HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006-12-28 - Agendas - Final FayeV ARKANSAS WATER/SEWER COMMITTEE AGENDA Meeting Date of December 28, 2006 COMMITTEE: Chairman Kyle Cook; Alderman: Lioneld Jordan, Bobby Ferrell COPY TO: Mayor Dan Coody, Sondra Smith, Gary Dumas, Paul Becker, Susan Thomas, Tim Conklin, Jeremy Pate, Ron Petrie, Shannon Jone Tom Hubbard, Peggy Bell, Lynn Hyke, OMI FROM: David Jurgens, Water and Wastewater Director A meeting of the Fayetteville Water and Sewer Committee is plann d for cember 28, 2006, at 5:30 PM, Room 326, Fayetteville City Hall. Proposed topics include. 1. Approval of the Minutes of the November 2 and December 5, 2006 Water/Sewer Committee Meetings. 2. WSIP U date. Contract Description Contractor Cost % Complete WL-1&3 Porter - Hamestring & Old Wire — Gregg Oscar Renda $ 7,014,948 59.98% WL-2 North St - Poplar - Gregg Gravity Line 2 T-G Excavating $ 4,413,664 0.00% WL-4 Gregg Ave - Hamestring LS Gravity Line Oscar Renda $ 10,441 ,319 19.30% WL-5 Force mains Hamestring - West Plant Garney Const $ 4,752,287 95.83% WL-6 Hamestring Lift Station Brasfield & Gorrie $ 6,130,000 13.38% EP-2 Noland WWTP Renovation Archer Western $ 14,702,904 76.99% WP-2 West Side WWTP Construction Brasfield & Gorrie $ 59,994,710 34.34% WP-2b Wetlands Mitigation, WWTP Site Green Sca in $ 287,040 0.00% A statement of partial release is being given for WL-3 between Porter Road and Hamestring (along Clabber Creek) to facilitate trail construction in the area. For efficiency, the WSIP contractor is leaving the silt fencing in place so the trails construction crews do not have to install a new one. 2 Construction will begin the first week of January with two crews. a. Subproject WL-5. This subproject is complete and closed out. Upon receipt of the final pay request, this subproject will be closed out. b. Subproject EP-2, Noland WWTP Renovation. Change Order Number 1 , attached, has been processed in the amount of $58.904.60. A balance of $233,975.40 remains in the contingency after the change order. This project is somewhat ahead of schedule. Per the last monthly progress meeting, Archer Western expects to reach substantial completion in March, 2007, and final completion in May, 2007. The contract dates are May for substantial and August for final. This progress may allow us to begin the contracting process for EP-1 , which involves mostly lining the wet weather basin, to as early as February, 2007. c. Beaver Lake Watershed Nutrient Reduction Study. The selection committee interviewed Black and Veatch, Geosyntec Consultants, and Newfields 13 December 2006. GeoSyntec Consultants was selected. Contract negotiations are underway. d. Adjustable Frequency Drive AFD) Purchase from Wesco Distribution, Inc. for an adjustable frequency drive (AFD) Unit in the amount of $31 ,891 .85. Large wastewater pumps are operated most efficiently by the use of AFD units that essentially act like a dimmer switch for the pump, controlling the flow to match the up and downstream requirements. This AFD will be used for two independent purposes: (1 ) While the new Gregg Avenue lift station, WL-7, is being constructed, portions of the old lift station will have to be taken out of service to make room for the new structure. Only the larger pumps will be able to remain in service, requiring the AFD during low flow periods. Failure to use the AFD will result in significant and costly pipe and pump failures as well as increased odors at the Gregg and Old Wire Road lift stations. (2) For the new Hamestring pump station, these W&S committee 28Dec06 drives will be critical for safe and efficient operation of the pump station itself and for controlling the flow entering the West Side WWTP. The lift station has three of these drives being built in as part of the WL-6 project. After the new Gregg Avenue lift station is completed, this drive shall be used as a critical shelf spare for the Hamestring lift station. Four bids (bid tab attached) were received 21 Dec 06, as shown: Wesco Distribution $ 31 ,891 .85 (low bid) AMO Electric Supply 33,383.00 Carlton-Bates Co 36,118.75 Evans Enterprises 48,796.00 Staff requests this item be forwarded to the full City Council for approval. e. Property Sale to Ozarks Electric. Ozarks Electric has approached the City about purchasing four acres and a permanent access easement to the four acres on the West Side WWTP property. Per discussion in the last Committee meeting, Staff intends to proceed with this sale without conducting an appraisal. When the proposed sale comes before the full City Council for approval, it will include a waiver of ordinance 4358. f. Wetlands Deed Restrictive Covenant. Corps of Engineers Section 404 Permit Number 14207, issued for the work associated with the Wastewater System Improvement Project, requires that the wetlands mitigation site deed contain a restrictive covenant by which the site must be held in perpetuity as a wetlands area. The attached deed restriction was modified from its original draft verbiage in order to allow the wetlands to be used as a bird watching and natural trail area, per the language that allows, in addition to required maintenance related activities, "the limited use and management of public access that is restricted to pedestrian foot-traffic only on earthen berms that surround wetland cells, for wet prairie plant community and wildlife observation and viewing, educational, and recreational purposes that would be conducted in a manner to not adversely impact the targeted natural state, or use, of the Property for compensatory mitigation, and as wildlife habitat." Staff requests this item be forwarded to the full City Council for approval. g. WSIP Farmington Area Work. The Value Engineering workshop took place 4-6 December; the joint City Staff, Farmington, and Engineer evaluation of these alternatives was conducted 20-21 December. A brief summary of the accepted evaluations will be distributed at the Committee meeting. 3. Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Project Update. a. Basins 1-5, 18 & 19 Sewer Rehab. T-G Excavating, $2,514,292, including Change Orders Number 1 and 2; 90.1 % complete. Negotiations are underway with the owner of the old Doc Murdoc's building. b. Farmington Area. Construction is expected to bid in February. 4. OMI Safety Awards. The Paul R. Noland Wastewater Treatment Plant received two safety awards this year: (1 ) a plaque from the National Safety Council recognizing OMI employees for over 500,000 hours of work at the plant without a lost time injury, and (2) an Arkansas Department of Labor award for 9 years without a lost time injury. 5. Buried Storage Tank Removal Status Update. All buried storage tanks, including three at the Noland WWTP and three in the wastewater collection system at wastewater pumping stations, have been removed. There were no signs of leakage or soil contamination at any site. We are awaiting the last soil sample results from the lab for final closure on this project. 6. Sewer Service to Van Asche/Gregg Ave Area in Johnson. Further discussion of the request to provide wastewater service to a 32 acre area in Johnson west of Gregg Ave, north of Van Asche. 7. Scheduling the Next Water/Sewer Committee Meeting. Staff recommends the next W/S Committee meeting be scheduled at 4:30 Thursday, January 25, 2007 in room 326. Attachments: Subproject EP-2, Noland WWTP Renovation, Change Order Number 1 Adjustable Frequency Drive AFD) Purchase bid tab Wetlands Deed Restriction Information Packet W&S committee 28Dec06 ap, all e e ,,c y nRxAN sr.s CHANGE ORDER Project Number 135045 Contract Number WSIP EP-2 Contract Title Noland WWTP Improvements— Headworks and Solids Handling Change Order No 1 Date of Issuance November 20, 2006 TO CONTRACTOR: Archer Western Contractors, Ltd. ORDINANCE NO: /RESOLUTION NO: The Contract is changed as follows: EFFECTIVE Item CO1-1. Archer Western Contractor's, Ltd. letter dated May 4, 2005 —Deletion of Emergency Generator and Fuel Storage Tank. Initiated by: Owner The City of Fayetteville desired the use of an Emergency Power Generator. Before the Contractor could procure and install the unit specified, the City purchased and installed a Backup Power Generator through other means. This removed the need for the generator and the above ground fuel storage tank. Contractor has been asked to remove these items and the related accessories out of his scope of work. This deletion of the engine generator, fuel tank and related accessories results in a decrease in Contract Price of$246,720.00. The change results in no change in Contract Time. Item CO1-2. Addition of Control Structure No. 1. Initiated by: Owner At the request of the Owner to ensure no delays in the EP-2 Schedule, the construction of Control Structure No. I upstream of the Headworks Building shall be added to Contractor's Scope of Work(and deleted from the documents for WSIP Subproject EL-2 being prepared by Garver Engineers). This addition of Control Structure No. I results in increase in Contract Price of$79,587.87. The change results in no change in Contract Time. Item CO1-3. Revision of Program Manager text. Initiated by: Owner The term Program Manager shall be deleted from the documents. The original intent of the Program Manager was to be an extension of the Owner's staff. Therefore, in the Project Manual, all references to "Program Manager and Owner" or"Program Manager"shall be changed to "Owner". Where the phrase "Engineer through Program Manager" appears in the Project Manual the phrase "through Program Manager"shall be deleted. This change requires no change in Contract Price. The change results in no change in Contract Time. Item COI-4. Addition of Concrete Pads at Existing Chemical Storage Day Tanks. Initiated by: Contractor Two concrete pads shall be constructed for the new day tanks at the existing chemical storage day tank containment area. These pads will provide for efficient and safe connection to the chemical feed piping and lift the storage tanks off of the floor of the containment area to minimize impact from a chemical spill. This addition of concrete pads at the existing chemical storage day tanks results in an increase in Contract Price of$5,072.00. The change results in no change in Contract Time. 00940 Change Order 00940-1 12/4/2006 (FAYETTEVILLE, AR ) (NOLAND WWTP ) (CONTRACT EP-2/PN 135045 ) Item COI-5. Upgrade Entrance Access and Security System, Electric Gate and Keypad. Initiated by: Owner At the request of the Owner, an entrance security system including an electric gate, keypad and all appurtenances shall be added to the scope of work. This change will increase security at the plant and help be plant be in compliance with security measures that the EPA is now requiring as a result of homeland security issues. This system will match the system the Water/Sewer Operations Center and to be installed at the West Side WWTP. The gate shall be wrought iron style and allow for key card entry as well as wireless entry through controls located in the existing administration building. Additional conduit shall also be provided from the gate to the Administration Building for future modifications of the system. This addition of the security system, electric gate, and keypad control system results in an increase to the Contract Price of$71,758.00. The change results in no change in Contract Time. Item COI-6. Addition of 6 inch WAS Pipeline. Initiated by: Contractor Due to an unforeseen field condition, an additional 60 feet of 6 inch pipeline was added to connect to the existing WAS pipeline. This pipeline was necessary once the Contractor located the existing pipeline in the field. The existing line was not found where it was shown on the existing as-built plans for the original construction of the line in 1984. This additional length of 6 inch WAS pipeline results in increase in Contract Price of$6,961.88. The change results in no change in Contract Time. Item COI-7. Addition of Rebar at Solids Dewatering Building. Initiated by: Contractor Additional rebar was required for splicing at the Solids Dewatering Building. This addition of rebar results in increase in Contract Price of$6,814.11. The change results in no change in Contract Time. Item COI-8. Additional Backfill Quantities at Influent Pumping Station No. 2. Initiated by: Contractor In order to provide crushed rock to the grey weathered shale at the Influent Pumping Station wetwell an additional four feet of crushed rock and a layer of filter fabric. The additional backfill quantities result in increase in Contract Price of $10,853.89. The change results in no change in Contract Time. Item COI-9. Revision of Electrical Connections at Existing Switchgear. Initiated by: Contractor At the request of the Contractor to minimize the duration of the plant electrical shut down required to perform the necessary work inside the switchgear cabinet, two new lines shall be routed under the existing switchgear pad, through two new holes cored in the slab outside the switchgear and into a junction box mounted on the exterior of the existing switchgear. This addition of the electrical boxes at the existing switchgear results in increase in Contract Price of $8,837.83. The change results in no change in Contract Time. Item COI-10. Assistance in Locating the Water Leak at Noland WWTP. Initiated by: Owner Due to an unforeseen field condition and at the request of the Owner, the Contractor assisted OMI and the City crews in locating and repairing the water leak that was discovered during excavation around the Solids Dewatering Building. The Contractor provided the use of his machinery as well as his workers to help locate the water leak. This work was billed using time and material charges. This assistance results in increase in Contract Price of$38,053.63. The change results in no change in Contract Time. 00940 Change Order 00940-2 12/4/2006 (FAYETTEVILLE, AR ) (NOLAND WWTP ) (CONTRACT EP-2/PN 135045 ) t: Item COI-11. Repair Poor Subarade. Initiated by: Owner Due to unforeseen leak in the waterline,portions of existing subgrade were replaced near the Solids Dewatering Site. The Contractor removed the poor subgrade and backfilled the areas as needed. This change of materials results in increase in Contract Price of 5,005.00. The change results in no change in Contract Time. Item COI-12. High Voltage Wire Material Change. Initiated by: Contractor Due to material shortages, the high voltage wire was changed from the material originally submitted. The new wire does not have a copper shield but is still suitable for the high voltage application. This change of materials results in decrease in Contract Price of$1,000.00. The change results in no change in Contract Time. Item COI-13. Relocation of the Potable Water Backflow Preventor. Initiated by: Owner Per the City of Fayetteville Water Department request, the backflow preventor was relocated to isolate the City's potable water system from the water used at the plant. The Contractor worked in conjunction with the City's crew to relocated the existing backflow preventor and vault. Additional pipeline for the relocation was purchased by the City and installed by the Contractor. This change of materials results in no change in Contract Price. The change results in no change in Contract Time. Item COI-14. Modification of 30 inch and 36 inch IPS #2 Discharge Piping_. Initiated by: Contractor Due to an unforeseen field condition, additional 30 inch and 36 inch piping was required to connect to the existing Influent Pumping Station No. 1 discharge piping. This pipe was show at the incorrect elevation on the existing as-built plans. This modification results in increase in Contract Price of$53,679.39. The change results in no change in Contract Time. Item COI-15. Addition of Primary and Secondary Return Scum Line. Initiated by: Engineer Per OMI's request, additional 6 inch pipe to connect the existing Primary and Secondary Return Scum Line to the new Control Structure No. 2 at the Headworks Building. This change includes the addition of 6 inch ductile iron pipe and a new 6 inch plug valve. This change results in increase in Contract Price of$9,831.00. The change results in no change in Contract Time. Item CO1-16. Purchase of WAS pumas. Initiated by: Owner Per OMI's request, a WAS pump is to be purchased by the Contractor and installed by OMI at the Aeration Basin. This change includes the pump, valves and appurtenances. This change will increase reliability for wasting sludge at the plant. This change results in increase in Contract Price of$10,170.00. The change results in no change in Contract Time. 00940 Change Order 00940-3 12/4/2006 (FAYETTEVILLE, AR ) (NOLAND W WTP ) (CONTRACT EP-2/PN 135045 ) Not valid until signed by both the Contractor and the Owner. The original Contract Price was ..................................................................................................$ 14,644,000.00 Net change by previously authorized Change Orders .................................................................$ 0.00 The Contract Price prior to this Change Order was ....................................................................$ 14,644,000.00 The Contract Price will be (X increased) (❑ decreased) (❑ unchanged) by ..............................$ 58.904.60 The new Contract Price including this Change Order will be .....................................................$ 14,702,904.60 The Contract Times will be (❑ increased) (❑ decreased) (X unchanged) by ............................( 0 ) days Required date of Substantial Completion as of the date of this Change Order therefore is ........ NOTE: This summary does not reflect changes in the Contract Price or C tract Times which have been authorized by Work Change Directives not incorporated in this or previous C an e Orders. OL CONTRACTOR O DATE BY DATE I certify there is a balance otherwise unencumbered to the credit of the appropriation to which the above amount is chargeable, and a cash balance otherwise unencumbered in the treasury to the credit of the fund from which payment is to be made, each sufficient to meet the above obligation. Distribution: ❑ Owner(4) ❑ Contractor ❑ Engineer 00940 Change Order 00940-4 12/4/2006 (FAYETTEVILLE, AR ) (NOLAND W WTP ) (CONTRACT EP-2/PN 135045 ) v CD CA 0 oq p N m o "O CL m (D m o (D a rr m N c < ° O n � n _ � r m � .0 F m CD n c X c n I o 0 r r < 0 W r= CL 0 CD a) r° m n n o n v CD m n CD ¢' 3 3 B U) 3 3 , fD (D 3 CDCD O A O rt 0 n n n n �G 0 7 W W W W ; a cn cn cn cn .,, 0 0 0 C) o Coll C C v -o o -o o r r r N' O > cr � Efl {fl EA Efl �O� z n K �_ co am m N 00 0 0) 00 W c0°n o Mo 93N A. 2 WSIP Deed Restriction Covenant City Council Meeting of January 2, 2008age 2 of 18 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMO To: Fayetteville City Council Thru: Mayor Dan Coody Fayetteville Sewer Committee From: David Jurgen, Water & Wastewater Director Date: December 12, 2006 Subject: Approval of a Deed Restriction Covenant for the WSIP Wetland Compensatory Mitigation Site, as Required by Corps of Engineers Section 404 Permit Number 14207 RECOMMENDATION Fayetteville City Administration recommends approval of a Deed Restriction Covenant for the Wastewater System Improvement Project (WSIP) Wetland Compensatory Mitigation Site, as required by Corps of Engineers Section 404 Permit number 14207, attached. BACKGROUND Corps of Engineers Section 404 Permit Number 14207, issued for the work associated with the Wastewater System Improvement Project, requires that the wetlands mitigation site deed contain a restrictive covenant by which the site must be held in perpetuity as a wetlands area. DISCUSSION The attached deed restriction was modified from its original draft verbiage in order to allow the wetlands to be used as a bird watching and natural trail area, per the language that allows, in addition to required maintenance related activities, "the limited use and management of public access that is restricted to pedestrian foot-traffic only on earthen berms that surround wetland cells, for wet prairie plant community and wildlife observation and viewing, educational, and recreational purposes that would be conducted in a manner to not adversely impact the targeted natural state, or use, of the Property for compensatory mitigation, and as wildlife habitat." Originally, the draft restriction was written such that no public was allowed, and only maintenance activities could be conducted on the land. This change has been coordinated with and approved by the Corps of Engineers. The wetlands site is under construction, and conforms to all Corps requirements in all ways. With the construction of the berms that have already been built, the area is naturally reverting to its original wetlands state, with wetlands plants and birds showing up as early as August, 2006. BUDGETIWACT The only cost is the county filing fee of less than $50.00. Wetlands Deed Restrict CCMemoDecO6.doc A. 2 WSIP Deed Restriction Covenant Page 4 of 18 NOTICE OF DEED RESTRICTION STATE OF ARKANSAS COUNTY OF WASHINGTON KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS THAT: The City of Fayetteville is the owner of the real property more particularly described in the attached legal description and shown in the attached map of the mitigation site based on a survey performed by a registered professional land surveyor; the legal description and the map are made a part hereof. For all purposes throughout this document, that real property will be referred to as the "Property". As of the date executed, the .Property has been designated as a mitigation site associated with U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Section 404 Permit No.'14207; said permit relating to the planned construction of Fayetteville's wastewater system improvements project. A copy of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Section 404 Permit No. 14207 will be attached to and recorded. with this notice. The permit grants authorization to City of Fayetteville for the placement of fill material in wetlands, to perform work in waters of the United States and approves compensatory mitigation for the wastewater project's environmental impacts. Any purchaser of all or any part of the Property or any person having an interest in or proposing to acquire an interest in all or any part of the Property, or any person proposing to develop or improve all or any part of the Property, is hereby notified of the following development restriction affecting the Property: Any activity on the Property must comply with the terms and special conditions described in U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Section 404 Permit No. 14207, or a revision thereof: It should be noted that the Property has been designated to be preserved, in perpetuity, as compensatory mitigation for environmental impacts to wetlands and wildlife habitat mitigation as a result of the wastewater project, and may not be converted to another use. Prohibited activities on the Property may include, but are not limited to: clearing, logging, bush hogging, mowing, spraying with herbicides, filling, leveling, draining, dumping, construction of any structure and any other activity that would adversely impact the targeted natural state, or use, of the Property for compensatory mitigation, and as wildlife habitat; unless the activity is necessary to enhance wildlife habitat or for wetland/upland buffer area enhancement. This specific deed- restriction, however, does not prohibit or preclude the use of bush hogging; mowing; spraying with herbicides to control invasive, non-native, and undesirable plant species; controlled burning; selective cutting and/or spraying with herbicides to control woody plant species within vegetational zones designated for upland prairie, wet meadow, marsh, and/or open water habitats; hydrological control and management; construction of structures, or any other upland/wet prairie management tools necessary to enhance and maintain the biological integrity of the site to meet targeted wetland compensatory mitigation goals specified within the Wetland Compensatory Mitigation Plan submitted to, and approved by, the Little Rock District U.S. Army Corps of Engineers by the City of Fayetteville, and as 1 A. 2 WSIP Deed Restriction Covenant Page 5 of 18 required by Section 404 Permit No. 14207. Prior to utilizing the aforementioned prairie management tools, or conducting other natural resource management of wildlife enhancement activities involving alteration of the Property would require prior approval from the Little Rock District Corps of Engineers Prohibited activities on the Property do not include; and the targeted natural state, . or use, of the Property for compensatory mitigation, and as wildlife habitat specified within the Wetland Compensatory Mitigation Plan submitted to, and approved by, the Little Rock District U.S. Army Corps of Engineers by the City of Fayetteville, and as required'by Section 404 Permit No. 14207,-does not prohibit or preclude; the limited use and management of public access that is restricted to pedestrian foot- traffic oottraffic only on earthen berms that surround wetland cells,for wet prairie plant community and wildlife observation and viewing, educational, and recreational purposes that would be conducted in a manner to not adversely impact the targeted natural state,or use, of the Property for compensatory mitigation, and as wildlife habitat. Restrictions for use by the public shall prohibit access by any motorized vehicle .or bicycle; any access within wetland cells; access by dogs (even on leashes) or other pets; tampering or adjusting water level retention structures; littering; hunting; collection of any plant or animal specimens; or the removal or destruction of any natural or man-made feature located at the mitigation site. Prohibited activities on the Property do not include; and the targeted natural state, or use, of the Property for compensatory mitigation, and as wildlife habitat specified within the Wetland Compensatory Mitigation Plan submitted to, and approved by, the Little Rock District U.S. Army Corps of Engineers by the'City of Fayetteville, and as required by Section 404 Permit No. 14207, does not prohibit or preclude access to wetland cells within the Property by parties and/or entities approved by the City gfFayetteville and the Little Rock District U.S. Army Corps of Engineers . for the purpose of academic endeavors, wet prairie ecological research, and/or wet prairie monitoring and management that would be conducted in a manner to not adversely impact the targeted natural state, or use, of the Property for compensatory mitigation, and as wildlife habitat. .EXECUTED this day of , 2006 BY: SUBSCRIBED AND:SWORN TO BEFORE ME by , on this the day of , 2006, to certify which witness my hand and seal of office. Notary Public in and for the State of Arkansas My Commission expires: Printed Name of Notary: 2 5 4� N3 JS I6 E9>fl92' p ;. . • 6,4E,8T W N] ) �J'. e �_ tE�' // � % m 953•'1 +1{ Fi M1/ x _ jFj && ¢C£ a O OMI u ; 7. ; o < 3 m it �77��{ x� -i 1 { r { s �� Qm Q �C s < m m 1, a r w - =1 �• i N � -1 i �I �C < 7 m ;j�rpo ; O 0 E m i t i t m-n kti 'A i ! 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