HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-09-15 - MinutesTechnical Plat 09-15-04 Page 1 MINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE TECHNICAL PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE A regular meeting of the Technical Plat Review Committee was held on October 27, 2004 at 9:00 a.m. in room 111 in the City Administration Building, 113 W. Mountain, Fayetteville, Arkansas. ACTION TAKEN FPL 04-1211: Final Plat (WILDFLOWER MEADOWS, 321) Forwarded Page 2 LSP 04-1217: Lot Split (DAVID MASHIE, 405) Forwarded Page 6 LSD 04-1214: Large Scale Development (IHOP, 440) Forwarded Page 7 Large Scale Development (WEDINGTON BUSINESS CENTER, 435) ? Page 16 STAFF PRESENT Jeremy Pate Matt Casey Brent O'Neal Suzanne Morgan Renee Thomas Allison Jumper Mike Phipps, Ozark Electric Coop. Larry Gibson, Cox Communications Johney Boles, Arkansas Western Gas Sue Clouzer, Southwestern Bell STAFF ABSENT UTILITIES ABSENT Jim Sargent, AEP/ SWEPCO Technical Plat 09-15-04 Page 2 Pate: Good morning, welcome to the agenda for the technical plat review committee meeting Monday, September 15`". We have four items to review and to do this morning. There's no one here for number one, I don't believe there's anyone here for number two. Is someone here for Wildflower Meadows? We're here for IHOP. I'm here for Meadows. Pate: Okay, so we'll skip over the first two and go directly to number three and put those other two. Well there's Geoff. Are you here for Wildflower Meadows, Geoff? FPL 04-1211: Final Plat (WILDFLOWER MEADOWS, 321): Submitted by GEOFFREY BATES for property located at MT COMFORT ROAD, WEST OF CLABBER CREEK PHASE IL The property is zoned RSF-4, SINGLE FAMILY - 4 UNITS/ACRE and contains approximately 18.38 acres. The request is to approve the Final Plat of a residential subdivision with 48 single family lots proposed. Bates: It's already to me? Pate: It's already to you. Bates: Sorry. Pate: Final plat for Wildflower Meadows for 18.38 acres and 48 single family lots proposed. Geoff, on the plat comments, some of the pretty standard ones. Revise adjacent zoning to reflect the current zoning designations. All utility easements shall be shown along all property lines and called out as such. Lot frontage dimensions shall be shown on all corner and cul-de- sac lots at the front building setback line. (Lots 15, 20, 23, 28, 31, 36, 43, 44, 47, 48). We listed all of those for you there. But just go through those and make sure they have a label on them. Signature blocks must be shown on both pages of this plat. It's really hard to get here on this. Bates: How big a page can you do? Pate: We can do 24x36, I know the county requires small. The graphic scale is shown at 1 inch = 40 feet, it should be corrected to 1 inch = 80 feet. The shared drive access is not provided in lots 47-50, this is parking on a collector, and they need to be accessed from this back drive. So it's an either or essentially. You have to have all shared access or we won't permit all four of these. We don't expressly prohibit any access from a collector, but if you'd like restrict it ... That's something you want to put Technical Plat 09-15-04 Page 3 on the plat. Lot 1 and Lot 46, you could have a note saying that you'll come build both through extension lots. The next comments here are the conditions of approval. The Mt. Comfort Rd 24 foot width this side - Verify that Mt. Comfort road between this site and Rupple Road has a minimum paved width of 24 feet. And of course, all infrastructure improvements must be completed and inspected by the City prior to the revision deadline (September 22, 2004) in order to proceed in the current review cycle. On the third page, there the Rupple Road bridge assessment, $5,439 must be received prior to signing of the final plat. Addresses shall be shown on all lots and coordinate that with Jen Johnson. All proposed utilities are to be underground. Street lights must be placed a maximum of 300 feet apart. An additional street light is needed on Mt. Comfort Road at the rear of lot 16. Before final plat, street lights must be installed or proof of payment for street lights in the form of a receipt from the electric company. Any signage proposed needs to be indicated if you're going to have the subdivision sign it. It can't be located in the utility easement. That's about all for Planning comments. It will be reviewed on September 22. O'Neal: Brent O'Neal, staff engineer. You need to add a 20 foot wide drainage easement through both of the detention ponds and label the 20 foot drainage easement along the east property where the concrete swale is. The same comments as planning to label the easements. And you need to extend the 20 foot utility easement around the cul-de-sacs. And the rest of them are just our standard comments. Jumper: We just need to receive fees for the parkland and the fees before final plat. And coordinate with us on getting the park boundary signs up. Bates: Okay. Pate: I don't have any comments on Tree Preservation. That's taken care of at the last go around for Preliminary Plat. Utility comments? Phipps: Mike Phipps, Ozark Electric. On the street lights, we're going to need to change these to get to these lines. Bates: I think if we put that 20 foot easement right under the... Phipps: You got 25, 24, you've got a 20 foot coming from that one. You want to be able to, the cul-de-sac on 27, the access here. The one on 13 is good. 27, 28 on main template is a clean 27, 28. No, I take that back that would be the rear there wouldn't it. Okay, forget that one. 33 and 34 you've got a 20 foot drainage easement. You've got a light there. I've got to access that light. You've got a drainage easement. Why can't you just move the light over to 35? Just give me a 10 foot easement between 34 and 35. Technical Plat 09-15-04 Page 4 Bates: Phipps: Bates: Phipps: Bates: Is it a 10 foot in addition to that 20 foot? Well you don't have a 20 foot easement there. 33 and 34, which one are you looking at? 33 and 34, you've got a 20 foot drainage easement, but... So you need 10 more feet besides that? Phipps: No, let's just move the light. I don't want to dig in the ground. Let's just move the light over between 34 and 35. And whatever your setback is there just make it setback and UE on that lot line. See you got the same thing on your next cul-de-sac. 24 and 25, if you'll just move that light over to 26 and 27. Bates: 26 and 27, there's a sewer main going down through there. Phipps: Let's move it over to 24 and 25. Okay. 16 and 17, yeah. What have you got between 17 and 18. You don't have a sewer through there do you? Bates: No. Phipps: Okay, so they'd be a little shorter run to put it there. Bates: You just need a 10 foot easement? Phipps: Yep. Then, between 2 and 3, you're going to need one too, to access this light. Bates: What about 4 and 5, 10 and 11? Phipps: Yep. Anything that we have to come through the back on. That would be 4 and 5, 7 and 6, 10 and 11. On that transmission line, did you get with Robert Ericson on that to find out the dimensions of that? I mean you're showing a 15 foot on there, and I'm not sure, it's maybe a 40 foot total there. Bates: It's 45 total. 25 and 15, or forty. Sorry. Phipps: Get with Robert Ericson, Ozark Electric. And he's the transmission and right-of-way specialist. Let's make sure that's right. Before we get a 20 foot building setback and actually it's 25 feet there. Technical Plat 09-15-04 Page 5 Bates: I'm 99.9% sure it's right because I talked to him about Clabber Creek and the church and ... but I'll ask him again. Phipps: Just make sure that that's right. And what we'll need, one of the things I need is the disk, in effect I gave the e-mail address for that. And before we do anything, before I can get you cost, we need that disk. Because that's for street lights and everything. Bates: I'll just e-mail it to you today. Phipps: That's all I have. Boles: Geoff if you would, I need you to show an easement on the west property line on 14, 15, and 16. Bates: Yeah, I'm sorry, the drawings are wrong on that. Boles: And also the south property line of Lot 42, on the left. I think that's all I have. Gibson: Larry Gibson, Cox Communications. No comments. Clouzer: Sue Clouzer, Southwestern Bell. And just once again if there's any relocation have one of your developers tell us. Pate: Geoff, one of the last things you need to look at is the 25 foot building setback. So you'll have two fronts... Bates: I'm 90% sure that when the Planning Commission made this, and there should be a note on here, that they pulled out certain ones that cannot be accessed to Mt. Comfort. And these can't access ... I'm pretty sure it's the same way for these because they didn't want these... Technical Plat 09-15-04 Page 6 LSP 04-1217: Lot Split (DAVID MASHIE, 405): Submitted by ALAN REID for property located at 1613 N OAKLAND AVENUE. The property is zoned RMF -24, MULTI FAMILY - 24 UNITS/ACRE and contains approximately 0.46 acres. The request is to split the subject property into two tracts of 0.16 and 0.30 acres respectively. Pate: Great, thanks. If we could go back to Item #1, LSP 04-1217. Lot Split for David Mashie. The property is located on Oakland Avenue. Morgan: Just a couple Planning comments. Hickory Street and Oakland Avenue are identified as collector streets on the Master Street Plan, right-of-way being dedicated is 25 feet from centerline. Currently there's forty feet of right-of-way existing. So if you could identify the dimensions of 25 feet of right-of-way and the additional right-of-way required. By doing so, building setback will be moved 5 feet and that existing home will be nonconforming as it is currently in the Master Street Plan, a nonconforming structure. Also if you could just note that the accessory building, the wood frame shed, is a secondary structure, and will have to be relocated with this before the lot split can be filed. That's pretty much all the Planning comments. O'Neal: You need to show the water line along Hickory Street. And this extension, I'm assuming to the mainline. You also need to show the sanitary sewer as it extends to the south there by the intersection of Garland. Show all setbacks. The sanitary sewer actually extends to the south as well. You need to show what it does. Just show all the existing easements and label them. Jumper: Parks fees in the amount of $393 for one additional single family lot to be paid prior to issuance of a building permit. Sargent: Jim Sargent, SWEPCO. The easements look fine there. Gibson: No comment. Phipps: No comment. Clouzer: No comment. Morgan: Because the building setback is going to be moved to the north, it will encroach this building. Technical Plat 09-15-04 Page 7 LSD 04-1214: Large Scale Development (IHOP, 440): Submitted by TIMOTHY RICH for property located at 3153 W WEDINGTON DRIVE. The property is zoned C-2, THOROUGHFARE COMMERCIAL and contains approximately 2.68 acres. The request is to approve the development of a 4,386 s.f. restaurant with 71 parking spaces proposed. Pate: Moving on to Item #3, LSD 04-1214 for IHOP submitted by Timothy Rich for property located at 3153 West Wedington Drive for a development of a 4,386 SF restaurant with 71 parking spaces. Morgan: I'll go over the Planning comments on this development. This tract was split just a few months ago and I guess the county hasn't caught up to the current ownership, so if you could please provide verification of ownership so that we can verify the signature on the applications. Rich: Oh, the certificate of ownership. Morgan: It was part of the application. Rich: Yeah, I need to do that. There was actually an IHOP's convention, and the owner wasn't in town. I'll get that. Morgan: Regarding the plans, if you could upon resubmittal limit the plans to those listed in here, cover sheet, site plan, grading and drainage plans, and landscape/planting plan. Details are not necessary at this stage. Rich: Is that written here? Morgan: It is. On page 2 under #3 Plat requirements. Also if you could indicate plat page on the site plan. It's plat page #440. That's the City reference for this location. Rich: I don't see the list. Morgan: Okay, they are right here, these comments. Also the vicinity map that's shown on page 1, if you could just reference just a few additional streets on that vicinity map so we know exactly where this site is in reference to additional developments out there. With the lot split there was a 25 foot utility easement along the north property line. If you could call that out. I didn't see that called out on this site plan. And also include developer information on sheet 1. Additional references. Two minor comments, if you could include a graphic representation of the scale on the site plan. More parking than allowed by ordinance is represented on this site, and you have submitted a conditional use that will go forward with this LSD to request additional parking. Technical Plat 09-15-04 Page 8 Rich: How will that work? Morgan: The conditional use will be heard at the Planning Commission. That's the last meeting. So, this will, the Large Scale will be heard at Subdivision Committee before it goes to Planning Commission. So then at the Planning Commission they'll vote on it. Our design standards for parking stalls require a length of 19 feet. It can be reduced to 17 overhanging the landscaped area, but what's represented on here is 18 feet for all of these spaces. You might show some need to be lengthened where some can remain or be shortened by a foot depending on where they are located. The width of commercial driveway approaches shall not exceed 39 feet measured at right angles to the centerline of the driveway approach for driveways that are one-way in and two-way out. I believe this is just slightly larger than 39. And also commercial driveways shall have a minimum curb radius of 25 feet. You've shown bike racks on the plan, two bike racks. Based on parking requirements, three bike racks are required so if you could add an additional bike rack there. Also parking, there are certain criteria for parking lot lighting, especially within the Design Overlay District which is where this is located. Parking lot lighting shall be shielded and directed downward so that it doesn't reflect into adjacent property at a maximum height of 25 feet utilizing sodium lighting fixtures. If you could just note that on the plans. The trash receptacle needs to be screened with materials complementary with the building on three sides with access not visible from the street. You represented that on the plan, if you could just note that as well. Also street lights are required every 300 feet on at least one side of the right-of-way. If you could verify if any existing street lights there. If there are not any on this location, then they will need to be provided at the correct ratio. Also all free standing utilities need to be screened. I don't know if you have any out here, just to let you know that that's what we would be requiring. Rich: Such as a gas meter? Morgan: Such as any meter or above ground utility. Screening can consist of vegetation screening also possibly utilizing the fence. The proposed monument sign is located within that 25 foot utility easement along the front property line. We cannot permit a monument sign within a 25 foot utility. So, please kind of check and see where you can relocate that on the plan. We will require a full size elevation board so that Planning and Subdivision Committees can clearly see how the building is going to be presented and developed so that they can make a determination on Commercial Design Standards, whether this building structure meets that. Rich: What size is that? Technical Plat 09-15-04 Page 9 Morgan: Typically it's on a 36 X 24 board. Pate: All elevations can be shown on that one board. All four sides. Morgan: I know that you did submit a board, it wasn't representative of this individual site though. It's just that side. And if you could ensure that cardinal directions are placed on this so that we can reference what direction they're looking at. Regarding Commercial Design Standards, the Commission will look at five criteria, the rear of the building or the south structure, my suggestion is possibly putting awnings that match those on the other sides to perhaps enhance the articulation. Rich: Over the doors? Morgan: Over the doors, yes. All proposed utilities need to be located underground with the development. If there are any lines above 12 kv, or excuse me, below 12 kv on the property, they will have to be relocated underground. There may not be any on the site, but it's something to be aware of Casey I've got a copy of the comments from our fire marshal's office. He stopped by our office yesterday and discussed concerns with the access to your, he was concerned about this being one-way in and one-way out. And the way it was put to me, if a fire is in the building, there has to be a way to get out. There was some concern with one access point. Morgan: And I'm afraid that any other, in the Design Overlay District doesn't allow curb cuts adjacent to one another, so we may need to discuss that. Pate: Get a condition of approval for the curb cuts. Casey: I just wanted to bring that out. I know it's something he mentioned yesterday. So the rest of his comments are in the packet. O'Neal: For engineering comments, we have several. I'm just going to hit the highlights. The additional two foot strip of sidewalk will not be allowed. Leave the sidewalk as it is. We'll have to relocate it. Truncated domes need to be used instead of the grooves at all handicap ramps. You can't have any retaining walls or fences located in utility easements, particularly along the back side of the detention pond, and that detention cannot be located within the utility easement. Note what type of connections are used for water service and show the fire protection to the building if it's going to be provided. Rich: There won't be any fire protection. Technical Plat 09-15-04 Page 10 O'Neal: Okay. Building service for sanitary sewer can't run down that easement and it can't be within the detention pond as well so that will have to be relocated. The 4 inch sanitary sewer force main, that needs to be removed. I'm assuming that's to connect to the adjacent lot for them to... Rich: The reason that the civil engineer decided to use that is that he was looking at the elevation of the sanitary sewer manhole that we connect to, and one of the conditions that we had is that we had to provide a line over to the adjacent site, and he was concerned that once he ran that line over that the depth would only be about 8 inches there for that adjacent lot. That the cover on the pipe would only be about 8 inches. O'Neal: Well there is sanitary to the south that you can extend to, in the apartment complex. Casey Was that a condition of approval that the sewer be extended at the time of the first development. Rich: That was our understanding. Casey I think we can do a gravity extension from the manhole located over here; it's a very short distance. Rich: That's what we were hoping to do. The engineer was concerned about getting approval from the owners of those other properties. That was the direction that we wanted to go because we thought it would be a lot simpler. Casey Our records show that along the 15 foot utility easement, and that would be possible because it is a short gravity main extension instead of coming across this side. Rich: Is that something that we would have to? What would we have to do about it? Casey You can check the conditions of approval on that lot split to see how that was worded, whether it was that access to the sewer needed to be provided with both, for both lots at the time of the first development whereas each development... we'll have to verify that and see. O'Neal: The rest of the comments are standard comments except for the comments for the drainage report. And a minimum of pipe size for storm drainage is 18 inch. We also need to see you keep the natural flow pattern the same for drainage that leaves the site. So that needs to be revisited. On the matter of the detention, on several locations it's noted as a retention pond. We don't have any provisions that allow design for retention. We're also Technical Plat 09-15-04 Page 11 not comfortable with the storm sewer being pumped to the front. Again that would alter the drainage pattern instead of following the natural pattern and directing it out toward the highway. So we need to look at a different design. Rich: Do you have any suggestions? You're thinking of going over to the... O'Neal: I believe with an extension that you can discharge using the natural channels. Casey Look like the fall is in this direction now. And the proposal is to pump it up here. It look like there's some elevation change here that you might be able to discharge. Rich: Can we have a discharge off of that adjacent site? Casey Yes. They tell the offsite pipe to be able to ... out there. Rich: If the detention pond can't be in the utility easement and it can't be with the retaining wall? Casey You can have a retaining wall but it can't be in the easement. We were concerned with the pumping method the drainage report show in predevelopment flows and then post development flows, but I don't think if you're pumping at 100 gallons per minute, that's going to be a constant flow out. So the drainage report didn't seem to represent what was actually going to happen. And I'm kind of concerned about pump failure also. Where's it going to go, what's going to happen if that's not maintained? If the power's out or... Rich: I'll have to talk with the civil engineer. Is most of that also detailed in this report? Casey One additional comment. If the detention requirements, the changes significantly alter the site, I would even come back to this level of meetings instead of going on to Subdivision meeting. We'll work with you on that. With the utility companies, I don't know if their comments are going to change much with the variations on the site or not. But we can look at that. Pate: A Tree Preservation waiver was submitted and approved. There are no existing trees on this site. For the landscape plan, there are a couple of things on here. If you could indicate all utilities, easements and right-of- way on this plan to ensure that the trees are not planted on the top of water/sewer lines. Let's see, Dwarf Crape Myrtles are not acceptable street tree species. If you could go through that list. If you could also Technical Plat 09-15-04 Page 12 provide another tree that's acceptable, we'll just look at that. We do have a list of recommended trees. Additionally, the street tree plantings along HWY 16 are grouped too closely together. The distance is 30 linear fet between each tree, and 25% of those based on this frontage I believe, could be grouped together, that way you can just create the space. Rich: So you can group them together to create the spaces between? Pate: Well 25% of the trees could be grouped together. At least a couple could be grouped in a closer fashion but otherwise we need to space them out along the frontage a little better. Also this situation is not acceptable, to either move that island outside of the, or move the walk outside the island by scooting the island over or creating a larger island in which you could plant on both sides. That's an option as well. That's actually been used in town before or you could do like I mentioned earlier and just move the island over. Also we do need an additional island along this run of 12. The dumpster location does not count as a landscape island. I'd recommend it in the middle there as opposed to the end here. I think it'd probably allow for better access. I believe that's all the comments that I have. Rich: I had a question about the sidewalk. I think I'm feeling a little bit unprepared about what direction we need to go in on the sidewalk. Leave it as it is? Casey That was our Sidewalk Administrator's recommendation. Just leave it as a 4 foot. Rich: I think perhaps we were under the impression that we had to enlarge that. Casey Our Master Street Plan calls for a 6 foot sidewalk on Arterial roadways. However, this was all constructed as part of the Highway Department construction project. It was all placed with smaller sidewalks, but it's consistent all the way through this business development already. So it was his recommendation just to leave it as is. Pate: Question for you, Matt. Through the driveway approach, what preference would you guys have for the sidewalk? Construct a 4 foot there to match the existing, or something back in the driveway? Casey: Yeah, I think that's going to stay in the same location. The sidewalks need to be continuous through the driveways so, we need to work with you at the time of construction to maybe kind of help you. Rich: We need to talk to Shane Reeves. We had a little bit of a problem getting hold of him, but there will be some changes. But he had a concern about Technical Plat 09-15-04 Page 13 this, what we show is an existing, it's something that's on the survey, I don't know how that ramp's going to exist, and he was concerned about, how did a ramp get built that goes straight on the road. Casey: It makes sense if you look here across the street, and there's a ramp in that location, so that may be why it's there. Rich: I couldn't tell for sure whether it actually existed. Morgan: Again fire comments are included as well as comments from solid waste division. They comment that their gate opening requirements for the dumpster at this location needs to be a minimum of 12 feet wide post to post. The plat is representing 1 I foot wide. So they would like to see at least widened by an additional 1 foot and if at all possible 2 feet. Are there any utility comments? Sargent: Jim Sargent with SWEPCO. Are you showing a utility easement there along Wedington? Rich: I believe we are. There was some question about whether we. Pate: It should be there, I don't think it's been labeled. Sargent: Okay. I'd like to see a 20 foot easement there along Wedington. And also down along your east property line, I'm showing a transformer kind of back in the southwest corner there. We'll need an easement from the easement along Wedington back to that transformer location where we put in our primary conductors. Rich: Can you say where that is again? Sargent: Along your east property line. We need a 20 foot utility easement going back to that transformer location there. Rich: And that's something that's handled during easement. There's a process by which you? Sargent: It's granted as a utility easement now during this plat, and then we'd have to get a particular easement to SWEPCO for that. Rich: We have an easement the west side of the lot already for electrical, and we had it placed there. Typically those are placed as close to the building as you can to limit the cost of the secondary. Do you think the process of getting that easement is going to offset the cost of just putting it back where we already have a 10 foot easement? I don't want to pay for an Technical Plat 09-15-04 Page 14 additional when we already have a secondary. It would save me some trouble of trying to establish another easement on the property. Pate: An easement plat will follow the Planning Commission approval for this project, regardless. Sargent: Well that's probably the best location where you've got it shown back there. So if you just show a 20 foot easement there on that east property line there along Wedington that would take care of our easement requirements. And we require you to put in two 4 inch conduits from a pole out along Wedington back to the transformer location for primary conductors. And provide a transformer pad also. Rich: Do you have any specifications on that transformer pad? Is it fairly typical, or do you have details? Sargent: We do have details we can get to your contractor. Rich: I think we show 10 X 10. Do you have any particular requirements for clearance surrounding the transformer? Sargent: It depends on how much clearance there's going to be between it and your dumpster or parking area. And what kind of walls you're screening around your dumpster for how far we're going to need for it. If it's a noncombustible material, we'll need 5 feet, and if it's something that's combustible, we'll need 10 feet clearance. Rich: The dumpster is split based block with a metal gate. Sargent: If it gets a little further from the dumpster we will require it. Boles: Johnny Boles, Arkansas Western Gas. At the east end of this project you're showing a water and natural gas easement. Exactly which easement are you calling out there? Rich: On the adjacent lot? I think that the terminology I have came off of surveys. Boles: But you are showing on the adjacent lot to the east a utility easement adjacent to the right-of-way. And do you know what the width of that is? Rich: I believe it was 20 feet. Boles: And you are going to install us a 4 inch conduit underneath that driveway again? Technical Plat 09-15-04 Page 15 Rich: Are there details for how we run gas and electric? Boles: I just need a minimum of 30 inches of cover over the top of that. Rich: Does it have to be concrete? Boles: No, just PVC. That's all I have. Gibson: Larry Gibson, Cox Communications. If there going to request for cable services in this building? I don't know if they will or not? Rich: Well that might be at the owner's discretion. Gibson: Okay. You may want to place from the same hole that comes from electric, if you'll take a 4 inch for us down to the transformer location, and turn it up about 4 feet from the transformer. Just turn it up, sweep it up, 14 inch or so. And then from that location, sweep another two inch, minimum from there over to about three feet of the electric meter. That'll give us a drop service. And you may want to, if they come back later and say they want it, then we won't be able to do that. Rich: So the two inch goes from the transformer over to the meter? Gibson: Right. We can service it. We'll take the distribution line over to the location by the transformer and then from there we'll do a drop service line. And any location of a Cox service line will be at the owner's expense. That's all I have. Clouzer: Sue Clouzer, Southwestern Bell. Any relocation will be at the owner's expense. Morgan: Revisions are due next week. Pate: I would suggest the civil engineer or even you contact Matt or Brent and kind of look through some of these. Rich: Thank you. Pate: Thank you very much. (TAPE ENDS) Technical Plat 09-15-04 Page 16 Large Scale Development (WEDINGTON BUSINESS CENTER, 435): Submitted by JAMES KOCH for property located at 6363 WEDINGTON DRIVE. The property is zoned C-2, THOROUGHFARE COMMERCIAL and contains approximately 5.51 acres. The request is to reinstate the previously approved Large Scale Development on the subject property.