HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-09-24 MinutesCITY OF Tay e ARKAANNSAS Planning Commission September 24, 2014 5:30 PM City Administration Building in Fayetteville, AR, Room 219 MINUTES Members: Tracy Hoskins - Chair, Ron Autry - Vice -Chair, Ryan Noble — Secretary, William Chesser, Kyle Cook, Craig Honchell, Porter Winston, Janet Selby, and Sarah Bunch City Staff: Andrew Garner — City Planning Director, Jesse Fulcher — Senior Planner, Quin Thompson — Planner, Cory Granderson — Staff Engineer, Ken Easton — Urban Forester, and Blake Pennington — Assistant City Attorney 1. Call to Order: 5:30 PM, Tracy Hoskins 2. In Attendance: Craig Honchell, Ryan Noble, Kyle Cook, Tracy Hoskins, Janet Selby, and Sarah Bunch Absent: William Chesser, Porter Winston, Ron Autry Staff: Andrew Garner, Jesse Fulcher, Corey Granderson, Ken Eastin, and Blake Pennington 3. Approval of the minutes from the September 8, 2014 meeting. Motion: Commissioner Honchell made a motion to approve the consent agenda. Commissioner Cook seconded the motion. Upon roll call the motion passed with a vote of 6-0-0. Mailing Address: 113 W. Mountain Street www.fayetteville-ar.gov Fayetteville, AR 72701 4. New Business: Review of CUP 13-4470: Administrative Item (1755 FALLBROOK, 359): Submitted by CANDICE SAWIN for property located at 1755 FALLBROOK WAY. The property is zoned RESIDENTIAL SINGLE-FAMILY, 4 UNITS PER ACRE and contains approximately 0.19 acres. The request is for a one year review of the original request for a home daycare. Jesse Fulcher, Senior Planner, read the staff report. No public comment was presented. Candice Sawin, applicant, had no additional comment. Commission Cook stated it appears that everything has gone well. Motion: Commissioner Cook made a motion to approve CUP Commissioner Honchell seconded the motion. Upon a vote of 6-0-0. Commissioner Winston arrived after this item. 13-4470 as recommended by staff. roll call the motion passed with LSD 14-4833: Large Scale Development (SOUTHEAST CORNER WEST CENTER STREET AND HILL AVENUE/HARVEY'S HILL PHASE II, 522): Submitted by SPECIALIZED REAL ESTATE GROUP for property located at SOUTHEAST CORNER OF W. CENTER STREET AND HILL AVENUE. The property is zoned DG, DOWNTOWN GENERAL AND RMF -40, RESIDENTIAL MULTI FAMILY, 40 UNITS PER ACRE, and contains approximately 3.38 acres. The request is for construction of an apartment building with 240 multi -family units and a parking garage. Andrew Garner, City Planning Director, gave the staff report. Commissioner Cook gave a Subdivision Committee report. Seth Mims, applicant, discussed the project and agreed with all of the conditions of approval. No public comment was presented. Commissioner Cook mentioned concerns with stormwater and sewer capacity in the area and mentioned an overflow area. He also discussed concern with gabion walls in the public realm. He discussed that we want to encourage density and allow students to live near campus, but there is a point where density goes too far, and like the Cardinal project, I think this project goes too far. We are loading up this local streets in the area. There is a breaking point for density, and for me this project has hit that level. Commissioner Hoskins asked for a report on stormwater and sewer. Corey Granderson, staff engineer, discussed that this project has demonstrated compliance with all city and state codes for stormwater and sewer. He discussed peak flow rates. He discussed that there will be more volume but the peak flow rates will not be increased over the existing. He discussed an acute angle in the sewer system near the creek to the east. Commissioner Hoskins asked about the gabion walls. Chris Baribeau discussed that the original Harvey's Hill had a much larger wall. This project will have plantings that will be masking the walls. Commissioner Hoskins discussed that different types of rocks can be placed in the wire and he asked for Commissioner Cook's opinion. Commissioner Cook discussed that different colored rocks could be placed in the wire mesh but it is still a gabion wall at the right-of-way. He stated that plantings can grow up to cover these types of walls. Motion: Commissioner Winston made a motion to approve LSD 14-4833 in favor of all conditions as recommended by staff, including the modifications to the conditions as stated by staff in the presentation. Commissioner Selby seconded the motion. Upon roll call the motion passed with a vote of 6-1-0. Commissioner Cook voted 'no'. CUP 14-4834: Conditional Use (1021 WEST SYCAMORE STREET/TRI-CYCLE FARMER'S MARKET, 405): Submitted by DONALD BENNETT for property located at 1021 WEST SYCAMORE ST. The property is zoned RMF -24, RESIDENTIAL MULTI FAMILY, 24 UNITS PER ACRE and contains approximately 1.66 acres. The request is for a farmer's market (Use Unit 2) in a RMF -24, Residential Multi -Family zoning district. Jesse Fulcher, Senior Planner, read the staff report. No public comment was presented. Don Bennett, applicant, stated he was the director of Tri -Cycle Farms. The market will provide an opportunity for community use and operate mostly from 3 PM to 7 PM. Commissioner Cook asked if the use is limited to the back of the parking lot. Bennett stated they are looking to add garden space in the middle of the parking lot. Commissioner Cook asked about the parking along Sycamore. Bennett stated that most of the back out parking was removed with the street widening. Commissioner Hoskins asked if we should remove condition #4. Fulcher stated it was up to the commission. Andrew Garner, City Planning Director, stated the condition was added for safety, we didn't want to see the operation right next to the street. Motion: Commissioner Cook made a motion to approve CUP 14-4834 with all conditions recommended, modifying #4 to state that tents and sales areas shall not block drive aisles and shall be set back a safe distance from the right-of-way, as approved by staff. Commissioner Selby seconded the motion. Upon roll call the motion passed with a vote of 7-0-0. CUP 14-4837: Conditional Use (1691 N. GARLAND AVENUE./TRI-CYCLE FARM, 405): Submitted by DONALD BENNETT for property located at 1691 W. DEANE ST. The property is zoned RSF-4, RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY, 4 UNITS PER ACRE and contains approximately 1.99 acres. The request is for an accessory structure prior to a principal structure. Jesse Fulcher, Senior Planner, read the staff report. No public comment was presented. Don Bennett, applicant, stated that the Arkansas Engineers Abroad program helped with this project. Commission Cook thanked the applicant for working with university students. Motion: Commissioner Cook made a motion to approve CUP 14-4837 as recommended by staff. Commissioner Winston seconded the motion. Upon roll call the motion passed with a vote of 7-0-0. 3 City of Fayetteville Planning Commission Development Awards: Discussion of starting a Planning Commission awards program in 2015 to recognize exemplary developments. Andrew Garner, City Planning Director, discussed the proposal to start an annual Planning Commission development awards program. No public comment was presented The program was discussed by the commission and it was agreed that a committee should be established to work out the details before presenting this again at the commission for action. No formal action was taken. 5. Reports: No reports 6. Announcements: No announcements 7. Adjournment Time: 6:22 PM 8. Submitted by: City Planning Division