HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-02-02 - Agendas 020404 BOA 1/30/04 ge 1 11 020404 BOA W.2 'CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE AGENDA NOTICE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT Monday,Februaw 2,2004,3:,tS p.m. City Administration Building,Room 326 113 West Mountain Fayetteville,Ariumsas PUBLIC MEETING-OPEN TO ALL I property is mrall R-A,R- The folloveing items vdil be considered; Approwl of minutes from the meeting of Janums,5,2004. Ney,Bu.inas, VAR 0"3.00; Variance(Fire Station#7,pp 439)�submitted by Wittenberg,Delory,and Davidson,Inc.on behalf of the City of Fayetteville for property located M 636 N.Rupple Road. The esidentlaf Agr cultural.�e requirement is for a 20'setback on the north building setback fine. The request is to allovy a 7'setback(a 1Tvarance.) At interested parties may appear and be heard at the public headings. A copy of the proposed amendments and other pedinnent data is open and available for Inspection in the Office of City Planning (575-8267),126 West Mountain Street,Fayetteville,Arkansas. M interected parles,are invited to revesv the petitions. Interpreters or TDD for real impaired are available for all public meelfings. 72 hour notice is required, For further information or to request an interpreter,please call 575-8330. FAYETTEVILLE THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE,ARKANSAS 125 W. Mountain St. Fayetteville,AR 72701 Telephone:479-575-8267 AGENDA FOR A MEETING OF THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT A regular meeting of the Board of Adjustment will be held Monday, February 2, 2004, at 3:45 p.m. in Room 326 of the City Administration Building, 113 West Mountain, Fayetteville, AR, 72701. Roll Call The following items will be considered: Approval of minutes from the meeting of January 5,2004. New Business: 1. VAR 04-03.00: Variance (Fire Station #7, pp 439)was submitted by Wittenberg, Delony, and Davidson, Inc. on behalf of the City of Fayetteville for property located at 635 N. Rupple Road. The property is zoned R-A, Residential Agricultural. The requirement is for a 20' setback on the north building setback line. The request is to allow a 7' setback (a 13' variance.) All interested parties may appear and be heard at the public hearings. A copy of the proposed amendments and other pertinent data is open and available for inspection in the Office of City Planning (575-8267), 125 West Mountain Street, Fayetteville, Arkansas. All interested parties are invited to review the petitions. Interpreters or TDD for hearing impaired are available for all public meetings. 72 hour notice is required. For further information or to request an interpreter,please call 575- 8330, ORDER OF BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT MEETING A. Introduction of agenda item—Chairman B. Presentation of Staff Report C. Presentation of request—Applicant D. Public Comment E. Response by Applicant/Questions &Answer with Board F. Action of the Board of Adjustment (Discussion& Vote) NOTE TO MEMBERS OF THE AUDIENCE If you wish to address the Board of Adjustment on an agenda item raise your hand when the Chairman asks for public comment. He will do this after he has given Board members the opportunity to speak and before a final vote is taken. Public comment will only be permitted during this part of the hearing for each item. Once the Chairman recognizes you, go to the podium at the front of the room and give your name and address. Address your comments to the Chairman, who is the presiding officer. He will direct them to the appropriate appointed official, staff member or others for response. Please keep your comments brief, to the point, and relevant to the agenda item being considered so that everyone has a chance to speak. Please, as a matter of courtesy, refrain from applauding or booing any speakers or actions of the Board of Adjustment. 2003 Board of Adjustment Members Sherrie Alt Michael Andrews Michael Green (Chairman) Robert Kohler James Kunzelmann Bob Nickle Joanne Olzewski FAYETTEVILLE BOA Meeting of February 02, 2004 THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE,ARKANSAS 125 W. Mountain St. Fayetteville,AR 72701 Telephone:(479)575-8267 PLANNING DIVISION CORRESPONDENCE TO: Fayetteville Board of Adjustment FROM: Jeremy C. Pate,Associate Planner THRU: Dawn T. Warrick, AlCP, Zoning&Development Administrator DATE: Janueary 30, 2004 VAR 04-03.00: Variance(Fire Station#7, pp 439) was submitted by Wittenberg, Delony, and Davidson, Inc. on behalf of the City of Fayetteville for property located at 63 5 N. Rupple Road. The property is zoned R-A, Residential Agricultural. The requirement is for a 20' setback on the north building setback line. The request is to allow a 7' setback(a 13' variance.) RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the requested side setback variance as shown on the Large Scale Development plan and described herein with the following condition(s): 1. All conditions of the Planning Commission approval of LSD 04-01.00 shall remain applicable. 2. The setback variance granted shall apply only to that portion of the structure affected by the existing 20-foot setback. BACKGROUND: Property description: The 2.00-acre subject property is located at 835 N. Rupple Road, west of the Meadowlands Subdivision, south of Wedington Road, north and west of the Boys& Girls Club. The site has a considerable percentage of tree canopy, which has driven much of the applicant's site design and thus the request for consideration of a variance for side setbacks. The applicant has secured Planning Commission approval for a Large Scale Development in order to develop the new Fire Station#7, contingent upon Board of Adjustment approval of the requested variance. Proposed K.-Weportsi20041110A ReporM02-02-041VAR 04-03.00(Fire Station#7).doc February 02,2004 Board of Adjustment VAR 04-03.00(Fire Station) Page 1.1 site development plans conform to all other z oning regulations with regard to bulk, area and setback requirements. Proposal: The City of Fayetteville is proposing to construct a new fire station on Rupple Road, north and west of the Fayetteville Boys & Girls Club. The site has considerable existing tree canopy, and the design of the structure as a two-story unit, as well as site planning considerations, have been pursued to preserve as much of this canopy as possible. The station is proposed to contain approximately 8,769 SF of total area. Primary fire apparatus access is from Rupple Road; coordination with the property owner to the south allows for a second means of ingress/egress to allow for fire fighter parking, which is located at the rear of the site.,Locating the access off-site also allows for the preservation of significant tree canopy. Limits of construction for this access, within an access easement granted by the property owner, are shown on the plat. Request: The request is for a variance to accommodate the proposed Fire Station building on the north side of the property. The property is zoned R-A, which requires a 20-foot side setback. The applicant requests a reduction in the requirement from 20 feet to 7 feet, a 13-foot variance. The applicant could redesign the site to meet all requirements without requesting a variance, however significant tree canopy would be lost due to realignments of driveways and the building footprint. Ordinance Reguirement—PApplicant's Request Side setback(north) 20' 7' (a 13 Surrounding Land Use/Zoning: Direction Land Use Zoning North Single Family home C-1,Neighborhood Commercial South Vacant RT-12, Res. Two/Three Family East Vacant R-A,Residential Agricultural West Meadowlands Sub ivision RT-12, Res. Two/Three Family GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION Residential FINDINGS: 156.02 ZONING REGULATIONS. Certain variances of the zoning regulations may be applied for as follows: A. General Regulations/Application. A variance shall not be granted unless and until an application demonstrates: 1. Special Conditions. That special conditions and circumstances exist which are peculiar to the land, structure, or building involved and which are not applicable KlReporM2004160.4 ReportA02-02-MVAR 04-03.00(Tire Station i�7).dac February 02,2004 Board of Adjustment VAR 04-03.00(Fire Station) Page 1.2 to other lands, structures or buildings in the same district. Finding: The existing tree canopy is a special condition which is specific to the subject property and which effects the site design and layout of the proposed building.Tracts of land surrounding this parcel are devoid of canopy cover, thus the preservation of the existing canopy is of high priority. Much consideration of his priority has driven site design decisions, as well as the architectural footprint. Generally, public protection facilities are permitted by right or by conditional use in all other zoning districts. 2. Deprivation of Rights. That literal interpretation of the provisions of the zoning regulations would deprive the applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other properties in the same district under the terms of the zoning regulations. Finding: Literal interpretation of zoning regulations would not permit the proposed building to be sited outside of the tree canopy preservation area. The building could be sited elsewhere on the property,with loss of tree canopy. 3. Resulting Actions. That the special conditions and circumstances do not result from the actions of the applicant. Finding: The requested side setback variance is the result of the applicant's desire to construct the proposed Fire Station outside of the designated tree protection area. Approved development plans are contingent upon Board of Adjustment action. 4. No Special Privileges. That granting the variance requested will not confer on the applicant any special privilege that is denied by Zoning, Chapters 160-165, to other lands, structures, or buildings in the same district. Finding: Granting the requested variances will not confer special privileges. The use of this property for a Public Protection Facility is permitted by right in the R-A zoning district. 5. Nonconforming Uses. No nonconforming use of neighboring lands, structures, or buildings in the same district, and no permitted or nonconforming use of lands, structures,or buildings in other districts shall be considered grounds for the issuance of a variance. Finding: No nonconformities were considered as a basis of the findings stated in this staff report. § 156.02 C. Consideration by the Board of Adjustment. 1. Bulk and Area. K.IReportsL?004WOA Reports 102-02-041VAR 04-03.00(Fire Station#7).doc February 02,2004 Board of Adjustment VAR 04-03.00(Fire Station) Page 1.3 Applications for variances of bulk and area requirements shall be considered by and may be approved by the Board of Adjustment. 2. Public Hearing. A public hearing shall be held. Finding: A public hearing is scheduled for Monday,February 02,2004. 3. Findings. The Board of Adjustment shall make the following findings: a. Minimum Variance. That the reasons set forth in the application justify the granting of the variance, and that the variance is the minimum variance that will make possible the reasonable use of the land,building, or structure. (I.) Harmony with General Purpose. The Board of Adjustment shall further make a finding that the granting of the variance will be in harmony with the general purpose and intent of Zoning, Chapters 160-165, and will not be injurious to the neighborhood, or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare. Finding: The proposed side setback variance is the minimum variance necessary to accommodate the proposed structure without losing existing tree canopy to the south. Large Scale Development plans indicate a 10-foot setback however building setbacks are measured to the eave of the roof, therefore a 7-foot setback is required to :kccommodate the roofline. The addition of a Fire Station in this area will be greatly beneficial to the public welfare. The property to the north has been rezoned to C-1,Neighborhood Commercial,a future land use that will not be injured by the granting of the requested variance. (2.) Reasons set forth in the application justify granting the variance, and that the variance is the minimum variance that will make possible the reasonable use of the land, building, or structure. Finding: Reasons set forth,in the application justify granting the requested variances (please see attached). b. Conditions and Safeguards. In granting any variance,the Board of Adjustment may prescribe appropriate conditions and safeguards in conformity with the zoning regulations. Finding: Staff has recommended conditions for this request which are stated on page one of this report. C. No Variance Allowed. Under no circumstances shall the Board of Adjustment grant a variance to allow a use not permissible under Zoning in the district K.-tRepor&12004180A ReportsIO2-02-041VAR04-03-00(Fire Station#7).doc February 02,2004 Board of Adjustment VAR 04-03.00(Fire Station) Page 1.4 involved, or any use expressly or by implication prohibited by the terms of the zoning regulations in said district. Finding: The use of this property for a Public Protection Facility is permitted by right in the R-A zoning district. 161.03 District R-A,Residential-Agricultural (C) Density. (A) Purposes. The regulations of the agricultural FFUmts--per acre One-half district are designed to protect agricultural land until an orderly transition to urban development (D) Bulk and area regulations- has been accomplished;prevent wasteful scattering of development in rural areas;obtain economy of Lot width minimum 200 ft. public fonds in the providing of public Lot Area Minimum: improvements and services of orderly growth; Residential: 2 acres conserve the tax base; provide opportunity for Nonresidential, 2 acres Lot area per dwelling unit 2 acres affordable housing,increase scenic attractiveness; and conserve open space. (B) Uses. (E) Sethack requirements- (1) Permitted uses. is" Unit 1 Clity-wide uses b�rilt (F) Height requirements- There shall be no us EM — WN-MMM mn-Wifflf maximum height limits in the AA District, Unit 6_ Agriculture Unit 7 Animal husbandry provided, however, that any building which Units_ Single-familyd Ilings exceeds the height of 15 feet shall be setback from Unft9_ Two-family dwellings any boundary line of any residential district a Unit 37 Manufactured homes distance of 1.0 foot for each foot of height in excess of 15 feet. Such setbacks shall be measured (2) Conditional uses. from the required setback lines. ermit Unit 2 City-wi e uses by conditional use a (G) Building area. None. Unit 4 Cultural and recreational facilities Unit 20 Commercial recreation,large sites, (Code 1965,App.A.,Art.5(l);Ord.No.1747,6-29-70;Code 199 1, Unit 24 Home occupations §160.030;Ord.No.4100,§2(Ex.A),6-16-98;Ord.No.4178,8-31- Unit 36 Wireless communications facilities 99) K.lReporisL7004WA ReporisIO2-02-041VAR 04-03.00(Fire Station#7).doc February 02,2004 Board of Adjustment VAR 04-03.00(Fire Station) Page 1.5 WITIENBERG,DELONY&DAVIDSON ARCHITECFS 2434 E.Joy�Blvd., Suite 10 FA�TTEWUZ AR 72703 4791442-6661 4791257-0231 FAX January 12, 2004 Chairman Board of Adjustment City of Fayetteville, Arkansas Re: City of Fayetteville, Fire Sub-Station #7 635 N. Rupple Road Request to change the north building set back line The City of Fayetteville, here after referred to as the Owner, respectfully requests consideration for the adjustment of the north building set back line at the above referenced proposed project and forwards the following information and details pertaining to the request. 1) Request. The Owner is requesting that the north building set back of 20 feet, as required by the building's current zoning of R—A, be decreased to 7 feet (a change of 13 feet). The project proposed for the property is a new Fire Department Sub-Station of 9,000 square feet with 14 parking spaces and driveways as indicated on the attached plan. 2) Special Conditions and Circumstances. The property is heavily wooded and includes several high quality, specimen trees whose placement on the site is unique and unavoidable. TheCityhas effectively studied the property to maintain the tree canopy and preserve significant tree specimens. This study has shown that saving significant tree types on the site cannot occur without several adjustments to the normal layout and development of the property. Special Conditions and Circumstances exist in the existing layout of the specimen trees on the lot and development of this lot with the required setbacks would not be possible without sacrificing more significant trees than needs to be accomplished. 3) Interpretation of Provisions of this ordinance. Due to the unique layout and nature of the significant trees on the site a literal interpretation of the setback provisions of the zoning ordinance would deprive this Owner from their very real ability to saving several significant specimen trees on the site. 4) Conditions did not result from the actions of the applicant. The Owner has at this time already modified the building to be a two-story structure where it would normally be desirable to be a single story facility and has also taken the extended responsibility to work with the adjoining South property Owner to share certain access roadways in their efforts to further eliminate the removal of existing trees from the site. The City has made all available meaningful changes possible to the building and site drive layouts for this project and suggest that this adjustment in the setback is also an integral requirement of their site strategy needed to save the significant trees on the site. February 02,2004 Board of Adjustment VAR 04-03.00(Fire Station) Page 1.6 Page Two Setback Variance Request City of Fayetteville, Fire Station #7 1-12-2004 5) Granting of the variance will not confer privilege. The Owner feels that the granting of this variance will only allow them to develop this property within the tree preservation requirements of the City of Fayetteville's Unified Development Ordinance and will not confer onto the property any special or additional privileges-other than the means to meet the requirements of the tree preservation portions of the Ordinance. Sincerely, WITTENBERG, DELONY & DAVIDSON, INC. (I . 4avmr�,J� ard Alderman, AIA Principal, Northwest Arkansas Office February 02,2004 Board of Adjustment VAR 04-03.00(Fire Station) Page 1.7 < 1�7 0 w Z Z z CC CL LAJ IEE 'k -, ; LL. LU —J LU U F- LU -Oebruary 02,2004 oar o Adjustment 'g; — — — — — — — — — — — -- VAt - 3.00(Fire Station) ------------------------------------ Page 1.8 GVON 3]ddnN 10 -4- LU LL_ LU _J fill LU LU rr <February 02,2004 Uleard of Adjustment VAJ 04-03.00(Fire Station) Page 1.9 Via EFF- ftW-41& kRW- OR Elpr, rvzf i j g, ft SIM "MIRV PON Mr— VA, '@waft 111MA MIN Of 1 1-0 OR FIRM Rp- IN RAIN MIR rT 17T O's !",nl ..... ...... LSD 04-0.1.00 Page I FAYETTEVILLE SC Meeting of January 15, 2004 THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE,ARKANSAS 113 W. Mountain SL Fayetteville,AR 72701 Telephone:501-575-8264 PLANNING DIVISION CORRESPONDENCE TO: Subdivision Conunittee Members FROM: Jeremy Pate, Associate Planner Matt Casey, Staff Engineer THRU: Dawn T. Warrick, AICP, Zoning&Development Administrator DATE: January 13,2004 LSD 04-01.00: Large Scale Development(Fayetteville Fire Station#7,pp 439) was submitted by Wayne Jones,project manager, of Wittenberg, Delony, and Davidson, Inc. on behalf of the City of Fayetteville for property located at 835 N. Rupple Road. The property is zoned R-A, Residential Agricultural, and contains approximately 2.00 acres. The request is to allow for the development of Fire Station#7 on the subject property. Planner: Jeremy Pate Findings: Proposal: The City of Fayetteville is proposing to construct a new fire station on Rupple Road, north and.west of the Fayetteville Boys&Girls Club. The site has considerable existing tree canopy, and the design of the structure as a two-story unit, as well as site planning considerations,have been pursued to preserve as much of this canopy as possible. The station is proposed to contain approximately 8,769 SF of total area. Primary fire apparatus access is from Rupple Road; coordination with the property owner to the south allows for a second means of ingress/pgress to allow for fire fighter parking, which is located at the rear of the site. Limits of construction for this access, within an access easement granted by the property owner, are shown on the plat. Surrounding Land Use/Zoning: —Direction Land Use Zoning North Single Family home C-1,Neighborhood Commercial South Vacant RT-12, Res. Two/Three Family East Vacant R-A, Residential Agricultural West Meadowlands Subdivision RT-12, Res. Two/Three Family Right-of-way being dedicate& The minimum 45 feet from centerline right-of-way along Rupple Road, a Minor Arterial,was dedicated with the-filing of the Lot Split to create the subject 2-acre ttact. Street Improvements: Rupple Road was recently constructed and requires no improvements at this time. Six-foot sidewalks are to be constructed along the property's frontage, at the right-of- way line. ' K.IR,�portsl2OO4�SCReportsIOI-15-04USD 04-01.00(Fayeamlle Fire Slaion,7).dac February 02,2004 Board of Adjustment VAR 04-03.00(Fire Station) Page 1.13 LSD 04-01.00 Page 2 Adjacent Master Street Plan Streets: Rupple Road, Minor Arterial Tree Preservation: Existing Canopy: 45% Preserved Canopy: 34% Required Canopy: 25% No mitigation is required. Recommendation: Staff recommends LSD 04-01.00 be approved at the Subdivision Committee level with the following conditions: Conditions of Approval: I Planning Commission determination and approval of Commercial Design Standards. 2. The south drive shall be located within a permanent access easement,to be filed of record at Washington County prior to building permit. 3. A temporary construction easement shall be filed with the Planning Division to facilitate construction of the south drive on the property adjacent to the south,prior to building permit. 4. Any proposed communications tower for the fire station shall be permitted according to §163.14. Should the fire station be exempted from these requirements by the Zoning&Development Administrator pursuant to §163.14 (E)(4), a Conditional Use shall not be required. 5. A variance for the construction of a new building within the 20-foot side setback to the north of the property shall be approved by the Board of Adjustment prior to building permit. Standard Conditions of approval: 6. All mechanical/utility equipment shall be screened using materials that are compatible with and incorporated into the structure. 7. Trash enclosures shall be screened with access not visible from the street. 8. Sidewalk construction in accordance with current standards to include a minimum six foot sidewalk along Rupple Road for the length of the project property boundary. The sidewalk shall be constructed through the driveways to City Standards. 9. Plat Review and Subdivision comments(to include written staff comments provided to the applicant or his representative, and all comments from utility representatives - AR Western Gas, SVvBT, Ozarks, SWEPCO, Cox Communications) 10. Staff approval of final detailed plans, specifications and calculations(where applicable) for grading, drainage, water, sewer, fire protection, streets(public and K.-tReportsl2004lSCReporatOl-15-04LrSD 04-01.00(Fayetteville Fire Station#').dac February 02,2004 Board of Adjustment VAR 04-03.00(Fire Station) Page 1.14 LSD 04-01.00 Page 3 private), sidewalks,parking lot�s) and tree preservation. The information submitted for the plat review process was reviewed for general concept only. All public improvements are subject to additional review and approval. Allimprovements shall comply with City's current requirements. 11. Large scale development shall be valid for one calendar year. 12. Prior to the issuance of a building permit the following is required: a. Grading and drainage permits b. Separate easement plat for this project that shall include the tree preservation area. C. Project Disk with all final revisions d. Completion of all required improvements or the placement of a surety with the City (letter of credit,bond,escrow) as required by§158.01 "Guarantees in Lieu of Installed Improvements" to guarantee all incomplete improvements. Further, all improvements necessary to serve the site and protect public safety must be completed, notjust guaranteed, prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy 13. Additional conditions: Subdivision Committee Action: 9 Approval 0 Forwarded to P.C. Meeting Date: January 15,2004 3-0 Comments: ISU!4IJ Ja PARA 4 A& K61(A* 94Yj1AC@ The "Conditions of Approval" listed in the report above are accepted in total without exception by the entity requesting approval of this development item. Signature Date K.-IReportsl2OO4LS�CReportsiOl-15-04VSD 04-01-00(Fayetteville I Fire Station 1p).doc February 02,2004 Board of Adjustment VAR 04-03.00(Fire Station) Page 1.15 VAR04-03.00 FAYETTEVILLE FIRE STATION #7 Close Up View R-O�A%P. C-1 G-2 R-0 �T— 1 Mal C-1 R# RT-121--1 74 WA7, RSF,4 RT-12 RSF41 RMF-24 ',�SF-4 RSF-4 Overview Legend ROODWAY VoiXtO4-03eG'p....Oileriii'Digmt ftncipalM�W leeee�Mi"r,iWenal 100Y�R M�tei-Slmetfi4in - - MOY�R Free,i,l,iy/Ev�y *000 KsWfii,C.11� LIMITOFSTUDY - -8...Uri.po,:ifil. City umiti OiAiide City February 02,2004 Board of Adjustment 0 75 150 300 450 6010 Feet VAR 04-03.00(Fire Station) Page 1.16 VAR04-03-00 FAYETTEVILLE FIRE STATION #7 One.Mile View RA RSF4 -1 TIM 71" LF P-1 R F4 f if XL14 U 37 RMV INU-11P L7. Huts R-A RSF41 RMF-24 RS F-2j, R-0 000 CP R N-1 RA R-A lu�N DF M IT—J— RA RW-24 -—---—- Po RT-12 F RW 24 SIN 4 Rsf4 R-A RA C-2 ............ '-,FMF-24 Overview Legend Subject Property Boundary. Vaser Street Plan -03.00 4%oFres�y/Expre�y VAR04 Planning Area �0000o Nndpi Aasnal ....OvedayDistrict streets Mi..M.1 amrg i CRY Urnits Cii.mr L L 14�Pl.nnesl Outside City HisladcCoUedor February 02,2004 Board of Adjustment 0 0.125 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 VAR 04-03.00(Fire Station) Mile I Pa!e 1.17 February 02,2004 Board of Adjustment VAR 04-03.00(Fire Station) Page 1.18 MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT A regular meeting of the Board of Adjustment was held on Monday, January 5, 2004 at 3:45 p.m. in Room 326 of the City Administration Building, 113 W. Mountain, Fayetteville, Arkansas. ITEMS CONSIDERED ACTION TAKEN VAR 04-01.00: Variance (Lucas Briggs,pp 485) Approved Page 2 VAR 04-02.00: Variance (James Erwin,pp 363) Approved Page 6 MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS ABSENT James Kunzelmann Michael Andrews Joanne Olszewski Michael Green Sheree Alt Bob Kohler Bob Nickle STAFFPRESENT STAFF ABSENT Dawn Warrick Renee Thomas David Whitaker Suzanne Morgan Board of Adjustment January 5, 2004 Page 2 VAR 04-01.00: Variance (Lucas Briggs, pp 485) was submitted by Blew Land Surveying on behalf of Lucas Briggs for property located at 195 N. Summit. The property is zoned RSF-4, Residential Single-family, 4 units per acre. The request is to allow an existing structure to remain inside the rear setback. Green: Welcome to the January 5, 2004 meeting of the Board of Adjustment. The first item of business this afternoon is approval of the minutes from the December 8, 2003 meeting. Are there any corrections, modifications or adjustments that need to be made to those minutes? Seeing none, the minutes stand approved. The next item of business is VAR 04-01.00, a Variance for Lucas Briggs submitted by Blew Land Surveying for property located at 195 N. Summit. Dawn? Warrick: Yes Sir. The subject property is located at 200 N. Fletcher Avenue and 195 N. Summit Avenue. There are currently two single family homes with accessory structures on the property, each of which fronts onto the opposite street. The applicant has secured Planning Commission approval for a lot split in order to purchase the lot, contingent upon Board of Adjustment approval of the creation of a new lot with an existing structure located within the rear building setbacks. Each of the proposed lots has adequate frontage, bulk and area requirements in the RSF-4 zoning district. Surrounding properties contain primarily single family homes with similar accessory structures. An existing root cellar which currently meets setback requirements will, with the lot split, be located within the 20' rear Building Setback of Tract B. The applicant proposes to maintain the cellar structure in situ, with the granting of a setback variance. The request is for a variance to accommodate the existing cellar structure which was constructed in the late 1800's, prior to current zoning requirements. The applicant could demolish the structure to meet all requirements without requesting a variance, however �Adshes to retain the architectural character of the existing historic structure. With regard to special conditions, staff finds that this is a structure which pre-dates current zoning regulations the presence of two principle single family structures on the same lot of record are special conditions which are specific to the subject property and which effect the sale and division of the tract. Under deprivation of rights, staff finds that literal interpretation of zoning regulations would not permit the existing historic structure to remain with the split of the lot. Special conditions and circumstances do not result from the action of the applicant, the requested rear setback variance is the result of the applicant's desire to split the subject lot and not demolish and remove the existing structure. The lot could remain in compliance with current zoning ordinances with regard to rear setbacks with lot split approval, however the applicant would have remove said structure. Granting the requested variances will not confer special privileges. The use of this property for a single family dwelling , with accessory structures, is permitted by right in the RSF-4 zoning district. NOTE: Due to technical difficulties, some portions of this meeting were inaudible. Renee Thomas Senior Planning Secretary Board of Adjustment January 5, 2004 Page 3 The proposed side setback variance is the minimum variance necessary to accommodate the existing structure which pre-dates current zoning regulations. The existing home and accessory structure is in harmony with the surrounding properties and is consistent with the purpose and intent of current zoning regulations. The variances will not be injurious to the neighborhood or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare. Staff has recommended conditions for this request including the following: Variances shall apply only to the existing structure indicated with the site plan submitted for this request. Future additions or alterations shall comply with setback requirements for the zoning district in which the property is located. (This does not preclude future variance requests if appropriate findings can be made by the Board of Adjustment) 2) All conditions of the Planning Commission approval of LSP 04-05.00 shall remain applicable. Green: Thank you Dawn, is the applicant present? Briggs: I am Lucas Briggs. Green: Thank you. Is there anyone in the audience who would like to comment on this proposed Variance? Seeing none, are there any questions from the Board? Kohler: It looks like this is right on the rear property line, does that leave adequate room for opening and closing the door without intruding on the other property? Briggs: There is an 8' line between the door and the property line, Blew Land Surveying would be more applicable to look at that. If you look at the plat it is not on the actual shed line. There is an overhang that would touch the line but not the actual door itself, 1 think he accommodated for that. Kohler: I am talking about the rear property line. Warrick: Which is the west. It looks like there are a few feet. Pate: It is about 3' or 4' between what is shown here and the shed. Green: That is something that just came up. I thought if you have a building directly on the property line and your neighbor decided he wasn't going to let you have access to that how were you going to paint it or repair it or anything if it was zero? Warrick: That could be problematic. NOTE: Due to technical difficulties, some portions of this meeting were inaudible. Renee Thomas—Senior Planning Secretary Board of Adjustment January 5, 2004 Page 4 Whitaker: From this body's point of view it is not necessary to consider. Certainly you can consider it as one of the factors. Private easements between adjoining property owners are just that, between adjoining property owners. Always an argument could be made that if something like that exists that the property owner with the structure could argue in a private action that they have an easement by necessity to access the building for repairs. That would be completely outside the scope and the duties of this body. Warrick: One unique situation in this particular case is that this property owner does own the entire tract currently and can accommodate situations like that. Drawing this line makes it possible for one of the two to be sold. However, the property is curTently owned commonly. Green: Mr. Briggs, do you have anything else to add? Briggs: There are some pictures that are being passed around. There is a very similar structure on Spring Street. It is a chiropractic clinic that accommodates the same type of architectural style. Legend has it that it is an old root cellar for an apocrypha who lived in the Fletcher home. That one has been fully restored on Spring which is our intent with the one on Summitt to maintain the architectural integrity of it and also keep it up to date and keep it looking nice and accommodating to the area. Warrick: The first set is the subject property. Briggs: The darker brick one, the one you can tell has been updated is the one on Spring and then the one that is two story that is lighter stone at the bottom and then a white siding on it is the one on the subject property we are speaking of now. Green: Does anyone have any questions or comments? Is there anyone from the audience who wishes to speak for or against this variance request? Olszewski: I really like the idea of preserving the historic building and I appreciate you taking the time to do that. Kohler: Plus it applies a little bit to the discussion we've had.previously about possibly looking again at accessory structure ordinances and setbacks required for those. MOTION: Nickle: I will make a motion that we approve VAR 04-01.00 subject to staffs conditions of approval listed. NOTE: Due to technical difficulties, some portions of this meeting were inaudible. Renee Thomas--Senior Planning Secretary Board of Adjustment January 5, 2004 Page 5 Olszewski: Second. Green: We have a motion and a second to approve the Variance as requested, is there any other discussion? Will you call the roll please? Roll Call: Upon the completion of roll call the motion to approve VAR 04-0 1.00 was approved by a vote of 6-0-0. NOTE: Due to technical difficulties, some portions of this meeting were inaudible. Renee Thomas—Senior Planning Secretary Board of Adjustment January 5, 2004 Page 6 VAR 04-02.00: Variance (James Erwin,pp 363)was submitted by Project Design Consultants on behalf of James Erwin for property located at Lot 6, Pine Valley. The property is zoned RMF­24, Residential Multi-family, 24 units per acre. The request is to allow a lesser street frontage on Lots 6A and 6B. Green: The next item on the agenda is VAR 04-02.00 submitted by Project Design Consultants on behalf of James Erwin for property located at Lot 6 Pine Valley. The request is to allow a lesser street frontage of lots 6A and 6B. Dawn? WarTick: Yes Sir. The subject property is located at Lot 6 of Pine Valley Phase V, accessed from Wildwood Road, west of Shiloh Drive. The subject tract was platted as a 1.90 acre lot with Pine Valley Subdivision, Phase V, in April of 2002. On December 30, 2003, the Planning Commission approved a replat of Lot 6, dividing the 1.90 acre tract into two tracts of 0.98 acres and 0.92 acres, 6A and 6B. The final replat approval is contingent upon Board of Adjustment approval of the requested variances for lot width minimums. The site is zoned RMF-24, and is surrounded by two-family development, Pine Valley Subdivision. The site contains a total lot area of 1.9 acres and meets all other bulk and area requirements for a lot in the RMF-24 zoning district. Currently, only a single family home or one duplex could be built on the large lot. The applicant is requesting a 43.0' variance for a 17.0' frontage for Lot 6A to construct a two family residential dwelling unit, rather than the 60 feet required by zoning regulations in the RMF-24 zoning district. The applicant is also requesting a 13.03' variance for a 46.97' frontage for Lot 6B to construct a two family residential dwelling. The purpose is to construct two (2) two- family dwelling units on separate lots, utilizing a shared access easement and driveway, also preserving a significant grouping of trees in the front of the lot. For the finding of Special Conditions, staff finds that the subject property is owned as an individual lot by Mr. Jim Erwin without adjacent property under common ownership, therefore the lot could not be brought into compliance with development across lot lines. On the finding of Deprivation of Rights, staff finds that Literal interpretation of zoning regulations would only allow one (1) single family or two-family dwelling to be constructed on the existing lot. The applicant is requesting a variance for minimum lot width for the development of two separate two-family dwelling units on individual lots. The existing lot is much larger than other properties in this area, and can not be developed with a more similar density without a variance approval. The lot size is not the result of actions of the applicant. The lot was platted with the existing 63.97 feet of frontage. The applicant has Planning Commission approval of a replat of Lot 6 splitting the lot further, however it is conditioned upon Board of Adjustment approval. Ensuring that no special privileges that wouldn't be afforded to other property owners are being afforded to this applicant, staff finds that granting the requested lot width variance will not confer special NOTE: Due to technical difficulties, some portions of this meeting were inaudible. Renee Thomas--Senior Planning Secretary Board of Adjustment January 5, 2004 Page 7 privileges. The use of the property for two-family residential development as indicated by the applicant is permitted within the RMF-24 zoning district. All bulk and area regulations with the exception of lot width are to be accommodated with the proposed project. The requested lot width variance is the minimum variance necessary to accommodate two- family residential use. With regard to harmony with the general purpose of the zoning ordinance, staff finds that granting the variance will be in harmony with the general purpose and intent of zoning regulations and will not be injurious to the neighborhood or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare. The Pine Valley Neighborhood Association has expressed publicly the desire for two-family residential development in this location. Staff recommends approval of this requested 43-foot and 13.03-foot lot width variances subject to the following conditions: First, that the proposed development shall comply with all development regulations for a two-family dwelling unit in the RMF-24 zoning district. Second, no more than 1 two family dwelling unit per lot shall be constructed on this site. Third, a building permit shall be obtained for each structure prior to commencement of any work. Fourth, any work within the floodplain shall require a separate Floodplain Development permit. Also, all conditions from the Planning Commission approved FPL 04-03.00 shall remain applicable. Green'. Thank you Dawn. Is the applicant present? Scott: I am Art Scott with Project Design Consultants. I just want to reiterate that it was an unusually platted lot from the beginning. Lot one has a lot of frontage actually, it curves around there like a little triangle and that is what kept it from being wide enough. Both of these lots will have access easements and utility easements and the driveway is planned to be 22' for the record. Green: Your name for the record? Scott: Art Scott. Green: It looks like you have quite a challenge there. Scott: We stayed out of the floodplain and there are several trees that we are working around and saving but it looks like it is going to work fine. Green: It is still going to be a fairly steep driveway. Scott: It is about 10%. Green: Are there any questions or comments from the board? NOTE: Due to technical difficulties, some portions of this meeting were inaudible. Renee Thomas—Senior Planning Secretary Board of Adjustment January 5, 2004 Page 8 Kohler: It is 17.54' of frontage that they have? Warrick: Between the two pin markers. Kohler: Right, there is one of them but then here to here is the other one. Warrick: There is not a marker indicated that 1 can see that indicates where the right of way line hits the property line on that eastern side. Where the right of way line intersects the property line on the south end, the east side, there is not a marker, there are just those two intersecting lines. There are pin markers for the other comers. Kohler: According to this survey 17.54 is the frontage on 6A, is that correct? Warrick: Yes. That modifies the request slightly, we may have been working off a previously generated plat when we put the staff report together. Kohler: The 46.97 was a scaled? Since there is no pin there I don't know. Warrick: I think that it might be more appropriate to make the statement "as reflected on the approved Lot Split plat." Just so that when we are looking at these decimal numbers we are not slightly off in making sure that those match what we are actually approving. Kohler: You could word it "that number or as the property line hits the right of way line, the point of intersection of the right of way line and the property line." Green: Is there anyone in the audience who would like to speak for or against this Variance request? Are there any questions from the board? I will entertain a motion. MOTION: Kohler: I move that we approve the Variance request as stated subject to the conditions by staff as stated. Do we need to change a couple of numbers? Warrick: I think that because this plat that you are looking at is the document that was approved by the Planning Commission to reconfigure these lots and create 6A and 6B that it would be appropriate to word the recommended Variance to state as approved on FPL 04-03.00. That way it is referenced and we can tie these two actions together. Kohler: As an additional condition in the motion we should specifically include this document of the plat. NOTE: Due to technical difficulties, some portions of this meeting were inaudible. Renee Thomas—Senior Planning Secretary Board of Adjustment January 5, 2004 Page 9 Nickle: Second. Green: We have a motion and a second to approve the Variance request as requested along with the five conditions from staff. Is there any further discussion? Shall the Variance pass? Roll Call: Upon the completion of roll call the motion to approve VAR 04-02.00 was approved by a vote of 6-0-0. Green: That concludes all of the scheduled items on our agenda for the Board of Adjustment, is there any old business or new business that should come before the Board of Adjustment at this time? Hearing none, we will adjourn the Board of Adjustment meeting. NOTE: Due to technical difficulties, some portions of this meeting were inaudihle. Renee Thomas—Senior Planning Secretary