HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-09-29 - MinutesTechnical Plat 09129104 Page 1 Pate: Olson: Good morning, everyone, and welcome to the technical plat review committee meeting, Monday, September 29`h. We have six items on the agenda this morning. The first item is Lot Split 04-1247 for Duffel submitted by Alan Reid. If you want to come on up. This property is located on Crossover Road. There's the comments for you. And Leif here will go over some of those comments. is the adjacent zoning to the east. Those two tracks. Michael, Alexie, and Candy Clark, if you could label that RSF-4 on those two. The right-of- way you mentioned from the center line needs to be a minimum of fifty- five feet for the entire length of both lots. The building set back line on the west side of the 1.8 six -acre track, this can be reduced to eight feet. You have it shown at twenty. Okay, it can be reduced to eight feet. Olson: Yeah. It's on the second page. And then you need to have a signature block on the plat for the ownership and right-of-way dedication, and I ... it's on the second page, but the actual certification is on the third page. And those are the only comments that I have. Oh, except, the utility note needs to be removed. Duffel: The utility what? Olson: This utility note. Pate: Basically all the utilities, this note says that easements can only be found by having a ? company perform an easement search. That does need to happen. Easements need to be shown on this, and ? may know where a lot of those are. So, Brent, do you have any other comments? O'Neal: That is one of my comments to make sure you show all existing easements and label the widths of them. Show the existing sanitary sewer search from the house, and label the sides of that waterline that crosses the property. We just have a Lot Split fee of $555.00 due before building permit. Duffel: Is that to the City of Fayetteville? Do I have this on here? Or do I need to know that. I can give you this. Duffel: That'll be great if you don't mind. Pate: Utility comments? Technical Plat 09/29/04 Page 2 Any renovations on the existing facilities would be a wealthy expense. That over -head power line has a thirty foot easement, fifteen on each side. I would like that twenty foot building set back. On the east of the property line. That's all I have. Boles: Arkansas Western Gas. The gas line that you're showing coming off of this southern lot, the easement on that gas line will be fifty feet in width, twenty five feet both sides of the line. So you need to show that. That's all I have. Gibson: Larry Gibson, Cox Communications. That thirty foot U -E you leave for that electric line, for joint use of those poles, so that thirty foot U -E will cover us. Duffel: Let me ask you a question. Am I supposed to be up in the, I think, the subdivision committee meeting in these months. Pate: Yes, somebody needs to go to that. Duffel: Where is that? Pate: That's in City Hall, room 219. The revisions for these comments are due on the 6`h of next month, so we need to get those back in order to get to that ? meeting. Duffel: Thank you. Pate: Thank you. Item #2 is a Lot Split 04-1249 for the Myers Family Trust submitted by Carl Myers for property located at 1436 Mt. Comfort Road. Split the property into .22 and .29 acres. Morgan: These are the comments for the property line adjustment. We don't really need to be going over that right now, but those are those comments for that. And these are comments for the lot split. Because there is a property line adjustment required to actually create the tract of land that you're requesting to split, we need to have the property line adjustment plat file before the lot split can be heard at the subdivision committee, so we create, or so that we have a little lot. Myers: Okay, and so I need to have it done by what date? Morgan: By the 6`11 of October. If you could also note the halves for zoning and declared set backs noted on this plat. Currently the lot split and the property line adjustment are on one page. That's so, can read about splitting those. One thing that we need to confirm is that all the structures are shown, the existing structures are shown on this plat. I did drive by Technical Plat 09/29/04 Page 3 and there are two metal sheds on the property. We need to make sure that with the property line adjustment, we are creating a tract, if we adjust that line, so that we don't create any nonconforming structures, so that those structures existing are outside of the building set back. Myers: They will be moved closer to, they'll be moved this way. I think I know what you're talking about. Morgan: Yeah, if they're going to be moved, we'll just need to make sure that they're moved before we file the property line adjustment, so that all of these lines are created without creating nonconforming structures. There are a few modifications for building set backs. Our requirement is an eight foot side set back. Some of these set backs are shown as ten foot side set backs, and they can be reduced to eight feet. Also, this set back is a rear, which is required to be twenty feet. Myers: Do I need to bring that to his attention. Morgan: It's on these notes. And if you have any questions, we'll certainly. Just wanted to let you know where these set backs are. Additionally, Mt. Comfort road is a local street, requiring fifty feet of right-of-way, twenty five feet from center line. Currently there is twenty feet of dedicated right-of-way from the center line. And staff would request that this plat show dedication of an additional five feet. Myers: I remember you talking about that. Morgan: Sure, and actually for both of these properties, with this kind of lot split require that. Also, I've included an ownership and dedication block for this lot split to be placed on the plat. And, Mr. Reid, can just add that on with the revision. Those are the majority of the planning comments. Brent, if you want to do? O'Neal: You need to show all the existing easements with their widths, and you also need to show the existing cemetery sewer from the building. That's all I need. Jumper: I'm Allison Jumper, and you have parks fees in the amount of $555.00 due before building permit. Myers: Okay, before building permit, so after all this other stuff. Okay I can do that. You said to show all easements, and you said the sewer? O'Neal: Yes, show the existing sewer on the existing house. Myers: Oh, on the existing house. Technical Plat 09/29/04 Page 4 Morgan: And then, utility comments. Larry Larry? With SWEPCO. We've got a power line that runs off the west side of the property. We'd like to ask that that be increased at least to a fifteen, I don't know if anyone else is in it or not, it may need to be a twenty. Make just a note on there. The power line is, you've got the poles showing there, it's right on the property line. Fifteen feet would be minimal. It's no one else's. The existing service to the house is on the street, there, Mt. Comfort Road, built under ground. The easements that are there are fine. And the easements that you've got shown, the rest of them, are sufficient. Myers: Alright, you were talking about on the west side? Larry?: Yes. Morgan: There's an electric line right on that line. Myers: Do I need to make a note of that. Larry: Yes. Myers: And we need to increase that to fifteen feet? O'Neal: Right now it's shown as ten. Gibson: Larry Gibson, Cox Communications. No comment. Boles: No comment. Morgan: Okay. Again the property line adjustment will need to be filed by this date if the lot line adjustment. Myers: Okay and the rest of this stuff is stuff that Allen needs to do. And I will tell him, and you have already spoken to him. Morgan: Yes, I've spoken to him briefly about this. Myers: Thanks a lot. Morgan: All right, thanks. Pate: Item #3 is final plat 04-1250, Overton Park submitted by Dave Jorgensen for property located on Gulley Road. The property is in the Planning Area and contains approximately 58.81 acres, and fifty one single family lots are proposed. Technical Plat 09/29/04 Page 5 O'Neal: Allison, I didn't get your comments. Did you have comments on this one? Jumper: No. Olson: Okay, this was pretty straight forward, in the file, you need a CD or a diskette on the project, for the file. And the other note I have is, your note number nine, says Lot 2 shall be accessed from the street only. We need to have that reference Lot 1 also. So that it's access will be off Maywood Road and not off of Oakland/Zion Road. Chris?: Tag question: So what's the purpose of that, if the existing access to that line has always been off the county road? And the driveway is currently there. Olson: Okay, is there a structure there now? Chris: The house is still there. The old house is still on Mt. Comfort Road. Olson: Okay, the house isn't shown. Yeah, it's real light, you may not pick it off. Olson: Yeah if you could show the house, kind of darker, I didn't even seen that. If you could show that in a darker line? And then show where the existing drive is, that's fine. Chris: I think, you know, if I were to build a different house there, we'd probably access it, that's why I've got that seventy foot zone over there, so that we could come off that road. I'd like to have that. Olson: Okay, I'm okay with that. Other than that, everything looks good. O'Neal: Chris, you need to show the location of the water meters. Show the valves, and do we have a copy of the health department approval? Okay. And that's all we need. Pate: Utilities? Chris, you're going to need a twenty foot utility easement between lots. Forty five and forty six from the rear to the front. Chris: To twenty? Yes, please. And then there's two twenty foot drainage easements and UEs. One between lots 32 and 43, and the other one is between 37 and 38. Technical Plat 09/29/04 Page 6 Are those going to be, any concrete installed in there? No. So that's going to be open? Okay. That's all I have. 64. Those have been installed, and that's all. It's 64's everywhere we show across. Yeah, we might do both. They're already in? There should be six? So, no additional easements? Well, you're showing 445 and 46 aren't you Larry? Larry: Yeah. Well, okay, other than that one. Pate: Item #4, Preliminary Plat for Belclaire Estates submitted by Project Design Consultants, Inc. for property located at HWY 112. It contains approximately 40 acres. Preliminary Plat, 99 single family lots proposed. Bowman: Trevor Bowman, Project Design Consultants. Morgan: The one comment I would like to make regarding appropriate lot width of these lots, is that for the lots on the eyebrow and all other lots other than those on a cul-de-sac, we do require that lot width measured at the right- of-way be a minimum fifty six feet with seventy feet measured at the twenty five foot building set back. Many of these have less than fifty six feet at the right of way. I'm not sure what they are up to twenty five foot building setbacks. So, Bowman: I'm sure what we did is we went back and tried to get that seventy feet from the building setback line, so we'll have to go back and check that at the right-of-way. Morgan: It looks as if some of these setbacks have also been increased to make it seventy feet. It really needs to be a twenty five foot setback line. So, you may need to adjust, you'll probably have to adjust a bit anyways to make Technical Plat 09/29/04 Page 7 sure that there's fifty six feet at the right-of-way, so hopefully that will resolve the seventy feet at the building setback. And additionally, if you could put the buildings for all lots on the cul-de-sac or on these eyebrows, state what the ? is at the building setback. For those on the cul-de-sac, we need to assure that the length is ? 7 feet. Also, if you could clearly reference owner information of all adjoining properties, including those west and south of HWY 112, as well as identify city limits to the west of the property. Bowman: Okay. Morgan: If you could also identify the center line of HWY 112 and the right-of- way. Our required right-of-way is fifty five feet from the center line for principle arterial. All of these comments are in here. Also, for those lots on the corner fronting two streets, the interior lot line have an eight foot setback associated with them, and I've identified those which need to be modified slightly. There are several restrictions with the bill of assurance for this property. If you could just reference the bill of assurance and those restrictions, such as no billed area along the north property line. The detention area and the green space area need to be labeled with lot numbers as well. And, if you could identify the location of the proposed street lights. There's components in the legend, but I was not able to identify any on the plan. And we do require at every intersection in the cul-de-sac, a maximum of three hundred feet from the distance, for all interior streets, as well as the adjacent, Master Street Plan Street. I don't know if there are any street lights along 112 at this time. That's what we require. Also, if you could include a note restricting access to HWY 112 for those lots which are adjacent to it. I've identified which lots those are. And if you could locate any proposed subdivision signage for this property, and also label the actual density of the development on the plat. And those are all my comments for you. Clint: Trevor, my name's Clint, I'm on staff here at the City of Fayetteville. My comments are quite lengthy, but don't be too discouraged. They're mostly standard comments. I just want to hit the highlights of some of the first comments. In the matter of the water service, the line that's going to be extending to the south, it's going to be a twelve inch, there's a twelve inch currently in the works from the south. So, those connections need to be made as twelve inch. The four inch line that goes around 112 to the north, that needs to be removed and replaced with an eight inch to the north property line. Also, for still the stakes?, you need to connect a waterline to the north up Woodside drive that would complete a loop in that area, and help out everybody in that area. You also need a stub out to the east, down there at the existing stub. You need to show the six foot five walk along the right-of-way of 112. Also, we need to kind of coordinate with you on the sewers as well. That on-site sewer is going to be a pain. If you Technical Plat 09/29/04 Page 8 have any questions, please feel free to give me a call and we can go over all of these points. Jumper: As you probably know, Parks Board recommended some land for this project. It's going to be up the Planning Commission, is that right, to make that determination. I did bring you the minutes from the Parks Board, I tried to e-mail these to Amy, but something got goofed up. So, I guess it explains, I'm not sure how that process works actually. Pate: What we need from you guys, with regard to parks, there's a differing recommendation. Obviously the Parks Board and the applicant were going to need some more detailed information. Justification why you think it should be money in lieu. Also, the Parks Board has made their recommendation, and that will go before the Planning Commission. First, in the form of the subdivision committee at our next public meeting. We'll obviously assess that and if they, there's potential if they decide that park land is more appropriate, it tends to come back to this level, simply because there's obviously going to be changes if there's a park in the middle of the property. We're just going to have to play that by ear and see what they deem appropriate. I'll go over your preservation plan that you submitted. Some quick calculations on what we term preserve, and what's needed. I'm going to suggest that sit down and look at this in more detail. There's some areas that you could probably preserve some trees a little better. The calculation that I'm coming up with right now is in excess of $20,000.00 of fees for the treatment. I'd like to see that number go down, and I'm sure you would too, or your client would. A couple of things that might be better for this area, there's some potential there. I wanted to comment to remove this twenty foot utility easement that's running right through the preservation area you are showing me. You have a twenty UE that runs right through that. Obviously, you'll have to work with utility to see how to best route that around, but that's your biggest area of preservation, your green space area, so that's also crucial there, to help with some of the preservation of these trees. Utility easements can't be counted for preservation. Brent I'm not sure, but I don't think any improvements are required on HWY 112 at this time? O'Neal: I don't believe so. Pate: Okay, what we'll probably. O'Neal: Yeah, one of my comments was just to show the existing right-of-way, if you could have that. Pate: Go ahead and show these, the street there, because the plans don't necessary require them to be removed. Technical Plat 09/29/04 Page 9 So, I definitely want to show these along HWY 112? Pate: That's correct. This will probably be removed when HWY 112 is widened in the future, at some point, but right now it doesn't really look like the development of the subdivision will require any. We can just kind of look at where your lots are laid out there. If anything within a lot, what you kind of have to do is say, here's your billable area, where a house takes that amount out and you can potentially gain some more tree preservation. This area that you're showing, is that canopy there? There's a straight line across there that you're showing in your tree preservation line, I'm assuming there's a canopy there. My comment, if there is, we need to show that. I'm assuming that's counted in your preservation calculations. I don't see any trees here. I was out there last week, and thee are definitely some trees back there, I just want to make sure they're shown, so you can count that as preserve. A couple of areas here that you probably could preserve some of those and get your preservation number up as well. And again, I think we probably should just meet on site with these plans and walk it. Same thing here, that little grouping, you can look into that. Standard comments, identifying the on-site areas for delivery storage, construction of materials, washout, etc. Show all of the utility easements. I mentioned rerouting the UE up here where that main tree preservation area. There are some details and notes that need to be answered to this, and they're in our office, you can just copy those and put them in here. Preparation plans, safety, ? details also. The list here, I couldn't find a way to cross reference, and I don't know if it's maybe just getting underneath a layer or a layer's just not there or something. I'm not sure how that's actually working, but it'd be nice to be able to cross reference the trees that are shown here so I can understand it better. Get a better idea of what's low priority, medium priority, high priority, that's obviously going to really affect the amount of money owed. Fire department was added as well. Electric guy: Quick on electric, AAA relocation of existing facilities will have to be ???? before we do anything, as far as trying to counter this. All utility includes will have to be cleared at that. We've had too many of them, and lately we've had to come in and say, those in there, remove trees. When we clean those easements, we can back up through the ditch, and we do charge the developer for that because we have to go in there and clear those trees. Estimated cost on this subdivision to the developers is probably going to be $6,900 per lot. And, Larry, with Cox Cable, he has a routing plan and utility crossings. And he did take into consideration that tree preservation areas that we have to fit. And some places we're coming through the front of the subdivision to save those trees. And Larry can probably give you a copy of his. Technical Plat 09129104 Page 10 Gibson: I'm Larry from Cox Communications. I've got it highlighted back here in the back, but I don't know what you can do with that tree preservation. If you want to stay completely out of it, where this red is right here, we can go in the front, the only thing is that it would put the UE in the front, and it'll be serviced up from there, and the crossing would be up here instead of back here. Now if you want to place a twenty footer on the outside of that tree preservation, we could stay in the back. I don't know if you want to do that or not. It's going to take up quite a bit of that. We'll have to take a look and see. This crossing should cover everybody. Electric, gas, phone. Morgan: If that's all, the revisions are due on the 6`h of October. Pate: Item #5 is Preliminary Plat 04-1246, Legacy Pointe Phase, submitted by Dave Jorgensen. Approximately 30 acres, subdivision with 77 single family lots proposed. Planning comments first, there's not a lot. You have a clean plat and I appreciate that. If you could add a note to indicate access to the street on those lots that have other options, mainly this one, those two, and these two. If you could also, if there are additional signage for this space. Property: No, I don't think so. Since there's one here. Pate: If there is, if you want to do that, go ahead and locate that on the plans outside any utility treatments. Also, we're going to start trying to label the actual density that you're developing this property at, just a note on you plan, 2.6 Property: Do you count Pate: I do not. That's really all the Planning comments. A couple that didn't make it. If you could, talk about exactly what's happened with off-site dedication, just kind of include that language as a note, also, that parkland dedication requirements are being met in an off-site location. Property: Oh, add a note about that? Pate: Yeah. And that way, when we reference this final plat, we can understand exactly what we have here, what happened. Also, just a question, I'm looking at your Master Street Plan. You guys developed this phase, you can see it, obviously it kind of heads north to get up to where you guys are connecting in to ? I'm a little bit unsure of how going to start heading north? Technical Plat 09129104 Page 11 Property: Well, I mean, we had passed that plat for this property. I don't believe we're going to engineer this after all, but there's ample room to do that, and we've had a lay out, that's why. Pate: Obviously, the last thing we want is to // dedicated here and here and we have no way to actually run this. And so I just kind of wanted to make you aware of that. I was looking at these maps this morning, and I know your Master Street Plan shows it kind of just straight through, it actually kind of.. Property: That was back before we made the change. This is the old, and then we made a change here. But, as you can see, I mean that's a half a mile that curves up back underneath. Pate: Very good, that's really all I have. As far as the tree preservation, a waiver has been submitted. Brent? O'Neal: Chris. One of the comments again, are standard comments I'm doing this for everybody. One of the main things I believe you've already talked with Matt about the list station. The only other main thing is completing the loop of the twelve inch line 100%, so if you could just show that line. Property: O'Neal: That's something we can discuss at a later time, but you have to. That's all I have. Chris, we've governed those properties.....I need to get behind this room. I have to see. Instead of coming along the front, would you rather be to the north of it, is that what you're? You've got to do both anyway? Yeah, I've got to tie it together. We've got a radio there. We've got to connect. I'd like to come to 149 to 196, so 2 if possible. They're talking about the other detention. Oh, the other one, I'm sorry. Oh, I gotcha. I was going to ask you about if there was any way we could get through there? We're going to have to, the only thing is our compensation, which is not labeled, but it's in the corner there along that street, we're going to have to do a fifty box each, along that ... so I'm thinking we're going to, and that's Technical Plat 09129104 Page 12 going to have to be at the lowest point there, where I can drain to it. I'm thinking you're probably going to have to go in the front of that. It's going to be right here. So I imagine. Well, if we go in the front, across the, between 198 and 197, that would just come all the way across there. Instead of going along the back, you go along 197 and go around the cul- de-sac. 197 we need to cross to get to 195 and go all along the south side of 195, now 178 cross again, and come down. Is that what you're showing? Is this different than what's on here? Well, he's showing at between 198 and 199. And then crossing right here. Well, yeah, we can't do that because we've got to keep lot 196 right here, move a little closer. So, okay. Will that work for? It'll work as long as they don't try to hit the ground line close to the north property line of 197. Is this the list station, the pump station? If you require three stages of power, we're going to have it in that area, we're going to have it on double springs. We may require the easement. Okay, we'll look into that. Pate: Anything else on that? Gibson: Larry Gibson, Cox Communications. We can cross in that same place right there and you can keep that print. I was going to ask about one right there but that detention pond. How deep is that pond going to be on final grade? It's going to be real shallow. We'll need some sleeves under it. Jumper: We'll need the deed to that parkland. And it would be helpful if you could maybe get us some maps, because all we have is kind of the sketch of it. Just so we're all clear where it is. And then, I guess depending on when he takes ownership of that land and we get the deed then you can work Technical Plat 09129104 Page 13 with us on which project and bank that for us. And I've got the banking and all that noted. But for this project we just before final plat you need the deed. So we'll find you ahead of that. Pate: Chris, there are some final comments. A couple comments that I just, we were just talking about, just like on the last project. You have an eyebrow here, it's not a cul-de-sac, so the minimum here required is fifty-six feet. Seventy feet from the back, from the twenty five foot setback line, so those two lots, specifically, will need to increase the side on the eyebrow. But what are the chances that we can do a fifty foot radius here like we did in ? Pate: Talk to engineering about that one, increasing the radius so you don't have to do eyebrow. No eyebrow, you just have to do a fifty foot radius like we did on ? But that has to be. Pate: It'll be the same. Why is this fifty six? I guess I'm not understanding. This is seventy five along the? Seventy, and twenty five foot along the. Pate: Seventy, unless you're on a cul-de-sac, you have to be at the right-of-way line, the lot width has to be 80% of seventy feet. Cul-de-sac, there's not a minimum, really. Your driveway in there, and it's a logical configuration. But these lots require at least fifty six, which is the 80%. I've just never heard of that before. I don't think we've done that before, as a matter of fact, on a lot of our stuff. I know we haven't. Pate: I don't think it's been enforced as much as it should have. Well, we'll... Pate: I don't know how far you can move that over. Plot line on one. Technical Plat 09129104 Page 14 Pate: Because you're obviously greater on all these. You need to lose some and gain some here. But just take care of that. I can get you that. Yeah if you would, I'd appreciate, just so I can show someone. Yeah, the fifty foot radius is probably not going to help it. Pate: Revisions are due on the 6`h, and thanks for being here. The final item on the agenda this morning is Item #6, Large Scale Development 04-1245 for Rapido Rabbit Carwash submitted by Mark Rickett. Property located on Wedington Drive, east of the IHOP restaurant. Property is zoned C-2, and the request is for development of a 4600 automatic carwash. Olson: Good morning, Leif Olson, Planning. First comment is the adjacent property owner to the west needs to be labeled as IHOP properties. You need to put the plat page somewhere here on the first page. Plat page 440. We need the building height listed in the ? information. Pedestrian access, we need pedestrian access from the front door out to the sidewalk on AR 16. I don't know, you'll have to work that out with your landscaping, somehow to get through there. However, you can just stripe that through the parking, through the pavement. Pate: You can just extend this sidewalk here you already have. Olson: We need to see the location of all the parking lot lighting, where you're going to put the light poles. To the south, the adjacent property is residential, so we need to screen that somehow. If you do fencing, it can't be wire or chained link. We need elevations and have location of the proposed sign. I noticed in that you show a pole sign in the elevations in the drawings that were provided to us. Yeah. I noticed that too. Is that not allowed? Olson: Yeah, it'll have to be a monument. Yeah, those are the only renderings they could come up with, I should have put a note in my letter. Olson: It'll need to be a monument sign located outside of the right-of-way. The dumpster location needs to be in the rear of the property. Dumpsters on these things, it's just metallic, there's no good place to put it. We'll do something with it. Olson: Yeah, because of the way the traffic flows, it'll be difficult to locate that, but we do need to get it somewhere to the rear of the property and put up a screen. And then, this is in the design overlay district, so, I think that Technical Plat 09129104 Page 15 some of your renderings here. You'll need to provide a sample board of materials anyway. The Planning Commission, you know, I don't know the color of this roof, need to have some kind of unifying theme with the surrounding properties in that area. IHOP? Yeah, IHOP. So, that'll come up so that you're aware that. You might want to address that early on. Pate: I know that the bank used a red brick, maybe utilizing that element somehow. I don't think IHOP utilized, didn't they have a wainscot or something along the bottom of red brick? Something that unifies the surrounding development. Olson: The building setback on the rear needs to be changed to twenty five feet; you have it shown at twenty. Just some small things, you know, trash receptacles, those are really all the comments I have. Brent? O'Neal: I'll hit the highlights again on my comments. Comment #3 there, you're showing the detention pond on the east side, we don't allow a detention pond within those easements. That is a rather large gas line, I'm sure Mr. ? will comment. Any grade would be setback five feet from the property line. On the existing contours, it would be difficult to tell what was going on. If you could label all the significant contours, I believe you did that, it's just we don't have enough information, I believe, to see what's going on. Comment #12, I found a mistake there. I believe the majority of the existing drainage goes to the south, and I had on there north. You're proposing to put everything to the north. And you need a little bit more detail on your study on to see exactly what is existing and what is proposed. Again, that's probably going to change quite a bit. Rickett: It will. Let me state my name, I'm Mark Rickett with ? and Associates. Maybe some discussion needs to happen about the detention pond, and that's fine, I realize that the easement is an issue. We looked at taking it to the south, because it does go that way. There's nowhere for to go except over land and across our property, and I was just concerned about that, but we can have an individual discussion about that if you want. O'Neal: The only other thing is on water and sewer, we need to show you how the water gets to the sight. I know there's a meter out there. Meters can't be reused. Rickett: That is a coordination item that I need to bring to IHOP because my understanding was that they were bringing utilities to us, and I don't know what they're necessarily doing. Technical Plat 09129104 Page 16 O'Neal: The other thing is the sewer to the southeast corner, there's a manhole out there somewhere, fairly close to the property line, and its not showing up on your plan here, but the main needs to be extended to that point. Rickett: Once again, I think that IHOP's actually putting a manhole at the southwest corner, and I'm not sure about that, but that's the information I got. And so, we changed our service to show that, but I'm not sure it's happening or not. It's not? O'Neal: No. What have you shown... Rickett: So extend the main to the property line. O'Neal: On the matter of the other applicant, I don't know if that's going to happen. Pate: We've got some landscaping comments we can go over. Preservation plan, a waiver was submitted, and it has been reviewed. There are no trees on the site. For the landscape plan, about six comments. If you would, just plant different types of trees along the front of the property. Also include location of water and sewer lines, so that you can maintain a separation between those and the new trees that are being planted. The dumpster location we've already discussed. Also, we're going to need to see based on the amount of... I marked up a couple of things. You're not showing any trees in these islands, we need to see those, and then an additional island. Somewhere along this, I prefer it in the middle, but you know, somewhere along this run, you have to show a landscaping. Also, depending upon how detention works out, if you end up going down this direction or somewhere else, in the area, I'm not sure what's going to happen without location of this drive, what I'm recommending is a screen here or here because this is so visible from the right-of-way, and it really doesn't have to be much, a shrub or a hedge down here, either in this area over here. I think the trees beings on site will help as well. The screening that we talked about on the south property line, vegetation things like this. SWEPCO. The easements that you've got shown are sufficient. If you want to change that setback on the south side to twenty to a twenty five, just go ahead and show you. If the detention pond is moved to the south, is it intended to stay within that easement? Well, I don't think that that's going to be allowed. If possible, we'll do something else with it. From your last power pole that you've got showing there, about the center of the building, we have an underground line that goes south to the apartments. I'm not sure exact location, if it's in the utility easement, if Technical Plat 09129104 Page 17 you were to put a detention pond in, we would have some relocation costs. Possibly, if you were to get into that or close to it. As far as service to the building, they'll need to contact us on whether they want single phase, three phase. You have a three phase line on the highway there on Wedington. It's just a single phase line that goes to the south here. Normally these car washes are typically three phase. Yeah. So when you take that back just tell them. I believe that's it. Boles: Johnny Boles, Arkansas Western Gas. In order to serve the IHOP restaurant, we'll be coming across the north property line of this property to serve IHOP. I believe there are two gas lines in this easement: the high pressure line and an intermediate line. We'll serve this particular project off that intermediate line. And I'll need some load information at the time you break ground on this project. If there's any grading to be done around the high pressure line, I'd appreciate a call prior to networking. That's all I have. Gibson: Larry Gibson, Cox Communication. I route basically the same place off this pole to the east here. That's where it dips to the ground. That's where everything dips on the ground, comes back, and serves these apartments. So I've got the same issues that Larry does. If there's going to be a detention pond down there, there's going to be some relocating and I've got an underground fiber optic line almost in the center of the property here on the south side of Wedington. It dips underground right there and goes west and then it comes off of your property and it goes back to the south. That's a fiber optic line that's going to go right across your driveway. It's underneath it; it should be thirty to thirty six inches deep. And I'd like to, if you would note that on the final print, so they know it's there and we could do locates on it. That's all I have. O'Neal: Mr. ?'s not here from Southwestern Belt, and there is a Southwestern Bell mantle to the east of the property, so we're not sure exactly what's out there. Okay. Pate: Revisions are due on the 6`h. Meeting adjourned.