HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005-05-09 - Agendas - Final Faye I ARKANSAS WATEMEWER COMMITTEE AGENDA Meeting Date of May 91 2005 COMMITTEE: Chairman Kyle Cook; Alderman: Lioneld Jordan, Bobby Ferrell, Robert Reynolds COPY TO: Mayor Dan Coody, Sondra Smith, B b Davis, Steve Davis, Ron Petrie FROM: David Jurgens, Water/Sewer LOCATION/DATE: May 9, 2005, 5:00 PM, Room 111 , ity Hall A meeting of the Fayetteville Water and Sewer Committee is planned for May 9, 2005, at 5:00 PM, Room 111 , Fayetteville City Hall. The WaterMastewater Operations topics proposed for discussion at the committee meeting include: 1 . Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Project Update a) Engineer Selection for Next Project Area. There will be an engineering selection committee meeting Tuesday, 10 May at 1:00 p.m. to select the firm to begin the Sanitary Sewer Evaluation Study of the sewer collection system tributary to the Hamestring Creek lift station. The tentative scope of work and project area map is attached. b) Farmington Sewer Rehabilitation. We will advertise the Farmington area manhole rehabilitation beginning this Sunday, and are scheduled to open bids on 31 May 2005. The updated status report is attached. c) Rehabilitation Presentation to Water/Sewer Committee. I would like to schedule a sanitary sewer rehabilitation/sewer overflow elimination program update to the City Council Water and Sewer Committee within the next month. Given that we are starting rehabilitation in a new area, the City will be awarding two construction contracts in the next few months, and with the impacts that the rehabilitation has on , development, it seems to be an appropriate time for an update. d) STAG Grant/Illinois Basin 1-5 Sewer Rehabilitation. This rehabilitation project should be bid this summer. We are awaiting approval from EPA Region 6 on the application (submitted January, 2005) and the Categorical Exclusion (submitted November, 2004). e) 2005 STAG Award. As a result of our request submitted through Legislature in January, Fayetteville was awarded $481 ,200 in State Tribal and Assistance Grant funding in the 2005 budget. This is in addition to the funding awarded in 2003 and 2004 that is currently being used for sanitary sewer rehabilitation. The 2005 funds are split equally between water and wastewater infrastructure improvements. 2. Meeting with Goshen City Council, 10 May 2005. At their request, I will be meeting with the City of Goshen City Council at their 10 May meeting. They want to discuss water service in the City of Goshen, and gain a further understanding of fire protection services, etc. 3. 2004 Consumer Confidence/Water Quality Report. The 2004 Consumer Confidence Report (CCR) is being distributed this month in all water bills and through direct mailing to all customers. We are pleased to say that our water system had no violations in 2004. W-S committee agenda Way05.doc 4. Water and Sewer Operations Study and Rate Audit. HDR/EES is proceeding with their project to conduct an audit of the last rate study developed by Black and Veatch, to develop framework agreements and contracts for use with our municipal and governmental customers, and to evaluate the utility's water and wastewater operations. In addition to City staff, representatives of Elkins, Farmington, Goshen, and the University of Arkansas are participating in the project. W-S committee agenda 9MayO5.doc Tayve ei 1 le ARKANSAS WATER AND WASTEWATER OPERATIONS To: Engineering Selection Cott e From: David Jurgens, Water/Sewer Date: 8 May 2005 Re: Engineering Services Selection, San tary Sewer RehabihYation, Illinois River Basin 15 1. Background. The sewer system which flows to the Hamestrmg Creek lift station (2034 N County Road 877, where Sunshine Road turns south to 51 Avenue) has seen significant growth and flow increases in recent years. Collection system rehabilitation to reduce infiltration and inflow (1/I) in this system can offset the domestic flow increases due to growth, and thus extend the life of the pumping stations and interceptors and increase the amount of future growth than can occur in the:basin. 2. Project Intent. This project is designedto reduce the extraneous UI so that the system can meet current and future demands. The prnnary area to be studied is the west and north portion of town, shown on the atched mai "" We experience wet weather sanitary sewer overflows at`three,manholes nand downstream from this area. 3. Physical Characteristics and Resulting :;Investigation. The basin some old construction (clay mams vnth"some beck and:gome old concrete manholes) and a great deal of fairly new constructibhl with PVC M airs and vacuum tested concrete manholes. In orderto'not spencl:hme and mbney investigating new sewer mains and manholes, most of the, effort will be focused ori the "older lines in the system. Newer lines will be evaluai6 fty flow evaluation; any sub-areas that appear to have significant I/I problems will be investigated more thoroughly. The system includes 283,000' of sewer pipe of varied sizesauk types, and 1200 manholes. 4. University of Arkansas Collection System. Some of the collection system tributary in this basin services_tlie southwest portion of the University of Arkansas farms and is owned by the U of A. Specifically, it includes the lines that flow south from the farms and connect to the City main in the Porter Road just south of the I540/Porter Road exit. I have requested permission from Scott Turley, U of A Physical Plant, to install a flow monitor in the downstream reaches of the U of A collection system to identify if there is an UI problem or any unusual flow characteristics in this area. If we identify I/I problems in this area, I have proposed we consider a joint effort similar to what we did on the main parts of campus several years ago. As the need is not yet identified, I have proposed we first do the basic flow analysis, and then identify if rehabilitation is required in the U of A portion of the system. If some is required, we can then incorporate the SSES and all follow on work by change order. Basin ISSSES ScopeofWork May05.doc I invited Scott to the selection committee meeting. As we do not know if the U of A will actually be involved in the project, I do not feel it is appropriate for him to be a voting member. I think it is beneficial, however, to have him present. The U of A will.also be included in or informed about the project to the extent that he may request. 5. Project Description. The total project will be executed in three phases. Phases 2 and 3 will be contracted at a later date. A. Phase I. Preliminary Engineering (Sanitary Sewer Evaluation) Study. This is one part of the engineering work for which we are making the selection at this time, and involves a thorough investigation of the sewer system to identify all sources of inflow and infiltration through which rain and ground water enters the; sewer system. It will also identify major structural and capacity defects, and will take.;,recurring maintenance problems into account. The product will be a recommended construction plan with cost- effective repair analysis. The estimated work includes physical investigations of approximately 1,200 manholes, smoke testing pipe, performing ;dyed water examinations, cleaning and televising sewer pipe, and providing a brief'Win report ©f the results. ewer flows and rainfall will be measured at key points throughout the basin using a mixture of City owned and consultant owned flow monitors and rain gauges. This is not a generic, theoretWeal study, but a d i&`fted and specialized physical examination of every selected manhole and ;every inch of selected pipe in our sewer system in this area, which evaluates ``almost every aspect of these sewer lines and manholes. The project is similar to those recently completed in other areas of town, which have beeninstrumen#a1 ]n stopping n�nierous sanitary sewer overflows. B. Phase,4L -Final Engineering Design This phase includes the design of the rehabilitation and the bidding process The design will be based on the SSES. The ,.; design firm se1pption will be made simultaneous with the SSES selection. ."C. Phase III Construction: This phase involves the actual manhole and sewer line construction and rehabiftion, anted `inspecting and supervising the contractor(s) who perform the work. This project will probably include two or three construction projects- one for manhgle work and'two for different types of main line repairs and replacement. Construction shqW'_ jdbegin 2006, and should last from 18 to 24 months. 6. Budgeting. Thesewer rehabilitation project is in the 2004 Capital Improvements Plan, and is funded by water/sewer revenue funds. This project will use funds from multiple years. Enclosures: Project Area Map Basinl5SSES ScopeofWork May05.doc m�;ti'.-----e��F;✓AYLN-, (CKYAI[)GELN D 2 i = Z tip O . i O zco m r$ A m �O . 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Meadow, Suite 8 An Employee-Owned Firm Fayetteville, AR 72701 Engineering and Information 479.444.6119 Technology Services . � fax 479.444.6119 ------------- www.rjn.com Project Status Report City of Farmington Sanitary Sewer Rehabilitation Project For Period Ending April 30, 2005 I. The Consultant's Scope RJN Group, Inc. is responsible for reviewing the data from the Severn Trent, Inc. SSES Study of the City of Farmington Wastewater Collection System and preparing plans and specifications for the repairs listed in the SSES report. The project may also include additional field investigations as necessary to supplement the Severn Trent data. H. Progress Made During the Last Reporting Month RJN has completed the review of the manhole inspection data from Severn Trent and has also completed the field investigations necessary to finalize the manhole rehabilitation design. Construction documents for the manhole rehabilitation has been completed and submitted to the City for review. After receipt of the City's written comments, final construction documents will be prepared and the project will be advertised for bid. Flow monitoring site,locations were finalized in April 2005 with the installation of flow meters completed. M. Schedule Update The schedule has been updated to reflect current progress and is attached. IV. Issues of Concern to the Consultant Need comments on Manhole Rehabilitation design from City. Z:\Fayetteville\18-1959-00\Communication\.Status Reports\2005\1959 PSR-Farmington-APR 05.doc