HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-02-24 - Agendas - Final —F--rE=—Nor IL—L—r--= WATER AND SEWER COMMITTEE AGENDA Meeting Date of February 10, 2004 COMMITTEE: Chairman Kyle Cook, Alderman Lioneld Jordan, Alderman Shirley Lucas, Alderman Robert Reynolds COPY TO: Mayor Dan Coody, Sondra Smith, Tim Conklin, Hugh Earnest, David Jurgens, Billy Ammops- FROM: Greg Boettcher (2/20/04) MEETING DATE: February 24, 2004 (immediately following City Council Agenda Session) LOCATION: City Hall, Room 326 A meeting of the Fayetteville Water and Sewer Committee is planned for February 24, 2004 at approximately 5:30 pm, Room 326, Fayetteville City Hall (immediately following the Agenda session). The topics proposed for discussion at the committee meeting include: 1) Water and Wastewater Operations Building: At 2 :00 pm on February 10, 2004 in city hall; bids were opened for the new operations center. The award of the construction contract.has been placed on the March 2, 2004 city council meeting, with bid tabulations/contract award recommendations and other materials have been furnished to City Council Members on Friday February 20, 2004. The bid opening results and anticipated award actions will be discussed by the committee. 2) Continuing Discussions From the Previous Meeting as Appropriate: ► Water Service Territory Amendment Request: Engineering Services, Inc. has submitted a request on behalf of its client (Mr. Tom Terminella) for the modification of the water service territory boundary. The request relates to approximately 120 acres of land that lies outside Fayetteville city limits but within the Fayetteville water service territory, in the northeastern portion of the city. The developer requests a water service boundary change. Fayetteville's existing water and wastewater infrastructure is neither adequate nor in close proximity to the proposed development tract. Due to the logical connectivity of this tract to northerly development activities in Springdale and the reported. adequacy of the Springdale water/wastewater facilities to service the 120 acre tract; it is reasonable to modify the water service boundary to permit Springdale to provide water service to said 120 acre tract. This is brought forth for discussion and evaluation by the committee. / Springwoods Subdivision Interceptor Sewer Realignment Agreement: The developer of the Springwoods Subdivision (Mr. Collins Haynes) has requested that the interceptor sewer main crossing his property be realigned to follow the north and west boundary lines. The purchase agreement provided for this interceptor sewer line to traverse the property using a linear projection of Truckers Drive right-of-way. This original alignment is not compatible with the proposed development plan for this property, necessitating a request by the developer that the interceptor route be shifted. Costs attributable to this change have been predicted and form the basis for the agreement. The City Attorney has reviewed and approved the agreement, with the draft being forwarded to the developer for approval and execution. Upon receipt of the executed agreement the city council must then approve the agreement and authorize the Mayor to sign the agreement, the engineering agreement amendments with RJN/ECO and other actions necessary to effect the realignment of the interceptor sewer main. Beaver Water District Rebate for 2003: Beaver Water District is required to annually reconcile its operations, refunding each member a proportionate share of its operating gains. For calendar year 2003, the municipal water enterprise has received a rebate payment of $426,277.00. In recent years, these funds have been dedicated to water system capital improvement projects (accelerated water main replacement program in 2002). The current 5-year capital improvement program has identified more than $38,000,000.00 in unfunded capital improvement needs for the water supply system. All funds not needed to meet minimum operating reserve requirements should be reinvested in the infrastructure system as there are abundant needs. This is a topic for discussion by the committee, including some insights into forthcoming capital project needs. Self-Insurance Claims: Open discussion regarding the revision of the administrative limits for claims from $2,500.00 to $10,000.00. Also, discussion on use of private claims adjusters to handle the larger and more complex incidents that are paid from self-insurance resources. Currently, city staff members are required to investigate, evaluate and render determinations on customer damage claims that fall under self- insurance (sewer backups). This one-sided and time-consuming approach is not the best use of city personnel and often depicts the city as an adversary in trying to settle issues. For significant and/or complex claims, it is proposed that the availability of a private claims adjuster be investigated; said consultant to be retained on an as-needed, time and materials basis. Sewer Collection System Model: Update on the status of the initial setup and calibration of the sewer collection model by RJN Group. A recent progress meeting has resolved remaining questions and established a delivery date for the completion of the first modeling and report findings.