HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-01-17 Minutes (2)Police Pension and Relief Fund Board of Trustees Agenda January 17, 2008 A meeting of the Fayetteville Policemen's Pension and Relief Fund Board will be held on January 17, 2008 at 1:30 PM in Room 326 of the City Administration Building located at 113 West Mountain Street, Fayetteville, Arkansas. 1. Roll Call 2. Approval of the Minutes • Approval of the October 18, 2007 Meeting Minutes 3. Approval of the Pension List • December, 2007 Pension List • January, February and March 2008 Pension Lists 4. New Business • 2008 Pension Board Elections • 2008 Board Meeting Schedule - Informational • 2008 Parking Permits — Informational • Alliant Insurance Services — Informational 5. Longer Investments • Investment Report • Client Survey —Informational Board Members Mayor Coody Sondra E. Smith Eldon Roberts Jerry Friend Tim Helder Melvin Stanley Frank Johnson Chairman Treasure Secretary/ Retired Position 1 Retired Position 2 Retired Position 3 Retired Position 4 Retired Position 5 ayler „le Policemen's Pension and Relief Fund Meeting Minutes October 18, 2007 A meeting of the Fayetteville Policemen's Pension and Relief October 18, 2007 in Room 326 of the City Administration Buildi Mayor Coody called the meeting to order. Present: Mayor Coody, Melvin Stanley, Tim Williams, Amber Wood, Chief Greg Tabor, Mai Kim Cooper of Longer Investments. Absent: Frank Johnson and Jerry Approval of the Minutes: Approval of the July 19, Tim Helder moved0i call the motion carri Approval'h�the September; Mayor Coo Sondra Smith: Y64 now going to his wife 7 Policemen's Pension and Relief Fund Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes October 18, 2007 Page 1 of 7 at 1:30 PM on Roberts, gdi%ark Smith, Kit counting, Ela1i onlzer and Eldon XRoberts seconded the motion. Upon roll and Jerry Friend were absent. November 2007 Pension Lists the pension lists? passed away so the only change is that his pension amount is Tim Helder moved to approve the Pension Lists. Eldon Roberts seconded the motion. Upon roll call the motion carried 5-0. Frank Johnson and Jerry Friend were absent. Old Business: There was n Old Business. New Business: David Preston — Deceased A copy of David Preston's obituary was given to the Board Supplemental Funds Distribution (Turnback) Sondra Smith: That is just an informational item. TWO', received from the State on the turn back fees. Ther1' a sl calculates that shows what you received in 2004, 2r, 2006 in the turnback. F<�Ay,�i4i Eldon Roberts: That is the insurance turnback? Sondra Smith: Yes. Eldon Roberts: Right, that's the part that cdj` e! Sondra Smith: Yes. T "4sheet shows'"'. the difference in the arr�Aunts.e s a letter f they were holding .{;1 No', % of �%ht turnback released that 10% so theS ztnot4' zng any b �,•;,,,��+` 'u what we will e[yyj�eft Vear. (•�}} :•..ttStVX•hti,...I .I •F, h:ii1. '4 F41 ��.4�.F�+�•XGA{ Mayor 218 — : Any : There are Sondra Smith: Policemen's Pension and Relief Fund Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes October 18, 2007 Page 2 of 7 &',Copy of 1, 1,11 formation that we badsheet tf. 'T4'., in Accounting tnd 2007 so you cue the decline V. •fii amounts;, or 2004, 2005, 2006 and 2007 an 1 PRB that explains that at one point in time di~ was going into a fund. This year they hus this year might be a little bit more than of tki�checks that we received and how it was calculated. and asked me to put this on the agenda so we could discuss it. Mayor Coody: Is this the same situation as the Fire Board? Sondra Smith: Yes. It's Act 218. Marsha it is my understanding that we can only pay insurance premiums? Marsha Farthing: There's one other type of thing that we can pay. I will have to look it up but it has something to do with long term care policies. Policemen's Pension and Relief Fund Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes October 18, 2007 Page 3 of 7 Sondra Smith: The Fire Pension thought it was like a health savings account. I told them it was not. They wanted me to get clarification on that. Marsha Farthing: They can have a health savings account with their carrier. It could go to a health saving account through the carrier but our checks go to the carrier. Sondra Smith: That is what I thought. It would be up to the carrier to set up the health savings account. They had been told we would be set up the health savings account here at the City and I did not think that was the situation. Mayor Coody: Eldon do you have any questions on this? Eldon Roberts: No, I talked to Sondra about it on the phone'tther day and I pretty much understand where the City stands on it. I agree with her and I dffi fii � � � City's stand on it is it's too complicated of an accounting procedure right now the w4" lits set'bt�'ff;, hoever proposed this » >��'�.`�� .. to the legislative session needs to take it back and gets}:Yrlile more ed because it's to complex for the cities to ever try to keep up with. ''::: Sondra Smith: Just so the rest of the board will at th'�'ension Protect'$ct is if we decided to do this at the Ci the first $3 000 of insur£``'"'c`',': r ,43h'rtw>'' City a1a,•r;,�.,�p�l�•liurr3s could be pre' taxed but it is only the first $3,000 of your insurance premiums. The c60hp is if the Fire Pension and Police Pension decided to do this and we have U' proximately hungx4pembers on both plans, then we could be paying out a hundred differei�'f'�%�nsurance check`RA f>hundred different insurance companies. It's not like our insurance heir'$'a�#4J1ty to wheif Y'e a just one insurance rr, r.,.,t .,. r gg pay company. The City is concerned about the=>'abilif}'> u'`:".; f ou :nr et to tell us that you have Y, ; Y ., g changed your insurance and we pay your old`` surAi" e ai ix f is ' our new insurance doesn't get paid and you have a claingii h is liable? ' e you liable r not telling us or are we liable for not getting the check t ie corr e, ti�isurance cori & any? That a concern of the City. Kit Williams: And the Eldon Ro doing the Sondra your tax Mayor Coody: Eldon Roberts: I agree Longer Investments: take mord gaff at a time when we can't add any staff. g° 4with a muff de of insurance companies. Whereas in the City 't:•:.:r is Q,,. one insurance company you're dealing with for every F sfks� fou Eldon that what they should have done is let you take it off basis instead of the City having to govern it. so understanding on this. just the way it is. There is no need to go there the way this is written. Monthly Investment Report Policemen's Pension and Relief Fund Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes October 18, 2007 Page 4 of 7 Elaine Longer: Page one is the September 30th portfolio appraisal. The quarter actually closed up from June to September. You closed at about 55% equities when you look at your equities plus international stocks which are 7.1%. You are just above the 55%. Equity Overage Eldon Roberts moved to approve the equity overage. Melvin Stanley seconded the motion. Upon roll call the motion passed 5-0. Frank Johnson and Jerry Friend were absent. On page four the ending portfolio value was $10938 million. The incq.�me on your bonds, which are government agency bonds, is 5.4%, that's on your total fixed, jortfolio. Your total income yield which is dividends plus interest that's earned on a ; F"''fir .olio regardless of what the h r stock market does is 3.5% income yield. kx=>^ vt 18 . x£P�:,., Page five is an update through yesterdays close and y,> still right a d the 55% equity exposure. Not much else has happened except that th�0 , ocks are up othe'. y = , onth to date in the month of October. A distribution went out out $12,000 so the c „.value as of yesterday is still at about $10.926 million. X, k fx Page nine is your realized gains year to date which are ju�1:V4gains on stocks we sold, that gain �n x is $306,000. Income which is dividends rest is $170;f . Page 10 is the break down of the bond p°taV maturity is only 4.6 years and that compares yield is about 120 basis points higher than a securities that mature securities mature in tr defensively. At tim6 curve. The Fed is lo, have talked aboutAhe far as a ne giving up al today to yet being brave n you are a one year, nincome to conservative at this new 0 years or ie' yield to !>;�,;;Wty is 5.4%. The average ::. a five .,year treasury. So your income able ; i✓ar treasury. In the category of �,11 �e still he about 34% of the fixed income I think at this point it is better to be structured years or less.`y, %r. to extend matriit s and go out to the long end of the yield rt§41F, .,interest rat ut the dollar has gone to new lows. We at 77 today. That goes back to the 1960's as lex. The'' euro is at a new high today and gold is up. The N iI£ang out to five years or ten years, the yields are not all that at a`P: vhyear yield at 4 '/2% and we are still buying government ture :and a three year maturity over 5%. At this point we are not e. Gold is going to a new high; crude oil is up another $1.50 Those things that look inflationary on my screen keep me from the yield curve to five and ten years. We are being very Page 11 is the top equity weightings. General Electric is the largest position, Johnson & Johnson, Microsoft, Kraft Foods, Inc. and Teva Pharmaceuticals. Page 12 you will see the sectors that we are overweight and underweight. We have been preaching about the weak consumer and the problems with the housing market for a little over a year and now you see what has happened in the past three months. It is affecting consumer spending. The consumer really has not come to grips with higher energy prices for heating this winter and the higher energy prices. Crude oil has moved about 15% higher from where the price at the pump is. The reason you are not seeing it at the pump yet is because the refiners Policemen's Pension and Relief Fund Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes October 18, 2007 Page 5 of 7 have enough supply that they have not hit the gas stations with the increase price but that is coming. We are still very light the consumer. The industrial stocks are knocking the cover off the ball as far as earnings reports especially the multi -national corporations that are tapped into the international growth. They are capitalizing on the growth in the emerging economies in China and that is offsetting the weakness in the US economy. The whole story this year has been to be in the big multi -national blue chip companies that are positioned internally. That is the only place that you are seeing real consistent earnings growth and margin improvements. They benefit from the dollar declining because they become more competitive internationally as the dollar declines. We are still overweight energy, healthcare and technology. We are equal weight in capital goods. We are underweight financial and utilities. Kit Williams: I thought utilities were generally a safe thing Elaine Longer: The electric utilities, the dividend yield, from growth. They don't have enough of an income ,?%` compared to fixed income rates at this point. That'sf0b cal which reduces the current yield on the stocks. They; don't growth stock. Page 13 we have contributions and distributions year $120.,000 and distributions have been abQ���A$810,000. Page 14 you have your returns.. Your stocl,�W bonds are up 4.3% so the total is up 7.7%,% time period. The S&P with compounded diVi 11.9%, the DOW 11.5%. ;h :14 ller compan. 0 fk.g V. h ,, ,Ar are only up 2.3% year V ;date. j�;{. 4 t1small caps companies are doill9Q.%x n near. t: Through the date gains qj In thel give"us UP have dividends. ust 110011'%h, enough to go away Ea be ca ' EHR..an income security they have hi -nice appreciation ve enough gro''"; `;Vo rae called a Contributions have been about 1}1.4% year'T§,rjaRe. International up 7.1%, nen{•4:, y r,.11.4%r�`S&P is up 7.7% during that 4: "r' r is >zp:}. NASDAQ is about the same Rus4 44 `2000 which is the small cap index really lagging with what the big international 2.4% month to date that puts your year to 8% year to date. r Policy" #'addressx b#Aly change I would recommend last time which was to bit of wig '......00m at e 55% level. To give you alate on w 4�'pire the market is, the whole sub prime thing started to surface in June. The Bear`' s fun were the first ones you really heard about in the newspaper. To give you an idea ose funds were doing, these mortgage brokers, that came up in the last couple of years that w. riginating mortgages they are not tied to a bank, they are independent mortgage brokers. Tl ky are not regulated by the Feds. They lay outside of the regulation of the FDIC and the controller of the currency. They just basically originate mortgages and get a fee for that. Then they take the mortgage and they off load it to whatever their up stream financial institutional is that they are selling these things to. That financial institutional puts them together into a pool and then divides the pool into different risk categories depending on the risk rating of. each individual mortgage and then off loads that to financial institutions all over the world. So hedge funds own these, banking institutions, pension funds and international funds own these sub prime mortgage pools. They are not priced every day like a stock is or like a corporate bond or government agency bond. They are priced based on model pricing and until there is a big Policemen's Pension and Relief Fund Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes October 18, 2007 Page 6 of 7 bunch of them that come to market the model prices get by the scrutiny of the regulators because that is all they have to go on. When something moves to market and there is a fire sale, the documentation of that market price, then everybody else who is holding this stuff has to mark down to market. So you have a whole world out there with a vested interest of not marking to market. You have all kinds of stuff going on. Bear Stearns put up $3 billion into these funds to try and hold off so that they could pay investors who wanted to get out without having to throw all these things onto the market. That lasted about three weeks. Then you have had many more sort of come up all over the world. One of the biggest. European Banks had, o shut several funds to investors they couldn't get out. That started a run on the banks finita, The Central Banks rr'nk�t around the world have had to come in and supply liquidi , rf aI.cause this has such huge repercussions; it froze up a lot of the financial markets as far a �', V cial paper and things like that. That is why you have seen the European CentralB''`alc, Ban1{uF }Japan and the Fed so active since August. Kit Williams: Is there still a risk? Elaine Longer: It's still not functioning normally:k 4 gf00 , r4�the"{ weekend weAgot news that Treasury Secretary Paulson has been meeting with official _.�m Citibank,Bank of America and r j V JP Morgan to try and put together this su�,g fund that woul r n billion dollars, it would be non governmental money, but it would pr' wj,,! �.n ome liquidity=k{'r some of these structured investment vehicles to at least have a market i 1bave to sells ing. It kind of back fired on them and this week we have seen Citi Q- roup t£h �t the s that they had reached in August. Bank of America reported earnings this "ere a disappointment its down 5%. So a number of the }baiactually taki4g out the s of August even though this plan 14;i was suppose to help support thei?Ve are not out,• of the woods yet but I think we will probably have,another quarterf'oi;,discouirate and Fed ize cut before January although they may pass �` r}}' r0. onl do 25 I sis points in September and they did 50 so in October. I really thou ey � y if they pass in Octclber I rea.`j `4}'4'rt:"i.wtig especially with where the currency is. n c h ? ,n nvLy. 5. S y,1X % ��tkbrj'i', • ))ik�i}}:'!��,S�tyt�•,t:��` VVk,�r�Rh'.:k. Your ear-gngv s report`Y,`sfl'SFz'��2'�•���r ust fine with the exception of consumer stocks, housing and f,p{{p�als. At this poi}tyhe earneem to be on track with the exception of those places where tli obvious w ther's still quite a bit of strength with International growth. Kit Williams. N. rn. used to c "' the other economies with us and now we are hoping they carry US. }{hhr<. Avg: { Elaine Longer: Thatllyirue, China will contribute more to world growth this year than any other economy and that is the first time that China has actually moved to the top of the heap. Elaine Longer: You're in at 55% and very well diversified. A lot of times I go in with 1.5% of equity exposure and I might take it to 2% or 2.5%. Our biggest position is GE which is 4% of equity exposure. We do everything incrementally. Nothing is really over exposed, nothing can sink the ship. We are broadly diversified across sectors and individual stocks. Policemen's Pension and Relief Fund Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes October 18, 2007 Page 7 of 7 Quarterly Report A copy of Longer Investments Quarterly report was given to the Board. Loneer Investment Letter A copy of the letter from Longer Investments dated August 16, 2007 was given to the Board. Mei POLICE PENSION FUND December 2007 6800.9800 6800.9800 Month 12 ReguiarMo 5335-00 533505 Check EMP# NAME Benefit YTD Reg Benefit Supp! YTD Suppl. Fed Tax St Tax Net 154 ALLEN, CHARLES 2509.36 30,112.32 60.00 600.00 220.00 66.89 2,272.47 130 BAYLES, DON 1541.17 18,494.04 50,00 600.00 1,591.17 107 BLACK, JOE P 1092.85 13,114.20 50.00 600.00 100.00 20.00 1,022.85 147 BRADLEY, GERALD 4679.70 56,156.40 50.00 600.00 975.00 300.00 3,454.70 139 BRADLEY, RANDALL 2776.86 33,322.32 50.00 600.00 382.00 100.00 2,344.86 167 BROWN, JOHN 4234.96 50,819.52 50.00 600.00 600.00 200.00 3,484.96 157 CARROLL,RONALD L 2044.70 24,536.40 50.00 600.00 250.00 105.00 1,739.70 151 COLE, RUSTON 2976.45 35,717.40 50.00 600.00 600.00 200.00 2,226.45 109 COOPER, ADRIAN 619.83 7,437.96 50.00 600.00 669.83 198 DENNIS, ANNA MARY 1336.78 14,704.58 50.00 550.00 1,386.78 108 DENNIS, WARREN, Deceased 1/19107 0.00 1,336.78 0.00 50.00 0.00 0.00 160 DUGGER,GARY 3071.59 36,859.08 50.00 600.00 300.00 120.00 2,701.59 140 FOSTER, BILLIE D. 3113.93 37,367.16 50.00 600.00 300.00 120.00 2,743.93 148 FRIEND, JERRY 3060.85 36,730.20 50.00 600.00 725.00 150.00 2,235.85 161 HANNA, JANICE 1328.73 15,944.76 0.00 0.00 100.00 25.00 1,203.73 145 HANNA, MARK 1328.73 1.5,944.76 50.00 600.00 100.00 50.00 1,228.73 162 HASKINS, IRENE 759.42 9,113.04 50.00 600.00 809.42 169 HELDER, TIM 5668.08 68,016.96 50.00 600.00 750.00 250.00 4,718.08 180 HOYT, RICK 7242.73 86,912.76 50.00 600.00 1,600.00 425.00 5,267.73 146 HUTCHENS, BERNICE 1772.37 21,268.44 50.00 600.00 130.00 1,892.37 143 JOHNSON, CHARLES 2383.98 28,607.76 50.00 600.00 42.67 2,391.31 194 JOHNSON, FRANK 7742.53 92,910.36 50.00 600.00 1,600.00 500.00 5,692.53 103 JOHNSON, WENDELL 760.34 9,124.08 50.00 600.00 810.34 118 JONES, BOB 3204.32 36,451.84 50.00 600.00 0.00 3,254.32 144 KILGORE, DONALD 1986.87 23,842.44 50.00 800.00 19.72 2,017.15 129 LAWSON, FORREST 1522.23 18,266.76 50.00 600.00 350.00 1,222.23 150 LITTLE, PATSY R 709.08 8,508.96 50.00 600.00 759.08 153 LORCH, DONNA G 709.08 8,508.96 50.00 600.00 759.08 156 MARTIN, KENNETH 3585.29 43,023.48 50.00 600.00 500.00 140.00 2,995.29 128 MCCAWLEY, LARRY 1645.43 19,745.16\ 50.00 600.00 195.00 50.00 1,450.43 116 MCCHRISTIAN, MARIE 709.08 8,508.96 50.00 600.00 759.08 126 MCWHORTER, KAREN 982.62 11,791.44 50.00 600.00 1,032.62 136 MITCHELL, MICHAEL 2238.15 26,857.80 50.00 600.00 150.00 2,138.15 141 MUELLER, ROSEMARY 2003.82 24,045.84 50.00 600.00 2,053.82 158 MUNSONjWGELA 4075.87 48,910.44 50.00 600.00 500.00 0.00 3,625.87 112 MURPHY, JAKE 393.93 4,727.16 50.00 600.00 0.00 443.93 137 PERDUE, LARRY 2255.02 27,060.24 50.00 600.00 300.00 50.00 1,955.02 164 PERSHALL, ROBIN 1480.65 17,767,80 0.00 0.00 190.00 67.00 1,223.65 132 PHILLIPS. HOMER GENE 1703.34 20,440.08 50.00 600.00 300.00 1,453.34 105 PRESTON, GEORGE DAVID, deceased 8/28/07 12,437.84 0.00 400.00 0.00 199 PRESTON, NORMA J 1554.73 6,218.92 50.00 200.00 200.00 100.00 1,304.73 135 RICKMAN, LOREN 2166.09 25,993.08 50.00 600.00 230.06 65.00 1,921.09 104 RIGGINS, RAYMOND C 1620.75 19,449.00 50.00 600.00 125.00 25.00 1,520.75 183 ROBERTS, ELDON 7261.52 87,138.24 50.00 600.00 1,244.00 400.00 5,667.52 183 ROBERTS, ELDON Plus 25 add pay 999.98 2,756.20 0.00 0.00 999.98 159 SCHUSTER,JOHN H. 3028.56 36,318.72 50.00 600.00 340.00 110.00 2,626.56 168 STANLEY, MELVIN 4737.93 56,855.16 50.00 600.00 1,100.00 300.00 3,387.93 165 STOUT, BETTY 84127 10,095.24 50.00 600.00 0.00 891.27 133 SURLES, JERRY 2642.14 31,705.68 50.00 600.00 600.00 200.00 1,892.14 142 TAYLOR, DENNIS 2003.82 24,045.84 50.00 600.00 110.00 0.00 1,943.82 100 UPTON, FRANKLIN 102629 12,315.48 50.00 600.00 10.00 1,066.29 ' 163 WATSON, RICHARD 6744.71 80,936.52 50.00 600.00 1,950.00 425.00 4,419.71 163 Watson, Richard Plus 25 Add'I Pay 921.13 11,053.56 0.00 0.00 921.13 149 WILLIAMS, JOYCE 2465.69 29,588.28 50.00 600.00 217.07 2,298.62 195 WITT, BETTY J 1715.37 20,584.44 50.00 60D.00 115.00 64.00 1,586.37 127 WOOD, PAUL J 1534.88 18,418.56 50.00 600.00 0.00 1,584.88 132513.58 1,580,919.40 2,500.00 30 000.00 17,458.07 4,690.28 1121865.23 112,865.23 6800.9800 6800.9800 6000-9800 5335.00 533505 5335-06 TOW Year to Date 1,581,319.40 30,OD0.00 86,040.00 1,697,359.40 Anna Mary Dennis benefit start 2/07 11 Warren Dennis deceased 1/19/07 Eldon Roberts extra pay 2 Norma J Preston benefit start 9/07 4 David George Preston deceased 8107 POLICE PENSION FUND January 2008 Month 1 EMP# NAME 154 ALLEN, CHARLES 13D BAYLES, DON 107 BLACK, JOE P 147 BRADLEY, GERALD 139 BRADLEY, RANDALL 167 BROWN, JOHN 157 CARROLL.RONALDL 151 COLE, RUSTON 109 COOPER, ADRIAN 198 DENNIS, ANNA MARY 160 DUGGER,GARY 140 FOSTER, BILLIE D. 148 FRIEND, JERRY 161 HANNA, JANICE 145 HANNA, MARK 162 HASKINS, IRENE 169 HELDER, TIM 180 HOYT, RICK 146 HUTCHENS, BERNICE 143 JOHNSON, CHARLES 194 JOHNSON, FRANK 103 JOHNSON, WENDELL 118 JONES, BOB 144 KILGORE, DONALD 129 LAWSON, FORREST 150 LITTLE, PATSY R 153 LORCH, DONNA G 156 MARTIN, KENNETH 128 MCCAWLEY, LARRY 116 MCCHRISTIAN, MARIE 126 MCWHORTER, KAREN 136 MITCHELL, MICHAEL 141 MUELLER, ROSEMARY 158 MUNSON,ANGELA 112 MURPHY, JAKE 137 PERDUE, LARRY 164 PERSHALL, ROBIN 132 PHILLIPS, HOMER GENE 199 PRESTON, NORMA J 135 RICKMAN, LOREN 104 RIGGINS, RAYMOND C 183 ROBERTS, ELDON 183 ROBERTS. ELDON Plus 25 add pay 159 SCHUSTER,JOHN H. 168 STANLEY, MELVIN 155 STOUT, BETTY 133 SURLES, JERRY 142 TAYLOR, DENNIS 106 UPTON, FRANKLIN 163 WATSON, RICHARD 163 Watson, Richmd Plus 25 Add1 Pay 149 WILLIAMS, JOYCE 195 WITT, BETTY J 127 WOOD, PAUL J 6wo-ww Regular Mo 5335-00 Benefit YTD Reg Benefit 5335-05 Suppl. YTD Suppl. Fed tax Check St Tax Net 2584.64 2,584.64 50.00 50.00 220.00 66.89 2,347.75 158741 1,587.41 50.00 50.00 1,637.41 1125.64 1,125.64 50.00 50.00 100.00 20.00 1,055.64 4820.09 4,820.09 50.00 50.00 975.00 300.00 3,595.09 2860.17 2,860.17 50.00 50.00 38200 100.00 2,428.17 4362.01 4,362.01 50.00 50.00 600.00 200.00 3,61201 2106.04 2,106.04 50.00 50.00 250.00 105.00 1,801.04 3065.74, 3,065.74 50.00 50.00 600.00 200.00 2,315.74 638.42 638.42 .50.00 50.00 688.42 1376.88 1,376.88 50.00 50.00 1,426.88 3163.74 3,163.74 50.00 50.00 300.00 120.00 2,793.74 3207.35 3,207.35 50.00 50.00 300.00 120.00 2,837.35 3152.68 3,15268 50.00 50.00 725.00 150.00 2,327.68 1366.59 1,368.59 0.00 0.00 100.00 25.00 1,243.59 1368.59 1,368.59 50.00 50.00 100.00 50.00 1,268.59 78220 782.20, 50.00 50.00 832.20 5838.12 5,838.12 50.00' 50.00 750.00 250.00 4,888.12 7460.01 7,460.01 50.00 50.00 1,600.00 425.00 5,485.01 1825.64 1,825.54 50.00 50.00 130.00 1,745.54 2455.50 2,455.50 50.00 50.00 42.67 2,462.83 7974.81 7,974.81 50.00 50.00 1,600.00 500.00 5,924.81 783.15 783.15 50.00 50.00 833.15 3300.45 3,300.45, 50.00 50.00 0.00 3,350.45 2046.48 2,046.48 50.00 50.00 19.72 2,076.76 15679D 1,567.90 50.00 50.00 350.00 1,267.90 730.35 730.35. 50.00 50.00 780.35 730.35 730.35 50.00 50.00 780.35 3692.85 3,692.85 50.00 50.00 500.00 140.00 3,102.85 1694.79 1,694.79 50.00 50.00 195.00 50.00 1,499.79 73D.35 730.35 50.00 50.00 780.35 1012.10 1,012.10 56.00 50.00 1,062.10 2305.29 2,305.29 50.00 50.00 150.00 2,205.29 2063.93 2,063.93 50.00 50.01 2,113.93 4198.15 4,198.15 50.00 5400 50D.00 0.00 3,748.15 405.75 405.75 50.00 50.00 0.00 455.75 2322.67 2,322.67 50.00 50.00 300.00 50.00 2,022.67 1525.07 1,525.07 0.00 0.00 190.00 67.00 1,268.07 1754-4 1,754.44 50.00 50.00 300.00. 1,504.44 1601.37 1,601.37 50.00 50.00 2D0.00 100.00 1,351.37 2231.07 2,231.07 50.00 50.00 230.00 65.00 1,986.07 1669.37 1,669.37 50.00 50.00 125.00 25.00 1,569.37 7479.37 7,479.37 50.00 50.01) 1,350.OD 500.00 5,679.37 1029.98 1,029.98 0.00 0.00 1,029.98 3117.36 3,117.36 50.00 50.00 340.00 110.00 2,717.36 4880.07 4,880.07 SOHO 50.00 1,100.00 300.00 3,530.07 866.51 866.51 5400 50.00 0.01) 916.51 2721.40 2,721.40 50.00 50.00 600.00 200.00 1,971.40 2063.93 2,063.93 50.00 50.00 110.00 0.00 2,003.93 1057.08 1,057.08 50.00 50.00 10.00 1,097.08 694705 6,947.05 50.00 50.00 1,950.00 425.00 4,622.05 948.76 948.76 0.00 0.00 948.76 2539.66 2,539.66 50.00 50.00 217.07 2,372.59 1766.83 1,766.83 50.00 50.00 115.00 64.00 1,637.83 1580.93 1.580.93 50.00 50.00 MOD 1.630.93 116,634.63 POLICE PENSION FUND February 2008 6800-9800 6800-9800 Month 2 Regular Mo 5335-M 5335-05 Check EMP# NAME Benefit YTD Reg Benefit Suppl. YTD Suppl. Fed Tax St Tax Net 154 ALLEN, CHARLES 2584.64 5,169.28 50.00 100.00 220.00 66.89 2,347.75 130 BAYLES, DON 1587.41 3,174.82 50.00 100.00 1,637.41 107 BLACK, JOE P 1125.64 2,251.28 50-00' 100.00 100.00 20.00 1,055.64 147 BRADLEY, GERALD 4820.09 9,640.18 50.00 100.00 975.00 300.00 3,595.09 139 BRADLEY, RANDALL 2860.17 5,720.34 50.00 100.00 382.00 100.00 2,428.17 167 BROWN, JOHN 4362.01 8,724.02 50.00 100.00 600.00 200.00 3,612.01 157 CARROLL,RONALD L 2106.04 4,212.08 50.00 100.00, 250.00 105.00 1,801.04 151 COLE, RUSTON 3065.74 6,131.48 50.00 100.00 600.00 200.00 2,315.74 109 COOPER, ADRIAN 638.42 1,276.84 50.00 100.00 688.42 198 DENNIS, ANNA MARY 1376.88 2,753.76 50.00 100.00 1,426.88 160 DUGGER,GARY 3163.74 6,327.48 50.00 100.00 300.00 120.00 2,793.74 140 FOSTER, BILLIE D. 3207.35 6,414.70 50.00 100.00 300.00 120.00 2,837.35 148 FRIEND, JERRY 3152.68 6,305.36 50.00 100.00 725.00 150.00 2,327.68 161 HANNA, JANICE 1368.59 2,737.18 0.00 0.00 100.00 25.00 .1,243.59 145 HANNA, MARK 1368.59. 2,737.18 50.00 100.00 100.00 50.00 1,268.59 162 HASKINS, IRENE 782.20 1,564.40 50.00 100.00 832,20 169 HELDER, TIM 5838.12 11,676.24 50.00 100.00 750.00 250.00 4,888.12 180 HOYT, RICK 7460.01 14,920.02 50.00 100.00 1,600.00 425.00 5,485.01 146 HUTCHENS, BERNICE 1825.54 3,651.08 50.00 100.00 130.00 1,745.54 143 JOHNSON, CHARLES 2455.50 4,911.00 50.00 100.00 42.67 2,462.83 194 JOHNSON, FRANK 7974.81 15,949.62 50.00 100.00 1,600.00 500.00 5,924.81 103 JOHNSON, WENDELL 783.15 1,566.30 50.00 100.00 833.15 118 JONES, BOB 3300.45 6,600.90 50.00 100.00 0.00 3,350.45 144 KILGORE, DONALD 2046.48 4,092.96 50.00 100.00 19.72 2,076.76 129 LAWSON, FORREST 1567.90 3,135.80 50.00 100.00 350.00 1,267.90 150 LITTLE, PATSY R 730.35 1,460.70 50.00 100.00 7$0.35 153 LORCH, DONNA G 730.35 1,460.70 50.00 100.00 780.35 156 MARTIN, KENNETH 3692.85 7,385.70 50.00 100.00 500.00 140.00 3,102.85 128 MCCAWLEY, LARRY 1694.79 3,389.58 50.00 100.00 195.00 50.00 1,499.79. 116 MCCHRISTIAN, MARIE 730.35 1,460,70 50.00 100.00 780.35 126 MCWHORTER, KAREN 1012.10 2,024.20 50.00 100.00 1,062.10 136 MITCHELL, MICHAEL 2305.29 4,610.58 50.00 100.00 150.00 2,205.29 141 MUELLER, ROSEMARY 2063.93 4,127.86 50.00 100.00 2,113.93 158 MUNSON,ANGELA 4198.15 8,396.30 50.00 100.00 500.00 0.00 3,748.15 112 MURPHY, JAKE 405.75 811.50, 50.00 100.00 0.00 455.75 137 PERDUE, LARRY 2322.67 4,645.34 50.00 100.00 300.00 50.00 2,022.67 164 PERSHALL, ROBIN 1525.07 3,050.14 0.00 0.00 190.00 67.00 1,268.07 132 PHILLIPS, HOMER GENE 1754.44 3,508.88 50.00 100.00 300.00 1,504.44 199 PRESTON, NORMAJ 1601.37 3,202.74 50.00 100.00 200.00 100.00 1,351.37 135 RICKMAN, LOREN 2231.07 4,462.14 50.00 100.00 230.00 65.00 1,986.07 104 RIGGINS, RAYMOND C 1669.37 3,338.74 50.00 100.00 125.00 25.00 1,569.37 183 ROBERTS, ELDON 7479.37 14,958.74 50.00 100.00 1,350.00 500.00 5,679.37 183 ROBERTS, ELDON Plus 25 add pay 1029.98 2,059.96 0.00 0.00 1,049.98 159 SCHUSTER,JOHN H. 3117.36 6,234.72 50.00 100.00 340.00 110.00 2,717.36 168 STANLEY, MELVIN 4880.07 9,760.14 50.00 100.00 1,100.00 300.00 3,530.07 155 STOUT, BETTY 866.51 1,733.02 50.00 100.00 0.00 916.51 133 SURLES, JERRY 2721.40 5,442.80 50.00 100.00 600.00 200.00 1,971.40 142 TAYLOR, DENNIS 2063.93 4,127.86 50.00 100.00 110.00 0.00 2,003.93 106 UPTON, FRANKLIN 1057.08 2,114.16 50.00 100.00 10.00 1,097,08 163 WATSON, RICHARD 6947.05 13,894.10 50.00 100.00 1,950.00 425.00 • 4,622.05 163 Watson, Richard Plus 25 Add'I Pay 948.76 1,897.52 0.00 0.00 948.76 149 WILLIAMS, JOYCE 2539.66 5,079.32 50.00 100.00 217.07 2,372.59 195 WITT, BETTY J 1766.83 3,533.66 50.00 100.00 115.00 64.00 1,637.83 127 WOOD, PAUL 1580.93 3,161.86 50.00 100.00 0.00 1,630.93 136488.98 272,977.96 2,500.00 5,000.00. 17,564.07 4,790.28 116,634.63 116,634.63 POLICE PENSION FUND March 2008 Month 3 EMP# NAME 154 ALLEN, CHARLES 130 BAYLES, DON 107 BLACK, JOE P 147 BRADLEY, GERALD 139 BRADLEY, RANDALL 167 BROWN, JOHN 157 CARROLL,RONALD L 151 COLE, RUSTON 109 COOPER, ADRIAN 198 DENNIS, ANNA MARY, 160 DUGGER,GARY 140 FOSTER, BILLIE D. 148 FRIEND, JERRY 161 HANNA, JANICE 145 HANNA, MARK 162 HASKINS, IRENE 169 HELDER, TIM 180 HOYT, RICK 146 HUTCHENS, BERNICE 143 JOHNSON, CHARLES 194 JOHNSON, FRANK 103 JOHNSON, WENDELL 118 JONES, BOB 144 KILGORE, DONALD 129 LAWSON, FORREST 150 LITTLE, PATSY R 153 LORCH, DONNA G 156 MARTIN, KENNETH 128 MCCAWLEY, LARRY 116 MCCHRISTIAN, MARIE 126 MCWHORTER, KAREN 136 MITCHELL, MICHAEL 141 MUELLER, ROSEMARY 158 MUNSON,ANGELA 112 MURPHY, JAKE 137 PERDUE, LARRY 164 PERSHALL, ROBIN 132 PHILLIPS, HOMER GENE 199 PRESTON, NORMA J 135 RICKMAN, LOREN 104 RIGGINS, RAYMOND C 183 ROBERTS, ELDON 183 ROBERTS, ELDON Plus 25 add pay 159 SCHUSTER,JOHN H. 168 STANLEY, MELVIN 155 STOUT, BETTY 133 SURLES, JERRY 142 TAYLOR, DENNIS 106 UPTON, FRANKLIN 163 WATSON, RICHARD 163 Watson, Richard Plus 25 Add'1 Pay 149 WILLIAMS, JOYCE 195 WITT, BETTY J 127 WOOD, PAUL J 6600-9800 Regular Mo 5335-00 Benefit YTD Reg Benefit 6800-9800 5335.05 Suppl. YTD Suppl. Fed Tax Check St Tax Net 2584.64 7,753.92 50.00 150.00 220.00 66.89 2,347.75 1587.41 4,762.23 50.00 150.00 1,637.41 1125.64 3,376.92 50.00 150.00 100.00 20.00 1,055.64 4820.09 14,460.27 50.00 150.00 975.00 300.00 3,595.09 2860.17 8,580.51 50.00 150.00 382.00 100.00 2,428.17 4362.01 13,086.03 50.00 150.00 600.00 200.00 3;612.01 2106.04 6,318.12 50.00 150.00 250.00 105.00 1,801.04 3065.74 9,197.22 50.00 150.00 600.00 200.00 2,315.74 638.42 1,915.26 50.00 150.00 688.42 1376.88 4,130.64 50.00 150.00 1,426.88 3163.74 9,491.22 50.00 150.00 300.00 120.00 2,793.74 3207.35 9,622.05 50.00 150.00 300.00 120.00 2,837.35 3152.68 9,458.04 50.00 150.00 725.00 150.00 2,327.68 1368.59 4,105.77 0.00 0.00 100.00 25.00 1,243.59 1368.59 4,105.77 50.00 150.00 100.00 50.00 1,268.59 782.20 2,346.60 50.00 150.00 832.20 5838.12 17,514.36 50.00 150.00 750.00 250.00 4,888.12 7460.01 22,380.03 50.00 150.00 1,600.00 425.00 5,485.01 1825.54 5,476.62 50.00 150:00 130.00. 1,745.54 2455.50 7,366.5D 50.00 150.00 42.67 2,462.83 7974.81 23,924.43 50.00 150.00 1,600.00 500.00 5,924.81 783.15 2,349.45 50.00 150.00 833.15 3300.45 9,901.35 50.00 150.00 0.00 3,350.45 2046.48 6,139.44 50.00 150.00 19.72 2,076.76 1567.90 4,703.70 50.00 150.00 350.00 1,267.90 730.35 2,191.05 50.00 150.00 780.35 730.35 2,191.05 50.00 150.00 780.35 3692.85 11,078.55 50.00 150.00 500.00 140.00 3,102.85 1694.79 5,084.37 50.00 150.00 195.00 50.00 1,499.79 730.35 2,191.05 50.00 150.00 780.35 1012.10 3,036.30 50.00 150.00 1,062.10 2305.29 6,915.87 50.00 150.00 150.00 2,205.29 2063.93 6,191.79 50.00 150.00 2,113.93 4198.15 12,594.45 50.00 150.00 500.00 0.00 3,748.15 405.75 1,217.25 50.00 150.00 0.00 455.75 2322.67 6,968.01 50.00 150.00 300.00 50.00 2,022.67 1525.07 4,575.21 0.00 0.00 190.00 67.00 1,268.07 1754.44 5,263.32 50.00 150.00 300.00 1,504.44 1601.37 4,804.11 50.00 150.00 200.00 100.00 1,351.37 2231.07 6,693.21 50.00 150.00 230.00 65.00 1,986.07 1669.37 5,008.11 50.00 150.00 125.00 25.00 1,569.37 7479.37 22,438.11 50.00 150.00 1,350.00 500.00 5,679.37 1029.98 3,089.94 0.00 0.00 1,029.98 3117.36 9,352.08 50.00 150.00 340.00 110.00 2,717.36 4880.07 14,640.21 50.00 150.00 1,100.00 300.00 3,530.07 866.51 2,599.53 50.00 150.00 0.00 916.51 2721.40 8,164.20 50.00 150.00 600.00 200.00 1,971.40 2063.93 6,191.79 50.00 150.00 110.00 0.00 2,003.93 1057.08 3,171.24 50.00 150.00 10.00 1,097.08 6947.05 20,841.15 50.00 150.00 1,950.00 425.00 4,622.05 948.76 2,846.28 0.00 0.00 948.76 2539.66 7,618.98 50.00 150.00 217.07 2,372.59 1766.83 5,300.49 50.00 150.00 115.00 64.00 1,637.83 1580.93 4,742.79 50.00 150.00 0.00 1,630.93 136488.98 409,466.94 2,500.00 7,500.00 17,564.07 4,790.28 116,634.63 116,634.63 Policemen's Pension And Relief Fund Board Of Trustees Chairman Mayor Dan Coody 1418 E. Rodgers Drive Fayetteville, AR 72701 443-6758 — Home 575-8330 — Work 01/01/01-Indef. Treasurer Sondra Smith 113 W. Mountain Fayetteville, AR 72701 442-7838 — Home 575-8323 — Work 02/03/03-Indef. Secretary Retired Position 1 Eldon Roberts 1197 S. Roberts Road Fayetteville, AR 72701 521-0183 — Home 601-6469 — Cell Replaced Randy Bradley 06/01/05-05/31/07 1St Term 06/01/07-05/31/09 2nd Term Retired Position 2 Jerry Friend 1640 Stewart Fayetteville, AR 72703 443-9337 — Home 444-1747 — Work 05/01/96-04/30/98 1St Term 05/01/98-04/30/00 2nd Term 05/01/00-04/30/02 3rd Term 05/01/02-04/30/04 4th Term 05/01/04-05/31/06 5th Term 06/01/06-05/31/08 6th Term 30 Retired Position 3 Tim Helder 188 Tower Street West Fork, AR 72774 839-8104 — Home 530-0142 — Cell Replaced Eldon Roberts 05/01/03-05/31/05 1" Term 06/01/05-05/31/07 2nd Term 06/01/07-05/31/09 3rd Term Retired Position 4 Melvin W. Stanley PO Box 289 Greenland, AR 72737 839-3106 — Home 601-1224 — Cell Replaced Dr. James Mashburn 11/15/06-05/31/07 Unexpired Term 06/01/07-05/31/09 1St Term Retired Position 5 Frank Johnson 3328 Jasper Lane Springdale, AR 72764 521-0774 — Home 409-6122 — Cell Replaced Jerry Surles 06/01/06-05/31/08 1St Term In 2005 Act 386 changed the composition of the board eliminating the physician position and adding one active member. The active position is now a retired position due to the fact that there are no current active members on the pension plan. The physician position was also replaced by a retired member. Policemen's Pension and Relief Board of Trustees Third Thursday of the First Month of each Quarter Weekly Meetings List 1:30 p.m. City Administration Room 326 January 17, 2008 April 17, 2008 July 17, 2008 October 16, 2008 RECEIVED AAkllia NOV 2 D 2007 DRIVER SPECIALTY GROUP CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE November 13, 2007 Mayor Dan Coody Fayetteville Policemen Retirement System 113 West Mountain Fayetteville, NC 72.701 Dear Mayor Dan Coody, We would like to take this opportunity to introduce you to Alliant Insurance Services. We understand the problems you face with the high cost of Fiduciary Liability Insurance. We at Alliant Insurance Services have developed a national program for various retirement systems and pension funds across the country. We have created a Fiduciary Liability Insurance Program (FLIP) to provide broader coverage terms and highly competitive pricing. We are very excited about this program and are eager to talk to you as well as provide you with additional information. This program has had tremendous response from other organizations as well as several NASRA members and we believe it will provide your organization with an alternative for enhanced coverage and reduced pricing. Feel free to contact myself or Jay Zuhlke if you wish to discuss your insurance needs before the conference. Sincerely, Alliant Insurance Services Shawn Kraatz Assistant Vice President 949-660-8188 Jay Zuhlke Account Executive 949-809-1478 Alliant Insurance Services, Inc. • 1301 Dove Street, Suite 200, Newport Beach, CA 92660 PnohE (949)756-0271 FAX (949) 756-2713 www.alliantinsurance.com • License No. OC36861 PUBLIC ENTITY SOLUTIONS FIDUCIARY LIABILITY. INSURANCE PROGRAM (FLIP) he Fiduciary Liability Insurance Program (FLIP) was launched by Driver Alliant Insurance Services in 2005 to'bring the cost advantages of group purchase coverage to retirement systems seeking . individualized liability coverage at a cost significantly less than could be purchased as a single public entity. With extensive experience in creating joint purchase insurance programs for public entities, Driver Alliant created. FLIP to meet the specialized liability coverage needs of retirement systems. By leveraging the combined size of the program's membership and Driver Alliant's long-term relationships with insurance carriers that serve the public entity marketplace, broad liability coverage is delivered to members at a substantial cost savings. Participant savings have averaged 25% below market for standalone policies. Participants in FLIP do not share risk. Each participat- ing articipating entity has its own limits of liability and a choice of deductibles or self-insured retention. As a group purchase, however, the program offers greater stability as the insurance market fluctuates: The combined size of the program ensures the most competitive structure in both hard and soft markets. Program Features • $100;000 sub -limit of liability for cap penalties (typically excluded under standard policies) • Full prior acts coverage Various limit and deductible options available Definition of insured includes directors and officers • Full severability.of application. endorsement • HIPAA extension • Government plan endorsement •. Public employer with sponsor organization coverage • Applicable states endorsement • Coverage for investment in debt obligations of insured's state • Continuity of coverage Marital estate extension About Driver Alliant Insurance Services Driver Alliant Insurance Services is an industry leader in providing specialty brokerage services to the public sector. With more than 30 years of experience in meeting the unique insurance needs of public entity clients, and over $500 million in premiums and premium equivalents placed, we understand how public entities are perceived within the insurance marketplace and how the operating environment of the public sector shapes the risk transfer approach and requirements of these organizations. Continued on reverse LONGER INVESTMENTS INCORPORATED v A Registered Investment Advisor January 5, 2008 Ms. Sondra Smith City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund 113 W. Mountain St. Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701 Dear Sondra: RECEIVED JAN 0 8 2008 CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE Enclosed you will find the 2007 fourth-quarter reports for the City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund. These reports include a portfolio appraisal and a summary of realized gains/losses and income/expenses. Detailed reports of realized gains/losses and income/expenses are included at the back of the report package. As instructed, the account at Northern Trust will be billed for the management fee. Also enclosed is a copy of our quarterly newsletter, The Longer View. Please refer to the newsletter for a discussion of 2007 market activity and our outlook for the new year. Performance for 2007 is detailed below. Performance is quoted net of all fees and expenses. City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund Domestic Foreign Government Total Equities Funds Bonds Account 10.8% 2.9% 6.5% 8.2% In comparison, 2007 returns for the market indices are listed below. The equity return in the portfolio almost doubled the performance of the S&P 500. S&P 500 (cash basis) S&P 500 (with reinvested dividends) Dow Jones Industrial Average (cash basis) NASDAQ over-the-counter index Russell 2000 small -capitalization index Salomon Bros. Total Return Treasury Index P.O. Box 1269 Fayetteville, Arkansas 72702 Telephone: 479-443-5851 Toll free: 800-827-7710 Fax: 479-443-7129 Web site: www.longerinv.com Ms. Sondra Smith January 5, 2008 Page Two Longer Investments appreciates the opportunity to assist with the management of the City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund's assets. Please do not hesitate to call if you have any questions or comments, or if we can be of further service. Best wishes for a happy, healthy new year. Sincerely, President EML:kmc Enclosures City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund FOURTH QUARTER REPORTS December 31, 2007 LONGER INVESTMENTS INCORPORATED A Registered Investment Advisor Quantity Security Common Stock 1.600 2,650 AT&T 2,225 Accenture Ltd. 2,315 Adobe Systems Inc. 1,925 Allergan Inc. 1,935 American International 118,246.44 Group Inc. 2,860 Amphenol Corp. 2,750 Archer -Daniels -Midland 38.07 Co. 1,000 B.P. Amoco PLC A.D.S. 2,600 Ceradyne Inc. 2,000 Chevron Corp. 3,450 Cisco Systems Inc. 2,500 Coca-Cola 1,275 Devon Energy Corp. 2,500 Dow Chemical Co. 6,700 EMC Corporation 2,225 Emerson Electric 1,525 ExxonMobil 7,550 Financial Select Sector 11.93 SPDR Fund 9,450 Flextronics International 32.33 Ltd. 5,815 General Electric 220 Google 4,500 Health Care Select 36.52 Sector SPDR Fund 6,000 Intel Corp. 2,650 Johnson & Johnson 3,900 Kraft Foods Inc. 4,500 Microsoft Corp. 2,000 Northern Trust Corp. 7,600 Oracle Corp. 1,215 Parker Hannifin Corp. 4,150 Pfizer 5,500 Powershares Dynamic 714.00 Networking 7,915 Powershares Water 0.9 Resource 1,900 Procter & Gamble 3,350 Teva Pharmaceuticals 2,500 Verizon 0.00 Communications 3,700 Walmart Stores 3,180 eBay Inc. Preferred Debt Securities 4,000 AT&T Preferred 6.375% A2/A (C 2-12-12) 4,000 G.E. Preferred 6.625% AAA/AAA (C 6-28-07) Longer Investments Inc. PORTFOLIO APPRAISAL City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund December 31, 2007 Unit Total Market Cost Cost Price Value 27.29 110,134.00 72,325.00 1.600 37.40 5.9 83,226.12 80,166.75 42.69 0.420 98,834.06 1.1 61.43 98,919.95 118,246.44 0.000 55.65 0.0 107,685.27 123,662.00 38.07 0.200 108,887.99 0.3 32.79 112,810.50 90,167.93 0.800 55.58 110,134.00 55,576.67 1.600 47.85 5.9 124,398.79 80,166.75 44.40 0.420 88,805.53 1.1 33.06 98,919.95 114,048.27 0.000 41.90 0.0 104,754.84 123,662.00 66.34 0.200 84,581.34 0.3 42.23 112,810.50 105,575.50 0.800 16.30 1.4 109,205.20 132,618.20 26.98 0.060 60,025.82 0.2 55.07 127,682.50 83,989.24 0.460 29.63 1.4 223,702.64 73,170.00 11.93 2.600 112,759.58 4.7 32.33 122,018.00 188,021.28 0.000 531.61 0.0 116,953.28 186,660.00 36.52 2.320 164,342.25 5.2 18.33 110,134.00 109,997.24 1.600 61.53 5.9 163,051.47 80,166.75 33.20 0.420 129,489.45 1.1 30.29 98,919.95 136,291.50 0.000 57.45 0.0 114,891.13 123,662.00 18.04 0.200 137,139.48 0.3 55.00 112,810.50 66,825.57 0.800 23.15 1.4 96,072.50 132,618.20 18.82 0.060 103,482.50 0.2 18.31 127,682.50 144,928.30 0.460 64.17 1.4 121,931.67 73,170.00 38.62 2.600 129,384.85 4.7 40.60 122,018.00 101,500.00 0.000 44.47 0.0 164,520.87 186,660.00 33.60 2.320 106,847.63 5.2 4,242,467.18 24.05 96,200.00 24.46 97,833.20 194,033.20 1 Pct. Unit Annual Cur. Assets Income Income Yield 41.56 110,134.00 1.0 1.600 4,240.00 5.9 36.03 80,166.75 0.7 0.420 934.50 1.1 42.73 98,919.95 0.9 0.000 0.00 0.0 64.24 123,662.00 1.1 0.200 385.00 0.3 58.30 112,810.50 1.0 0.800 1,548.00 1.4 46.37 132,618.20 1.2 0.060 171.60 0.2 46.43 127,682.50 1.2 0.460 1,265.00 1.4 73.17 73,170.00 0.7 2.600 2,600.00 4.7 46.93 122,018.00 1.1 0.000 0.00 0.0 93.33 186,660.00 1.7 2.320 4,640.00 5.2 27.07 93,391.16 0.9 0.000 0.00 0.0 61.37 153,425.00 1.4 1.360 3,400.00 3.2 88.91 113,360.25 1.1 0.560 714.00 0.8 39.42 98,550.00 0.9 1.680 4,200.00 4.0 18.53 124,151.00 1.2 0.000 0.00 0.0 56.66 126,068.50 1.2 1.200 2,670.00 4.4 93.69 142,877.25 1.3 1.400 2,135.00 2.5 28.93 218,421.50 2.0 1.046 7,897.00 3.5 12.06 113,967.00 1.1 0.000 0.00 0.0 37.07 215,562.05 2.0 1.240 7,210.60 3.8 691.48 152,125.60 1.4 0.000 0.00 0.0 35.31 158,895.00 1.5 0.521 2,346.12 1.4 26.66 159,960.00 1.5 0.450 2,700.00 2.5 66.70 176,755.00 1.6 1.660 4,399.00 2.7 32.63 127,257.00 1.2 1.080 4,212.00 3.3 35.60 160,200.00 1.5 0.440 1,980.00 1.5 76.58 153,160.00 1.4 1.120 2,240.00 1.9 22.58 171,608.00 1.6 0.000 0.00 0.0 75.31 91,501.65 0.8 0.840 1,020.60 1.5 22.73 94,329.50 0.9 1.280 5,312.00 5.5 18.04 99,220.00 0.9 0.000 0.00 0.0 21.40 169,381.00 1.6 0.071 558.17 0.4 73.42 139,498.00 1.3 1.400 2,660.00 2.2 46.48 155,708.00 1.4 0.340 1,139.00 0.9 43.69 109,225.00 1.0 1.720 4,300.00 4.2 47.53 175,861.00 1.6 0.880 3,256.00 2.0 33.19 105,544.20 1.0 0.000 0.00 0.0 4,967,844.56 46.0 80,133.58 2.0 24.12 96,480.00 0.9 1.594 6,375.00 6.6 24.66 98,640.00 0.9 1.656 6,625.00 6.8 1.8 6.7 195,120.00 13,000.00 LONGER INVESTMENTS INCORPORATED 16 A Registn-cd Investment Advisor Longer Investments Inc. PORTFOLIO APPRAISAL City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund December 31, 2007 2 LONGER INVESTMENTS INCORPORATED A Registered Investment Advisor Unit Total Market Pct. Unit Annual Cur. Quantity Security Cost Cost Price Value Assets Income Income Yield Mutual Funds -Equity 3,600.0000 Japan Smaller 11.13 40,063.77 9.51 34,236.00 0.3 0.004 12.60 0.0 Capitalization Fund Inc. 1,250.0000 Thai Fund Inc. 13.66 17,079.88 13.05 16,312.50 0.2 0.423 528.75 3.1 775.0000 iShares MSCI Hong 22.71 17,600.25 21.93 16,995.75 0.2 0.311 240.93 1.4 Kong Index Fund 20,000.0000 iShares MSCI Japan 10.80 216,006.25 13.29 265,800.00 2.5 0.099 1,989.18 0.9 Index Fund 800.0000 iShares MSCI Malaysia 12.72 10,176.00 12.73 10,184.00 0.1 0.195 156.31 1.5 Index Fund 1,820.0000 iShares MSCI Taiwan 12.54 22,814.97 15.03 27,354.60 0.3 0.302 548.97 2.4 Index Fund 3,750.0000 iShares S&P Europe 82.54 309,531.29 114.34 428,775.00 4.0 2.083 7,810.60 2.5 350 Index 633,272.41 799,657.85 7.4 11,287.34 1.9 Corporate Bonds 160,000 Wells Fargo & Co. 100.65 161,033.25 100.12 160,196.96 1.5 6.250 10,000.00 6.2 AA2/AA (NC) 6.250% Due 04-15-08 100,000 McDonald's Corp A3/A 98.45 98,450.00 105.70 105,703.30 1.0 6.000 6,000.00 6.1 (NC) 6.21% YTM 6.000% Due 04-15-11 Accrued Interest 3,377.78 0.0 259,483.25 269,278.04 2.5 16,000.00 6.2 Government Bonds 150,000 U. S. Treasury Note 100.00 150,000.00 108.25 162,375.00 1.5 5.125 7,687.50 5.1 5.125% Due 05-15-16 Accrued Interest 971.50 0.0 150,000.00 163,346.50 1.5 7,687.50 5.1 Government Agency 150,000 Federal Home Loan 100.00 150,000.00 100.91 151,359.38 1.4 5.250 7,875.00 5.3 _ . Bank (NC) 5.250% Due 11-14-08 135,000 Federal Home Loan 100.00 135,000.00 100.06 135,084.38 1.3 4.500 6,075.00 4.5 Bank (Callable 2-26-08 @ 100, 1X) 4.500% Due 11-26-08 75,000 Federal Farm Credit 100.00 75,000.00 101.06 75,796.88 0.7 5.200 3,900.00 5.2 Bureau (NC) 5.200% Due 12-10-08 150,000 Federal Home Loan 100.00 150,000.00 100.00 150,000.00 1.4 4.300 6,450.00 4.3 Bank (Callable 6-10-08 @ 100, 1X) 4.300% Due 12-10-08 100,000 Federal Farm Credit 100.50 100,500.00 101.63 101,625.00 0.9 5.400 5,400.00 5.4 Bank (NC) 5.31% YTM 5.400% Due 02-11-09 50,000 Federal Home Loan 99.88 49,937.50 101.44 50,718.75 0.5 5.250 2,625.00 5.3 Bank (NC) j 5.250% Due 02-13-09 2 LONGER INVESTMENTS INCORPORATED A Registered Investment Advisor 3 LONGER INVESTMENTS INCORPORATED A Registered Investment Advisor Longer Investments Inc. PORTFOLIO APPRAISAL City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund December 31, 2007 Unit Total Market Pct. Unit Annual Cur. Quantity Security Cost Cost Price Value Assets Income Income Yield 100,000 Federal Farm Credit 100.00 100,000.00 104.56 104,562.50 1.0 6.750 6,750.00 6.8 Bank (NC) 6.750% Due 07-07-09 250,000 Federal Home Loan 100.00 250,000.00 100.47 251,171.88 2.3 5.100 12,750.00 5.1 Bank (Callable 5-20-08 @ 100, 1X) 5.100% Due 11-20-09 225,000 Federal Home Loan 100.00 225,000.00 100.16 225,351.56 2.1 5.125 11,531.25 5.1 Bank (Callable 4-9-08 @ 100, quarterly) 5.125% Due 04-09-10 320,000 Federal Home Loan 100.00 320,000.00 101.38 324,400.00 3.0 5.250 16,800.00 5.3 Bank (Callable 2-9-09 @ 100, 1X) 5.250% Due 02-09-11 65,000 Federal Home Loan 100.00 65,000.00 101.44 65,934.38 0.6 5.020 3,263.00 5.0 Bank (Callable 4-13-09 @ 100, IX) 5.020% Due 04-13-11 50,000 Federal Home Loan 100.00 50,000.00 107.50 53,750.00 0.5 6.000 3,000.00 6.0 Bank (NC) 6.000% Due 05-13-11 l 100,000 Fed Nat'l Mortgage 100.00 100,000.00 101.06 101,062.50 0.9 5.400 5,400.00 5.4 Assoc (Callable 9-15-08 - @ 100, 1X) 5.400% Due 09-15-11 100,000 Federal Farm Credit 100.00 100,000.00 102.53 102,531.25 1.0 5.080 5,080.00 5.1 Bank (Callable 10-13-09 @ 100, CC) 5.080% Due 10-13-11 250,000 Federal Home Loan 100.00 250,000.00 101.03 252,578.13 2.3 5.020 12,550.00 5.0 Bank (Callable 12-12-08 @ 100, 1X) 5.020% Due 06-12-12 100,000 Federal Home Loan 100.00 100,000.00 103.47 103,468.75 1.0 5.000 - 5,000.00 5.0 Bank (Callable 10-1-10 @ 100, 1X) 5.000% Due 10-01-12 41,667 Federal Home Loan 100.00 41,666.67 100.00 41,666.67 0.4 5.080 2,116.67 5.1 Bank (Callable since 10-3-03 @ 100, CC) 5.080% Due 10-03-12 250,000 Federal Home Loan 100.00 250,000.00 100.00 250,000.00 2.3 5.000 12,500.00 5.0 Bank (Callable since 10-5-07 @ 100, CC) 5.000% Due 10-05-12 250,000 Federal Home Loan 100.00 250,000.00 101.13 252,812.50 2.3 5.250 13,125.00 5.3 Bank (Callable 11-14-08 @ 100, 1X) 5.250% Due 11-14-12 50,000 Federal Home Loan 100.00 50,000.00 100.00 50,000.00 0.5 5.050 2,525.00 5.1 Bank (Callable since 2-20-04 @ 100, CC) 5.050% Due 02-20-13 3 LONGER INVESTMENTS INCORPORATED A Registered Investment Advisor Longer Investments Inc. PORTFOLIO APPRAISAL City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund December 31, 2007 Unit Total Market Quantity Security Cost Cost Price Value 50,000 Federal Farm Credit 100.00 Income Bank (Callable since 5.200 228,523.72 11-6-06 @ 100, CC) 9,241.50 4.0 5.200% Due 11-06-13 252,584.46 125,000 Federal Farm Credit 100.00 9,753,646.29 Bank (Callable since 100.0 6-22-07 @ 100, CC) 10,789,154.30 354,557.84 5.300% Due 06-22-15 200,000 Federal Farm Credit 99.97 Bank (NC) 6.127% YTM 6.125% Due 12-29-15 300,000 Federal Home Loan 100.00 Mortgage Corp. (Callable 4-28-09 @ 100, quarterly) 6.000% Due 04-28-16 100,000 Fed Nat'l Mortgage 100.00 Assoc (Callable 10-24-08 @ 100, quarterly) 6.000% Due 10-24-16 275,000 Federal Farm Credit 100.00 Bank (Callable 7-13-10 @ 100, CC) 6.140% Due 07-13-17 Accrued Interest Alternative Investments 3,400 Market Vectors Gold 46.99 Miners Cash and Equivalents Dividends Accrued Money Market TOTAL PORTFOLIO 50,000.00 100.03 125,000.00 100.00 199,938.00 112.25 300,000.00 102.51 100,000.00 101.44 275,000.00 105.19 3,862,042.17 159,763.62 45.83 159,763.62 50,015.63 125,000.00 224,500.00 307,541.10 101,437.50 289,265.63 Pct. Unit Assets Income 0.5 5.200 1.2 5.300 2.1 6.125 2.9 6.000 2.7 6.140 43,866.56 0.4 3,985,500.90 36.9 155,822.00 155,822.00 1.4 2.980 1.4 Annual Cur. Income Yield 2,600.00 5.2 6,625.00 5.3 12,250.00 6.1 18,000.00 6.0 6,000.00 6.0 16,885.00 6.1 207,075.92 5.4 10,132.00 6.3 10,132.00 6.3 24,060.74 24,060.74 0.2 0.000 0.00 0.0 228,523.72 228,523.72 2.1 4.044 9,241.50 4.0 252,584.46 252,584.46 2.3 9,241.50 3.7 9,753,646.29 100.0 3.6 10,789,154.30 354,557.84 4 LONGER INVESTMENTS INCORPORATED A Registered Investment Advisor Longer Investments Inc. SUMMARY OF REALIZED GAINS & LOSSES AND INCOME & EXPENSES City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund January 1, 2007 to December 31, 2007 TOTAL REALIZED GAINS AND LOSSES 413,642.86 Income and Expenses Income: Common Stock 88,593.26 Preferred Debt Securities 25895.30 Mutual Funds - Equity 157798.25 Corporate Bonds 22,143.13 Government Bonds 8,789.23 Government Agency 2189379.70 Treasury Bills 25015.62 Alternative Investments 2,533.00 Money Market 115907.70 Expenses: Automated Cash Mgmt. 394.28 Foreign Tax on Dividends 199.61 Northern Trust Fee 53659.64 Management Fee 82,052.04 NET INCOME 2849749.62 L,6 LONGER INVESTMENTS INCORPORATED A Regisin-ed Investment Advisoi- Longer Investments Inc. CONTRIBUTIONS/WITHDRAWALS City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund From 01-01-07 To 12-31-07 Tran Trade Settle Code Date Date Security CONTRIBUTIONS Amount dp 01-11-07 01-11-07 Money Market 222.18 117,000.00 wd World Com litigation settlement 02-01-07 dp 01-23-07 01-23-07 Money Market 10.84 03-08-07 Money Market Peoplesoft litigation settlement wd dp 02-01-07 02-01-07 Money Market 465.51 wd 05-01-07 Honeywell Inc. litigation settlement Money Market dp 06-07-07 06-07-07 Money Market 12.10 Money Market 35,000.00 First Chicago NBD Corporation class action distribution 07-02-07 dp 07-26-07 07-26-07 Money Market 120,000.00 wd dp 10-26-07 10-26-07 Money Market 196.26 wd 10-01-07 Cisco Systems litigation distribution Money Market 120,906.89 WITHDRAWALS wd 01-01-07 01-01-07 Money Market 117,000.00 wd 02-01-07 02-01-07 Money Market 95,000.00 wd 03-05-07 03-08-07 Money Market 118,000.00 wd 04-01-07 04-01-07 Money Market 107,000.00 wd 05-01-07 05-01-07 Money Market 115,000.00 wd 06-01-07 06-01-07 Money Market 35,000.00 wd 07-02-07 07-02-07 Money Market 103,000.00 wd 09-01-07 09-01-07 Money Market 120,000.00 wd 10-01-07 10-01-07 Money Market 122,000.00 wd 11-01-07 11-01-07 Money Market 85,000.00 1,017,000.00 EXPENSE ACCOUNTS dp 01-31-07 01-31-07 Automated Cash Mgmt. 48.82 dp 02-28-07 02-28-07 Automated Cash Mgmt. 24.73 dp 03-31-07 03-31-07 Automated Cash Mgmt. 37.43 dp 04-30-07 04-30-07 Automated Cash Mgmt. 12.79 dp 05-31-07 05-31-07 Automated Cash Mgmt. 11.64 dp 06-30-07 06-30-07 Automated Cash Mgmt. 7.06 dp 07-31-07 07-31-07 Automated Cash Mgmt. 21.57 dp 08-31-07 08-31-07 Automated Cash Mgmt. 68.70 dp 09-30-07 09-30-07 Automated Cash Mgmt. 26.48 dp 10-31-07 10-31-07 Automated Cash Mgmt. 28.95 dp 11-30-07 11-30-07 Automated Cash Mgmt. 39.89 dp 12-31-07 12-31-07 Automated Cash Mgmt. 5.06 dp 12-31-07 12-31-07 Automated Cash Mgmt. 61.16 dp 04-13-07 04-13-07 Foreign Tax on Dividends 15.70 dp 06-05-07 06-05-07 Foreign Tax on Dividends 47.60 dp 07-13-07 07-13-07 Foreign Tax on Dividends 15.00 dp 07-27-07 07-27-07 Foreign Tax on Dividends 7.28 dp 08-24-07 08-24-07 Foreign Tax on Dividends 7.28 dp 09-06-07 09-06-07 Foreign Tax on Dividends 51.14 dp 11-29-07 11-29-07 Foreign Tax on Dividends 55.61 dp 01-31-07 01-31-07 Northern Trust Fee 473.34 dp 02-28-07 02-28-07 Northern Trust Fee 456.41 dp 03-30-07 03-30-07 Northern Trust Fee 481.89 dp 04-30-07 04-30-07 Northern Trust Fee 461.99 dp 05-31-07 05-31-07 Northern Trust Fee 483.83 dp 06-29-07 06-29-07 Northern Trust Fee 484.48 dp 07-31-07 07-31-07 Northern Trust Fee 486.49 dp 08-31-07 08-31-07 Northern Trust Fee 455.99 1 Broker Quantity Code Commission LONGER INVESTMENTS INCORPORATED A Registered Investment Advisor Longer Investments Inc. CONTRIBUTIONS/WITHDRAWALS City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund From 01-01-07 To 12-31-07 Tran Trade Settle Management Fee Broker Code Date Date Security Amount Quantity Code Commission dp 09-28-07 09-28-07 Northern Trust Fee 463.86 dp 10-31-07 10-31-07 Northern Trust Fee 481.33 dp 11-30-07 11-30-07 Northern Trust Fee 478.65 dp 12-31-07 12-31-07 Northern Trust Fee 451.38 6,253.53 AFTER FEE PERFORMANCE EXPENSE ACCOUNTS dp 01-08-07 01-08-07 Management Fee 20,619.36 dp 04-09-07 04-09-07 Management Fee 20,230.83 dp 07-09-07 07-09-07 Management Fee 20,500.34 dp 10-11-07 10-11-07 Management Fee 20,701.51 82,052.04 PORTFOLIO NET TOTAL -984,398.68 EXPENSE ACCOUNTS PAID BY CLIENT 0.00 AFTER FEE PERFORMANCE EXPENSE ACCOUNTS PAID BY CLIENT 0.00 GRAND TOTAL Fa -984,398.68 LONGER INVESTMENTS INCORPORATED A Registered Investment Advisor December 31, 2007 City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund 113 W. Mountain Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701 Longer Investments Inc. STATEMENT OF MANAGEMENT FEES For The Period Ending December 31, 2007 Portfolio Valuation as of 12-31-07 $ 10,740,938.46 3,000,000 @ 1.000% per annum 7,500.00 3,000,000 @0.750% per annum 51625.00 4,000,000 @0.650% per annum 6,500.00 740,938 @0.500% per annum 926.17 Quarterly Management Fee $ 20,551.17 TOTAL DUE AND PAYABLE $ 209551.17 Pursuant to Section 204-3 of the Investment Advisors Act of 1940, Part H of Form ADV is available to all clients of Longer Investments Inc. This statement may be obtained by submitting a written request to the company. As instructed, the management fee has been billed to the account. It is the responsibility of the client to verify the accuracy of the fee calculation. The custodian will not determine if the fee is properly calculated. LONGER INVESTMENTS INCORPORATED A Registered Investment Advisor Date Longer Investments Inc. REALIZED GAINS AND LOSSES City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund From 01-01-07 Through 12-31-07 Cost Quantity Security Basis Proceeds 01-03-07 -32 Dell January 25 Calls 2,976.00 01-03-07 900 Schlumberger, LTD 53,253.00 01-04-07 2,500 Chico's FAS Inc. 52,425.50 01-04-07 2,805 ProShares Ultrashort Dow 30 160,628.89 01-05-07 1,450 streetTRACKS Gold Shares 92,116.15 01-05-07 3,000 Powershares Dynamic 49,663.85 Networking 01-09-07 1,775 streetTRACKS Gold Shares 112,762.87 01-19-07 -10 B.P. Amoco PLC January 60 4,671.80 Calls 01-22-07 -5 B.P. Amoco PLC January 60 3,513.56 Calls 01-22-07 500 B.P. Amoco PLC A.D.S. 21,716.67 01-22-07 2,125 Caterpillar Inc. 115,342.03 01-22-07 1,775 streetTRACKS Gold Shares 112,762.87 01-22-07 1,750 Time-Wamer, Inc. 30,205.30 01-25-07 2,250 American International 154,126.45 Group Inc. 01-25-07 875 Schlumberger, LTD 51,773.75 01-26-07 2,150 BB & T Corp. 94,555.28 01-30-07 1,850 Gannett Co., Inc. 107,634.30 02-02-07 3,750 Dell Computer Corporation 87,072.08 02-06-07 575 Avon Products Inc. 19,981.25 02-06-07 250,000 Federal Home Loan Bank 250,000.00 (NC) 5.020% Due 09-14-07 02-08-07 1,000 HSBC Holdings PLC ADS 92,388.00 02-08-07 70,000 U. S. Treasury Note 70,000.00 6.625% Due 05-15-07 02-16-07 1,350 Amgen Inc. 93,790.44 02-22-07 635 International Business 52,932.97 Machines Corp. 02-22-07 5,500 Sara Lee Corp. 95,005.51 02-23-07 950 International Business 79,191.05 Machines Corp. 02-23-07 1,615 J.B. Hunt Transport Services 36,358.16 Inc. 03-01-07 75,000 Morgan Stanley Group Note 74,046.10 AA3/A+ (NC) 6.875% Due 03-01-07 03-01-07 3,200 Par Pharmaceutical 68,378.88 03-01-07 1,850 Barr Pharmaceuticals Inc. 94,628.98 03-01-07 2,050 Electronic Arts Inc. 107,396.55 03-02-07 4,045 Gap, Inc. 79,752.86 03-07-07 2,225 Ceradyne Inc. 120,916.70 03-08-07 985 Diamonds Trust Series I 119,646.08 03-08-07 250.0000 iShares FTSE China Index 26,247.10 Fund 03-09-07 1,000 Diamonds Trust Series I 121,468.10 1 I1� 8,853.72 55,013.86 52,029.39 160,552.98 86,833.63 53,503.35 106,771.66 7,027.11 3,513.56 33,477.63 124,097.67 112,071.65 39,338.78 154,839.12 55,503.30 90,200.47 106,477.91 89,250.63 21,858.29 249,502.50 89,507.44 70,218.75 90,019.69 62,143.95 94,432.08 92,796.94 44,850.23 75,000.00 77,316.01 93,755.1.1 102,136.87 73,612.28 119,658.38 120,939.90 24,702.99 122,744.02 Gain Or Loss 5,877.72 1,760.86 -396.11 -75.91 -5,282.52 3,839.50 -5,991.21 2,355.31 1It 11,760.96 8,755.64 -691.22 9,133.48 712.67 3,729.55 -4,354.81 -1,156.39 2,178.56 1,877.04 -497.50 -2,880.56 218.75 -3,770.75 9,210.98 -573.43 13,605.89 8,492.07 953.90 8,937.13 -873.87 -5,259.68 -6,140.58 -1,258.32 1,293.82 -1,544.11 1,275.92 LONGER INVESTMENTS INCORPORATED A Registered Investment Advisor Longer Investments Inc. REALIZED GAINS AND LOSSES City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund From 01-01-07 Through 12-31-07 Cost Date Quantity Security Basis Proceeds Gain Or Loss 03-14-07 150,000 Federal Home Loan 150,000.00 150,000.00 0.00 Mortgage Corp. (C 3-14-07 @ 100, 1X) 5.100% Due 03-14-08 03-15-07 2,235 Anadarko Petroleum Corp. 81,820.51 88,822.64 7,002.13 03-23-07 1,150 J.B. Hunt Transport Services 25,889.71 31,832.09 5,942.38 Inc. 03-26-07 205 Google 92,005.30 94,883.54 2,878.24 03-28-07 2,600 Powershares Dynamic 46,982.00 46,958.65 -23.35 Networking 03-29-07 1,900 Powershares Dynamic 34,333.00 34,190.35 -142.65 Networking 04-12-07 2,000 Bed Bath & Beyond Inc. 83,566.40 79,784.97 -3,781.43 04-13-07 150 Newell Rubbermaid Inc. 3,778.87 4,574.92 796.05 04-13-07 500 G.E. Preferred 6.10% 12,535.00 12,544.80 9.80 AAA/AAA (C 11-15-07) 04-13-07 2,500 Hain Celestial Group, Inc. 51,478.15 75,504.09 24,025.94 04-16-07 750 Chevron Corp. 33,302.07 57,779.11 24,477.04 04-16-07 350 Peabody Energy Corp 13,631.10 16,738.28 3,107.18 04-17-07 -10 B.P. Amoco PLC April 60 9,651.85 5,916.90 -3,734.95 Calls 04-18-07 775 Johnson & Johnson 47,184.05 49,854.98 2,670.93 04-18-07 1,000 Newmont Mining Corporation 47,329.90 44,480.91 -2,848.99 04-18-07 1,200 Newell Rubbermaid Inc. 30,230.94 36,707.91 6,476.97 04-18-07 850 AT&T 23,198.59 33,052.34 9,853.75 04-19-07 4,810 Powershares Dynamic Oil & 97,465.70 105,120.93 7,655.23 Gas Services 04-20-07 275 Peabody Energy Corp 10,710.15 12,696.20 1,986.05 04-26-07 1,725 Peabody Energy Corp 67,181.85 85,008.59 17,826.74 04-26-07 725 Danaher Corp. 52,243.50 50,959.46 -1,284.04 04-26-07 2,415 Newmont Mining Corporation 114,301.71 102,675.53 -11,626.18 04-30-07 750 US Bancorp 24,051.87 25,875.43 1,823.56 05-07-07 1,150 Newell Rubbermaid Inc. 28,971.31 35,359.66 6,388.35 05-07-07 1,850 Newell Rubbermaid Inc. 46,606.03 56,882.92 10,276.89 05-09-07 -10 B.P. Amoco PLC May 60 9,547.30 9,547.30 0.00 Calls 05-09-07 280 Cameco Corp. 11,017.13 14,167.78 3,150.65 05-09-07 250 G.E. Preferred 6.10% 6,267.50 6,277.40 9.90 AAA/AAA (C 11-15-07) 05-09-07 1,000 B.P. Amoco PLC A.D.S. 55,576.67 69,476.38 13,899.71 05-11-07 3,850 Bristol Myers Squibb 101,652.00 115,305.73 13,653.73 05-11-07 750 Whole Foods Market, Inc. 34,361.10 30,779.30 -3,581.80 05-14-07 1,525 Whole Foods Market, Inc. 69,867.57 60,670.59 -9,196.98 05-30-07 2,325 Yahoo! Inc. 67,087.88 64,959.50 -2,128.38 06-01-07 400 Computer Sciences Corp. 21,342.40 22,442.69 1,100.29 06-01-07 900 Disney Company 23,458.67 31,689.32 8,230.65 06-01-07 750 US Bancorp 24,051.87 25,923.35 1,871.48 06-01-07 2,095 The Technology Select Sec 51,704.60 53,610.22 1,905.62 SPDR Fund 06-07-07 1,500.0000 iShares MSCI Hong Kong 25,815.00 24,449.62 -1,365.38 Index Fund N LONGER INVESTMENTS INCORPORATED A Registered Investment Advisor Longer Investments Inc. REALIZED GAINS AND LOSSES City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund From 01-01-07 Through 12-31-07 Cost Date Quantity Security Basis Proceeds Gain Or Loss 06-07-07 315 Bank of America Corp. 14,799.27 15,734.00 934.73 06-12-07 3,250 US Bancorp 104,224.78 110,530.80 6,306.02 06-13-07 2,000 Computer Sciences Corp. 106,712.00 108,858.33 2,146.33 06-15-07 250 G.E. Preferred 6.10% 6,267.50 6,037.40 -230.10 AAA/AAA (C 11-15-07) 06-15-07 950 Coca-Cola 39,806.84 49,147.68 9,340.84 06-15-07 875 Walmart Stores 41,190.98 43,308.51 2,117.53 06-18-07 485 Health Care Select Sector 16,014.06 17,367.58 1,353.52 SPDR Fund 06-19-07 0 Citadel Broadcasting 1.74 2.33 0.59 06-20-07 230 Citadel Broadcasting 1,028.96 1,471.15 442.19 06-20-07 2,175 Best Buy 104,993.12 98,591.23 -6,401.89 06-20-07 525 Western Digital Corp. 10,048.50 10,029.28 -19.22 06-25-07 1,000 Hain Celestial Group, Inc. 20,591.26 28,349.26 7,758.00 06-26-07 195 Devon Energy Corp. 12,935.97 15,001.12 2,065.15 07-01-07 50,000 Cleve Electric/Toledo Ed. 49,543.00 50,000.00 457.00 Aaa/AAA (NC) AMBAC YTM 7.30% 7.130% Due 07-01-07 07-02-07 150 Devon Energy Corp. 9,950.75 11,800.40 1,849.65 07-02-07 2,150 Norfolk Southern Corp. 114,142.80 115,242.32 1,099.52 07-02-07 900 AT&T 24,563.21 37,324.13 12,760.92 07-02-07 2,300 Western Digital Corp. 44,022.00 45,079.30 1,057.30 07-06-07 4,350 Parametric Technology Corp. 86,902.50 75,439.15 -11,463.35 07-09-07 4,800 Symantec Corp. 95,167.47 93,982.55 -1,184.92 07-10-07 250,000 Federal Home Loan Bank 250,000.00 249,725.00 -275.00 (NC) 5.020% Due 09-14-07 07-10-07 500 G.E. Preferred 6.10% 12,535.00 12,014.81 -520.19 AAA/AAA (C 11-15-07) 07-11-07 500 G.E. Preferred 6.10% 12,535.00 11,974.81 -560.19 AAA/AAA (C 11-15-07) 07-13-07 4,000 Patterson -UTI Energy Inc. 95,642.00 100,129.26 4,487.26 07-13-07 2,775 International Rectifier Corp. 105,738.50 108,033.53 2,295.03 07-17-07 950 Cameco Corp. 37,379.55 44,577.97 7,198.42 07-24-07 600 Wyeth 34,043.10 30,329.77 -3,713.33 07-25-07 1,980 American International 133,848.67 133,964.15 115.48 Group Inc. 07-25-07 2,500 Bank of America Corp. 117,454.50 118,923.67 1,469.17 07-25-07 1,150 Cameco Corp. 45,248.93 48,291.90 3,042.97 07-25-07 550 AT&T 15,010.85 22,130.23 7,119.38 07-25-07 1,435 Time-Wamer, Inc. 25,758.43 28,987.55 3,229.12 07-25-07 1,480 Texas Instruments 44,529.00 54,581.56 10,052.56 07-26-07 1,400 Wyeth 79,433.90 69,717.11 -9,716.79 07-27-07 4,500 Time-Wamer, Inc. 80,775.58 87,748.65 6,973.07 07-30-07 2,225 American Express Co. 130,079.95 131,085.20 1,005.25 07-30-07 575 Goldman Sachs Group Inc. 110,132.34 111,621.26 1,488.92 07-30-07 2,300 Ingersoll-Rand Co. Ltd. 94,602.22 115,398.66 20,796.44 07-30-07 5,100 Powershares Dynamic 96,686.82 96,962.26 275.44 Semiconductors 07-31-07 2,000 Amgen Inc. 114,602.50 108,433.33 -6,169.17 R3 LONGER INVESTMENTS INCORPORATED 1,16 A Registered Investment Advisor Longer Investments Inc. REALIZED GAINS AND LOSSES City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund From 01-01-07 Through 12-31-07 Cost Date Quantity Security Basis Proceeds Gain Or Loss 07-31-07 2,815 Avon Products Inc. 100,510.75 101,602.49 1,091.74 08-01-07 2,750 Amphenol Corp. 102,274.53 97,548.43 -4,726.10 08-02-07 1,115 Barclays PLC 45,783.13 61,955.81 16,172.68 08-07-07 630 Goldman Sachs Group Inc. 112,151.21 119,652.49 7,501.28 08-07-07 2,000 Petsmart Inc. 64,211.40 61,876.05 -2,335.35 08-07-07 875 Standard & Poors Depository 126,107.89 128,807.03 2,699.14 Receipts 08-09-07 220 Northern Trust Corp. 12,638.02 14,187.54 1,549.52 08-10-07 2,625 Standard & Poors Depository 378,323.66 380,429.38 2,105.72 Receipts 08-10-07 3,210 Financial Select Sector SPDR 109,147.38 106,506.16 -2,641.22 Fund 08-13-07 465 Parker Hannifin Corp. 38,362.82 45,778.21 7,415.39 08-13-07 3,205 Financial Select Sector SPDR 108,977.37 107,858.13 -1,119.24 Fund 08-14-07 2,750 Cameco Corp. 107,625.38 108,180.32 554.94 08-15-07 3,235 Goldcorp Inc. 81,788.89 76,220.61 -5,568.28 08-16-07 675 Emerson Electric 18,210.08 29,614.96 11,404.88 08-16-07 625 Walmart Stores 29,422.13 27,067.77 -2,354.36 08-16-07 1,250 Walmart Stores 58,844.26 54,135.54 -4,708.72 08-17-07 850 Standard & Poors Depository 122,318.66 123,673.10 1,354.45 Receipts 08-20-07 1,850 Standard & Poors Depository 266,222.96 267,609.50 1,386.55 Receipts 08-23-07 310 Diamonds Trust Series I 39,694.91 40,894.79 1,199.88 08-24-07 225,000 Federal Home Loan Bank (C 225,000.00 225,000.00 0.00 8-24-07 @ 100, 1X) 5.520% Due 02-24-10 08-27-07 1,000 Diamonds Trust Series I 128,048.10 133,516.25 5,468.15 09-07-07 1,475 United Parcel Service Inc. 109,137.76 109,074.58 -63.18 09-10-07 375 Diamonds Trust Series 1 49,820.59 49,499.24 -321.35 09-11-07 1,750 Varian Medical Systems Inc. 77,874.48 69,994.72 -7,879.76 09-12-07 1,030 Health Care Select Sector 34,563.20 35,838.30 1,275.10 SPDR Fund 09-12-07 3,070 Health Care Select Sector 103,018.47 106,819.01 3,800.54 SPDR Fund 09-13-07 100 Diamonds Trust Series I 13,285.49 13,442.79 157.30 09-13-07 900 Health Care Select Sector 30,200.85 31,562.51 1,361.66 SPDR Fund 09-13-07 150 St. Jude Medical Inc. 5,831.14 6,896.07 1,064.93 09-17-07 500 Barrick Gold Corp. 15,045.00 18,740.21 3,695.21 09-18-07 2,650 The Technology Select Sec 67,727.16 68,518.67 791.51 SPDR Fund 09-24-07 4,500 Parametric Technology Corp. 80,874.00 73,466.77 -7,407.23 09-25-07 3,885 Lowe's Companies Inc. 110,674.34 111,998.17 1,323.83 09-28-07 540 First Trust Dow Jones 13,378.72 14,007.38 628.66 Internet Index 10-02-07 4,000 First Trust Dow Jones 99,101.66 105,469.98 6,368.32 Internet Index m u LONGER INVESTMENTS INCORPORATED A Registered Investment Advisor Longer Investments Inc. REALIZED GAINS AND LOSSES City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund From 01-01-07 Through 12-31-07 Date Quantity Security Cost Basis 10-03-07 100,000 Fed Nat'l Mortgage Assoc 100,000.00 (Callable 10-3-07 @ 100, 1X) 5.125% Due 10-03-08 10-05-07 2,250 Barrick Gold Corp. 67,702.50 10-10-07 300 Applied Materials Inc. 4,825.41 10-10-07 1,100 The Technology Select Sec 28,113.16 SPDR Fund 10-17-07 3,500 Citigroup 157,176.70 10-17-07 50 Google 25,299.31 10-17-07 1,050 General Electric 33,387.73 10-18-07 800 eBay Inc. 28,361.71 10-18-07 550 Texas Instruments 16,547.94 10-22-07 3,635 Patterson -UTI Energy Inc. 80,930.73 10-23-07 2,400 Texas Instruments 72,209.19 10-24-07 2,300 eBay Inc. 81,539.93 10-24-07 2,970 St. Jude Medical Inc. 115,456.67 10-25-07 1,895 Eli Lilly & Co. 105,448.98 10-25-07 5,000 Symantec Corp. 96,793.45 11-01-07 2,250 Barclays PLC 94,109.71 11-01-07 275 ExxonMobil 15,145.60 11-02-07 1,585 Norfolk Southern Corp. 81,948.94 11-05-07 2,500 Bed Bath & Beyond Inc. 85,179.50 11-05-07 2,575 Cintas Corp. 92,197.10 11-05-07 3,000 Disney Company 77,164.87 11-05-07 50 Google 26,580.29 11-12-07 4,245 Staples, Inc. 93,151.82 11-12-07 1,200 International Business 124,836.80 Machines Corp. 11-12-07 2,500 Standard & Poors Depository 365,327.75 Receipts 11-12-07 1,650 iShares NASDAQ 135,601.13 Biotechnology 11-13-07 1,125 Schlumberger, LTD 107,031.94 11-13-07 1,000 Applied Materials Inc. 16,084.70 11-19-07 2,125 Ingersoll-Rand Co. Ltd. 107,915.58 11-21-07 4,350 Applied Materials Inc. 69,968.45 11-23-07 135,000 Federal Home Loan Bank 135,000.00 (Callable since 11-7-05 @ 100, CC) 5.375% Due 11-07-13 11-26-07 1,150 Transocean Inc. 33,418.00 11-27-07 1,850 Standard & Poors Depository 264,087.50 Receipts 11-27-07 8,000 The Technology Select Sec 204,974.68 SPDR Fund 11-27-07 804 Transocean Inc. 77,774.78 12-03-07 4,150 J.B. Hunt Transport Services 100,204.75 Inc. 12-03-07 3,985 Seagate Technology 102,285.26 W1 10 Proceeds 91,213.60 6,074.90 30,469.53 157,322.59 31,326.77 43,001.46 30,515.93 18,714.67 75,979.42 75,856.83 81,188.75 117,313.20 99,727.20 92,084.58 106,731.84 24,593.01 79,137.83 79,623.77 89,098.78 101,504.04 36,251.71 89,482.79 122,701.48 365,745.15 136,509.84 103,108.94 18,309.81 101,849.68 78,186.57 135,000.00 37,984.50 262,130.07 202,738.49 108,801.16 108,484.31 101,409.12 Gain Or Loss 1111111] 23,511.10 1,249.49 2,356.37 145.89 6,027.46 9,613.73 2,154.22 2,166.73 -4,951.31 3,647.64 -351.18 1,856.53 -5,721.78 -4,708.87 12,622.13 9,447.41 -2,811.11 -5,555.73 -3,098.32 24,339.17 9,671.42 -3,669.03 -2,135.32 417.40 908.71 -3,923.00 2,225.11 -6,065.90 8,218.12 0.00 4,566.50 -1,957.43 -2,236.19 31,026.38 8,279.56 -876.14 LONGER INVESTMENTS INCORPORATED A Registered Investment Advisor Longer Investments Inc. REALIZED GAINS AND LOSSES City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund From 01-01-07 Through 12-31-07 Date Quantity Security Cost Basis Proceeds Gain Or Loss 12-07-07 100,000 Federal Home Loan Bank 100,000.00 100,000.00 0.00 (Callable since 11-25-05 @ 100, CC) 5.000% Due 05-25-11 12-12-07 1,500 Caterpillar Inc. 109,629.15 109,725.12 95.97 12-12-07 1,675 Harley-Davidson, Inc. 81,740.67 76,303.62 -5,437.05 12-12-07 1,400 United Technologies Corp. 108,616.20 108,404.82 -211.38 12-17-07 5,135 Symantec Corp. 93,737.88 84,613.74 -9,124.14 12-21-07 1,450 Financial Select Sector SPDR 42,962.76 42,107.21 -855.55 Fund 12-26-07 350,000 Federal Home Loan Bank 350,000.00 350,000.00 0.00 (Callable 12-26-07 @ 100, 1X) 5.100% Due 12-26-08 12-31-07 1 Transocean Inc. 52.24 79.35 27.11 TOTAL GAINS 637,172.33 TOTAL LOSSES -223,529.47 14,575,189.71 14,988,832.57 413,642.86 NO CAPITAL GAINS DISTRIBUTIONS This realized gain/loss report has been prepared using cost basis and acquisition date information provided by third parties. While every effort has been made to verify the accuracy of this information, it is not possible to unconditionally confirm that it is correct. Longer Investments Inc. can only attest to the accuracy of transactions that were executed under its direction. M LONGER INVESTMENTS INCORPORATED A Registered Investment Advisor Longer Investments Inc. INCOME AND EXPENSES City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund From 01-01-07 Through 12-31-07 Security Ex -Date Pay -Date Common Stock AT&T 11-07-07 11-30-07 01-08-07 02-01-07 04-05-07 05-01-07 07-06-07 08-01-07 10-05-07 11-01-07 Amount 1,757.25 1,757.25 1,13 6.00 940.75 5,591.25 Allergan Inc. 03-08-07 11-07-07 11-30-07 96.25 American Express Co. 339.00 07-03-07 08-10-07 i 333.75 1 American International Group Inc. 11-13-07 05-30-07 06-15-07 326.70 Amphenol Corp.p 09-10-07 10-03-07 33.90 12-10-07 01-02-08 42.90 76.80 Anadarko Petroleum Corp. 03-12-07 03-28-07 201.15 Applied Materials Inc. 02-13-07 03-08-07 282.50 05-15-07 06-07-07 339.00 08-14-07 09-06-07 339.00 11-13-07 12-06-07 321.00 1,281.50 Archer -Daniels -Midland Co. 11-20-07 12-06-07 316.25 Avon Products Inc. 02-13-07 03-01-07 370.00 05-16-07 06-01-07 370.00 1 740.00 ILLONGER INVESTMENTS INCORPORATED IA A Registered Investment Advisor Longer Investments Inc. INCOME AND EXPENSES City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund From 01-01-07 Through 12-31-07 Security Ex -Date Pay -Date Amount B.P. Amoco PLC A.D.S. 02-21-07 03-12-07 619.50 08-08-07 09-04-07 649.50 12-03-07 12-03-07 649.50 BB & T Corp. 01-10-07 02-01-07 Bank of America Corp. :j 02-28-07 03-23-07 05-30-07 06-22-07 Barclays PLC 04-27-07 04-27-07 10-01-07 10-01-07 Bristol Myers Squibb 04-03-07 05-01-07 Cameco Corp. 03-28-07 04-13-07 06-27-07 07-13-07 Caterpillar Inc. 01-18-07 02-20-07 Chevron Corp. 02-14-07 03-12-07 05-16-07 06-11-07 08-15-07 09-10-07 11-14-07 12-10-07 Citigroup 02-01-07 02-23-07 05-03-07 05-25-07 2 1,918.50 1,576.40 1,576.40 3,152.80 5,107.32 1,857.10 6,964.42 1,078.00 104.65 100.00 204.65 637.50 1,43 0.00 1,160.00 1,160.00 1,160.00 ►' 111' 1,890.00 1,890.00 LONGER INVESTMENTS INCORPORATED A Registered Investment Advisor Longer Investments Inc. INCOME AND EXPENSES City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund From 01-01-07 Through 12-31-07 Diamonds Trust Series I 08-17-07 09-17-07 373.55 Dow Chemical Co. 12-27-07 01-30-08 1,050.00 Emerson Electric 02-14-07 Security 761.25 Ex -Date Pay -Date Amount 08-02-07 08-24-07 1,890.00 11-14-07 12-10-07 5,670.00 Coca-Cola 03-13-07 04-01-07 1,173.00 06-13-07 07-01-07 1,173.00 09-12-07 10-01-07 850.00 11-28-07 12-15-07 850.00 4,046.00 Devon Energy Corp. 03-13-07 03-30-07 226.80 06-13-07 06-29-07 226.80 09-12-07 09-28-07 178.50 12-12-07 12-28-07 178.50 Diamonds Trust Series I 08-17-07 09-17-07 373.55 Dow Chemical Co. 12-27-07 01-30-08 1,050.00 Emerson Electric 02-14-07 03-09-07 761.25 05-09-07 06-11-07 761.25 08-15-07 09-10-07 761.25 11-14-07 12-10-07 667.50 2,951.25 ExxonMobil 02-07-07 03-09-07 480.00 05-10-07 06-11-07 630.00 08-09-07 09-10-07 630.00 11-07-07 12-10-07 533.75 Financial Select Sector SPDR Fund 12-21-07 01-03-08 General Electric 3 2,273.75 2,353.41 LONGER INVESTMENTS INCORPORATED ih A Registered Investment Advisor Longer Investments Inc. INCOME AND EXPENSES City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund From 01-01-07 Through 12-31-07 Ex -Date Pay -Date 02-22-07 04-25-07 06-21-07 07-25-07 09-20-07 10-25-07 12-20-07 01-25-08 Goldcorp Inc. 07-18-07 07-27-07 08-15-07 08-24-07 Goldman Sachs Group Inc. 07-27-07 08-30-07 Amount 1,778.00 1,778.00 1,778.00 1,802.65 7,136.65 48.53 48.53 97.06 201.25 j Health Care Select Sector SPDR Fund 03-16-07 03-28-07 433.43 06-15-07 06-27-07 818.63 12-21-07 01-03-08 586.53 1,838.59 Ingersoll-Rand Co. Ltd. ( 02-14-07 03-01-07 414.00 05-11-07 06-01-07 414.00 11-08-07 12-03-07 382.50 1,210.50 Intel Corp. 02-05-07 03-01-07 675.00 05-03-07 06-01-07 675.00 08-03-07 09-01-07 675.00 11-05-07 12-01-07 675.00 2,700.00 International Business Machines Corp. 02-07-07 03-10-07 475.50 08-08-07 09-10-07 440.00 11-07-07 12-10-07 480.00 J.B. Hunt Transport Services Inc. 4 1,395.50 LONGER INVESTMENTS INCORPORATED A Registered Investment Advisor Longer Investments Inc. INCOME AND EXPENSES City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund From 01-01-07 Through 12-31-07 1,479.60 Johnson & Johnson 02-23-07 03-13-07 909.38 05-24-07 06-12-07 684.75 08-24-07 09-11-07 788.50 11-23-07 12-11-07 1,099.75 3A82.38 Kraft Foods Inc. 06-26-07 07-06-07 787.50 09-06-07 10-05-07 1,053.00 12-21-07 01-04-08 1,053.00 2,893.50 Microsoft Corp. 11-13-07 12-13-07 495.00 Newell Rubbermaid Inc. 02-26-07 03-15-07 913.50 Newmont Mining Corporation 03-05-07 03-29-07 341.50 Norfolk Southern Corp. 05-02-07 06-11-07 330.00 Northern Trust Corp. 03-07-07 Security 555.00 Ex -Date Pay -Date Amount 02-05-07 02-21-07 505.35 05-09-07 05-29-07 256.50 07-31-07 08-17-07 344.25 11-13-07 11-29-07 373.50 1,479.60 Johnson & Johnson 02-23-07 03-13-07 909.38 05-24-07 06-12-07 684.75 08-24-07 09-11-07 788.50 11-23-07 12-11-07 1,099.75 3A82.38 Kraft Foods Inc. 06-26-07 07-06-07 787.50 09-06-07 10-05-07 1,053.00 12-21-07 01-04-08 1,053.00 2,893.50 Microsoft Corp. 11-13-07 12-13-07 495.00 Newell Rubbermaid Inc. 02-26-07 03-15-07 913.50 Newmont Mining Corporation 03-05-07 03-29-07 341.50 Norfolk Southern Corp. 05-02-07 06-11-07 330.00 Northern Trust Corp. 03-07-07 04-02-07 555.00 06-06-07 07-02-07 555.00 09-06-07 10-01-07 500.00 12-06-07 01-02-08 560.00 Parker Hannifin Corp. 02-13-07 03-02-07 05-15-07 06-01-07 5 L1,6 2,170.00 331.50 331.50 LONGER INVESTMENTS INCORPORATED A Registered Investment Advisor Longer Investments Inc. INCOME AND EXPENSES City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund From 01-01-07 Through 12-31-07 Security Ex -Date Pay -Date Amount 08-23-07 09-07-07 255.15 11-13-07 11-30-07 255.15 12-21-07 12-31-07 1,173.30 Patterson -UTI Energy Inc. 06-12-07 06-29-07 411.00 09-10-07 09-28-07 436.20 Peabody Energy Corp 04-25-07 05-18-07 103.50 Powershares Water Resource 03-16-07 03-30-07 145.61 06-15-07 06-29-07 241.57 09-21-07 09-28-07 105.11 12-21-07 12-31-07 139.54 Texas Instruments 01-29-07 02-12-07 631.83 Procter & Gamble 354.40 10-17-07 11-15-07 665.00 Seagate Technology 10-31-07 11-16-07 398.50 Teva Pharmaceuticals 06-05-07 06-05-07 297.48 09-06-07 09-06-07 319.64 11-29-07 11-29-07 337.01 954.13 Texas Instruments 01-29-07 02-12-07 148.00 04-26-07 05-21-07 354.40 07-27-07 08-20-07 236.00 The Technology Select Sec SPDR Fund 06-15-07 06-27-07 0 FAMEA 11.51 LONGER INVESTMENTS INCORPORATED AAL A Registered Investment Advisor Longer Investments Inc. INCOME AND EXPENSES City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund From 01-01-07 Through 12-31-07 Security Ex -Date Pay -Date Amount 09-21-07 10-03-07 105.10 08-15-07 09-04-07 116.61 Time -Warner, Inc. 814.00 ( 02-26-07 03-15-07 239.25 05-29-07 06-15-07 326.43 565.68 US Bancorp 03-28-07 04-16-07 1,900.00 United Parcel Service Inc. 09-06-07 09-17-07 619.50 Verizon Communications 07-06-07 08-01-07 1,012.50 10-05-07 11-01-07 1,075.00 2,087.50 Walmart Stores 03-14-07 04-02-07 605.00 05-16-07 06-04-07 605.00 08-15-07 09-04-07 412.50 12-12-07 01-02-08 814.00 2,436.50 Whole Foods Market, Inc. 04-11-07 04-24-07 409.50 Common Stock Total 88,593.26 Preferred Debt Securities G.E. Preferred 6.10% AAA/AAA (C 11-15-07) 02-12-07 02-15-07 762.50 05-10-07 05-15-07 476.56 1,23 9.06 G.E. Preferred 6.625% AAA/AAA (C 6-28-07) 03-23-07 03-28-07 414.06 7 LONGER INVESTMENTS INCORPORATED A Registered blvestment Advisor Longer Investments Inc. INCOME AND EXPENSES City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund From 01-01-07 Through 12-31-07 Ex -Date Pay -Date Amount 06-25-07 06-28-07 414.06 09-25-07 09-28-07 414.06 12-24-07 12-28-07 414.06 1,656.24 Preferred Debt Securit Total 2,895.30 Mutual Funds -Equity Japan Smaller Capitalization Fund Inc. - 12-26-07 01-15-08 12.60 Thai Fund Inc. 12-19-07 01-31-08 264.38 iShares MSCI Hong Kong Index Fund 12-24-07 01-04-08 293.96 iShares MSCI Japan Index Fund 12-24-07 01-04-08 2,767.80 iShares MSCI Taiwan Index Fund 12-24-07 01-04-08 709.93 iShares S&P Europe 350 Index 12-24-07 01-04-08 11,749.58 Mutual Funds -Equity Total 15,798.25 Corporate Bonds Cleve Electric/Toledo Ed. Aaa/AAA 7.130% Due 07-01-07 (NC) AMBAC YTM 7.30% 01-01-07 01-01-07 1,782.50 07-01-07 07-01-07 1,782.50 3,565.00 McDonald's Corp A3/A (NC) 6.21% 6.000% Due 04-15-11 YTM 04-15-07 04-15-07 3,000.00 1.3 LONGER INVESTMENTS INCORPORATED &A A Registered Inveshnent Advisor Longer Investments Inc. INCOME AND EXPENSES City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund From 01-01-07 Through 12-31-07 Security Ex -Date Pay -Date Amount 10-15-07 10-15-07 3,000.00 6,000.00 Morgan Stanley Group Note 6.875% Due 03-01-07 AA3/A+ (NC) 03-01-07 03-01-07 2,578.13 Wells Fargo & Co. AA2/AA (NC) 6.250% Due 04-15-08 04-15-07 04-15-07 5,000.00 10-15-07 10-15-07 5,000.00 10,000.00 Corporate Bonds Total 22,143.13 Government Bonds U. S. Treasury Note 6.625% Due 05-15-07 02-08-07 02-09-07 1,101.73 U. S. Treasury Note 5.125% Due 05-15-16 05-15-07 05-15-07 3,843.75 11-15-07 11-15-07 3,843.75 7,687.50 Government Bonds Total 8,789.23 Government Agency Fed Nat'l Mortgage Assoc (Callable 6.000% Due 10-24-16 10-24-08 @ 100, quarterly) 04-24-07 04-24-07 3,000.00 10-24-07 10-24-07 3,000.00 Fed Nat'l Mortgage Assoc (Callable 5.125% Due 10-03-08 10-3-07 @ 100, IX) 04-03-07 04-03-07 2,562.50 10-03-07 10-03-07 2,562.50 5,125.00 6 LONGER INVESTMENTS INCORPORATED A Registered Investment Advisor Longer Investments Inc. INCOME AND EXPENSES City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund From 01-01-07 Through 12-31-07 Ex -Date Pay -Date Amount :j Fed Nat'l Mortgage Assoc (Callable 5.400% Due 09-15-11 9-15-08 @ 100, 1X) 03-15-07 03-15-07 2,700.00 09-15-07 09-15-07 2,700.00 5,400.00 Federal Farm Credit Bank (Callable 5.080% Due 10-13-11 10-13-09 @ 100, CC) 04-13-07 04-13-07 2,540.00 10-13-07 10-13-07 2,540.00 5,080.00 Federal Farm Credit Bank (Callable 5.200% Due 11-06-13 since 11-6-06 @ 100, CC) 05-06-07 05-06-07 1,300.00 11-06-07 11-06-07 1,3 00.00 2,600.00 Federal Farm Credit Bank (Callable 5.300% Due 06-22-15 since 6-22-07 @ 100, CC) 06-22-07 06-22-07 3,312.50 12-22-07 12-22-07 3,312.50 6,625.00 r Federal Farm Credit Bank (NC) 6.750% Due 07-07-09 01-07-07 01-07-07 3,375.00 07-07-07 07-07-07 3,375.00 6,750.00 Federal Farm Credit Bank (NC) 5.400% Due 02-11-09 5.31 % YTM 02-11-07 02-11-07 08-11-07 08-11-07 Federal Farm Credit Bank (NC) 6.125% Due 12-29-15 6.127% YTM 06-29-07 06-29-07 12-29-07 12-29-07 10 2,700.00 2,700.00 5,400.00 6,125.00 6,125.00 12,250.00 LONGER INVESTMENTS INCORPORATED A Registered Invesfinmt Advisor Longer Investments Inc. INCOME AND EXPENSES City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund From 01-01-07 Through 12-31-07 Security Ex -Date Pay -Date Amount Federal Farm Credit Bureau (NC) 5.200% Due 12-10-08 06-10-07 06-10-07 1,950.00 12-10-07 12-10-07 1,950.00 Federal Home Loan Bank (NC) 6.000% Due 05-13-11 05-15-07 05-15-07 1,500.00 11-15-07 11-15-07 1,500.00 3,000.00 Federal Home Loan Bank (C 5.520% Due 02-24-10 8-24-07 @ 100, 1X) 02-24-07 02-24-07 6,210.00 08-24-07 08-24-07 6,210.00 12,420.00 Federal Home Loan Bank (Callable 5.000% Due 10-01-12 10-1-10 @ 100, 1X) 10-03-07 10-03-07 -27.78 Federal Home Loan Bank (Callable 5.250% Due 11-14-12 11-14-08 @ 100, 1X) 05-14-07 05-14-07 6,562.50 11-14-07 11-14-07 61562.50 13,125.00 Federal Home Loan Bank (Callable 5.020% Due 06-12-12 12-12-08 @ 100, 1X) 06-12-07 06-12-07 6,275.00 12-12-07 12-12-07 6,275.00 12,550.00 i Federal Home Loan Bank (Callable 5.100% Due 12-26-08 12-26-07 @ 100, IX) 06-26-07 06-26-07 8,925.00 12-26-07 12-26-07 8,925.00 11 17,850.00 LONGER INVESTMENTS INCORPORATED AWL A Registered Investment Advisor Longer Investments Inc. INCOME AND EXPENSES City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund From 01-01-07 Through 12-31-07 Security Ex -Date Pay -Date Amount Federal Home Loan Bank (Callable 5.250% Due 02-09-11 2-9-09 @ 100, 1 X) 08-09-07 08-09-07 8,400.00 Federal Home Loan Bank (Callable 5.020% Due 04-13-11 4-13-09 @ 100, 1X) 10-13-07 10-13-07 1,631.50 Federal Home Loan Bank (Callable 5.100% Due 11-20-09 5-20-08 @ 100, 1X) 05-20-07 05-20-07 6,375.00 11-20-07 11-20-07 6,375.00 12,750.00 Federal Home Loan Bank (Callable 5.080% Due 10-03-12 since 10-3-03 @ 100, CC) 04-03-07 04-03-07 1,058.33 10-03-07 10-03-07 L058.33 2,116.66 Federal Home Loan Bank (Callable 5.000% Due 10-05-12 since 10-5-07 @ 100, CC) 04-05-07 04-05-07 6,250.00 10-05-07 10-05-07 6,250.00 12,500.00 Federal Home Loan Bank (Callable 5.000% Due 05-25-11 since 11-25-05 @ 100, CC) 05-25-07 05-25-07 2,500.00 11-25-07 11-25-07 2,500.00 12-07-07 12-07-07 166.67 5,166.67 Federal Home Loan Bank (Callable 5.375% Due 11-07-13 since 11-7-05 @ 100, CC) 05-07-07 05-07-07 3,628.13 11-07-07 11-07-07 3,628.13 11-23-07 11-23-07 322.50 12 7,578.76 LONGER INVESTMENTS INCORPORATED Lh R Registered Investmait Advisor Longer Investments Inc. INCOME AND EXPENSES City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund From 01-01-07 Through 12-31-07 Secu Ex -Date Pay -Date Amount Federal Home Loan Bank (Callable 5.050% Due 02-20-13 since 2-20-04 @ 100, CC) 02-20-07 02-20-07 1,262.50 08-20-07 08-20-07 1,262.50 2,525.00 Federal Home Loan Bank (NC) 5.250% Due 11-14-08 OS -15-07 OS -15-07 3,937.50 11-15-07 11-15-07 3,937.50 7,875.00 Federal Home Loan Bank (NC) 5.250% Due 02-13-09 02-15-07 02-15-07 1,312.50 08-15-07 08-15-07 1,312.50 2,625.00 Federal Home Loan Bank (NC) 5.020% Due 09-14-07 02-06-07 02-07-07 4,985.14 03-14-07 03-14-07 6,275.00 07-10-07 07-11-07 4,078.75 15,338.89 Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. 5.100% Due 03-14-08 (C 3-14-07 @ 100, 1X) 03-14-07 03-14-07 3,825.00 Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. 6.000% Due 04-28-16 (Callable 4-28-09 @ 100, quarterly) 04-28-07 04-28-07 9,000.00 10-28-07 10-28-07 9,000.00 18,000.00 Government Agency Total 218,379.70 Treasury Bills U. S. Treasury Bill Due 12-6-07 3.85% YTM 12-06-07 12-06-07 1,155.00 U. S. Treasury Bill Due 9-27-07 4.684% YTM 13 LONGER INVESTMENTS INCORPORATED A Registered Investment Advisor Longer Investments Inc. INCOME AND EXPENSES City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund From 01-01-07 Through 12-31-07 Ex -Date Pay -Date 09-27-07 09-27-07 Treasury Bills Total Alternative Investments Market Vectors Gold Miners 12-24-07 12-31-07 Cash and Equivalents Money Market 01-31-07 01-31-07 02-28-07 02-28-07 03-31-07 03-31-07 04-30-07 04-30-07 05-31-07 05-31-07 06-30-07 06-30-07 07-31-07 07-31-07 08-31-07 08-31-07 09-30-07 09-30-07 10-31-07 10-31-07 11-30-07 11-30-07 12-31-07 12-31-07 12-31-07 12-31-07 EXPENSE ACCOUNTS Automated Cash Mgmt. 01-31-07 01-31-07 02-28-07 02-28-07 03-31-07 03-31-07 04-30-07 04-30-07 05-31-07 05-31-07 06-30-07 06-30-07 07-31-07 07-31-07 08-31-07 08-31-07 09-30-07 09-30-07 14 Amount 2,015.62 2,533.00 1,552.85 786.77 1,195.56 402.08 366.69 221.61 679.98 2,159.66 827.64 848.00 1,111.01 138.62 1,617.23 11,907.70 48.82 24.73 37.43 12.79 11.64 7.06 21.57 68.70 26.48 LONGER INVESTMENTS INCORPORATED IAO A Registered Investment Advisor Longer Investments Inc. INCOME AND EXPENSES City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund From 01-01-07 Through 12-31-07 Ex -Date Pay -Date Amount 10-31-07 10-31-07 28.95 11-30-07 11-30-07 39.89 12-31-07 12-31-07 5.06 12-31-07 12-31-07 61.16 394.28 Foreign Tax on Dividends 04-13-07 04-13-07 15.70 06-05-07 06-05-07 47.60 07-13-07 07-13-07 15.00 07-27-07 07-27-07 7.28 08-24-07 08-24-07 7.28 09-06-07 09-06-07 51.14 11-29-07 11-29-07 55.61 199.61 Northern Trust Fee 01-31-07 01-31-07 473.34 02-28-07 02-28-07 456.41 03-30-07 03-30-07 481.89 04-30-07 04-30-07 461.99 05-31-07 05-31-07 483.83 06-29-07 06-29-07 484.48 07-31-07 07-31-07 486.49 08-31-07 08-31-07 455.99 09-28-07 09-28-07 463.86 10-31-07 10-31-07 481.33 11-30-07 11-30-07 478.65 12-31-07 12-31-07 451.38 5,659.64 EXPENSE ACCOUNTS Total 6,253.53 MANAGEMENT FEES Management Fee 01-08-07 01-08-07 04-09-07 04-09-07 07-09-07 07-09-07 M, 20,619.36 20,230.83 20,500.34 LONGER INVESTMENTS INCORPORATED lh A Registered Investment Advisor Longer Investments Inc. INCOME AND EXPENSES City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund From 01-01-07 Through 12-31-07 Security Ex -Date Pay -Date Amount 10-11-07 10-11-07 20,701.51 82,052.04 NET INCOME 284,749.62 16 LUNGER INVEST MEN IS INC;URPURAI EU A Registered Investment Advisor COMMENTS AND OUTLOOKS FROM LONGER INVESTMENTS INCORPORATED The world of asset management is never boring Since midyear, we have seen even more than the normal level ofvolatility and turmoil. The subprime credit crunch continues to unfold. In this newslet- ter, we will profile the changes that have taken place since midyear, and we'll attempt a forecast for 2008. Federal Reserve Policy The Federal Reserve's response to the subprime meltdown has been to open the money spigot. This began in August with a 50 -basis -point discount rate cut. That was followed in September by another 50 -basis -point discount and Fed funds rate cut. Since September, the Fed has cut both the funds and the discount rates by another 50 basis points. In addition, the Fed is aggressively adding reserves to the banking system to increase liquidity. In Decem- ber, the Fed began a series of auctions that widen the time window for its loans to banks and expand the collateral that can be pledged for Fed loans. This deliberate policy was intended to encourage liquidity throughout the banking system and to alleviate year-end credit tightness. As a result of these Fed moves and the weakening of economic growth since the third quarter, interest rates have declined across the maturityspectrum. (See TableA.) Table A U.S. Treasury Yield Curve Maturity 12/31/06 06/12/07 12/26/07 Fed Funds 5.25% 5.25% 4.25% Two -Year 4.76% 5.07% 3.30% Five -Year 4.64% 5.15% 3.70% 10 -Year 4.65% 5.25% 4.28% 30 -Year 4.74% 5.36% 4.68% Although third-quarter real gross domestic product (GDP) growth was a robust 4.9%, fourth- quarter growth is expected to be 0.0% to 1.5%. Estimates for 2008 growth have also come down as the mortgage trouble continues and the contagion spreads. We expect a Fed funds rate cut of 25 basis January 3, 2008 points in January, to a level of 4%. By midyear, we predict a Fed funds target of 3.5%. In bond portfolios, we remain conservatively postured. New investments are focused in the short maturities (less than three years). Recent inflation numbers reflect some troubling price pressures from rising food and energy costs. The dollar has weakened since the summer (which increased the price of imports), so this inflation trend still bears watching. The Treasury market has benefited from the predictable "flight to quality" that takes place whenever investors are worried about corporate credit, as they have beenilately. In light of recent inflation data, we think that the 4.28% yield on the 10 -year Treasury is too low. We believe the yield is likely to increase as stability returns to credit . markets and the flight to quality abates. We have always been conservative about the quality of the credit instruments we purchase for bond portfolios. For taxable accounts, we carefully research the credit ratings of municipal bonds — regardless of their insurance coverage. We deter- mine the soundness of the issuing municipality, county, state, school district, etc., before we purchase bonds for the accounts we manage. We have never put much faith in the Municipal Bond Insurance Association (MBIA), the American Municipal Bond Assurance Corporation (Ambac), the Financial Guaranty Insurance Company (FGIC), or other municipal bond insurers. We think many insurers lack adequate capital to cover the value of the bonds they insure. In the wake of the subprime crisis, more questions have been raised about the exposure these insurers have to various illiquid, poor -quality credit instruments. The prices of the insurers' own stocks have fallen, and skepticism has increased regarding the soundness of their "guaran- tee." Their stocks fell even further in late December on the news that billionaire Warren Buffet plans to start his own company to insure municipal debt. (See Charts I and 2 on page 2.) This change in the landscape is significant for municipal bond investments as we head into 2008. One insurer, ACA Capital Holdings, Inc., recently LONGER INVESTMENTS INCORPORATED saw its credit rating reduced to junk status. Some municipal bonds — those issued by hospitals and airport authorities, for instance — have no credit ratings of their own. They are routinely rated according to the insurance coverage they carry. Any investor who bought bonds solely because they had a solid rating based upon ACA insurance, however, ended up owning junk bonds. .y1ifTF Chart 2 Wx MMMl���i�� . •ail. rem Chart 2 Source: BigCharts.com Although the larger insurers — MBIA, Ambac, and FGIC — have not yet faced downgrades, they have been put on the rating agencies' "watch list" for negative outcomes. • There is more of this story to be written in 2008. But the point for Longer Investments clients is that the underlying credit ratings on the tax-free bonds we own are rated A or better, regardless of their insurance. When we buy bonds for tax-deferred accounts and short -maturity bonds for taxable accounts, we purchase government agency debt, Treasury debt, and corporate debt rated.A or better. When we use a money market fund, we have always chosen to put client assets in government funds. At times, we hold substantial cash reserves. The yield difference between government funds H and other money market funds is not significant enough to leave the safety of government securities. Some money market funds (especially ones that hold corporate obligations and asset-backed commercial paper) have faced liquidity problems, but our clients have no exposure to the corporate commercial paper market. The credit markets will continue to react to news and policymakers' initiatives as we head into 2008. At this point, it is most important to play defense, both in credit quality and in duration (the price risk in bonds due to length of time to maturity) until the outlook clears. Equity Market When 2007 began, we wrote that we expected stocks to -outperform bonds. We said: "the stock market in 2007 could conservatively deliver high - single -digit to low -double-digit returns." We also favored internationally exposed large -capitalization stocks over small- or mid -cap stocks. Our weightings have emphasized the energy, capital goods, and technology sectors. We have been underweight in the financial and consumer sectors. Index returns for the year are detailed in Table B. Table B Stock Market Returns 1/1/07 throul 12/26/07 S&P 500 (cash basis) 5.6% S&P 500 (incl. dividends) 7.6% Russell 2000 1.2% NASDAQ 12.8% DJIA (cash basis) 8.7% EAFE* (cash basis) 7.9% 'Europe, Australasia, Far East Index The market, as shown by the S&P 500 (Standard & Poor's 500), NASDAQ (National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation system) index, and the DJIA (Dow Jones Industrial Average), did achieve our January. predic- tions. Small -cap stocks (as measured by the Russell 2000) underperformed their large -cap brethren by a significant amount. Our underweight position in financial stocks in 2007 and our overweight position in technology, plus Wx Source: BigCharts.com Although the larger insurers — MBIA, Ambac, and FGIC — have not yet faced downgrades, they have been put on the rating agencies' "watch list" for negative outcomes. • There is more of this story to be written in 2008. But the point for Longer Investments clients is that the underlying credit ratings on the tax-free bonds we own are rated A or better, regardless of their insurance. When we buy bonds for tax-deferred accounts and short -maturity bonds for taxable accounts, we purchase government agency debt, Treasury debt, and corporate debt rated.A or better. When we use a money market fund, we have always chosen to put client assets in government funds. At times, we hold substantial cash reserves. The yield difference between government funds H and other money market funds is not significant enough to leave the safety of government securities. Some money market funds (especially ones that hold corporate obligations and asset-backed commercial paper) have faced liquidity problems, but our clients have no exposure to the corporate commercial paper market. The credit markets will continue to react to news and policymakers' initiatives as we head into 2008. At this point, it is most important to play defense, both in credit quality and in duration (the price risk in bonds due to length of time to maturity) until the outlook clears. Equity Market When 2007 began, we wrote that we expected stocks to -outperform bonds. We said: "the stock market in 2007 could conservatively deliver high - single -digit to low -double-digit returns." We also favored internationally exposed large -capitalization stocks over small- or mid -cap stocks. Our weightings have emphasized the energy, capital goods, and technology sectors. We have been underweight in the financial and consumer sectors. Index returns for the year are detailed in Table B. Table B Stock Market Returns 1/1/07 throul 12/26/07 S&P 500 (cash basis) 5.6% S&P 500 (incl. dividends) 7.6% Russell 2000 1.2% NASDAQ 12.8% DJIA (cash basis) 8.7% EAFE* (cash basis) 7.9% 'Europe, Australasia, Far East Index The market, as shown by the S&P 500 (Standard & Poor's 500), NASDAQ (National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation system) index, and the DJIA (Dow Jones Industrial Average), did achieve our January. predic- tions. Small -cap stocks (as measured by the Russell 2000) underperformed their large -cap brethren by a significant amount. Our underweight position in financial stocks in 2007 and our overweight position in technology, plus r LONGER INVESTMENTS INCORPORATED our emphasis on large -cap stocks contributed to our success in 2007. Longer Investments equity portfolios significantly beat the market averages. Where do we go from here? We continue to emphasize large -cap stocks, believing that they are best positioned for trade abroad where economic growth is stronger than it is in the United States. Large -cap stocks are also dollar -decline beneficia- ries: The dollar's weakness makes the price of their goods more competitive in international markets. Further, large -cap stocks are good defensive instruments because in uncertain times, they tend to attract more capital than small -cap stocks do. We continue to prefer the large, well-positioned U.S. corporations that display improving sales, earnings, profitability trends, and strong balance sheets, so long as they are reasonably valued according to our models. We remain underweight in financial stocks and consumer stocks because we believe that the mortgage crisis is in only the third or fourth inning of a nine -inning game. We added a few financial positions that are judged to be cheap and .of good quality. But we have less than half the exposure to financial stocks that the S&P 500 does. Our overweighted sectors continue to be technology and capital goods. Earnings on the S&P 500 for 2007 were pro- jected to be $95 per share at the end of 2007. With the S&P 500 at 1497.66 on Dec. 26, 2007, the price/earnings (P/E) multiple for the market was 16 times earnings at the close of the year. This is in line with the long -run historical average of 15 times earnings and low compared with the I 0 -year Treasury note yield of 4.28%. Although earnings were expected to fall by 4% in the fourth quarter of 2007, they are expected to rise by 6% in 2008. If short-term interest rates decline in 2008 (because the Fed continues to cut the funds rate), we could see an increase in the P/E, or valuation, of the market, even as earnings growth slows. That would deliver a positive return in 2008. As we move forward into 2008, our conclusions and projections are similar to last year's. Namely: • Stocks should outperform bonds as the financial asset of choice. • Bond interest rates (returns) will remain low compared with expected returns on stocks. • The U.S. stock market should deliver high - single -digit to low -double-digit returns (barring the disruptive forces detailed here under "Risks.") • Large -capitalization stocks should outperform small- and mid -capitalization stocks. • Financial and consumer stocks may be tradable at times, but should remain underweight in our portfolios. Finally, we'll stick our necks out and say that the U.S. market should outperform foreign markets in 2008. The S&P 500 is down 9% year-to-date in euro terms. The dollar's decline against the euro has more than offset the positive return of the S&P 500 to a foreign investor. If we achieve any stability in the dollar exchange rate in 2008, the S&P 500 will again represent an attractive asset to foreign investors. Risks Time and space do not permit us to list all the risks to our optimistic outlook for returns in 2008, as they are many. The subprime and credit crises are still spreading. Home prices continue to fall. The full impact of bad -credit write-offs on the balance sheets of financial institutions is still unknown. At this time, it is impossible to ascertain the extent of the damage that could be caused by further defaults and foreclosures in 2008. We know that government officials and Fed policymakers are fighting to keep the damage from spreading. (See Table C.) Un- doubtedly, economic growth will slow in 2008, as we work through the deflationary impact of the housing crisis. The big question is whether it can be contained or whether the U.S. economy will move into a recession. Table C Recent Policy Action • Discount rate cut: 150 basis points • Fed funds rate cut: 100 basis points - • New liquidity facility • Swap lines/dollar illiquidity facility with European Central Bank and Swiss Central Bank • Paulson super -SIV (structured investment vehicle) plan (later discarded) • Asset-backed commercial paper and mortgage-backed securities accepted at the discount window f LONGER INVESTMENTS INCORPORATED • Paulson interest rate freeze program for subprime mortgage holders • Bank of England and Bank of Canada eased interest rates • Fed, Bank of Canada, Bank of England, and European Central Bank injected liquidity • FHA to lend to subprime borrowers • Greenspan calls for Federal action Source: 1S1 Group Even a recession will not disrupt this scenario, if the recession is neither deep nor prolonged. A slight slowdown that only marginally hurts the earnings outlook would also be attended by a drop in interest rates and an expansion in P/E multiples, or valuation. In such a scenario, a positive return for stocks is possible, as it was in the 1991 recession, when the S&P 500 return was 26.3%. On the other hand, a prolonged, deep recession (not predicted by the economic numbers at this time), would result in a reduction in the earnings outlook significant enough to offset P/E multiple expansion. Besides the risk of recession, there are other risks. These include a freezing up of credit markets as they struggle with the subprime debt, a disorderly decline in property values due to more foreclosures, policy mistakes by overzealous government officials (well-intentioned political patches that inadvertently tum into speed bumps in the financial markets), a spike in inflation and interest rates, and a further acceleration in the decline of the dollar. Next year is an election year, and election years often mean uncertainty for tax policy, trade policy, and regula- tion. We will write more about the political environ- ment as 2008 progresses. It is my pleasure to inform you that this is our worry list; it need not be yours. 'These are just a few of the variables that go into the equations we use to The information provided herein is illustrative only. It should not be construed as a formal recommendation by Longer Investments Inc. ISI value the markets, and we monitor all variables vigilantly in today's financial world. A significant change in any one of them could bring about a less optimistic outlook; in which case we would adopt a more defensive posture. A Personal Note As we close this year, I thank you for the trust you have placed in all of us at Longer Investments in permitting us to act as your advisor. We appreci- ate the special role we are privileged to play in the lives of you and your families and in the missions of the foundations, organizations, and corporations whose assets we manage. As I celebrate my 25th year in the business of managing assets, I am grateful for a professional career that has been personally fulfilling and rewarding. I look back on the relationships this business has brought me — with clients and their families, staff members, colleagues, community groups, and professional contacts — and I find it hard to imagine my life had I not embarked upon this path. I have had generous support from my family, former employers, mentors, clients, and others throughout my career. All I can say is that my heart is filled with gratitude each day. We wish all of you and your families a healthy and joyous new year. Client Survey Update Our client survey was completed in December. The results will be shared with you during the first quarter of 2008. We appreciate your participation; the survey firm tells us that it has never before seen such a high response rate. Thank you for taking the time to help us plan our future together. We look forward to discussing the results of the survey with you. LONGER INVESTMENTS INCORPORATED Services Provided by Longer Investments Inc.: Personal Investment Planning -Risk Tolerance Assessment . Development of an Investment Policy -Retirement Planning -IRA, Pension and Profit Sharing Management • Survivorship and Estate Transfer Planning Charitable Trust Management -Nonprofit Foundation and Endowment Management • Tax and Accounting Facilitation • Reputable Fee -Based Asset Management P.O. Box 1269 • Fayetteville, Arkansas 72702 Telephone: 479-443-5851 . Toll free: 800-827-7710 • Fax: 479-443-7129 • E-mail: info@longainvcom Web site. www.longerinvcom LONGER INVESTMENTS INCORPORATED Ah A Registered Investment Advisor November 6, 2007 Ms. Sondra Smith City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund 113 W. Mountain St. Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701 Dear Sondra: RECEIVED NOV 0 72007 CITY OF FAYEVILLE CITY ClETERK'S OFFICE By now you should have received the client survey that was mailed on October 25. If you have already completed the survey and returned it to Advisor Impact, thank you for taking the time to do so. Your responses will be invaluable as we plan the services that we will provide in the future. If you have not yet returned the survey, please complete it soon and return it before November 15. Your opinion is important to us, and we'd like your thoughts to be included in the survey results. Please contact us if you did not receive the survey and we will forward another copy to you. As an alternative to filling out the paper survey, you may complete the survey online via the following Web site: http://advisorimpact.com/ss/wsb.dll/s/6gb7. We appreciate your input and look forward to sharing the results of the survey with you. Sincerely President EML:cmI P.O. ox.1269. Fayetteville, Arkansas 72702 Telephone: 479-443-5851. Toll free: 800-827-7710 Fax: 479-443-7129 Web site: www.longainvcom LONGER INVESTMENTS INCORPORATED LY6 A Registered Investment Advisor October 251, 2007 Ms. Sondra Smith City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund 113 W. Mountain St. Fayetteville, Arkansas 72701 Dear Sondra: RECEIVED OCT 2 6 2007 CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE Ensuring that we provide the highest level of service to our clients is a top priority for Longer Investments Inc. For that reason, Advisor Impact has been retained to conduct a survey of our clients to determine the fit between our clients' needs and the services we provide. Advisor Impact is an independent consulting firm in the financial services industry that will review and analyze the results in complete confidence. The enclosed survey should take no more than 10 minutes to complete, and your responses will be invaluable. We will use this information to enhance the services that we provide in the future. We ask that you complete the survey and return it to Advisor Impact in the envelope provided by November 15, 2007. If you prefer to exclude your name, simply indicate your desire for anonymity in the final question and your name will be removed before the survey is returned to our office. Thank you in advance for your input. Please feel free to call our office if you have any questions. Sincerely, President EML:cmI Enclosures P.O. Box 1269 , %,,. n Fayetteville, Arkansas 72702 Telephone: 479-443-5851 Toil free: 800-827-7710 Fax: 479-443-7129 Web site: www.longerinv.com LUNGER INVESTMENTS INC. THANK YOU FOR YOUR INPUT This survey will be returned to Advisor Impact, an independent consultant working on behalf of Longer Investments Inc. We appreciate your feedback and will be working with Longer Investments to pass along any feedback which we feel will be helpful in improving service. OVERALL SATISFACTION 1. Please rate your overall satisfaction with your relationship with Longer Investments. Very Satisfied Somewhat Satisfied Neutral Somewhat Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied 5 4 3 2 1 2. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? I have a clear investment strategy in place to meet my retirement/financial goals. My quarterly statements are clear and easy to understand. I am confident in the skills of Longer Investments' team of professionals. I am comfortable with the level of risk in my portfolio. The range of services that Longer Investments provides meets all of my financial needs. The investment performance of my portfolio meets my expectations. The frequency of my contact with the portfolio manager and office professionals. is sufficient to meet my needs. The process of investment policy development and of setting investment goals improved my understanding of complex financial concepts. The Web site is easy to use to access information about my portfolio. The frequency of Web site report updates (twice a week) is adequate to meet my needs. I would recommend the services of Longer Investments to family, friends and colleagues. Strongly Somewhat Neutral Somewhat Strongly Don't Agree Agree Disagree Disagree Know 4 3 2 1 X 4 3 2 1 X 4 3 2 1 X C 4 3 2 1 X ( 5) 4 3 2 1 X C5 4 3 2 1 X 50 4 3 2 1 X f 4 3 2 1 X 5 4 C3) 2 1" X 5 4 03 2 1 X C5 4 3 2 1 X Co LIENTAUDIT LONGER INVESTMENTS INC. YOUR EXPECTATIONS 3. The following list contains a series of items that may or may not be important to you in your relationship with any investment advisor. Please rate each based on its importance to you. Critical Somewhat Neutral Not Very Not at all Important Important Important Having a clear investment strategy in place to meet my retirement/financial goals is... 4 3 2 1 Receiving quarterly statements that are clear and easy to read is... 0 4 3 2 1 Having confidence in the skills of my advisor's team of professionals is... �5 4 3 2 1 JJ✓ Being comfortable with the level of risk in my portfolio is... D 4 3 2 1 Having access through my advisor to a range of services that meets all of my financial 4 3 2 1 needs is... (D Achieving investment performance that meets my expectations is... j' S 4 3 2 1 The frequency with which my advisor's team of professionals contacts me is... D5 4 3 2 1 Having processes and goals that help me understand complex financial concepts is... f 5 4 3 2 1 Having an easy-to-use Web site to access ��^^�� information about my portfolio is... 5 4 C 3 I 2 1 Having frequent updates (twice a week) of my reports on my advisor's Web site is... 5 4 C3�j 2 l 4. In a 12 -month period, how often do you expect to meet (either face-to-face or by telephone), to discuss your portfolio? 00 01 02 ❑3 04 El 5+ 5. Of the meetings indicated above, how many do you feel should be face-to-face, rather than by -telephone? If you prefer all meetings to be face-to-face, select the same number as above. 00 01 02 03 ;94 05+ 6. Do you feel it is important for Longer Investments to provide you with educational opportunities about the markets a'�nvestments, such as newsletters or workshops? and ❑ No ❑ 1 don't know 7. Are you comfortable discussing your portfolio with someone on Longer Investments' team other than your portfolio —ma. ager? fYes ❑ No ❑ I don't know Co LIENTAUDIT LONGER INVESTMENTS INC. UN.ICATION AND 8. Which, if any, of the following would you be interested in learning more about? If you are not familiar with the concept, simply select'I don't know'. Business owner succession planning ❑ Yes 011�0 ❑ I don't know Estate planning ❑ Yes "0 ❑ I don't know Family wealth counseling ❑ Yes [bio ❑ I don't know Finding an accountant ❑ Yes 10Xo ❑ I don't know Finding an estate attorney ❑ Yes 03-lKo ❑ I don't know Planning your legacy using charitable giving ❑ Yes Flo 0 I don't know Retirement planning ❑ Yes "0 ❑ I don't know Trust services ❑ Yes %2`�lo ❑. I don't know 3 2 1 X 9. Please rate the following activities and communications that you receive from Longer Investments in terms of their value to you. 10. With which, if any, of the following professional advisors do you work? Beside each, indicate your level of satisfaction with your relationship with that individual. If you are not an individual, please answer `Not Applicable'. Insurance agent Other investment advisor (stockbroker, financial planner, trust officer) Accountant Estate attorney Very Somewhat Neutral Somewhat Very Not 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1 ` X 11. If you indicated that you work with another investment advisor, with how many investment advisors do you work, including Longer Investments? El 03 04 El 5+ Ce LIENTAUDIT Very Somewhat Of Little Not at all Don't Valuable Valuable Value Valuable Know Content on company Web site 4 3 2 1 t X Face-to-face meetings with the portfolio manager 4 3 2 1 X Phone calls from client services manager 4 3 2 1 X Quarterly newsletter—_y 3 2 1 X Quarterly statement ; 4 3 2 1 X 10. With which, if any, of the following professional advisors do you work? Beside each, indicate your level of satisfaction with your relationship with that individual. If you are not an individual, please answer `Not Applicable'. Insurance agent Other investment advisor (stockbroker, financial planner, trust officer) Accountant Estate attorney Very Somewhat Neutral Somewhat Very Not 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1 ` X 11. If you indicated that you work with another investment advisor, with how many investment advisors do you work, including Longer Investments? El 03 04 El 5+ Ce LIENTAUDIT .�':� 'r,. �r \ .n, •.rv�. ,.yNv..'a .w w: i ar: s/ . a"., ;..... :..m. .."5>/'. .: ay.vaa w.,u .,"„ '.6 'Wi+.,r `�:LONGER INVESTMENTS INC. ABOUT You 12. HoNywould you prefer to receive written communications from Longer Investments? YBy mail ❑ By e-mail ❑ No preference 13. How many years have you been working wo Longer Investments? 0<1 01-2 03-5 06-9 LIM+ 14. What percent of your investable assets is managed by Longer Investments? � ❑ <10% ❑ 10-24% ❑ 25-49% ❑ 50 - 74% ❑ 75 - 99% Q`100% 15. In an effort to ensure that Longer Investment's records are up to date, please provide the following information. Do not complete this section if you are sending your survey anonymously. What is our e-mail address? =� Do you work with an accountant? What is his/her name and number? Name: Tel#: Do you work with an estate attorney? What is his/her name and number? Name: 1 Tel#: Do you have access to the Web? EKes ❑ No Have your circumstances changed since your investment policywas last updated? ❑ Yes � P<O Would you like to learn more about Longer Investments' SEC -mandated disaster policy? lees ❑ No 16. What could Longer Investments do differently to improve the level of service that is provided? THANK YOU FOR TAKING THE TIME TO COMPLETE THIS SURVEY. Your thoughtful responses are valued, as they will help to ensure your needs are met and any concerns are addressed. To allow your advisor to respond to your specific needs, your name would be appreciated, but is not required. Name (please print): Ce LIENTAUDIT Lij, LONGER INVESTMENTS INCORPORATED City of Fayetteville Police Pension Board Meeting January 17, 2008 Quantity Security Common Stock 83,226.12 2,650 AT&T 2,225 Accenture Ltd. 2,315 Adobe Systems Inc. 1,925 Allergan Inc. 1,935 American International 55.58 Group Inc. 2,860 Amphenol Corp. 2,750 Archer -Daniels -Midland 33.06 Co. 1,000 B.P. Amoco PLC A.D.S. 2,600 Ceradyne Inc. 2,000 Chevron Corp. 3,450 Cisco Systems Inc. 2,500 Coca-Cola 1,275 Devon Energy Corp. 2,500 Dow Chemical Co. 6,700 EMC Corporation 2,225 Emerson Electric 1,525 ExxonMobil 7,550 Financial Select Sector 18.33 SPDR Fund 9,450 Flextronics hitemational 33.20 Ltd. 5,815 General Electric 220 Google 4,500 Health Care Select 55.00 Sector SPDR Fund 6,000 Intel Corp. 2,650 Johnson & Johnson 3,900 Kraft Foods hic. 4,500 Microsoft Corp. 2,000 Northern Trust Corp. 7,600 Oracle Corp. 1,215 Parker Hannifin Corp. 4,150 Pfizer 5,500 Powershares Dynamic 714.00 Networking 7,915 Powershares Water 0.9 Resource 1,900 Procter & Gamble 3,350 Teva Pharmaceuticals 2,500 Verizon 0.00 Communications 3,700 Walmart Stores 3,180 eBay Inc. Preferred Debt Securities 4,000 AT&T Preferred 6.375% A2/A (C 2-12-12) 4,000 G.E. Preferred 6.625% AAA/AAA (C 6-28-07) Longer Investments Inc. PORTFOLIO APPRAISAL City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund December 31, 2007 Unit Total Market Cost Cost Price Value 27.29 72,325.00 37.40 83,226.12 42.69 98,834.06 61.43 118,246.44 55.65 107,685.27 38.07 108,887.99 32.79 90,167.93 55.58 55,576.67 47.85 124,398.79 44.40 88,805.53 33.06 114,048.27 41.90 104,754.84 66.34 84,581.34 42.23 105,575.50 16.30 109,205.20 26.98 60,025.82 55.07 83,989.24 29.63 223,702.64 11.93 112,759.58 32.33 188,021.28 531.61 116,953.28 36.52 164,342.25 18.33 109,997.24 61.53 163,051.47 33.20 129,489.45 30.29 136,291.50 57.45 114,891.13 18.04 137,139.48 55.00 66,825.57 23.15 96,072.50 18.81 103,482.50 18.31 144,928.30 64.17 121,931.67 38.62 129,384.85 40.60 101,500.00 44.47 164,520.87 33.60 106,847.63 4,242,467.18 24.05 96,200.00 24.46 97,833.20 194,033.20 1 Pct. Unit Annual Cur. Assets Income Income Yield 41.56 110,134.00 1.0 1.600 4,240.00 5.9 36.03 80,166.75 0.7 0.420 934.50 1.1 42.73 98,919.95 0.9 0.000 0.00 0.0 64.24 123,662.00 1.1 0.200 385.00 0.3 58.30 112,810.50 1.0 0.800 1,548.00 1.4 46.37 132,618.20 1.2 0.060 171.60 0.2 46.43 127,682.50 1.2 0.460 1,265.00 1.4 73.17 73,170.00 0.7 2.600 2,600.00 4.7 46.93 122,018.00 1.1 0.000 0.00 0.0 93.33 186,660.00 1.7 2.320 4,640.00 5.2 27.07 93,391.15 0.9 0.000 0.00 0.0 61.37 153,425.00 1.4 1.360 3,400.00 3.2 88.91 113,360.25 1.1 0.560 714.00 0.8 39.42 98,550.00 0.9 1.680 4,200.00 4.0 18.53 124,151.00 1.2 0.000 0.00 0.0 56.66 126,068.50 1.2 1.200 2,670.00 4.4 93.69 142,877.25 1.3 1.400 2,135.00 2.5 28.93 218,421.50 2.0 1.046 7,897.00 3.5 12.06 113,967.00 1.1 0.000 0.00 0.0 37.07 215,562.05 2.0 1.240 7,210.60 3.8 691.48 152,125.60 1.4 0.000 0.00 0.0 35.31 158,895.00 1.5 0.521 2,346.12 1.4 26.66 159,960.00 1.5 0.450 2,700.00 2.5 66.70 176,755.00 1.6 1.660 4,399.00 2.7 32.63 127,257.00 1.2 1.080 4,212.00 3.3 35.60 160,200.00 1.5 0.440 1,980.00 1.5 76.58 153,160.00 1.4 1.120 2,240.00 1.9 22.58 171,608.00 1.6 0.000 0.00 0.0 75.31 91,501.65 0.8 0.840 1,020.60 1.5 22.73 94,329.50 0.9 1.280 5,312.00 5.5 18.04 99,220.00 0.9 0.000 0.00 0.0 21.40 169,381.00 1.6 0.071 558.17 0.4 73.42 139,498.00 1.3 1.400 2,660.00 2.2 46.48 155,708.00 1.4 0.340 1,139.00 0.9 43.69 109,225.00 1.0 1.720 4,300.00 4.2 47.53 175,861.00 1.6 0.880 3,256.00 2.0 33.19 105,544.20 1.0 0.000 0.00 0.0 4,967,844.55 46.0 80,133.58 2.0 24.12 96,480.00 0.9 1.594 6,375.00 6.6 24.66 98,640.00 0.9 1.656 6,625.00 6.8 1.8 6.7 195,120.00 13,000.00 LONGER INVESTMENTS INCORPORATED A Registered Investment Advisor Longer Investments Inc. PORTFOLIO APPRAISAL City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund December 31, 2007 Unit Total Market Pct. Unit Annual Cur. Quantity Security Cost Cost Price Value Assets Income Income Yield Mutual Funds -Equity 3,600.0000 Japan Smaller 11.13 40,063.77 9.51 34,236.00 0.3 0.003 12.60 0.0 Capitalization Fund Inc. 1,250.0000 Thai Fund Inc. 13.66 17,079.88 13.05 16,312.50 0.2 0.423 528.75 3.1 775.0000 iShares MSCI Hong 22.71 17,600.25 21.93 16,995.75 0.2 0.311 240.93 1.4 Kong Index Fund 20,000.0000 iShares MSCI Japan 10.80 216,006.25 13.29 265,800.00 2.5 0.099 1,989.18 0.9 Index Fund 800.0000 iShares MSCI Malaysia 12.72 10,176.00 12.73 10,184.00 0.1 0.195 156.31 1.5 Index Fund 1,820.0000 iShares MSCI Taiwan 12.54 22,814.97 15.03 27,354.60 0.3 0.302 548.97 2.4 Index Fund 3,750.0000 iShares S&P Europe 82.54 309,531.29 114.34 428,775.00 4.0 2.083 7,810.60 2.5 350 Index 633,272.41 799,657.85 7.4 11,287.34 1.9 Corporate Bonds 160,000 Wells Fargo & Co. 100.65 161,033.25 100.12 160,196.96 1.5 6.250 10,000.00 6.2 AA2/AA (NC) 6.250% Due 04-15-08 100,000 McDonald's Corp ANA 98.45 98,450.00 105.70 105,703.30 1.0 6.000 6,000.00 6.1 (NC) 6.21% YTM 6.000% Due 04-15-11 Accrued Interest 3,377.78 0.0 259,483.25 269,278.04 2.5 16,000.00 6.2 Government Bonds 150,000 U. S. Treasury Note 100.00 150,000.00 108.25 162,375.00 1.5 5.125 7,687.50 5.1 5.125% Due 05-15-16 Accrued Interest 971.50 0.0 150,000.00 163,346.50 1.5 7,687.50 5.1 Government Agency 150,000 Federal Home Loan 100.00 150,000.00 100.91 151,359.37 1.4 5.250 7,875.00 5.2 Bank (NC) 5.250% Due 11-14-08 135,000 Federal Home Loan 100.00 135,000.00 100.06 135,084.37 1.3 4.500 6,075.00 4.5 Bank (Callable 2-26-08 @ 100, 1X) 4.500% Due 11-26-08 75,000 Federal Farm Credit 100.00 75,000.00 101.06 75,796.87 0.7 5.200 3,900.00 5.2 Bureau (NC) 5.200% Due 12-10-08 150,000 Federal Home Loan 100.00 150,000.00 100.00 150,000.00 1.4 4.300 6,450.00 4.3 Bank (Callable 6-10-08 @ 100, IX) ., 4.300% Due 12-10-08 100,000 Federal Farm Credit 100.50 100,500.00 101.62 101,625.00 0.9 5.400 5,400.00 5.4 Bank (NC) 5.31 % YTM 5.400% Due 02-11-09 50,000 Federal Home Loan 99.87 49,937.50 101.44 50,718.75 0.5 5.250 2,625.00 5.3 Bank (NC) 5.250% Due 02-13-09 2 LONGER INVESTMENTS INCORPORATED A Registered Investment Advisor Longer Investments Inc. PORTFOLIO APPRAISAL City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund December 31, 2007 9 Annual Cur. Income Yield 6,750.00 6.7 12,750.00 5.1 11,531.25 5.1 16,800.00 5.2 3,263.00 5.0 3,000.00 6.0 5,400.00 5.4 5,080.00 5.1 12,550.00 5.0 5,000.00 5.0 2,116.67 5.1 12,500.00 5.0 13,125.00 5.2 2,525.00 5.0 LONGER INVESTMENTS INCORPORATED A Registered Investment Advisor Unit Total Market Pct. Unit Quantity Security Cost Cost Price Value Assets Income 100,000 Federal Farm Credit 100.00 100,000.00 104.56 104,562.50 1.0 6.750 Bank (NC) 6.750% Due 07-07-09 250,000 Federal Home Loan 100.00 250,000.00 100.47 251,171.87 2.3 5.100 Bank (Callable 5-20-08 @ 100, IX) 5.100% Due 11-20-09 225,000 Federal Home Loan 100.00 225,000.00 100.16 225,351.56 2.1 5.125 Bank (Callable 4-9-08 @ 100, quarterly) 5.125% Due 04-09-10 320,000 Federal Home Loan 100.00 320,000.00 101.37 324,400.00 3.0 5.250 Bank (Callable 2-9-09 @ 100, 1X) 5.250% Due 02-09-11 65,000 Federal Home Loan 100.00 65,000.00 101.44 65,934.37 0.6 5.020 Bank (Callable 4-13-09 @ 100, 1X) 5.020% Due 04-13-11 50,000 Federal Home Loan 100.00 50,000.00 107.50 53,750.00 0.5 6.000 Bank (NC) 6.000% Due 05-13-11 100,000 Fed Nat'l Mortgage 100.00 100,000.00 101.06 101,062.50 0.9 5.400 Assoc (Callable 9-15-08 @ 100, IX) 5.400% Due 09-15-11 100,000 Federal Farm Credit 100.00 100,000.00 102.53 102,531.25 1.0 5.080 Bank (Callable 10-13-09 @ 100, CC) 5.080% Due 10-13-11 250,000 Federal Home Loan 100.00 250,000.00 101.03 252,578.12 2.3 5.020 Bank (Callable 12-12-08 @ 100, 1X) 5.020% Due 06-12-12 100,000 Federal Home Loan 100.00 100,000.00 103.47 103,468.75 1.0 5.000 Bank (Callable 10-1-10 @ 100, IX) 5.000% Due 10-01-12 41,667 Federal Home Loan 100.00 41,666.67 100.00 41,666.67 0.4 5.080 Bank (Callable since 10-3-03 @ 100, CC) 5.080% Due 10-03-12 250,000 Federal Home Loan 100.00 250,000.00 100.00 250,000.00 2.3 5.000 Bank (Callable since 10-5-07 @ 100, CC) 5.000% Due 10-05-12 250,000 Federal Home Loan 100.00 250,000.00 101.12 252,812.50 2.3 5.250 Bank (Callable 11-14-08 @ 100, 1X) 5.250% Due 11-14-12 50,000 Federal Home Loan 100.00 50,000.00 100.00 50,000.00 0.5 5.050 Bank (Callable since 2-20-04 @ 100, CC) 5.050% Due 02-20-13 9 Annual Cur. Income Yield 6,750.00 6.7 12,750.00 5.1 11,531.25 5.1 16,800.00 5.2 3,263.00 5.0 3,000.00 6.0 5,400.00 5.4 5,080.00 5.1 12,550.00 5.0 5,000.00 5.0 2,116.67 5.1 12,500.00 5.0 13,125.00 5.2 2,525.00 5.0 LONGER INVESTMENTS INCORPORATED A Registered Investment Advisor Longer Investments Inc. PORTFOLIO APPRAISAL City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund December 31, 2007 Bank (Callable since 11-6-06 @ 100, CC) Unit Total Market Pct. Unit Annual Cur. Quantity Security Cost Cost Price Value Assets Income Income Yield 50,000 Federal Farm Credit 100.00 50,000.00 100.03 50,015.62 0.5 5.200 2,600.00 5.2 Bank (Callable since 11-6-06 @ 100, CC) Alternative Investments 3,400 Market Vectors Gold 46.99 Miners Cash and Equivalents Dividends Accrued Money Market Restricted Cash TOTAL PORTFOLIO 125,000.00 100.00 125,000.00 1.2 5.300 6,625.00 5.3 199,938.00 112.25 224,500.00 2.1 6.125 12,250.00 6.1 300,000.00 102.51 307,541.10 2.9 6.000 18,000.00 6.0 100,000.00 101.44 101,437.50 0.9 6.000 6,000.00 6.0 275,000.00 105.19 289,265.62 2.7 6.140 16,885.00 6.1 3,862,042.17 159,763.62 45.83 159,763.62 24,060.74 123,523.72 105,000.00 252,584.46 9,753,646.29 11 43,866.56 5.200% Due 11-06-13 125,000 Federal Farm Credit 100.00 36.9 Bank (Callable since 207,075.92 5.4 6-22-07 @ 100, CC) 1.4 2.980 5.300% Due 06-22-15 6.3 200,000 Federal Farm Credit 99.97 Bank (NC) 6.127% 155,822.00 10,132.00 YTM 0.2 0.000 6.125% Due 12-29-15 0.0 300,000 Federal Home Loan 100.00 4,702.55 Mortgage Corp. 105,000.00 1.0 (Callable 4-28-09 @ 3,997.35 3.8 100, quarterly) 2.3 6.000% Due 04-28-16 3.4 100,000 Fed Nat'l Mortgage 100.00 Assoc (Callable 10,789,154.30 354,016.23 10-24-08 @ 100, quarterly) 6.000% Due 10-24-16 275,000 Federal Farm Credit 100.00 Bank (Callable 7-13-10 @ 100, CC) 6.140% Due 07-13-17 Accrued Interest Alternative Investments 3,400 Market Vectors Gold 46.99 Miners Cash and Equivalents Dividends Accrued Money Market Restricted Cash TOTAL PORTFOLIO 125,000.00 100.00 125,000.00 1.2 5.300 6,625.00 5.3 199,938.00 112.25 224,500.00 2.1 6.125 12,250.00 6.1 300,000.00 102.51 307,541.10 2.9 6.000 18,000.00 6.0 100,000.00 101.44 101,437.50 0.9 6.000 6,000.00 6.0 275,000.00 105.19 289,265.62 2.7 6.140 16,885.00 6.1 3,862,042.17 159,763.62 45.83 159,763.62 24,060.74 123,523.72 105,000.00 252,584.46 9,753,646.29 11 43,866.56 0.4 3,985,500.90 36.9 207,075.92 5.4 155,822.00 1.4 2.980 10,132.00 6.3 1.4 6.3 155,822.00 10,132.00 24,060.74 0.2 0.000 0.00 0.0 123,523.72 1.1 3.807 4,702.55 3.8 105,000.00 1.0 3.807 3,997.35 3.8 252,584.46 2.3 8,699.90 3.4 100.0 3.6 10,789,154.30 354,016.23 LONGER INVESTMENTS INCORPORATED A Registered Investment Advisor Longer Investments Inc. SUMMARY OF REALIZED GAINS & LOSSES AND INCOME & EXPENSES City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund January 1, 2007 to December 31, 2007 TOTAL REALIZED GAINS AND LOSSES Income and Expenses Income: Common Stock Preferred Debt Securities Mutual Funds - Equity Corporate Bonds Government Bonds Government Agency Treasury Bills Alternative Investments Money Market Expenses: Automated Cash Mgmt. Foreign Tax on Dividends Northern Trust Fee Management Fee NET INCOME 5 413,642.86 88,593.26 2,895.30 15,798.25 22,143.13 8,789.23 218,379.70 2,015.62 2,533.00 11,907.70 394.28 199.61 5,659.64 82,052.04 284,749.62 LONGER INVESTMENTS INCORPORATED A Registered Investment Advisor Longer Investments Inc. FIXED INCOME DISTRIBUTION City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund December 31, 2007 Totals Par Value 41271,667 Market Value 4,418,125 Total Cost 41271,525 Net Gain/Loss 146,600 Annual Income 230,763 Accrued Interest 48,215 Number of Issues 29 Summary Information Distribution by Maturity vs. Weighted Averages 12/31/07 12/31/06 Average YTM 5.4 5.4 Average Maturity (yrs) 4.4 4.3 Average Coupon (%) 5.41 5.44 Average Duration 3.7 3.6 Distribution by Maturity R LONGER INVESTMENTS INCORPORATED 16 A Registered Investment Advisor % Bond Average Average Average Maturity Number Mkt Value Holdings Y T M Coupon Duration Under 1 Yr 5 676,749 15.3% 5.1 5.12% 0.7 1 Yr - 3 Yrs 5 743,862 16.8% 5.4 5.40% 1.7 3 Yrs - 5 Yrs 11 1,672,711 37.9% 5.2 5.22% 3.6 5 Yrs - 7 Yrs 2 101,331 2.3% 5.1 5.13% 4.7 7 Yrs - 10 Yrs 6 15223,470 27.7% 5.9 5.87% 6.6 R LONGER INVESTMENTS INCORPORATED 16 A Registered Investment Advisor Longer Investments Inc. LARGEST HOLDINGS City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund December 31, 2007 Percent of Percent of Equity Portfolio Total Portfolio (Historical Cost) (Historical Cost) General Electric 3.9% 1.9% Walmart Stores 3.4% 1.7% Johnson & Johnson 2.8% 1.4% Oracle Corp. 2.8% 1.4% Microsoft 2.8% 1.4% 7 LONGER INVESTMENTS INCORPORATED ,16 A Registered Investinent Advisor Longer Investments Inc. MODEL PORTFOLIO REPORT City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund December 31, 2007 Industry Weighting Versus S&P Overweight CAPITAL GOODS HEALTH CARE TECHNOLOGY Underweight CONSUMER CYCLICAL Even CYCLICAL FINANCIAL UTILITIES CONSUMER NON-CYCLICAL ENERGY I LONGER INVESTMENTS INCORPORATED A Registered Investment Advisor Longer Investments Inc. CONTRIBUTIONS/WITHDRAWALS City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund From 01-01-07 To 12-31-07 CONTRIBUTIONS 01-17-07 Money Market $222.18 02-01-07 World Com litigation settlement $95,000.00 01-23-07 Money Market $10.84 04-01-07 Peoplesoft litigation settlement $107,000.00 02-01-07 Money Market $465.51 06-01-07 Honeywell Inc. litigation settlement $35,000.00 06-07-07 Money Market $12.10 09-01-07 First Chicago NBD Corporation class action distribution $120,000.00 07-26-07 Money Market $120,000.00 10-26-07 Money Market $196.26 Cisco Systems litigation distribution $1,017,000.00 $120,906.89 WITHDRAWALS 01-01-07 Money Market $117,000.00 02-01-07 Money Market $95,000.00 03-05-07 Money Market $118,000.00 04-01-07 Money Market $107,000.00 05-01-07 Money Market $115,000.00 06-01-07 Money Market $35,000.00 07-01-07 Money Market $103,000.00 09-01-07 Money Market $120,000.00 10-01-07 Money Market $122,000.00 11-01-07 Money Market $85,000.00 $1,017,000.00 6 LONGER INVESTMENTS INCORPORATED 1116 A Registered Investment Advisor Longer Investments Inc. PERFORMANCE SUMMARY City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Cumulative Return: Annualized Return: Index Return (2007) S&P 500 (cash basis) S&P 500 (inc. div.) DJIA (cash basis) DJIA (inc. div.) Russell 2000. Beginning Value Deposits Transfer of Securities Withdrawals Net Income Change in Accrued Income Realized Gains Unrealized Gains Ending Value Total Investment Return December 31, 2007 Equity Mutual Fixed - Equities Funds Income 39.5% -1.0% 12.1% -7.9% 27.7% 14.1% 35.7% 21.5% 5.7% -10.0% -16.7% -32.9% 27.9% 7.4% -1.1% 17.4% 10.8% 221.8% 7.1% 3.5% 5.5% 6.4% 8.8% -2.8% 6.9% 3.4% 2.5% 9.0% 38.4% -12.3% -13.8% -23.1% 21.9% 7.6% 20.8% 17.8% 2.9% 90.9% 5.5% 17.2% 7.4% 8.5% -5.7% 14.7% 2.5% 6.7% 7.4% 0.3% 9.0% 7.9% 9.6% 2.2% 2.7% 2.1% 3.5% 6.5% 165.0% 5.9% Total 28.1% 0.6% 9.3% -5.7% 19.6% 6.9% 19.2% 13.0% 3.3% -0.2% -1.9% -2.0% 11.1% 5.5% 1.3% 10.5% 8.2% 221.5% 7.1% July 26, 1990 (inception) throuLyh December 31, 2007 $1,350,354.18 3,076,609.55 453205502.68 (5,1055000.00) 3,818,298.27 16,087.00 25440,180.98 872,121.64 $1037895154.30 $791469687.89 Returns are reported net of all fees and expenses. 10 LONGER INVESTMENTS INCORPORATED A Registered Invesfinent Advisor CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS POLICEMEN'S PENSION & RELIEF FUND INVESTMENT POLICY PURPOSE: The purpose of this policy is to define the guidelines of the Policemen's Pension and Relief Fund Board in selecting assets for the Policemen's Pension and Relief Fund. I. Investment Objectives: A. To protect the Fund's assets while insuring systematic and adequate funding of plan distributions and benefits to participants and their beneficiaries. B. To earn the highest possible total return (capital appreciation plus current return), consistent with prudent levels of risk. C. The long-term goal is to realize an average annual rate of return of 6% on the Fund's total portfolio to satisfy actuarial projections. The board expects the total fund, as well as each component, (i.e.: equity fund, balanced fund, fixed income fund, etc.) to: 1. Perform in the top one-third of an evaluation services universe using a Standard & Poor's Index; 2. Achieve a net return equal to the S & P 500 rate of return for equities; 3. Achieve a net return, inclusive of fees, equal to the Shearson/Lehman Government/Corporate Bond Index for fixed income; and 4. Achieve a net return, inclusive of fees, at least equal to the combination of the S & P 500 and Shearson/Lehman Government/Corporate Bond Index for balanced funds. II. Investment Guidelines: A. Adherence to all applicable Arkansas Statutes is required, particularly A. C. A § 24-10-401 through § 24-11-410 of 1987. as amended. B. Investments and reinvestment shall be made in accordance with the prudent investor rule as interpreted and defined by the Federal Employees Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) of 1974. This rule states that in making investments, the fiduciary shall exercise the same judgment and care which an institutional investor of ordinary prudence, discretion, and intelligence exercises in the management of large investments entrusted to it, considering probably safety of capital as well as probably income. 1 C. If professional investment counsel is employed to execute transactions as a money manager, the following is required: 1. Investment counsel may be comprised of more than one professional firm in order to segregate various duties and powers. 2. Investment counsel shall be registered with the Arkansas Securities Department and/or the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Proof of current registration shall be made annually to the Board. 3. Investment counsel shall be retained under contract awarded on the basis of competitive bid. Award of the contract will not be required to be solely on the lowest bid. All contracts shall include a 30 -day cancellation provision. 4. Investment management of the portfolio will be implemented on a fully discretionary basis, once investment policy is approved by the client. Transactions conducted in accordance with the investment policy will take place without prior notification provided to the client upon the execution of individual trades. Monthly statements issued by the custodian will include a summary of all transactions. The investment counsel shall have full power to hold, purchase, sell, assign, transfer, or dispose of any of the moneys or investments of the fund so long as such activities are in accordance with the following guidelines: a) No more than 2.5% of the fund's total assets valued at cost may be invested in the equities of any one company or affiliated group of companies. (Each telephone company issuer shall be considered a separate & distinct issuer). Rated equities purchased for the account will carry a minimum Standard & Poor's rating of "B-". Non -rated stocks will be assigned a rating less than `B-" for calculation of the weighted average equity portfolio rating. The weighted average rating of the equity portfolio must be equivalent to a Standard & Poor's rating of `B+" or better. b) No more than I I% of the fund's total assets may be invested in any one -debt security of any one issuer or intermediary. This does not apply to U.S. Treasury or government guaranteed or agency debt securities. c) Any fixed income securities shall carry a rating of investment grade or better by Moody's or by Standard & Poor's. 2 d) Short term investments shall consist of direct U.S. Government obligations such as U.S. Treasury Bills, repurchase agreements fully collateralized by U.S. Treasury issues, certificates of deposit not to exceed $100,000 at any national bank or federal savings and loan institution, and corporate issues of one year maturity or less. Funds may be held in U. S. government money market funds during periods of purchasing securities. e) Investment in international securities will be limited to 50% of the equity portfolio at cost. Investments in international securities that are not exchange -traded American Depository Receipts shall be made only after securing approval by the majority of the Board at a regularly scheduled meeting. f) Options may be used for hedging purposes only. 5. Investments and reinvestment shall be made only in accordance with the prudent investor rule, as interpreted by the Federal ERISA of 1974. 6. Investment counsel shall provide the Board a written investment policy and promptly provide the Board with subsequent policy changes in writing. The policy shall adhere to guidelines as set forth in this document. 7. Investment counsel shall file a written report with the Board, for the period since the last report, setting forth the following: a) All investments purchased and sold, all receipts and disbursements and any other transactions concerning the Fund's account on a monthly basis. b) Cost and market value of all investment categories on a monthly basis. c) Current yield at market on a monthly basis. d) Total investment return of the total Fund as well as investment return by asset category for the most recent quarter. This quarterly information should include year to date and previous year return figures. e) Average maturities of applicable securities on an annual basis. 3 f) Comparison of actual asset allocation to established asset allocation guidelines on a quarterly basis. g) Short and long-term forecasts of economic conditions which have an impact on investments at least quarterly. h) Projected earnings for the Fund for the next annual period at least quarterly. i) A list of all transactions fees as cents per share and percent of trade value and the total amount of transaction fees on a monthly and year to date basis. 8. If the Board chooses to direct a specific investment activity, the investment counsel shall be so notified in writing. The Board must approve such action during a regularly scheduled meeting. 9. The investment counsel shall select brokers to handle transactions on a competitive bid basis at least quarterly, with emphasis on getting consideration of the level of service rendered and performance of execution. A report of these bids and awards shall be submitted to the Board quarterly. III. Volatility and Liquidity: A. Consistent with the desire for adequate diversification, this investment policy is based upon the assumption that the volatility of the portfolio will be similar to that of the overall market. Consequently, it is expected that the volatility of the total portfolio, in aggregate, will be reasonably close to that of a weighted composite of market indexes (e.g. Standard & Poors 500 index for stocks and Salomon Brothers Broad grade index for bonds). B. While there is no immediate requirement for the investment managers to maintain liquid reserves for payment of pension benefits, the Board of Trustees will monitor the liquidity needs of the plan with the managers on at least an annual basis. Current annual benefit payments are approximately $1,188,000. This amount will be partially offset by contributions to the plan from employees, employer match, state insurance premium tax turnback, and local millage. Contributions to the plan totaled $628,724 in 2002. IV. Asset Allocation/Diversification: A. The maximum allocation of investment categories shall be 50% for equities and the balance in fixed income and cash and cash equivalents. .91 i B. A specific asset allocation shall be approved by the Board and shall be segregated as a percentage for equities, fixed-income, and cash equivalents. The specific asset allocation shall be reviewed at least semi- annually with the investment counsel. Any changes shall be transmitted to the investment counsel in writing. The allocation shall be within the following guidelines: 1. Cash and Cash Equivalents: 0% - 25% Short term investments shall consist of obligations of the U.S. Government, U.S. Agencies and corporate issues of one to three year maturity or less, repurchase agreements, certificates of deposit and the highest two grades of commercial paper. Additionally, U.S. government money market funds may be utilized. 2. Fixed Income: 25% - 65% The quality of fixed income securities shall not be rated less than investment grade by Moody's or Standard & Poor's. Any one issue shall not exceed 11 % of the fixed income portfolio at cost without Board approval. Only after the Board has approved any recommendation may the investment advisor take such action. This does not apply to U.S. Treasury or government guaranteed or agency debt securities. Whenever possible, call protection shall be integrated into the portfolio to stabilize the current income and marketability of the portfolio. 3. Equities: 35% - 50% Managers shall have no restrictions as to the percentage of their diversification except as follows: Equity investments in any single issue shall not exceed 5% of the cost value of the total equity portfolio. The Manager can operate outside the Equity guidelines by not more that 10% with a report on the variance to the Board at their next quarterly meeting. The Board will then authorize or reject the variance for the next quarter. C. The Board of Trustees recognizes the need for diversification of the plan assets in order to minimize the risk of large losses. Consequently, the total portfolio will be structured to maintain high levels of diversification, consistent with prudent investment practices and with the Board's desire to stress the principle of preservation of capital. V. Monitoring the Performance of the Investment Process: A. At least semi-annually, the Board shall review its investment methodology, including the investment policy. B. A five (5) year time frame shall be used to evaluate real investment return. C. If an investment counsel is employed, the manager's performance shall be measured over a five (5) year time frame. Consideration shall be given for investment market conditions during the period and adherence to the Board's investment policy guidelines. If the Board so chooses, a review of the money manager's performance over the cycle shall be made by an independent third party. D. Annually, the City Accounting Division shall prepare a schedule as required by the Arkansas Pension Review board for actuary information. E. The Board of Trustees may opt to employ a professional service to perform regular investment performance analysis on the portfolio. ACCEPTED: City of Yi-qyel dy, Mayor Police Pension and Relief Board of Trustees Sondra Smith Date Eldon Roberts Date f cry end ate Longer Investments Inc. Elaine M. Wen Date G� g 5107 Tim Helder / Date Frank J 7 W. Syanl Date i Longer Investments Inc. REALIZED GAINS AND LOSSES City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund From 01-01-07 Through 12-31-07 Cost Date Quantity Security Basis Proceeds Gain Or Loss 01-03-07 -32 Dell January 25 Calls 2,976.00 8,853.72 5,877.72 01-03-07 900 Schlumberger, LTD 53,253.00 55,013.86 1,760.86 01-04-07 2,500 Chico's FAS Inc. 52,425.50 52,029.39 -396.11 01-04-07 2,805 ProShares Ultrashort Dow 30 160,628.89 160,552.98 -75.91 01-05-07 1,450 streetTRACKS Gold Shares 92,116.15 86,833.63 -5,282.52 01-05-07 3,000 Powershares Dynamic 49,663.85 53,503.35 3,839.50 Networking 01-09-07 1,775 streetTRACKS Gold Shares 112,762.87 106,771.66 -5,991.21 01-19-07 -10 B.P. Amoco PLC January 60 4,671.80 7,027.11 2,355.31 Calls 01-22-07 -5 B.P. Amoco PLC January 60 3,513.56 3,513.56 0.00 Calls 01-22-07 500 B.P. Amoco PLC A.D.S. 21,716.67 33,477.63 11,760.96 01-22-07 2,125 Caterpillar Inc. 115,342.03 124,097.67 8,755.64 01-22-07 1,775 streetTRACKS Gold Shares 112,762.87 112,071.65 -691.22 01-22-07 1,750 Time -Warner, hie. 30,205.30 39,338.78 9,133.48 01-25-07 2,250 American International 154,126.45 154,839.12 712.67 Group Inc. 01-25-07 875 Schlumberger, LTD 51,773.75 55,503.30 3,729.55 01-26-07 2,150 BB & T Corp. 94,555.28 90,200.47 -4,354.81 01-30-07 1,850 Gannett Co., Inc. 107,634.30 106,477.91 -1,156.39 02-02-07 3,750 Dell Computer Corporation 87,072.07 89,250.63 2,178.55 02-06-07 575 Avon Products hie. 19,981.25 21,858.29 1,877.04 02-06-07 250,000 Federal Home Loan Bank 250,000.00 249,502.50 -497.50 (NC) 5.020% Due 09-14-07 02-08-07 1,000 HSBC Holdings PLC ADS 92,388.00 89,507.44 -2,880.56 02-08-07 70,000 U. S. Treasury Note 70,000.00 70,218.75 218.75 6.625% Due 05-15-07 02-16-07 1,350 Amgen Inc. 93,790.44 90,019.69 -3,770.75 02-22-07 635 International Business 52,932.97 62,143.95 9,210.98 Machines Corp. 02-22-07 5,500 Sara Lee Corp. 95,005.51 94,432.08 -573.43 02-23-07 950 International Business 79,191.05 92,796.94 13,605.89 Machines Corp. 02-23-07 1,615 J.B. Hunt Transport Services 36,358.16 44,850.23 8,492.07 Inc. 03-01-07 75,000 Morgan Stanley Group Note 74,046.10 75,000.00 953.90 AA3/A+ (NC) 6.875% Due 03-01-07 03-01-07 3,200 Par Pharmaceutical 68,378.88 77,316.01 8,937.13 03-01-07 1,850 Barr Pharmaceuticals hie. 94,628.98 93,755.11 -873.87 03-01-07 2,050 Electronic Arts hie. 107,396.55 102,136.87 -5,259.68 03-02-07 4,045 Gap, Inc. 79,752.86 73,612.28 -6,140.58 03-07-07 2,225 Ceradyne Inc. 120,916.70 119,658.38 -1,258.32 03-08-07 985 Diamonds Trust Series I 119,646.08 120,939.90 1,293.82 03-08-07 250.0000 iShares FTSE China Index 26,247.10 24,702.99 -1,544.11 Fund 03-09-07 1,000 Diamonds Trust Series I 121,468.10 122,744.02 1,275.92 03-14-07 150,000 Federal Home Loan 150,000.00 150,000.00 0.00 Mortgage Corp. (C 3-14-07 @ 100, 1X) 5.100% Due 03-14-08 03-15-07 2,235 Anadarko Petroleum Corp. 81,820.51 88,822.64 7,002.13 1 LONGER INVESTMENTS INCORPORATED A Registered Investrwit Advisor Longer Investments Inc. REALIZED GAINS AND LOSSES City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund From 01-01-07 Through 12-31-07 PA LONGER INVESTMENTS INCORPORATED A Registered Investment Advisor Cost Date Quantity Security Basis Proceeds Gain Or Loss 03-23-07 1,150 J.B. Hunt Transport Services 25,889.71 31,832.09 5,942.38 Inc. 03-26-07 205 Google 92,005.30 94,883.54 2,878.24 03-28-07 2,600 Powershares Dynamic 46,982.00 46,958.65 -23.35 Networking 03-29-07 1,900 Powershares Dynamic 34,333.00 34,190.35 -142.65 Networking 04-12-07 2,000 Bed Bath & Beyond Inc. 83,566.40 79,784.97 -3,781.43 04-13-07 150 Newell Rubbermaid Inc. 3,778.87 4,574.92 796.05 04-13-07 500 G.E. Preferred 6.10% 12,535.00 12,544.80 9.80 AAA/AAA (C 11-15-07) 04-13-07 2,500 Hain Celestial Group, Inc. 51,478.15 75,504.09 24,025.94 04-16-07 750 Chevron Corp. 33,302.07 57,779.11 24,477.04 l 04-16-07 350 Peabody Energy Corp 13,631.10 16,738.28 3,107.18 04-17-07 -10 B.P. Amoco PLC April 60 9,651.85 5,916.90 -3,734.95 Calls 04-18-07 775 Johnson & Johnson 47,184.05 49,854.98 2,670.93 1 04-18-07 1,000 Newmont Mining Corporation 47,329.90 44,480.91 -2,848.99 04-18-07 1,200 Newell Rubbermaid Inc. 30,230.94 36,707.91 6,476.97 04-18-07 850 AT&T 23,198.59 33,052.34 9,853.75 04-19-07 4,810 Powershares Dynamic Oil & 97,465.70 105,120.93 7,655.23 Gas Services 04-20-07 275 Peabody Energy Corp 10,710.15 12,696.20 1,986.05 04-26-07 1,725 Peabody Energy Corp 67,181.85 85,008.59 17,826.74 04-26-07 725 Danaher Corp. 52,243.50 50,959.46 -1,284.04 04-26-07 2,415 Newmont Mining Corporation 114,301.71 102,675.53 -11,626.18 04-30-07 750 US Bancorp 24,051.87 25,875.43 1,823.56 05-07-07 1,150 Newell Rubbermaid Inc. 28,971.31 35,359.66 6,388.35 05-07-07 1,850 Newell Rubbermaid Inc. 46,606.03 56,882.92 10,276.89 05-09-07 -10 B.P. Amoco PLC May 60 9,547.30 9,547.30 0.00 j Calls 05-09-07 280 Cameco Corp. 11,017.13 14,167.78 3,150.65 05-09-07 250 G.E. Preferred 6.10% 6,267.50 6,277.40 9.90 AAA/AAA (C 11-15-07) 05-09-07 1,000 B.P. Amoco PLC A.D.S. 55,576.67 69,476.38 13,899.71 05-11-07 3,850 Bristol Myers Squibb 101,652.00 115,305.73 13,653.73 05-11-07 750 Whole Foods Market, hic. 34,361.10 30,779.30 -3,581.80 05-14-07 1,525 Whole Foods Market, Inc. 69,867.57 60,670.59 -9,196.98 05-30-07 2,325 Yahoo! Inc. 67,087.88 64,959.50 -2,128.38 06-01-07 400 Computer Sciences Corp. 21,342.40 22,442.69 1,100.29 06-01-07 900 Disney Company 23,458.67 31,689.32 8,230.65 06-01-07 750 US Bancorp 24,051.87 25,923.35 1,871.48 06-01-07 2,095 The Technology Select Sec 51,704.60 53,610.22 1,905.62 SPDR Fund 06-07-07 1,500.0000 iShares MSCI Hong Kong 25,815.00 24,449.62 -1,365.38 Index Fund 06-07-07 315 Bank of America Corp. 14,799.27 15,734.00 934.73 06-12-07 3,250 US Bancorp 104,224.78 110,530.80 6,306.02 06-13-07 2,000 Computer Sciences Corp. 106,712.00 108,858.33 2,146.33 06-15-07 250 G.E. Preferred 6.10% 6,267.50 6,037.40 -230.10 AAA/AAA (C 11-15-07) 06-15-07 950 Coca-Cola 39,806.84 49,147.68 9,340.84 06-15-07 875 Walmart Stores 41,190.98 43,308.51 2,117.53 PA LONGER INVESTMENTS INCORPORATED A Registered Investment Advisor i Longer Investments Inc. REALIZED GAINS AND LOSSES City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund From 01-01-07 Through 12-31-07 Cost Date Quantity Security Basis Proceeds Gain Or Loss 06-18-07 485 Health Care Select Sector 16,014.06 17,367.58 1,353.52 SPDR Fund 06-19-07 0 Citadel Broadcasting 1.74 2.33 0.59 06-20-07 230 Citadel Broadcasting 1,028.96 1,471.15 442.19 06-20-07 2,175 Best Buy 104,993.12 98,591.23 -6,401.89 06-20-07 525 Western Digital Corp. 10,048.50 10,029.28 -19.22 06-25-07 1,000 Hain Celestial Group, Inc. 20,591.26 28,349.26 7,758.00 06-26-07 195 Devon Energy Corp. 12,935.97 15,001.12 2,065.15 07-01-07 50,000 Cleve Electric/Toledo Ed. 49,543.00 50,000.00 457.00 Aaa/AAA (NC) AMBAC YTM 7.30% 7.130% Due 07-01-07 07-02-07 150 Devon Energy Corp. 9,950.75 11,800.40 1,849.65 07-02-07 2,150 Norfolk Southern Corp. 114,142.80 115,242.32 1,099.52 07-02-07 900 AT&T 24,563.21 37,324.13 12,760.92 07-02-07 2,300 Western Digital Corp. 44,022.00 45,079.30 1,057.30 07-06-07 4,350 Parametric Technology Corp. 86,902.50 75,439.15 -11,463.35 07-09-07 4,800 Symantec Corp. 95,167.47 93,982.55 -1,184.92 07-10-07 250,000 Federal Home Loan Bank 250,000.00 249,725.00 -275.00 (NC) 5.020% Due 09-14-07 07-10-07 500 G.E. Preferred 6.10% 12,535.00 12,014.81 -520.19 AAA/AAA (C 11-15-07) 07-11-07 500 G.E. Preferred 6.10% 12,535.00 11,974.81 -560.19 AAA/AAA (C 11-15-07) 07-13-07 4,000 Patterson -UTI Energy Inc. 95,642.00 100,129.26 4,487.26 07-13-07 2,775 International Rectifier Corp. 105,738.50 108,033.53 2,295.03 07-17-07 950 Cameco Corp. 37,379.55 44,577.97 7,198.42 07-24-07 600 Wyeth 34,043.10 30,329.77 -3,713.33 07-25-07 1,980 American hitemational 133,848.67 133,964.15 115.48 Group Inc. 07-25-07 2,500 Bank of America Corp. 117,454.50 118,923.67 1,469.17 07-25-07 1,150 Cameco Corp. 45,248.93 48,291.90 3,042.97 07-25-07 550 AT&T 15,010.85 22,130.23 7,119.38 07-25-07 1,435 Time -Warner, Inc. 25,758.43 28,987.55 3,229.12 07-25-07 1,480 Texas Instruments 44,529.00 54,581.56 10,052.56 07-26-07 1,400 Wyeth 79,433.90 69,717.11 -9,716.79 07-27-07 4,500 Time -Warner, hie. 80,775.58 87,748.65 6,973.07 07-30-07 2,225 American Express Co. 130,079.95 131,085.20 1,005.25 07-30-07 575 Goldman Sachs Group hie. 110,132.34 111,621.26 1,488.92 07-30-07 2,300 Ingersoll-Rand Co. Ltd. 94,602.22 115,398.66 20,796.44 07-30-07 5,100 Powershares Dynamic 96,686.82 96,962.26 275.44 Semiconductors 07-31-07 2,000 Amgen hie. 114,602.50 108,433.33 -6,169.17 07-31-07 2,815 Avon Products Inc. 100,510.75 101,602.49 1,091.74 08-01-07 2,750 Amphenol Corp. 102,274.53 97,548.43 -4,726.10 08-02-07 1,115 Barclays PLC 45,783.13 61,955.81 16,172.68 08-07-07 630 Goldman Sachs Group hie. 112,151.21 119,652.49 7,501.28 08-07-07 2,000 Petsmart hie. 64,211.40 61,876.05 -2,335.35 08-07-07 875 Standard & Poors Depository 126,107.89 128,807.03 2,699.14 Receipts 08-09-07 220 Northern Trust Corp. 12,638.02 14,187.54 1,549.52 08-10-07 2,625 Standard & Poors Depository 378,323.66 380,429.38 2,105.72 Receipts 3 LONGER INVESTMENTS INCORPORATED A Registered blvestment Advisor i Longer Investments Inc. REALIZED GAINS AND LOSSES City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund From 01-01-07 Through 12-31-07 Cost Date Quantity Security Basis Proceeds Gain Or Loss 08-10-07 3,210 Financial Select Sector SPDR 109,147.38 106,506.16 -2,641.22 Fund 08-13-07 465 Parker Hannifin Corp. 38,362.82 45,778.21 7,415.39 08-13-07 3,205 Financial Select Sector SPDR 108,977.37 107,858.13 -1,119.24 Fund 08-14-07 2,750 Cameco Corp. 107,625.38 108,180.32 554.94 08-15-07 3,235 Goldcorp hic. 81,788.89 76,220.61 -5,568.28 08-16-07 675 Emerson Electric 18,210.08 29,614.96 11,404.88 08-16-07 625 Walmart Stores 29,422.13 27,067.77 -2,354.36 08-16-07 1,250 Walmart Stores 58,844.26 54,135.54 -4,708.72 08-17-07 850 Standard & Poors Depository 122,318.65 123,673.10 1,354.44 Receipts 08-20-07 1,850 Standard & Poors Depository 266,222.95 267,609.50 1,386.54 Receipts 08-23-07 310 Diamonds Trust Series I 39,694.91 40,894.79 1,199.88 08-24-07 225,000 Federal Home Loan Bank (C 225,000.00 225,000.00 0.00 8-24-07 @ 100, 1X) 5.520% Due 02-24-10 08-27-07 1,000 Diamonds Trust Series I 128,048.10 133,516.25 5,468.15 09-07-07 1,475 United Parcel Service hic. 109,137.76 109,074.58 -63.18 09-10-07 375 Diamonds Trust Series I 49,820.59 49,499.24 -321.35 09-11-07 1,750 Varian Medical Systems hic. 77,874.48 69,994.72 -7,879.76 09-12-07 1,030 Health Care Select Sector 34,563.20 35,838.30 1,275.10 SPDR Fund 09-12-07 3,070 Health Care Select Sector 103,018.47 106,819.01 3,800.54 SPDR Fund 09-13-07 100 Diamonds Trust Series I 13,285.49 13,442.79 157.30 09-13-07 900 Health Care Select Sector 30,200.85 31,562.51 1,361.66 SPDR Fund 09-13-07 150 St. Jude Medical Inc. 5,831.14 6,896.07 1,064.93 09-17-07 500 Barrick Gold Corp. 15,045.00 18,740.21 3,695.21 09-18-07 2,650 The Technology Select Sec 67,727.16 68,518.67 791.51 SPDR Fund 09-24-07 4,500 Parametric Technology Corp. 80,874.00 73,466.77 -7,407.23 09-25-07 3,885 Lowe's Companies Inc. 110,674.34 111,998.17 1,323.83 09-28-07 540 First Trust Dow Jones 13,378.72 14,007.38 628.66 Internet Index 10-02-07 4,000 First Trust Dow Jones 99,101.66 105,469.98 6,368.32 Internet Index 10-03-07 100,000 Fed Nat'l Mortgage Assoc 100,000.00 100,000.00 0.00 (Callable 10-3-07 @ 100, 1 X) 5.125% Due 10-03-08 10-05-07 2,250 Barrick Gold Corp. 67,702.50 91,213.60 23,511.10 10-10-07 300 Applied Materials Inc. 4,825.41 6,074.90 1,249.49 10-10-07 1,100 The Technology Select Sec 28,113.16 30,469.53 2,356.37 SPDR Fund 10-17-07 3,500 Citigroup 157,176.70 157,322.59 145.89 10-17-07 50 Google 25,299.31 31,326.77 6,027.46 10-17-07 1,050 General Electric 33,387.73 43,001.46 9,613.73 10-18-07 800 eBay Inc. 28,361.71 30,515.93 2,154.22 10-18-07 550 Texas Instruments 16,547.94 18,714.67 2,166.73 10-22-07 3,635 Patterson -UTI Energy Inc. 80,930.73 75,979.42 -4,951.31 10-23-07 2,400 Texas Instruments 72,209.19 75,856.83 3,647.64 r.I LONGER INVESTMENTS INCORPORATED A Registered IiivestmeiihAdvisor Date 10-24-07 10-24-07 10-25-07 10-25-07 11-01-07 11-01-07 11-02-07 11-05-07 11-05-07 11-05-07 11-05-07 11-12-07 11-12-07 11-12-07 11-12-07 11-13-07 11-13-07 11-19-07 11-21-07 11-23-07 11-26-07 11-27-07 11W40y 11-27-07 12-03-07 12-03-07 12-07-07 12-12-07 12-12-07 12-12-07 12-17-07 12-21-07 12-26-07 Longer Investments Inc. REALIZED GAINS AND LOSSES City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund From 01-01-07 Through 12-31-07 Cost Quantity Security Basis 12-31-07 TOTAL GAINS TOTAL LOSSES 2,300 eBay hie. 2,970 St. Jude Medical Inc. 1,895 Eli Lilly & Co. 5,000 Symantec Corp. 2,250 Barclays PLC 275 ExxonMobil 1,585 Norfolk Southern Corp. 2,500 Bed Bath & Beyond hie. 2,575 Cintas Corp. 3,000 Disney Company 50 Google 4,245 Staples, hie. 1,200 International Business Machines Corp. 2,500 Standard & Poors Depository Receipts 1,650 iShares NASDAQ Biotechnology 1,125 Schlumberger, LTD 1,000 Applied Materials Inc. 2,125 Ingersoll-Rand Co. Ltd. 4,350 Applied Materials Inc. 135,000 Federal Home Loan Bank (Callable since 11-7-05 @ 100, CC) 5.375% Due 11-07-13 1,150 Transocean Inc. 1,850 Standard & Poors Depository Receipts 8,000 The Technology Select Sec SPDR Fund 804 Transocean hie. 4,150 J.B. Hunt Transport Services hie. 3,985 Seagate Technology 100,000 Federal Home Loan Bank (Callable since 11-25-05 @ 100, CC) 5.000% Due 05-25-11 1,500 Caterpillar hie. 1,675 Harley-Davidson, Inc. 1,400 United Technologies Corp. 5,135 Symantec Corp. 1,450 Financial Select Sector SPDR Fund 350,000 Federal Home Loan Bank (Callable 12-26-07 @ 100, 1X) 5.100% Due 12-26-08 1 Transocean hie. k 81,539.93 115,456.67 105,448.98 96,793.45 94,109.71 15,145.60 81,948.94 85,179.50 92,197.10 77,164.87 26,580.29 93,151.82 124,836.80 365,327.75 135,601.13 107,031.94 16,084.70 107,915.58 69,968.45 135,000.00 33,418.00 264,087.50 204,974.68 77,774.78 100,204.75 102,285.26 100,000.00 109,629.15 81,740.67 108,616.20 93,737.88 42,962.76 350,000.00 Proceeds 81,188.75 117,313.20 99,727.20 92,084.58 106,731.84 24,593.01 79,137.83 79,623.77 89,098.78 101,504.04 36,251.71 89,482.79 122,701.48 365,745.15 136,509.84 103,108.94 18,309.81 101,849.68 78,186.57 135,000.00 37,984.50 262,130.07 202,738.49 108,801.16 108,484.31 101,409.12 100,000.00 109,725.12 76,303.62 108,404.82 84,613.74 42,107.21 350,000.00 Gain Or Loss -351.18 1,856.53 -5,721.78 -4,708.87 12,622.13 9,447.41 -2,811.11 -5,555.73 -3,098.32 24,339.17 9,671.42 -3,669.03 -2,135.32 417.40 908.71 -3,923.00 2,225.11 -6,065.90 8,218.12 0.00 4,566.50 -1,957.43 -2,236.19 31,026.38 8,279.56 -876.14 0.00 95.97 -5,437.05 -211.38 -9,124.14 -855.55 52.24 79.35 27.11 637,172.33 -223,529.47 14,575,189.71 14,988,832.57 413,642.86 LONGER INVESTMENTS INCORPORATED A Registered Investment Advisor Y^` Longer Investments Inc. REALIZED GAINS AND LOSSES City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund From 01-01-07 Through 12-31-07 Cost Date Quantity Security Basis Proceeds Gain Or Loss NO CAPITAL GAINS DISTRIBUTIONS 0 LONGER INVESTMENTS INCORPORATED A Registered Investment Advisor Longer Investments Inc. INCOME AND EXPENSES City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund From 01-01-07 Through 12-31-07 Ex -Date Pay -Date Security Amount Common Stock i 01-08-07 02-01-07 01-10-07 02-01-07 01-18-07 02-20-07 01-29-07 02-12-07 02-01-07 02-23-07 02-05-07 03-01-07 02-05-07 02-21-07 02-07-07 03-10-07 02-07-07 03-09-07 02-13-07 03-08-07 02-13-07 03-01-07 02-13-07 03-02-07 02-14-07 03-12-07 02-14-07 03-09-07 02-14-07 03-01-07 02-21-07 03-12-07 02-22-07 04-25-07 02-23-07 03-13-07 02-26-07 03-15-07 02-26-07 03-15-07 02-28-07 03-23-07 03-05-07 03-29-07 03-07-07 04-02-07 03-12-07 03-28-07 03-13-07 03-30-07 03-13-07 04-01-07 03-14-07 04-02-07 03-16-07 03-30-07 -i 03-16-07 03-28-07 03-28-07 04-13-07 03-28-07 04-16-07 04-03-07 05-01-07 04-05-07 05-01-07 04-11-07 04-24-07 04-25-07 05-18-07 04-26-07 05-21-07 04-27-07 04-27-07 05-02-07 06-11-07 05-03-07 05-25-07 05-03-07 06-01-07 05-09-07 06-11-07 j 05-09-07 05-29-07 ! 05-10-07 06-11-07 05-11-07 06-01-07 05-15-07 06-07-07 AT&T BB & T Corp. Caterpillar Inc. Texas Instruments Citigroup Intel Corp. J.B. Hunt Transport Services Inc. International Business Machines Corp. ExxonMobil Applied Materials Inc. Avon Products Inc. Parker Hannifin Corp. Chevron Corp. Emerson Electric Ingersoll-Rand Co. Ltd. B.P. Amoco PLC A.D.S. General Electric Johnson & Johnson Newell Rubbermaid Inc. Time -Warner, Inc. Bank of America Corp. Newmont Mining Corporation Northern Trust Corp. Anadarko Petroleum Corp. Devon Energy Corp. Coca-Cola Walmart Stores Powershares Water Resource Health Care Select Sector SPDR Fund Cameco Corp. US Bancorp Bristol Myers Squibb AT&T Whole Foods Market, Inc. Peabody Energy Corp Texas Instruments Barclays PLC Norfolk Southern Corp. Citigroup Intel Corp. Emerson Electric J.B. Hunt Transport Services Inc. ExxonMobil Ingersoll-Rand Co. Ltd. Applied Materials Inc. VA 1,757.25 903.00 637.50 148.00 1,890.00 675.00 505.35 475.50 480.00 282.50 370.00 331.50 1,430.00 761.25 414.00 619.50 1,778.00 909.38 913.50 239.25 1,576.40 341.50 555.00 201.15 226.80 1,173.00 605.00 145.61 433.43 104.65 1,900.00 1,078.00 1,757.25 409.50 103.50 354.40 5,107.32 330.00 1,890.00 675.00 761.25 256.50 630.00 414.00 339.00 LONGER INVESTMENTS INCORPORATED A Registered Investment Advisor Longer Investments Inc. INCOME AND EXPENSES City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund From 01-01-07 Through 12-31-07 ! Ex -Date Pay -Date Security Amount 05-15-07 06-01-07 Parker Hannifin Corp. 331.50 05-16-07 06-01-07 Avon Products Inc. 370.00 05-16-07 06-11-07 Chevron Corp. 1,160.00 05-16-07 06-04-07 Walmart Stores 605.00 05-24-07 06-12-07 Johnson & Johnson 684.75 05-29-07 06-15-07 Time -Warner, Inc. 326.43 05-30-07 06-15-07 American International Group Inc. 326.70 05-30-07 06-22-07 Bank of America Corp. 1,576.40 06-05-07 06-05-07 Teva Pharmaceuticals 297.48 06-06-07 07-02-07 Northern Trust Corp. 555.00 06-12-07 06-29-07 Patterson -UTI Energy Inc. 411.00 06-13-07 06-29-07 Devon Energy Corp. 226.80 06-13-07 07-01-07 Coca-Cola 1,173.00 06-15-07 06-29-07 Powershares Water Resource 241.57 06-15-07 06-27-07 The Technology Select Sec SPDR Fund 11.51 06-15-07 06-27-07 Health Care Select Sector SPDR Fund 818.63 06-21-07 07-25-07 General Electric 1,778.00 06-26-07 07-06-07 Kraft Foods Inc. 787.50 06-27-07 07-13-07 Cameco Corp. 100.00 07-03-07 08-10-07 American Express Co. 333.75 07-06-07 08-01-07 AT&T 1,136.00 07-06-07 08-01-07 Verizon Communications 1,012.50 07-18-07 07-27-07 Goldcorp Inc. 48.53 07-27-07 08-30-07 Goldman Sachs Group Inc. 201.25 07-27-07 08-20-07 Texas Instruments 236.00 07-31-07 08-17-07 J.B. Hunt Transport Services Inc. 344.25 I 08-02-07 08-24-07 Citigroup 1,890.00 08-03-07 09-01-07 Intel Corp. 675.00 08-08-07 09-04-07 B.P. Amoco PLC A.D.S. 649.50 08-08-07 09-10-07 International Business Machines Corp. 440.00 08-09-07 09-10-07 ExxonMobil 630.00 08-14-07 09-06-07 Applied Materials Inc. 339.00 08-15-07 09-10-07 Chevron Corp. 1,160.00 08-15-07 09-10-07 Emerson Electric 761.25 08-15-07 08-24-07 Goldcorp Inc. 48.53 08-15-07 09-04-07 Wahnart Stores 412.50 08-17-07 09-17-07 Diamonds Trust Series I 373.55 08-23-07 09-07-07 Parker Hannifin Corp. 255.15 08-24-07 09-11-07 Johnson & Johnson 788.50 09-06-07 10-05-07 Kraft Foods Inc. 1,053.00 09-06-07 10-01-07 Northern Trust Corp. 500.00 09-06-07 09-06-07 Teva Pharmaceuticals 319.64 09-06-07 09-17-07 United Parcel Service Inc. 619.50 09-10-07 10-03-07 Amphenol Corp. 33.90 09-10-07 09-28-07 Patterson -UTI Energy Inc. 436.20 09-12-07 09-28-07 Devon Energy Corp. 178.50 0 LONGER INVESTMENTS INCORPORATED A Registered Investment Advisor Ex -Date Pay -Date Longer Investments Inc. INCOME AND EXPENSES City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund From 01-01-07 Through 12-31-07 Security Amount 09-12-07 10-01-07 Coca-Cola 850.00 09-20-07 10-25-07 General Electric 1,778.00 09-21-07 09-28-07 Powershares Water Resource 105.11 09-21-07 10-03-07 The Technology Select Sec SPDR Fund 105.10 10-01-07 10-01-07 Barclays PLC 1,857.10 10-05-07 11-01-07 AT&T 940.75 10-05-07 11-01-07 Verizon Communications 1,075.00 10-17-07 11-15-07 Procter & Gamble 665.00 10-31-07 11-16-07 Seagate Technology 398.50 11-05-07 12-01-07 Intel Corp. 675.00 11-07-07 11-30-07 Allergan Inc. 96.25 11-07-07 12-10-07 International Business Machines Corp. 480.00 11-07-07 12-10-07 ExxonMobil 533.75 11-08-07 12-03-07 Ingersoll-Rand Co. Ltd. 382.50 11-13-07 12-06-07 Applied Materials Inc. 321.00 11-13-07 11-29-07 J.B. Hunt Transport Services Inc. 373.50 11-13-07 12-13-07 Microsoft Corp. 495.00 11-13-07 11-30-07 Parker Hannifin Corp. 255.15 11-14-07 12-10-07 Chevron Corp. 1,160.00 11-14-07 12-10-07 Emerson Electric 667.50 11-20-07 12-06-07 Archer -Daniels -Midland Co. 316.25 11-23-07 12-11-07 Johnson & Johnson 1,099.75 11-28-07 12-15-07 Coca-Cola 850.00 11-29-07 11-29-07 Teva Pharmaceuticals 337.01 12-03-07 12-03-07 B.P. Amoco PLC A.D.S. 649.50 12-06-07 01-02-08 Northern Trust Corp. 560.00 12-10-07 01-02-08 Amphenol Corp. 42.90 12-12-07 12-28-07 Devon Energy Corp. 178.50 12-12-07 01-02-08 Walmart Stores 814.00 12-20-07 01-25-08 General Electric 1,802.65 12-21-07 01-04-08 Kraft Foods Inc. 1,053.00 12-21-07 12-31-07 Powershares Water Resource 139.54 12-21-07 01-03-08 Financial Select Sector SPDR Fund 2,353.41 12-21-07 01-03-08 Health Care Select Sector SPDR Fund 586.53 12-27-07 01-30-08 Dow Chemical Co. 1,050.00 88,593.26 Preferred Debt Securities 02-12-07 02-15-07 G.E. Preferred 6.10% AAA/AAA (C 11-15-07) 762.50 03-23-07 03-28-07 G.E. Preferred 6.625% AAA/AAA (C 6-28-07) 414.06 05-10-07 05-15-07 G.E. Preferred 6.10% AAA/AAA (C 11-15-07) 476.56 06-25-07 06-28-07 G.E. Preferred 6.625% AAA/AAA (C 6-28-07) 414.06 09-25-07 09-28-07 G.E. Preferred 6.625% AAA/AAA (C 6-28-07) 414.06 12-24-07 12-28-07 G.E. Preferred 6.625% AAA/AAA (C 6-28-07) 414.06 0 2,895.30 LONGER INVESTMENTS INCORPORATED A Registered Investineiv Advisor Longer Investments Inc. INCOME AND EXPENSES City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund From 01-01-07 Through 12-31-07 Ex -Date Pay -Date Security Mutual Funds -Equity Amount 12-19-07 01-31-08 Thai Fund Inc. 264.38 12-24-07 01-04-08 iShares MSCI Hong Kong Index Fund 293.96 12-24-07 01-04-08 iShares MSCI Japan Index Fund 2,767.80 12-24-07 01-04-08 iShares MSCI Taiwan Index Fund 709.93 12-24-07 01-04-08 iShares S&P Europe 350 Index 11,749.58 12-26-07 01-15-08 Japan Smaller Capitalization Fund Inc. 12.60 15,798.25 Corporate Bonds 01-01-07 01-01-07 Cleve Electric/Toledo Ed. Aaa/AAA (NC) AMBAC YTM 1,782.50 7.30% 7.130% Due 07-01-07 03-01-07 03-01-07 Morgan Stanley Group Note AA3/A+ (NC) 2,578.13 6.875% Due 03-01-07 04-15-07 04-15-07 McDonald's Corp ANA (NC) 6.21% YTM 3,000.00 6.000% Due 04-15-11 04-15-07 04-15-07 Wells Fargo & Co. AA2/AA (NC) 5,000.00 6.250% Due 04-15-08 07-01-07 07-01-07 Cleve Electric/Toledo Ed. Aaa/AAA (NC) AMBAC YTM 1,782.50 7.30% 7.130% Due 07-01-07 10-15-07 10-15-07 McDonald's Corp ANA (NC) 6.21% YTM 3,000.00 6.000% Due 04-15-11 10-15-07 10-15-07 Wells Fargo & Co. AA2/AA (NC) 5,000.00 6.250% Due 04-15-08 22,143.13 Government Bonds 02-08-07 02-09-07 U. S. Treasury Note 1,101.73 6.625% Due 05-15-07 05-15-07 05-15-07 U. S. Treasury Note 3,843.75 5.125% Due 05-15-16 11-15-07 11-15-07 U. S. Treasury Note 3,843.75 5.125% Due 05-15-16 8,789.23 Government Agency 01-07-07 01-07-07 Federal Farm Credit Bank (NC) 3,375.00 6.750% Due 07-07-09 02-06-07 02-07-07 Federal Home Loan Bank (NC) 4,985.14 5.020% Due 09-14-07 02-11-07 02-11-07 Federal Farm Credit Bank (NC) 5.31% YTM 2,700.00 5.400% Due 02-11-09 io LONGER INVESTMENTS INCORPORATED A Registered InvestineW Advisor Longer Investments Inc. INCOME AND EXPENSES City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund From 01-01-07 Through 12-31-07 Ex -Date Pay -Date Security Amount 02-15-07 02-15-07 Federal Home Loan Bank (NC) 1,312.50 5.250% Due 02-13-09 02-20-07 02-20-07 Federal Home Loan Bank (Callable since 2-20-04 @ 100, CC) 1,262.50 5.050% Due 02-20-13 02-24-07 02-24-07 Federal Home Loan Bank (C 8-24-07 @ 100, 1X) 6,210.00 5.520% Due 02-24-10 03-14-07 03-14-07 Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. (C 3-14-07 @ 100, 1X) 3,825.00 5.100% Due 03-14-08 03-14-07 03-14-07 Federal Home Loan Bank (NC) 65275.00 5.020% Due 09-14-07 03-15-07 03-15-07 Fed Nat'l Mortgage Assoc (Callable 9-15-08 @ 1005 1X) 25700.00 5.400% Due 09-15-11 04-03-07 04-03-07 Federal Home Loan Bank (Callable since 10-3-03 @ 100, CC) 1,058.33 5.080% Due 10-03-12 04-03-07 04-03-07 Fed Nat'l Mortgage Assoc (Callable 10-3-07 @ 100, 1X) 2,562.50 5.125% Due 10-03-08 04-05-07 04-05-07 Federal Home Loan Bank (Callable since 10-5-07 @ 100, CC) 6,250.00 5.000% Due 10-05-12 04-13-07 04-13-07 Federal Farm Credit Bank (Callable 10-13-09 @ 100, CC) 25540.00 5.080% Due 10-13-11 04-24-07 04-24-07 Fed Nat'l Mortgage Assoc (Callable 10-24-08 @ 100, quarterly) 3,000.00 6.000% Due 10-24-16 04-28-07 04-28-07 Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. (Callable 4-28-09 @ 1005 9,000.00 quarterly) 6.000% Due 04-28-16 05-06-07 05-06-07 Federal Farm Credit Bank (Callable since 11-6-06 @ 100, CC) 1,300.00 5.200% Due 11-06-13 05-07-07 05-07-07 Federal Home Loan Bank (Callable since 11-7-05 @ 100, CC) 3,628.13 5.375% Due 11-07-13 05-14-07 05-14-07 Federal Home Loan Bank (Callable 11-14-08 @ 100, 1X) 6,562.50 5.250% Due 11-14-12 05-15-07 05-15-07 Federal Home Loan Bank (NC) 15500.00 6.000% Due 05-13-11 05-15-07 05-15-07 Federal Home Loan Bank (NC) 3,937.50 5.250% Due 11-14-08 05-20-07 05-20-07 Federal Home Loan Bank (Callable 5-20-08 @ 100, 1X) 6,375.00 5.100% Due 11-20-09 05-25-07 05-25-07 Federal Home Loan Bank (Callable since 11-25-05 @ 100, CC) 2,500.00 5.000% Due 05-25-11 06-10-07 06-10-07 Federal Farm Credit Bureau (NC) 1,950.00 5.200% Due 12-10-08 06-12-07 06-12-07 Federal Home Loan Bank (Callable 12-12-08 @ 100, 1X) 6,275.00 5.020% Due 06-12-12 06-22-07 06-22-07 Federal Farm Credit Bank (Callable since 6-22-07 @ 100, CC) 3,312.50 5.300% Due 06-22-15 III LONGER INVESTMENTS INCORPORATED A Registered Investment Advisor Longer Investments Inc. INCOME AND EXPENSES City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund From 01-01-07 Through 12-31-07 Ex -Date Pay -Date Security Amount 06-26-07 06-26-07 Federal Home Loan Bank (Callable 12-26-07 @ 100, 1X) 8,925.00 5.100% Due 12-26-08 06-29-07 06-29-07 Federal Farm Credit Bank (NC) 6.127% YTM 65125.00 6.125% Due 12-29-15 07-07-07 07-07-07 Federal Farm Credit Bank (NC) 3,375.00 6.750% Due 07-07-09 07-10-07 07-11-07 Federal Home Loan Bank (NC) 45078.75 5.020% Due 09-14-07 08-09-07 08-09-07 Federal Home Loan Bank (Callable 2-9-09 @ 100, 1X) 8,400.00 5.250% Due 02-09-11 08-11-07 08-11-07 Federal Farm Credit Bank (NC) 5.31% YTM 2,700.00 5.400% Due 02-11-09 08-15-07 08-15-07 Federal Home Loan Bank (NC) 1,312.50 5.250% Due 02-13-09 08-20-07 08-20-07 Federal Home Loan Bank (Callable since 2-20-04 @ 100, CC) 1,262.50 5.050% Due 02-20-13 08-24-07 08-24-07 Federal Home Loan Bank (C 8-24-07 @ 100, 1X) 6,210.00 5.520% Due 02-24-10 09-15-07 09-15-07 Fed Nat'l Mortgage Assoc (Callable 9-15-08 @ 100, 1X) 2,700.00 5.400% Due 09-15-11 10-03-07 10-03-07 Federal Home Loan Bank (Callable since 10-3-03 @ 100, CC) 1,058.33 5.080% Due 10-03-12 10-03-07 10-03-07 Federal Home Loan Bank (Callable 10-1-10 @ 100, 1X) -27.78 5.000% Due 10-01-12 10-03-07 10-03-07 Fed Nat'l Mortgage Assoc (Callable 10-3-07 @ 100, 1X) 2,562.50 5.125% Due 10-03-08 10-05-07 10-05-07 Federal Home Loan Bank (Callable since 10-5-07 @ 100, CC) 6,250.00 5.000% Due 10-05-12 10-13-07 10-13-07 Federal Farm Credit Bank (Callable 10-13-09 @ 100, CC) 2,540.00 5.080% Due 10-13-11 10-13-07 10-13-07 Federal Home Loan Bank (Callable 4-13-09 @ 100, 1X) 1,631.50 5.020% Due 04-13-11 10-24-07 10-24-07 Fed Nat'l Mortgage Assoc (Callable 10-24-08 @ 100, quarterly) 3,000.00 6.000% Due 10-24-16 10-28-07 10-28-07 Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. (Callable 4-28-09 @ 100, 97000.00 quarterly) 6.000% Due 04-28-16 11-06-07 11-06-07 Federal Farm Credit Bank (Callable since 11-6-06 @ 100, CC) 1,300.00 5.200% Due 11-06-13 11-07-07 11-07-07 Federal Home Loan Bank (Callable since 11-7-05 @ 100, CC) 35628.13 5.375% Due 11-07-13 11-14-07 11-14-07 Federal Home Loan Bank (Callable 11-14-08 @ 1005 1X) 6,562.50 5.250% Due 11-14-12 11-15-07 11-15-07 Federal Home Loan Bank (NC) 1,500.00 6.000% Due 05-13-11 12 LONGER INVESTMENTS INCORPORATED 16 R Registered Irrvestinew Advisor Ex -Date Pay -Date Longer Investments Inc. INCOME AND EXPENSES City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund From 01-01-07 Through 12-31-07 Security Amount 11-15-07 11-15-07 Federal Home Loan Bank (NC) 3,937.50 5.250% Due 11-14-08 11-20-07 11-20-07 Federal Home Loan Bank (Callable 5-20-08 @ 100, 1X) 6,375.00 5.100% Due 11-20-09 11-23-07 11-23-07 Federal Home Loan Bank (Callable since 11-7-05 @ 100, CC) 322.50 5.375% Due 11-07-13 11-25-07 11-25-07 Federal Home Loan Bank (Callable since 11-25-05 @ 100, CC) 2,500.00 5.000% Due 05-25-11 12-07-07 12-07-07 Federal Home Loan Bank (Callable since 11-25-05 @ 100, CC) 166.67 5.000% Due 05-25-11 12-10-07 12-10-07 Federal Farm Credit Bureau (NC) 1,950.00 5.200% Due 12-10-08 12-12-07 12-12-07 Federal Home Loan Bank (Callable 12-12-08 @ 100, 1X) 6,275.00 5.020% Due 06-12-12 12-22-07 12-22-07 Federal Farm Credit Bank (Callable since 6-22-07 @ 100, CC) 3,312.50 j 5.300% Due 06-22-15 12-26-07 12-26-07 Federal Home Loan Bank (Callable 12-26-07 @ 100, 1X) 8,925.00 5.100% Due 12-26-08 j 12-29-07 12-29-07 Federal Farm Credit Bank (NC) 6.127% YTM 6,125.00 6.125% Due 12-29-15 218,379.70 i Treasury Bills 09-27-07 09-27-07 U. S. Treasury Bill Due 9-27-07 4.684% YTM 860.62 12-06-07 12-06-07 U. S. Treasury Bill Due 12-6-07 3.85% YTM 1,155.00 2,015.62 Alternative Investments 12-24-07 12-31-07 Market Vectors Gold Miners 2,533.00 2,533.00 Cash and Equivalents 01-31-07 01-31-07 Money Market 1,552.85 02-28-07 02-28-07 Money Market 786.77 03-31-07 03-31-07 Money Market 1,195.56 04-30-07 04-30-07 Money Market 402.08 05-31-07 05-31-07 Money Market 366.69 06-30-07 06-30-07 Money Market 221.61 07-31-07 07-31-07 Money Market 679.98 08-31-07 08-31-07 Money Market 2,159.66 09-30-07 09-30-07 Money Market 827.64 10-31-07 10-31-07 Money Market 848.00 11-30-07 11-30-07 Money Market 1,111.01 12-31-07 12-31-07 Money Market 138.62 13 Lb LONGER INVESTMENTS INCORPORATED A Registered Investment Advisor Longer Investments Inc. INCOME AND EXPENSES City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund From 01-01-07 Through 12-31-07 Ea -Date Pay -Date 12-31-07 12-31-07 Money Market EXPENSE ACCOUNTS 01-31-07 01-31-07 Automated Cash Mgmt. 01-31-07 01-31-07 Northern Trust Fee 02-28-07 02-28-07 Automated Cash Mgmt. 02-28-07 02-28-07 Northern Trust Fee 03-30-07 03-30-07 Northern Trust Fee 03-31-07 03-31-07 Automated Cash Mgmt. 04-13-07 04-13-07 Foreign Tax on Dividends 04-30-07 04-30-07 Automated Cash Mgmt. 04-30-07 04-30-07 Northern Trust Fee 05-31-07 05-31-07 Automated Cash Mgmt. 05-31-07 05-31-07 Northern Trust Fee 06-05-07 06-05-07 Foreign Tax on Dividends 06-29-07 06-29-07 Northern Trust Fee 06-30-07 06-30-07 Automated Cash Mgmt. 07-13-07 07-13-07 Foreign Tax on Dividends 07-27-07 07-27-07 Foreign Tax on Dividends 07-31-07 07-31-07 Automated Cash Mgmt. 07-31-07 07-31-07 Northern Trust Fee 08-24-07 08-24-07 Foreign Tax on Dividends 08-31-07 08-31-07 Automated Cash Mgmt. 08-31-07 08-31-07 Northern Trust Fee 09-06-07 09-06-07 Foreign Tax on Dividends 09-28-07 09-28-07 Northern Trust Fee 09-30-07 09-30-07 Automated Cash Mgmt. 10-31-07 10-31-07 Automated Cash Mgmt. 10-31-07 10-31-07 Northern Trust Fee 11-29-07 11-29-07 Foreign Tax on Dividends 11-30-07 11-30-07 Automated Cash Mgmt. 11-30-07 11-30-07 Northern Trust Fee 12-31-07 12-31-07 Automated Cash Mgmt. 12-31-07 12-31-07 Automated Cash Mgmt. 12-31-07 12-31-07 Northern Trust Fee MANAGEMENT FEES 01-08-07 01-08-07 Management Fee 04-09-07 04-09-07 Management Fee 07-09-07 07-09-07 Management Fee 10-11-07 10-11-07 Management Fee 14 Amount 1,617.23 11,907.70 ,.. 473.34 24.73 456.41 481.89 37.43 15.70 12.79 461.99 11.64 483.83 47.60 484.48 7.06 15.00 7.28 21.57 486.49 7.28 68.70 455.99 51.14 463.86 26.48 28.95 481.33 55.61 39.89 478.65 5.06 61.16 451.38 6,253.53 20,619.36 20,230.83 20,500.34 20,701.51 82,052.04 LONGER INVESTMENTS INCORPORATED A Registered Investment Advisor Ex -Date Pay -Date NET INCOME Longer Investments Inc. INCOME AND EXPENSES City of Fayetteville Police Pension Fund From 01-01-07 Through 12-31-07 15 Amount 284,749.62 LONGER INVESTMENTS INCORPORATED 16 A Registered Investment Advisor