HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005-06-09 - Agendas - Final WATER AND WASTEWATER AGENDA WATER & WASTEWATER COMMITTEE MEETING THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 2005 A meeting of the Fayetteville Water & Sewer Committee will be held on June 9, 2005 at 5:00 p.m. in Room 326 of the City Administration Building located at 113 West Mountain Street, Fayetteville, Arkansas. 1. WSIP UPDATE PowerPoint handout. 2. UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANKS-Identification, assessment, removal. 2. SPRINGDALE EASEMENT Springdale Water Utilities, Springdale, Arkansas requests purchase of a utility easement across a triangular tract of land to extend a gravity sewer and two forcemains from the Enclave Subdivision lift station to Clear Creek Drive. Springdale Water Utilities expects to pay the appraised fee simple value for the easement. 3. RJN CONSTRUCTION PHASE SERVICES AMENDMENT - This amendment to the Design and Bidding Phase Services Contract, presently in place, is for construction phase inspection, engineering, and consulting services for the west side sewer line construction, Hamestring Lift Station Construction, and the Gregg Street Lift Station rehabilitation, (WL-1, WL-2, WL-3, WL-4, WL-5, WL-6, WL-7) in the amount of $1,659,090.00. Review spreadsheet, discuss, and vote. 4. SANITARY SEWER REHABILITATION a) Farmington Sewer Rehabilitation. We intend to award a construction contract to T-G Excavating, in the amount of $144,444.00, for the sanitary sewer manhole rehabilitation in the Farmington Area. RJN, the Engineer, has reviewed the bids, checked references, and recommends award of this contract. The contract cost is 95% of the Engineer’s Estimate of $151,512.50. I plan to bring the contract to the City Council for approval on 19 July. b) Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Presentation to Water/Sewer Committee. I will present a 30 minute presentation defining what sewer rehabilitation does, why it is necessary, and how it relates to sewer overflow elimination and the overall wastewater business. 5. 24” WATER LINE REPLACEMENT. On 1 June we experienced another large water main break on the 24” water line located in the north-south easement west of and parallel to West Custer. This main has experienced numerous leaks over the years due to external corrosion, both in this area and in the area along Lewis Lane west of Morningside Drive. The project to replace these sections of pipe has been in the CIP for years; it was the highest priority unfunded project in the 2004 CIP. The severity of the leaks has increased significantly in the last two years. Prior to that time, the leaks were (relatively) small, due to holes in the pipe generally less than 2" diameter. We have had three leaks in the last two years that are significantly larger, with linear splits up to 8' long or large chunks (2' x 3') of pipe wall being blown out. These larger leaks significantly increase the risk of property damage to the homes behind which the pipe is installed. Due to this, we are moving forward on this project at this time. On 7 June, an engineer selection committee selected McGoodwin, Williams and Yates to perform design work on this project. A draft scope of work is attached. The City Engineer’s office will execute project management on this project. We expect to bring this contract to the City Council for approval on 19 July. 6. WATER AND SEWER OPERATIONS STUDY AND RATE AUDIT. Thursday, 2 June, Tom Gould of HDR presented HDR's audit report of the 2003 Water & Sewer Rate Study performed by Black & Veatch to the Operations and Rate Study Audit working group. HDR conclusions: 1) the rate setting techniques used in the 2003 water and sewer rate study conformed to "generally accepted" rate making methods; 2) while the rate study documented the approach and general assumptions used in the Study it did not provide adequate discussion or documentation to fully understand important assumptions within the study; 3) the use of sales tax proceeds and their relationship to the final rates was not clearly discussed or documented within the report; and 4) the rate of return (6%) used for the water ands sewer analysis for the outside city and wholesale customers was reasonable. NEXT MEETING: June 14, 2005 At 6:30 p.m. CDT END OF AGENDA