HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-06-16 - MinutesMINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE TECHNICAL PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE A regular meeting of the Technical Plat Review Committee was held on June 16, 2004 at 9:00 a.m. in room 111 in the City Administration Building, 113 W. Mountain, Fayetteville, Arkansas. ACTION TAKEN LSP 04-1113: (ALI MOUBAREK, 323) Forwarded Page 2 CCP 04-1117: (ALLEN SUBDIVISION, 140) Forwarded Page 4 LSD 04-1118: (WAL-MART #144 STOCKROOM, 558) Forwarded Page 5 STAFF PRESENT Craig Camagey Jeremy Pate Suzanne Morgan UTILITIES PRESENT Mike Phipps, Ozark Electric Coop. Jim Sargent, AEP/ SWEPCO Larry Gibson, Cox Communications Johney Boles, Arkansas Western Gas STAFF ABSENT Perry Franklin Danny Farrar Travis Dotson Renee Thomas Rebecca Ohman Matt Casey UTILITIES ABSENT Sue Clouser, Southwestern Bell Technical Plat Review June 16, 2004 Page 2 LSP 04-1113: Lot Split (ALI MOUBAREK, 323): Submitted by ALI MOUBAREK for property located at 2300 SALEM ROAD. The property is zoned RSF-4, SINGLE FAMILY - 4 UNITS/ACRE and contains approximately 2.40 acres. The request is to split the subject property into two tracts of 1.163 and 1.234 acres. Pate: We will start the meeting for the Technical Plat Review Committee. Today is Wednesday, June 16, 2004. On the agenda we have four items. The last of which, the Hilton Garden Inn Large Scale has been tabled. Item number one is LSP 04-1113 for Moubarek for property located at 2300 Salem Road. If the surveyors could add plat page 323 to the plat. Include a legend with that. He does need to dimension Salem Road right of way and dedicate right of way with this Lot Split. Essentially, all survey comments will need to go on this plat so if you could just get these comments to your surveyor. If there are any easements that the utility companies need to serve this property if you could include those as well. That is all of our Planning comments. Matt Casey, our Staff Engineer, is not here today so I will go over his. Sewer is not currently available to this site. A public sewer main will need to be extended from the south side of Mt. Comfort Road to serve each of these lots. Moubarek: That is way beyond 300'. I think that will be a big project. Pate: He says the sewer is on the south side of Mt. Comfort Road which is about 180' from here. You might need to just contact Matt in Engineering and talk to him about this to see where that sewer is. Moubarek: We have already got approval for a septic tank and already have a plan for it. Pate: It looks like there is a sewer main somewhere along Mt. Comfort according to his comments. Moubarek: There is one on this side of Mt. Comfort but the sewer people determined the distance is further than 300'. Pate: Again, you can talk to Matt about that. Also, show the location of existing water lines and water meters on the site. For Parks comments, at the time of building permit for one additional single family lot in the amount of $555. That is at the time you build on this lot. Are there any utility comments on this particular project? Mike Phipps — Ozarks Electric Coop. Phipps: Along Salem there make the 25' building setback and UE. Also, the building setback on the east property line, make that a UE also. That's all I have. Technical Plat Review June 16, 2004 Page 3 Johne Boles — Arkansas Western Gas Boles: No other comment. Larry Gibson — Cox Communications Gibson: No other comment. Pate: If you would just have your surveyor label the 25' building setback and UE and the same here, a 20' building setback and UE. Revisions for these plats are due on June 23`d by 10:00 a.m. Technical Plat Review June 16, 2004 Page 4 CCP 04-1117: Concurrent Plat (ALLEN SUBDIVISION, 140): Submitted by DAVE JORGENSEN for property located at 4111 OLD WIRE ROAD. The property is in the Planning Area and contains approximately 9.50 acres. The request is to approve a concurrent plat for a subdivision containing 3 single-family lots of 5.86, 2.47 and 1.17 acres respectively. Pate: Item number two is CCP 04-1117 for Allen Subdivision submitted by Mr. Jorgensen for property located at 4111 Old Wire Road in the Planning area. Camagey: There is not a whole lot here to make comments on. I just have some minor things. If you will remove Lot 1 from the title in the legal description. Again, we need to have a warranty deed submitted for 35' dedication of right of way along Old Wire Road prior to Subdivision Committee review. The only other comment I have is for you to include signature blocks for both the city and the county on the plat. We will need revisions by 10:00 a.m. on June 23`d. Utilities? Mike Phipps — Ozarks Electric Coop. Phipps: Dave, what are these black circles? Jorgensen: They look like power poles but I'm not positive. Phipps: I would like an easement along Old Wire Road through there outside of that right of way 20'. To get us back if we could get a 20' easement, 10' each side between 1 and 2 going to the back. Jorgensen: How about the 75' being access and UE? Or how about a 20' off the north part of that 75' leg that sticks out? Boles: You are saying along the northern edge of 2 only? Jorgensen: Yes. Phipps: You have to get us back here. A 20' UE along the back property line of two. That's all I have. Johny Boles — Arkansas Western Gas Boles: No other comment. Larry Gibson — Cox Communications Gibson: No other comment. Technical Plat Review June 16, 2004 Page 5 LSD 04-1118: Large Scale Development (WAL-MART #144 STOCKROOM, 558): Submitted by CEI ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, INC. for property located at HWY 62, W OF I-540. The property is zoned C-2, THOROUGHFARE COMMERCIAL and contains approximately 28.70 acres. The request is to approve the construction of a 12,523 sq.ft. stockroom expansion at the SW corner of the building Pate: Item number three is LSD 04-1118 for Wal-Mart #144 on Hwy. 62. Morgan: I will start out with submittal requirements. We did not receive a disk for this. Jacobs: We will submit that before building permit when all of the revisions have been made. Morgan: Please revise the color elevation directions so it is clear which way we are looking at it. Provide a ratio of the overall building area so we can understand what percent expansion is occurring. As well as percent of retail verses percent storage or warehousing. Include the plat page number, 558 and 597 on the plat. A building permit was applied for a 1,650 sq.fi. expansion of the T.L.E. area. Because they were submitted at the same time we feel it is appropriate to look at them at the same time on the same Large Scale Development. Jacobs: Do you want to track the T.L.E. through this process or is it going to go through building permit? Morgan: Right now they have requested a building permit for that expansion but it is appropriate to look at both of these expansions with the same Large Scale Development. Jacobs: The T.L.E. wouldn't receive a permit until all of this went through Large Scale? Morgan: Correct. That will help us address parking with this Large Scale for both issues and hopefully, by analyzing this at the same time it will be a smoother process. Additionally, sidewalk comments will need to be addressed. Those will be provided by the sidewalk coordinator. I know that a Conditional Use request was submitted quite a while ago, a memo was submitted bys the Sidewalk Coordinator and he did specify 6' sidewalks along 6` Street. Jacobs: When will we find that out? Morgan: We can find out this week. Jacobs: If you wilt let me know so we can figure the cost of that. Technical Plat Review June 16, 2004 Page 6 Morgan: If you could modify the parking chart to show city requirements and then what we have for ratios so we can clearly understand what the parking situation is. Also, if you could clarify where this is, perhaps showing additional information for the surrounding building. Jacobs: If we show the overall site plan will that suffice? Morgan: That should suffice with showing exactly where this expansion is to occur and exactly what is there that is going to be replaced. You are showing the parking that will be removed. Pate: Maybe something like this third page with the area identified. Morgan: Those are all of my comments. Utilities? Jim Sareent—AEP/SWEPCO Sargent: Do you know if this building is going to be served from the existing? Jacobs: All of these services are coming from the existing building. Sargent: If there is any relocation of the existing facilities it will be at the owner's expense. That's all I have. Johne Boles — Arkansas Western Gas Boles: No comment. Larry Gibson — Cox Communication Gibson: No comment. Morgan: Engineering didn't have any comments on this. There is a fire lane specified on the plans, there is 30' clearance so I don't believe that we will have any comments for that. Revisions are due on the 23`a Jacobs: Just to make sure I understand Suzanne. We are going to put the T.L.E. and the stockroom together on one submittal? Morgan: The revisions will need to show that. Jacobs: For the Subdivision Committee review we will show the T.L.E. with it's proposed utilities and the stockroom? Morgan: Yes.