HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005-05-02 - Agendas FAYETTEVILLE THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE,ARKANSAS 125 W.Mountain St. Fayetteville,AR 72701 Telephone:(479)575-8267 AGENDA FOR A MEETING OF THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT Monday,May 2,2005,3:45 p.m. Room 326,City Administration Building The following items will be considered: Approval of Minutes from the 04125/2005 meeting. New Business: 1. BOA 05-1499(BEN JACK'S,290): Submitted by BRETT PARK for property located at 2719 DRAKE STREET. The property is zoned C-2,THOROUGHFARE COMMERCIAL and contains approximately 0.84 acres. The request is a variance from front setback requirements of 25'from the Master Street Plan right-of-way to accommodate an existing non-conforming structure located 20' 9"from the MSP right-of-way(a 4'3"variance). Property Owner: BEN JACK Planner: SUZANNE MORGAN 2. BOA 05-1500(WESTSIDE CONDOMINIUMS,439): Submitted by ROBERT SHARP for property located at RUPPLE ROAD,N OF BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB. The property is zoned RMF-24,MULTI FAMILY-24 UNITS/ACRE and contains approximately 21.91 acres. The request is for a 10'front setback on interior streets only- Property Owner: VVESTSIDE DEVELOPMENT CO.,LLC Planner: JEREMY PATE 3. BOA 05-1501 (620 LAFAYETTE APARTMENTS,483): Submitted by ROBERT KELLY for propert y located at 620 W LAYFAYETTE. The property is zoned RMF-40,MULTI FAMILY-40 UNITS/ACRE and contains approximately 0.29 acres. The request is for a variance from side setback requirements of F additional side setback for every F over 20'in.height to accommodate a new structure with a 25'height to the eave. Planner: SUZANNE MORGAN All interested parties may appear and be heard at the public hearings. A copy of the proposed amendments and other pertinent data are open and available for inspection in the office of City Planning(575-8267), 125 West Mountain Street,Fayetteville,Arkansas. All interested parties are invited to review the petitions. Interpreters or TDD for hearing impaired are available for all public hearings;72 hour notice is required. For further information or to request an interpreter,please call 575-8330. ORDER OF BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MEETING A. Introduction of agenda item—Chairman B. Presentation of Staff Report C. Presentation of request—Applicant D. Public Comment E. Response by Applicant/Questions & Answer with Board F. Action of the Board of Adjustment(Discussion & Vote) NOTE TO MEMBERS OF THE AUDIENCE If you wish to address the Board of Adjustment on an agenda item raise your hand when the Chairman asks for public comment. He will do this after he has given Board members the opportunity to speak and before a final vote is taken. Public comment will only be permitted during this part of the hearing for each item. Once the Chairman recognizes you, go to the podium at the front of the room and give your name and address. Address your comments to the Chairman, who is the presiding officer. He will direct them to the appropriate appointed official, staff member or others for response. Please keep your comments brief, to the point, and relevant to the agenda item being considered so that everyone has a chance to speak. Please, as a matter of courtesy, refrain from applauding or booing any speakers or actions of the Board of Adjustment. 2005 Board of Adjustment Members Sherrie Alt Michael Andrews (Chainnan) Michael Green Robert Kohler Bob Nickle Joanne Olzewski Eric Johnson BOAMeetin ofMay02, 2005 9 9 1 ARKANSAS THE CITY OF FAYE'r-FEVILLE. ARKANSAS 125 W. Mountain St. Fayetteville,AR 72701 PLANNING DIVISION CORRESPONDENCE Telephone:(479)575-8267 TO: Board of Adjustment FROM: Suzanne Morgan, Associate Planner THRU: Jeremy Pate, Director of Current Planning DATE: April 28, 2005 BOA 05-1499 (BEN JACK'S,290): Submitted by BRETT PARK for property located at 2719 DRAKE STREET. The property is zoned C-2, THOROUGHFARE COMMERCIAL and contains approximately 0.84 acres. The request is a variance from front setback requirements of 25'from the Master Street Plan right-of-way to accommodate an existing non-conforming structure located 20' 9" from the MSP right- of-way(a 4' 3"variance.) Property Owner: BEN JACK Planner: SUZANNE MORGAN RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the requested setback variance based on the findings herein with the following conditions: 1. Landscaping shall be planted within the 25' greenspace adjacent to the right-of-way at the ratio of 1 tree per 301 in accordance with Ch. 172.07. 2. Vegetation having a minimum height of one foot six inches at the time'of planning and occupying 10% of the open area shall beinstalled with issuance of a building permit,prior to Certificate of Occupancy. 3. A landscape plan shall be submitted for approval prior to installation of required vegetation per conditions of approval. 4. Expansion of the existing structure and additional development shall comply with City ordinance requirements. BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT AOWN: 0 Approved C I) Denied Date: May 02,2005 May 02,2005� Board of Adjustment BOA 05-1499(Ben Jack's) KlReportsI20051BOA Repore;105-07-05WA 05-1499(RenJack's)-doc Page 1.1 BACKGROUND: Property description: The subject property contains approximately 0.84 acres and is located at 2719 Drake Street. It is zoned C-2, Thoroughfare Commercial and utilized for Ben Jack's Arkansas Music, an allowable use within this zoning district. The structure was permitted and built in 1987. Although the front setback requirement in this zoning district is 50', Chapter 166.10 C (4) allows the applicant to reduce the setback to 25' provided that no off-street parking is provided within this front yard and an additional 10% of vegetation is planted within this area. The structure was permitted in 1987 with these restrictions,though the parking along the side of the structure does encroach 10' within the 25' greenspace and would be not be approved at this time. No vegetation is currently present adjacent to the right-of-way on this property, as required by ordinance. Background- On March 1,2005, the applicant applied for a building permit to add a metal storage building to an existing metal storage unit. This permit was denied due to the fact that the proposed and existing metal structures did not meet commercial design standards, and as separate structures on the property constitute a nonconforming use for storage (Use Unit 21) within the C-2 zoning district. No building permit was ever issued for the existing metal structure. Staff has met with the applicant to resolve these issues. Upon review of the site plan for this building permit, staff found that the structure was not compliant with current setback regulations. In 1987, the structure was permitted with a 25' front setback from the right-of-way,which at the time was 30' from centerline. An ordinance was passed since 1987 that requires all setbacks to be measured firomIthe Master Street Plan right-of-way(see Chapter 166.18 Master Street Plan Setbacks). Drake Street is designated a Collector Street and requires 35' from centerline. Therefore, the existing structure is nonconforming and cannot be enlarged until it meets zoning requirements. Request: The request is for a front setback variance for the existing structure adjacent to Drake Street to allow a 20' 9" setback where a 25' setback is required(a 4' 3"variance). Recommendation: Staff recommends approval of the requested front setback variance. The request is in harmony,with the existing surrounding structures and is not as a result of the actions of the applicant. Location Ordinance Requirement Applicant's Request Front Setback 25' (with no parking b/w structure 20' 9" (a 4' 3"variance) and greenspace& 10%v getation) May 02,2005 Board of Adjustment BOA 05-1499(Ben Jack's) K.WeporisI2005WOA Repore,105-07-051BOA 05-1499(Ben Jack's).doc Page 1.2 SURROUNDING LAND USE AND ZONING Land Use Zoning North Auto Body Shop, Mailco C-2, Thoroughfare Commercial South Commercial/Retail C-2, Thoroughfare Commercial East Commercial/Retail C-2, Thoroughfare Commercial West Single-family, Two-family, and RMF-24, Res. Multi-family—24 units/acre Three-family development GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION: Community Commercial FINDINGS: § 156.02 ZONING REGULATIONS. Certain variances of the zoning regulations may be applied for as follows: A. General Regulations/Application. A variance shall not be granted unless and until an application demonstrates: 1. Special Conditions. That special conditions and circumstances exist which are peculiar to the land, structure, or building involved and which are not applicable to other lands, structures or buildings in the same district. Finding: Special conditions do exist for this property that are'peculiar to the existing building. The property owner received approval for a building permit in 1987 for construction in conformance with all setback requirements. As constructed and shown on the attached site plans,the building was located at the required front setback. The adoption of a new Master Street Plan and ordinance requiring all setbacks to be measured from the Master Street Plan has resulted in the nonconformity of this structure. 2. Deprivation of Rights. That literal interpretation of the provisions of the zoning regulations would deprive the applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other properties in the same district under the terms of the zoning regulations. Finding: Literal interpretation of zoning regulations would deprive the applicant of rights enjoyed by other properties in the same district. Any requested addition to the structure within the required setbacks would not be permitted on a nonconforming structure. 3. Resulting Actions. That the special conditions and circumstances do not result from the actions of the applicant. May 02,2005 Board of Adjustment BOA 05-1499(Ben Jack's) K.1ReportsL?005W0A ReporuI05-07-05WA 05-1499(Ben Jack's).doc Page 1.3 Finding: The special conditions and circumstances in this case do not result from the actions of the applicant, but as a result of a change in policy and setback requirements since the time that this structure was permitted. 4. No Special Privileges. That granting the variance requested will not confer on the applicant any special privilege that is denied by Zoning, Chapters 160-165, to other lands, structures, or buildings in the same district. Finding: Granting the requested front setback variances will not confer special privileges on the applicant. The applicant is requesting approval for the setback of a structure that is similar in location to adjacent structures. Any new structure permitted in the C-2 zoning district could be built 25' from the Master Street Plan right-of-way in accordance with Ch. 166.10 C (4). 5. Nonconforming Uses. No nonconforming use of neighboring lands, structures, or buildings in the same district, and no permitted or nonconforming use of lands, structures, or buildings in other districts shall be considered grounds for the issuance of a variance. Finding: No other nonconformities were considered as a basis of the findings stated in this staff report. 156.02 C. Consideration by the Board of Adjustment. 1. Bulk and Area. Applications for variances of bulk and area requirements shall be considered by and may be approved by the Board of Adjustment. 2. Public Hearing. A public hearing shall be held. Finding: A public hearing is scheduled for Monday,May 02,2005.,-: - 3. Findings. The Board of Adjustment shall make the following findings: a. Minimum Variance. That the reasons set forth in the application justify the granting of the variance, and that the variance is the minimum variance that will make possible the reasonable use of the land, building, or structure. Finding: The requested front setback variance is the minimum variance required to bring the existing structure into compliance with the ordinance. May 02,2005 Board of Adjustment BOA 05-1499(Ben Jack's) K-Reports1200500A ReportsI05-07-05WOA 05-1499(Ben Jackrs).doc Page 1.4 b. Harmony with General Purpose. The Board of Adjustment shall further make a finding that the granting of the variance will be in harmony with the general purpose and intent of Zoning, Chapters 160-165, and will not be injurious to the neighborhood, or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare. Finding: Granting the variance is in harmony with the purpose and intent of the Zoning regulations and will not be injurious to the neighborhood or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare. C. Conditions and Safeguards. In granting any variance,the Board of Adjustment may prescribe appropriate conditions and safeguards in conformity with the zoning regulations. Finding: Conditions of approval for this variance request have been included in this staff report. d. No Variance Allowed. Under no circumstances shall the Board of Adjustment grant a variance to allow a use not permissible under Zoning in the district involved, or any use expressly or by implication prohibited by the terms of the zoning regulations in said district. Finding: A music retail establishment is a use by right in the C-2 zoning district. May 02,2005 Board of Adjustment BOA 05-1499(Ben Jack's) K-,IReportsI2OOJVBO.4 ReportsW-07-05WOA 05-1499(BenJack's).doc Page 1.5 161.17 District C-2,Thoroughfare FF-Rear Commercial (A) Purpose. The Thoroughfare Commercial (F) Height regulations. In District C-2 any building which exceeds the height of 20 District is designed especially to feet shall be set back from any boundary encourage the functional grouping of these line of any residential district a distance of commercial enterprises catering primarily one foot for each foot of height in excess to highway travelers. of 20 feet. No building shall exceed six (13) Uses. stories or 75 feet in height. (1) Permitted uses. (G) Building area. On any lot,the Unit I City-wide uses by right area occupied by all buildings Unit 4 Cultural and recreational facilities shall not exceed 60%of the total Unit 12 Offices, studios and related area of such lot. services Unit 13 Eating places 166.10 Buffer Strips And Screening I Jnit 14 Hotel, motel, and amusement (4) Setback reduction. Required building facilities setbacks may be reduced in Unit 15 Neighborhood shopping goods accordance with the following table Unit 16 Shopping goods where vegetation having a minimum Unit 17 Trades and services height of one foot six inches at the Unit 18 Gasoline service stations & drive- time of planting and occupying 10% in restaurants of the open area is installed and no Unit 19 Commercial recreation,small sites off-street parking is provided in the Unit 20 Commercial recreation, large sites remainin I g front yard. Unit 33 Adult live entertainment club or bar C-1, C-2, and 1-1 From 50 feet to 25 Unit 34 Liquor store zones feet R-0 zone From 30 feet to 25 (2) Conditional uses. feet Unit 2 City-wide uses by conditional use 1-2 zone From 100 feet to 50 permit feet I Jnit 3 Public protection and utility facilities 166.18 Master Street Plan Setbacks Unit 21 Warehousing and wholesale The city shall require the applicant/developer Unit 28 Center for collecting recyclable to establish a right-of-way setback line based on the right-of-way requirements for streets materials and highways designated by the MasterStreet n 1 32 Sexually oriented business Plan. Such setback line shall be considered the rUnit35 Outdoor music establishments property line for such purpose of satisfying the Unit 36 Wireless communications facilities requirements of the UDO.All building setbacks,required landscaping,parking lots, (C) Density. None. display areas,storage areas and other improvements and uses shall be located (D) Bulk and area regulations. None. outside of such established setback area.The required width of setbacks, landscaped areas, (E) Setback regulations. buffers,and all other setback requirements Front 50 ft. shall be dimensioned from the established e Side NonJ right-of-way setback line.The establishment Side, when contiguous to a 15 ft. of any new structure or other improvements residential district within the right-of-way setback is prohibited. May 02,2005 Board of Adjustment BOA 05-1499(Ben Jack's) KlReporisI2005WOA ReportsIO5-07-051BOA 05-1499(BenJack's).doc Page 1.6 11 April 2005 WRITTEN DESCRIPTION Mr.Ben Jacl�,owner of the Ben Jad��s Arkansas Music,2719 Drake Street, requests a 25 foot variance for the front setback requirement on his property. The existing structure has 3976 square feet of conditioned floor area and a 625 square foot storage room. This storage is has separate exterior access from the remainder of the building. The property currently has 16 total parking spaces. These spaces are off-street and dedicated to this propervs use. It is Mr.Jack!s desire to add an additional attached storage room to the rear of his building. During the process of this addition, improvements will be made to the existing storage room to make it consistent with the detail and image of the main building. The extents of this storage room fall within the setback requirements for this property. The need for the front setback variance is to address a non-conformity that anses as a result of the building's construction predating the implementation of Fayetteville's Master Street Plan. May 02,2005 Board of Adjustment BOA 05-1499(Ben Jack's) Page 1.7 SRFT PARK COMPANY, INC 11 April 2005 Mr. Michael Andrews Chair�Board of Adjustments 113 West Mountain Street Fayetteville, AR 72701 Dear Mr. Andrews, On behalf of Mr.Ben Jack,owner of the Ben Jacks Arkansas Music,2719 Drake Street,we request a variance for the front setback requirement along the North side of his property, facing Drake Street The special condition that exists for this property results from the Fayetteville Master Street Plan!s implementation after the construction of this building. This request seeks only to address the existing non- conformity and does not increase the severity of any current non- conformity. Drake Street is designated as a"collector streer by the Master Street Plan,and as such requires a 50'front setback- Mr.Jack's property was built in 1987, and is built as permitted at that time. The structure is currently 25' 9"from the front property fine. We are specifically requesting a variance of 25 feet to address this non-conformity. This adjustment will allow Mr.Jack to make improvements to his property. First,by varying the front setback requirement the property will no longer be outside of city requirements. Second, the variance will allow Mr.Jack to add an attached storage room to the rear of his property and make unproventents to the building's appearance. This includes changing the materials and details of an existing attached storage room to match the materials and details of the building. The new attached storage room will also have the same materials and details of the existing building. We feel that Mr.Jacks request meets the following criteria: a) Special conditions exist: The structure predates Fayetteville's Master Street Plan. b) Literal interpretation of the setback requirement would deprive Mr.Jack of the ability to build within the legal buildable limits of his property c) This situation is not the result of actions of the property owner. The structure's location on the property predates the implementation of Fayetteville's Master Street Plan. May 02,2005 Board of Adjustment BOA 05-1499(Ben Jack's) Page 1.8 d) Granting this variance will not grant this property special privilege denied to others.This budding has a similar position and relationship to Drake Street as other buildings in the area. The addition Mr.Jack proposes is consistent with similar construction in his area. Furthermore, he is asking to build within the limits of the setbacks of his property. In.conclusion,we ask that you approve this variance. It will allow Mr.Jack to improve his property with the confidence that the condition of non- conformance has been addressed. Sincerely, Bret Park May 02,2005 Board of Adjustment BOA 05-1499(Ben Jack's) Page 1.9 MR, Pz wmm -O&Q UIMUM E,UNIM m M. AWNIM& ut,h-noo,6Htp or- May 02,2005 Board of AdjuAment BOA 05-1499(Ben Jack's) Page 1.11 77,", Q� Ag A4 NIRJK Oml 771= ---!L-"f2Y00* E EXISTING TREELINE A EXISTING HARDNOOD TREES TO REMAIN,TYF. " T 5 0- E5: LOOK 2 _L0: 0ENTEAR GRAVEL --- I : 0%, E LOT y % PROP05EP STORAGE ADDITION 0 EXISTING STORAGE 514EP EX15tlN& 5TRUCTURE EXISTIN6 PARKIN lKI-ER T PLAN REQUESTED �n FRONT 5ET5ACK ;ore 0. 5ITF- PLAN SCALE: 1.'.50'-0" VARIANCE REOUEST FOR BEN JACKS ARKANSAS MUSIC 2719 DRAKE STREET May 02,2005 FAYETTEVILLE,AR Board of Adjustment BRET PARK COMPANY, INC. 05-1499(Ben Jack's) P.O. E30X FAYETTEVILLE,AR 72702 Page 1.13 TEL(479)527-6465 FAX(479)527-6415 BOA05-1499 2 V1 Close Up View] BEN JACK'S ! i 1 3 R&IF.24 p .24 i D RVF f ILI MM RMF-24-- F— L C�2 ST RMF-2� --GRANA.AST --GRANADA� SUBJECT PROPERTY RMF-24 C-2 MADRID MADRID Eamon= --RMF.24 —7-0- -241 SLIRB�LD DR IS1,14 Overview Legend cqoo� 0�aDnMct ee�PnnUMArtedal FLOODWffi W)�R ME BOA05-1499 Man*'51�PI.n �Mln.,Adedel —1W�R —LIMITOFS�DY ShnAp1.n m= Collconr BncUnePmfile Fry��.y ....HiMnICoffeM, C-1 Fayetteville EgJ ww�aXay 02,2005 Board of Adjustment OA 05-1499 Men Jack's) 0 75 150 300 4W 600 Page 1.14 BOA05-1499 BEN JACK'S One Mile View �V 1 RW-24 RiD 66 --2 a R-0J' RT-12 s,sF4 0 R� SF4 C�2 RJ ; 7 RSF4-Jf R1 bT4, C-2 RMF 24- APPUI.,I�II r SUBJECT PROPERTY MF;4- RA 5� RSF4 —�r -g Ft R R-A I - - -- - -T� F4,/ r-t�" F -a, :RW�24 1; 14MEADE RI M�, RMF-24 �2 z J, MF-24 PRINC 4— �2 1�1 F R� CASSW ST L-1 �)MOLDS ...... R�24 FW i �2 ZE Nis—, �2 -4-1 1.6 12 F7 F L! rsi R�2 J �4 ��RSF4 T J RSFj4 P-i� E I RS -7, RA R44 -kSFW V Overview Legend Boundary Master Street Plan ------ SubjeGt Property Planning Area Master Street Plan Frs—y/ExPrss-.y ..10verayDistrit —Pdncipal Artedal Outside ally —MinorAnenal coll�or 00091-listOdC Collector May 02,2005 -------- --- Board of Adjustment -1499(Ben Jack's) 0 0.1250.25 0.5 0.75 1 BOA 05 Miles Page 1.15 BOA Meeting of May 02, 2005 ARKANSAS THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLL, ARKANSAS 125 W. Mountain St. Fayetteville,AR 72701 PLANNING DIVISION CORRESPONDENCE Telephone:(479)575-8267 TO: Board of Adjustment FROM: Jeremy Pate, Director of Current Planning DATE: April 28, 2005 BOA 05-1500 (WESTSIDE CONDOMINIUMS, 439): Submitted by ROBERT SHARP for property located at RUPPLE ROAD,N OF BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB. The property is zoned RMF-24, MULTI FAMILY- 24 UNITS/ACRE and contains approximately 21.91 acres. The request is for a 15' front setback on future interior streets only. Property Owner: WESTSIDE DEVELOPMENT CO., LLC Planner: JEREMY PATE RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends denial of the requested setback variance based on the findings herein: [i BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT ACTION: OA- 0 Denied B pproved [D'ate: Mayr02,2005 BACKGROUND: Property description: The subject property contains approximately 21.65 acres in west Fayetteville, north of the Boys and Girls Club. It is zoned RMF-24,allowing for multi- family residential development. The property is a large lot in a subdivision platted in this area several years ago, and has remained vacant. Surrounding development includes the Boys and Girls Club, Fayetteville Fire Station#7, and approved development plans for Rupple Row PZD, across Rupple Road. To the north is a single family home on large acreage. Request: The request is for a front setback variance on all planned/future interior streets, allowing for a 15-foot setback as opposed to a 25-foot setback as required by current ordinance in the RMF-24 zoning district. May 02,2005 Board of Adjustment BOA 05-1500(Westside Condominiums) K.-V?eports12005W0,4 ReportsI05-07-0500,4 05-1500(Westside Condos).doc Page 2.1 Recommendation: Staff recommends denial of the requested variance for the planned development. The City Council three years ago approved an ordinance specifically to allow for flexibility and creativity for new development projects: the Planned Zoning District. This existing process allows for the Planning Commission and City Council to determine if the requests to vary ordinance requirements is in keeping with city policies and objectives, in concert with the development plan presented. Staff finds that the variance process is not the process by which new development should vary legally binding zoning law, unless it meets the findings herein. Staff recommends denial of the requested variance based on the findings herein. Ordinance Location Requirement Applicant's Request All planned street frontages on the 25' 15' (a 10' variance) roperty SURROUNDING LAND USE AND ZONING Land Use Zoning North Single family home, light commercial R-A, R-0 South Boys& Girls Club R-A East Vacant R-A West Rupple Row PZD (under R-PZD construction) GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION Residential FINDINGS: § 156.02 ZONING REGULATIONS. Certain variances of the zoning regulations may be applied for as follows: A. General Regulations/Application. A variance shall not be granted unless and until an application demonstrates: 1. Special Conditions. That special conditions and circumstances exist which are peculiar to the land, structure, or building involved and which are not applicable to other lands, structures or buildings in the same district. Finding: Special conditions do not exist for this property that are peculiar to the land. This property is vacant,without an approved development plan,which allows a designer's flexibility to appropriately meet current zoning ordinances. While a unique and traditional urban design project is planned, it has not been presented to the Planning Commission for review and approval. At this time, there are not special circumstances that warrant the variance request. May 02,2005 Board of Adjustment BOA 05-1500(Westside Condominiums) K.WeporLsL20051BOA ReporW05-07-051BOA 05-1500(Westside Condos).doc Page 2.2 2. Deprivation of Rights. That literal interpretation of the provisions of the zoning regulations would deprive the applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other properties in the same district under the terms of the zoning regulations. Finding: Literal interpretation of zoning regulations would not deprive the applicant of rights enjoyed by other properties in the same district. The development across the street(Rupple Row PZD) does have reduced setbacks in some cases; it was approved within a Planned Zoning District process,which included a development plan and standards that supported the reduced setbacks, as approved by the City Council. If a more traditional neighborhood design philosophy is intended to be utilized outside of the regulations of the current zoning district, it is staffs recommendation for the applicant to pursue a Planned Zoning District request,which is the City Council's adopted ordinance for such a case. 3. Resulting Actions. That the special conditions and circumstances do not result from the actions of the applicant. Finding: No special conditions or circumstances exist that result from the applicant in this variance request. 4. No Special Privileges. That granting the variance requested will not confer on the applicant any special privilege that is denied by Zoning, Chapters 160-165, to other lands, structures, or buildings in the same district. Finding: Granting the requested front setback variances will confer special privileges on the applicant. Those developing new projects in the RMF-24 zoning district,or any zoning district,are expected to follow the ordinances and regulations of their respective district. Whether the type of project is desirable or not should not be a consideration in a relaxation of zoning law,either for or against. Staff finds that granting the requested setback variance for this project would not support the variance process,and would confer a special privilege on the applicant, based on the project and design philosophy presented. This case is much more appropriate as a Planned Zoning District application before the City Council for action. 5. Nonconforming Uses. No nonconforming use of neighboring lands, structures, or buildings in the same district, and no permitted or nonconforming use of lands, structures, or buildings in other districts shall be considered grounds for the issuance of a variance. May 02,2005 Board of Adjustment BOA 05-1500(Westside Condominiums) K.WeporlsUOOMOA ReportA05-07-051BOA 05-1500(Westside Condos).d� Page 2.3 Finding: No other nonconformities were considered as a basis of the fimlings stated in this staff report. § 156.02 C. Consideration by the Board of Adjustment. 1. Bulk and Area. Applications for variances of bulk and area requirements shall be considered by and may be approved by the Board of Adjustment. 2. Public Hearing. A public hearing shall be held, Finding: A public hearing is scheduled for Monday,May 02,2005. 3. Findings. The Board of Adjustment shall make the following findings: a. Minimum Variance. That the reasons set forth in the application justify the granting of the variance, and that the variance is the minimum variance that will make possible the reasonable use of the land, building, or structure. Finding: The requested front setback variances for all interior public streets are the minimum set forth by a proposed development plan,which is not in accordance with the existing zoning district. A reasonable use of the land is possible without the variance being granted. b. Harmony_with General Purpose. The Board of Adjustment shall further make a finding that the granting of the variance will be in harmony with the general purpose and intent of Zoning, Chapters 160-165, and will not be injurious to the neighborhood, or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare. Finding: Granting the variance will not necessarily be injurious to the neighborhood or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare. However,the request is.not in keeping with the intent of the zoning district regulations as�curkently adopted. There is a process in place by which this type of application should be evaluated, based on the development plans submitted. C. Conditions and Safeguards. In granting any variance,the Board of Adjustment may prescribe appropriate conditions and safeguards in conformity with the zoning regulations. Finding: No conditions or safeguards are recommended, as denial of the request has been recommended. d. No Variance Allowed. Under no circumstances shall the Board of May 02,2005 Board of Adjustment BOA 05-1500(Westside Condominiums) K.WeportsL7005WOA ReportA05-07-051BOA 05-1500(Westside Condos).doc Page 2.4 Adjustment grant a variance to allow a use not permissible under Zoning in the district involved, or afiy use expressly or by implication prohibited by the terms of the zoning regulations in said district. Finding: Multi-family use is a use by right in the RMF-24 zoning district,and to vary a use is not part of the variance request. May 02,2005 Board of Adjustment BOA 05-1500(Westside Condominiums) K.IReportsL700500,4 ReportsIO5-07-051BOA 05-1500(Wesiside Condos).doc Page 2.5 161.13 District RMF-24,Residential Three or more go ft. Multi,-Family—Twenty-Four Units Per III Professional offices looft. Acre (2) Lotareaminimum. (A) Purpose. The RMF-24 Multi-family Residential District is designed to permit Manufactured home park 3 acres and encourage the developing of a variety of Lot within a mobile home 4,200 sq.ft. park dwelling types in suitable environments in a Townhouses: variety of densities. *Development 10,000 sq.ft. olndividual lot 2,500 sq.ft. (B) Uses- Single-family 6,000 sq.ft. Two-family 7,000 sq.ft. (1) Permitted uses. Three or more 9,000 sq.ft. Fprate niM oror acT L r,f,ss "office acress Unit 1 City-wide uses by right Unit 8 Single-family dwellings (3) Land areaper dwelling unit. Unit 9 Two-family dwellings Unit 10 Three-family dwellings Unit 26 Multi-family dwellings Manufactured home 3,000 sq.ft. Apartments: 0No bedroom 1,700 sq.ft. (2) Conditional uses. *One bedroom 1,700 sq.ft. -Two bedroom 2,000 sq.ft. Unit 2 City-wide uses by conditional use Fraternity or Sorority 1,000 sq.ft.per resident permit Unit 3 Public protection and utility facilities (E) Setback requirements . Unit 4 Cultural and recreational facilities Unit 11 Manufactured home park Unit 25 Professional offices Side Re Unit 24 Home occupations 8 ft. 25 ft. 7 Unit 36 Wireless communications facilities Cross reference(s)-Nariance,Ch.156. (C) Density- (F) Height regulations. Any building which Units per acre 4 to 24 exceeds the height of 20 feet shall be set. back from any side boundary line an (D) Bulk and area regulations. additional distance of one foot for each foot of height in excess of 20 feet. (1) Lot width minimum. (G) Building area None. Manufactured home park 100ft. Lot within a Manufactured 50-fLz home park Single-family 60 ft. Two-family 60 ft. May 02,2005 Board of Adjustment BOA 05-1500(Westside Condominiums) K.Ikeportst2OO5iBOAReporisIO5-07-051BOA 05-1500(Mulside Condos).doc Page 2.6 0 ZO 0 0 M cd 0 (U 0 to 0 to 0 �20 -0 0 to 0 0 E 0 >1 a �a 0 w 7:1 — C,$ 4) .— 0 0 (k)" > -0 > 0 cl 0 cd 0 Q 0 A -0 0 0 0 -0 0 �20 to 0 > 0 0 0) (U a 0 a) -9 0 cj bb to Um & �a w = -11. �c r. 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M -S2 " O� ,U � m C3 (U (=> May 02,200 -0 iz -�2 I: cl� cd 7a Board of Adjustment BOA 05-1500(Westside Condominiums) Page 2.12