HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-05-08 - Agendas - Final T ayv�et re!T Pill ARKANSAS WATEMEWED COMMITTEE AGENDA Meeting Date of May 8, 2007 COMMITTEE: Chairman Kyle Cook; Alderman: Lioneld Jordan, Bobby Ferrell, Adella Gray COPY TO: Mayor Dan Coody, Sondra Smith, Gary Dumas, Paul Becker, Susan Thomas, Tim Conklin, Jeremy Pate, Ron Petrie, Shannon Jo m Hubbard, Peggy Bell, Lynn Hyke, OMI FROM: David Jurgens, Water and Wastewater Director A meeting of the Fayetteville Water and Sewer Committee is plan d for May 8, 2007, at 5:15 PM, Room 326, Fayetteville City Hall. Proposed topics include: 1 . Approve Minutes of the April 10, 2007 Water/Sewer Committee eeting. 2. WSIP U date. Contract Description Contractor Cost % Complete WL-1 Porter - Hamestring & Old Wire — Gregg Oscar Renda $ 7,014,948 93.80% WL-2 North St - Poplar - Gregg Gravity Line T-G Excavating $ 4,413,664 48.08% WL-3 Porter - Hamestring & Old Wire — Gregg Combined contract with WL-1 98.00% WL-4 Gregg Ave - Hamestring LS Gravity Line Oscar Renda $ 10,441 ,319 27.50% WL-5 Force mains Hamestring - West Plant Gamey Const $ 4,752,287 100.00% WL-6 Hamestring Lift Station Brasfield & Gorrie $ 6,133,546 58.05% WL-7 GreggAve Lift Station Bid Open March 20 Not Yet Bid 0.00% EP-1 Noland Wet Weather Improvements Wilson Brothers $ 1 ,327,794 0.00% EP-2 Noland WWTP Renovation Archer Western $ 14,818,644 89.40% WP-1 b Broyles Road Construction Crowder Const $ 3,737,965 0.00% WP-2b Wetlands Mitigation, WWTP Site Green Scaping $ 145,200 5.00% WP&L BP West Side (WL-6 & WP-3) Backup Power PowerSecure $ 1 ,986,897 14.21 % WP-3 West Side WWTP Construction Brasfield & Gorrie $ 59,994,710 51 .05% A change order is expected based on rock excavation and updating unit quantities. 2 This percentage reflects only this particular contract. The overall completion percentage for the wetland mitigation site, including berms, water control structures, etc., is 75%. a. Subproject WP-1 b, Broyles Road Construction from Persimmon Street to Woolsey Farm Road, including approximately 5,900' of roadway, three box culverts and approximately 4,700 feet of storm sewer. The City received six bids May 3. Staff requests this item be forwarded to the full City Council for approval. Dean Crowder Construction $ 3,737,965.15 (low bid) Sweetser Construction, Inc $ 3,781 ,213.00 Fochtman Enterprises $ 3,789,977.80 APAC Arkansas, Inc $ 3,845,949.25 Mobley Construction $ 4,019,511 .68 Township Builders, Inc $ 4,107,855.00 Engineer's Estimate $ 4,415,625.78 b. Subproject WP-3, West Side WWTP Change Order Number 2 is attached. This change order creates no change in the contract cost or time, and rectifies several items identified during the fourteen months of construction. The larger items involve changes to the influent piping and metering structure to accommodate the now identified Farmington and Owl Creek lift station arrangements, the addition of power and instrumentation panels for influentscreens and dewatered sludge conveyors, adjustments to the depth for caisson excavation to match the actual depth that had to be excavated, and several miscellaneous minor items. Changes are detailed on the first page behind the change order. Most items were identified in Change Order Number 1 as needing W&S committee agenda 8May07 further investigation before the change order could be developed. There is also a savings, as of the current time, of $252,396 in sales tax. When the contract was awarded, the exact sales tax costs were not specifically identified. State law allows that WWTP process equipment and structures that physically come in contact with the wastewater are exempt from sales tax. The State Department of Finance and Administration issued an opinion late in 2005, specific application of which has created the sales tax savings we have seen. As the majority of the major purchases have been made, the potential sales tax savings remaining after this change order is estimated at $24,467. c. Subproject WL-7, Gregg Avenue Lift Station. This project involves a major upgrade to the lift station at Gregg Avenue at Mud Creek, which is the focal point of lines WL-1 , WL-2, and the beginning of WL-4. The renovated station will pump up to 19 mgd through pipeline WL-4 to the Hamestring lift station. One bid was received on April 3; it exceeded the certified funding amount so the bid was rejected. The project rebids May 8. Bid results will be distributed at the meeting. d. WSIP Farmington Area Work. Design and easement acquisition are under way. e. WSIP Easement Update. An updated matrix is attached. Farmington submitted their request to ANRC for RLF loan funds in February. f. Property Sale to Ozarks Electric. Ozarks Electric is developing their final proposal for purchasing four acres and a permanent access easement to the four acres on the West Side WWTP property, with the final location as shown on the attached plat. Per previous, Staff intends to proceed with this sale without conducting an appraisal. When the proposed sale comes before the full City Council for approval, it will include a waiver of ordinance 4358. Staff requests this item be forwarded to the full City Council for approval. g. Blue in Green Oxygen Injection Purchase. As discussed in the last W/S Committee meeting, staff recommends consideration of a construction contract with BluelnGreen, LLC., for the purchase and installation of a supersaturated dissolved oxygen injector for the Noland Wastewater Treatment Plant, WSIP subproject EP-4, in the amount of $66,460.00 with a $5,000 contingency, and approval of a bid waiver. This equipment, which uses liquid oxygen (LOX) rather than normal air, is much more efficient than existing equipment. The expected savings in the overall use of LOX at Noland will pay for the investment in roughly five years with many years of savings to follow, while at the same time contributing to the City's ongoing efforts to conserve natural resources and function in an environmentally friendly manner by using less LOX and electricity. h. Beaver Lake Watershed Nutrient Reduction Study. Geosythetics should be providing a revised contract this week. This project should be ready to come to the W/S Committee in June. i. WSIP Construction Schedule and Cost Update. The updated schedule will be distributed at the meeting. 3. Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Project Update. a. Basins 1-5, 18 & 19 Sewer Rehab. T-G Excavating, $2,514,292, including Change Orders 1 and 2; 90.1 % complete. We have received verbal notification from the AHTD that the highway permit for the old Doc Murdoc's building has been approved. We will issue the Notice to Proceed upon receipt. This is the same contractor executing WSIP WL-2, so scheduling precise will be dictated by that project. b. Farmington Area. The Farmington Sewer Rehabilitation Project Contract provides for improvements to the sanitary sewer system in various locations of Farmington, Arkansas. Unit 1 of the project includes replacing 3,719 linear feet of 6-inch and 8-inch diameter sewer by open cut and point repairs at 66 locations. Unit 2 of the project includes the installation of 5,493 linear feet of 6- inch and 8-inch diameter cured-in-place lining. Bid Opening is May 8, 2007. Funding is being provided by the 2005 STAG grant, the City of Fayetteville, and the City of Farmington. Bid results will be distributed at the W/S Committee meeting. 4. 36" Water Transmission Main Rehabilitation. The surge tank is painted except for the floor, which requires an epoxy repair rather than regular paint. Quotes are being received for the epoxy repair. Work is underway on the flow control structures for the 36" and 42" water transmission mains. 5. Mt. Seauoyah Water and Sewer Improvements. This project involves installing approximately 7,300' of water and 600' of sewer line in the Mount Sequoyah area. The objective is to replace existing, old water and sewer mains that are undersized and/or located underneath houses built W&S committee agenda 8May07 after the original lines were installed. Where this is the case, new meters and services will be installed. Garver Engineers has performed preliminary engineering for this project. A change order is now required for final engineering design. Negotiations are under way based on the attached contract amendment; when completed the change order will be forwarded to the Water/Sewer Committee for review. 6. Scheduling the Next Water/Sewer Committee Meeting. Staff recommends the next W/S Committee meeting be scheduled at 5:15 Tuesday, June 12, 2007 in room 326, immediately following the Agenda Session. Attachments: WSIP WP-1 b, Broyles Road Bid Packet WSIP WP-3, West Side WWTP Change Order Number 2 WSIP WL-7, Gregg Avenue Lift Station Bid Packet (to be distributed at meeting*) WSIP Easement Matrix WSIP Ozarks Electric Proposed Land Sale Plat Blue in Green Information Packet WSIP Construction Schedule and Cost Update (to be distributed at meeting*) Farmington Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Bid Packet (to be distributed at meeting*) Mt. Sequoyah Water and Sewer Improvements Draft Change Order * The items to be distributed at the meeting will contain updates from bids opened the day of the meeting, and thus cannot be distributed in advance. W&S coirunittee agenda 8May07 City Council Meeting of June 5, 2007 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMO To: Fayetteville City Council Thru: Mayor Dan Coody Fayetteville Sewer Committee From: David Jurgens, Water and Wastewater Director Date: May 3, 2007 Subject: Approval of a construction contract with Dean Croder Construction in the amount of $3,737,966.15, for the construction of Broyles Road, WSIP Subproject WP-lb, and approve a 10% contingency of$374,000.00 RECOMMENDATION City Administration recommend approval of a construction contract with Dean Crowder Construction in the amount of$3,737,966.15, for the construction of Broyles Road, WSIP Subproject WP-lb, and approve a 10% contingency of$374,000.00 BACKGROUND The Contract provides for the construction of Broyles Road on the north beginning at Persimmon Street and south along the existing line of Broyles Road approximately 3,350 feet, continuing south on a new alignment another 2,550 feet, to the intersection of Broyles Road and Woolsey Farm Road. The project includes construction of three box culverts and approximately 4,700 feet of storm sewer. The City received six bids on May 3, 2007 for this project, as follows: Dean Crowder Construction $ 3,737,966.15 (low bid) Sweetser Construction, Inc $ 3,781,213.00 Fochtman Enterprises $ 3,789,977.80 APAC Arkansas, Inc $ 39845,949.25 Mobley Construction $ 490195511.68 Township Builders, Inc $ 45107,855.00 Engineer's Estimate $ 4,4157625.78 DISCUSSION The bid has been reviewed by the Engineer, McGoodwin Williams & Yates, their letter recommending award and bid tab are attached. BUDGET IMPACT Funds are available in the WSIP project budget. WP-lb CCMemoMay07 ACEC National cGood in Williams a Yates Awfi rd � y�t�ep, En9ineeriag canfitlanc � May 4, 2007 Mayor Dan Coody Membersof the City Council City of Fayetteville 113 West Mountain Street Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701 Re Recommendation of Award Westside Wastewater Facilities: Broyles Road Improvements Contract' No. WP-ib Fayetteville Project No. 02133-0324 MWY Project No. Fy-315 Dear Mayor Coody and City.Council: Bids were received May 3, 2007, for the above referenced project. The low.bid was submitted by Dean Crowder Construction of Bentonville, Arkansas in the amount of $3,737,966.15.> The bid totals are shown below: Total Bid Amount Dean Crowder Construction, Inca $3,737,966.15 Sweetser Construction, Inc. $3,781,213.00 Fochtman Enterprises, Inc. $3,789,977.80 APAC-Arkansas, Inc./McClinton-Anchor Div. $3,845,949.25 Mobley Contractors, Inc. $41019,511.68 Township Builders, Inc. $4,107,855.00 A copy, of the certified bid tabulation is included for your reference, along with a copy of the list of persons attending the bid opening. Our construction cost estimate' on this project prior to 'receipt of bids was $4,415,000. We have reviewed the Statement of Bidders Qualifications submitted by Dean Crowder Construction, Inc., and based upon the information provided, believe them to be qualified for this project. Dean Crowder Construction has been in business for 37 years, performing the type of work proposed. Some of their relevant projects they listed are: 1) Huntsville Avenue,' Phase II in Springdale, AR, to be completed June 2007; 2) Metro Park South in Rogers, AR, completed in November 2006; 3) Harris/BIDC Industrial Park in Bentonville, AR completed in June 2005; 4)ISpringwoods Subdivision in Fayetteville, completed in July 2006; and 5) Bright Road Improvements in Bentonville, AR, completed in August 2005.' 7878 479 -443- 3414 479 - 43 -4340 • W WW _ri W 4us�.��t� Mayor Dan Coody and Council May 4, 2007 Page 2 While we have no way of verifying the present financial condition of Dean Crowder Construction, Inc., the contract documents require the furnishing of 100 percent performance and payment bonds prior to authorization of the notice to proceed of construction. Therefore, we recommend that the City Council award this contract to Dean Crowder Construction, Inc. in the amount bid of $3,737,966.15. We trust the Council will concur in this recommendation. The contract documents require substantial completion of the project within 300 days and full completion and ready for final payment within 360 calendar days from the date of the issuance of the notice to proceed. If you have any questions or need any additional information, please let us know. Cordially yours, ?tief es C. Ulmer, P. E. Operating Officer JCU:sc Enclosures cc: Mr. David Jurgens, P. E. Ms. Andrea Foren Oho£o o30Fp 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0q 0000000 a o O�O�O O LO O O LC) O O p 0 Gq O L0 0 0 O O O�OgEgO psC? 070$0 O"OSO 0 0 p r E O i 0 z 0 O N�.0 O CV O O O L6 CC6 O (� :o LO 4 0 0 g C. O Lci of O 4 O s o s I'� M O LO r LO r et M M M r O 't LO I'_ CO 7:LO 0 0 0 g 0. fes. r V0 O O t` to 'FaOs0 r O (0 0 O h M 0 O 0 tt M r N M. 0 M 4? Ngo 0 o l-- N M CO N O N0 a Ln CA (O N O. Lt)- 0 r r O CV L) R7 It+N CA LO N N N ct N M (0 r - N r O r O W Y) UO 7 h Cm r N i� `. N N r V$r- r. 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V¢ O O a) z 0 p 0 Rf n n CO � rN TC%j rr zLI! t— l— F—�F— �i and lo C: - � U (4Nd Q 0 W�wwwwLU W LU1),IwJJJJLW W W WlW J J _IJJ J J W m � m r CO CO r N M M N r r 0 O !l O Lo N N C) N g3,O LO r r r r r M 7r c = CD 40 V P L'- �- M �. LLL C Oi LQ < Iw C3 E ' £ 5 .� cr6 i V! �_. I g�t�7 t CLS C (na '�C « mZ: 4 lni(O;I`+(.M 0�r NMVLO�t- CD CA O r N C�7 V' In f0 n 00 0 O ' m[L :< V co co co M 4 co M �t �' d• Cf' V' V It � d' Lo Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln LC) LO Ln n�co k City Council Meeting of N/A- Mayor's Approval CONTRACT REVIEW MEMO To: Mayor Dan Coody Fayetteville Sewer Committee From: David Jurgens, Water and Wastewater Director Date: 11 April 2007 Subject: Approval of a construction contract Change Order umber 2 with Brasfield & Gorrie, LLC., with no change to the contract cost or time, for construction of the West Side Wastewater Treatment Plant, WSIP Subproject WP-2. RECOARdENDATION Staff recommends approval of a construction contract Change Order Number 2 with Brasfield & Gorrie, LLC., with no change to the contract cost or time, for construction of the West Side Wastewater Treatment Plant, WSIP Subproject WP-2. BACKGROUND Brasfield & Gorrie was awarded the contract to construct the West Side Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) in October, 2005. Work is over 50% complete, and is on track to meet the substantial completion date of May, 2008. Most of the structural elements have already been installed. DISCUSSION This Change Order rectifies several items identified during the fourteen months of construction. The larger items involve changes to the influent piping and metering structure to accommodate the now identified Farmington and Owl Creek lift station arrangements, the addition of power and instrumentation panels for influent screens and dewatered sludge conveyors, adjustments to the depth for caisson excavation to match the actual depth that was required to be excavated, and several other miscellaneous minor adjustments. All changes are detailed on the first page behind the change order. Most of these items were identified in Change Order Number 1 as needing fiuther investigation before the change order could be developed. There is also a savings, as of the current time, of$252,396 in sales tax. When the contract was awarded, the exact sales tax costs were not specifically identified. State law allows that WWTP process equipment and structures that physically come in contact with the wastewater are exempt from sales tax. The State Department of Finance and Administration issued an opinion late in 2005. Specific application of this opinion has created the sales tax savings we have seen. As the majority of the major purchases have been made, the potential sales tax savings remaining is estimated at $24,467. The West Side WWTP renovation and upgrade project has been proceeding very smoothly and with virtually no problems. The team of Brasfield& Gorrie, McGoodwin, Williams and Yates, OMI, and City staff are producing an excellent project that is proceeding on time and within the approved project cost. BUDGET E"ACT This change order creates no change in the contract cost or time. A balance of$2,400,000 remains in the approved project contingency. y i . WP-2 Brasfield Change Order No 2 CC Memo Apr07 FAYEITEWLLE THE CRY OF FAYEr1ENW.E,ARKMSAS CHANGE ORDER Project Number: 02133.0304 Contract Number: WP-3 Contract Title: Westside Wastewater Treatment Plant and the Wetland Berms and the Water Line at Broyles Road Change Order No.: 2 Date of Issuance: April 11, 2007 TO CONTRACTOR: Brasfield & GOrrie, LLC ORDINANCE NO:/RESOLUMN NO: The Contract is changed as follows: EFFECTIVE The Contract scope has been changed to include additions, deletions, and revisions to the original Contract Documents. These changes reflect items of work required by proposed field modifications of the Contract Documents as well as ongoing value engineering of the project. Note: Please refer to the attached documents for details of the proposed changes. Not valid untilsigned by the Owner. The original Contract Price was ..........................................................................................................$59,994,710.00 -Net change by previously authorized Change Orders .........................................................................$0.00 The Contract Price prior to this Change Order was ............................................................................$59,994,710.00 The Contract Price will be(Q increased)(O decreased)(0 unchanged)by .....................:...............$0.00 The new Contract Price including this Change Order will be .............................................................$59,9949710.00 The Contract Times will be(CI increased)((3 decreased)(®unchanged)by ...................................(O) days Required date of Substantial Completion as of the date of this Change Order therefore is ................May 31,2008 NOTE: This summary does not reflect changes in the Contract Price or Contract Tunes which have been authorized by Work Change Directives not incorporated in this or previous Change Orders. Brasfield & Gorrie. LLC City of F etteville CONTRACTOR OWNER BY DTE BY McGoodwin. Williams and Yates, Inc. ENG C�D t d BY DATE I certify there is a balance otherwise unencumbered to the credit of the appropriation to which the above amount is chargeable, and a cash balance otherwise unencumbered in the treasury to the credit of the fund from which payment is to be made, each sufficient to meet the above obligation. Distribution: Q Owner(4) Q Contractor Q Engineer 00940 Change Order 00940-1 WESTSIDE WWTP CHANGE SUMMARY Increase Decrease Value Description Contract Amount Contract Engineering Sales Tax and Fuel Savings ($728,268 Original) New Balance $24,467 ($683,617.00) .y,':., .-. o; x! ♦ r ji, .RSt• x 1. 3" r X' LYS.. :��Yt �`t:�tF;,r.,�- �•": hvKa`:?�s�r>i���'S;:k�'�': ., ,. •, �;,.�",�"r ��.�.-.�".•" .?":'. .s,t;fi;r: ''T�'.'.t - ' .:,:... Work Directive#1 12" x 8" Tee and Valve Setting - Broyles Rd Waterline $12,830.00 Work Directive#212" Waterline Aditions $5,697.00 Addition of 4 Wire Feed at Structures 7,10,24 and 25 $15,949.00 Change Conduit Material from PVC Coated rigid to Aluminum Rigid ($44,235.00) Work Directive#5 Filter Outlet Changes Welded Outlets in lieu of Tee's ($29,199.00) Change Clarifier Center Well Design " UV Channel'Modifications WD#7 $1,689.00 Inlet Facility Electrical Room Modifications $86,117.00 Gas Line Crossina $19,521.00 Jobsite Utilitv Vehicals $28,833.00 Over Excavate and Backfill with#7 Stone $206,572.00 Control Panels 1-LCP-7 & 19-LCP-3 $47,999.00 Influent Pipelines WITHDRAW $225,312 $0.00 Aerial Photo's $5,000.00 Exterior Light Fixture Colors Rejected Combine 16- MCC 1 & 2 $0.00 Additional Floor Boxes (RFI #64) $2,625.00 RFP#2 Deletion of HMI Programming from Bauman's Scope OMI to Perform) ($17,100.00) RFP#3 Duplication of PLC 24 & 25 UO's and Relocate Oxy Gen System $3,172.00 Conduit Revisions Between Structures #24 &#25 to Aerators ($2,543.00) Additional Waterstop at Clarifiers $15,401.00 Structure#17 Door Modifications (Z5541.00) Work Directive#9 Door Swing and add 2 Skylights Bldg#23 $1,366.00 Work Directive#10 Building #23 Overhead Door Size Change $297.00 Caisson Depths (TBD) $0.00 Keystone Conveyor Control Panels $19,488.00 Concrete Thoroseal in Lieu of Rubbing (TBD) $0.00 Additional Sales Tax TBD $0.00 Influent Pipelines REVISED $231,245.00 n TOTALS $703,801.00 ($703,809.00) ($73,434.00) 4/11/2007 Contract Adjustments - Fayetteville.xls 0 C) 0 0 0000CD o U L6 ti ti dN N 00 N C) N N d O d r r � 0) � co N ti CO 0 a) Cl) to W 609, d� 69 K? 69 64 W 6c). 69 II a) 4 N 0000000 p 0000 p lc) O- O V 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O O O O O O tCA Lf) O 0 O O 6 r CO Ltd 0 0 r N V-- 04 ct WNOCOW NoOCON r to O m H LO LO d O a0 NCO N CO (` CO M 00 p O C `- 7 'I T- Cfl00 � Nd C) 'a' C0Lnd � O U) N OV d' OV) (OM �- p d f� y0 a ti N N r M cu r O V 69 6p)- V} UDI 04 64 69 ER 601 69� 69 64 61). 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Water/Sewer Committee Meeting of May 8, 2007 CITY COUNCIL WATER/SEWER COMMITTEE MEMO To: Fayetteville Sewer Committee From: David Jurgen, Water and Wastewater Director Date: May 4, 2007 Subject: Approval of a contract with B1ueInGreen, LLC.,tent purchase of a supersaturated dissolved oxygen injector for the Noland Wastewater TreaPlant, WSIP subproject EP-4, in the amount of$66,460.00 with a contingency of$5,000 and approval of a bid waiver RECOMMENDATION Approval of a construction contract with B1ueInGreen, LLC., for the purchase and installation of a supersaturated dissolved oxygen injector for the Noland Wastewater Treatment Plant, WSIP subproject EP-4, in the amount of$66,460.00 with a.$5,000 contingency, and approval of a bid waiver. BACKGROUND The equipment is puts oxygen in treated wastewater effluent to meet the dissolved oxygen concentration required by our NPDES permit. It was tested on site from February — March 2007 at the Noland WWTP with excellent results. This is the only manufacturer that makes equipment of this nature. It is unique and the patent is pending, therefore a competitive bid is not possible. Alternative methods all cost more. DISCUSSION This equipment, which uses liquid oxygen (LOX) rather than normal air, is much more efficient than existing equipment. The expected savings in the overall use of LOX at Noland will pay for the investment in roughly five years with many years of savings to follow, while at the same time contributing to the City's ongoing efforts to conserve natural resources and function in an environmentally friendly manner by using less LOX and electricity. While not specifically identified in the 2001 Wastewater Master Plan, this plant improvement matches exactly the spirit and intent of all aspects the WSIP efforts at the Noland facility. This work would have likely been included in the 2001 scope of work had this technology been available at that time. Thus, staff recommends that this project be incorporated into the WSIP as EP-4. Cost Comparison Current SDOX-300 $ Annual Savings Oxygen Consumption, cu ft/yr 1,754,892 133,643 Cost per 1000 cu ft $8.62 $8.62 Oxygen Cost per Year $15127.17 $19152.00 $139975.17 Electrical Consumption, KWH 6,600 0 Cost per KWH $0.06 $0.06 Electrical Cost per Year $396.00 $0.00 $396.00 Total Annual Savings $149371.17 BlueinGreen has offered the City a discounted rate in order to get this system in use in this region. Although it is a first time application, all components are available on the open market, making repair relatively simple and eliminating the concerns normally associated with new technologies. BUDGETIMPACT Funds are available in the WSIP project budget. EP-4 Oxygenation Injection May07 a TM BluelnGreen, LLC G' 535 W. Research Blvd., Suite 135 Blue Green Fayetteville, AR 72701 Ph. (479) 527-6378 Fax (479) 571-8814 April 5, 2007 CH2M Hill OMI City of Fayetteville Paul R. Noland Wastewater Treatment Facility 1400 N Fox Hunter Road Fayetteville, AR 72701 Attention: Mrs. Duyen Tran Dear Mrs. Tran: BlueInGreen, LLC is pleased to offer its new oxygenation technology, the Supersaturated Dissolved Oxygen Injector (SDO) TM), to CH2M Hill OMI for use in the City of Fayetteville Paul R. Noland Wastewater Treatment Facility. The SDOX features patent pending technology exclusively licensed from the University of Arkansas, which delivers dissolved oxygen (DO) directly to water suffering from low oxygen content and/or poor water quality. Its innovative and efficient design restricts oxygen loss to the atmosphere such that nearly 100% of the oxygen gas fed to system is dissolved. This means the SDOX, when compared to other oxygenation technologies, uses and wastes less oxygen, saves money, and is much more environmentally friendly. The SDOX is easily integrated in treatment plants without any major infrastructure changes or additions, and it is easily controllable to deliver the precise amount of oxygen needed during changing water conditions. The SDOX system was tested in a pilot study at the Fayetteville Wastewater Treatment Facility for one week during the winter of 2007. During the pilot study, the SDOX was used to oxygenate the facility's treated effluent water, and its performance was directly compared with the facility's existing effluent oxygenation system. Results from the pilot study show the SDOX accomplished the same level of DO delivery as the facility's existing oxygenation system while using only 8.5% of the oxygen the current system used. This reduction in oxygen translates to very large cost savings, over $13,300 per year. The SDOX presents several advantages and significant cost savings over the current effluent oxygenation system used at the Fayetteville Wastewater Treatment Facility. We hope you consider its application a viable cost saving and capital improvement measure. Thank you. Sincerely, Adam Jokerst Applications Engineer ` TM BluelnGreen, LLC d 535 W. Research Blvd., Suite 135 BluelnGreenFayetteville, AR 72701 Ph. (479) 527-6378 Fax (479) 571-8814 Supersaturated Dissolved Oxygen Injector ( SDOX) For CH2M Hill OMI City of Fayetteville Paul R. Nolan Wastewater Treatment Facility BLUEINGREEN REFERENCE NUMBER: 2007-0154RO DATE: 04-APR-2007 PROPOSAL VALID FOR 60 DAYS BluelnGreen Customer Service Contacts Adam Jokerst, Applications Engineer Clay Thompson, Senior Engineer 479-466-8166 direct 479-527-6378 direct 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page No. I. Definition of Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 II. Design Basis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 III. Utilities Required . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 IV. Equipment Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 " V. Commercial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 VI. Support and Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 VII. Owner Requirements & Responsibilities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Attachments A. Terms and Conditions B. SDOX Diagram 2 I. DEFINITION OF APPLICATION The equipment described in this proposal is designed to oxygenate the treated wastewater effluent from the Fayetteville Wastewater Treatment Facility to a dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration stipulated by a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit. Design effluent flow rate: 16 MGD - average 36 MGD - peak Design effluent temperature: 30 °C NPDES permitted minimum effluent discharge DO concentration : 8.0 mg/L - summer 10.0 mg/L - winter Design DO concentration increase at peak flow: 2.5 mg/L The SDOX system is automated to deliver a fixed amount of oxygen in solution on command or continuously. It has a manually adjustable oxygen delivery rate based on the internal operating pressure to match the demand requirements, providing a full range of turndown capability. System operating parameters can be easily integrated into plant monitoring programs. The remaining document provides details of the SDOX-300 application solution. 3 II. DESIGN BASIS The SDOX-300 has the following maximum operating capacity: DO increase at average effluent flow rate: 5.6 mg/L DO increase at peak effluent flow rate: 2.5 mg/L SDOX-300 flow rate: 220 gpm SDOX-300 oxygen usage: 750 Ib DO/day Estimated SDOX-300 power requirement: 32 HP Under average conditions, the SDOX-300 will operate as follows: Treated effluent flow rate: 16 MGD DO concentration increase: 2.5 mg/L SDOX-300 flow rate: 100 gpm SDOX-300 oxygen usage: 335 Ib DO/day Estimated SDOX-300 power requirement: 14 HP The SDOX-300 has the following piping design: Inlet line size: 4-inch pipe Discharge line size: 3-inch high pressure pipe Average inlet line velocity: 2.5 ft/s Average discharge line velocity: 4.3 ft/s Maximum inlet line velocity: 5.5 ft/s Maximum discharge line velocity: 9.5 ft/s 4 III. UTILITIES REQUIRED Electricity Main : 460 V/3 PH/60 HZ Control : 110 V/1 Ph/60 HZ Average connected power: 14 HP Maximum connected power: 32 HP Utility Oxygen Maximum oxygen usage: 750 Ib/day 370 scfh Average oxygen usage: 335 Ib/day 165 scfh Utility oxygen required at 120 psig. Oxygen usage rates based on 100% oxygen composition by mass. . 5 IV. EQUIPMENT SPECIFICATIONS Saturation Chamber One (1) 36-inch diameter x 55-inch tall saturation chamber, pressure rated and ASME coded to 150 psig : Material : 304 stainless steel • 3-inch inlet 150#RF flange • 3-inch outlet 150#RF flange • 2x1-inch 150#RF level instrument flanges • 3/4-inch oxygen supply/pressure relief connection, NPT threads Welding is per ASME standards for piping (US). Hydrostatic pressure tested. No radiograph is included. Oxygen saturation chamber, fittings, and instruments cleaned per CGA G-4.1 standards. Pump and Motor Pump Goulds Model 3196 MTX Centrifugal pump. Size: 1.5x3-10. Solids capacity: 0.22-inch. Motor Baldor 50 HP TEFC Premium Efficiency inverter duty motor with a 440 V/3 PH variable frequency drive (VFD). Maximum operation : 225 gpm at 155 psig discharge pressure. RECOMMENDED CONFIGURATION: Two (2) integrated parallel pumps with motors and VFD's. Parallel pump system provides one (1) operational pump and one (1) backup pump. OPTIONAL CONFIGURATION : One (1) pump with motor and VFD; no backup. Electrical Construction Electrical construction is in accordance with the US National Electric Code (NEC). Please advise if any unusual conditions or local codes are required. Control Panel 6 One (1) control panel with the following components: 1 . NEMA 4 weatherproof enclosures with 20%spare terminals. 2. Control panel indicating lights and shutdowns. Status Indication ■ Power on (White) ■ Pilot "ON" (Green) Button and Switches ■ Power (on/off) ■ Operation Mode (hand/off/auto) ■ System Reset ■ Shutdowns and Alarms ■ Emergency Shutdown (remote contact) 4. Programmable Logic Controller (PLC). • CPU module with operating program • 120/240/460 VAC power Supply • Module Base • 120 VAC Input Module • Relay Output Module • Analog Output Module • 4 - 20 mA 6. Adjustable temperature space heater in master panel enclosure. 'Structural Steel Structural skid will be provided to hold control panel/rack, water line and instrumentation components. Skid fabrication per AISC standard and welding per AWS D1.1 standard or equivalent, no radiograph is included. Piping Schedule 40 steel inlet and discharge piping. Pressure rated 300 psig per ASTM A-135. 304 SS small diameter oxygen supply piping - ANSI 150# NPT, cleaned per CGA G-4. 1. • 4-inch inlet pipe • 3-inch discharge pipe • 3/4-inch oxygen supply pipe Packaging, Testing The above equipment packaged to include piping, electrical wiring, conduit, paint, and other miscellaneous materials requiring only minor field assembly and terminations. 7 Pre-shipment electrical checkout performed by BlueInGreen Protective Coatings Exterior carbon steel surface preparation per SSPC-SP6-63 and primer coated with Sherman Williams inorganic zinc (2 1/2 Mil D.F.T.) or equal. No coating on stainless steel surfaces. Applicable Codes NEC - (US electrical code) / NEMA ANSI - valves, flanges, and pipe fittings ASTM - steel materials, pipe and fittings CGA - oxygen pipe, fittings, and instruments Documentation All materials are based on BlueInGreen standard design and practice: Drawings - P&IDs, electrical one-line, general arrangements Datasheets - Included for all purchased components (MS Excel or Word, CP Enterprises standard format) Operating Manual - Three (3) copies of Operation and Maintenance Manuals are included. Extra copies can be supplied at additional cost. 8 V. COMMERCIAL - Pricing, Delivery, And Terms Firm Price for SDOX-300 RECOMMENDED CONFIGURATION, $US: BlueInGreen offers OMI/Fayetteville Wastewater Treatment Facility a one-time 30% Introductory Discount. Firm Price for SDOX-300 RECOMMENDED CONFIGURATION including Introductory Discount, $US: 6G.460 Price Additions/Reductions, $US Option Number & Description 1 . OPTIONAL CONFIGURATION; no backup pump (410,400 2. 3. Price is based on Buyer's acceptance of BlueInGreen's Standard Terms of Sale (see attachment). Schedule The estimated time to delivery on site is approximately 15 weeks after receipt of order. A detailed schedule will be provided after receipt of order. General delivery milestones after receipt of order are included below for informational purposes. Fabrication/receiving components: 12 weeks Assembly and shop checks: 2 weeks Shipping FOB point of final assembly Estimated shipping weight: 5000 Ib Payment Terms 30% upon Receipt of Order 30% upon Receipt of Major Materials for Assembly 30% upon Shipment 10% upon Commissioning/Startup (within 90 days of shipment) 9 VI. SUPPORT AND MAINTENANCE Support BlueInGreen will provide in-person technical support for initial product installation and setup upon delivery of product. Operation and maintenance training will be conducted by BlueInGreen employees during initial product installation and setup. Costs accrued by BlueInGreen employees for initial product installation and setup will be provided by BlueInGreen. BlueInGreen will continue to provide prompt technical support for the duration of the product ownership. Maintenance See Section VII. Owner Requirements Service See attached Terms and Conditions of Sale 10 VII. Owner Requirements 1. Provide suitable foundation which will completely support the skid and vessel structural members. 2. Off-load the components from transport vehicles. 3. Reassemble all items that were disassembled for shipping purposes. 4. Furnish and connect water inlet and discharge lines to/from SDOX, oxygen lines from oxygen source to the SDOX, and electrical lines from a power source to the SDOX. 5. Provide utilities outlined in Section III. 6. Ensure that all components of the system have proper relieving capacity in the event that the thermal oxidizer is not operational. The relief valve should be installed so as not to vent vapors near the thermal oxidizer. 7. Furnish and install utilities required to operate the unit as defined in the design basis. 8. Provide electrical grounding for unit. 9. Realign any rotating equipment if required. 10. After a suitable run-in and test period, if electrical conduits are used, the customer is responsible to provide the necessary materials to pour the conduit sealant per appropriate electrical code requirements. 11. Maintain parts in suitable working condition on schedule as outlined in the provided Operating Manual 11