HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-09-01 - MinutesMINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE TECHNICAL PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE A regular meeting of the Technical Plat Review Committee was held on September 1, 2004 at 9:00 a.m. in room 111 in the City Administration Building, 113 W. Mountain, Fayetteville, Arkansas. LSP 04-1192 & 1193 (William Ward "A", 524) Page 2 PPL 04-1187: (Lot 1 of springwoods PZD, 247) Page 5 LSD 04-1182: (Steak & Shake, 135) Page 9 LSD 04-1183: (Brandon/Hash Mall South, 135) Page 14 LSD 04-1184: (USA Drug/Evelyn Hills, 407) Page 16 LSD 04-1185: (Noodles, 173/174) Page 21 PZD 04-1181: (Walnut Crossing, 594/595) Page 25 STAFF PRESENT Jeremy Pate Suzanne Morgan Renee Thomas Rebecca Ohman Matt Casey UTILITIES PRESENT Mike Phipps, Ozark Electric Coop. Sue Clouser, Southwestern Bell AEP/SWEPCO Larry Gibson, Cox Communications Johney Boles, Arkansas Western Gas ACTION TAKEN Forwarded Forwarded Forwarded Forwarded Forwarded Forwarded Forwarded STAFF ABSENT Danny Farrar Travis Dotson Perry Franklin UTILITIES ABSENT Technical Plat Review September 1, 2004 Page 2 LSP 04-1192: Lot Split (WILLIAM WARD "A", 524): Submitted by BUCKLEY BLEW for property located at 230 WALKER DRIVE, SE CORNER ROCK/KNERR AND WALKER DRIVE. The property is zoned RMF -24, MULTI FAMILY - 24 UNITS/ACRE and contains approximately 7.33 acres. The request is to divide the subject property into two tracts of 1.61 and 5.72 acres. LSP 04-1193: Lot Split (WILLIAM WARD "B", 524): Submitted by BUCKLEY BLEW for property located at 230 WALKER DRIVE, SE CORNER ROCK/KNERR AND WALKER DRIVE. The property is zoned RMF -24, MULTI FAMILY - 24 UNITS/ACRE and contains approximately 1.93 acres. The request is to divide the subject property into two tracts of 0.55 and 1.38 acres. Pate: Good morning everyone. Welcome to the Technical Plat Review Committee meeting for Wednesday, September Is`. We have eight items on our agenda to review this morning. We will start with items one and two, they will be heard together. That is LSP 04-1192 and 04-1193 for William Ward. These properties are located on Walker Drive at the southeast corner of Knerr and Walker. We will go over these comments, I also included the Property Line Adjustment but we will not discuss that at this meeting. Prior to this item be heard by the Subdivision Committee we need to ensure that the Property Line Adjustment is revised and filed. The lot doesn't legally exist until that has been recorded. On the plat comments on page two of your sheets, if you could please key the adjacent property owners with respect to each individual location surrounding the subject property. Mr. Blew has already identified who the land owners are, we just need to know exactly where those land owners lye with relationship to this property. If they could be keyed, 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. that would be fine. This will have 25 copies submitted to Subdivision Committee. Include all easements as requested by utility representatives. Include building setbacks for all of the lots, you have a couple but if you could show all sides of each respective lot on the plat. Include acreage in all legal descriptions. Those are the only Planning comments we have. There is one comment included in your packet that there is a closure error in the legal description for your Lot 5B. Brent, are there any Engineering comments specifically? O'Neal: I'm Brent O'Neal, Staff Engineer. Show the water lines along Rock Street and Walker Road. Extend water to B2 and Al and show a 10' easement on each side of existing water lines. Show the limits of the existing septic field for the house. Provide Arkansas Department of Health approval for the septic systems on Lot B1 and B2. You will need to show that for B1 and B2 since it was designed for a larger lot and you are reducing it to a half acre. ??: It was actually designed for a smaller lot. This is a complicated issue. Technical Plat Review September 1, 2004 Page 3 Pate: We have reviewed the Property Line Adjustment as well. ??: The original plat was sold separately as less than a half acre lot. Basically, just to get this split I needed to increase this size so that we could split it off. I actually increased the amount of property that original house is on, I just readjusted the lines. Actually, what I've done is adjusted the lines to keep the leach lines on the property. It is not smaller, it is larger. O'Neal: If that is the case if you could just show a dashed area. Rebecca Ohman — Parks Department Ohman: There will be a Parks fee of $786 for two additional lots that you are creating. They are multi -family lots rather than single family so that multi -family fee will be charged to the new project. ??: If I wanted to make them single family then that's more? I know this won't actually be split again. Ohman: Since you are going to be developing them as single family we can go ahead and charge you a single family fee. Pate: It is really at the time of building permit. ??: I don't want to have them smaller than this. Ohman: I will make a note on this account however you develop them you will need to pay those fees at that point. Pate: Utility comments? Johny Boles — Arkansas Western Gas Boles: No comment. Larry Gibson — Cox Communications Gibson: No comment. Larry ??— SWEPCO SWEPCO: The only comment that I had was to ask that this 10' along Rock Street could be upgraded to a 25' building setback and UE. Right now it is only 10' utility easement. Technical Plat Review September 1, 2004 Page 4 ??: I have no problem with that. SWEPCO: The other comment I have, I don't know what your intent for the property is if we need to go ahead and get an easement off the back. ??: I intend to build a house back here and keep the front and not to develop this. I will put these two lots for sale here and build a house in here with a driveway coming in through here. SWEPCO: That should be fine. Pate: If you could also verify the easements that you currently have shown on the plat. Plat revisions are due on the 8"' and we will need 25 copies. This won't be placed on the agenda until the Property Line Adjustment has been processed and recorded with the County. If you have any questions about the comments feel free to give me a call. Technical Plat Review September 1, 2004 Page 5 PPL 04-1187: Preliminary Plat (LOT 1 OF SPRINGWOODS PZD, 247): Submitted by PATRICK HARGUS for property located at LOT 1 OF THE SPRINGWOODS C- PZD. The property is zoned C-PZD, COMM. PLANNED ZONING DIST. and contains approximately 30.77 acres. The request is to approve a preliminary plat for a commercial subdivision with 22 development lots proposed. Pate: Item number three is PPL 04-1187 for Lot 1 of springwoods PZD submitted by Mr. Hargus for property located off of Shiloh Drive. The request is to approve a Preliminary Plat for a commercial subdivision with 22 development lots proposed. The comments here really addresses a draft of covenants, or any information available on the desired "theme" or concept of the commercial subdivision. As part of the PZD and with any commercial development, there are supposed to be specific elements identified to show a recurring, unifying and identifiable theme within the development as a whole. Please address accordingly. We are going to need to see those prior to Subdivision Committee. That is essentially a draft of covenants that doesn't need to be entirely flushed out. Is the 25' building setback a built to line to which each development must construct their structure as part of the building? Staff is going to recommend that option just for you to investigate to disallow parking between the right of way and building. That is essentially pushing the buildings to the front into that 25' setback to promote a safer and more accessible pedestrian environment and creates a functional streetscape while maintaining vehicular connections between developments. If you would just talk to your client about that. Also, with the limited access onto this street one, if the parking is in the rear there is better connectivity for vehicles back here so when you start doing your cross access with each one of these developments that could tend itself better for vehicular traffic patterns. Also, if you could address maximum building heights within the subdivision. As of right now it is basically set with what the existing zoning is but with the PZD it is not set. You can use the maximum building height for another zoning district such as C-2 if you would like. Just some standard comments here, all development within the subdivision shall conform at least to the minimum standards set forth in the UDC. If you set any standards beyond those that is standard to which this development must develop. That includes sidewalks, parking ratios, bicycle rack ratios, landscaping, screening and buffering, etc. All lots shall utilize provided shared drives for sole access to interior street and Shiloh Drive as you have shown on the plat. Revise Note #14 to include all of those lots, instead of just 17 and 18. Of course, cross access will be required for developments within the subdivision. If you would put a note on the plat as well. All of the lots shall be subject to the Design Overlay District criteria. You've got that. Any utilities do need to be relocated underground. All existing lines under l2kV need to be relocated underground. Development of the subdivision is additionally subject to those covenants, restrictions and guidelines filed with the C-PZD for Technical Plat Review September 1, 2004 Page 6 springwoods. Those will be passed onto the Subdivision Committee as part of this, essentially an expansion of those for this particular lot. I will go over tree preservation while I have you here. There are a couple of discrepancies here. The tree canopy legend calls out specific trees, however they are not identified on the plat. It is my understanding that there are no significant trees being affected by this subdivision infrastructure, is that right? Hargus: That is right. Pate: Also, if you could include a site analysis description for this Lot #1. I know there was one done with the overall springwoods but if you could be a little more specific with regard to the types of trees, groupings and things of that nature. Each one of these developments when they come in will go through an individual tree preservation plan. It will be beneficial at the Final Plat and at this level to understand the types of trees that we are looking at in these groupings. All trees removed with the development of the subdivision infrastructure shall be compensated for by making an appropriate payment into the Tree Escrow Account. All preserved trees, including these areas that you are not affecting, will need to be protected with tree preservation fencing. If you could show that on your plans and include a key over here. Also, identify on site areas for delivery storage, and construction materials. I just want to verify that that will be out of a protected area. As part of your fencing include the details. I included a color copy here of this. Your percentages are kind of calculated incorrectly. They are based on the existing percent and the percent remaining of that. It is really supposed to be the percent of the overall site. Instead of 85% and you are really going for 34%. That is where it should be. Also, if there is a way to use a different type of symbol to utilize that may be helpful. Brent O'Neal — Staff Engineer O'Neal: Show the location of the existing water mains around the edge of this site. The water also needs to be extended along the western property line aong Moore Lane. I did provide information on the off site sewer extension, what is proposed for extension of the sewer. You need to show all proposed erosion control measures. There seems to be some kind of a problem wit the contours at the intersection of the proposed street and Moore Lane. I'm not sure what that is implying. Hargus: I see, it just hasn't been worked out all the way yet. O'Neal: Provide a drainage easement along the proposed swale along the western property line. Technical Plat Review September 1, 2004 Page 7 Hargus: We need that. O'Neal: Are the accesses to the lots driveways or private street stub outs? If they are driveways, they need to be concrete with the sidewalk continuous through them. Hargus: I have the right of way, this would be an easement. The actual driveway would be in an easement. O'Neal: So it's a driveway? Hargus: It is a driveway within an easement. O'Neal: The sidewalk needs to be shown going all the way through. Hargus: With handicap ramps as they cut through? O'Neal: Just a continuous sidewalk with the curb cuts. That is a 2% cross slope, continuous sidewalk. Access ramps along Shiloh need to be the same width as the sidewalk. Pipe stub outs and flared end sections may be needed to avoid ponding on lots 11 and 15. Maintain at least 10' of separation between the proposed sanitary sewer and storm sewer between lots 7 and 8. Label the proposed contours within the detention ponds. Label the 100 -year water surface elevation on the ponds. The detention ponds shall be sodded. The pond banks can't be within easements. The sewer main underneath the outfall structure will need to be encased. There are some general comments about erosion control. The water main along street two needs to be ended with a fire hydrant. Show a 10' easement on each side of the water and sewer mains. The street improvements are required a minimum of 14' from centerline including pavement, curb and gutter, storm drains and sidewalk for the entire length of the property along Moore Lane and Shiloh Drive. As discussed in the original PZD, these improvements will need to extend the entire length of Lot 8 at this time. Pate: That was part of the comments that were from the original PZD. Rebecca Ohman — Parks Department Ohman: You have shown the trail corridor along Shiloh, I just encourage you to keep coordinating with Steve Hatfield. His contact information I'm sure you have, but it's in your packet. Pate: Utility comments? Mike Phipps- Ozark Electric Coop. Technical Plat Review September 1, 2004 Page 8 Phipps: Any relocation of existing facilities will be at the developer's expense. We have marked up the plat here for utility easements that will be required. It will take a while to go over this. It would be easier to give you a copy. Hargus: That is fine, I won't have any problem in doing whatever you ask. Pate: Obviously, we will need to keep those out of tree preservation areas. If you want to set up a time for us to look over this plat and get back with you guys if there is any issue. Phipps: Basically, we just need to get from Shiloh back to Deane Solomon. Pate: There are some pretty big open areas. For instance, this is a pretty open area. Larry Gibson — Cox Communications Gibson: We are going to have to go through that wetlands with the street going through there. Hargus: Yes, you are. It will be totally mitigated out. Pate: I know there is more canopy down here along this south portion. Essentially, you need to get from Shiloh over to this interior street Boles: And hten the lot to the west headed back toward Deane Solomon. Pate: We will need to look at that tree preservation. Revisions are due on the 8`h by 10:00 a.m., 25 copies and the covenants. Thank you. Technical Plat Review September 1, 2004 Page 9 LSD 04-1182: Large Scale Development (STEAK & SHAKE, 135): Submitted by ENGINEERING SERVICES, INC for property located at LOT 1 OF THE CONCURRENT PLAT OF THE NORTHWEST ARKANSAS MALL. The property is zoned C-2, THOROUGHFARE COMMERCIAL and contains approximately LI 0 acres. The request is to approve a 4,180 s.f. restaurant with 58 parking spaces proposed. Pate: Item number four s LSD 04-1182 for Steak & Shake located at lot 1 of the Northwest Arkansas Mall for property containing 1.10 acres. The request is to approve a4,180 sq.ft. restaurant. Mr. Moore? Moore: This is for Steak & Shake, maybe we can get another decent restaurant here. Morgan: If you could provide the owner's signatures on the application. I wasn't able to identify who that was, and a letter verifying the authority of that person to sign on behalf of Macerich who is currently the owner. Moore: I think you have that from our Brandon Mall project on the other side if you want to look at that. Morgan: This property has not yet been legally split. They are working on getting signatures on a Concurrent Plat, however, it has not been filed by the county. We will have to wait to take this forward to the Subdivision Committee when that is processed. Moore: If we can get it done quick, do you know if they have started getting signatures? I don't know. Morgan: I'm unaware. I believe that they are starting to get signatures but I believe that someone has to sign it in California so they are sending it there. Moore: I will make a call and we will see if we can't get that done. Morgan: If you could dimension Mall and Georgetown Square Drive. Currently they are private drives. If you could provide, indicate a public access easement adjacent to both Steak & Shake and the Brandon Hash Mall to the north for the entire width of Mall Avenue in order to ensure public access, as well as provide an access easement across this drive since that is the only access for both of these tracts. I don't know when future properties over here will develop but you may want to look at an access easement for that. There is a zero foot buiding setback to the north and east of this property. It fronts on Georgetown and Mall, those will be considered front setbacks at 50'. They are showing as 20' building setback to the east, if you could change that. Trash receptacles will need to be screened on three sides with materials complimentary to the associated building and not visible from the street. There are some Technical Plat Review September 1, 2004 Page 10 comments from our Solid Waste Division that are attached in this report regarding dimensions for the inside of the enclosure and concern with the turning radius available. I think that they are afraid that they won't be able to access it. Moore: Steak & Shake doesn't like it either. Morgan: Also, if you could verify if there are street lights along Mall Avenue. Moore: I know there is one right there. Morgan: Three ADA parking spaces are required for more than 50 spaces, one of which is required to be van accessible with an 8' striped space and 8' handicapped. Also, 42 spaces are required for the project and the addition of 30% for a total of 55 spaces. Your proposed layout shows about 58 spaces on this and would require a Conditional Use. Staff's recommendation is in order to avoid bringing a Conditional Use forward, that that be reduced. Moore: If I put the ADA that will take care of one of them, so just delete two more of them. Morgan: This doesn't take into account the numbers to the north. I suggest that the spaces be equal on both sides. One of the landscaping comments is to relocate the bike parking racks out of the landscape islands. If you could locate any parking lot lighting that is proposed. Also, locate any proposed identification signs. I did not see any on this. The elevations that were turned in, if you could provide additional information on a board, materials sample board. Just kind of update this. I think there was confusion getting this in but it is a little unclear how these are going to really look. Moore: I will have the architect call you all. It is a corporate architect. Morgan: That is pretty much all that I have. Brent O'Neal — Staff EnEineer O'Neal: For the detail on the sidewalk you need to have greenspace on Mall Avenue. We would also like to have a 6' sidewalk shown along Mall and Georgetown Street. The sidewalks need to be located at the right of way line. Moore: Since these are private streets, where are those sidewalks located? Technical Plat Review September 1, 2004 Page I1 O'Neal: If you could get with the Sidewalk Administrator on that. Show the existing stormsewer along Mall. You need to show the proposed water main extension to be bored under Mall Avenue. Replace the 90° bend in the water main with two 45° bends. Provide information on the water main connection on the west side of the Mall. There is an error in the spot elevation near the southwest corner of the building. I believe it is 1' high. Label the 100 -year water surface elevation in the ponds. Also, a note that the detention must be sodded. All grading must be set back a minimum of 5' from the property lines unless you have written permission from adjacent property owners. Either show the proposed off site sewer extension. Show the inlet protection in the detentin pond on the grading plan. The proposed sewer main cannot be located in the bank of the pond and the pond cannot be located within a utility easement. All the utility pedestals and risers shall be located outside of the proposed sidewalk alignment. Sue Clouser — SBC Clouser: Are they going to be bringing it inside, the conduit into the building? Moore: Probably. Clouser: We will need a 4" conduit with pull string, #6 bare ground backboard. I don't htikn we have anything there but if we do it will need to be relocated at the owner/developer's expense. That area to the north there, is it possible to have another development in there? Moore: Yes. It is the next one on the agenda. Clouser: I want a 4" conduit under the drive on Mall Avenue, six 4" conduits would be good. Mike Phipps — Ozark Electric Coop. Phipps: Brian, I think that a part of this is in AEP and part in Ozarks. I think the majority of it is in AEP's territory. I know my three phase is on the south side of Georgetown. AEP starts north of McDonald's. We have got Hanks Furniture going in next to McDonald's. This line should go up and hit the mall where JC Penny's is. Moore: Can we pick? Phipps: I will have our tech department look at it again. The easement along Georgetown should be fine. Technical Plat Review September 1, 2004 Page 12 Berstrom: If they could provide us with a meets and bounds description to show a quarter section line, that is how we will know. All that is on this is just lot whatever. That's all I have. Johnev Boles — Arkansas Western Gas Boles: Currently our facilities are feeding from the east and they end down to McDonald's south of this project so we will have to cross Georgetown Street and then extend to the north. Do you know if they are going to want this feeder place at this building? Moore: I do not know that. I would assume so. Boles: If they do want it placed at the building it will be expended at a rate of $2.75 per foot from the main. You need to provide us a 4" conduit with pull string from the main to the building at that location. The main extension will stand on its own there based against a ready return calculations for total job cost. Moore: In other words, you are charging them. Boles: Not necessarily, it depends on the load of the building. You need to call and get me a load so I can calculate it. Larry Gibson — Cox Communications Gibson: We are included in those conduits across the driveway. Most of these places like this will want cable service. If they do, I will need a 2" conduit on the side of the building over to the east side of Mall Avenue. Moore: I think they probably will want it. He has got internet. Clouser: Can you add the utilities on the print so they have my name and phone number on there? Winglow: I'm Larry Winglow with SWEPCO. I will reiterate the comment that we need to first find out who's service area this is in. We will check into it a little further but giving us a legal with the quarter section line may help us. We also will need one of those conduits that is crossing the driveway there. SWEPCO's tine there now stops at the McDonald's. We will be extending up Mall Avenue there, assuming it is in our area, so we will need to cross that drive to get to the next development. Have there been any consideration where the trenches will be located? Phipps: If I go up I will be going up on the east side to the north for the building. I think we need to put them up Mall Avenue and go in the other way so it is Technical Plat Review September 1, 2004 Page 13 on the side we are on. They don't go by the depth, they go by the majority of the building. Winglow: It is depending on where the territory is. We would ask that if the transformer is going to sit towards the back of the building, that we have 10' clearance from the building to the transformer pad. Some of these have been trying to crowd us. We are going to have to make sure that we get our clearance, it is an actual fire code requirement. We will need an easement, after that is determined, from Mall Avenue to the transformer pad location, 15'. That is all that I have. Jeremy Pate — Landscape Administrator Pate: For tree preservation and landscaping, of course, you submitted a waiver for the preservation plans because there are no existing trees on this site. The landscape plan, include the size of all plant materials at time f installation, including trees. Indicate all utilities, easements and street right of way or access easements on the drawing. Along Georgetown Street, if you could ensure a minimum of 15' landscaping. You may reduce the parking spaces in this location to 17' in length to meet this requirements. Remove the bike racks from the landscape island and replace those with appropriate plantings. Boles: I've run into several issues recently with restaurants concerning adequate wall space. I need to not be at the same location point of entry as power, I can't be placed under a window. I have ran into some field problems, and the load will also dictate the physical spread and the size of that meter. Morgan: Revisions are due September 8`h by 10:00 a.m. Technical Plat Review September 1, 2004 Page 14 LSD 04-1183: Large Scale Development (BRANDON/HASH MALL SOUTH, 135): Submitted by ENGINEERING SERVICES, INC for property located at LOT 2 OF LOTS 1,2 & 3 OF THE CONCURRENT PLAT OF THE NORTHWEST ARKANSAS MALL. The property is zoned C-2, THOROUGHFARE COMMERCIAL and contains approximately 1.10 acres. The request is to approve a 11,552 sq.ft. professional office building with 43 parking spaces proposed Pate: The next item is LSD 04-1183 for Brandon/Hash Mall South submitted by Engineering Services, Inc. This is directly north from the last project. Many of the initial comments are the same as the last review. The elevations show a second floor walk way, I believe for fire entry. If you could indicate where that is located on the plan. Also, regarding setbacks, the north property line is considered a side and has a 0' setback. Please modify the plan to reflect this setback. If you should show screening for the dumpster receptacle. Also, the site plan needs to reflect elevations. It looks like there is quite a bit of articulation and inner -massing so we just need to make sure that this building permit reflects that. Also, two ADA spaces are required and provided. However, one needs to be van accessible. If you could indicate a public access easement adjacent to both Steak & Shake and Brandon/Hash mall to the north for the entire width . The proposed sign is located with a utility easement. Please relocate the location of the sign so that it is outside of any utility easement. Brent O'Neal — Staff Engineer O'Neal: The 6' sidewalk needs to be shown along Mall Avenue and the Mall parking lot on the north side as well. Moore: Ok, I will get with him. That's pretty steep right through there. O'Neal: The sewer main can't be located in the bank of the pond. The pond cannot be located with a utility easement. The sewer service line cannot go across the pond. The retaining wall cannot be within the utility easement. Label the height in various points along the wall. Show the percent slope on the north side. That is all that I have. Sue Clouser — SBC Clouser: I would like to have two 4" conduits out to the easement beyond the parking lot to Mall Avenue with pull strings, a #6 bare ground backboard and if there are any facilities there, they will need to be relocated at the developer's expense. Mike Phipps — Ozark Electric Coop. Technical Plat Review September 1, 2004 Page 15 Phipps: I have the same comments as previous. Larry Gibson — Cox Communications Gibson: With the office building I would like to ask for a 4" conduit down to the greenspace on the side of Mall Avenue with a pull string. Also, just make sure that they get us access up to the second floor from the electrical room. Call me with the relocations for this. That's all that I have. ??-SWEPCO ??: As far as a retaining wall in that easement, we are probably not going any further so you can stop the easement short for my purposes. O'Neal: Just check on if they want the water service extended north there. ??: There are no additional easements that would be required unless the for the new building the owner wanted to work out transformer pads on the property line between these two buildings and serve both buildings with one transformer that may be nice. In that case we will need an easement. That would solve the problem of getting the transformers too close to the building and would address several issues. If you can get me some load information on whether it will need to be three phase, and all of that. Jeremy Pate — Landscape Administrator Pate: A tree preservation waiver was submitted because there are no existing trees on the site. I do have a comment though, all existing landscaping maintained by the Northwest Arkansas Mall properties at the south entrance to the Mall and within the boulevard shall be protected during the construction process. I understand you are boring across Mall Avenue as opposed to cutting so I would like to add a comment in there about the landscaping there also. Morgan: Revisions are due September 8`h by 10:00 a.m. Technical Plat Review September 1, 2004 Page 16 LSD 04-1184: Large Scale Development (USA DRUG/EVELYN HILLS, 407): Submitted by CEI ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC. for property located at NW CORNER OF THE EVELYN HILLS SHOPPING CENTER. The property is zoned C-2, THOROUGHFARE COMMERCIAL and contains approximately 17.21 acres. The request is to approve the development of a 3,500 s.f. retail space with 23 parking spaces proposed on a 91 acre lease of the subject property. Pate: Item number six is LSD 04-1184 for USA Drug in Evelyn Hills. This is for the development of a 3,500 sq.ft. retail drug store with associated parking. Morgan: I will go over Planning comments. If you could show the adjacentproperty zoning as well as indicate plat page 407 on the site plan. Additionally, if you could dimension right of way from centerline for Hwy. 7113. The Master Street Plan requires 55' from centerline and we would request that dedication by warranty deed for this project for the leased area. ??: Just along our leased area? Morgan: Yes. If you could also show the lcotaion of the proposed trash enclosures for this development. Solid Waste has a comment for this development included in your packet as well. That trash container will need to be screened with access not visible from the street right of way. If you could also include owner/contact information on the plat. ??: The owner or the developer? Morgan: If you could do both. With the adjustment for the right of way the building setback will also change. Just make sure that nothing is encroaching on that setback. It looks like this dashed line is the overhang for the drive thru. ??: It is an additional retaining wall that will be necessary because of the elevations and this existing drive. Morgan: If you could also verify that the legal descriptions shown on the site plan have accurate titles. It seems that the area described in each does not pertain to the title. The additional parking provided for this project needs to meet our maximum parking regulations. The maximum allowable is 19 spaces, more of which have been identified to be provided with this development. Existing parking in Evelyn Hills can also provide additional parking to service this. There is quite a bit of parking here. Your parking may be reduced with this additional right of way and we just need that the number of parking spaces that you are providing for new parking spaces Technical Plat Review September 1, 2004 Page 17 do not exceed the maximum allowable, 19 spaces. If you could include a note on the plat stating that praking between this development and Evelyn Hills will be shared to identify what parking will be utilized. ??: Does that need to take into account what existing parking spaces that we are taking out? Morgan: I'm unaware of how many parking spaces you are taking out. ??: That is why I'm asking. We are taking 20 out and we are putting back 35, and providing the additional greenspace there. Morgan: We can see how that will adjust the numbers. It looks like the total number of spaces provided for the entire shopping center is actually above the required. I feel that adequate parking is available for the existing shopping center. If you are taking out more parking spaces than you are adding we will need to work with those numbers. Also, bike racks are required to be placed a maximum of 50' from the entrance of the building. Currently, I see you have one located approximately 60' from the entrance. Relocating the rack to the northwest corner of the structure will reduce the dinstance to the entrance and provide a barricade between the drive thru and sidewalk. That may affect ADA requirements though. Additionally, if you could show the location of any proposed freestanding sign. I don't know if you are planning on utilizing the existing sign. ??: There is a joint identification sign on College. Morgan: Regarding the building signage, the elevations show approximately 11 signs. Four wall signs are permitted for this so please revise that to comply with our sign ordinance. Any signs will require a sign permit for approval. There are a few other plat comments in here, if you have any questions you are welcome to call. We will try to work out the parking issues. It may be a moot point. Engineering? Brent O'Neal — Staff Engineer O'Neal: The 100 -year flood base elevation, if you can just show that on the vicinity map. I don't think that you can see it using this plan on here, if you can just show it on the vicinity map that would be fine. You need to label all of the existing water lines and easements and show all of the existing sewer lines and those easements. We also need a 6' sidewalk along College Avenue at the right of way, that is at the proposed right of way. Also, if you would check the size of the building that is prposed to be leased. You are showing a 3,500 sq.ft. building. Also, if you look at the grading plan it looks like the parking lot is graded where the water is directed right at that handicapped ramp so if you could regrade that so Technical Plat Review September 1, 2004 Page 18 there is not a potential ponding problem. Also, there is probably a bust in your elevations calling at the southeast corner of the building. You need to indicate what kind of erosion control measures you are going to have for the site. If you are going to have a retaining wall there along that drive thru you need to have some kind of drive rail to prevent someone from driving off of that. The existing water meter will not be allowed to be reused so you will need to retap the line. The sanitary sewer that you are showing, you need of have probably a half foot drop between the outlet and that manhole you are tapping into for the new service to come into it since it is coming in at quite an angle. Just show a half foot drop. The other two comments are for the drainage report. You can just have someone call me and I can talk to them about that. Morgan: Utilities? Sue Clouser — SBC Clouser: Is there any reason why you are bringing the conduit in from the north side? I am just thinking that looks like it is a pretty long run the way you've got the conduits coming in. Is there any way that we could come in on the opposite side of the building? ??: Not unless there is a mechanical room or equipment room. Clouser: Your proposed driveway, is there proposed greenspace on the other side of it? I haven't gone out and looked at it so I'm not really sure but it is all black top? ??: There isn't an existing area that doesn't have asphalt. Some of this area has existing landscape. Clouser: We would like to have a 25' utility easement along 71 Business. There will need to be a 4" conduit with a pullstring and if you are going to be putting the D Mark inside the building you wilt need a backboard with a #6 bare ground. If we do happen to have anything running underneath the site that needs to be relocated it will be at the owner/developer's expense. If they could put my name and number on the print, that way they will know who to contact. Johney Boles — Arkansas Western Gas Boles: You are showing a gas line in the legend but I don't see the gas line on here. Do you know if they are going to want service? ??: I don't know if they are going to want service or not yet. Technical Plat Review September 1, 2004 Page 19 Boles: My existing line at the present time is at the west side of 71B. We have one line coming across to the bank. The other line that I would have to pull off of is on the north side, it comes along the east side of Evelyn Hills to the northeast corner of the shopping center and then it turns west and dead ends. I don't have anything really close. You just need to let me know if they make a decision to go with natural gas. Larry Gibson — Cox Communications Gibson: We have existing overhead on the north side. That is our closest place to enter this from. We will have to go to that location, dip off of that overhead and get your conduits coming in the back. ??: SWEPCO SWEPCO: I would also like to ask for the easement along College Avenue. I missed the comment about the right of way. The Highway Department is asking for more right of way? Morgan: The Master Street Plan calls for 55' from centerline. Currently there is 40' so that is an additional 15'. SWEPCO: As far as service to the building we will need to know the load to determine how many currents I will need to serve this with. Do you have any other existing stores? ??: I believe there is one at 6"' Street. SWEPCO: I can check their load there. Is it about the same size store? Clouser: The one in Springdale is pretty big. SWEPCO: Ok. Clouser: I asked for the easement along College. SWEPCO: If we build a pad transformer I will need another easement where it is secondary. Where it is your service I won't. There are no other easements required, that should be it. Jeremy Pate — Landscape Administrator Pate: For your tree preservation there was a waiver submitted and that is fine for the trees, except for the ones along College. I believe that the requirement to dedicate an additional 15' right of way is going to be right here, another 15' landscape space required is going to be about right here. You just Technical Plat Review September 1, 2004 Page 20 need to work that out however that ends up, if you have to lose some spaces and you have enough with what you have over here then it may not even be an issue. We may just have you change the drive thru there. Of course you need to indicate any utility easements on the landscape plan revisions. If you could show parking space lines also on the landscape plan. You have 13 and 12 is the maximum allowed for a parking row. Also, we are going to request better traffic movement in here. We rae going to request a landscape island in here so you have a little better delineation of traffic. Right now it is just wide open and it is not real safe. With more traffic coming to this one particular destination we need to look at that. It does seem to meet minimum size requirements. You might want to just dimension that out, a minimum of 8'. With the proper dedication of right of way with that island to identify more greenspace to the development so you will be a minimum of 15%. I think right now you are at basically 10% greenspace. Check the species of proposed shrubs. You are showing plants right now that are essentially ground cover. That is all that I have. Morgan: Revisions are due September 8`h. Technical Plat Review September 1, 2004 Page 21 LSD 04-1185: Large Scale Development (NOODLES, 173/174): Submitted by MEL MILHOLLAND for property located at LOT 18 IN CMN BUSINESS PARK II PHASE II. The property is zoned R -O, RESIDENTIAL OFFICE and contains approximately 7.57 acres. The request is to approve an 8,734 sq.ft. restaurant. Pate: Item number seven is LSD 04-1185 for Noodles located on Lot 18 of CMN Business Park II, Phase IL I will go over Planning comments first. Of course, as you know, a Conditional Use has been submitted for this so this will need to go to the full Planning Commission for review. That is the only point for which a Conditional Use can occur. Label adjacent zoning. Add Plat Page 173 and 174 to the title block. Show the Master Street Plan on the vicinity map. Add the floodplain reference. Dimension right of way from centerline for Mall Avenue. Include percent site coverage information on table. You should have no problem meeting that. Additional detail may be required for the landscape plan. Provide screened dumpster pad. More information on the east wall, the signage. This signage here is probably going to be seen from both sides and is part of the signage. Is it just the Noodles part? We just need to clarify that so we understand exactly what kind of signage you are going to have. Is a freestanding sign proposed? Jefcoat: No, just wall signage. That is indicated in the correspondence to you. Pate: If you could reference the compatibility with surrounding developments that are going in. Specifically, we have provided some information about what we have required with the new restaurants, materials, etc. Of course we need to see the patio that was submitted on the site plan as well. It will need to go through the approval process with this. The main entry drive becomes one way at the north end of the site, which is kind of confusing because the parking stalls accessed from this drive are 90° spaces. Also, angled spaces do not appear to have adequate backing room. There is a little bit confusion where we could potentially make those angle one way. Bike racks must be located within 50' of entrance, four racks are required. All utilities shall be located underground. Brent O'Neal — Staff EnEineer O'Neal: Indicate on the plan the floodplain, floodway, and the 100 -year floodplain, show the floodplain line based on the survey topo and the base flood elevation. Submittal of the floodplain development permit in accordance with the Flood Damage Prevention Code. Submittal of architectural plans to the Floodplain Administrator, show any type of foundation or elevation which is adjacent to the structure. Engineering comments, if you could increase the size of the scale of the drawing, a benchmark needs to be added to the plan. Show the floodplain and floodway and your flood Technical Plat Review September 1, 2004 Page 22 elevations. You need to revise the existing grading to reflect the grading for Mall. It doesn't reflect the grading for Mall Avenue that occurred as the existing grade before Mall Avenue. You need to remove the 8" T from the waterline, move the hydrant to the east end with a 8" cross and a cap and stub to the north. Indicate the water service to be extended from the 8" water line on Mall, extend the water line south as needed. Jefcoat: We need to put that on the Preliminary Plat? O'Neal: Yes. Jefcoat: That is something that we haven't been putting on the Preliminary Plat. That comes later during construction plans but we would be glad to put it on there. O'Neal: Add a note that the sewer tap needs to be made by the City. Also, we need to show that vehicles can maneuver from those parking spots and also those spots on the south corner. Jefcoat: Which ones? O'Neal: The handicap spots on the south side, show that they can maneuver from that spot. Also, note to replace or repair any broken existing sidewalks. Also, the post development runoff doesn't leave the site well. It is concentrated in three or four locations and it is kind of hard to tell exactly how many curb cuts that are planned. You need to provide some kind of permanent filtration just to limit any possible effluents being discharged to that deed restricted area, if you can. On this curb cut here, is it the entire length? Jefcoat: Yes. We actually do not have any curb cuts along there. That is all curb and gutter along that line. O'Neal: You need to provide something there. Jefcoat: We have a cross walk. O'Neal: We need to have some kind of permanent filtration measures. Jefcoat: We will come up with something. Jeremy Pate — Landscape Administrator Pate: The tree preservation of course, is already set by the deed restricted area. As part of that deed restricted area on the Final Plat, that is something that we will be looking at in conjunction with Engineering to prohibit effluents Technical Plat Review September 1, 2004 Page 23 in that water system. I'm sure you can get with Mike Rozelle to determine what type of systems may be usable. If you can get a 11x17 to show the development portion and the deed restricted area. I need to see the landscape plan with the specified trees and shrubs at this level, also along this area, I understand there is a Swale here. An additional landscape island will be required along the north parking row fronting onto Mall. It is labeled as 12 but there are actually 15 spaces. Solid Waste asks that you locate the trash dumpster locations. Utility comments? Sue Clouser — SBC Clouser: Any relocation will be at the owner/developer's expense. One 4" conduit extended out to the greenspace on the utility easement on Mall Avenue and we will need a pull string. Do you know if they are going to want an inside terminal or a rear wall terminal? Jefcoat: No I don't. Clouser: If it is inside we will need a backboard and #6 bare ground. That is all that I have. Johney Boles — Arkansas Western Gas Boles: We have an existing line on that east side along there that touches this property. Any relocation will be at the owner's expense. If we have to lower that line we are going to charge. We will charge $2.75 a foot to place it at the building. If they want it at the building then they need to provide the conduit and the pull strings. Larry Gibson — Cox Communications Gibson: I would like to ask for a 4" across that driveway entrance. Clouser: If you could get us through there also. Jefcoat: We should have six 4" across there. Gibson: I've got existing underground fiber optic. It should be probably 30" deep. I think Larry has poles with the transformer locations, if I could get a 2" conduit from that location about 4' from the transformer over into the building. Jefcoat: I think you will be provided with a plan showing this location up here. We are probably going to go along the outside and have you around back. Technical Plat Review September 1, 2004 Page 24 Gibson: Just so long as we are placed about 4' from the electric transformer. That's all I have. ??: SWEPCO SWEPCO: This box is existing. We will come out of that switchgear and set another transformer somewhere. We will ask for a 15' easement from that switchgear to wherever the pad is. Have the electrician get with us to determine what load needs will be and voltage. It takes a while sometimes. I would ask for the crossings that they already asked for. If there is any relocation required it will be at the owner's expense. Pate: Revisions are due September 8`h at 10:00 a.m. Technical Plat Review September 1, 2004 Page 25 PZD 04-1181: Planned Zoning District (WALNUT CROSSING SUBDIVISION, 594/595): Submitted by ENGINEERING SERVICES, INC for property located at THE NORTH SIDE OF HWY 62W, EAST OF LAYNE STREET. The property is zoned R- A, RESIDENTIAL -AGRICULTURAL and contains approximately 38.82 acres. The request is to approve a Residential Planned Zoning District with 137 single family lots and 6.47 acres of "cluster homes". Pate: The last item today is R-PZD 04-1181 for Walnut Crossing Subdivision submitted by ESI for property located on the north side of Hwy. 62. The property is currently zoned R -A and will be rezoned to this R-PZD, it contains approximately 30.82 acres for 137 single family lots and 6.47 acres of clustered homes. On your next submittal we don't need all of these plans. We need the site plan, tree preservation and grading. We don't need the existing. We would like to request this property to be created, this Property Line Adjustment and Lot Split is extremely confusing. The legals are all over the place when we ran them through our land agents. What we really need to ensure because it is the zoning and Preliminary Plat, there has to be a legal lot of record before you get anywhere near approval. We need to create this subject parcel including any of these lots that may go down the road, they need to be within one larger lot. Moore: It will include the floodplain area too. Pate: That is part of the 38 acres? Moore: No, it will end up being 54. Pate: That is what we need to clarify. We need to sit down and just look over that stuff. I've got so many legals here now that I'm not sure what any of it is. This is pretty much what that is going to look like and then you arrive at that? Moore: Yes. Pate: Before we go to Planning Commission we need to arrive at that. They are both administrative, they don't have to go through a public process because they are so large. The Property Line Adjustment is administrative and the Lot Split is administrative because it is over five acres so I don't think we will have problems. Hesse: We will want to meet with Dawn because I want to also discuss that there is that section for park, it is going to be incorporated in the covenants of the P.O.A. Technical Plat Review September 1, 2004 Page 26 Pate: The legal description for the rezoning cannot include Farmington. We can't rezone Farmington. The Preliminary Plat can. The development we can look at. We need to make the final product really clear so everyone won't have questions surrounding this when it gets to Council and what legal descriptions we are going to be looking at. We also need a draft of covenants for the subdivision. With any PZD that is required by the time of Subdivision Committee level. Those should address standard items like maintenance of private streets, types of architectural, street scapes, landscaping and those types of things. The Preliminary Plat creates a unique residential zoning district will require a Final Plat to be approved. If you could on the plan show the maximum density proposed. Again, you might just have a chart stating proposed R-PZD density. That should be really clear. Your density will actually only be with the area zoned. Also include the use units on the plat as well. Most of them will be Use Unit 8 for the detached single family. We will need to determine what these are, if these are two or three family on the clustered lots. Standard plat comments, include the adjacent zoning districts, the plat page, Master Street Plan streets to the vicinity map, especially that east/west collector and a floodplain panel reference. I believe you do have some floodplain comments. If you could just label the right of way of all streets including alleys. I assume your alleys are going to be within right of ways? Hesse: Probably. Pate: Right now these are shown as right of way lines, basically it should continue. Moore: What I can do is just show that as an easement. Pate: Ok, just make it really clear later on if that is right of way. The covenants will need to address those as well. Show any utility easements requested today. Indicate building setbacks. I know some are 20', some are 25'. It could vary a little bit. If you could have a chart outlining that. You can take these parent tract descriptions off, just the PZD legal description is needed. Also, each of these cluster of lots need to have a lot number. These will be required to be reviewed as Large Scale Developments when those develop. Hesse: If those are in a horizontal property regime probably broken up like this, there will be a lot for two or three units, we are going to sell them as single family. We aren't going to lease these out but the common fact will be a horizontal property regime. Pate: If you have a horizontal property regime, typically when you file a master deed with the horizontal property regime you don't have to create new lots, you're just splitting the building. Again, you will just have two lots Technical Plat Review September 1, 2004 Page 27 and you will file a master deed. I would mention that in the covenants describing what those are. Moore: Do you want us to just show that on here now or do you just want them to show as lots? Pate: If I understand Kim correctly, these won't be individual lots. Moore: No, I mean the big lots. Do you want me to go ahead and show them with the cluster homes? Pate: That is up to you guys. Moore: That way everybody is on the same page. Pate: When you are setting your maximum density and your types of units here now with the zoning so it might benefit you guys to make comments about that because that way there are no surprises when it comes back to us in a Large Scale Development. Street requirements, you have 80' right of way on that east/west collector, is there a good reason? Hesse: That is for the Park. The Parks Department did want to get the power poles and lines in there for the parks property. It is a grant issue. So they talked to us about dedicating additional right of way. I don't know how you define it. I imagine we can keep it that way all the way across, however you guys want us to do it. Pate: It will be a little unique when we develop other properties. Hesse: We can stop it from here to here if that is clear. Pate: Let me talk with him and see what his ideas were on that. Concurrently with this item we will need to process a Master Street Plan amendment because currently this street is shown crossing the creek down here. We are supportive of that, it still meets the intents and purpose of the Master Street Plan, it is just really letting everyone else know on the Master Street Plan it has shifted about 600' to the north. Hesse: Is that a separate item? Pate: It will be a separate item that will track with this one. Moore: Is there something that we need to submit for that? Technical Plat Review September 1, 2004 Page 28 Pate: I would submit a letter simply stating that you are meeting the Master Street Plan intent by providing this collector street east/west in a different location justified because right now it is shown as crossing that creek. Hesse: Is it a waiver? Pate: It is an amendment to the Master Street Plan. Essentially that yellow line that is on the Master Street Plan will be moved approximately 600'. Also, under that same street requirement section, I would ask if you guys could also offer a proposal in writing or by a note on the plat or something about all of these lots here off of Street 2 for curb cut access management policies. There are 55' and 50' lots, you are looking at a 20' curb cut drive, half of each lot is going to be a curb cut and a driveway. That is a nightmare for pedestrians. Whether it be a shared access or something of that nature, just come up with some idea of how to manage that. Maybe every other lot can share a driveway so that we can cut down on curb cuts. We talked about the alleys. Are you planning on trash service from rear alleys? Hesse: I'm not sure. What is the width requirement? Pate: I don't know about the width. I know some of these alleys are one way, they are about 12' wide. Just check and make sure they can get through that with residential carts. Also, if you could include a note on the plat stating Farmington City approval will be obtained for any development within the City of Farmington. Include detention. Hesse: Can I submit a letter from their City Business Manager? They are the ones that I have spoken with. Pate: Do they have a process at all for reviewing subdivisions? Hesse: They do. They didn't necessarily recommend that I go through that. If it is fine with you I can get a letter from the Business Manager or Mayor. The main road coming into this is in Farmington. We have discussed meeting Fayetteville standards for the road. Pate: I think that will be fine. On the plat, this tree preservation area that is shown can't be included in your calculations it belongs to the City of Fayetteville, whereas this area in Farmington may help your percentages for preservation and not require as many mitigation trees. Hesse: Do you want a separate lot for Farmington? Pate: It may be better to split those for tax reasons and everything else. You might include a note on the City of Farmington portion. Sidewalks need Technical Plat Review September 1, 2004 Page 29 to be shown. The parking areas landscaping will be reviewed at Large Scale for those cluster developments. Any new utilities need to be located underground and utilities under 12kV need to be relocated underground. In the tree preservation area here it would be nice to have a parks access, pedestrian access to the south somewhere. If that can be located appropriately. Hesse: That access would be the developer's responsibility so do you want us to show that on the plan? Pate: That provides the pedestrian connection to the park on the south. Covenants should also address interfacing between the park and the rear of lots 10 through 33, how you are proposing to do that that back up onto the park. That has been questioned in the past about how rears of lots back up onto park property. If it is going to be really open, if it is going to be split rail, if it is going to be screened off for privacy for the home owners. Hesse: What our intent is, is to have a nice fagade to each of these houses. We haven't prohibited fencing, I think we will probably prohibit privacy fencing but allow short rail fences to define the yard space. Ohman: That was our comment as well, just that as the covenants are developed for the fence to be used to distinguish between the park property. We definitely concur with no privacy fences. Pate: In the past both on the public side and the private side, owning a home back there and having some sort of designation as a private back yard. I think the idea of having good facades on lots 10 through 33 specifically on the back side, would be a great idea to incorporate that as part of your covenants. Brent O'Neal — Staff Engineer O'Neal: Mike Rozelle, the Floodplain Administrator asks that you indicate the proposed minimum finished floor elevations for all proposed structures which are near the flood plain. The minimum finished floor elevation must be 2' above the FEMA Base Flood Elevation at the location of the structure. Show the flood plain line based on the surveyed topo and the base flood elevation found in the Fayetteville Flood Insurance Study profiles. Ensure the topo benchmark elevation is based on NGVD 1929. Indicate the elevation of the Base Flood along the creek. Label the name of the creek. Relocate the water line that runs along that alley. Locate it along the street. Also, if you could have hydrants at the end of stubouts. I believe we kind of answered the question that the cluster homes are going to come through a Large Scale, if they weren't going to be a Large Scale you need to show a extension of the water and sewer. Since they are going to be a Large Scale Technical Plat Review September 1, 2004 Page 30 you might just show the future stubouts. The water main that crosses the creek close to the bridge, you need to make sure that's the case. You also need to loop the main water system and do an offsite extension to the east along Street 3 to that next subdivision entrance. Moore: We can't go on that property, we could come down to Hwy. 62. O'Neal: That is the other comment. If you do come back to Hwy. 62 you just need to make sure that there is a valve in between the two. Moore: So in other words, we could just tap it and then put a valve on the west side of it? O'Neal: Yes, so long as there is one valve in between. Show an outfall structure for the pond, a trickle channel, the 100 -year water surface elevation. The storm sewer, you need to ensure that they use right angles instead of the acute angles that they are showing. The rest of the comments are pretty standard. Rebecca Ohman — Parks Department Ohman: This has been to the Parks Board and they recommended land dedication on this property. If you could label the parks property with a lot number. That is really the only comment other than the covenants that we have already spoken about. We will work with you guys on the trail. Sue Clouser — SBC Clouser: I'm not 100% sure this is in our territory. It could be Prairie Grove Telephone, I'll have to check on that. Mike Phipps — Ozark Electric Coop. Phipps: I will need crossings across these alleys but without knowing where these driveways are going, I can add my crossings on those drives. We ran into this on Rupple Road and we got with Jorgensen and everybody met up there one day and got the driveways situated on the lots and we got our crossings and everything that we needed. It sure works out better that way. Boles: The driveways can't be on the property lines will they? Hesse: We can work it out that they have shared drives? Pate: That is part of what I was asking that any of these lots. Boles: That complicates our problems. Technical Plat Review September 1, 2004 Page 31 Hesse: We can use shared driveways there but on the single family. Phipps: It doesn't give us a place to go on the shared drives. I'm talking about the alleys. We don't intend to share the single family, is that ok with you guys? Boles: As long as we have adequate greenspace. Phipps: Between 46 and 47 we need to get through that tree preservation somehow we have to tie together. The same way between 24 and 25. I know this is a small lot, is there any way to get a UE from the side and back to the front here? Hesse: I prefer not to. Phipps: It would all have to be on that lot, it couldn't be in the tree preservation. Hesse: Is there any way down here? Boles: No, I'm looking at front lot service on lots 34 through 57. Hesse: Can you go with the sewer easement? Boles: How wide is the sewer easement? Hesse: It is 20'. Boles: It needs to be wider. Phipps: Can you get 20' outside the tree preservation? Moore: If you came back around and came down, you would have a loop all the way around it. That would probably be the most advantageous for us. Phipps: Probably, just as long as I have enough room to get there. Just make that a 20' setback and UE all the way down. That works better for me too so we can just go all the way down the back here. I'm trying to feed as many lots as I can off the transformer. That actually saves the developer probably $200 to $300 per lot. It may not be the same places that gas needs to cross but I don't want to run primary down each side of that alley. Boles: I will give you my copy and you can use it, that's where I want crossings. Gibson: I can use the same ones that Ozarks is using. These across the alleys just need to be four 4". Those crossing the street need to be 6". Boles: We will need that 15' easement increased to 20' from Hwy. 62 all the way Technical Plat Review September 1, 2004 Page 32 to this development. My crossings need to be 2". SWEPCO SWEPCO: On the power line you have an easement shown there and I appreciate that, you designed streets around it. If, for some reason, you do need to move the poles it will be very expensive. Jeremy Pate — Landscape Administrator Pate: I wanted to refer to the trail you have identified here is right through the tree preservation, just relocate that somewhere so it won't impact the existing trees along the western boundary. Also, I don't know if you have a general idea of the building permit for some of these houses so we can see what type of homes are going to be in here and in this tree preservation area. Are you intending for this to be an easement? Hesse: Yes. Pate: Good, if you could add that to the Final Plat. On this tree preservation plan, if you could show all of these easements. I'm requesting that fencing be put up around that tree preservation area once construction occurs so that is protected as well. Show existing and proposed contours on this plan. Entitle this the grading and tree preservation plan. We've talked about tree protection fencing within the park area. Hesse: In the end, at the Final Plat stage do you need a legal description of the tree preservation easements? Pate: The tree preservation easements will need to be shown on the plat like this and then of course we sign off. You can reduce the setbacks on some of these lots to push those homes to the front and keep them away from the tree preservation area. On site mitigation request, there was an ordinance amendment approved this spring for residential subdivisions, the responsibility for on site mitigation is essentially a three year maintenance plan and bonding of those mitigation trees for that three years. At the end of three years the Landscape Administrator goes in and determines if 90% of those trees are healthy. That is something that needs to be established in the covenants too. The P.O.A. will need to be responsible for the upkeep, maintenance and monitoring those trees, including the timing of planting. These are to be planted after the construction of this subdivision. That is all that I have. Revisions are due September 8`". We need to make sure that we get the Property Line Adjustment and Lot Split taken care of before this goes forward. Thank you. Meeting adjourned: 11:05 a.m.