HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-11-10 MinutesCITY OF Tay e ARKAANNSAS Planning Commission November 10, 2014 5:30 PM City Administration Building in Fayetteville, AR, Room 219 MINUTES Members: Tracy Hoskins - Chair, Ron Autry - Vice -Chair, Ryan Noble — Secretary, William Chesser, Kyle Cook, Craig Honchell, Porter Winston, Janet Selby, and Sarah Bunch City Staff: Andrew Garner — City Planning Director, Jesse Fulcher — Senior Planner, Quin Thompson — Planner, Cory Granderson — Staff Engineer, Ken Easton — Urban Forester, and Blake Pennington — Assistant City Attorney 1. Call to Order: 5:30 PM, Tracy Hoskins 2. In Attendance: Craig Honchell, Ryan Noble, Kyle Cook, William Chesser, Porter Winston, Tracy Hoskins, Janet Selby, and Sarah Bunch Absent: Ron Autry Staff: Andrew Garner. Jesse Fulcher. and Kit Williams 3. Approval of the minutes from the October 27, 2014 meeting. ADM 14-4878: ADMINISTRATIVE ITEM (E. HUNTSVILLE RD./ QUARRY TRACE SUBDIVISION; 571): Submitted by CRAFTON TULL & ASSOCIATES, ASSOCIATES for property located on E. HUNTSVILLE ROAD. The property is zoned RSF-4, RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY, 4 UNITS PER ACRE and contains approximately 35.90 acres. The request is to amend the approved preliminary plat for Quarry Trace Subdivision to include a phasing line. ADM 14-4880: Administrative Item (617 N. COLLEGE AVE./SIDNEY'S EMPORIUM, 445): Submitted by SIDNEY SIMONS for property located at 617 N. COLLEGE AVE. The property is zoned C-2, THOROUGHFARE COMMERCIAL and contains approximately 0.21 acres. The request is for a Mobile Vendor Annual Permit. Motion: Commissioner Cook made a motion to approve the consent agenda. Commissioner Bunch seconded the motion. Upon roll call the motion passed with a vote of 8-0-0. Mailing Address: 113 W. Mountain Street www.fayetteville-ar.gov Fayetteville, AR 72701 4. Old Business: VAR 14-4877: Variance (LOT 25, CRESCENT LAKE SUBDIVISION, 607): Submitted by BAUMANN-CROSNO CONSTRUCTION for property located at LOT 25 IN THE CRESCENT LAKE SUBDIVISION. The property is zoned RSF-4, RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY, 4 UNITS PER ACRE and contains approximately 0.40 acres. The request is for a variance of the Streamside Protection Zone. Alan Pugh, staff engineer, gave the staff report. Mike Baumann, applicant, thanked the City Attorney and the staff and stated agreement with the conditions of approval. No public comment was presented. Commissioner Winston asked about condition of approval #1. Alan Pugh explained the condition of approval. Kit Williams, City Attorney, thanked the staff engineer and applicant for working towards a solution. Commissioner Cook discussed that this is the right thing in this situation. Motion: Commissioner Winston made a motion to approve VAR 14-4877 with conditions as recommended by staff. Commissioner Cook seconded the motion. Upon roll call the motion passed with a vote of 8-0-0. RZN 14-4859: Rezone (300 & 400 BLOCK OF MILK BLVD./NIEDERMAN ENTERPRISES, 524): Submitted by BATES & ASSOCIATES for property located at 300 & 400 BLOCK OF MLK BLVD. The properties are zoned NC, NEIGHBORHOOD CONSERVATION and contain approximately 1.93 acres. The request is to rezone the properties to DG, DOWNTOWN GENERAL. Jesse Fulcher, Senior Planner, read the staff report. No public comment was presented. Zara Niederman, applicant, discussed a power point presentation, the Walker Park Master Plan, the location of the property between two areas that are already zoned Downtown General, and goals from City Plan 2030. Commissioner Chesser discussed his concerns with the Downtown General zoning district in this location. Commissioner Hoskins asked the applicant to describe why Downtown General was needed for his property. Niederman stated that you couldn't have multiple buildings with a mix of uses in less intense districts because of the size limitation of Use Unit 12. Commissioner Chesser asked staff about districts that give you development patterns similar to Dickson Street. Fulcher stated that Main Street Center and Downtown General were comparable. Commissioner Winston stated he was a little concerned with the height allowance in Downtown General, but his fears were allayed by the location of the property and economic factors. Doesn't foresee any buildings over 4 stories. This property feels more like the gateway into the neighborhood than the property to the east. Commissioner Cook stated there is enough Downtown General in the area. Neighborhood Conservation protects the neighborhood. Commissioner Honchell asked the applicant about properties that he had rehabbed and stated that he wasn't concerned with him building a large building and removing existing buildings. Hesitant about the rezoning, but will support. Motion: Commissioner Honchell made a motion to forward RZN 14-4859 to City Council with a recommendation for approval. Commissioner Winston seconded the motion. Upon roll call the motion passed with a vote of 6-2-0. Commissioners Cook and Chesser voted `no'. New Business: ADM 14-4881: Administrative Item (1920 W. MARTIN LUTHER KING BLVD.1WHATABURGER, 520): Submitted by KIMLEY-HORN & ASSOCIATES for property located at 1920 W. MARTIN LUTHER KING BLVD. The property is zoned C-2, THOROUGHFARE COMMERCIAL and contains approximately 1.27 acres. The request is for an amendment to CUP 14-4705 for additional parking. Jesse Fulcher, Senior Planner, read the staff report. Zach Johnson, applicant, had no comments. No public comment was presented. Motion: Commissioner Winston made a motion to approve ADM 14-4881 as recommended by staff. Commissioner Chesser seconded the motion. Upon roll call the motion passed with a vote of 8-0-0. RZN 14-4864: Rezone (232 W. ASH ST./KOUTROUMBIS, 367): Submitted by PARKER & ASSOCIATES for property located at 232 W. ASH ST. The property is zoned RSF-4, RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY, 4 UNITS PER ACRE and contains approximately 0.26 acres. The request is to rezone the property to RMF -24, RESIDENTIAL MULTI FAMILY, 24 UNITS PER ACRE. THE APPLICANT HAS REQUESTED THIS ITEM BE TABLED UNTIL THE NOVEMBER 24. 2014 MEETING. Motion: Commissioner Chesser made a motion to table RZN 14-4864 until the 11-24-14 meeting. Commissioner Selby seconded the motion. Upon roll call the motion passed with a vote of 8-0-0. RZN 14-4868: Rezone (2030 S. MORNINGSIDE/PRISM EDUCATION CENTER, 603): Submitted by MICHAEL SCHULTZ for property located at 2030 S. MORNINGSIDE. The property is zoned 1-2, GENERAL INDUSTRIAL and contains approximately 9.22 acres. The request is to rezone the property to 1-1, HEAVY COMMERCIAL/LIGHT INDUSTRIAL. Jesse Fulcher, Senior Planner, read the staff report. Michael Shultz, applicant, stated that the zoning request was appropriate. Public comment: Elizabeth Warren, stated that a school is a nice use. She currently operates an equestrian trail on and around this property. Asked the applicant's to keep the trees in the front of the property. There was also a large tree cut down and stolen from the north end of the property. Kristi Spellmaker, stated she supported the rezoning. Chung Tan, Chamber of Commerce, stated the Chamber had concerns with locating a school in this location. This is an area of heavy industries, 4,000 employees during shift change, lots of heavy trucks and 18 -wheelers. Casey Shreve, supports the rezoning request. No more public comment was presented. Misty Newcomb, applicant, stated they have three current locations for the school and they all front on streets that carry more traffic than Morningside or Pump Station. The location is very appropriate for our users. Commissioner Chesser stated he would have concerns with an industrial use in a school area, but this is not the case here. We are reviewing the zoning and not the potential land use; they may never build a school. I agree with staff that 1-1 is as appropriate as 1-2 and don't find the Chamber's argument to be that strong. Commissioner Cook agreed with Commissioner Chesser. The zoning is okay. Commissioner Porter asked about the prior tree removal and for staff to make note of this. Commissioner Hoskins asked about the school users. Newcomb stated it as a K-12 school with about 500 children. Commissioner Hoskins stated it was a matter of compatibility. I am concerned with the use and traffic. Also, there is a limited amount of 1-2 property. Can't support the rezoning. Commissioner Honchell stated he as in big favor of education, but am concerned with safety. There are massive trucks and high speeds in the area. Commissioner Winston stated the land use is far from the City core. Commissioner Bunch stated that close in isn't close to everyone. Hopefully they will take steps to make this a school zone. Will probably support the rezoning. Motion: Commissioner Chesser made a motion to forward RZN 14-4868 to City Council with a recommendation of approval. Commissioner Cook seconded the motion. Upon roll call the motion passed with a vote of 5-3-0. Commissioners Honchell, Winston, and Hoskins voted `no'. 7 RZN 14-4867: Rezone (2269 N. HENBEST DRJADVENTURE SUBARU, 325): Submitted by JORGENSEN AND ASSOCIATES for property located at 2269 N. HENBEST RD. The property is zoned CS, COMMUNITY SERVICES and contains approximately 4.17 acres. The request is to rezone the property to C-2, THOROUGHFARE COMMERCIAL. Andrew Garner, City Planning Director, gave the staff report. Don Nelms, applicant, discussed that we will sell about 1,600 cars this year. He further described the business operations of Adventure Subaru. I wish we had never agreed to the CS zoning. I have never seen anything like this in the United States with increasing car sales. This year we will sell about 500,000 new Subarus in the United States. We simply cannot go anywhere else. It is my land and will create less traffic than any other use there. It is my land and it will sit there until we can use it for the Subaru dealership. It will not be used for anything else. The land on College Avenue that we own is not being used. If we ever hit the United States average of a 60 -day car inventory turnaround it would be very costly to use the site on College Avenue and drive the cars over. We need the site to be together. It is obviously the right thing to do. This growth was not something that we anticipated in the auto industry. No public comment was presented. Commissioner Honchell discussed that when this came through we basically created an island out there. The Nelms name is synonymous with car dealerships in Fayetteville, you have been a good neighbor and a great asset to the City. When you built the lot you could have gone anywhere and you stayed local. I don't think you will build anything outlandish. You will expand the business as you have in the past. I would support the rezoning 100%. Commissioner Chesser discussed that staff discussed they do not feel that this property should be rezoned C-2. I agree with staff in this case. I would like to buy a car here and have bought a car from Nelms. The City does have rules. I think it is fantastic that this car dealer is doing well. Unlike Commissioner Honchell I cannot support the rezoning. Commissioner Hoskins was surprised to find out that one of the homes is being used as a single family house. The Kum and Go property was zoned C-1 after much debate. What is it that the Nelms can do in CS? Garner discussed Use Unit 17 and the options for developing a car dealership in CS versus C-2. Commissioner Hoskins asked about objectionable uses in C-2. Garner responded that adult live entertainment and liquor stores are permitted uses. Commissioner Hoskins discussed various reasons why he would support C-2. Blake Jorgensen, applicant's engineer, discussed why developing it in the existing CS zoning is difficult. Jesse Fulcher, Senior Planner, discussed that the easements do not encompass the entire site. Kit Williams, City Attorney, discussed that he agreed with the planner that it won't be feasible to develop under CS. He discussed concerns that the City is going to try to tell a landowner that owns almost an entire block that they cannot expand their business on their property. I just want to bring that to your attention that if we would deny them the use of their property for a car dealership I have concerns. Commissioner Cook discussed that he hates C-2 zoning. The fact of the matter is, he does own all this property. I will support it in this case. Commissioner Winston discussed that this property is bordered by large radius roads. As a neighbor, an area used for parking cars is good for the neighborhood. The use will be fine. Motion: Commissioner Winston made a motion to forward RZN 14-4867 to City Council with a recommendation of approval. Commissioner Bunch seconded the motion. Upon roll call the motion passed with a vote of 7-1-0. Commissioner Chesser voted `no'. 5. Reports: No reports 6. Announcements: No announcements 7. Adjournment Time: 7:06 PM 8. Submitted by: City Planning Division