HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-10-27 - MinutesMINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE TECHNICAL PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE A regular meeting of the Technical Plat Review Committee was held on October 27, 2004 at 9:00 a.m. in room 111 in the City Administration Building, 113 W. Mountain, Fayetteville, Arkansas. ITEMS CONSIDERED ACTION TAKEN LSP 04-1283: Lot Split (SUSAN ALGER, 256) Page 2 LSP 04-1284: Lot Split (IRA ZAKARIADZE, 439) Page 6 LSP 04-1292: Lot Split (REINDL, 484) Page 9 FPL 04-1278: Final Plat (ALLEN SUBDIVISION, 140) Page 11 FPL 04-1285: Final Plat (BRIDGEPORT PH. 7, 360) Page 13 Forwarded Forwarded Forwarded Forwarded Forwarded FPL 04-1289: Final Plat (Benton Ridge R-PZD 03-06.00, 527): Tabled (No Representative) LSD 04-1287: (RUPPLE ROAD SCHOOLS, 477): Forwarded Page 19 LSD 04-1288: (LEGGETT AND PLATT, 519) Forwarded Page 28 STAFF PRESENT STAFF ABSENT Brent O'Neal Jeremy Pate Suzanne Morgan Leif Olson Renee Thomas Allison Jumper UTILITIES PRESENT UTILITIES ABSENT Mike Phipps, Ozark Electric Coop. Larry Gibson, Cox Communications Johney Boles, Arkansas Western Gas Jim Sargent, AEP/ SWEPCO Technical Plat October 27, 2004 Page 2 LSP 04-1283: Lot Split (SUSAN ALGER, 256): Submitted by TOM WEBB for property located at ROM ORCHARD RD. The property is zoned R -A, RESIDENTIAL - AGRICULTURAL and contains approximately 10.13 acres. The request is to divide the subject property into two tracts of 7.495 and 2.635 acres. Morgan: Welcome to the Technical plat meeting of October 27, 2004. We have eight items on the agenda, and we will start with, the first item is a Lot Split 04-1283 for Susan Alger. Submitted by Tom Webb for property located on Rom Orchard Road. It is zoned Residential Agricultural. The request is to split the property. I'lI first go over some planning items which you may have already looked through. If you have any questions, just let me know. First just request a disk of the final AutoCAD drawings after all revisions have been made. Webb: As opposed to e-mail? Morgan: Yes. Also, this will require a conditional use for a tandem lot that has been submitted and will be to the tracked with this Lot Split to the Planning Commission for their determination. Also, one single is permitted on that tandem lot within the city. Several parcels located on the parcel map in the county weren't identified. One in particular and I just noted that to see if you could see where that was. Webb: t spoke with the adjustor's office because their map is in error. Morgan: And also there are several different properties around here. This fifty foot access easement is actually part of the larger tract, and if we could kind of get an understanding of the surrounding properties just to see how they correlate with this. Please provide a floodplain reference. I do not see one on here. Webb: Down at the bottom of my certification, I have a statement that is not in the fifty foot access area. Morgan: That will be sufficient, thank you. If you could also include the legal description for the 7.495 acre tract. We'll just need one for each. Webb: And you'll need it on this plat. Morgan: Yes. Mention the right-of-way from center line on Rom Orchard Road. Webb: Now I've got this dimension here and this dimension here. Is that applicable. This is from the centerline to the right-of-way, and I think this is from the center line to the right-of-way. Technical Plat October 27, 2004 Page 3 Morgan: Webb: Morgan: Webb: Morgan: O'Neal: Webb: O'Neal: Webb: O'Neal: Webb: O'Neal: Webb: O'Neal: Webb: O'Neal: Webb: Yes, it looks like that will work, thank you. And just provide owner/developer information on the plat. There is, if there is an existing drive onto Rom Orchard Drive, there is not existing? No, it's just grass. Okay. And county approval will be required for this because it is partially within the county. I've included a certificate of owner and dedication block for this to be shown on here and signed by the property owner. Is there a copy in my material? Yes. And I just kind of went over briefly, the main points. There's some other things listed in there that you might need to look at. There's an existing waterline that runs down Rom Orchard Road; you need to show that in the easement. That four inch water line, we have not been able to find the easement on that. We know it's there, and we've located it, but Washington Country Abstract wasn't able to find an easement for it. General easement is 20 feet. So, we just need to show the lines and indicate that it has a 20 foot easement. Okay. It may be within the right-of-way of Rom. It is. In that case you probably need to show it in the right-of-way. Also there's a vacated street here, t think it's Old Skillern. It's to the south of the highway. Is it further south? Okay. I believe there's a water line that runs down that. I just wasn't sure where it was. Yeah, it's about 300 feet south. The only other comment I have is if there are any other existing structures on the property, show those. There's an old shed that's basically falling down. It's not a permanent structure. Technical Plat October 27, 2004 Page 4 O'Neal: I believe that's all. Allison. Parks fees in the amount of $555 dollars will be due before the building permit. Morgan: Utility comments? Mike Phipps — Ozark Electric Coop. Phipps: Mike Phipps, Ozark Electric. Any real relocation of the existing facilities will be at the developer's expense. I'd like to show a 20 foot easement along Rom Orchard Road. Webb: The line is on the east side of Rom Orchard, which is all part of the developer's property. However, we erred on our original plat. I'll send this down to you; there is an Ozark's Electric transmission that crosses the corner of this property, which we just did not have turned on when we caught the thing. Phipps: Okay. Yeah, probably a 50 foot easement then. Everything on the east side to get through this property and I'm sure this will be for gas and phone and cable TV is the 20 foot easement outside of that right-of-way on Rom all the way through Rom there. Webb: Unless I'm mistaken, with the exception of the right-of-way, the existing utilities are on the east side of the road. The gas, Southwestern Bell and Ozark, all are on the east side. Phipps: If we bring utilities to this property, we're going to need an easement on that side to get over there. Webb: When they originally broke up the Lancaster property, the assumption was all of the property owners here, that this 50 foot easement would be used for utilities, and that it would be a general utility easement as well as ingress and egress. Phipps: Well, we're not looking for any buildings in this area? Webb: As far as I know, there's no plan for the developer to do anything with this tract where the pond is. All she wants to do is sell Mr. Johnson this tandem lot in the back here and the access to that and the utilities would be along this 50 foot easement. That's the plan. And really, given this pond, that's about the only way you can get anything in here. Technical Plat October 27, 2004 Page 5 Phipps: I can see that. Well, if I don't have to access that, I can access from the east side into that 50 foot egress easement, that I wouldn't have any need for anything on the left side, would you Johny? Johny Boles — Arkansas Western Gas Boles: Yeah, I still need to get one through. Webb: Okay, and this is for which utility? Boles: For gas for future replacement for future use. Webb: Okay, where will the easement need to be located? Boles: Parallel adjacent to the Rom Orchard right-of-way all the way up through here as highlighted there. Webb: 20 feet. Webb: And I guess we ought to make that a general utility easement. Boles: Yes. Webb: I don't think that will be a problem. Larry Gibson — Cox Communications Gibson: Larry Gibson, Cox Communications. I agree with the easement. That's all I have. Morgan: Are there any existing structures on this property? Webb: No, with the exception of that shed I mentioned. There's a small shed right there that's falling down. Morgan: Revisions are due on November 3`d by 10:00 a.m. for the Subdivision Committee and if you have any questions, just let us know. Webb: Will do. Thank you very much. Morgan: Thank you. Technical Plat October 27, 2004 Page 6 LSP 04-1284: Lot Split (IRA ZAKARIADZE, 439): Submitted by IRAKLI & IAKOBASHVILOLGA ZAKARIADZE for property located at LOT 59 MEADOWLANDS S/D. The property is zoned RT -12, RESIDENTIAL TWO & THREE FAMILY and contains approximately 0.00 acres. The request is to divide the subject property into two tracts of 0.202 and 0.229 acres. Morgan: Olson: Zakariadze: The second item on the agenda is a lot split for Ira Zakariadze and Leif is doing this project if the applicant would like to come up. Planning comments, there are a few things that we need to have shown. The properties adjacent to this, you had our old zoning designations on there, R-1, R-1.5, if you could have your surveyor change those to our current designations. And all these comments are in the packet I just gave you. Additionally, if you could show the right-of-way dimension from the center line of Larkspur Drive to the front property line. Is this somewhere on the plat? Olson: You've got your centerline shown. If you could show this dimension from the centerline to the edge of the property line there. Your building setback lines, it looks like all but one or two have the dimension on them, so if you could have your surveyor put the dimensions on these building setback lines. The eight foot one on the south. And then I just have a note in here for your understanding, because of the odd shape of this lot, your building envelope within these setback lines is triangular, so if you're planning on constructing another building, I don't think this one would fit in here. You may have to do something creative to get your building within those setback lines. Zakariadze: Olson: Zakariadze: Olson: O'Neal: Sure. We already gave a plan for a single dwelling, it's going to be a duplex of course. It's kind of T-shaped. So we have those. Good. Are you going to use a shared access for this, for your drive? We talked about that. We'll decide. If you're going to do a new curb cut, you're going to need to show it's location and dimension. And if you could have your surveyor show the existing driveway, to the duplex that's there in the parking area, just so that we do have an understanding of where that driveway curb cut is, and where that parking area is. And those are all the comments that Planning has. Mr. Zakariadze, I know we discussed this briefly, like a month ago or so. Before we can approve this, we need to see how these lots are going to be served with sewer. I know the existing sewer is a little bit to the south, Technical Plat October 27, 2004 Page 7 and I'm not sure how this existing duplex is served. That needs to be shown as well as how you're proposing to serve the new house that is to the north, and that's fine, but we need to see the existing services. We also need to clarify the existing water service. I'm not sure, but I believe this is the meter for one half of the duplex, and this is a meter for the other half, and if that is the case, this meter would have to be relocated to the lot line. Zakariadze: I think at this point, we were going to stick with the old projection as far as sewer line goes. We talked about here, but I think we were going to, we already have, we have the engineering plan for a sewer plan with two man holes. This project was approved two years ago, the reason that we're sitting here, that's a pretty expensive project and I was trying to delay that. I think we're going to stick with this expensive project anyway, with two manholes and what we've already got planned for that. O'Neal: Then that will be fine, we'll review those plans upon submittal. And I really don't have anything else, just show any easements and label utilities. Alison Jumper — Parks Department Jumper: Parks fees will be $555 for a single family unit. Mike Phipps — Ozark Electric Coop. Phipps: I do remember this coming through a couple of years ago. Our power is down here with that existing duplex where you've got the E label for the secondary pedestal, we're going to need an easement to get to this future lot, and I'm sure gas and everybody's going to need one up through there. Somewhere in that eight foot setback, or right through here we're going to need 20 foot to get to this point. Zakariadze: We already talked about it with Ozark Electric, they were going to put a pedestal here. Boles: Up on the north side? Phipps: Way up here? Zakariadze: As I recall, yeah. Phipps: Okay, well you probably talked to somebody besides me then. It was a couple of years ago. Yeah, we could access it from that side. Yeah, I believe you probably talked with somebody else on that. Technical Plat October 27, 2004 Page 8 Zakariadze: This project was approved, with the condition to make a sewer line over there and just before that, they couldn't do that without officially split lots. Phipps: Okay, if we've got that covered I have no other comments. Johny Boles — Arkansas Western Gas Boles: No comment. Larry Gibson — Cox Communications Gibson: No comment. Morgan: Revisions are due on November 3rd by 10:00 a.m. And then it will go to the Subdivision Committee meeting. Technical Plat October 27, 2004 Page 9 LSP 04-1292: Lot Split (REINDL, 484): Submitted by BRIAN REINDL REINDL PROPERTIES for property located at 580 W MEADOW STREET. The property is zoned C-3, CENTRAL COMMERCIAL and contains approximately 1.02 acres. The request is to divide the subject property into two tracts of 0.12 and 0.90 acres respectively. Morgan: Next item is a Lot Split for Reindl, LSP 04-1292 submitted by Brian Reindl for property located at 580 W. Meadow Street. We'll just review the lot split. The request is to split the property into two tracts of .90 and .12 acres. Let me give you the comments for both the property line adjustment and the lot split. There are significant comments on the property line adjustment. So I'll let you review those and Jeremy is handling the project, so you can contact him next week. Or if you have any more questions, you can contact us. As for the lot split, there are some Planning comments for that. The existing building is an existing non -conforming structure and it does not meet building setbacks, but there is a note that this Lot Split does not further expand that non -conformity. The plat submitted for review needs to be in a measurable scale. It would be helpful so we can measure it. And those are actually the only Planning comments for this lot split, to separate those tracts. O'Neal: On the lot split, we need you showing all the adjacent property owners, on the property line adjustment, they're not shown, so you need to make sure that they're on there. On the sanitary sewer, I know there's a lot of it out there. Label the sizes, make sure that they're all showing. The main thing is showing, and this is going to be for both buildings, the location of the water meters and the services and the sanitary sewer services because we need to make sure where those are. Bunch: Just FYI, we are filing a Large Scale in December, and we are going to have to relocate that 12" sewer line and readjust all of that and make easements, and we'll get all kinds of fun. O'Neal: Sounds that way. I kind of anticipated that. That's really all my comments. Jumper: Stay in touch with Steve for the trails. Bunch: That's actually why this is happening. We're coming back to resplit out what we put together two years ago. Morgan: I think those comments might actually be in the packet, so you might want to check those out. Utility comments? Technical Plat October 27, 2004 Page 10 Mike Phipps — Ozark Electric Coop. Phipps: No comment. Johny Boles — Arkansas Western Gas Boles: No comment. Gibson: You've already moved all of our stuff. Morgan: Revisions are due on the 3`d. Thank you. Technical Plat October 27, 2004 Page 11 FPL 04-1278: Final Plat (ALLEN SUBDIVISION, 140): Submitted by DAVE JORGENSEN for property located at 4111 OLD WIRE ROAD. The property is in the Planning Area and contains approximately 9.50 acres. The request is to approve the Final Plat of a residential subdivision with 3 single family lots proposed. Morgan: Our next item is final plat for Allen subdivision submitted by Dave Jorgensen for property located at 4111 Old Wire Road in the Planning area and contains 9.50 acres. If you would whenever all revisions have been made prior to filing this kind of plat, submit an AutoCAD drawing, also just to go over some of the main notes for Planning, the city will not require copies of the permits for septic systems, because all of these lots are now above 1.5 acres. So Note #4 is not needed. Also if you could, get the septic system information removed from the plat or complete that chart. Also if you could review the certification blocks that are attached with this packet. There are a couple wording changes on some of these. And I believe there is one certification for setbacks for the development administrator to sign. If you could make sure that it's signed and attached to the packet. Also, the plat notes that the right-of-way shall be dedicated by a separate document. I know that that was what we were going to do when this was originally a concurrent plat, but this can be per this plat, so you can revise that note. Also I was wondering, what is this structure on Lot 1? It looks like it's within the proposed right-of-way. Jorgensen: Yes, it's an old shed that's being tom down. Morgan: Will it be removed then with this? I don't want to dedicate right of way through an existing structure. So we can have that structure removed, or you need to revise where that dedication is going to be. Jorgensen: I'm pretty sure that it's going to be tom down by the time this gets ready to be filed. Morgan: Okay, we'll just need to confirm that before we file this. Also, typically on final plats we require 911 addresses approved by the 911 Coordinator. Because these lots are so large, he's not able to give specific addresses. And County Planning approval is required prior to the Subdivision Committee. Brent O'Neal — Staff Engineer O'Neal: The only comment I have is to show the location of the existing water meter for that existing house. If these lots are developed in the future, then you will need to show that. Morgan: We don't have any parks comments because we're in the county. Are there any utility comments for the Allen Subdivision? Technical Plat October 27, 2004 Page 12 All: No comment. Morgan: Fire did actually include comments in here, stating access roads at least 20 feet in width, you may want to address this. So that's all, is there anything you'd like to add? Jorgensen: That'll do. Morgan: Okay, revisions are due on November 3rd by 10:00 a.m. Jorgensen: Thanks a lot. Technical Plat October 27, 2004 Page 13 FPL 04-1285: Final Plat (BRIDGEPORT PH. VII, 360): Submitted by GEOFFREY BATES for property located at MT. COMFORT ROAD. The property is zoned RSF-4, SINGLE FAMILY - 4 UNITS/ACRE and contains approximately 17.40 acres. The request is to approve the Final Plat of a phase of a residential subdivision with 13 single- family lots proposed. Morgan: Our next item is FPL 04-1285 for Bridgeport Phase VII, submitted by Geoffrey Bates for property located on Mt. Comfort Rd. The property is zoned RSF-4 and is approximately 17.4 acres. The request is to approve the Final Plat for phase VII for 13 single family lots. I'll just run through planning comments. Condition five of the Preliminary Plat states the property line adjustment shall be filed to create this tract for phases seven and eight. And we will just need to process that by this next subdivision Committee. Also if you could submit the proposed covenants just for Planning Commission records when those are ready. Also for plat comments, if you could identify adjacent zoning on the plat as well as update the vicinity map to show Master Street Plan streets, some are Newbridge Road, Rupple Road, and Salem Road just need to be clearly identified on the vicinity map. If you could identify Phase VII. Because this is the final plat for Phase VII, but both Phase VII and Phase VIII are shown on the vicinity map, if you just could focus more in on Phase VII. If you if you could show easements, the easements shown on these rear lots, it's identified as a twenty foot building setback and UE, the preliminary plat did not have a UE in the rear, if it's not needed we could remove it. It's going through some of these trees. Phipps: We're going to request it. Morgan: You're going to request it? Phipps: Yes we are. Morgan: Okay. Some of these utility easements on the north and the south are shown through the Tree Preservation areas, so you may wish to, the 20 foot UE went all the way back through here. I'll read the Landscape Administrator's comments. You might need to change those. Bates: Somebody else requested those for the city. I put a drainage easement hear for that, we pulled our Tree Preservation back. I put a drainage easement in here to do as little damage as possible to the trees. We have to have a utility easement along that sewer line. There's no trees in there. Yeah, we could move that up because there's nothing on that end. We'll go ahead and fix that. Morgan: Also if you could increase the font of some of these; it's really hard to read what these lot widths are. And it's very deceiving to look at this, this Technical Plat October 27, 2004 Page 14 is just the Final Plat for this stage but because this phase is shown, it's a little bit deceiving. So if you could, just maybe remove some of the outlining information or further shade out. Bates: Okay, we just weren't sure how far along they were going to need it. We tried to do it all at once, but that's my fault. Morgan: A sign needs to be installed at the west stub out for this prior to final plat just stating that it will be a street that will continue through and you can work with the transportation division to get a sign saying that that's a stub out. Because there's a temporary cul-de-sac that will be constructed we don't want people to go buy a lot there thinking that that street will not go through. If you could also include addresses for these lots that are being proposed to be finaled and you could contact Mr. Johnson for that. Also as a condition of the preliminary plat, the construction office to the north of the subject property shall be removed prior to finaling this phase, and a final inspection is required prior to Subdivision Committee. Bates: Will this need to be removed at this phase, or by the time that that other one? Morgan: This phase. I will go through Jeremy's comments. For landscaping, Tree Preservation, Mr. Pate has requested per the approval of the Tree Preservation plan at the time of the preliminary plat, place those areas of canopy along the riparian corridor for Hamestring Creek into a separate Tree Preservation Easement. For single family subdivisions, this requires the creation of a separate and distinct lot. And he requests that you define the south perimeter of the lot along the floodway line, where practical. And that's one reason why I was bringing up these. Bates: This will be one big lot right there. Morgan: Also, to allow access to said Tree Preservation Area, he requested a pedestrian access easement, preferably along the existing electric easement between lots 3 and 4. Ownership will need to be established by the POA for this, and if you could include a note of that on the final plat. Also if you could revise the Landscape Administrator's signature block, and he's included the correct signature block in here. And he also requests that you change the name of all Tree Preservation Areas to "Green Space/Preserved Tree Canopy" with the exception of the one lot to be designated as a perpetual easement, along the floodway. Brent O'Neal — Staff Engineer Technical Plat October 27, 2004 Page 15 O'Neal: Geoff, I'll be reading Mike Rozelle's, our Flood Plain Administrator's comments first. Show Minimum Finished Floor Elevations for all lots backing up to Hamestring Creek or where existing grades are below the Base Flood Elevation. Bates: I don't think there is any. I think they're all way above. O'Neal: Okay, if you could just note that. Their elevations. Correctly spell the creek name on plat. Revise label for Existing 100 yr flood plain to" 100 yr Flood Hazard Zone AE Per F.I.R.M." (Flood Insurance Rate Map)Label Floodway per F.I.R.M.Show cross sections from F.I.R.M. with Base Flood Elevations. Flood Certification appears to be based on an out of date F.I.R.M. Verify floodplain using current F.I.R.M. The final inspection must be complete and accepted prior to Subdivision Committee. Clearly show the site on the vicinity map. Label the cul-de-sac as temporary on the plat. And that kind of goes in conjunction with the required sign. And they're also going to require a bond for the curb and gutter and sidewalk to be completed at the time that that stub out is continued to the east. Adjust Lots 1-7 as the Landscape Administrator comments. The utility easements, I believe, can be ended, the ones that go between 2,3,5, and 6. They could be ended at the, where you're breaking off those lots so they don't have to continue there. I don't believe they have to go all the way to the backside of that, unless the utility people require that. Bates: I think those were just drainage easements. I don't think there's any utilities in that. O'Neal: I don't think there will be any point to continue along the creek. O'Neal: If you could provide an approximate description of the approximate edge of the floodplain. That kind of goes with the Floodplain Administrator's comments. The rest of them are just our standard comments. Jumper: I've been in touch with Mr. Helmer recently and so this is scheduled to be on November 8, Parks ordered to be revisited on for money in lieu, and then we will look at the trails. Phipps: Are we going to go front on each side? Gibson: Just cut the 6 4s. It's got the just ignore this. Phipps: Are we going to go through those Tree Preservation areas. Boles: We really need to go through those. Technical Plat October 27, 2004 Page 16 Morgan: Boles: Gibson: Bates: Boles: Bates: Gibson: Morgan: Bates: Boles: Morgan: Bates: Morgan: Bates: Morgan: Bates: They were to be preserved through the construction of the phase, but they're not preservation lots per say. And you can see long term in that next phase, we're going to need to go right down through the middle of that one. That's the long term routing plan that we're going to have to go by. You can keep that if you want to. So you want to go right down the middle of that ravine. Right down the property line and down there. You want to come down the back? Won't be able to. Are there significant trees in this, do you know? I don't know, I don't think. Do you need to come over here anyways to get to this line? I think they're trying to buy this so we can continue on through this. That'll work. Fire did have one comment. Dead ends need to have a 96 diameter measurement. They are shown having the 76 for diameter. They always say that, but it's not the City's minimum. We always go back to this, they always want a 90 foot cul-de-sac. Okay, well, revisions are due on November 3`d, but there are several requirements that are going to need to be processed or whatever. Because the Parks plan was not even on this lot. The Parks plan was northern. If you could, whenever that meeting is resolved and the Parks plan, if you could just kind of submit a drawing showing where, how this parkland will be addressed so that the Subdivision Committee will know. Is this something new making this a lot now? That never came up on the PPL. Morgan: He references previous findings I believe on the preliminary plat. Technical Plat October 27, 2004 Page 17 Bates: I think Craig started this, and I don't think that was a comment back then. Morgan: It says per approval of the Tree Preservation plan at the time of the preliminary plat, placed those areas into a separate Tree Preservation easement for a single family subdivision it requires a separate plot because someone Bates: And the POA's supposed to maintain all of that. I don't know about that, that's going to be kind of difficult to get down to that. It's kind of... anyway. Morgan: Thank you. Technical Plat October 27, 2004 Page 18 FPL 04-1289: Final Plat (BENTON RIDGE R-PZD 03-06.00, 527): Submitted by JERRY KELSO for property located at E SIDE OF CROSSOVER RD., N OF HWY 16E AND S OF WYMAN ROAD. The property is zoned R-PZD, RESIDENTIAL PLANNED ZONING DIST. and contains approximately 8.34 acres. The request is to approve the Final Plat of an R-PZD, Residential Planned Zoning District, with 28 lots containing 40 dwelling units, based on the approved R-PZD plans. Morgan: Our next item is the Final Plat for Benton Ridge, RPZD 03-06.00 submitted by Jerry Kelso. This property is zoned Residential Planned Zoning District, approximately 8.34 acres. Is the applicant here? I see no applicant, this item will be tabled until the next Technical Plat Review meeting. Technical Plat October 27, 2004 Page 19 LSD 04-1287: Large Scale Development (RUPPLE ROAD SCHOOLS, 477): Submitted by WES BURGESS/KURTIS JONES CRAFTON TULL & ASSOCIATES/RUSSELLVILLE for property located at THE SW CORNER OF THE FUTURE INTERSECTION OF RUPPLE ROAD AND PERSIMMON ST. The property is zoned R -A, RESIDENTIAL -AGRICULTURAL and contains approximately 22.94 acres. The request is to approve the development of a 143,000 01 single story school building with 219 parking spaces proposed. Morgan: Our next item then is Large Scale Development 04-1287 for Rupple Road schools, submitted by Crafton, Tull for property at the southwest corner of the future intersection of Rupple Road and Persimmon Street. The property is zoned Residential Agricultural and contains approximately 22.94 acres. And the request is to approve the development of a 143,000 SF single story school. O'Neal: One of my comments is to submit the next one on 24 x 36. That's one of mine Burgess: Don't ya'lI have a minimum scale? That'd be a lot easier for us too. We'll take it down to 80% or, I think 60% may fit on there. Morgan: For planning comments, the application lists a parcel number 001-11773- owned 01-11773- owned by Sloan Properties. The location of the site is actually on the McBryde Trust property. There's just one change in that parcel number. The application will need to be signed by the owner of the existing parcel. The proposed Tracts A and B as shown on this are not yet existing. And in order to create those, it can be done by ADM lot splits, but we will need to have an application for those lot splits before we can go ahead with this. Also a question, the northern four plus acre tract what is the purpose to the tract? You have an access driveway through it, but I didn't quite understand. Burgess: That's the primary reason for it, the school wanted to have access to Persimmon, so the property owner, I don't know why it's two separate tracts, I can't answer that, but he threw that in fro free. The school's buying this tract, and the developer is giving them that tract. Morgan: Okay, because we're going to need process a lot split to create these tracts, I don't know if it's possible to include it all as one tract and then work out whatever exchange of money. A conditional use has been submitted to allow this residential agricultural zoning and will tract that with this large scale development. As for Plat comments, if you could identify the plat page #439 on the site plan. These are all, I'm just kind of reading from here. If you could also improve the vicinity map to show Master Street Plan streets, clearly identify the boundaries of that project location, and Technical Plat October 27, 2004 Page 20 show the floodplain. Those were the three things. GIS did have some comments regarding state plane coordinates. I included those. And if you could also dimension the right-of-way, total and from centerline for Rupple and Persimmon. Just a question of building height with those structures from ground level. I didn't know exactly what that was. I don't think it will have a difference on what your setbacks are. Burgess: No I think it's about 35 feet. Morgan: For anything about 15 feet, we require an additional setback. But this looks like it's pretty far from that. Burgess: I think we can get that. Morgan: I think so If you could also provide the owner information on the site plan. The Fayetteville School District is shown but the owner is not. And also, if you could show all the dumpster locations. One is identified, I don't know if that will be sufficient. I don't know what your plan is for solid waste pickup. But there's one here. Burgess: We're just going to recycle in into the cafeteria's. Morgan: I don't know, I haven't been to school in a long time...And then those dumpsters will need to be screened from the right-of-way. Persimmon Street's designated a collector and Rupple is a minor arterial on the Master Street Plan. Right-of-way just needs to be dimensioned reflecting those requirements, 35 feet from the centerline of Persimmon and 45 feet for Rupple. And we made need to process a warranty deed for the right-of- way. It really should show two lot split requirements. But we'll just need to take a look at that. Also, staff recommends the access to Persimmon street be constructed as a three lane, one in and two out, to allow for greater possible use for movement there. If you could also provide any infrastructure agreements with adjacent property owners or developers regarding the construction of those streets. And Brent, did you have othe comments about that. And if you could also explain the traffic patterns, pick up drop off, where the bus routes are going to be. Staff also recommends sidewalk connections from the school to Persimmon Street. There are a lot of subdivisions over here, single family and others, and we predict that a lot of kids will be wanting to come down here and probably take the shortest route as possible instead of going all the way around Rupple. Something, maybe a possible sidewalk along there. It's just a recommendation to facilitate pedestrian traffic. And if you could locate location of parking lot lighting. We did receive your elevations, and staff believes that they are complaint with commercial design standards. The Planning Commission will make a determination of that. If you could also though, provide the location and elevations of all signage, all signage Technical Plat October 27, 2004 Page 21 proposed, whether it be wall signs, directional signs, monument signs, so they can take a look at that. All proposed utilities need to be located underground. I don't know if any are existing here, just need to be relocated underground. And I didn't really see any utility areas, but any utilities on the property would just need to be screened. Jones: As far as mechanical units, that sort of thing? Morgan: Mechanical units, or you know, I don't know, the elevations didn't show any ac units, but those need to be screened. Burgess: We can show that. Morgan: That's pretty much all the main comments for Planning. O'Neal: I'm going to read the Flood Plain Administrator's comments first. Revise legend for Existing 100 yr flood plain to" 100 yr Flood Hazard Zone AE Per F.I.R.M." (Flood Insurance Rate Map) Revise legend for Existing floodway to" Floodway Per F.I.R.M." (Flood Insurance Rate Map). The proposed finished floor must be 2 feet above the highest adjacent base flood elevation. It appears it is necessary to fill designated flood plain areas, the following criteria must be met prior to issuance of a building permit: Submittal of a flood plain development permit and plans designed by a licensed engineer, architect or landscape architect in a accordance with the Flood Damage Prevention Code. For structures, bridges, fill or changes to the water course within the regulatory floodway, a certification from a registered professional engineer must be provided stating that the encroachments shall not result in any increase in flood levels. And that's mainly in reference to the crossing from Persimmon. Since someone else is making a crossing on Rupple, this will say you don't have to do that. For structures, fill or changes to the water course that will increase the base flood elevations, applicant must apply for a conditional letter of map amendment through FEMA prior to issuance of a permit, and the applicant must apply for a floodway revision through FEMA once the project is complete. The bridge proposed crossing Owl Creek shall be designed to accommodate the design storm by providing at least a 1 foot of freeboard from the lowest chord of the bridge to the design storm water surface. If you have any other questions, you can contact Mr. Rozell in my office. Engineering, Item #2 is on the application for LSD, there's a checklist if you just follow that checklist, that would take care of a lot of the other comments that were mentioned previously. The waterline that loops around the school, you need to label the size of that. And provide an easement for that line. I'm just looking; I don't believe there's an easement shown for the sewer line as well. And another thing on the sewer, I know Crafton and Tull is doing the adjacent development to the east, we'd just like to see something that shows how that development's Technical Plat October 27, 2004 Page 22 also going to have access to sewer because it would make sense to flow west to the new treatment plant. And how that tie in is going to be made. We know it's going to be coming through somewhere here, we'd just like to see something in reference to that. Comment #5 is just kind of a general comment. No grading within the floodway. I know on the southwest side there, it gets a little close, so I just want to make sure you're up out of the floodway. Label all the contours, existing and proposed and you might adjust the shading. Burgess: We had a copier problem. O'Neal: And we are going to require a capacity study of the sewer downstream of your connection. We just want to make sure that with this development to the east and with school open, that our downstream can handle the flow. All of the rest of them are standard comments if you have any questions, feel free to give me a call. On the drainage report, you just need to provide clear pre and post development drainage area maps. And provide calculations on how those storms. We don't normally see drainage reports done in Hec 1, I'm still piecing my way through it, and if you just provide a little bit more information on where those numbers come from. I haven't found anybody that has actually done a drainage report in Hec 1 to give me a little bit of guidance. Any information you give me would be great. And just clearly label the storm events. And that's all I have. Morgan: I'll just kind of run through the Landscape Administrator's comments. There are seven Tree Preservation Plan comments for Landscape Plan comments. For Tree Preservation Plan, he notes that not all required materials were submitted so that before this item was scheduled for the next public meeting, a site analysis map and site analysis report shall be submitted for review by the Landscape Administrator. All required materials were not submitted. Before this item will be scheduled for the next public meeting, a site analysis map and site analysis report shall be submitted for review by the Landscape Administrator. Consult the Landscape Manual for information that needs to be included in this report and plan. Indicate all easements on the Tree Preservation Plan. The 8 -inch sewer extension along the creek will likely require an easement. Either relocate the line outside of high priority canopy areas or recalculate preserved canopy figures to remove canopy within the easement from being preserved. Is the Rupple Road tree -line counted in the existing/removed tree calculations? As this is a Master Street Plan street with required right-of-way dedication in this location, these trees should not be counted within the existing or removed calculations. The number of on-site mitigation trees required depends upon many factors, including the amount, condition and priority of canopy being removed. Riparian areas are identified as high priority, requiring a density factor of 218 SF, not the 436 SF noted. The site analysis will enable staff to better determine Technical Plat October 27, 2004 Page 23 if the riparian trees being removed are within this high priority category. Indicate with a clear graphic the canopy proposed to be removed. Planting locations of on-site mitigation trees need to be located on the landscape plan. Trees are expected to be located in locations on the site where the environmental benefits of the canopy cover are most likely to offset the impact of the development. Trees shall not be placed in utility easements or in other locations where their future protection cannot be assured. Please coordinate with the Landscape Administrator to select a higher variety of mitigation trees that are appropriate to the riparian corridor. Since I'm talking I'll just go over Fire Department comments really quickly. Hydrant spacing needs to be addressed for their requirements. Sprinkler system, there needs to be a freestanding FDC with dedicated hydrant. Also, they mentioned a hood system for the kitchen, alarm and dedication system, and question regarding front access and turns. You may want to contact them concerning their aerial apparatus and see what they need for that. Burgess: Who do I contact? Morgan: Kyle Curry. He's with the fire marshal's office. Are there any utility comments? Mike Phipps — Ozarks Electric Coop. Phipps: Larry, do you have any comments on coming down Rupple Road? I think, did we get it to cross that on that other subdivision on Rupple Road? Larry Gibson — Cox Communications Gibson: In the southeast corner, I think the crossings we're going to need probably is going to be right there with Persimmon. 6 4 inches there, and then the driveways. Jones: Okay, all we're doing as a part of this project is, I mean these streets aren't included in this. I mean, we can have crossings under the drives. Gibson: Under the driveways and Persimmon Street up here on this corner. Through the subdivision up here, Rupple Road subdivision, we could come out of that going down Rupple. Jones: What do you need out of that. Gibson: Six four inch conduits out of that. That'll cover electric, cable, phone, gas. Jones: I can check and see if there's a utility on Persimmon, I don't think there is though. Technical Plat October 27, 2004 Page 24 Gibson: That's right, that things paved out back there. Well it stubs back there doesn't it. Jones: Yeah, they're going to be redesigning that intersection anyway, and so. Gibson: Well, if it's stubbed back in there and they're not going to disturb that asphalt, we may want to get them to put a crossing back here in the west a little bit. But, I misunderstood, I thought you were doing the crossing. Jones: No, we're not doing it. Gibson: So you're just basically doing the site. When the school comes, it's going to come back through, when they get the detail on the school, etc. Jones: This is the LSD for the school. Gibson: The comment I'm going to make on it, we don't charge schools for cable TV, it's furnished to them, but we do want them to do the interior wiring and we'll furnish the wire. But you need to contact me because I'll need to know where the classrooms are and how many, and I'll draw up a layout. We just ask them to furnish the conduits to get access to the school and do the interior wiring. Jones: Then they do the interior wiring and the conduits? Gibson: But I'll need to get where they need to be, show me where the classrooms are, and I'll draw them up. Morgan: There was an additional comment regarding the size of trash location. Burgess: Okay, we'll address that. Morgan: And I just wanted to let you know that although this has been submitted, as well as a conditional use, it seems that there are a couple of thing that are going to hold it back. Possibly the Tree Preservation requirement and the lot split, so if we don't get everything we need to get by Subdivision Committee, the revision date, then we'll postpone that meeting. And if you could just state your names for the record, I'm sorry. Jones: Kurt Jones and Wes Burgesss. Phipps: Until I've got the utility plans showing the transformer location, and all this, I cannot request any easements until I know where those are going to be. Technical Plat October 27, 2004 Page 25 Burgess: Phipps: Jones: Now, will you need actual easements coming across side just to serve. Yeah, let's leave them. They're going to locate the transformer probably within 100 feet within. We've got that where we anticipate the utilities coming in down here on the south side, we knew the transformer would be within a certain distance. We just don't know exactly where. Johns Boles — Arkansas Western Gas Boles: Jones: Phipps: Jones: Phipps: Jones: Gibson: Jones: Boles: Burgess: Boles: Burgess: Morgan: Phipps: Where's the south property line on the Fayetteville Boys and Girls Club? It's the south property line, it's way up here. We've got to come from the fire station, pretty much, down through Rupple Road and through here. So you need an easement running through the front of this site and back this way. A twenty foot general. How does that, okay. Is it possible to get an easement all the way down through here? That UE'll be useful for us also. Those crossings should cover everybody that's going to go in through there. Okay, and they'll be centered or spaced in that 20 foot UE. What about sidewalks, are you going to put sidewalks down through there? Yeah, there'll be a sidewalk along Rupple Road and a sidewalk along Persimmon here. It's shown, it's just not clearly delineated. So the easement would be behind the sidewalk. I'm assuming it would be outside of the right-of-way. The sidewalk would be in front. Within the right-of-way along the. What are we looking at time on this? Technical Plat October 27, 2004 Page 26 Jones: Phipps: Jones: Phipps: Morgan: Burgess: Morgan: Burgess: Morgan: Burgess: Jones: O'Neal: Jones: O'Neal: They're wanting to start grading in a couple of months. Because you know, there is no power in that area at all. Everything it's contingent on getting through subdivision. We've got to build through that. And until we get the final on Rupple Road, we don't know where anything is Yeah, in order to meet their opening date with the school as soon as it's approved by the Planning Commission, it's going to be out to bid and start construction as soon as possible. We possibly may have to build a temporary overhead line to provide power. It'll come out once we get our underground in. Well, good to know. November 3rd. Alright well, if you have any questions. Okay. Sounds like I need to get with the Landscape Administrator. He will actually be out of the office until Tuesday, so he'll be here on Tuesday and then he'll leave again on Wednesday. Okay, is there anyone 1 can get with on this. If you want you can try to call and we'll try to help you The only trees are going to be removed are on Rupple Road. Technically we aren't, the only trees that I calculated in the removal is for the ones along Rupple Road, and they were included in that. And that was the majority I think. And then a lot. And that's all the trees that we intended to remove at all. And I tried to be conservative I guess in how we calculated those, because technically we're nor planning on taking them for Rupple Road. We're not doing Rupple Road. You might notice comment 10 on my comments was just to clearly show what part of Rupple Road the school is going to be responsible for because I know there's still some discussion. Yeah, and Rupple road is changing I think. And we've got to get that coordinate because I don't think the way we've got Rupple Road shown on there is entirely accurate. At this point. I wasn't going to mention that but I wasn't too sure, because you know, with the other development going in that they changed a little bit as well. Technical Plat October 27, 2004 Page 27 Jones: Well, that's in house so we should be able to coordinate each event. O'Neal: Okay. Technical Plat October 27, 2004 Page 28 LSD 04-1288: Large Scale Development (LEGGETT AND PLATT, 519): Submitted by NEAL MORRISON for property located at 523 S SHILOH DRIVE. The property is zoned C-2, THOROUGHFARE COMMERCIAL and contains approximately 6.28 acres. The request is to approve a 22,000 s.f. office building. Morgan: The last item is LSD 04-1288 for Leggett and Platt for property located at 523 S. South Shiloh Drive and contains approximately 6.8 acres and the request is to approve a 22,000 SF office building. Olson: I think we talked about a lot of my comments yesterday in our meeting. But we'll go through this really quick. Signage, there's no signage shown, if signage is proposed, you need to show the location and provide an elevation. I didn't see a plat page on here, I may have missed it. Morrison: I think we tried to put it on there, but we didn't know what it was before we turned it in. Olson: If we could just get that in there that will be great. The dimension from the center line of Shiloh to the property line. If you could show that dimension. The location of the curb cut like we talked about yesterday may be altered. Depending on if you can get shared access with the development to the south. The commercial design standards is a big issue. Morrison: Excuse me on the curb cut, if we do want to leave it where it is, we'll have to get a waiver, is that a form we fill out or just a letter requesting a waiver? Morgan: It would just be a letter requesting the waiver. Olson: The commercial design standards for the building, we talked about those yesterday also. You need to have street lights shown very 300 feet as we come up Shiloh drive here and show the construction of the sidewalk additionally on Shiloh Drive where that's going to be located. If we could get the dimensions for this proposed curb cut shown on here. A note referencing the number, dimensions, and surfacing of all parking areas. You will be required three bike racks. I don't know if that's what's shown here. Morrison: Yes. Olson: If you could just label those bicycle racks. Morrison: I believe it is labeled on the next one. Olson: Any parking lot lighting shall be shielded and directed downward, utilizing sodium fixtures. Your dumpster pad, solid waste commented that Technical Plat October 27, 2004 Page 29 they need 10 x 15 dumpster pad, and of course that will have to be screened. That's really all I have. From the Landscape Administrator, a maximum run of 12 parking spaces is allowed without a tree island. So you're going to have to address some tree islands in that parking area. I'll just go through Jeremy's comments here. Tree Preservation Plan. All required materials were not submitted. Before this item will be scheduled for the next public meeting, a site analysis map and site analysis report shall be submitted for review by the Landscape Administrator. Consult the Landscape Manual for information that needs to be included in this report and plan. The submitted Tree Preservation Waiver Form is not applicable, as canopy exists on this site. What species, sizes, and condition are the trees proposed to be removed on this site? If significant trees are being disturbed, include species, diameter of the trunk at breast height, canopy spread and health. If there are no significant trees on the property, include a statement to this effect. Include all proposed grading on the Tree Preservation Plan. Include all standard notes and tree protection fencing details on this plan. A Tree Canopy Table is required, indicating the total percentage and square feet of existing canopy, total canopy to be preserved, total canopy to be removed, and mitigation, if required. Indicate all utilities and easements on the Tree Preservation Plan. Is the drainage channel coming down the hill into the proposed detention pond natural, or will grading occur along this channel? Please confirm, and remove preserved canopy percentage if grading will occur to accommodate this drainage pattern. His landscape comments are as follows: Street trees are required every 30 linear feet along the entire frontage of the property, not just in front of the building. Revised the plans accordingly. A continuous planting of shrubs, 50% of which must be evergreen, is required where a parking lot is adjacent to right-of-way. Add these shrubs to the landscape plan. A maximum run of 12 parking spaces is allowed without a tree island, with a minimum width of 8 feet, and a minimum area of 150 SF. A maximum run of 15 spaces is allowed if planting a 10 -foot wide tree lawn with large tree species. The intent of the 1 tree/12 spaces is to provide canopy over the parking lot, resulting in decreased heat island effects from parking lots, among other considerations. The plans submitted do not meet either of these requirements. At least one (1) additional landscape island needs to be added in the middle of each of the parking runs. Include what type of irrigation is proposed — automatic or hose bibs located 100' o.c. Include the standards tree and shrub planting details on the Landscape Plan. Fire depai lment had a couple of comments. They request a sprinkler system to the structure with the dedication of a fire hydrant. Fire and alarm detection system, and then the access point off of Shiloh is reduced to 16 feet. State code requires a minimum of 20 feet. So you just need to widen the width on both of those. And I think that takes care of planning, landscape, fire and solid waste. Technical Plat October 27, 2004 Page 30 Brent O'Neal — Staff Engineer O'Neal: Neal, if you would just go down on the LSD application checklist. We are going to request a sidewalk at the right-of-way on Shiloh. As we discussed yesterday, no detention allowed in the easements. Morrison: I would like to talk to you about that. O'Neal: Larry Gibson Another thing, I briefly looked at the grading, and just a general comment really is the grading setback of five feet from the property lines unless you have written permission to grade. If you could darken the existing contours or remove the shading from the building and parking areas. Label all those contours. Provide some information on your erosion control measures that are going to be proposed. And then show all the existing utilities and label the water taps and the services. And we also discussed that off-site water connection. You're going to address that with your development plans. The rest I have are standard comments. On the drainage report, if you could provide aerial photos and a soils map. Move the Tc calculations to the front where you have the calculations. There's also a calculation there for the ten year storm for off-site and onsite. And I didn't clearly understand why that's in there. If you could just state why that's in there. It may just be an extra sheet that just got in there. On the outflow structure of the detention pond, it doesn't state data for those outflows, I don't know if you could provide information on the actual flow data. And also just show the bypass, I'm assuming it's inlet 4 to inlet 5. Standard comment that a 100 year event must be routed to the detention pond. That's all I have. — Cox Communications Gibson: Morrison: Gibson: Morgan: Mike Phipps with Ozark Electric asked me to tell you that he's almost positive this is Southwest Electric. Johnny Boles and myself are going to request that you place four inch leaves under the driveway. Now electric company and phone, I don't know what they're going to want. And also from the existing 35 foot utility easement, along the south side of the property, just a 20 foot general UE to get back to the building. 20 feet, that should cover everybody. I'd like to request a four inch conduit from the electrical equipment room just out to that 20 foot UE to the south side of the building. Do you know if they're going to want data and modem services? Sure. That's something I can ask them. Okay, that should cover it. That's all I have. Revisions are due on the 3rd of November.