HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-12-19 - Agendas - Final aye ev le WATER/SEWER COMMITTEE AGENDA Meeting Date of December 19, 2007 COMMITTEE: Chairman Kyle Cook; Alderman: Lioneld Jordan, Bobby Ferrell, Adella Gray COPY TO: Mayor Dan Coody, Sondra Smith, Gary Dumas, Paul Becker, Susan Thomas, Tim Conklin, Jeremy Pate, Ron Petrie, Rannon Jones, Tom Hubbard, Peggy Bell, Lynn Hyke, OMI FROM: David Jurgens, Water and Wastewater Director pM A meeting of the Fayetteville Water and Sewer Committee is plann for December 19, 2007, at 4:30 PM, in Room 326, Fayetteville City Hall. Proposed topics include: 1. Water and Sewer Rate Study Presentation and Discussion with Tom Gould, HDR, and staff. 2. Elkins Sewer Contract Amendment is attached. A full memo with explanation will be distributed prior to the Committee meeting. Complete information will be calculated after the last meter reading is taken on Monday, 17 December. 3. The Next Water/Sewer Committee Meetings are scheduled for(1) Water/Sewer Rate Study, to be determined; and (2) general topics, Tuesday, January 8, 2008, 5:15, room 326 (following Agenda Session). Attachments: Rate Study Presentation Elkins Sewer Contract Amendment W&S Committee Agenda 19Dec07 AMENDMENT 1 TO SEWER CONTRACT The Sewer Contract (hereinafter "Contract") dated December 20, 2005 between the City of Fayetteville (hereinafter "Fayetteville") and City of Elkins (hereinafter "Elkins") shall be amended and modified by this amendment (hereinafter "Amendment") as follows: WHEREAS: Under the Contract, Fayetteville receives wastewater from Elkins and then transports and processes the wastewater in Fayetteville's wastewater treatment facility and discharges treated wastewater effluent under Fayetteville's National Pollution Discharge Elimination System permit; and Fayetteville must ensure that this role does not place financial burdens on Fayetteville's retail customers for which Fayetteville's retailcustomers receive no benefit; and Elkins must ensure that this role does not place financial burdens` on Elkins' retail customers for which Elkins' retail customers receive no benefit; and City of Fayetteville and City of Elkins desire to amend said Contract. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein, Fayetteville and Elkins do hereby agree to amend the Contract as follows: The Contract and the terms and conditions therein shall remain unchanged except for the sections listed below: Section C. ' IMPACT' FEE IMPLEMENTATION or CONTRACTUAL SURCHARGE subparagraph ;3' is removed in its entirety and replaced with the following: 3. The payment for wastewater treatment shall be based on metered water purchased discounted by the formula described in APPENDIX B. Elkins and Fayetteville agree to use eighty-five percent (85%) as the initial percentage. Elkins and Fayetteville agree that the volume of wastewater received by Fayetteville at the "Point of Connection" shall be measured by the wastewater meter installed. The Cities agree to base monthly billing on the percentage method. Volumes of wastewater below or above the agreed upon percentage (85%), as measured by the wastewater meter, shall be recorded on a monthly basis, with a reconciliation of the net difference to occur semiannually in June and December. If the reconciliation volume is over the agreed upon percentage, this amount shall be billed to Elkins in June and December at the actual computed cost of wastewater collection to and treatment at the Noland Wastewater Treatment Plant, not including the calculated rate of return and not Elkins Contract Addendum 1 Dec07 12/14/2007, 7:58 AM including depreciation charges, but including any capacity surcharge, based on the most recent rate as determined in paragraph B. of this Contract. If the reconciliation volume is below the agreed upon percentage, the actual amount billed for the difference shall be refunded to Elkins in June and December. For 2007, the only reconciliation shall take place in December, 2007 and shall be calculated based on the rate in place as of December 1, 2007. Late penalties shall not be computed on any amount overage accumulated prior to the reconciliation bill. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Amendment as of the day of , 2008. CITY OF ELKINS CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE Jack Ladyman, Mayor Dan Coody, Mayor ATTEST: XXXXXXXX, Cty`Clerk Sondra Smith, City Clerk Elkins Contract Addenda n 1 Dec07 12/14/2007, 7:58 AM City of Fayetteville w r Review of the Proposed Water and Sewer Rate Designs December 19, 2007 Presented by: Tom Gould — HDR Engineering, Inc. ONE COMPANY � Alan-j� Solurions - Overview and Purpose of the Presentation ■ Review of the ►' ' proposed water and sewer rate designs ■ Consider alternative rate design options e ■ Determine final rate proposal for the City Council presentation �Z Prior Key Policy Directions From the Commission ■ Multi-year rate adjustments (transition) ■ Phase-in cost of service results ■ Establish rates by customer class of service ■ Consider establishing a low income/elderly rate Option 1 — No lifeline (currently as is) Option 2 — Lifeline residential rate and "'standard" residential rate la"I 3 {I i r�'' 4M1 •f , �+ RSL k•L'„ _ YJ, • ��� fir '- .+1..'44. F .�`tl+.r'a � 'r #�6#,-.:moi r5 +•{'° C _� +__ .1�� 'fit 1 - 'I. •J_ Overview of the Present Inside Fayetteville Water Rates Fixed Meter Charge ($/Month) 5/8 x 3/4" $3.88 1 " 5.39 1 1/211 9.40 2" 13.69 3" 31 .90 4" 52.80 6" 105.60 8" 158.40 Consumption Charge ($/1,000 gallons) Consumption 0-10,000 gallons $2.81 Consumption 10,001 - 300,000 gallons 2.42 Consumption 300,001 - 5,000,000 galllons 1 .76 Consumption 5,000,000 gal and over 1 .60 5 Overview of the Proposed Monthly Fixed Charges Overall Water Increase 3.6% 5.8% 5.3% 5.3% Fixed Charge - $/Month For all Classes Present Meter Size Rate 2008 2009 2010 2011 5/8 x 3/4" $3.88 $4.00 $4.25 $4.50 $4.75 1" 5.39 5.55 5.90 6.25 6.60 1 1/2" 9.40 9.70 10.30 10.90 11 .50 2" 13.69 14.10 15.00 15.90 16.75 3" 31 .90 32.90 34.95 37.00 39.05 4" 52.80 54.45 57.85 61 .25 64.65 6" 105.60 108.85 115.65 122.45 129.30 8" 158.40 163.30 173.50 183.70 193.90 Note: Applicable to all Inside Fayetteville water rate options. Outside Fayetteville and wholesale have fixed meter charges, but different rates. la"I 6 Residential Water Rate Options N ■t �Z Overview of the Development of the Residential Water Rate Options ■ Developed two options Option A — No rate for Low-Income/Elderly (status quo — all residential charged the same rate) Option B — Qualifying Low-Income/Elderly rate and a non- qualifying "standard" rate Customer must be low-income and elderly to qualify Qualifying criteria to be determined by the City ■ Conservation and a Uniform (Consumption) Charge Rate Structure Not a tiered rate, but does result in largest increases to the largest residential users (conservation effect) as a result of moving from a declining structure to a uniform structure la"I $ Overview of the Residential Water Rate Options 2008 2009 2010 2011 Residential - Overall Revenue Adjustments 5.5% 5.5% 5.5% 5.5% Residential Option A - Single Rate: No Low Income & Elderly or Lifeline Rate Fixed Monthly Charge, Plus: All Consumption($/1,000 gal) $2.81 $2.96 $3.14 $3.33 Residential Option B - Low Income & Elderly Rates Non-Qualifying Customer Fixed Monthly Charge, Plus: All Consumption($/1,000 gal) $2.94 $3.10 $3.29 $3.49 Qualifying Customer Low Income & Elderly Equals 75% of Residential Rate Low Income & Elderly Fixed Charge ($/Month) $3.00 $3.19 $3.38 $3.56 Low Income & Elderly Volumetric Charge ($/1,000 gal) 2.21 2.33 2.47 2.62 la"I 9 Bill Comparison for Residential Water Rate Option A Residential Option A - Single Rate: No Low Income & Elderly or Life Line Rate Consumption 2008 1,000 gal Present Bill Proposed Bill $ Different % Different 0 $6.69 $6.81 $0.12 1 .8% 2 9.50 9.62 0.12 1 .3% 4 15.12 15.24 0.12 0.8% 6 20.74 20.86 0.12 0.6% 8 26.36 26.48 0.12 0.5% 10 31 .98 32.10 0.12 0.4% 15 44.08 46.15 2.07 4.7% 20 56.18 60.20 4.02 7.2% 25 68.28 74.25 5.97 8.7% 30 80.38 88.30 7.92 9.9% 35 92.48 102.35 9.87 10.7% 40 104.58 116.40 11 .82 11 .3% 45 116.68 130.45 13.77 11 .8% 50 128.78 144.50 15.72 12.2% Note: Assumes a 5/8" x 3/4" meter. Min. bill = 1,000 gallons. An la"I average residential customer uses approximately 6,000 gallons/month lo Bill Comparison for Residential Water Rate Option B ( Non -Qualifying ) Residential Option B - Non-Qualifying Low Income & Elderly Rates Consumption 2008 1,000 gal Present Bill Proposed Bill $ Different % Different 0 $6.69 $6.81 $0.12 1 .8% 2 9.50 9.88 0.38 4.0% 4 15.12 15.76 0.64 4.2% 6 20.74 21 .64 0.90 4.3% 8 26.36 27.52 1 .16 4.4% 10 31 .98 33.40 1 .42 4.4% 15 44.08 48.10 4.02 9.1% 20 56.18 62.80 6.62 11 .8% 25 68.28 77.50 9.22 13.5% 30 80.38 92.20 11 .82 14.7% 35 92.48 106.90 14.42 15.6% 40 104.58 121 .60 17.02 16.3% 45 116.68 136.30 19.62 16.8% 50 128.78 151 .00 22.22 17.3% Note: Assumes a 5/8" x 3/4" meter. Min. bill = 1,000 gallons. An la"I average residential customer uses approximately 6,000 gallons/month 11 Bill Comparison for Residential Water Rate Option B ( Qualifying LI /Elderly ) Residential Option B - Qualifying Low Income & Elderly Rates Consumption 2008 1,000 gal Present Bill Proposed Bill $ Different % Different 0 $6.69 $5.21 ($1 .48) -22.1% 2 9.50 7.41 (2.09) -22.0% 4 15.12 11 .82 (3.30) -21 .8% 6 20.74 16.23 (4.51 ) -21 .7% 8 26.36 20.64 (5.72) -21 .7% 10 31 .98 25.05 (6.93) -21 .7% 15 44.08 36.08 (8.00) -18.2% 20 56.18 47.10 (9.08) -16.2% 25 68.28 58.13 (10.15) -14.9% 30 80.38 69.15 (11 .23) -14.0% 35 92.48 80.18 (12.30) -13.3% 40 104.58 91 .20 (13.38) -12.8% 45 116.68 102.23 (14.45) -12.4% 50 128.78 113.25 (15.53) -12.1% Note: Assumes a 5/8" x 3/4" meter. Min. bill = 1,000 gallons. An la"I average residential customer uses approximately 6,000 gallons/month 12 Non - Residential . . te Option Overview of the Non - Residential Water Rate Option ■ Non-residential needed a two-block structure to minimize impacts to larger non-residential customers ( > 300,000 gallons) Result of City's current 4-block declining block rate structure Price difference between the blocks narrows each year 2008 2009 2010 2011 Non-Residential - Overall Revenue Adjustments 4.1% 4.1% 4.1% 4.1% Non-Residential Rate Option Fixed Monthly Charge, Plus: Consumption Charge - 0 - 300,000 gallons ($/1 ,000 gallons) $2.55 $2.65 $2.76 $2.87 All use over 300,000 gallons ($/1 ,000 gallons) 1 .93 2.10 2.29 2.47 la"I 14 Bill Comparison for the Non - Residential Rate Option Consumption 2008 1,000 gal Present Bill Proposed Bill $ Different % Different 0 $6.69 $6.55 ($0.14) -2.1% 10 31 .98 29.50 (2.48) -7.8% 20 56.18 55.00 (1 .18) -2.1% 30 80.38 80.50 0.12 0.2% 40 104.58 106.00 1 .42 1 .4% 50 128.78 131 .50 2.72 2.1% 100 249.78 259.00 9.22 3.7% 200 491 .78 514.00 22.22 4.5% 300 733.78 769.00 35.22 4.8% 400 937.80 990.90 53.10 5.7% 500 1 ,085.78 1 ,183.90 98.12 9.0% 1 ,000 1 ,993.80 2,148.90 155.10 7.8% 2,000 3,753.80 4,078.90 325.10 8.7% 3,000 5,513.80 6,008.90 495.10 9.0% 4,000 7,273.80 7,938.90 665.10 9.1% 5,000 9,033.80 9,868.90 835.10 9.2% Note: Min. Bill = 1,000 gallons. Usage up to 300,000 gallons assumes a 5/8" x 3/4" meter. Over 300,000 gallons assumes a 3" meter 15 Major Industrial User Water Rate Option a 16 Major Industrial User Water Rate Option 2008 2009 2010 2011 Major Industrial User Overall Rev. Adj. 6.6% 6.6% 6.6% 6.6% Major Industrial User Rate Option Fixed Monthly Charge, Plus: Consumption Charge - AII Consumption($/1 ,000 gal) $1 .76 $1 .88 $2.00 $2.13 Note: Major Industrial User defined as using an average of 5,000,000 gallons or more per month — single meter; non- irrigation use la"I 17 Bill Comparison for the Major Industrial User Rate Option Consumption 2008 1,000 gal Present Bill Proposed Bill $ Different % Different 5,000 $9,107 $8,909 ($199) -2.2% 7,500 13,107 13,309 201 1 .5% 10,000 17,107 17,709 601 3.5% 12,500 21 ,107 22,109 1 ,001 4.7% 15,000 25,107 26,509 1 ,401 5.6% 17,500 29,107 30,909 1 ,801 6.2% 20,000 33,107 35,309 2,201 6.6% 22,500 37,107 39,709 2,601 7.0% 25,000 41 ,107 44,109 3,001 7.3% 27,500 45,107 48,509 3,401 7.5% 30,000 49,107 52,909 3,801 7.7% Note: Assumes a 6" meter. Two customers currently qualify for this rate and use, on average, 17,100 and 29,400/month each ]FD � 18 Irrigation WaterRate • • 2 19�1�lY Irrigation Water Rate Option ■ Rate required a two-block structure to minimize impacts to largest irrigation customer ➢ Result of City's current declining block structure ➢ Price difference between blocks narrows each year 2008 2009 2010 2011 Irrigation - Overall Revenue Adjustments 10.0% 10.0% 10.0% 10.0% Irrigation Rate Option Fixed Monthly Charge, Plus: Consumption Charge - 0 - 300,000 gallons ($/1 ,000 gallons) $2.81 $3.09 $3.37 $3.64 All use over 300,000 galllons ($/1 ,000 gal.) 1 .84 2.16 2.70 3.28 la"I 20 Bill Comparison for the Irrigation Rate Option Consumption 2008 1,000 gal Present Bill Proposed Bill $ Different % Different 0 $8.20 $8.36 $0.16 2.0% 5 19.44 19.60 0.16 0.8% 10 33.49 33.65 0.16 0.5% 15 45.59 47.70 2.11 4.6% 20 57.69 61 .75 4.06 7.0% 25 69.79 75.80 6.01 8.6% 50 130.29 146.05 15.76 12.1% 100 251 .29 286.55 35.26 14.0% 150 372.29 427.05 54.76 14.7% 200 493.29 567.55 74.26 15.1% 300 735.29 848.55 113.26 15.4% 500 1 ,087.29 1 ,216.55 129.26 11 .9% 750 1 ,527.29 1 ,676.55 149.26 9.8% 1 ,000 1 ,967.29 2,136.55 169.26 8.6% Note: Minimum Bill = 1,000 gallons. Assumes a 1" meter for bill comparison purposes 21 Outside Fayetteville . • Wholesale Rate • • ir u� f 22 l 4 � Outside Fayetteville Water Rates ■ Outside Fayetteville rates are directly tied to Inside Fayetteville rates Can be developed once the Inside Fayetteville rates are finalized ■ Outside rate = inside rate + rate differential ■ Calculated rate differential for Outside Fayetteville customers is 15% i.e. Inside Fayetteville rate + 15% ■ White River has a $5.94/month surcharge (all meter sizes), in addition to the 15% Outside Fayetteville rates la"I 23 Wholesale Water Rates ■ Contractual rates with Elkins, Mount Olive, West Fork and RDA/WWA Rural Water Wholesale Water Rate Wholesale - Overall Revenue Adjustment 1 .9% 6.0% 3.0% 3.0% Present Rate 2008 2009 2010 2011 Fixed Meter Charge - 3" $40.51 $41 .30 $43.80 $45.10 $46.50 4" 55.55 56.60 60.00 61 .80 63.70 6" 134.11 136.70 144.90 149.20 153.70 Consumption Charge - AII Usage ($/1 ,000 Gallons) $1 .81 $1 .84 $1 .95 $2.01 $2.07 la"I 24 N Overview of the Present Inside Fayetteville Sewer Rates Fixed Meter Charge - ($/Month) 5/8 x 3/4" $10.36 1 " 13.47 1 1/211 21 .99 2" 31 .44 3" 73.01 4" 120.26 6" 238.37 8" 356.48 Volume Charge - ($/ 1 ,000 gallons) Residential $3.10 Commercial/Industrial/Gov. $2.42 la"I 26 Overview of the Sewer Rate Adjustment Options 2009 2010 2011 Option 1 Residential 19.0% 1 .5% 1.5% Non-Residential 25.0% 1 .5% 1.5% Major Industrial User 20.0% 9.4% 9.4% Farmington 10.0% 3.0% 3.0% Outside Fayetteville 19.6% 3.0% 3.0% Elkins 15.5% 3.0% 3.0% Overall Revenue Adjustment 19.9% 3.0% 3.0% Option 2 Residential 15.0% 3.0% 3.0% Non Residential 21 .0% 3.0% 3.0% Major Industrial User 30.0% 3.0% 3.0% Farmington 10.0% 3.0% 3.0% Outside Fayetteville 19.6% 3.0% 3.0% Elkins 15.5% 3.0% 3.0% Overall Revenue Adjustment 19.9% 3.0% 3.0% Note: Option 1 is a slower phase-in of Major Industrial User cost of service which impacts Inside Fayetteville customers only la"I 27