HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006-11-30 - Agendas - Final aye �evlle WATER/SEWER COMMITTEE AGENDA Meeting Date of November 30, 2006 COMMITTEE: Chairman Kyle Cook; Alderman: Lioneld Jordan, Bobby Ferrell, Robert Reynolds COPY TO: Mayor Dan Coody, Sondra Smith, Gary Dumas, Paul Becker, Susan Thomas, Tim Conklin, Jeremy Pate, Ron Petrie, Sh nnon Jones, Tom Hubbard, Peggy Bell, Lynn Hyke FROM: David Jurgens, Water and Wastewater Director A meeting of the Fayetteville Water and Sewer Committee is plannetfNoLvember 30, 2006, at 5:30 PM, Room 326, Fayetteville City Hall. Proposed topics include: 1. WSIP U date. Contract Description Contractor Cost % Complete WL-1&3 Porter- Hamestring &Old Wire-Gregg Oscar Renda $ 7,014,948 54.03% WL-2 North St- Poplar-Gregg Gravity Line T-G Excavating $ 4,413,664 0.00% WL-4 Gregg Ave- Hamestring LS Gravity Line Oscar Renda $ 10,441,319 18.03% WL-5 Force mains Hamestring-West Plant Gamey Const $ 4,752,287 95.83% WL-6 Harriestring Lift Station * Brasfield &Gorrie $ 6,130,000 5.77% EP-2 Noland WWTP Renovation Archer Western $ 14,644,000 74.94% WP-2 West Side WWTP Construction Brasfield & Gorrie $ 59,994,710 30.01% WP-2b Wetlands Mitigation, WWTP Site Green Scaping $ 287,040 0.00% a. Subproject WL-5. City Staff and Arkansas Natural Resources Commission engineer Mike Core will conduct the final inspection on Wednesday, 29 November, 2006. Upon completion of any punch list items identified in that inspection (none are expected) and receipt of the final pay request, this subproject will be closed out. b. Beaver Lake Watershed Nutrient Reduction Study. The City received seven proposals and one no-bid statement for the Beaver Lake Watershed Nutrient Reduction Study. The engineering selection committee met 21 November; three firms were short listed: Black and Veatch, Geosyntec Consultants, and Newfields. Interviews will be held 13 December. c. Property Sale to Ozarks Electric. Ozarks Electric has approached the City about purchasing four acres and a permanent access easement to the four acres on the West Side WWTP property. The approximate location is shown on the attached map. Staff and Ozarks Electric have discussed a value of$35,000 per acre. Given the proximity to the actual WWTP, this land could not be sold to any private entity: Having the electrical substation located so close to the WWTP is also a benefit to the WWTP, as it reduced the chances of a power failure. Staff requests guidance concerning whether or not to conduct an appraisal, with an estimated cost of $1,500 and taking longer than two months to complete, as required in ordinance 4358 (copy attached). d. East Side Line Work Construction Phase Engineering services contract Change Order Number 2 with Garver Engineering, $999,857. The attached contract amendment is for all construction and post construction phase services associated with the east side line work, with an estimated construction cost of over $23 million. As these construction contracts are being finalized, it is time to bring this contract forward. This is the last major Engineering contract required for the WSIP. Staff requests this item be forwarded to the full City Council for approval. e. WSIP Farmington Area Work. The Value Engineering workshop will take place 4-6 December. f. Easement Update. An easement update summary is attached. W&S committee 30NovO6 2. Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Project Update. a. Basins 1-5, 18 & 19 Sewer Rehab. T-G Excavating, $2,266,606, including change order number 1; 90.4% complete. As discussed in an out-of-cycle memorandum, Change Order Number 2, to reroute the 100 year old sewer line above which the old Doc Murdoc's building was constructed, is proposed for presentation to the full City Council at the 16 December meeting. A copy of that change order and descriptive memorandum is attached. b. Farmington Area. Draft plans, the preliminary design report, and the categorical exclusion request have been submitted to the City, State agencies, and USEPA. Draft plans will be submitted by 10 December. Construction is expected to bid in February. 3. 2007 Water and Sewer Budget. Staff will be prepared to answer questions pertaining to the 2007 Water and Sewer Budget. 4. Water Transmission Surge Tank Painting. Project underway. We are awaiting cost estimates for full repairs on the tank floor where the deterioration was determined to be greater than anticipated. 5. Sewer Service to Van Asche/Gregg Ave Area in Johnson. The City of Fayetteville has received a request to provide wastewater service to a 32 acre area in Johnson west of Gregg Avenue and north of Van Asche. The area is within Fayetteville's water service territory south of Clear Creek Jorgenson Engineers, the requestor, was given specific instructions on how to proceed with this request, and has met all of those requirements. Details are in the attached packet, including a letter of request, the guidance letter on how to proceed from the City of Fayetteville, a resolution from the City of Johnson requesting the City of Fayetteville provide wastewater service, and a map and legal description of the area. 6. Scheduling the Next Water/Sewer Committee Meeting. Staff recommends the next W/S Committee meeting be scheduled at 5:30 Thursday, December 28, 2006 in room 326, following the City Council Agenda Session. Attachments: Ozarks Electric Proposed Land Sale Map and Ordinance 4358 Garver Engineering Change Order Number 2, WSIP Construction Phase Services Easement Summary T-G Excavating Change Order Number 2 Information Packet Van Asche/Gregg Ave Area in Johnson Information Packet W&S committee 30Nov06 �«xo'•T Np)'q J .qyq" PEPSII/,.py SiREEi c[YM14 N. Kxl AB) t 41AIp.4}I _ tV a CITY OF FAYET(EVILLE ap REMAINDER I I .,,.r. 6x,...r.�,sm�x .r �>•t +�8 _TRACT A _m°n."�i% �j k l , � mvrxarx v, \1\ rmx Y •• n. . _QITY OF FAYETTEVILLE TRACTS x 41 "a`rc t ET EnN IGITIGnTlMsw T3.. a "czrn a"'w"oa mi p — tl + (Part of T t'F t0 DB PBtliceletl) T R �r�a°w`o'ynaeo°m ; a° n�eeonoleooeFo tH xsuw[er,on R "..,.,wt�..°' n y . k yWaaxmwruns kl 0 MpCxpp pnu��(^ nClmry cx lNES KMnlr,vru A pW50mNrl'1vIM LPM COXPP0r9 y H 9GUBEOINV3 Er1cWECRS J R \\\ e a k PR oa Spo B Out TRACT C ,,,,.,.`\ DETAIL �" E.ar crnr..>ru[ gx.r ,'"".o,.:wy nL� °"orov..• L '!� x• It 3C 1e 7.�!�)' h P .s° Yio }�i a \r s �� '�• &� s .�ro, y.. w�' �. l y , , wasr,w nro vx.W.uurp ttl.. rotFa`Y'•.71:�t:: d 5� CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE + [ I ,?+t REMAINDER •ATRACT a,.rs. ifltl le i ')f sd+«xnc Fii 3 ^-' spa ap CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE a REMAINDER TRACT E Y xoLww Nro,+rkmx, ia,aoiOtr+s`�,nc,ev. t ""'0 wooucvrrLwmuP—"— id:aeE .Y o-w.,nery e .rrs 7 IGf��gq�I��G�W�f>�Pylfll��EE9�G - �coidod ,729150M lV ? PEl mr ns 1y BotNOSton Co tV. i ^30111.11 Cl N _— — F11ooOLJ-000O01Zn t 1• VY AUG714-2002 LIED 10.01 illi n, }07-2813Q 12:17 • , NATER TANK SITE B. 1 Page I I ORDINANCE NO. 4358 1ViICff$©A AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPM 34; FINANCE AND XLA ENUE,OF THE CODE OF FAYEITSVILLE,TO ESTABLISH A FORMAL PROCESS FOR TBE SALE OF MUNICIPALLY-OWNED REAL PROPERTY. WHEREAS, from time to time, the City of Fayetteiille finds it necessary and desirable to offer for sale certain parcels of real property in its possession;and. WHEREAS, the sale of any such municipally-owned real property 'is a matter of great importance and concern to the citizens of the City of Fayetteville; NOW, THEREFORE, Ell Ir ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CTPy OF FAYErrEvalE,ARKANSAS: Section I That Chapter 34;Ffranoe and Revenue,Code of Fayetteville in hereby amended by inserting the following: pi.27 Sale of munidpallr-owned rest property- (A) roperty(A) Aro municipally owned real ptoperW $tall be offered for rite without the a ni express authorvation, by resoludam, of the arty Council. The City Council shall y determine whedw the property shouted be remned prior to offering it for sale' c tn G:e Ci Council that the r (B)Such resolutions stall contain a specific findhng by city r y subject real property no Imager$erves a mun%#W purpose. + (C)Two (2) simultaneous and independent appraiesla of the real property shall be a K d Obtained by the Cit'for the Council's conatde eon, dated within six(6) months of the Proposed tale. A (D) Public notice shall be gbeen not ices than thirty K calendar days before the Ent — Cfty Council meeting at which such a resolution is introduced, by an of the following � t means: y ao (1) A corspauaus display advertisement placed in a newspaper of general circulation in the Cay,on at least four(4)separate occasions; d (2) Cudfied asap,retum receipt requested,to all adjacent property owners; - - (3) Sfgts, prominently dbPlaytd, and at all approach" to the subject real property, announcvrg that the City Councit will be considering the sale of the real AM-14=2002 WED 10:01 AM • P.02 WATER TANK SITE B. 1 Page 12 Ord. 4358 property,the date on which the sok is to be debated,as wan as&a talaphone immbor of the lvlayvea C7fim. (E) Upon an affirmative vote of the City CoundL the City elan solldt wiled bide, era mldmum price set by the City Cmmcll.from aU inter ted parties.Bids must equal . or exceed the w dmum prim cat by the City Council and the appraised value of the property. (l) The City sM31 sell the subje¢i real propnsry to the highest quplifled bidder. In Be event now of the bids from a qualified bidder Mush the minimum price set by the City council, the City sball reject an bids, and may reopen the bidding, upon City Ceara approval. (0). Upon receipt of an acceptable Md and authorization by a sepataw resolution of the city Caurxil.the omweyanue of the real property shall be performad by the Mayor and City MAL (g) Tmnpt ores froFa the Requirements of this Ordinance. (1) The ask of industrial perk busism park,and technology park laude are expressly exampt from the providers of this ordhance. (2) The sale of all property to oder public esilim or to a nm►profit arporation for charitable purposes shMn only M111"a single apPraiaah,a angle display advertisement plead in a newspaper of general circulation in the City,the cerMW mail, and sign requirements set forth in subsections (D)(2) be(g). pollowm$tha setting of a mvdamm prion by the City Courted no lower than the appraised vahte, and the sae clan be . ic entity of nonfit-procorporation may purtbase the property at that prim exempt from the provisions of subsoetimn(6),(17,k(G)of this orditanw- PAS5ED AND ANTROVED this 2ie day of January,2002. APPROVED: By: DAN COODYr Ma ATTM. � HPYt WOODR ,,City Qerk TOTAL P.e2 AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE FAYETTEVILLE,ARKANSAS CONTRACT AMENDMENT NO.2 Fayetteville Wastewater System Improvement Project This Contract Amendment No. 2, dated 2006 shall amend the original contract between the CITY OF FAYETTEVLLE, ARKANSAS and GARVER ENGINEERS, LLC, (Garver) dated July 15, 2003, amended on July 7, 2004, for professional engineering services in connection with the Wastewater System Improvement Project, and in particular the 'East Collection System (the "Project'). This Contract Amendment No. 2 adds professional engineering services for the Construction Phase Services and Additional Services, as described herein. The City of Fayetteville has approved and accepted as complete the work accomplished by Garver under the original contract and the provisions in Amendment No. I (dated February 6, 2004 and executed on July 7,2004)with the exception of the work remaining under Bidding Phase Services. The City of Fayetteville has determined to repackage previously submitted Construction Contract Documents into three Construction Projects as follows: • Construction Contract Number I —Designated as EL-1&2 and comprised of Pump Station 19 Improvements,Force Main 19, and Line 7. • Construction Contract Number 2—Designated as EL-3&5 and comprised of Lines 4 and 15. • Lift Station Contract Number 3 — Designated as EL-4 and comprised of Pump Stations 13, 14, 16, and 18. The contract is hereby modified as follows: Contract Amendment No.2 1 of 11 0605-1300 Fayetteville Wastewater Improvements SECTION 2-BASIC SERVICES OF GARVER The following Sections 2.4,2.5,and 2.6 supercede corresponding Sections in the original contract. 2.4 Construction Phase 2.4.1 Consult with and advise City of Fayetteville and act as City of Fayetteville's Engineer as provided in General Conditions of the Construction Contract. The extent and limitations of the duties, responsibilities, and authority of Garver as assigned in said General Conditions shall not be modified without Garver's written consent. 2.4.2 Attend progress/coordination meetings with City of Fayetteville and Contractor. 2.4.3 Review Contractor(s) schedules for Work progress, equipment and materials procurement, submittals,and values for partial pay purposes, and project cash flow requirements. 2.4.4 Perform limited staking of permanent easements at locations as requested by the City. 2.4.5 Evaluate and respond to RFIs, construction material submittals, and shop drawings. Corrections or comments made by Garver on the shop drawings during this review will not relieve Contractor from compliance with requirements of the drawings and specifications. The check will only be for review of general conformance with the design concept of the project and general compliance with the information given in the contract documents. The Contractor will be responsible for confirming and correlating all quantities and dimensions, selecting fabrication processes and techniques of construction, coordinating his work with that of all other trades, and performing his work in a safe and satisfactory manner. 2.4.6 Make visits to the Site at intervals appropriate to the stages of construction to consult with and advise Garver's Resident Project Representative and observe the progress and quality of the executed Work, and to determine, in general, if the Project is proceeding in accordance with the Contract Documents. Garver shall not be responsible for construction means, methods, techniques, sequences, or procedures, or for safety precautions or programs, or for Contractor's failure to perform construction work in accordance with the Contract Documents. Contract Amendment No.2 2 of 11 0605-1300 Fayetteville Wastewater Improvements a 1 2.4.7 Provide coordination with utility companies as required. 2.4.8 Provide coordination with ECO,Inc. as required. 2.4.9 Maintain a set of working drawings to record all significant changes in the designed project. 2.4.10 Issue all instructions of City of Fayetteville to Contractor(s), act as interpreter of the terms and conditions of the Contract Documents and judge of the performance hereunder by the parties thereto, and make recommendations to City of Fayetteville relating to the execution and progress of the Work and other matters and questions related thereto; but Garver shall not be liable for the results of any such recommendations, interpretations, or decisions rendered by Garver Engineers in good faith. 2.4.11 When authorized by the City of Fayetteville, prepare change orders for changes in the work from that originally provided for in the Construction Contract Documents. If redesign or substantial engineering or surveying is required in the preparation of these change order documents, the City of Fayetteville will pay Garver an additional fee (unless changes are required due to the fault of Garver Engineers) to be agreed upon by the City of Fayetteville 1 and Garver. 3 2.4.12 In performing Construction Phase Services, Garver will endeavor to protect the City of Fayetteville against defects and deficiencies in the work of the Contractor(s); but Garver cannot guarantee the performance of the Contractor(s), nor be responsible for the actual supervision of construction operations or for the safety measures that the Contractor(s) takes or should take. 2.4.13 If at any time during construction Garver observes that the Contractor's work does not comply with the construction contract documents, Garver will immediately notify the Contractor of such non-compliance and instruct him to correct the deficiency and/or stop work, as appropriate for the situation. Garver will also record the observance, the discussion, and the actions taken. If the Contractor continues without satisfactory corrective action, Garver will notify the City of Fayetteville immediately, so that appropriate action under the City of Fayetteville's contract with the Contractor can be taken. Contract Amendment No.2 3 of 11 . 0605-1300 Fayetteville Wastewater Improvements 2.4.14 Review Contractor(s) applications for payment and supporting data, determine the amounts owed to Contractor(s), and recommend approval to City of Fayetteville, in writing, of all payments to Contractor(s)in accordance with the Contract Documents. 2.4.15 Submit detailed monthly Progress Reports to City of Fayetteville. 2.4.16 Conduct a preliminary inspection to confirm that the Project is substantially complete and a final inspection to determine that the Project has been totally completed in accordance with the Contract Documents. Final inspection is to determine that the Contractor has fulfilled all of his obligations hereunder so that Garver Engineers may recommend approval, in writing, of final payment to the Contractor. 2.4.17 The services described in the preceding paragraphs describe those services for Construction Contracts I and 2. The services to be rendered for Lift Station Contract 3 shall be limited to those described in Paragraphs 2.4.6,2.4.15,and 2.4.16. 2.5 Post-Construction Phase 2.5.1 Provide qualified engineers during equipment start-up and instruct City of Fayetteville's personnel in equipment function and intended use. 2.5.2 Prepare a reproducible Set of Record Drawings revised to show significant changes made during construction of the Project in accordance with records provided by Contractor and Garver's Resident Project Representative. 2.5.3 Produce an Operation and Maintenance Manual for Pump Station 19. 2.5.4 Produce a Project Performance Work Plan for each Construction Project. 2.5.5 The products under this section shall be provided to the City of Fayetteville no later than 90 days after Garver's recommendation of final payment to each Contractor except for the Project Performance Work Plan which will be required only if the Project is funded through the State Revolving Loan Fund(RLF)and, if so,as specified in the RLF regulations. Contract Amendment No.2 4 of 11 0605-1300 Fayetteville Wastewater Improvements 2.5.6 The services described in the preceding paragraphs describe those services for Construction Contracts 1 and 2. The services to be rendered for Lift Station Contract 3 shall be limited to those described in Paragraphs 2.5.1 and 2.5.2. 2.6 Resident Services During Construction 2.6.1 A Resident Project Representative shall be furnished and shall act as directed by Garver to provide representation at the Project Site during the Construction Phase based on 8 hours per 1 day, 5 days per week for the construction contract performance time of 450 calendar days for j Contract No. 1 and 300 calendar days for Contract No. 2 and for 1 hour per day, 5 days per week for the construction contract performance time of 180 calendar days for Lift Station Contract No. 3. i 2.6.2 In performing Resident Project Representative Services, Garver will endeavor to protect the City of Fayetteville against defects and deficiencies in the work of the Contractor(s). i 2.6.3 The furnishing of such Resident Project Representative Services shall not make Garver responsible for the performance of the Contractor(s) or the Contractor(s) construction means, i methods, techniques, sequences, or procedures, or for safety precautions or programs, or for 1 Contractor(s) failure to perform the construction work in accordance with the Contract Documents. Furthermore, Garver shall not be responsible for the actual supervision of construction operations. 2.6.4 The Resident Project Representative(s) shall, through on-site observations of the work in progress, field checks of materials and equipment, and maintenance of jobsite records verify that the Project is proceeding in accordance with the Contract Documents. 2.6.5 The Resident Project Representative shall also provide the following specific services. Consult with and advise the City of Fayetteville during the construction period. Coordinate with the firm providing construction materials quality assurance testing under separate contract with the City of Fayetteville. Contract Amendment No.2 5 of 11 0605-1300 Fayetteville Wastewater Improvements Maintain a file of quantities incorporated into the work, test reports, certifications, shop drawings and submittals,and other appropriate information. Maintain a project diary which will contain information pertinent to each site visit including date and weather conditions, names of important visitors, construction work in progress and location, size of Contractor's work force and equipment in use, number of hours worked by Contractor's forces, and substance of important conversations with the Contractor. Garver will provide copies to City of Fayetteville as requested. Submit weekly summaries of construction status. The services described in the preceding paragraphs describe those services for Construction Contracts 1 and 2. The services to be rendered for Lift Station Contract 3 shall not include those described in Paragraphs and SECTION 3-ADDITIONAL SERVICES OF GARVER The following Section 3.1.7 supercedes the corresponding Section in the original contract. 3.1.7 Extra Services Provide ongoing Project coordination and support during the period between the submittals of final Construction Contract Documents to the City of Fayetteville in 2005 and the approval of this Contract Amendment. Perform field investigations to determine physical changes which may have occurred between the February, March, and April 2005 submittals of final Construction Contract Documents to the City of Fayetteville and the approval of this Contract Amendment. Perform redesigns to accommodate physical changes discovered during field investigations, those required by side letters resulting from acquisition negotiations, and those requested by the City for the convenience of the City of Fayetteville. Perform the following specific redesigns per City of Fayetteville instructions: Contract Amendment No.2 6 of 11 0605-1300 Fayetteville Wastewater Improvements i I Pump Station 13 - Redesign sewer alignment to retain discharge of existing gravity sewers to the wet well, reconfigure the placement of valves controlling discharge from the pumps to the 36-inch and 42-inch lines, and relocate Manhole No. 39 to a point adjacent to the existing manhole on the 36-inch line. Pump Station 14—Redesign emergency power generator set. Pump Station 16 - Relocate generator pad closer to the overhead electric line feeding the pump station. Line 7 -Station 188+00±-Redesign the access drive to the natural gas regulator plant. Line 7 - Relocate the Highway 16 crossing to avoid the necessity of a new easement at the Hinkle Mobile Home Park. Line 7 - Revise the design of Junction Structure No. 1, adjacent to Pump Station 21, to delete slide gates, as designed,and replace with stop logs. Repackage previously submitted Construction Contract Documents into three Construction Projects as follows: Construction Contract Number 1 — Designated as EL-1&2 and comprised of Pump Station 19 Improvements,Force Main 19, and Line 7. Construction Contract Number 2 — Designated as EL-3&5 and comprised of Line 4 and Line 15. Lift Station Contract Number 3 — Designated as EL-4 and comprised of Pump Stations 13, 14, 16,and 18. Update and/or revise Front End Documents of previously submitted Construction Contract Manuals to conform to the Front End Documents provided by City of Fayetteville. Changes will include, but not be limited to, addition of required forms and Contract Amendment No. 2 7 of 11 0605-1300 Fayetteville Wastewater Improvements references relating to State Revolving Loan Fund funding, said forms and references having been previously removed at the direction of the City of Fayetteville. Update and/or revise Technical Specifications of previously submitted Construction Contract Manuals to conform to comments and changes requested by the City of Fayetteville. Replot all drawings to accommodate aforementioned changes and revised page numbers. Recalculate construction quantities and update Opinions of Probable Construction Costs. Reissue reconfigured/revised construction drawings to all affected utilities. Coordinate with affected utilities prior to advertisements for bids. Update and/or reapply for all Arkansas Department of Health and Human Services and Arkansas Highway and Transportation Department Permits,as appropriate. Reapply for Arkansas Department of Labor wage rate determinations. The extra services Lift Station Contract 3 shall not include those services described in Paragraphs,,,,and SECTION 6—PAYMENTS TO GARVER The following Sections 6.1.2, 6.1.3, 6.1.4, 6.1.5, and 6.1.6 supercede corresponding Sections in the original contract. Sections 6.1.7 and 6.1.8 are added as part of this amendment. 6.1.2 Bidding Phase Services For the Scope of Services during the Bidding Phase described herein, City of Fayetteville shall pay Garver the lump sum amount of Sixty Two Thousand Seven Hundred Sixty United States Dollars (US $62,760). This amendment allows for reallocating the remaining unbilled portion of the design fee for Pump Station 18 ($10,998.50) to Bidding Phase Services, covered by our original agreement, to cover extra Bidding Phase Services work and Contract Amendment No. 2 8 of 11 0605-1300 Fayetteville Wastewater Improvements escalation of costs since the execution of the original contract. The City of Fayetteville directed Garver not to finish construction documents for Pump Station 18. 6.1.3 Construction Phase Services For Construction Phase Services the City of Fayetteville shall pay Garver for time spent on the project, at the rates shown in attached Exhibit 1 for each classification of Garver personnel. In addition, reimbursable expenses including but not limited to printing, courier service, reproduction, and travel will be billed. The amounts paid to Garver under this agreement are estimated to be: Construction Contract I - $208,905 Construction Contract 2- $106,097 Lift Station Contract 3 - $19,398 6.1.4 Post-Construction Phase Services For Post-Construction Phase Services the City of Fayetteville shall pay Garver for time spent on the project, at the rates shown in attached Exhibit I for each classification of Garver personnel. In addition, reimbursable expenses including but not limited to printing, courier service, reproduction, and travel will be billed. The amounts paid to Garver under this agreement are estimated to be: Construction Contract I - $47,978 Construction Contract 2 $22,697 Lift Station Contract 3 - $8,586 6.1.5 Resident Services During Construction For Resident Services During Construction the City of Fayetteville shall pay Garver for time spent on the project, at the rates shown in attached Exhibit 1 for each classification of Garver personnel. In addition, reimbursable expenses including but not limited to printing, courier service, reproduction, and travel will be billed. The amounts paid to Garver under this agreement are estimated to be: Contract Amendment No.2 9 of 11 0605-1300 Fayetteville Wastewater Improvements Construction Contract 1 - $277,840 Construction Contract 2- $184,572 Lift Station Contract 3 - $22,684 6.1.6 Additional Services For Additional Services the City of Fayetteville shall pay Garver for time spent on the project, at the rates shown in attached Exhibit I for each classification of Garver personnel. In addition, reimbursable expenses including but not limited to printing, courier service, reproduction, and travel will be billed. The amounts paid to Garver under this agreement are estimated to be: Construction Contract 1 - $45,900 Construction Contract 2- $33,600 Lift Station Contract 3 - $21,600 6.1.7 The rates shown in Exhibit I will be increased annually with the first increase effective on or about May 1, 2007. 6.1.8 The total Not-to-Exceed Fee amount for Construction Phase Services, Post-Construction Phase Services, Resident Services During Construction, and Additional Services is $999,857. Overruns and underruns may occur in each phase provided that the total amount billed is at or below the total Not-to-Exceed Fee amount. Contract Amendment No.2 10 of 11 0605-1300 Fayetteville Wastewater Improvements IN TESTIMONY OF WHICH,this instrument has been executed on behalf of GARVER ENGINEERS, and has been executed on behalf of the CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, in three (3) counterparts, each of equal force,on the day and year first above written. CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE GARVER ENGINEERS,LLC By: By: Brock Hoskins Title: Title: Vice President ATTEST: ATTEST: Contract Amendment No.2 11 of 11 0605-1300 Fayetteville Wastewater Improvements Exhibit 1 Garver Engineers Hourly Rate Schedule Classification Rates Senior Project Manager $ 180.00 Project Manager $ 155.00 Aviation Planner $ 89.00 Automation/Controls Specialist $ 125.00 Senior Project Engineer $ 120.00 Operations Specialist $ 107.00 Project Engineer $ 100.00 Senior Design Engineer $ 90.00 Sr. Construction Engineer $ 88.00 Construction Engineer $ 73.00 Design Engineer/Designer $ 73.00 Sr. Environmental Scientist $ 97.00 Environmental Scientist $ 52.00 CADD Administrator $ 96.00 Senior CADD Technician $ 88.00 CADD Technician $ 58.00 Senior Construction Observer $ 86.00 Construction Observer $ 68.00 Senior Project Surveyor $ 100.00 Project Surveyor $ 74.00 Party Chief $ 70.00 Instrument Man $ 50.00 Rodman $ 40.00 Administration $ 52.00 Clerical $ 56.00 Clerical 11 $ 45.00 2-Man Crew(Survey) $ 138.00 3-Man Crew(Survey) $ 180.00 2-Man Crew (GPS Survey) $ 180.00 3-Man Crew(GPS Survey) $ 222.00 . � 00 ) 0 o� ,17 \- \ _ ) %_ . � m \ \ \ S z § � ¥ o ƒ § Z W � w06m C11 U)c \ . 0 - e E k 0 \} 22 « ab SU) - wow . � \ k § § \ _ : � \ mw � w 7 ( \ o ® z ® { < ( \ { / 00- 0 LL < 4 E - 5 / { ) . 2 I U) / \ / / - LU e - 0 - G § k w I /\/ ) \ \ } k } y O O O co O L OI. 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YUN O Ni O N 0 co O M co > D NN I` 0N L3N y oa n o N 0)2 a D C nT O Y 0 0 'D O p.a co d O Y R = �-Op a) d a = 0- 75 a) o a a o U p c C R Z Q O O R Q C N Q _ c L O i O R coR c O 1 CO CO Q C Z c O ' _ -0 U) iT O 7 1 C C co O U 7 w C N O c(6 co O CO W E N C "a = Q C — T co o o m R J ;a Q c 7 N G C 3 c a N N CD O o o N _ H u U U 0) r,- au ` a N r c_ a) a) co a) T in a) a) a) -Q a) N -) 'C a) E 0 O i a) a) +- (� c C 3 U a 0 0 O (t) -0 c 0 .9 E R J_J a c i-- Oz0- ( LL LO = DLL JJ ESN V1 C: C14 i i c Y i V) N W 'J J R N >J O N M V (O M ; N M (OJUJ '-' d W > W W y J ' U) }' Q � � � � � 00 � W W W W Z �- NM V R � City Council Meeting of December 19, 2006 CITY COUNCIL AGENDA MEMO To: Fayetteville City Council (� Thru: Mayor Dan Coody i I David Jurgens, Water and Wastewater Director OV Fayetteville Sewer Committee From: Shannon Jones, Water and Wastewater Engineer Date: 28 November, 2006 Subject: Approval of Change Order Number 2 to the construction contract with T-G Excavating, Inc., in the amount of$247,686.30, for sanitary sewer main replacement and rehabilitation in the vicinity of North College Avenue and Davidson Street, and maintain a contingency of$15,000. Funds are available: $67,603 remain within the previously approved contingency; the balance of$195,083 is available within the project budget. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of Change Order Number 2 to the construction contract with T-G Excavating, Inc., in the amount of$247,686.10, for sanitary sewer main replacement in the vicinity of North College Avenue and Davidson Street, and maintaining a contingency of$15,000. Funds are available: $67,603 remain within the previously approved contingency; the balance of$195,083 is available within the project budget. BACKGROUND This work involves replacing and relocating the 10"sewer main over which Doc Murdoe's and University Auto were constructed roughly 50 years ago. The sewer main was installed in 1907; the joints leak and it needs to be replaced. Extensive searching found no easement for the line, making it difficult to force the building owners to pay the full cost of the relocation. We are,however,negotiating the easements and are requesting the owner pay $40,168.30 of the cost, as he has requested an alignment that increases the construction cost by this amount. In January, 2006,T-G provided an excellent bid of$2,223,022.00, for a City-wide sanitary sewer rehabilitation project.Their price was $764,000 below the Engineer's Estimate and$1,451,151 below the second low bidder. The prices in this change order are the same as in the bid, so we are able to capitalize on this excellent value. DISCUSSION This work was originally intended to be included in the sewer rehabilitation contract from the beginning. Ilowever, STAG grant requirements include the necessity for an environmental assessment(EA)if any work is performed outside existing easements. All such work,including this reroute,was thus removed from the project saving the$20,000 estimated to develop the EA. As the STAG grant funds dedicated to this project are fully spent,we can now execute this work using City funds without the need for the EA. The City could not execute this change order until all STAG funds were spent. This is by far the best and most cost effective opportunity to eliminate this long standing problem. The building is under renovation,the parking lot where the sewer will be rerouted is in bad shape from construction,we have an excellent price, and we have a proven sewer rehabilitation contractor. This is a win-win opportunity for the City, the owners, and the customers of the future businesses at this location. The change order has been reviewed by RJN Group,the Engineer-, they feel this is the best price the City could receive for this work. Their letter of recommendation is attached. BUDGET IMPACT Funds are available: $67,603 remain within the approved contingency, and the balance of$154,915 is available within the approved project budget. STAG Rehab T-G CCMemo Chg Ord2 Oct06 11!27.12006 00:05 918-495-0875 THOMPSON PAGE 02 I i i i Chmgc Ordcr No. 2 Page 1 of 3 L i CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER eonhacK Schedule Section Date 11121120M ANRC Project No.: XP-976902-01 Owner Project No.: 02017-0401 ' Project Namc: Sewer Rehab,Illinois and White River Basins Location: Fayetteville,Arkansas Owner: City of Fayetteville Contractor: T-G Excavating,Inc, Address: 113 Wcst Mountain Address: 26016 Admiral Pl. j Fayetteville,AR 72701 Catoosa,OK 74015 j 'THE FOLLOWING CHANGES ARE HEREBY AMENDED INTO THE CONTRACT PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS: ITEM# DESCRIPTION DECREASE INCREASE 1 Change Order to add additional rehabilitation work to take advantage of favorable unit prices $247,686.10 2 Add Additional time to complete the additional work I i I TOTAL DECREASE AMOUNTI $0,00 TOTAL INCREASE AMOUNT 5247,686.10 NET CHANGE ORDER 1 $247,686.10 ENGINEERS FINAL CHANGE TO CONTRACT A TOTAL AMOUNT ELIGIBLE AMOUNT Original Contract Amount $2,223,022.00 $2-223,022.00 Total Previous Change Order(s) $43,584.00 $43,594.00 et Amount This Change Order 4 1 $247,686.10 TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT TO DATE $2.514.292-10 $2,514,292.10 CHANGE TO CONTRACT CO N original Completion Date Feb.27.2007 Previous Adjusted Completion Date nla (Increase)(Decrease)This Change Order 30 days Calendar Day W CONTRACT COMPLETION DATE: Mar.29 2007 RECOMMENDED: RJN GROUP Engineer BY: Signature Title Date CCEPTED: T-G EXCAVATING,INC. Contractor Y: Signature Title Date APPROVED: CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE Owner BY: siguature Date 11/21/2006 00:05 918-495-0875 THOMPSON PAGE 04 Cost Breakdown for Change Order uentities Adjusted Item Description Adjust Contract Unit Unit Cost Ori 'nal Adjusted +!- Amount 52 ROOTCUTTiNG LP $3.00 1000.00 95.00 -905.00 -$2,715.00 53 OBSTRUCTION REMOVAL EA $500.00 10.00 5.00 -5.00 -$2,500.00 Alternate Bid Items(Construction) 8"HDPE DR-)7 SEWER PIPE BY DIRECTIONAL DRILLING, At ALL DEPTHS(LR122) LF $170.00 232.00 0-00 -232.00 -$39,440.00 Point Repairs PROI 6"AC PIPE 0-6'DF.FP 10 FEET LONG LS $2,000.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 $0.00 PR02,02A 6"VCP 0.6'DEEP REPLACE SERVICE LINE TO PROPERTY LINE LS $2,000.00 2.00 2.00 0.00 $0.00 PRO4 6"VCP 0.6'DEEP 10 FEET LONG LS $2,000.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 $0.00 PROS 10"VCP 6-10'DEEP 36 FEET LONG LS $3,000.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 $0.00 PR07 8"PVC 6.10'DEEP 10 FEET LONG LS $3,000.00 1.00 -1.00 43,000.00 PR09 16"VCP 6-IO'DEEP 10 FEET LONG LS $3,000.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 $0.00 ?RIO 8"PLASTIC TRUSS PIPE 0.6'DEEP 10 FEET LONG LS $2,000.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 $0.00 PRI l 15"VCP 6.10'DEEP 15 FEET LONG LS $3,000.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 $0.00 PRl7 6"VCP 0-6'DEEP 10 FEET LONG LS $2,000.00 1.00 • 1.00 0.00 $0.00 PR21 6'VCP O.6'DEEP REPLACE SERVICE LINE TO PROPERTY LINE LS $2,000.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 $0.00 PR22 8"VCP"'DEEP 18 FEET LONG(TREE PROTECTION REQD) LS 32,000.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 $0.00 PR24 8"VCP 0.6'DEEP 10 FEET LONG LS $2,000.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 $0.00 PR25 8"VCP 0-6'DEEP 10 FEET LONG LS $2,000.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 $0-00 PR27 8"PVC 0.6'DEEP REPLACE SERVICE LINE TO PROPERTY LINE LS $3,000.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 $0.00 6"VCP 0.6'DEEP 19 FEET LONG WITH PR28 10'LONG CONCRETE PATCH REPLACEMENT LS $3,000.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 $0.00 PR30 8"PVC 0-6'DEEP REPLACE SERVICE LINE TO PROPERTY LINE LS $3,000.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 $0.00 PR31 6"VCP 0.6"DEEP 10 FEET LONG LS $3,000.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 $0.00 PR33 8"VCP 0-6'DEEP REPLACE SERVICE LINE TO PROPERTY LINE LS $3,000.00 1-00 -1.00 -$3,000.00 PR37 6"VCP 0.6'DEEP IQ FEET LONG LS $2,000.00 . 1-00 1.00 0.00 $0.00 PR38 8"VCP 0.6 DEEP 10 FEET LONG WITH POSSIBLE GAS MAIN CROSSING LS $2,000.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 $0.00 PR39 8"VCP 0-6 DEEP 10 FEET LONG LS $3,000.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 $0.00 PR40 8"VCP 6-10'PEEP 15 FEET LONG LS $3,000.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 $0.00 PR40A 8"VCP 6,10'DEEP 10 FEET LONG LS $2,000.00 1.00 1-00 0.00 $0.00 PR41 6"VCP 0-6'DEEP 10 FEET LONG(I0'DRIVEWAY REPAIR) LS $3,000.00 1.00 1-00 0.00 $0.00 PR41A 6"VCP 0.6'DEEP REPLACE SERVICE LINE TO PROPERTY LINE LS $3,000.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 $0.00 PR42 8"PVC 6.10'DEEP 10 FEET LONG(CONCRETE ENCASEMENT IN A CREEK)LS 53,000.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 $0.00 PR43 8"PVC O.O DEEP 10 FEET LONG LS $2,000.00 1,00 1.00 0.00 $0.00 PR45 8"VCP 6-10'DEEP 14 FEET LONG WITH MANHOLE REPLACEMENT LS 2000.00 1.00 -1.00 42,000.00 PR45A 8"VCP 6-10'DEEP 30 FEET LONG LS 3000.00 1.00 -1.00 -$3,000.00 PR45B 8"VCP 0-6'DEEP 10 FEET LONG LS 2000.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 $0.00 Aftemate Bid Items(Point Repairs) At ADDITIONAL PIPE FOR POINT REPAIRS(AS DIRECTED BY ENGINEER) LF 300.00 20.00 10.30 -9.70 42,910.00 A2 CLAY DAM EA 200.00 31.00 31.00 0.00 $0.00 Cbl 24"bore-Dirt LF 270.00 80.00 Ch2 24"bore Rock LF 380.00 80-00 $30,400.00 Cha Mob/Demob Hoe,Ram Ea 1.00 $3,500.00 Ch4 Grovel Surface Repair LF 10.00 130.00 $1,300.00 Total Contract Cbaage $291,270.10 Less Change Order I $43,584.00 Amotmt This Change Order $247,686-10 v�Y�d�N�l � ■�I vim® ®Iad1 .'I ��O19Ou�lx'1ffm9,�9 k:• 11 d�imOu11001iia��Io"o°09�u BE I, NwNdtli9cli9d°'�Ilalvsd7va9n1�9 .1-� elnomm�vvOuo®N®71��unaadNarualmmA �OM n19e°aw11d "Nn�di9Nm1"e19 a 193utiva391KIM MID MINI mini u u'pma ulffif9F 3�� II WIYn1111nImmallimgmillml�ONalomliI 1�4 L18OWOiIOHHEOONOOIOiItl'a99d1NBEIrmI IOU "'' ° n�®fiNNNIBNNY18d1111BnnIp97nW17�A ' m111inW11dnnndE1X73An111WI71Rna1mN�'WIA ►^ /1 YSINWdllnnn31NNn31dI01p9Wim91n111'YT@A��y .. 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Director Water and Wastewater City of Fayetteville 113 W. Mountain St. Fayetteville,AR 72701 Subject: Sanitary Sewer Replacement—Doc Murdoc's and University Auto Dear Mr.Jurgens: RJN was requested to secure a price from T-G Excavating to complete approximately 610 feet of 10-inch sanitary sewer line. The sewer line is to replace an existing 10-inch sanitary sewer line that was installed in 1907. Two buildings, Doc Murdoc's and University Auto,were constructed over the existing sewer making access,and subsequent replacement not possible without causing damage to the buildings. Apparently no easements were ever acquired for this sewer line;therefore,the City has no recourse to require the property owners to pay for the relocation. RJN originally included the new sewer construction in the STAG project,however,due to costly environmental requirements of the Grant,the decision was made to remove this portion of work. As low bidder on the STAG project,T-G Excavating's bid was 39%lower than the second low bidder. T-G Excavating has agreed to install the 10-inch sewer at the unit prices bid on the STAG project. RJN recommends that the City approve a change order in the amount of$207,517.80 to T-G Excavating's contract. Should you have any questions,please call me. Sincerely, RJN Group,Inc. ^� Thomas A. Harris,P.E. Senior Project Manager Xc: file Meadow26 East JORGENSEN & ASSOCIATES CIVIL ENGINEERS • SURVEYORS 124 WEST SUNBRIDGE,SUITE 5 FAYETTEVILLE,ARKANSAS 72703 • (479)442-9127 • FAX(479)582-4807 DAVID L.JORGENSEN,P.E.,P.L.S. CHRISTOPHER B.BRACKETT,P.E. RECEIVED NOV 0 2 2006 ENGINEERING DIV. 10/26/06 City of Fayetteville 113 W. Mountain Fayetteville, AR 72701 Attn: Dave Jurgen Re: Wastewater Service Request Van Ashe/Gregg Ave.—City of Johnson Dear Dave; Attached herewith please find information pertaining to a wastewater service request in Johnson. Please place this on the water& sewer committee. Thank you. Sincerely; bavid L. Jorg en, P.E. •-- STRUCTURAL DESIGN ' LAND DEVELOPMENT 0 WATER SYSTEMS • WASTEWATER SYSTEMS •LAND SURVEYING