HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-03-13 - Agendas - Final eTayv�tre!Tllile ARKANSAS WATER/SEWER COMMITTEE AGENDA Meeting Date of March 13, 2007 COMMITTEE: Chairman Kyle Cook; Alderman: Lioneld Jordan, Bobby Ferrell, Adella Gray COPY TO: Mayor Dan Coody, Sondra Smith, Gary Dumas, Paul Becker, Susan Thomas, Tim Conklin, Jeremy Pate, Ron Petrie, Shannon Jones, Jorn Hubbard, Peggy Bell, Lynn Hyke, OMI FROM: David Jurgens, Water and Wastewater Director A meeting of the Fayetteville Water and Sewer Committee is plan d f r March 13, 2007, at 5:15 PM, Room 326, Fayetteville City Hall. Proposed topics include: 1. Approve Minutes of the February 27, 2006 Water/Sewer Committee Meeting. 2. WSIP U date. Contract Description Contractor Cost % Complete WL-1 Porter - Hamestring & Old Wire — Gregg Oscar Renda $ 7,014,948 66.50% WL-2 North St - Poplar - Gregg Gravity Line T-G Excavating $ 4,413,664 20.22% WL-3 Porter - Hamestring & Old Wire — Gregg Combined contract with WL-1 98.00% WL-4 Gregg Ave - Hamestring LS Gravity Line Oscar Renda $ 10,441 ,319 27.50% WL-5 Force mains Hamestring - West Plant Garney Const $ 4,752,287 100.00% WL-6 Hamestring Lift Station Brasfield & Gorrie $ 6,130,000 39.70% WL-7 GreggAve Lift Station Bid Open March 20 Not Yet Bid 0.00% EP-1 Noland Wet Weather Improvements Bid Open March 8 Not Yet Bid 0.00% EP-2 Noland WWTP Renovation Archer Western $ 14,702,904 81 .95% WP-2 West Side WWTP Construction Brasfield & Gorrie $ 59,994,710 44.27% WP-2b Wetlands Mitigation, WWTP Site Green Scaping $ 145,200 5.00% This percentage reflects only this particular contract. The overall completion percentage for the wetland mitigation site, including berms, water control structures, etc., is 75%. a. Subproject EP-1, Noland WWTP Wet Weather Improvements. This project involves lining the 17 million gallon storage pond, which will allow it to be used for completely untreated wet weather flows before they enter the treatment plant. At the current time, the storage ponds can only be used for treated or partially treated water. This project will significantly reduce overflows, as peak flows in excess of short term treatment plant capacity will be stored until the peak flow drops, and will also prevent the biological treatment system from being inundated during the expected extreme variations from normal flow to storm-related flow. The City received four bids on March 8; these bids are under review. b. Beaver Lake Watershed Nutrient Reduction Study. No change. c. Subproject WL-7, Gregg Avenue Lift Station. This project involves a major upgrade to the lift station at Gregg Avenue at Mud Creek, which is the focal point of lines WL-1 , WL-2, and the beginning of WL-4. The renovated station will pump up to 19 mgd through WL-4 to the Hamestring lift station. Bids open March 20. A preliminary version of the Council Agenda packet was attached to the last Committee agenda for review and questions. In order to expedite the bid award, and if we have a known contractor and the bid documents have no errors, Staff intends to send this to this Committee for review as an out-of-cycle request before the next Committee meeting. d. WSIP Farmington Area Work. Farmington submitted their request to ANRC for RLF loan funds in February. W&S committee agenda 13MarO7 3. Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Project Update. a. Basins 1-5, 18 & 19 Sewer Rehab. T-G Excavating, $2,514,292, including Change Orders 1 and 2; 90.1% complete. We are awaiting the highway permit and the signed easement document for the old Doc Murdoc's building. b. Farmington Area. Design is complete; construction is expected to advertise in March. We are waiting on Highway Department and Health Department approval. 4. 36" Water Transmission Main Rehabilitation. The surge tank is painted except for the floor, which requires an epoxy repair rather than regular paint. Quotes are being received for the epoxy repair. Work is underway on the flow control structures for the 36" and 42" water transmission mains. 5. Farmington Wastewater Service Agreement. Staff review is completed; the final document is attached. Staff requests this item be forwarded to the full City Council for approval, with the tentative schedule to proceed as follows: February 27 Draft Contract delivered to Water/Sewer Committee February 28 Draft Contract delivered to Farmington representative (w/Fayetteville City Attorney comments) March 13 Final Contract delivered to Water/Sewer Committee March 20 Rate adjustment ordinance first reading, announcing public hearing March 21 Advertise rate adjustment and public hearing April 2 Receive final contract signed by Farmington April 3 Public Hearing Contract presented to Fayetteville City Council Rate adjustment ordinance presented to Fayetteville City Council April 30 Last date unadjusted rates will be in effect; Refund Date per the contract May 1 New rates take effect June Refunds processed for payments made from February 9, 04, - April 30, 07 6. Greenland Sewer Issues. Staff continues to work with the City of Greenland. 7. Scheduling the Next Water/Sewer Committee Meeting. Staff recommends the next W/S Committee meeting be scheduled at 5:15 Tuesday, April 10, 2007 in room 326, immediately following the Agenda Session). Attachments: None W&S committee agenda 13Mai07