HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-12-11 - Agendas - Final ayZeeM y-1lle WATERISEWERCOMMnTEEAGENDA Meeting Date of December 11, 2007 COMMITTEE: Chairman KyleCook; Alderman: Lioneld Jordan, Bobby Ferrell, Adella Gray COPY TO: Mayor Dan Coody, Sondra Smith, Gary Dumas, Paul Becker, Susan Thomas, Tim Conklin, Jeremy Pate, Ron Petrie, Sha non Jones, Tom Hubbard, Peggy Bell, Lynn Hyke, OMI FROM: David Jurgen, Water and Wastewater Direclor?eTdDecember A meeting of the Fayetteville Water and Sewer Committee is 11, 2007, at5:15 PM, in Ream 326, Fayetteville City Hall, immedollowing the City Council Agenda Session. Proposed topics include: 1. Approve Minutes of the November 13, 2007 Water/Sewer Committee meeting. 2. WSIP Update. contract description Contractor cost %Comtete ViRoder- Hamestrin & Old Wire-Gregg Oscar Ronald $ ].186,95] 100% WL-2 North St- Parlor-Gregg Gravity Line TG Excavating 1 $ 4413,884 100% WL-3 Porter- Himestrin & Old Wlre-Gre Combined contract with WL-1 100% WL-4 GregiHamestdn LSGravityllne Oscar Renda $ 101313447 99% WL-5 Force Mains Hamstring-West Plant Gamey Const $ 4752,287 100% WL-6 Hamestring Lift Station Bowfield & GMe $ 8279808 99% WL-] GreggAve Litt Station CroselaM Heavy $ 1,527,000 52% EP-1 Noland Wet Weather Improvements Wilson Brothers $ 132],]94 54.4% no EL-1 Mall W n Up Station and Form Main Geme Conat $ 1,393 B80 NTP 150ct07 EL-2 Happy Hollow-Noland Wwi 42" Gravlt Romets Const $ 10,431,995 3.0% EP-2 Noland WWTP Renovation Archer Western $ 14,830831 t00% EP4 Noland WWTP OrkediIn'action BluelnGreen $ Damao 90.0% Wei i serves Road Construction Crowder Const $ 3 ]3],065 33.0% BW61 Geos tec Consulti Geos ntec $ 199,883 4.7% WP-26 WetlarNe Midgation, WWrP Site Green Seepin $ 145,200 100% WP&LBP West Sitle lWL-6 &Wei Backme Power Pauersead $ 1,986.89769.7% WPJ West Sitle WWTP Censtmdlon Brzsfleld BGarrie 1 $ 60398785 1 80.4% This contract is being cancelled due to the natural resteratlon of the site. The overall completion ach" age for the wetland mitigation site, including berms, water control structures, etc., is 75%. ' This project is substantially complete, meaning the work can be used to execute is mission. a. WL-6 Change Order Number 3 is attached, for $31,663.00. It is required to make minor adjustments to the chemical tank pad, the Electrical Building to improve maintenance personnel safety and access, to allow temperature monitoring on the pump motors, and to add a nonslip epoxy coating to the concrete Floor and lower wall sections in the dry well, and cover minor generator pad modifications. No change In time is required. b. WSIP Farmington Area Work. Design and easement acquisition are under way. The RLF loan closing is scheduled for 21 December 2007. The first bid openings are scheduled for 8 January 2008. c. WSIP Easement Update. Fifty-three tracts were required for pipelines EL-1 and 2; 49 have been acquired. We have verbal agreement on the remaining four, but will move ahead with condemnation proceedings parallel with negotiations. Any further delay could cause delays for the contractor. An updated matrix is attached. was �,iva.a..w. 1 t Dam d. Contract Legal Review- West Plant Construction Contract. The selection committee selected Williams & Anderson, PLC. Contract negotiations are underway. e. WSIP Construction Schedule & Cost Update will be distributed at the meeting. 3. Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Protect Update. a. Farmington Area. The dig and replace portion of the Farmington Sewer Rehabilitation Is 83% complete. The lining porion (Insituform) has been cleaned and televised. The lining work is scheduled to be completed in December 2007. A no-cost change order was executed to change some dig and replace work with pipe bursting. b. Basin 15 and minisystems 2, 5, 6, and 13A manhole rehabilitation This involves rehabilitating over 800 manholes in the southern and Hamestring areas of Fayetteville. We opened two bids on 6 December', both were too high and were rejected. Staff and RJN are evaluating the project to determine the reason for the high bids. The project will be rebid in January, 2008. 4. 36" Water Line Improvements within the Fayetteville city limits between Joyce and Overcast is complete. Work at Hwy 412 is underway and should be complete this month, 5. Noland W WTP Clarifier Replacement The six clarifiers at the Noland W WTP have been in service for 20 years, and are scheduled far replacemenf/rebuild. To minimize design and construction costs, staff recommends integrating rebuilding the next two clarifiers into WSIP subproject EP-3, bid this spring. This reduces design costs, and should also reduce construction costs as similar work is contained in EP-3. The clarifiers will be bid as contract sections, and will be paid out of their appropriate Capital Improvements Project account to maintain separation between projects and funding sources. 6. HDR Water/Sewer Rate Study Addendum 1 is adached. This addendum for $9,300 allows for three additional trips for Water/Sewer and/or City Council meetings, at a rate of $3,100 per trip. This is consistent with the original contract, and takes the total contract amount to $107,790; the City will only be billed for trips actually required. Staff requests this item be approved and forwarded for the 18 December City Council meeting. 7. Outside City Customer Refund Final Repo". All outside City customer sewer refunds have been processed, in the amount of $420,587.04. S. Decentralized Sewer Administration Agreement with Washington County is attached. This agreement allows Washington County to continue administrative oversight of decentralized sewer systems after they annex into the City of Fayetteville City limits. As they are already administering these systems, it allows for smooth and consistent administration. All costs are borne by the Responsible Management Entity (i. e., the Property Owner's Association or similar organization). Staff requests this item be approved and forwarded for the January 3, 2008 City Council meeting. 9. Water/Sewer Committee Meetings are proposed for (1 ) WaMbSewer Rate Study, Wednesday, December 19, 2007, at 4:30 PM, room 328; and (2) general topics, Tuesday, January 0, 2008, 5:15, mom 326 (following Agenda Session). Attachments: WL-6 Hamestring Lift Station) Change Order Number WSIP Easement Matrix HDR Water/Sewer Rate Study Addendum 1 Decentralized Sewer Administration Agreement with Washington County WSIP Construction Schedule and Cost Update (To be distributed at meeting) i City Council Meeting of N/A-Mayor's Approval CONTRACT REVIEW MEMO To: Mayor Dan Candy Fayetteville Sewer Committee From: David]nrgens, Water and Wastewater fir ectm Date: December 5,2009 Subject: Approval of change order 43 to the wnstmctiou tract with Small aid & Gome,LLC.. in the amount of$31,663.00, for construction ofthe Hameatr g Sewer Lift Station, WL 6. Pwds are available within the approved contract envtivgevoy RECOMMENDATION City Administration recornmends approval of change order# 3 to the construction contract with Brasfield & Genre, LLC.,in the amount of$31,663.00, for codsimetion of the Hamaetring Sewer Lift Station,WL-6. $95, 194 remain within the approved contract contingency. . BACKGROUND The Hamestdng Lift Station project entails building a 36 million gallon par day sewer lift station containing seven 350 horsepower pumps- The lift station pumps water through the 24" and 30" sewer force mains (cowtruction completed) to the West Side Wastewater Treatment Plant and is the primacy source cfwastewater to the plant The lift station is where 51"Street crosses Hi mestring Creek. This project is approximately 95% complete, and has promeded very well. It is an impressive and very Additional facility. DISCUSSION This change order is required to make minor adjustments to the chemical tank pad, the Electrical Building to hnpmve maintenanra personnel safety and access, to allow temperature monitoring on me pump motors, and to add a nonslip epoxy coating to the concrete floor and lower wall sections in the dry well, and cover minor Generator Pad modifications. No change in time is required for this change order. This change order has basin reviewed by R3N Group, the Engineer; they recommend approval. BUDGETIMPACT $95, 194 remain within the approved contract contingency. A balance of$63,531,00 will rernam in me contingency after this change order. rj U ') Adovfncam Dramatic 4,20V1 Lyre Rykc WSIP C'manuoicn Manager city foll 112 Was Mundane Suet Fayettev0le, Arkmar s, 72701 Ae'. Charlie Or der N.i Ocor Mi.Ilybe Pleaee find attached the cam en order fere I Plaadan,Mobfumionsmtd Haul Railing at Chemical Torok Pad andthePleeMealBndding - A plmfann was added he extend the working smfmza( the Chemical Tank Ped N site cams lona antne(Ive for operations and reaternaeer: a( the Itpunical Burning an awns plaHomi was added to Oe a'oulh end ollhe training bencen dregeamator and the auldiag Maorfarmiog R9YJs-OMl has mgrestad that lho tempetanlre RIDe on thepmnp molom'be needed to m ica cars for read out it,To eleotdoal budding.This is for immaterial irradiaon Pn 9. Wet Well rycs under Catalog,-To facilitate eleau-np and for tattletale the Poe ivilso dry well will be epoxy mated.The data 2 nor up the walls mid the exposed concrete on the Pnmp pads will be coated.A Epp resletunt additive will be added to the epoxy. 6_ (onmabr Pedphdifieatime-The generator load Iranian modification after it was contained hem inwnaot dmwntgs supplied by Power Secure. has hu bent addad to this chango order encase have a net a Cornett between Power Secure and Baseball and Omde A credit h m id brute the City on its contract with Power Samara. The reflation dam of Pebntmy 15,2008 is contrijame upon dmofy appmval of due change order_1f aporeval cannot be wifhla one weNr uddide,m] time may be equhaL if You leaveally staffers,please he nut leeslm¢to contact me at(314)558-976A d25, Sinearely, ���C Keane WhhG PtndG Managee RIN mrR for '. F QB ORDERRIA V1U,NN1 ON How us 33 UPI.Fl H1,11 To RUA11GAUl.,, ATE aro,,. a°� o �sx3IOAGNJ P01NTOTHEC TRACTPLANS ArvO 8PACUP(ATION9 ITEM CDERCRIPHOUN Dl FOT E4 ail Mi ASURD) TOTAL DECREAR AMOUNT 0.00 TOTAL INKOFASE AMOUNT SO RUGW NET cT.IO7DATC T: NOUNTILLAMOO CL_IOWLEE AM11Ji N)' t in nnn AMOUNT i�DA US moom No,CMnpo ONu Fll49)BY Awe AMOUN %e] ll990 CH�O£Tp_NO AaTT cnm�OY O.41E OEg4ae CAPHUv 1A SHOPRSII[FOf � Tll,sStill Gel 4nox N[Lv cyt.0.]A �T41 Al GROUP OnfMFmoEO: ---- f nnn .._.. Oa. SoUl I:Mewx TU oma Lrtovm. IA o'Ev / « \ \ / \ � \ \ \ \ \ - ! ! f ( { { HERfF �'je e e tiro Council Meeting of December 19,2009 ae ms CHN COUNCIL AGENDA MEMO To: Fayetteville City Conrad Thru: Mayor Dar Coady From: David lurgere, Went and Waeleorder Director Fayetteville Sewer Committee , Dart< 31 November 2001 Subject Approval of a compact addendum to the engipeetingurn covtrac[with HDR/EES, hen, in the amount of$9,300.00,for completion ofa comprehensive awarer end sewer rete stmly RECOMMENDATION City Adndnishatiw recommends approval of contnot addnndna to the cerghteedng services Warractwth HDICERS Inc,in We amount of$9,300.00,for completion of a wmprebensive water and sewer rate stwly. Foods are available witbinthe pracet budget. BACKGROUND IIDR has been conducting an in depth venter and sewer rate study for the City of Fayetteville, 'Ibis study has resulted he u detailed cost of service evaluation they is allowing the(Any leadersbip to evaluate comer mW sewer reps in a complete break hbm previous methodologies used. Ithas also cmadd opportunitles for man flenibility in rates, whereby they eon be appliedmore arearoundy to diff fent eusromer groups- The original coNrase was approved on May 19,2006,in the mnount of$99,490.00. DISCUSSION Site easy of service study, wllh the abdityto alloeme eats across vations watomer Range based w the actual costs of providing the service to then group,has generated a great deal of discussion about the pbloeephy of applying rates to eiffercm cumomer classes. As a mAgg rise comNtart has needed to pulse more presenteltow to staff amp the WeterlSewer ComphteaRan were included in the original eompaor. This addendum for$9,300 allows for drive additional trips for Water/Sewer and/or City gannet moednge,atnmteent to $10 pct thR Ills is consistent with We original pally re and takesihe tocol eorvam amount to $101,990;the City will only be billed for UIPe acmaQy regtofed BUDGET IWACT No contingency was approved with the original contract, but$39,000 reamers and is available within theprojeabudget. Ilris expeMimro will leaveabalance of$29,1W. ONE COMPANY I Many Salarom� November 29, 2007 Ms. Rainy 6aycox City of Fayetteville 113 West Mountain Fayetteville, AR 72701 Subject: Water and Sewer Rate Study Contract Addendum Dear Rainy: MR Engineering, Inc. (HDR) was retained by Ne City of Fayetteville (City) to amount a comprehensive water and sewer rate sandy. As you know, we am nearing the completion of this study but potentially still have a series of public meetings to complete and finalize the study. The original contract budget for the study and these meetings have been expanded by the prior meetings held with Ne Water and Sewer Commission. Therefore, HDR is respectfully requesting a contract addendum in Ne amount of $9,300.00 to conduct these final meetings. This amount is intended to cover both labor and expenses associated with preparing handout materials for the presentations, attending the meating/presentation and any associated travel- related experams. It has been assumed that a total of three additional public meetings will be required. Specifically, these meetings will be as follows: • Water and Sewer Commission Meeting (Der. 19s'')—Select final mm designs for presentation to the City Council. • Fayel Wille City Council (date to be determined)—Presentation of the comprehensive water and sewer rate study • Payeneville City Council (date to be determined)—Public Hearing on me proposed =a NOR s.un..nup I... WO K I munenmRoemo Ms.Rainy Laycox November 29,2007 Page 2 oft It is firlher assumed mat the cost of each meeting Is as follows: Labor(PreprraticNMeeting) 10 Hm. ®$215/hr $2,150.00 Airfare 500.00 Car Rental 100.00 Hotel 150.00 Meals 50.00 Mise Expenses (cows,phone,technology charges, dc.) 150.00 Grand Total PerMeeting $3,100.00 Given Me assumed three(3) additional meetings, the total requested addendum Is $9,300.00. A making this request, HDR will only bill the City for me number of meetings presented. Similar to the existing comment.HDA would propose to bill the City on a fixed fee basis of$3,100.00 per meeting. Should this contract addendum be acceptable, please sign two copies and retum them to me for final sigimtura This signature provides us wim written notification of your agreement to this addendum and terms and Conditions. Should you have my questions about this invoice, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thanks again for the opportunity to provide assis[mme to the City. Sincerely, HDRLNamEEnmgwc. lAauJ Tom Gould Vice President AMENDMENT'FO SRR V ICFS AGRFEMEMI' To Services Agreement (heeinaff "Agreement') dated May 19, '006 between the City of 1'co novilie and I IUls Engineering, Inc (hereinafter "I IDIt`) shall be amended and modified by this ammridneent(heronetv;" AinenN ficin' ) as fo0ows- WHEREAS: Under the Alpeon ent, HDR Is to Fovide professional services in commmon wiW (:It% of 1 a,euevidle Water and Sewer_ Gt) of Irayeneville desires to amend said Agreement to adjust contract prim of I. ginsecment FOR is wilting to amend the Agreement for said contract price Opsti rent as agreed upon by the patties, NOW, THEREFORE In consideration of the Iin unl resources contained heuem,, City of 1 areuoville and I dolt do hereby agree to amend the Agreement ns follows I'be Agmnmenand the corms and conditions therein shall remain unchanged except 1Dr the lemons listed below. "Compeesationn. Increased by %911111 for a not to exceed of�Ify 790, No cancellation, modification. amendment, reform, addition, waiver or other change shall have effect unless specifically set fiefth In writing sicced by the party to be bound thereby IN W ITNESS W HEREOF,the parties hereto have executed this Amendment us ofthe dny and or "from bebmv� IIDIt INGINIiERINC, FEC CI'IYOf FAY lz I IFVILIV `ENGINEER' OWNER, E) _ _.. . Ry. Name Nam 'Iltle Rife'. Date Dale'. City Council Meeting of December 18, 2004 Agenda Than Number CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMO To: Mayor and City Council Thar: Gary Dumas,Director of Operations Ka Wl6sme, City Attorney Tim Conklin,Planting and Development Mang ent Diwcaorl C. David Torgeae, Wata ad WastaweterDirector Ron Pertly, City Hnp�ncer From: Karen Mri 1, caner Long Rang flamer 't,,M. Date: November 24, 2007 Subject: Resolution esmbbsbiug an inmrlocvl agreemenr between fie City of Fayetteville and Washington County regarding community sewer systema RECOMMENDATION Planning, Engineering and Water and Wastewater staff recommend approving a resolution establishing an bilateral agreement between the City of Fayettevil a and Washington Comfy regarding community sewer systema. BACKGROUND City Council approved an ordinance No attach and incorporate 1,419.30 arms into the City of Fayetteville after a majority of citizens cared in favor of annexing the property during a special election held on October 10, 2006. Through this annexation, the City inherited two deGeWMl2ed sewer systems, one that was already under construction and one that bad yet to be constructed but bad been approved by Washington County. This situation prompted City staff members to meet with County Planning staff and the Washington Comfy Attorney, George Roger,in order to discuss an oratorical agreement regarding the management of decentralized sewer systems. County personnel have substantial experience in managing commodity sewer Systems, regulations and bonding regoire vents. On the occasions that commodity sewer systems am vexed into the City, this interlocal agreement would enable the County to continue managing the system at a cost of 52.00 per customer per month. 'Phis fee would cover administrative costs and the City could pass along this cost to customers served by the community sewer system Any cost beyond the stated $2.00 would have to be approved by the City Council. In addition, a board would be created to oversee the cooperative effort, which would include the Mayor of Fayetteville, the County Judge and a third person whom both parties agreed upon. BUDGETIMPACT None. FAYETTSAS KIT\YN.0.0bS,CITY AT,n,RNfiY UAVIDNmTAKER.ASST.CITYATfORNEY DEPARTMENTAL CORRESPONDENCE I.hGALllEP4RRMEN'T 10, Dan Coody,Mayor City Council CC: Karen Minkel, Long Range Planner Tim Conklin, Planning &Development Menagat ent Director FROM: Kit Williams City Attorney _ DATE: Novembn- 30, 2007 RE: Intel'IOeal Agreement with Washington County The Planning and Legal Departments of the City and Washington County met to discuss how best to monitor and manage Community Sewer Systems that have bcen or may, in the future be brought into the City Caere. Washington County has already established working regulations for such systems (including bonding requirements) and hxs trained and experienced staff in place to monitor those Community Sewer Systems. The City Staff concluded that it would be an inefficient and unnecessary duldration of effort for the City to try to educate and train dty Rich for the small number of these systems within the City. '[lie County is willing w continue managing these systems for the scone reasonable fee per household serval ($2.00 monthly) as it cut tently receives for systems nutsidehas city. Platefuls, the County Attomev (George Butler) and I draftal the attached Interlocal Agreement authorizing the County to continue ru magerr nt of the curiumaity sewer systems for the $2.00 monthly household f'eeif this $2.00 lee becomes insufficient, the City could have to pay its proportionate share of increased costs, but can pass this additional cost along to the households using die Community Sewer Systema Thus, this agreement should not cost the City anything and will avoid the nccess'ity of training City staff to do what the County stiff already has the expertise to accomplish. RESOLUTION NO. A RESOT 11'FION "Fo APPROVE AN INTLRLOCALAGRBLMLN I' WIFli WASHINGTON WLIN"I'YSO THAI 'IHY COUM1'fY MAY CONTERA 10 MONITOR AND MANAGE COMMUNN Y SEA FR S1 SI I MN INAT ITAVF KEEN ANNGYED INTO FAYI I IEVILLE WHEREAS. Washianon Courcy hat established ordimnc S rules, regaattons, and bonding ToTurements for Community Sewer Systems in the uninwrporti areas of the County; and WHEREAS, the City of Fayetteville has annexed one r em mm oof thCounity Sewer Syaana a and dcfirea that the County and its mailed personnel Continue to monitor and manage these systnns. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY 'EHE CITY COTiNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Scanlon I: the City Cowed of the Gt, of I alvcttcT 11e, Ai gnses otchy approves the attached Ime total Agreement with Waahingwn County so the County cell Continue to monimr and manage any Comminny Sewer Systems which now or heminaflur maybe located within Payenevilles city lunits Earn f m be charged toe owners of the Cumniunity Sewer Sysmm for such negenent. PASSED and APPROVED this 18th day ofDeoemben 2009. APPROVED: AT TEST Its Bv: DAN COODY Mayor SONDRA E. SM[TH, Ctty Ol 31 I testator INTERLOCAL AGREEIMEN 4' MIS AGRE.EMENT', is made pmxuanl to A CA §14-14-910 and ACA § 2x20 101 etseq., by and between rhe County of Washington, Arkmhcou (County) and the City or I'syGlevillG Arlcanray (City). WITNESSETH: (1) WHEREAS, the City drones that the County exercise Jill isdnoural schhi a the cvrpomte boondanos oft lie City for pmpeAr of regulative Community Sever Syacn¢; and (2) WHEREAS, the County hoo already passed tedio rcucco -ng Cn o anuity Sever Systems and Today and J reel at ions Lave been pmtnulgatcel con coming nce: and (3) WHEREAS County personnel have gained substantial expernence and expertise in ndinmistering Corcnnunihy Sewer Systems, ocgulmions and bonding requirements. NOW IIIEREFORE., RE it ANOWN RY ALL PERSONS RY ILIESE PRESENTS, that for and in consideration of the above and for the mutual obligations hereby meatal and themnmal benefits so denied, the panics agree as fellows. (A) It is the intent of the lefties to Coelho a long total relationship with regard to We Mercer disanmd fiction Father party may, by majority vote of the respective got eming body, after to modify, or terminate this Agrecmau_ In order for this Agreement to be modified, the governing bodies of both the City and the County must so indicate by a majority vote of their respectivegovemdng bodies. If thepa ties shall desire to terminate Eris Ag cemart, the l a pl im for so dcfinng to withdraw shall give Tether parties six (M months written notification for iLv intent to wimdruw, which no icw,hill be mailed to the ChicfExecurvc official ofendr party. (R) In We occur or the termination of this AgruanghL the parties shall each arrive meirceparatc property (Crary), whahm Icascel, rented,pnmlhawd, orbormwed. (C) 'Hre County shall be entitled to aS2.00 imnlhly fee per Cusmma of it Community Sever System for its proportional administrative cores (as described below) including, but not Invited to allies and fringe benefits for any staff retained to ocean in administering the county ordiwnces and regulations (D) Any tcimburranene beyond the 5200 monthly f per cusmrner shall be calculated on a pro-arra basis b be never minAl by the reverser of honeebolds being saved by a Community Sewer System in the City versus etc numberof households being so served outride the city limits of Fayetteville. 'Ilie City may Pass this ever along to eustmners serval by s (bmmnnity Savo System. It is the intention 01 the patties that the $2 per serene, per intent to be levied by the County and colleorel front the Rmponrible Managing Entity (ReAl ) of the Community Sewer SystaM min art or any admhlstlarve costa hacln In the event that such Is not the case, the City cannot be further financially obligaeeal cele nt the consent of its governing bods_ (E) Ife County will provide r gd IAt a spatter to the Gty f r any Community Sewer Sysmns within the ministered City basic per the County ordinances and mles and legal lall ona pmmploced thereto- p) A Board is being created to oversee ill isfor at so oncemtive effort and shall wnsist IIIhe County Judge, the Mayor or Fayetteville and a third person mutually vaggreed upon. The Interlocal Board shell mea as needed- Meetings may be renal as the need arise, by any Board member (G) This Agreement may be amended Som time to time by the governing bodies of the parties The party associate to amend this Agreement shall draft thea proposed amrndme t anti, alter passage by their goveariug bodyl. snblar the proposed amendmre t to dee other parlay whereupon said parties governing body shall vote area said pmposcd amendment Should the tendmern be accepted by all panicr it will thereafter bec o a pan and parcel of this Agrocmoot Should any party fail to oppmve a proposed amandmant It will hove nu Way or effect (Il) The various ponertimrs and pans of this Agreement are hereby declared to be erableand ifany section or pan of a sec nee, provision or pan tfa provision hecein, is held to be brvalid such holding shall not Invalidate rippler the remainder ofthiv Agreement (1) In accordance with A.CA- § 25-20101etIN, this Agreenwnt shall be submitted to the Attorney General IN WI NESS HERE'EO, Washington County, Arkansas and the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, have p%mited this document by their drily elected officers wort are audianzed to represent the respective parties heroin in assuring tile lights and obbgations Set Groh herein this day of -_, 2007 WASHINGTON COUNT Y, CITY OF FAYET'III, ILLE, AREANSAS ARKANSAS JERRY HUN'1'ON. County Judgc DAN COODY player At ISI': —_ Bonders HI. SnuFlr, City CledJl'rraaurer 2 ayZeeM y-1lle WATERISEWERCOMMnTEEAGENDA Meeting Date of December 11, 2007 COMMITTEE: Chairman KyleCook; Alderman: Lioneld Jordan, Bobby Ferrell, Adella Gray COPY TO: Mayor Dan Coody, Sondra Smith, Gary Dumas, Paul Becker, Susan Thomas, Tim Conklin, Jeremy Pate, Ron Petrie, Sha non Jones, Tom Hubbard, Peggy Bell, Lynn Hyke, OMI FROM: David Jurgen, Water and Wastewater Direclor?eTdDecember A meeting of the Fayetteville Water and Sewer Committee is 11, 2007, at5:15 PM, in Ream 326, Fayetteville City Hall, immedollowing the City Council Agenda Session. Proposed topics include: 1. Approve Minutes of the November 13, 2007 Water/Sewer Committee meeting. 2. WSIP Update. contract description Contractor cost %Comtete ViRoder- Hamestrin & Old Wire-Gregg Oscar Ronald $ ].186,95] 100% WL-2 North St- Parlor-Gregg Gravity Line TG Excavating 1 $ 4413,884 100% WL-3 Porter- Himestrin & Old Wlre-Gre Combined contract with WL-1 100% WL-4 GregiHamestdn LSGravityllne Oscar Renda $ 101313447 99% WL-5 Force Mains Hamstring-West Plant Gamey Const $ 4752,287 100% WL-6 Hamestring Lift Station Bowfield & GMe $ 8279808 99% WL-] GreggAve Litt Station CroselaM Heavy $ 1,527,000 52% EP-1 Noland Wet Weather Improvements Wilson Brothers $ 132],]94 54.4% no EL-1 Mall W n Up Station and Form Main Geme Conat $ 1,393 B80 NTP 150ct07 EL-2 Happy Hollow-Noland Wwi 42" Gravlt Romets Const $ 10,431,995 3.0% EP-2 Noland WWTP Renovation Archer Western $ 14,830831 t00% EP4 Noland WWTP OrkediIn'action BluelnGreen $ Damao 90.0% Wei i serves Road Construction Crowder Const $ 3 ]3],065 33.0% BW61 Geos tec Consulti Geos ntec $ 199,883 4.7% WP-26 WetlarNe Midgation, WWrP Site Green Seepin $ 145,200 100% WP&LBP West Sitle lWL-6 &Wei Backme Power Pauersead $ 1,986.89769.7% WPJ West Sitle WWTP Censtmdlon Brzsfleld BGarrie 1 $ 60398785 1 80.4% This contract is being cancelled due to the natural resteratlon of the site. The overall completion ach" age for the wetland mitigation site, including berms, water control structures, etc., is 75%. ' This project is substantially complete, meaning the work can be used to execute is mission. a. WL-6 Change Order Number 3 is attached, for $31,663.00. It is required to make minor adjustments to the chemical tank pad, the Electrical Building to improve maintenance personnel safety and access, to allow temperature monitoring on the pump motors, and to add a nonslip epoxy coating to the concrete Floor and lower wall sections in the dry well, and cover minor generator pad modifications. No change In time is required. b. WSIP Farmington Area Work. Design and easement acquisition are under way. The RLF loan closing is scheduled for 21 December 2007. The first bid openings are scheduled for 8 January 2008. c. WSIP Easement Update. Fifty-three tracts were required for pipelines EL-1 and 2; 49 have been acquired. We have verbal agreement on the remaining four, but will move ahead with condemnation proceedings parallel with negotiations. Any further delay could cause delays for the contractor. An updated matrix is attached. was �,iva.a..w. 1 t Dam