HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006-05-30 - Agendas - Final Faye I ARKANSAS WATER/SEWER COMMITTEE AGENDA Meeting Date of May 30, 2006 COMMITTEE: Chairman Kyle Cook; Alderman: Lioneld Jordan, Bobby Ferrell, Robert Reynolds COPY TO: Mayor Dan Coody, Sondra Smith, Gary Dumas, Steve Davis, Susan Thomas, Tim Conklin, Jeremy Pate, Ron Petrie, Shannon Jones, Tom Hubbard FROM: David Jurgens, Water and Wastewater Director A meeting of the Fayetteville Water and Sewer Committee is planned for y Ad, 2006, at 6:00 PM, Room 326, Fayetteville City Hall. Proposed topics include: 1 . Approval of the Minutes of of March 14, 2006, April 10, 2006 and May 11 , 2006 Water/Sewer Committee Meetings. 2. WSIP Update. a. West Side Wastewater Treatment Plant. Under construction by Brasfield & Gorrie. An update will be distributed at the end of this week. b. Subproject WL-5, Force Mains from Hamestring Lift Station to West Side WWTP. Under construction by Garney. c. Subproject WL-1 and 3, gravity Lines from Old Wire Road to Gregg Avenue, and from Porter Road to Hamestring Lift Station, combined as one contract. Under construction by Oscar Renda. d. Subproject WL-4, gravity Lines and Force Main from Gregg Avenue Lift Station to Hamestring Lift Station. Oscar Renda is scheduled to begin construction on June 1 , 2006. e. Subproject EP-1, Noland Plant Renovation. Under construction by Archer Western. f. Subproject WL-6, Hamestring Lift Station. Bids for WL-6, the Hamestring Lift Station, were opened May 23, 2006, for the Hamestring Lift Station. This is the 36 mgd facility that will pump the majority of the water to the West Side WWTP. Unfortunately, there was an error with an addendum that requires we rebid the contract. The rebid is scheduled for 29 June. Although the bids were rejected, three bids were received, in the range of $6,200,000. 3. Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Project Update. a. Basin 1-5, 18 & 19 Sewer Rehabilitation Construction. Under construction by T-G Excavating. b. Farmington Area. The latest project update from RJN is attached. Final design is underway for line work, in accordance with the arbitration agreement. The contract change order for construction phase engineering services (inspection) is in the Council packet for the June 6 meeting, and is attached. The project update letter is also attached. RJN developed the design under the instructions of "Treat the Farmington system just as you would the Fayetteville system." Thus, the design includes Priority I, II, and III work identified in the Severn Trent study. Priority III work was not included in their cost estimate; the study recommended in the cover letter of October 17, 2002: "Priority 3 rehabilitation recommendations are for defects that are not severe enough at the present time to warrant repair. However, these defects should be periodically inspected and repaired if significant deterioration is noted." Fourteen years of rehabilitation experience, including periodic post construction evaluations up to ten years after construction, has shown that these repairs must all be executed simultaneously in order to achieve the desired reduction in inflow and infiltration. W-S committee 30 May 06.doe Based on the initial scope and breakout of work shown above, funding for the engineering and construction, based on the terms of the Arbitration Agreement, is broken down as follows: COST BREAKDOWN Fayetteville Farmington Estimated Cost Estimated Cost Total Estimated Item Cost $ Engineering 130,305 0 130,305 Point Repairs 303,500 0 303,500 CIPP Lining 100,000 121,920 221,920 (1) Complete 0 464,875 464,875 Reconstruction Total $533,805 $586,795 $1,120,600 (1) This does not include the cost of City crews reattaching service laterals. c. Insituform Term Contract Renewal. Staff expects to bring a contract amendment forward for Council approval in July. 4. Mr. Lowery Sewer Rate Appeal, Mr. Lowery's information was distributed in the last Committee meeting. 5. Water Line Cost Share. Waterline Cost Share Agreement: Cost Share with BMW Investments, LLC in the amount of $14,500 with a contingency in the amount of $1 ,450 for the upsizing of approximately 860 feet from 8" to 12". This waterline is located along Rupple Road within the Clabber Creek Subdivision. 6. Water/Sewer Rate Study Status. 7. Water And Sewer Ordinance Update. Several aspects of our water and sewer ordinances are out of date. City staff will be reviewing the ordinance in the next few months to bring the ordinances up to current standards. The areas of change include, but are not limited to: a. Water Conservation. The drought of the last year caused us to reevaluate our water conservation ordinance. Staff will be reviewing this ordinance with the intent of updating it and making it a more phased ordinance that identifies phases of conservation. This will make it more parallel with actual practice and the ordinances of other cities in the area. b. Miscellaneous Items. One section in our current ordinance states that "Connections shall not be made to raw water transmission lines." The City has not had a raw water transmission line since 1972. 8. Farmington Contract Update. Verbal update to be provided at the meeting. 9. Scheduling the Next Water/Sewer Committee Meeting. Staff recommends the next W/S Committee meetings be scheduled for 5:30 Tuesday, July 11 , 2006 in room 326. Attachments: RJN Contract Amendment for Farmington Rehabilitation W-S committee 30 May 06.doc rn www.rjn.com off Excellence through Ownership Project Status Report City of Farmington Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Project For Period Ending April 21, 2006 I. The Consultant's Scope RJN Group, Inc. is responsible for reviewing the data from the Severn Trent, Inc. SSES Study of the City of Farmington Wastewater Collection System and preparing plans and specifications for the repairs listed in the SSES report. The project may also include additional field investigations as necessary to supplement the Severn Trent data. II. Progress To Date RJN has completed the review of the manhole inspection data from Severn Trent and has also completed the field investigations necessary to finalize the manhole rehabilitation design. Construction documents for the manhole rehabilitation has been completed and submitted to the City. The manhole rehabilitation project was advertised for bids and bids were opened on May 31, 2005. Award of contract occurred on July 5, 2005 with construction started on July 18, 2005. Construction is now complete. Flow monitoring site locations were finalized in April 2005 with the installation of flow meters completed. Data is analyzed. All CCTV tapes from Severn Trent have been received and analyzed. The following table summarizes the sewer line repairs identified. SUMMARY OF REPAIRS Estimated Total Length Construction Cost Item No. of Segments (if) $ Point Repairs 66 NA 303,500 CIPP Lining 22 5,548 221,9201' Complete Reconstruction 17 3,719 464,875 Total 105 9,267 990,295 I/ Does not include cost of service lateral re-instatement by City of Fayetteville forces. Design of the sewer line rehabilitation is in progress. riM1Vnr Excellence through Ownership III. Schedule Update It is anticipated that the construction drawings and specifications will be completed by submittal in July 2006. IV. Issues of Concern to the Consultant None 1959 PSR-Farmington-April 21,2006 r MUD www.rjn.com k�Scekfenc�a.tl?roug�;bwnexsfsip April 21, 2006 Mr. David Jurgens, P.E. Water and Wastewater Director City of Fayetteville 113 W. Mountain St. Fayetteville, AR 72701 Subject: Farmington Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Dear Mr. Jurgens: Enclosed please fmd a requested amendment for the above referenced project. The amendment is requested to provide additional design services and resident engineering services during construction. As stated in the November 1, 2004 agreement "The City of Fayetteville and RJN Group, Inc. recognize that the Scope of Services and anticipated fee may need to be modified as the project progresses and the required work items are more fully defined and information on the system is compiled." All field work and review of CCTV tapes is now completed and the full extent of rehabilitation design has been identified. It is estimated that the total cost to complete the design is $54,400 and the construction resident engineering services is estimated at $70,105. Therefore, the total requested amendment amount is $124,105. If you should have any questions or require additional information, please call me. RJN GROUP, INC. Hugh M. Kelso Vice President BMK/kb/1959-01 AMENDMENT NO. 2 TO AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES BETWEEN CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS AND RJN GROUP, INC., DALLAS, TEXAS WHEREAS, On June 15, 2004 the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas (CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE) and RJN Group, Inc., of Dallas, Texas (RJN GROUP, INC.) entered into an agreement for engineering services in connection with the planning, design, permitting, construction, operation, maintenance, management and financing of the Fayetteville Wastewater System Improvement Project, and in particular the Collection System Improvements related to the Unites States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) State and Tribal Assistance Grant Program (PROJECT), and WHEREAS, RJN GROUP, INC. has proceeded with these services in accordance with the scope set forth in the agreement, and WHEREAS, CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE requests that the scope of RJN GROUP, INC.'s services be amended and increased to include additional design and construction resident engineering services for the Farmington Sewer Rehabilitation Project (FARMINGTON PROJECT), the basic nature, extent and schedule for the services being detailed in Attachment Number 1 , which forms a part of this amendment; and WHEREAS, RJN GROUP, INC. agrees to provide the amended scope of services for the FARMINGTON PROJECT on a cost plus fixed fee basis with an upper limit of costs of one hundred twenty-four thousand, one hundred five dollars ($124,105.00); NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements herein contained, CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE and RJN GROUP, INC., the parties hereto, stipulate and agree that the Agreement for Engineering Services dated June 15, 2004, is hereby amended in the following particulars: SECTION 6-PAYMENTS TO ENGINEER is amended to read as follows: For the scope of services set forth in the original PROJECT agreement for $226,978.00, plus the services set forth for the FARMINGTON PROJECT in Amendment No. 1 for $175,000.00, and additional services contained in this Amendment No. 2 for $124,105.00, CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE shall authorize RJN GROUP, INC. to provide the stipulated scope of services for a not-to-exceed maximum fee of FIVE HUNDRED TWENTY-SIX THOUSAND, EIGHTY-THREE UNITED STATES DOLLARS (US $526,083.00). For purposes of progress payments and accounting, RJN GROUP, INC. shall maintain separate accounting and billing for the original services of the PROJECT and for the amended scope of services for the FARMINGTON PROJECT. All other provisions of the original agreement remain in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Amendment to be duly executed this day of , 2006. CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE ARKANSAS RJN GROUP, INC. By: By: Dan Coody Hugh M. Kelso Mayor Vice President ATTEST: ATTEST: Sondra Smith City Clerk ATTACHMENT NO. 1 EXPANDED SCOPE OF SERVICES Amendment No. 2 to Agreement Dated June 15, 2004 AGREEMENT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES BETWEEN CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS AND RJN GROUP, INC. SEWER SYSTEM STUDY OF THE CITY OF FARMINGTON WASTEWATER COLLECTION SYSTEM The City of Fayetteville and the City of Farmington have entered into an Agreement to complete specific sanitary sewer maintenance activities in the City of Farmington. The specifics of the activities are set forth in the approved Settlement Agreement between Farmington and Fayetteville. The City of Fayetteville retains RJN Group to provide engineering services for the evaluation, planning, design, bidding and construction assistance of applicable sanitary sewer maintenance and rehabilitation activities in the Farmington sewer system, hereinafter referred to as the Project. The extent of the Project includes the City of Farmington's System containing approximately 121,000 linear feet of sewer and 540 manholes. Improvements to the Town Branch Interceptor Sewer will be limited in scope to plans for future upgrading/replacement. A study of the collection system was completed in 2002 by Severn Trent and included manhole inspection, smoke testing, and television inspection activities. The report for the study included recommendations for repair of various manhole and sewer line defects identified during the investigation. Work completed to date on the project includes the following: • Review of Severn Trent (ST) Report • Review of all ST inspection forms and computer printouts. • Review of all ST CCTV tapes • Inspection of all manholes • Smoke testing of selected portions of the system • Flow monitoring • Preparation of construction documents for Manhole Rehabilitation • Bidding and construction assistance for Manhole Rehabilitation • Development of rehabilitation requirements for sewer mains • Partial preparation of plans and specifications for sewer main rehabilitation Amendment 2 services will include completion of the plans and specifications as defined in Amendment No. 1 Scope of Services and Resident Engineering Services as defined in the following section. 5/17/2006 A-1 RESIDENT ENGINEERING RJN GROUP, INC. will provide resident engineering services which will include the following: A. Resident Engineering 1. Provide the successful bidder(s) with three (3) sets of the contract specifications for execution and the insertion of the required insurance certificates. Provide the successful bidder(s) with five (5) sets of the contract documents for construction purposes. 2. Assist the CITY in conducting a pre-construction conference with the Contractors by notifying utilities, governmental agencies, and other interested parties, and answer questions at the conference. 3. Review shop drawings, scheduling, test results, and other submittals which the Contractor is required to submit. 4. Consult with CITY and act as the CITY's engineering representative in dealings with the Contractor. Issue instructions of CITY to Contractor and issue necessary interpretations and clarification of the contract specifications. 5. Provide engineering survey(s) for construction to establish horizontal and vertical reference points which are necessary for the Contractor to construct the work. Coordinate the taking of preconstruction photos and surface video taping with the Contractor as necessary. 6. Provide resident observation for rehabilitation and sewer replacement construction for general conformance to the contract drawings and contract specifications. Also provide resident observation of acceptance testing and restoration work by the Contractor. 7. Review and respond to complaints received by CITY and report any differences of opinion between the Contractor, ENGINEER and complaining party. 8. Review applications for partial payment with the Contractor for compliance with contract specifications and submit to the CITY a recommendation for payment. 9. Issue field orders to Contractor after consultation with the CITY. Review any change orders proposed by the Contractor and provide recommendations to the CITY. 10. Conduct an on-site review to determine if the projects are substantially complete and submit to the Contractor a list of observed items requiring completion or correction. 5/17/2006 A-2 11. Conduct a final on-site review, in the company of the CITY and Contractor, to verify the projects are fully complete. Submit a recommendation for final acceptance of the projects to the CITY. 12. Provide the CITY with three (3) sets of black line prints of the record drawings. 13. RJN will not be responsible for the means or sequences of the construction work or the implementation program for safety of the construction contractor and subcontractors and it will be stipulated as such in the contract documents. 5/17/2006 A-3