland Wastewater Treatment Plant primary storage pond, allowing it to be used for untreated wet weather flows before they enter the treatment process. Currently, the storage pond can only be used for treated or partially treated water. Specifically, it provides for the installation of a concrete liner, geomembrane liner, a nonpotable water high pressure washdown system and other miscellaneous improvements at the site. This project will significantly reduce overflows, as peak flows in excess of short term treatment plant capacity will be stored until the peak flow drops. It will also prevent the biological treatment system fi•om being inundated during the significant variations from normal flow to storm-related flow. DISCUSSION This change order is required to add additional reinforcement for the pond drive at the liner connection by increasing the amount of rebar and concrete thickness. An additional concrete approach is to be installed at the entrance to the Primary Pond drive, and the elevation of the pond entrance will be raised 4 inches. These actions will decrease the potential run off into the Primary Pond and provide operators with an easier transition from the gravel road to the concrete drive. This change order has been reviewed by Black & Veatch, the Engineer; they recommend approval. BUDGET IMPACT Funds are available within the approved contract contingency of$65,000.00. EP-I Wilson Bros Chg Ordr I CCMcmoFeb08a CHANGE ORDER Project Number: EP-I ARKANSAS Contract Title: Noland WWTP Wet Weather Improvements Change Order No 1 -Date of Issuance February 11,2008 TO CONTRACTOR:Wilson Brothers Construction,Inc. ORDINANCE NO:/RESOLUTION NO: The Contract is changed as follows: EFFECTIVE Item COI-1. Additional Rebar in the Concrete Drive into the Primary Pond, Initiated by:Engineer In order to provide additional reinforcing at the liner connection on the north side of the drive,the amount of rebar and concrete thickness was increased on the pond drive.The additional rebar and concrete results in an increase of $2,896.92 in Contract Price.The change results in no change in Contract Time. Item COI-2. Additional Concrete Avron at Primary Pond Entrance. Initiated by:Operator(OMI) At the request of the Operator,an additional concrete approach is to be installed at the entrance to the Primary Pond drive. Additionally,the elevation of the pond entrance will be raised 4 inches. This work is necessary to decrease the potential run off into the Primary Pond and provide the operators with an easier transition from the gravel road to the concrete drive.The additional concrete approach results in an increase of$6,195.06 in Contract Price.The change results in no change in Contract Time. Not valid until signed by the Owner. The original Contract Price was ..........................................................................................$ 1,327,793.62 Net change by previously authorized Change Orders ..........................................................$ 0 The Contract Price prior to this Change Order was .............................................................$ 1,327,793.62 The Contract Price will be(X increased)(1)decreased)(❑unchanged)by ......................$ 9,091.98 The new Contract Price including this Change Order will be..............................................$ 1,336,885.60 The Contract Times will be(E]increased)(13 decreased)(X unchanged)by.....................( 0 1 days Required date of Substantial Completion as of the date of this Change Order therefore is . January 19,2008 NOTE: This summary does not reflect changes in the Contract Price or Contract Times which have been authorized by Work Change Directives not incorporated in this or previous Change Orders. OWNER BY DATE pp CONTRACTOR 1,2 By DATE 00940 change order I EP I.doc 00940- 1 Project No. 135045 SECTION 00940-CHANGE ORDER]FORM(continued) I certify there is a balance otherwise unencumbered to the credit of the appropriation to which the above amount is chargeable,and a cash balance otherwise unencumbered in the treasury to the credit of the fund from which payment is to be made,each sufficient to meet the above obligation. Distribution: ❑Owner(4) ®Contractor Q Engineer 00940-CI-IANGE ORDER FORM 00940-2 Paul R. Noland WWTP Improvements WSIP Contract EIS - 1 Change Order Number 1 Summary of Changes Item Change In Change in Number Description p Contract Amount Contract Time C01-1 Additional Rebar in the Concrete Drive $2,896.92 0 into the Primary Pond C01-2 Additional Concrete Apron at Primary Pond Entrance $6,195.06 0 TOTAL $9,091.98 0 EP1 Change Order No S Summary of Changcs.doc FAYETTEVILLE WSIP MAJOR CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT SUMMARY 12 Fab41a Contract Construction Cost- Estimated Contract Tentative Bill Construction Period(,toys) Construction Substantial Final Number Description RhUAwanled Work 'omhadionCos[ Combatting Data Substantial Final Start Date oat I Lou om Ccation EP-2 Noland WWTP Renovation $19876631 $100.'_48 IS-Fe605 789 879 16-Ma-05 14-Jul-07 12-Oct-O7 VI Nest Side WWTP S60,398,785 1995925 29-Se-05 939 1019 4-Nov-05 31-Ma-0819-Aug-08 WP-3 Else Electric Line Relocate, Bro les Road 3299,961 29-Sep-03 939 1019 4-Nov-05 31-May-08 19-Au g-U8 WL-5 Force Mains,Hamestrin•to West Plant S4,752.28 PROJECT COMPLETE 3-Nov-05 280 310 8-Feb-06 15-Nor-06 15-Dec-06 WL-3 Porter to Hourvaring $7186957 $107991 27-Jan-06 330 365 I-Ma-06 27-Mar-07 1-Ma-07 WL4 Crcgg to Bemoaning $10854415 $4904 31-Jan-06 500 560 5-Jun-06 IS-Oct-07 1]-Dec-0] WL-I Old Wire to Grego Merged with WL-1 Connectedwith WL3 27-Jan-06 330 365 I-Ma-06 27-Mar-07 1-F4a-0] WL-2 Noah to Polar to Van Asche 426.87 $207478 24-Oct-06 300 330 3-Jan-07 30-Oct-07 29-Nor-07 WI-6 Hamestrin•Station 64748]5 $63.561 29-Jun-06 500 530 6-Au•-06 19-Dec-07 I8-Jan-O8 WL-7 Grego Lift Station $1,527.00 $7600 8-Mo-07 210 250 I-Au•-07 27-Feb-OS 7-Ar-08 WL-8 Osrl Creek LS and Force Main $1200000 $1200 Nov-08 0 330 Jan-09 2&N.V-09 26-Dec-09 WP-ib Broyles Road 3-Ma-O7 360 420 II-Jun-0] 5-lull-o8 4-Aug-O8 WP-Ia Broyles Road Water Line Contracted with'WP-3 SUBPROJECT MPLETE 29-Se-05 939 1019 4-Nov-05 31Na-O8 19-Au,-OB WP-2b Wetlands Mitigation on WWTP Site $929 0 - 1 21-Se-06 700 720 Nov-06 Oct-OB Oct-08 WF-2a Wetlands Mitigation Earth Work&Berms Contended with WP-3 29-S,-05 939 1019 4-Nor-05 31-Ma-08 19-Aug-08 EP-1 Noland Wet Weather Basin $1336886 $55.908 5-A r-07 180 210 23-Jul-07 19-J.m-08 I8-Feb-08 EP4 Noland Os enation lairetirn $66A601 PROJECT COMPLETE 8-Ma-07 105 135 19-Jun-07 2-Oct-07 I-Nov-07 WI BP West WWTP Hanesuin•Backup Posner $1986897 $40.00 27-Feb-07 180 210 21-Mar-07 17-Se A] I7-Oct-07 ELI Mn1I Namon Lift Station&Force Main $139388 11000 31-1e1-07 180 210 15-Oct-07 12-Ar-OS 12-Ma-08 EL-2 Line 7-Happy Hollow to Noland $10431995 $77000 31-Ju1-07 335 365 15-Oct-07 14-Se -O8 14-0ct-08 EL4 Lift Sabena 13.14 16 $460,36 $10.00 9-Am-07 180 210 7-Aug-07 3-Feb 08 4-Mar-08 EL-5 Line 15.South Mtn to Industrial Park $572.0 S22,88 Ma-08 360 390 Au g-08 Am a-09 Sep—o9 EL-3 Line 4-Tram Blanch to Happy Hollom S6,015,00 5240,60 May-08 360 M36524-Au,�7 Aug-09 Sop-09 EP-3 Noland Effluent Pum Stat.Actuation Basin $164690 $658]6 Ma-08 270 An 48 Ma-09 Jun-09 WL-9 CutoverDemo OMI contract sound) $1,50000 $6000 Jan-08 120 Sep-08 Feb-09 BLVD-I Bearer Lake Watershcai A•crarent 9' _ lel-07 345 23-Aug-OS 23-Au•-08 WP-FFE West W\VTP Fumimre.E ui ment 20000 Martis 180 Oct-O8 Oct-OS Slur ge Haul Sldge Havlin•Tracor and'1miler 10879 ACTION COMPLETE 22-Se A6 Pro'M t Pro'ect Mann ement Team Me-06 Ma-09 S are Pats S tem Wide S arcs and Mout ui tent ._ 68` _ Aug-08 120 Jan-09 J.49 Misc Es eases&Contin enc a 0' N/A Subtotal CcnslreetioNPurchases $130.966I60A $1200744 31029051 15.1,264,573 DesigNCrmtrucdon Supervision Contracts, E.eantenls EP Black&Veatch-Noland Plant EL Gurcr-East Lines&Lift Smtioms WP McGoodwin-West Plant.Broyles Road WL RJN-WestLimes&Lift Stations All ECO,Weiland,Environmental All CH2M Hill All Bums McDonnell Exc ems Easernot Costs induJin•Conuad Stes Xi. g Subtotal Engineering&Easements S24,687,171 $22672 3231 J9, Fayetteville Area Project Totals: $155,653.784 $12,234,17 $10,521,91 178,409.570 Fayetteville Area Project Total: $178,409,870 West Fa e0eville-Farmin Ion Are. Eng, Fa 5 RUN-Fa2L learn g Area Engineering Ener Frons RUN-ruler-Farming Area Engineering S480d0QO1 WL 10 Fab Fn-Faun Area Gm%Line Loil er Section 16-Jan-OS 220 250 26-Feb-08 3-Oc408 2-Nor-O8 WL-10 Carn$ Fa Farm Arca Gar Line Lower Section S269.671 16-Jul-08 220 250 26-Feb-08 3-Oct-08 2-Nre-08 WLIOa Fa $ Fa-Farm AumOran,Line UoperSeefion Dec-08 270 300 Feb-09 23-Nov-09 23-Dec-09 WI410a FmrnS Fa-Fan.Area Crav Line Opal,Section M.U7.476 112 74 Dm-08 270 300 Feb-09 23-Nr,+09 23-Deo-09 WL-II Fa $ Force loin ftom LS 12 1Fanninglon Wel 16-1an-O8 330 360 26-Feb-08 21-1an-09 20-Feb-09 WL.IIFann9 Farce main from LS 12Fanninaon West $94825 16-Jan-08 330 360 26-Feb-08 21-Jan-09 20-Feb-09 WL-12(Fay SO Lift Station 12 Formi.lon West 26 A r-08 270 300 27-May-08 21-Feb-09 23-Mar-09 WL-12 Farm S Lift Station 12 Fannin ton West 13 47 6 3 A r-OB 270 300 27-May-08 21-Feb-09 23-Mar-09 WL Pa 5 Misc.Value Engineering WL(Farm S) Misc.Value En•ineerine 984 Esnuai Fanorda I Easemems and Cicneml Contin•enc 32,644I .64 Subtotal West Fe etteville-Farmin ton Are. $279558 55082640 5338632 &'16,559 West Fayetteville-Farmington Project Total: $8,216,859 All Areas Project Totals: 1 $158,449,371 $17,316,811 $10,860,544 186.626,729 Grand Total: $186,626,729 Net Fayetteville Cost including West Fay-Farm Area: $180,683,701 Cos12-4kdownb WSIP Com onenl: Weer Ll a.conn TmnlI SL9.§75]88 N018M WWTP 18108909 Eaet Line nelTOW 19980722 P M 088109 -'-" T00 OW creek LWls incl N meat line lata 1320000 it Finas 1.1893 B Grant Toml: $188828728 East Itle(Noland)Plant Wmk I S16,23RI9771164690 222 01 161089119 ntlerW Saildila BS West Line Work Summary $36.215,85 270 65 9 395]5786 ntler Wa E91 Line W Uwwaig 112211,24185 70 111 4Fillip 19896722 tl Wa l 1_IN kt3t'. 1 f RU. A-,,SLIbMa 1 $155653 734 S12 2311/21 SW 521 13121 SI!3,409 3701 53 216a591 1 F 8 ' wsivcw,srmex,s,m,,.,ra,,,ror aye evi le ARKANSAS WATER/SEWER COMMITTEE MEMO To: Fayetteville Sewer Committee From: David Jurgens,Water&Wastewater Director Paul Becker, Finance Director J Date: February 11, 2008 Subject: Water/Sewer Rate Approval Process and Time Li e ISSUE Staff presents this updated potential water and sewer rate adoption timeline that will provide full opportunity for public comment, meet all legal requirements, and establish the new rates as soon as possible. BACKGROUND HDR, with input from City staff, is finalizing the water and sewer rate study. The fundamental information was first presented to the City Council Water and Sewer Committee by Tom Gould, HDR, on July 27, 2007. There have since been numerous Committee meetings with staff,Tom Gould and various interested parties. These meetings have resulted in an excellent understanding of the rate development process, a number of significant changes to current City policy, as well as identifying background data, the costs of service for various customer groups, and a variety of rate alternatives. The Committee has adopted the following policy guidelines: 1. The City shall adopt a cost of service rate schedule based on customer class. 2. The City shall use volumetric blocks within selected rate classes as appropriate: - Residential shall have an increasing block to reduce the cost burden of life critical water uses, encourage conservation, and capture system costs of irrigation through residential meters; -Non-residential shall have a declining block to match the reduced volumetric cost of service for larger non-residential users; - Industrial shall use a declining block to match the reduced volumetric cost of service for major users. 3. All legitimate non-emergency water consumption shall be metered and billed at an appropriate rate. ACTIONS REQUIRED TO MOVE FORWARD The remaining decisions are: 1. What are the rate adjustments for each class of service? 2. When shall the rate adjustments be implemented? POTENTIAL TIMELINE The proposed time line is as follows: February 15 Submit agenda packet for rate adjustment ordinance February 26 City Council Agenda Session March 4 First reading of rate adjustment ordinance, announce public hearing March 5 Advertise rate adjustment and public hearing March 18 Public hearing, second reading of rate adjustment ordinance April 1 Third reading of rate adjustment ordinance May 1, 2008 Ordinance and effective date of new water rates January 1, 2009 Effective date of new sewer rates Rate Study Time Line W-S Cmty Memo Feb08 a