HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-09-11 - Agendas - Final aye evg le WATER/SEWER COMMITTEE AGENDA Meeting Date of September 11, 2007 COMMITTEE: Chairman Kyle Cook; Alderman: Lioneld Jordan, Bobby Ferrell, Adella Gray COPY TO: Mayor Dan Coody, Sondra Smith, Gary Dumas, Paul 1jecker, Susan Thomas, Tim Conklin, Jeremy Pate, Ron Petrie, n on Jones, Tom Hubbard, Peggy Bell, Lynn Hyke, OMI FROM: David Jurgens, Water and Wastewater Director A meeting of the Fayetteville Water and Sewer Committee is pla ed for September 11, 2007, at 5:30 PM, in Room 326, Fayetteville City Hall, following t Agenda Session. CORRECTED AGENDA Please disregard thea enda reviousl distributed and replace it with this agenda. Proposed topics include: 1. Approve Minutes of the July 28, August 2, 9, and 28, 2007 Water/Sewer Committee Meetings. 2. WSIP U date. Contract Description Contractor Cost %Com lete WL-1 Porter-Hamestring & Old Wire-Gregg Oscar Renda $ 7,186,957 100% WL-2 North St-Poplar-Gregg Gravity Line T-G Excavating $ 4,413,664 97% WL-3 Porter-Hamestring &Old Wire-Gregg Combined contract with WL-1 99% WL-4 Gregg Ave-Hamestring LS Gravity Line Oscar Renda $ 10,613,447 75% WL-5 Force mains Hamestring-West Plant Garney Const $ 4,752,287 100% WL-6 Hamestring Lift Station Brasfield &Gorrie $ 6,279,806 85% WL-7 GreggAve Lift Station Crossland Heavy­_ $ 1,527,000 0.0% EP-1 Noland Wet Weather Improvements Wilson Brothers $ 1,327,794 0.0% EL-1 Mally Wa non Lift Station and Force Main Gamey Const $ 1,393,880 Awd 4Sep07 EL-2 Happy Hollow—Noland WWTP 42" Gravity Rosetta Const $ 10,431,995 Awd 4Sep07 EP-2 Noland WWTP Renovation Archer Western $ 14,818,644 99.9 EP-4 Noland WWTP Oxygen Injection BluelnGreen $ 66,460 15.0% WP-1b Broyles Road Construction Crowder Const $ 3,737,965 8.99% BWD-1 Geos ntec Consultin Geos ntec $ 199,883 0.0% WP-2b Wetlands Mitigation, WWTP Site Green Scalping $ 145,200 5.0% WP&L BP West Side (WL-6&WP-3) Backup Power PowerSecure $ 1,986,897 14.2% WP-3 West Side WWTP Construction Brasfield & Gorrie $ 60,398,785 67.1% This percentage reflects only this particular contract. The overall completion percentage for the wetland mitigation site, including berms, water control structures, etc., is 75%. 2 This project is substantially complete, meaning the work can be used to execute its mission. a. WSIP Farmington Area Work. Design and easement acquisition are under way. b. WSIP Easement Update. An updated matrix is attached. c. Contract Legal Review- West Plant Construction Contract. Two statements of qualification were received on 30 August, 2007 from Williams & Anderson, PLC, and Cross, Gunter, Witherspoon & Galchus, PC. The selection committee is scheduled to meet on 11 September to evaluate the statements. W&S committee agenda 1 ISep07 Cwmted d. Subproject WP-3, West Side WWTP Change Order Number 3 is attached. This change order creates no change in the contract time, and rectifies several items identified during the fourteen months of construction. The larger items involve (1) additional structural fill required to meet structural subgrade requirements, (2) modifications to the concrete sealing and coating process creating a better quality and longer lasting concrete finish on selected surfaces, (3) the additional depth required for caissons in order to meet structural requirements, (4) upgrading piping materials in the chemical building to a more chemical resistant pipe material, and (5) several other miscellaneous minor adjustments. All changes are detailed on the first page behind the change order. Several of these items were identified in Change Orders # 1 and 2 as needing further investigation before the change order could be developed. There accumulated savings in sales tax has now been offset with this change order. This change order increases the contract by and uses $404,074.85 of the approved $2,400,000 contingency, but creates no change in the contract time. A balance of $1,995,925.15 remains in the approved project contingency after this change order. e. WSIP Owl-Goose Lift Station Discussion. Hugh Kelso, RJN, will be present to discuss the Owl-Goose alternative. f. WSIP Construction Schedule and Cost Update will be distributed at the meeting. 3. Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Project Update. a. Basins 1-5, 18 & 19 Sewer Rehab. T-G Excavating, $2,514,292, including Change Orders 1 and 2. Pipeline construction complete at Doc Murdoc's. b. Farmington Area. The Farmington Sewer Rehabilitation is underway. 4. Water and Sewer Rate Study Schedule. Several issues need to be decided upon based on the HDR Water/Sewer Rate Study presentation. A memo identifying the outstanding issues and a proposed time line was distributed Tuesday, 4 September; a copy is attached. 5. Cherry Hills Subdivision Request for Sewer Service. The developer for the Cherry Hills Subdivision is requesting this subdivision be attached to the City's sewer. The subdivision is physically outside the City limits, and is immediately adjacent to the WSIP line WL-4, close to and upstream of the Hamestring sewer lift station. The Arkansas Department of Health has sent a letter to the City requesting the City provide sewer service to the subdivision. Both letters are attached. 6. Water/Sewer Committee Meetings are proposed for(1) Water/Sewer Rate Study, Tuesday September 25, 2007, 5:45, room 326 (following Agenda Session and Equipment Committee); and (2) general topics, Tuesday October 9, 2007, 5:15, room 326 (following Agenda Session). Attachments:WSIP Easement Matrix WP-3, West Side WWTP Change Order Number 3 WSIP Construction Schedule and Cost Update (To be distributed at meeting) Cherry Hills Developer and ADH Letters Rate Study memo W&S committee agenda 11 Sep07 Con`rected o r 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 _ o U O ' r 0) COO 00 M N a •m of n n co CY co W E C4 C6 lc� r W a)C6 LOLO r E N N 4- j O ER 69 6c� ER ER 69 V). 69 63 69 64 CO V) 0000000 O O O O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 O O O u a Ln Ln O co O O LO r M LO 0 0 OD L a) r N dt W N O CO LO LO OJ V N O c} I-' LO L() IT O OO N co N lr n Lo M r O tT It m LO CO co N V O t CO CD V if + u N n N r 0 N M O r r U Cf) ER 69 69 H) HJ 69 to H-J e3 to cfl V> to). y O N C G 3 d C E •ta 0 0 0 0 0 0 r W co N C) N a) = W d � of Cc d a U d 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W O O 0 0 0 � 0 0 CD 0 V LO n M M OO O O O O O O .O O' i O) O M n It co n W U m a a N N tll � O E N N N _a fl- _ a 00 n 3 N E fn N N •-- O 000 U1 V O n l d W Z N N T ca W a` m co 0. L 000000 �— r r CO OO V LO O o CL a � o a N s w V •� O n r M d. c- �- r O V M T" to .0 l`6 rNN � O V n r O 0. ~ 0 in 3 E co 0L ° `6 IL = a a -C C T cu a) Q O) O CL C C O E __c z 2 ' ._ ch .L ? a°�i N E CO O CJ O 'M N L M Iq L Y ~ E @ O N 2 2 O m N (7 E E J �a T C a N p O 8022 .0 O aC S o p i Cl) O y a) 0 0 0 L j 2 t- U o C7 N = L O7 cu N to n V o f r E E m o (D a) o O o m o co c E d a) O OZdU LL Lo2 -j LL JJ E O N M V In O N vi I N �— Cl) Ln '-' a) W JJJJJ NJ of ' N '0 Q m w W W W W City Council Meeting of N/A- Mayor's Approval CONTRACT REVIEW MEMO To: Mayor Dan Coody Fayetteville Sewer Committee From: David Jurgens,Water and Wastewater Director loop Date: 7 August 2007 1l (Yr > Subject: Approval of a construction contract Change Order umber 3 with Brasfield &Gorrie,LLC.,for an additional cost of$404,074.85,with no change to the contract time, for construction of the West Side Wastewater Treatment Plant,WSIP Subproject WP-3 RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of a construction contract Change Order Number 3 with Brasfield &Gorrie, LLC.,for an additional cost of$404,074.85,with no change to the contract time, for construction of the West Side Wastewater Treatment Plant,WSIP Subproject WP-3. BACKGROUND Brasfield&Gorrie was awarded the contract to construct the West Side Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP)in October, 2005. Work is over 66%complete,and is on track to meet the substantial completion date of May,2008. Almost all structural elements have already been installed. DISCUSSION This Change Order rectifies several items identified during the fourteen months of construction. 'the larger items involve(1)additional structural fill required to meet structural subgrade requirements, (2) modifications to the concrete sealing and coating process creating a better quality and longer lasting concrete finish on selected surfaces, (3)the additional depth required for caissons in order to meet structural requirements, (4)upgrading piping materials in the chemical building to a more chemical resistant pipe material, and (5)several other miscellaneous minor adjustments. All changes are detailed on the first page behind the change order. Several of these items were identified in Change Orders# 1 and 2 as needing further investigation before the change order could be developed. There accumulated savings in sales tax has now been offset with this change order. There are no other W WTP changes outstanding at this time. There is one additional item,drilling a well for testing water(as opposed to using City water),that is being evaluated. Preliminary evaluation indicates that drilling a well on site will create a significant savings over using public water. The well will also provide additional value for providing functionally free water to the wetlands as needed. More details on this issue will be presented in Change Order#4. McGoodwin,Williams, and Yates staff has reviewed and concur with the items in this change order. The West Side W WTP renovation and upgrade project has been proceeding very smoothly and with virtually no problems. The team of Brasfield& Gorrie,McGoodwin,Williams and Yates,OMI, and City staff are producing an excellent project that is proceeding on time and within the approved project cost. BUDGETIMPACT This change order uses$404,074.85 of the approved$2,400,000 contingency,but creates no change in the contract time. A balance of$1,995,925.15 will remain in the approved project contingency after this change order. WP-3 Bmficld Chingc Order No 3 CC Memo Aug07 WE Coo OF FAYE`uML%AnaNlSAS `HANGE ORDS _ Project Number: 02133.0304 Contract Number: WP-3 Contract Title: Westside Wastewater Treatment Plant and the Wetland Berms and the Water Line at Broyles Road Change OrderNo.: 3 Date of Issuance: August 8,2007 TocoNTRAcToR Brasfield&Gorrie,LLC ORDINANCE NO:I RESOLUTION NO: The Contract is changed as follows: EFFECTNE_ The Contract scope has been changed to include additions,deletions,and revisions to the original Contract Documents. These changes reflect items of work required by proposed field modifications of the Contract Documents as well as ongoing value engineering of the project. Note: Please refer to the attached documents for details of the proposed changes. Not valid until signed by the Owner. The original Contract Price was....................._................................................................................—$59,994,710,00 Net change by previously authorized Change Orders......................................................-------......$0.00 The Contract Price prior to this Change Order was ..................................._......................................$59,994,710.00 The Contract Price will be(0 increased)(O decreased)(O unchanged)by...................................-$404,074.85 The new Contract Price including this Change Order will be............................................................$60,398,784.85 The Contract Toes will be(13 increased)(f7 decreased)(M unchanged)by ..._..............................(0) days Required date of Substantial Completion as of the date of this Change Order therefore is ................May 31,2008 NOTE: This summary does not reflect changes in the Contract Price or Contract Times which have been authorized by Work Change Directives not incorporated in this or previous Change Orders. Brasfield&Gorrie.LLC U _ - V` WNE City etteville CONTRACTOR, O ob BY DATE TE- McG o_dwin.Williams and Yates.Inc. ENG R � BY DAIS I certify there is a balance otherwise unencumbered to the credit of the appropriation to which the above amount is chargeable, and a cash balance otherwise unencumbered in the treasury to the credit of the fund from which payment is to be made,each sufficient to meet the above obligation. Distribution: 11 Owner(4) O Contractor O Engineer 00940 Change Order 00940-I TTEVILLE THE e(rY OF FAYEfTEVILI{ARKANSAS CHANGE ORDER Project Number: 02133.0304 Contract Number: WP-3 Contract Title: Westside Wastewater Treatment Plant and the Wetland Berms and the Water Line at Broyles Road Change Order No.: 3 Date ofIssuance: August 8,2007 TO CONTRACTOR: Brasfield& GOrrie,LLC ORDINANCE NO:I RESOUMON NO: The Contract is changed as follows: EFFECTIVE The Contract scope has been changed to include additions,deletions,and revisions to the original Contract Documents. These changes reflect items of work required by proposed field modifications of the Contract Documents as well as ongoing value engineering of the project. Note: Please refer to the attached documents for details of the proposed changes. Not valid until signed by the Owner. The original Contract Price was..........................................................................................................$59,994,710.00 Net change by previously authorized Change Orders .........................................................................$0.00 The Contract Price prior to this Change Order was ............................................................................$59,994,710.00 The Contract Price will be(H increased)(O decreased)(O unchanged)by.....................................$404,074.85 The new Contract Price including this Change Order will be.............................................................$60,398,784.85 . The Contract Times will be(O increased)(O decreased)(H unchanged)by ...................................(0) days _ Required date of Substantial Completion as of the date of this Change Order therefore is ................May 31,2008 NOTE: This summary does not reflect changes in the Contract Price or Contract Times which have been authorized by Work Change Directives not incorporated in thisorprevious Change Orders. Brasfield&Gorrie.LLC Citv of Wetteville CON'T'RACTOR BY DATE BY DATE McGoodwin. Williams and Yates.Inc. EN7 ER ER BY DATE I certify there is a balance otherwise unencumbered to the credit of the appropriation to which the above amount is chargeable, and a cash balance otherwise unencumbered in the treasury to the credit of the fund from which payment is to be made,each sufficient to meet the above obligation. Distribution: ❑Owner(4) ❑Contractor ❑Engineer 00940 Change Order 00940-1 WESTSIOE WWrP-CHANGE ORDER SUMMARY CONTRACT WP-3 Description Increase Contract Decrease Value Amount Contract En ineerin Sales Tax and Fuel Savings ($728,268.1)(1) CHANGE ORDER 91 Work Directive#1 12"x 8"Tee and Valve Setting-Broyles Rd Waterline $12,830.00 Work Directive#2 12"Waterline Aditions $5,697.00 Addition of 4 Wire Feed at Structures 710 24 and 25 $15,949.00 Change Conduit Material from PVC Coated rigid to Aluminum Rigid ($44,235.00) Work Directive#5 Filter Outlet Changes Welded Outlets in lieu of Tee's $29199.00 Chan a Clarifier Center Wen Design UV Channel Modifications WD#7 $1,689.00 Inlet Facility Electrical Room Modifications $86117.00 Gas Line Crossing $19,521.00 Jobsite Utility Vehicals $28,833.00 Over Excavate and Backfill with#7 Stone $206,572.00 Control Panels 1-LCP-7&19-LCP-3 $47 999.0 Influent Pi alines WITHDRAW $225312 .$0,00 Aerial Photo's $5,000.00 Exterior Ught Fixture Colors Re'ected Combine 16-MCC 1&2 $0.00 Additional Floor Boxes RFI#64 $2,625.00 RFP#2 Deletion of HMI Programming from Bauman's Scope OMI to Pertorm $17100.00 RFP#3 Duplication of PLC 24.&25 I/O's and Relocate OxV.Gen System $3172.00 Conduit Revisions Between Structures#24&#25 to Aerators $2,543.00 Additional Wat sto at Clarifiers $15,401.00 Structure#17 Door Medi ations $541,00 CHANGE ORDER#2 Work Directive#9 Door Svrin and add 2 S i hts Bldg#23 $1,36U0 Work Directive#10 Building#23 Overhead Door Size Chane 297.00 Keystone Conveyor Control Panels $19488.00 Additional Sales Tax $0,00 Influent Pipelines REVISED $231,245.00 CHANGE ORDER#3 Concrete Thoroseal $145113.00 Addttlonal Calsson Depth $22425.00 Additional Berm Material $5,136.00 Work Directive#12 Post Aeration Changes $2,378.00 Yard Piping Chan es U4&U5 $8,719.00 Work Directive#13 Biosolids Processing Building $254.00 Additional Point Loads Submittal 002-13125-0 Structure 17 $3 769.00 Contract DrawingClarification 10 $2,295.00 Chane Pipeline YP12 to G-900 $11 329.OD Additional Import Structural Fill Contract Unit Price $193,831.00 Structure 16 Chemical Feed Building Pipinq Material Chane $14,901.00 Transfer S Ich Pad&Conduit for Power Secure $3,906.00 Photo Cells and Photo Cell Termination P315.00 Work Directive#14-Change Blower Piping to Galvanized $621.00 '.. CDC#17-Additional Structural Lintel $3,774.00 RFI#94-Epoxy Anchors $5813.00 Spacing of Bar Screen $2,322,00 TOTALS $1,128,119.00 ($74$,708.00) ($84,763.00) 8[18111 cenitac[19tto tkcee8 $59,904718.00 Total cametew change $379,413.00 Igeraase 89MCI Nna Txcecr Pfte 0y(cas[>r 0.5%) $4g4 w&95 NOW Tet91 Ceettact Nette Exceeg Me $60,398,784.85 CITY COUNCIL MEMO ,ro: Fayetteville Sewer Committee Tbm: Mayor Dan Coody rrom: David Jurgens,Water&Wastewater Director Paul Becker, Finance Director tY t Date: September 4, 2007 1 Subject: Water/Seale'Rate Approval Process and Tine Line ISSUE Fayetteville City Adnainistralion presents this proposed approval process and time line relating to approval ofwater and sewer rates in order to provide full opportunity for public comment while meeting all legal requirements, and establish the new rates on January 1,2008. ACTIONS REQUIRED TO MOVE FORWARD What additional information does the Committee require from staff in order to make these policy decisions? BACKGROUND HDR,will)input from City staff, is finalizing a water and sewer rate study.The fundamental information and request for policy direction was first presented to the City Council Water and Sewer Committee by Tom Gould, HDR, on,fuly 27, 2007. There have been numerous Committee meetings with staff,Tom Gould and various interested parties, including the industrial user's group. 'These meetings have presented the background data,the costs of service for various customer groups, a variety of rate alternatives, and a list of decisions that must be made before the study can be finalized. The required policy decisions are below; decisions arc desired by September 21 to meet the proposed time line: -Revenue Requirements: 1. Do we accept the proposed overall adjustments (size and timing)? -Cost of Service: 2. Shall we maintain the existing philosophy or move towards a cost of service based rate? 3. a. Shall we Drove U IRIS or use cost of'sevice results for irrigation use? b. Shall we use the same class of service blocks for sewer or expand the number of service classes? c. Shall we use the volumetric method of rate design for water or develop class of set-vice blocks? 4. What are the rate adjustments for each class of service? -Rate Design 5. Shall we have a single class of service or multiple rate schedules? 6. Shall we maintain or revise the current rate structure(declining block)? By customer class? DISCUSSION "Phe proposed time line is as follows: September 2,1 Above 'five questions answered September 28 Submit agenda packet for mte adjustment ordinance October 2 Announcing public hearing, advertise rate adjustment October 16 Public hearing, fist reading of rate adjustment ordinance November 6 Second reading of rate adjustment ordinance November 20 Third reading of rate adjustment ordinance January 1, 2008 Ordinance/First portion of new water rates take effect January 1,2009 Second portion of new water rates take effect; Sewer rates take effect The rates need to be it) place on 1 January 2008 to facilitate the City's budget process and to allow For the revenue bond issue that will provide funding for the water and sewcr relocation for the Highway 265 widening project. Rate study Dime Line W-S cmty"remo 659 Randall Wobbe Lane,Springdale,AR 72764 p-479-927-9925 f-479-927-3288 September 6, 2007 The City of Fayetteville Water and Sewer Committee Attn: Dave Jurgens 113 West Mountain Street Fayetteville,AR 72701 RE: Chevy Hills Subdivision Mr. Jurgens, This letter pertains to the sewage treatment system for the above referenced subdivision. This subdivision has been approved for a decentralized sewer treatment system. Construction activities for minor grading on the streets has commenced but is currently on hold pending determination as to how the released sewage shall be treated. We would like to request that the Commission consider allowing us to connect to the sewer main currently under construction that will feed into the west plant, which is planned to be online whenever we will be able to utilize it. I have attached a letter from the Arkansas Department of Health that outlines reasons for their recommendation that the subject subdivision utilize this sewer main including environmental concerns. If our request is approved, the 194 lots will help in paying for the new west plant by providing the required tap fees and future sewer rates as houses are brought online. We purchased this property after the construction plans were approved and construction had commenced. We are willing to offer the following in return for approval of our request: • An easement for the west plant sewer main does not currently exist, and we are willing to grant this easement for the portion of the main that lies within our property limits. • We are currently working with the Fire Chief to provide land for a fire station that has been determined as a need in this area of the City. • If this request is granted, it would allow us to dedicate the land that would be used for the sewer treatment system as park land dedication that would satisfy the requirements for this type of development within the City of Fayetteville. It would be greatly appreciated if we could be placed on the September 11th agenda for consideration of our request. Sincerely, Homestead Homes, LLC Attachment Arkansas Department of Health 4815 West Markham Sheet•Little Rock,Arkansas 72205.3867 a Telephone(501)661-2000 ®� Governor Mike Beebe ` Paul K.Halverson,DrPIi,TACHE,Director and State Health Officer ®�® Engineering Section,Slot H37 Pit 501-661-2623 Fax 501-661-2032 wvw,HealthyArkansas.com/eng/ After Hours Emergency 501-661-2136 i July 13, 2007 The Honorable Dan Coody Mayor 113 West Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 !1! RE: Cherry Hills Subdivision Mayor Coody, This letter pertains to the sewage treatment system for the above referenced subdivision. This subdivision has been approved by this office to utilize a septic tank effluent pump (STEP) system. Construction j activities for minor grading on the streets has commenced but is currently on hold pending determination as to how the released sewage shall be treated. A STEP system is designed to treat and release sewage on site as opposed to allowing the sewage to be transported and treated offsite at a wastewater treatment facility. Although the Cherry Hills Subdivision is located adjacent but outside of the Fayetteville city limits, a newly constructed sanitary sewer collection main is located within the I subdivision. We are recommending that the City of Fayetteville allow this development to connect to this sanitary sewer collection line for the ! following reasons: i • Proximity -The newly constructed sewer main lies within the property limits for this development. • Environmental Awareness - Although STEP systems treat raw sewage, a sewer collection system with a treatment facility is the preferred method for treating raw sewage. The leach field for this development is located adjacent to Clabber Creek and if the system has some type of malfunction this could allow insufficiently treated effluent to leach into this waterway. • Maintenance - A POA will be established to hire a private company for operation and maintenance of the STEP system which there is no guarantee that this company will be in existence to perpetually operate and maintain the system. If a replacement for the company cannot be acquired, the probability for improperly treated effluent being discharged and leaching into Clabber Creek increases. I am copying your engineering department in hopes that consideration will be given in allowing the Cherry Hills Subdivision to connect to the sewer main that is located within the development's property. Sincerely, A.' Davis District Engineer Engineering Section Co.- City of Fayetteville Engineering Department { 1 Homestead Homes, LLC, c/o Trey Trumbo 659 Randal Wobbe, Springdale, AR 72764 s www.healthyarkansas.com Serving more than one million Arkansans each year