HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006-09-12 - Agendas - Final Tayve evi Ie ARKANSAS WATEMEWEB COMMITTEE AGENDA Meeting Date of September 12, 2006 COMMITTEE: Chairman Kyle Cook; Alderman: Lioneld Jordan, Bobby Ferrell, Robert Reynolds COPY TO: Mayor Dan Coody, Sondra Smith, Gary Dumas, Paul Becker, Susan Thomas, Tim Conklin, Jeremy Pate, Ron Petrie, Sh n on Jones, Tom Hubbard, Peggy Bell, Allison Orcutt, Lynn Hyke FROM: David Jurgens, Water and Wastewater Director A meeting of the Fayetteville Water and Sewer Committee is planned f r S pte ber 12, 2006, at 5:30 PM, Room 111, Fayetteville City Hall. Proposed topics include: 1. Approval of the Minutes of the August 17, 2006 Water/Sewer Committee Meeting. 2. WSIP U date. Contract Description Contractor Cost % Complete WL-4 Gregg - Hamestring Gravity Lines Oscar Renda $10,441 ,319 13.84% WL-5 Force mains Hamestring - West Plant Garney Const $ 4,582,537 89.60% WP-2 West Side WWTP Const Brasfield & Gorrie $59,994,710 16.01% WL-1&3 Porter - Hamestring & Old Wire - Gregg Oscar Renda $ 7,014,948 31 .29% EP-2 Noland WWTP Renovation Archer Western $14,644,000 65.09% WL-6 Hamestring Lift Station Brasfield & Gorrie $ 6,130,000 0.88% WP 2b Wetlands Mitigation, WWTP Site * Bid 21 Sept 06 $ 287,040 0.00% WL-2 North — Poplar - Gregg Gravity Lines Advertise Sept 06 $ 4,320,854 0.00% * WL-2b: Herbicide plant control initiated by quotes. The planting bid is deferred to 21 September 2006. a. Property Sale for Northern West Side WWTP. Discussion of modification to the agreement for the pending sale of the property on the northern portion of the WWTP site. The original agreement was for 33.4 acres for a total sale price of $1 ,039,007. Charlie Sloan, the only bidder on this land, has requested this agreement be amended to include a total of approximately 41 acres. The original contract has not been executed as both parties still have actions to complete. Details will be presented at the Water and Sewer Committee Meeting. b. Sales Tax Election Results and Alternatives. Several actions must be initiated immediately upon confirmation of the 12 September, 2006 election results. These actions may include actions require to initiate the 30% rate increase if the sales tax election is voted down, or will be initiation of those actions to begin the borrowing process if the sales tax election is passed. 3. Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Proiect Update. a. Basins 1-5, 18 & 19 Sewer Rehab. T-G Excavating, $2, 223,022, 75.6% complete. b. 2006 STAG Grant. The 2006 State Tribal and Assistance Grant for sewer rehabilitation was approved on 8 September, and is to be mailed to the City on or about 15 September. b. Farmington Area. Final design is underway by RJN for line work. c. Insituform Term Contract Renewal. Staff expects to bring a contract amendment forward for Council approval soon. W&S committee 12Sep06 90(bSZI 01MIU OO SWm -slaagspee ids pagoelle oN, ql!m uol6uiwjed of asuodsaj Ilewa sewn(] fijeE).. soijeueoS alglssod apina}}aAed — uo}6ulwaed 6ullaaw 941 wojl sa}ou u}IM `jaded uollisod }sel .s,uo}6ulwaed :sluewgoel}b '9Z£ wooj ul 900Z `6 L jegolop `Aepsjnyl 0£:5 uo poinpagos eq 6ullaaw aa}}lwwo(] S/M }X2u ay} spuawwooaj J}eJS ullaaw aaJ;ivawo(] JGmeS/aa}eM 4xaN ay; bullnpeqog •g -sleegspeajds pagoelle onn ql!m asuodsaj Ilewe ue pue :6ui}aew eql wojj salou ullM `jaded uol}lsod.}sel s,uol6uiwjed :payoelle aje 6uimolioJ ayl 'su011e11069u dISM pue joejluoo uol6uiwje=l eql 6ulpje6aj alepdn gels pue suolssnoslp leujalul aa}}lwwoO jannaS pue JGJeM allinaIIGABd •eiep n snIBIS dISM pue IoeaIuoo uo; uivaaed T .� G CITY OF FARMINGTON SEP 72006 IWA.YOR'S 354 West Main Street (479) 267-3865 O i 1c[ P.O. Box 150 (479) 267-3411 Farmington, Arkansas 72730 (479) 267-3805 (Fax) September 6, 2006 FARMINGTON POSITION PAPER Joint usage of a large, well-run Publicly Operated Wastewater Treatment Plant (POTW) is a clear indicator of concern for the environmental issues facing Northwest Arkansas. The economies of scale in this approach ensure the employment of highly skilled technicians minimizing the risk of permit violations. In addition, both state and federal regulators have encouraged the consolidation of disposal operations. Farmington's stated goal is to ensure the preservation of water quality in the Illinois River Watershed. Farmington also has a desire to grow just as Fayetteville has a desire to grow. This growth for Farmington can be accomplished by entering into an agreement with Fayetteville that is mutually beneficial or by implementing a publicly owned and maintained decentralized treatment system. It is acknowledged that the preferred option is for Farmington wastewater to 'be processed through a state-of-the-art POTW. The only other short-term viable alternative to an agreement with Fayetteville is for Farmington to explore the use of a large decentralized sewer system. It is acknowledged that decentralized treatment systems are a poor second option to a state-of-the-art POTW for the preservation of the Illinois River Watershed. Farmington acknowledges Fayetteville for using a broad-based sales & use tax to fund these critical public investments and for taking the lead in managing this complex improvement. - Farmington Positions 1. Farmington agrees to fund the remaining cost of sewer rehabilitation identified in the 2004 Mediation Agreement at a cost of approximately $400,000. e=>tC 2. Farmington agrees to absorb the additional costs identified for Lift Station (LS) 12 above the amounts programmed by Fayetteville in conjunction with the September 12 Sales Tax 60 Election. Based on data provided to Farmington by Fayetteville the total predicted cost ;r na of the new sewer interceptor and lift station is approximately $7.2 million and t \k- `cin Fayetteville has published they have programmed $4.7 million for these work phases. - !-.5 1Z• 3. Farmington accepts Fayetteville's offer to provide 8.2% of the .West Treatment Plant &Z 96 capacity for Farmington as long as the treatment plant capacity commitment from of eA60W&� Fayetteville matches the population capacity used in 2030 for Lift Station 12. Farmington offers to link Fayetteville's use of the capacity in the new interceptor and Lift D n! 1 Z Auu of pat ddE a lou pue uoj2uruuE ao s aou A tomdmo u of asn a 1m suozilto I g P 3 .i P } P n3 P g It. �.OV' uol uiuuu Aq pied saaj louduli luauljEaal jusaaE ajjTnalja m j slsonbaJ uolOuluuu3 -11012ujuum3 of aa-j loudult ue Amd IIIm ZiSII pine Jojdooaajul alll asn IEgI suoiloouuoo wn�a aiitnaljaAE3 mau lmU S0,012-8ajjtnaljaAE3 slsanbW uol2uiLUJUd •aa-j loedull uiojsAs •-an•v�; uol2u!t=j u pue aaj IoudulT luejd luourwoJl ojjtnajjoXu j 9111 Sud of paambaJ oq jjtm � Q�,„ag S.40113auu03 uoj2uuUMj mau jvqj saoift uo�Outuzre3 •utaisIts U012UMM-4 Qqj Joj saaj � jouduii luauldolanap Outjnduzoo ut ojjtnallaAE j ipTm ojudtol:JMd of pooffe su11 uo12uiuuE j 6 'Sul Joj olmJ mau u ouluuajap of allinallaAmd Aq pasn sis4 ue uo `laud u1 `poseq sum II -90OZ goJEy�I�Axtuga3 ui olltnaljoAud of papTnoad n7-A,`2 � Puv SaaRIQH Ag palnduloo sum olm mau sT1I I aIEJ mau a11j �o alEp uoI I oulalduxl � '+ •rn aqj of b00Z AJettue j uioJ•j saluJ aagOT11 9111 pied lu� sjoXvd-alE-i uoj2ujULMd o tC 0111 0l aouaaa-jjTp aqj punJa.1 pun t OOZ Aaunuur anrloaJ-j9 sllojju2 000`i/99't�$ of sjuaptsaJ Moss uolvuit=i of po2ngo olm Jamas Qqj puoure ojjtnallaAe j jugj sjsonbaJ uol2u4urn j g •palzoolit puE poulluopi aq Ijtm Isoo mog OuIllujop juoutaaiOv opis ojendos m laoddns uuo uoj2ujuuu3 :. 'SSI Pug tigi s�uisuq puE g Eazy su pagguopj suan uolluxouuu juaJJno aqj Jqj luullnsuoo � �6a ojjjAoUoAu3 u Aq polvw lso u9aq sulk ooiAJas Jamas gulplAoad jo isoo oq j, •uolOuiuued „Z� ,5,• �: ,jo Sllurtl Alto aqj ui111im aam smaJe agI aauo AlijigisuodsaJ uol4utuznd E aulooaq jjim .aq j3nVA uol2uluuu3 0luiuloa suaau paxauue mau jIv 5uTnJas jo lsoo 9111 19111 saaJOe u012utuueJ •L •suoilipuoo pue suuol agl glzoj-slas lugj luoulaaz�E rima a eJedas E of anlldaoaJ sI uolNutuum j -mals s uoiloajloo Jamas uolzuluuej oql Jqj pouuumalJoad Wutaq si Altoudea aJnluj olunbopu jmU oinsuo of pun poulmlureul gutoq si ulajsAs uojOuluumj ogl•jo AITIunb S�q agl aansuo of uoj2uiuue j put, ojjTna,4aAE3 uaamjaq SOugoolu IEnuue apnjoui jjim puu aa}jjj e Joj si aseaj pasodoad a11y Ianaj uoilElllTqugaJ-Isod 2111 11jim juajsisuoo Ianal e lm paulElutetu sI ulalsAS uoj2uURMj Qqj aansua of saolnaas uoljEluautajduzl a�,�aas puE gulummi2oad luoullsanut-aJ jeliduo pue somas suotjeaado pue aoueualutuul u1alsAs Jamas aolnaos uolloajjoo pun suiliiq ooinaos Jamas apnjoul of allTnallaAEd Aq uzalsAs uoj2uiuuE3 oql ,jo luauia2Eueuz ponuquoo aqj slaoddns uol2utuuu3 -9 •sounuaos snoumn Japun laoddus jo Ianaj aqj Oulmogs suoilElnoluo 9111 aJe pagoElj�T •600Z Joj suotlEjnojuo aIEJ QqI u1 uanj0-110-01M 9111 Jo 1101 111111110 Aq pled soxul sales osagj jo uopmd u paziu�ooaJ sng ajjznallaAm3 lu11j sa2pajmou)IoE uolftunw3 -saa3 lo-edwi luauzdojanap pue soluJ AIIIIIn 1111m otul Aljvloodso si sTgs -9owos aures agl Jqj ooiml Aud of pa31se lou st nuzojsno aures oqj IEgI os jlpon OutnT9 put, sluaulAed xEl sales Suiztu300 jo AJolsTq guoj e seg ojjtnajjaAu3 -Sluauzanoiduzl Anssaoau osagj putg of pasn s1 lugl soxul sales ojjinallaAu j aqj of sluop1s9J uoj2uluue3 Aq opuul uoijnquluoo IeToueug ajgezts aqj ozua2000i of ojjjAojjoXvj slsonbaJ uol2utuuEd -S -sJuoA wajjg of uol Ixau aqj Jano g1moa2 s,uoj2uiuue3 uegl 41jaeduo alglItne a11l jo uop-iod nE nj 11onuz u oumsuoo Aja)ITl .Ilam 111moJO s,ajjtnajlaAm3 IEgI ozlu2ooaJ gloq ajjjAonoAu3 pue uol2ujuum3 -ju-eId luougviij Isom *qj ut uol2uiuued AlToedeo a e Eos a hood of OuTaaJ$m o InallaAe ue slug IsaJ uolfuluLm . ud�`7� ",• Iq I P. II. 3 P p. d «-36 Aq pTud saxml solus 2uiM2000i alltnaj oSu3 uo `wd a2ml ut `poseq si wojja jsoq scuojguTuued asn 01 Ja-jjjo sigj, •luaulaainbaJ moputm Amp 06 aqj ulglim luEld luoullmaay 5 »� lsaM s,ajlTnallaAu3 0l smolt uTsug JaniZl siouTtU IjE �uRiantp 30 luautazmbaJ lluuad s�ajjinajjaAEd �uljaauz uT ajjtnaljaAE� lsissm of slaojja Isaq slt asn of saa1SE uol2uluum3 j, IuEtd IuauileaJZ Isom s.ajjinajjaAed•jo aOusn posmaaout s,uojButuum j of O£OZ.Io JeaA aisap a11l Ind ZI uoilelS other capacity issues within the Fayetteville system. Farmington commits that impact fees paid by Fayetteville citizens for the interceptor and LS12 will be used to fund capacity needs for Fayetteville citizens. 10. Farmington requests all future rate calculations be based on facilities that are both used and usable by Farmington and that Fayetteville not compute a rate-of-return on assets purchased using either EPA grants funding or city sales & use taxes. I L.Farmington agrees that future discharge permits may require future investments in order to comply with new discharge limits and is committed to do its-part to meet the future increased investment in state-of-art-facilities. Finally, Farmington joins Fayetteville is its efforts to protect water resources and sensitive environmental areas such as the Illinois River Watershed. With the two cities reaching an agreement that is acceptable to both communities this shared goal can be realized. Sincerely, John Harris, Mayor Ernie Penn, Council Member Terry Yopp, Council Member 3 KIQIUxu(bs pa}sff oslu axu sIsoo SSI.PUe J79I ulsug 'QS-I mug) g uaxV puu 4UO42UF uud `allrnaUaKud Xq paluxudas om sum ooinxas 3jaax3 osoog acp xpim pa}uloossu s;soo oq L •uo)Bulurxud puu alpna} oXu j o} painq!JUR sisoo 3q sluosaxd algt umopAuaxq Isoo aqy uaxu a�euluxp xaax� asoo� oql uco j smolt �oalloo oi xoidaoxaiui uu xoj suotsrnoxd ou axu axaqy smolt 0£OZ pajoafoxd atp puu snnoll luaxxno xoj pazcs oq Iltm d.L�St1AA aPls} 1Y� aqj o; ZI#uopu�s {IiI u[ox .uiuui aoxo� aI sduxnd arP 2aipui2dn ,iq suaxu al?uurexp xaaxD osoog oql su Ilam su suaxu anoqu aqj woq smolt 0£OZ pa�oafoxd acp alupouRmaou Ipen u2isap uoyMs }Iq aqy smog uaxxno xoj pazrs sdumd lappa aqt xp!m smog 0£OZ paloafoxd arp an[aoax of luolo�ns oq IlyA az[s Iuotsxild ZI#uopu1s wZ •SSI Puu `ipSI `uol2uluuu3 `g£SI `V£SI 'cg suzseq 331nxas m p3113x6ua moll aluumln aq;luno of pou2pap a9. Illm xoidaoxalut oily pagstlouzaP aq Ipm ZI# pus 11# suopuis ijiI iupslxa oql *gou�xg uol2ultuxud puu :paxo osoog jo aouanpuoo . aT ol panoux aq Iltm Z I#uopuls }I[I uopdo slrll spun alpnaa�ud pue uo��uiurxud xod smolt axmnu puu Iuarxno alupourm000u oa uot}nlos aDImIlln atp sossaxppt? ouuuoos.sul,)1 I# ouuuaa� i a c D 3 iu z `�. G) r —1 co p � z N - 1 0 O tit "CI r ow EF o N a co Q3mn n CD Z con: _ �. co Cm o m rnat CD g o N Qo n toCL wn r O 0 M 3 p cr o o n o o z o :3 p M D o iv OD z O U Q 3 z F- 0 � N n N -I Til -W � -EO -69 -W .69 t9lwcfl C y m N c .O O . . V O 0) Ch N -� -� D C, . .in N O OJ N C.pJt D NyPO � V P V -OP � O OP C31K)CP N N W O)cn O lul OD "t O O C31 N C31 O V Q O -IOD CA) WO 000 O - 9 ff3 fH fA ffl 0 Cat Ut N TR VNO PCD Cat -I C W CD p D V A W V �^ Cil �� W `Y to Y C tat co O tat 90 V W 0) 0 -4 Cat W CD GJ W O O fA ffl ffl {fl a Z @ w OD OD OD CO CCD CCO CD CC31z W � � yN n W = O . - Cat cn O O N O O to O O N ti N OooC) oC ) o C) O0000 MCl) t- 0000 '... to CO It C) CO M C}6 O , NCV CD 't m y t0 tirNNN - N Z J 60- 69 69 69 e- 69 0 F C NMCOCoi� � (' O COMON t� O ca OD 3 !Z _ N. a. - . . 1�! M O O N U tOO � ti COGNOf� � t t� N cc) O� t- 'dam CO VN N CoOCo MOoNt` N � a3 2 VZN W Q o 69 6f} 69 ug 6+� 69 ra vs o � Z � . W c CrCD � t� OOM N N V O 00 00 LO t` N t- N i N � d0' d0d0d0N m 3 r N cx 0 V d F m 0 N Z � Q W Q Z Q x th W tno 00 r � an LU !-0 to- ' p m c a► c ,d 0) o W > � . > +' d' 0 coN LC) >> cm m to O , .00 O) & ,0 0i E N L ,� r 0 co U- Ui uQ t`i Q ti w l u-1< co O F UZ f z O to zm E ti U) ui = ca LL F Scenario#2 This scenario addresses the replacement of LS#11 in its current location. Two options are included in this scenario— 1) Upgrade for 2030 flows from service basins I53, I53A, 153% and Farmington current flows as restricted by the pumping capacity of LS#12 — 2) Upgrade for 2030 flows from service basins I53, I53A, j5313, and Farmington 2030 flows. The costs associated with these two upgrade paths assume no development in service basins I54. and 155, no upgrades to the current Farmington Interceptor serviced by LS#12, or upgrades to LS#12. If the flow remains restricted by the capacity of LS#12, then the new LS#1 l will accommodate current flows, and growth to.2030 in the Fayetteville basins 153, 153A, and I53B. The addition of a third pump will upgrade LS#11 to handle ultimate flows from these three basins. Should the LS#11 be built to provide service for 2030 flows from both Farmington and Fayetteville, then no upgrade is necessary for ultimate flow. Also with this scenario, no flows will be allowed from any drainagq areas outside of the current LS#1 I and LS#12 service areas. O 0 N ti O O O OOO Cl 00 � O O � O) .� N ao 00 M0 t� nc CA (3) r - - ' " N NCOO OM " (O co 0) (O O t-: 42) O O Cl O It -a N N N t6 CD Q 11 1 111431 lud OO O O tO tt) t0 O MO OO ONN Nt, Noto trit` NNN Q. NCV Nr too OO Q (O 0 C) M t0 t0 'd' . Ct7 11 to " m m C� to (O I+ t*� CO O co N N CV M f— .� N Ei? (% L;. t0 0 0 O tO to to N 0 z O O O O M co M O O Ntp t� C9 C7 C; NC; O N d (V CO qr X 0 0 f- M t0 t70 to d_ d: O t0 Z � a co0) t� Nti tiaMO � � O n LL CAGY d � tb tOON a. O �- CV N N M N M v Q CO) Nca ;69 4eal IV> O 3vtu U) � V rn � o W M ..t O J Ea N W Ea� V p C w a t! ci. !t-- 0 U > ca O O ca (a Ern o x m oct. � c Co C M 'C to 0 C� N O . tll O O N CO � N O N NO 'pt C "O to - co m O U W E O U (\o) (y6 O O to LL to F- W Z LL t LL Z 0 cn I--- i ZCa W E .a ca . 1L �— _6 CD _ c D 3 � su Z w p -rt Cl) m OD tcl. Oo fD fD 6 NN N N O O O O X W W Co W m r` r n m ,U) crn m N � m o e ZZ -n � � 0 � C N • 'D 0 N QD CA) COO QD O O 0) co w PO C) ffl fA fA FA N N p NW WNp � CO —� N C> w1 CA Y O O O O 0 0 0 0 O V N O O Q1 •0£OZ=X aril of aotn.xas aptnojd of jolouj gns si uogels {IrI ;uauno aq;jo uogipuoo leotsfild aip saumsse osle oueuos sy ap }SOM aqI 411 o; smoii I I#SZ aqj joazrp-aa o} paloncisuoo oq IIiM ureui as-ToJ enau V 'senoil 0£OZ pine shoji Iuo-uno g£SI pue `'b'£SI `£SI surseq aseup-T allrna:4aXe3 alepouuu000e Ilan sisixo 1! se I I#SZ `paAOUTax sMOIJ asagl TIM 'I I#SZ u104 Smolt uoISup mq sanouiaa ouEuaos Sq. L £# ocxuuaas -I -n o (D aD 3 iz v Z Z G? � Z zcOn z0 N O O 0 CD Q m0 O (D M CD CD CD o ' i ib v CL to c rD 0 oo o- .7 O CD N O R° CD n O CD CD CD 3 X ) (D y M O A N C7 N 3 (D DJ O to 0 {� � O `2 N n _ O .-r co 0 ✓ �' O O O 3 m Co p r r m r CO) n it 0 co) cnoz fA fA fw f» ffl 69 fA "qm O Z c > v CD 0 � -P CAO CAmO p a) -co CO pi -P N '� to Co O ICIDPI N O O:000 p W O 0 0 0 00 O O Zp O O O O O 1 - ffl ffl ffl ffl fA . O ffl fA ffl ffl fA U -s - CU C2 CD C N y N � ' O O 0) C) 0 N ti rn 0 0 0 , o th U co a> co •o r; a Cl co do ca 75 O0 w Z � O � o QQ � CM o N Z0im r V) - . N N J w V w w - a 3 V N o °� d a N E •� r. a3 m (n z U- u'* O LL r � Z � O U) Zca �. tai.. U (D LL Fo- Scenario #4 This scenario provides the Farmington solution addressed for Fayetteville by scenario #3. Under this scenario, LS#12 would be demolished and relocated to the confluence of Goose Creek and Farmington Branch (the same location as scenario#1). The difference in this scenario and scenario #1, is the station would only be sized to accommodate flows from Farmington, and would not allow flows from the Goose Creek drainage basins. In addition, the existing interceptor would not be upsized, but only extended from the existing LS#12 to its new location. The new lift station and force main to the Westside WWTP, as well as the interceptor extension will only have capacity for the current flows from Farmington. a - � a - o - N rn a F EL 06 O IL W o00 C> LO LOCOo 000 0000ryo moo 1: 66 cornu W CO to rn O r r c 10 a F y, C m c r M "It h- O 0 za N C6r06 OO Mr rap0 tirnrn <OCOM MrCO O 3OtotO C,4 NTrN J 2 U r r M M M d N jz69, Qa fA fA EA ER K3 Ef3 (f3 O �... W LU U)0 1- U< O z CL U C C O - z � _ z � U > O n Q o ca ca ai E >1 co X 14) N N O U ' _ N N O (a C O O C V CO N co a O C N N N v U U w E 7 12 Cl) i. 00 O tY6Y>. y U U) u^ 16 LO z � 0 U) � J Q 3 lL, � t6 LL }- a D v � Z p . 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I! 'all!AajlaAej Aq papunj jou s! l! Ing "uoill!w £•£8T ayj ui papnpui s! uoill!w SZL'b ayj -je!l!wej pug Aew noA jeyj sluawnoop omj payoejje aney I (au!yoew jayjoue wojj puas jo Adoopjey e pjemjoj Illm ! pue mouN aw jal palgje6 si a6essaw s!qj j! 'sAep jo aldnoo Isel ayj o!lewalgojd uaaq sey l!ewa Aw) uaydalS ...iegl> ,suaegl,, !<woo•u0 n@oslaj4> ,osl@N y6nH„ :33 (Ilea aseald palgje6 si a6essaw jl) uol6ulwjej ::pa[gnS wd 6t,:Ot:T 90OZ/8/6 :ale(] shed uaydalS aagwaW :OJL sewn(] MeE :woj:j Ileo aseal palgae sl a essaw ll uo; ulwjeH = sunp p!Aea 3 David Jur ens - Farmington if mesa e is arbled lease call 2 Thanks Stephen � . M) o . t . . leeC § ) ) ol \ a $ ] £ . 2 ) \ 7 7 8 \ % /) 4) C>) / o / / \ / k2 ¥ 3\ . fQ '64g ¥ . � � & \ a \ /» FD Wit0 ) ® Z � § 0 o I-- EL IN ( W \ 2 ° 0 § ƒ 2 . / . \ CM Co3 p o \ [ f ) \ % G ) % # $ 0 > 0 / k § % c \ { . t ; aa \ x e �.< a $ c # \ M = ) IL E « § ® co ec - o c ® % i ®% g ° \ ƒ 0 = 06 . ) ) / z U. k % . §co -14 § ) § a { ) 1 # § § gI k 7 % § X80 r § \ I f A / \ to - \ ƒ� k § \� � \ � k � � \ 3 0 i ) } { * ` � � � / w ^ £ ! ® � / \ 3 a 4 a c / 2 LL $ I \ \ } \ \ § k \ § k § \ F- LL p -so o |P m@m - s Gln m&eg David Jur ens - wsi ma'or ro'ects. df z 3 >> > � � bm mbE mrmrr b dbv ff � sSmQp W ° a, m v v v n m r r ro r b p ro W m °• n xn r2 w` c c � n c N yr w OOxZO. nb `nm m 0 3 N O z Go) rn x p i'' @ n »°. g [°c Y m — R !0 8 'o F m 9' o [�+f EL $. � @ o o m ro m 3 � 3 3 m w c 3 c � 6� u '5 ?• � � C� ? 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