HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-06-02 - MinutesMINUTES OF A MEETING OF THE TECHNICAL PLAT REVIEW COMMITTEE A regular meeting of the Technical Plat Review Committee was held on June 2, 2004 at 9:00 a.m. in room 111 in the City Administration Building, 113 W. Mountain, Fayetteville, Arkansas. ACTION TAKEN LSP 04-1093: (Coulson Oil, 440) Forwarded Page 2 FPL 04-1092: (Clabber Creek Ph. II, 322) Forwarded Page 5 LSD 04-1094: (Joyce Blvd. Med & Prof. Center, 176) Forwarded Page 9 CCP 04-1051: Concurrent Plat (Twin Springs Estates, 357) Forwarded Page 17 STAFF PRESENT Craig Camagey Jeremy Pate Suzanne Morgan Renee Thomas Rebecca Ohman Matt Casey UTILITIES PRESENT Mike Phipps, Ozark Electric Coop. Sue Clouser, Southwestern Bell Larry Gibson, Cox Communications Johney Boles, Arkansas Western Gas STAFF ABSENT Perry Franklin Danny Farrar Travis Dotson UTILITIES ABSENT Jim Sargent, AEP/ SWEPCO Technical Plat Review June 2, 2004 Page 2 LSP 04-1093: Lot Split (COULSON OIL, 440): Submitted by BOB HILL for property located at THE SOUTH SIDE OF WEDINGTON DRIVE BETWEEN I-540 AND MARVIN AVENUE. The property is zoned C-2, THOROUGHFARE COMMERCIAL and contains approximately 2.68 acres. The request is to divide the subject property into two tracts of 1.34 acres each. Pate: We will start the meeting of the Technical Plat Review Committee of June 2, 2004. We have four items on the agenda this morning. Item number one, LSP 04-1093 was submitted by Mr. Hill for property located south of Wedington Drive between I-540 and Marvin Avenue. There are not a whole lot of comments on this one. Primarily they are plat comments. This is the last lot split allowed for this tract. This survey does need to be to scale. Also, if you could dimension the Master Street Plan right of way. Currently there is about 46' of right of way here, 41' on this end. Hwy. 16 requires 55' dedication. Your setbacks are off of that. We just need to revise the building setbacks to 20' along the rear and on the front 50'. This is in the Design Overlay District. The rule for curb cuts in the Overlay District is 300' between curb cuts. I know there are some here and some here, we are going to have to look at that. Maybe the surveyor can show where those are to determine if there is adequate distance for each of these lots to have one. If not, we are probably going to recommend that they share one common access. Hill: We have both of these under contract contingent upon this split and both of the contracts say that they will share a common ingress/egress access on the centerline. We were hoping to get another exit or something on the corner. I don't' know whether we can do that or not but it is in the contract that they have to share one. Pate: That is probably what we are going to recommend. It kind of depends too on where these lye across the street. If the driveway is directly off here, it would be more beneficial to have it on the lot line, but for safety's sake if it is just a little off of the jog we will probably need to line those up. Hill: Do we need to show the curb cut on the north side? Pate: If you have that information that would be good. It is really just going to be at the time of development that that should happen. We are just subdividing the land right now. Just to let you know that when this property does develop both of these lots will be subject to the conditions of this split by the Planning Commission or Subdivision Committee. That is all of Planning comments. Technical Plat Review June 2, 2004 Page 3 Matt Casey — Staff Engineer Casey: Water and sewer will need to be extended to each of the lots at the time of development. Sewer is available on tract one but not on tract two. It is very close, down at the southeast corner, but it is not to the property. Water is across Wedington so a main will need to be extended across Wedington to serve these two tracts. Hill: Does the city know if there is an easement on the north side of Spot Not car wash? I know there is a main along Marvin. Could we tie into that if we can get across there? Casey: That would be a possibility. You could do that in the right of way. Hill: We have notified as a part of the contract that the buyers are responsible for bringing in the utilities to their site so if we could get the Lot Split done that will be part of the Large Scale correct? Casey: Correct. Pate: Utilities? Jim Sargent — AEP/SWEPCO Sargent: I would like to show a utility easement there along the south side of Wedington, a 20' utility easement. Gibson: Can you just change that 25' building setback to a building setback and UE? Pate: It is actually a 50' building setback so you might just want to show a 25' UE there. Gibson: That's fine, then on the south side of the lot also. Sargent: Also on this drawing here it is showing an electric line here on the west property line, I would like to show a 10' UE along that west property line. That's all I have. Johney Boles — Arkansas Western Gas Boles: No comment. Technical Plat Review June 2, 2004 Page 4 Larry Gibson — Cox Communications Gibson: This south building setback here is going to be a 20' right? If you could change that to a setback and UE. That's all I have. Sue Clouser — SBC Clouser: I agree with those easements. Technical Plat Review June 2, 2004 Page 5 FPL 04-1092: Final Plat (CLABBER CREEK PH II, 322): Submitted by GEOFFREY BATES for property located at THE NORTH SIDE OF MT. COMFORT RD. BETWEEN RUPPLE RD AND BRIDGEPORT DR. The property is zoned RSF-4, SINGLE FAMILY - 4 UNITS/ACRE and contains approximately 28.36 acres. The request is to approve the Final Plat of a residential subdivision with 88 single family lots proposed. Pate: Item number two this morning is a Final Plat for Clabber Creek Phase II submitted by Geoff Bates for property located on the east side of Mt. Comfort Road. Morgan: All lots need to measure 70' at the right of way line. The Preliminary Plat dimensioned it, except the ones with the radius, if you could note that. If you could update the adjacent zoning to current zoning designations. The right of way for Mt. Comfort Road isn't dimensioned from centerline. If you could dimension that as well as show the additional right of way from the centerline to the south of the property line which needs to be dedicated with this plat as well. The certification blocks will need to be updated. I included the standard signature blocks in your packet. If you could reduce the number of pages for the Final Plat. You can reduce them to maybe two pages. The signature blocks need to be on each page so we can certify that what is being filed is correct. Bates: You are not going to be able to read it very well. Morgan: We are going to need one copy of 1 to 100 for our records. The addresses need to be labeled on each of these lots. You can get those from Jim Johnson. Some may have two addresses. On the lots with limited access there will only be one address. Waterway Drive, I don't know if you would be able to, we are not really platting the drive that is already done so I was just wondering if you could possibly just show where that street is. I think it might help seeing where it is constructed. There are some corrections on the notes. The Preliminary Plat for Phase II shows 50' of right of way for Kinwood Lane. In here it is showing 50' but it is dimensioned at 44'. Bates: I think it is 44'. Morgan: I was wondering why it is 44', we have standards of 40' and 50'. Bates: The city told us to do that. I had never heard of it either. Morgan: We have a standard for 40'. Bates: We can lower it to 40', I don't care however you want it. Technical Plat Review June 2, 2004 Page 6 Morgan: I think it is probably most appropriate to have it at the standard of 40'. I put a note about street lights. The ordinance does specify what type of streetlights will be acceptable. That needs to be labeled on the plat. There are standard comments for any proposed signage, utilities, payment of streetlights. If you have covenants for this if we could get a copy. Bates: Yes, it will be pretty much like Phase I. Morgan: That's all I have. Matt? Matt Casey — Staff Engineer Casey: The storm sewer along Mt. Comfort and also the sidewalk, don't match what we are showing on the construction plans. The storm sewer shown should be at the right of way. Bates: We made some changes to the storm sewer because this whole street is super elevated so there is no water running down that side of the street. There is no water coming to it so we didn't place storm sewer there. Casey: What about the sidewalks? Bates: I think there is a 10' greenspace and then the sidewalks. You want it on the right of way? Casey: I think that is what the construction plans show. I have included a table and some other notes I would like to see on the plat. As builts, maintenance bonds and construction costs need to be submitted prior to submitting the Final Plat. Final inspection must be by the time of Subdivision Committee. Rebecca Ohman — Parks Department Ohman: If you could label the park property that would be great. Thanks. Rozelle: On floodplain stuff, show the finished floors elevations for lots abutting Clabber Creek. Bates: There is only one in the floodplain. Rozelle: To me, if they are backing up to that area and there may be a lot in between, I would prefer to go ahead and put a minimum finished floor. Label the creek on the plat. I would like to have the date of the FEMA map that those elevations are based on on the front page. The lots that actually have floodplain crossing them, I would like to establish a meets Technical Plat Review June 2, 2004 Page 7 and bounds easement for that floodplain crossing. State plain coordinates need to be on at least two boundary corners, I didn't see that. Mike Phipps — Ozark Electric Coop, Phipps: On this easement for Ozark Electric that you show on the west side. Check that again or you might check with Robert Ericson in our office. I have a 50' utility easement on that 6950 transmission line. It should be 25' each side of the center of that transmission line. I'm not sure how far it is off that property line. Bates: It shows to be 40', 25' on the east side and 15' on the west side. Phipps: Right, just check with Robert Ericson on that. It could've been a 40' easement. I'm not sure what they required for that. 15' just sounds small for that size line. Also, on some street lights, between 49 and 50 we need a 10' UE to get to that light there. Also, on 86 and 87 and 80 and 81, 61 and 62, 55 and 56, 40 and 41. Bates: Most of those are there, they are not labeled. Boles: That's my next comment. Phipps: If you can see the ones that I have to get to, 5 and 6 I know needs one. Bates: I believe they are there. They are just not labeled for some reason. Phipps: Anywhere where we are coming from the rear to the front. Johny has the crossings on here. We don't have anything from Preliminary Plat showing where the crossings are located but this looks similar to what we had from Plat Review as far as where we were going with those. Bates: They are there, we just don't have that layer turned on. Phipps: I hope they are in. Bates: I know we have staked them. They are there. Phipps: That's all I had. Johne Boles — Arkansas Western Gas Boles: Geoff, if you would label these side lot easements where these crossings are between 3 and 4 and all these easements here are not labeled. Bates: They are on the same layer that is not turned on. Technical Plat Review June 2, 2004 Page 8 Boles: It looks like the only thing that is labeled is the perimeter of the project and the rest of it is not labeled. That's all I have. Larry Gibson — Cox Communications Gibson: I would like to get a print as soon as possible that shows the easements and the crossings so I can get that thing started through our engineering department. Bates: Ok. Sue Clouser — SBC Clouser: I agree with those previous comments and if I could get a copy of that as soon as possible. Technical Plat Review June 2, 2004 Page 9 LSD 04-1094: Large Scale Development (JOYCE BLVD. MED. & PROF. CENTER, 176): Submitted by STEVE CLARK for property located at N OF JOYCE BLVD, W OF SUNBEST AVE. The property is zoned R -O, RESIDENTIAL OFFICE and contains approximately 4.93 acres. The request is to approve the development of a professional office complex with five structures totaling approximately 39,180 sq.11. and 169 parking spaces proposed. Pate: Item number four is a Large Scale Development for the Joyce Blvd. Medical and Professional Center. This is a professional, medical office development with five buildings. I didn't notice any monument signs on here. If you have any proposed or planned if you could reflect those on the plans and then provide color elevations. The material sample board will be due at the revision deadline for Subdivision Committee. If you could include plat page 176 on here. A couple of these comments are just for clarity. It took me a long time to find this label here. If you could darken that right of way line, change the line type or do something to show where that 55' right of way line is. There is a lot of stuff happening. Clark: There is a lot of stuff down there and there are a million different easements. Pate: If you could maybe darken that up and then dimension it from centerline. Clark: Just one dimension will be sufficient? Pate: That's fine, just so it is clear. A couple of setbacks we need to add. This building A looks like it is encroaching. Clark: It will be adjusted a little bit. Pate: Your north and your west setbacks are the 15'. I think you meet everything, we just need to show it on there. If you could in a chart or a note over here, include a site coverage note. I think you are fine but if you would include that with impervious surface and improved space. The entrance aisle is not dimensioned. It must be a minimum 20' wide. Streetlights along Joyce, do you know if they are existing or not? Clark: I never think to look for those until you guys ask me and I don't know. Pate: If you could just verify that, along Sunbest as well. They may be on the other side of the street. If so, that meets the requirements. We just need to verify if they are in that area. If they are not then they will be required. I think we talked about this earlier with the architect when we first met on this project. These access easements that are shown, we will be filing a plat with an easement plat, we don't worry about putting anything on the plat, maybe a note saying that all drives will be an access easement so that Technical Plat Review June 2, 2004 Page 10 everyone here has access to that property. Additionally, there will probably need to be a private shared parking agreement between all of these occupants. Five bicycle racks are going to be required. I have some comments in here from Solid Waste and they want you to locate the dumpsters. It can be more than one. Clark: We are going to do them here and then we have changed this one and kind of come in like this. Pate: Our standard requirement is they have to be screened on three sides with materials that match the building. Clark: Is your screening only on three sides? You can leave the front open. Pate: You can leave the front open if that access isn't visible from the street. If it is visible at all from the street it has to be gated. Just as a reminder, after it goes to Planning Commission, should it be approved there are several things that need to happen before the building permit. Ijust wanted to mention that now. We always get a lot of questions when people come in for a building permit. Matt? Matt Casey — Staff Eneineer Casey: Sure. One thing I thought of as you were talking to clarify this. On this first page we don't have to have the contours and construction entrance and that sort of thing on there. That would take a lot of lines off of there. Another item that is not on the list here, the driveway radius is kind of cutting through your existing inlet. Clark: I think there has been some minor juggling and that drive has shifted about 10'. Casey: Ok. Show the sidewalk continuous through the driveway but it shows the curb going through that sidewalk. If you could remove those lines. Also, show the existing waterline along Sunbest. There is an 8" line here to the west side of the sanitary sewer. That is what my map shows. We need to make sure you have adequate easements off of that also, 10'. If you could label the height of this retaining wall in a couple of places. Clark: It wasn't designed at the time, I don't think we had much grading back behind that. Casey: That's another comment. There are some areas here and around the building, if you could show proposed grading. Put your erosion control measures on your grading plan. Also, there is a 36" water line on Joyce. We need to show the location of that and that is going to be a sensitive Technical Plat Review June 2, 2004 Page I1 issue at the time of construction. I wanted to make sure you are aware of that. Clark: I know it is there but do you know where it is at? Casey: Not exactly. They should have those plastic stakes out there. If not, you can call the Water Division and they will do a locate for you. The detention structure looks like it is protruding into the utility easement there, if you could scoot that back a little bit. The rest are just minor comments. If you have any questions give me a call. Pate: Craig? Craie Carnaeev — Landscape Administrator Camagey: On the tree preservation, I need you to identify the size of the trees. Clark: They are about 4" to 5" in diameter. Camagey: If that is the case we need to make sure that they are appropriate for transplanting on site like this. Before you transplant trees we are going to want to know a little bit more about the method and the date. This is probably going to be taken care of before building permit but if you could go ahead and label these as 4" I'd appreciate it. As far as the landscape plan, I have several checklist items. A lot of these can be taken care of before building permit as well. There are a few things we need to address. We will need street trees planted every 30 linear feet on both Joyce and Sunbest. I know you are showing maples to be shown here. We need to make sure that they are out of this water line far enough. Clark: You know easements extend all along there. Camagey: Right. As long as they are not planted directly over a water or a sewer line we should be alright. We may need to work with things. Clark: Is that just across a parking lot? Camagey: On a commercial development we want you to go all the way across on both streets. Clark: Do we need the shrubs within that same? I show shrubs down along the parking lots. Camagey: That is correct, shrubs in front of parking lots and trees in front of everything. There is a checklist too if you want to go down that. The interior landscaping, on all of these tree islands we are going to need trees Technical Plat Review June 2, 2004 Page 12 in there. Red buds aren't one of our trees that we use for parking lots. We are trying to get at least a medium sized shade tree or larger. I think that is pretty much all I have. The rest of the items are some minor checklist items. Again, they can be addressed now or they can be addressed before you submit for building permit. Clark: We will attempt to address them before Planning Commission. I would like everything to look good. Mike Rozelle — Floodplain Administrator Rozelle: On the flood certification on the front sheet, the map date is out of date, if you could use a more current FEMA map, it should be July 21, 1999. Pate: Utilities? Mike Phipps — Ozark Electric Coop. Phipps: Any relocation of existing facilities will be at the developer's expense. Since this is a commercial project the developer will be responsible for all trenching and conduit. A transformer pad with three phase power is required. Johny has a drawing here that we have looked at as far as the perimeter. For the transformer locations and the service locations, I can just say that around the perimeter and we will probably service to the rear of any buildings. If that is where the transformer is going to go that is where we need the easements. Clark: At this point in time I have no idea either. The MEPs will come in on that so a 15' utility easement? Boles: We need 20' and there is a problem on that building over here with the building setback. Clark: 15' is the building setback. Casey: The retaining wall can't be in the easement. Phipps: Is the retaining wall on the west side? It looks like you've got enough room there to the north. Clark: That north, where that wall is going to be, because we have to keep it 5' off the property line and then when you guys want 20' in addition to that it really squeezes me down. Phipps: On the north? Technical Plat Review June 2, 2004 Page 13 Clark: Yes. Building C isn't a big problem but building D could be. Phipps: Without the transformers on here I can't tell. If we came here and then went in front right through here and then back this way you would have a transformer somewhere in this location. Clark: I don't think a transformer back in there is a problem at all. Let me look at that. You all really need a 20' UE all the way around or however we are going to get access. Phipps: Yes, if they want the service in the rear we have cable, phone, power and gas we will need 20' to fit in that area. Crossings, across Joyce we will need six 4" crossings there. Also, six 4" up here on this parking area off of Sunbest. Along Joyce we have a 20' easement along Joyce existing. Clark: I don't even see that I show an easement on yours. Phipps: You show a 15'. We had the one Israel did to the east and then Millennium. It is all 20' along Joyce. Clark: Ok. I see the gas easement but I didn't see the electric. Phipps: It is a 20' general utility easement along Joyce. Clark: What you are saying is you want a 20' utility easement. Boles: All property surrounding that has 20' out front. Clark: Ok. I thought you were asking for an existing around that existing power pole. Gibson: It's already there I think. Clark: The power pole is but I don't think there is an existing 20'. I don't have a problem with that because there is already a water line easement and everything else along the front. Phipps: There is a 30' setback there too. Clark: From the new right of way we have 30' for our buildings. Phipps: From the new right of way back if we could get a 20' easement. Clark: Ok. I thought you were talking about that existing power pole. Phipps: That's all I have. Technical Plat Review June 2, 2004 Page 14 Johne Boles — Arkansas Western Gas Boles: What is this indication you have right here? Gas piping use there along the entrance? Pate: There is a not in there. Clark: That is from the surveyor and it is probably a meter is what I'm guessing it is. Boles: For old service, ok. I see the not now that Jeremy pointed it out. Of course, if we have to lower that across that entrance the developer will have to pay for that. I can't remember, this house back here, where our service comes off for it. If it does come off of Joyce here, and I'm pretty certain that if it is served it will come off of Joyce we will probably have to relocate the service back here. Clark: This house is fairly new and I expect that if it came off you have something back here off of Sunbest don't you? Boles: It could be. I will just have to look at it. Larry Gibson — Cox Communications Gibson: Steve, I don't know how, why or when, but I have a distribution line that comes right on the east side of your entrance there at that pole. It dips off that pole and goes 508' directly to the north to that house right through the center of this property. Phipps: We may have our power running through there too. Gibson: I didn't see any power on my TOPO. We need to check to see if there is an easement there. It is not an issue, when we get this built we can relocate it back over here, come around the sides and relocate it or something but we will need to leave this on all the time until that goes live because there are customers off of that. I can't imagine us going through there like that without there being an easement of some kind or these property owners laying it themselves. Clark: This is the first I've heard about it. Gibson: You can see it, it just goes directly due north on the east side of your driveway. Technical Plat Review June 2, 2004 Page 15 Clark: There is an old fence line that ran back there. It is probably up against that fence line. Gibson: Did this used to be two properties? Clark: There is a fence line, who knows. Gibson: I didn't remember a split on it or anything. Pate: Not anytime in the recent past. Gibson: I just wanted to make you aware of that. Those easements are fine with me and the crossings. Sue Clouser — SBC Clouser: If we need to relocate anything it will be at the owner/developer's expense. We do have cable out there. The 20' utility easement around the perimeter will be fine but I will need two 4" conduits from each building with pull strings. I don't know if you are going inside, I'm assuming you are going on the outside with the phone services, but either way, we need a #6 bare ground back to power. I agree with the crossings. That's all I have. Clark: You need two 4" conduits to the building? Clouser: Yes, into the utility easements. Gibson: Are those single story buildings? Clark: Yes. Gibson: When they get a little bit further along on this I may need to talk to them if they have an equipment room inside the building I may need to comment that we will go in the backside of the building and pull the conductor. Clark: That is usually all with the MEP. Gibson: See if you can get any information at all on that. If I need to I will come out there and see if there is an easement going through there on that line. It may have been just a property owner handshake out there in the middle of that field. Pate: It doesn't look like it's too big of a deal as far as where your buildings are located now. Technical Plat Review June 2, 2004 Page 16 Clark: It will be when we start digging streets and putting water lines in, that thing will be torn out. Gibson: That thing won't be over 30" deep. Pate: Revisions are due June 91h by 10:00 a.m. Technical Plat Review June 2, 2004 Page 17 CCP 04-1051: Concurrent Plat (TWIN SPRINGS ESTATES, 357): Submitted by DON HILLIS for property located at 0.8 MILES SOUTH OF WHEELER RD, WEST OF DOUBLE SPRINGS RD.. The property is in the Planning Area and contains approximately 5.57 acres. The request is to approve Phase I of a residential subdivision with 5 single family lots proposed. Pate: Item number three is a Concurrent Plat for Twin Springs Estates submitted by Don Hillis for property located west of Double Springs Road south of Wheeler Road. I don't have a whole lot of comments on this. It is a relatively clean plat. This is Phase I, if you could include that in your titles. We talked about the property line adjustment yesterday. That needs to be coordinated before it goes to Subdivision Committee. Hillis: We should close on this property tomorrow and then we will take care of that. Pate: We will just be looking for that before this deadline is due. On page two, include some adjacent property owner information on the plat page. Label right of way dimensioned from centerline of Double Springs there. Signature blocks need to go on any plat that is recorded, they need to go on both sheets. If you want to include them on this sheet or combine them into one, it's up to you. We will need one submitted with 1" = 100' scale for our files. I attached the signature blocks here. You can use those on any of your future projects. Of course, you need to go through Washington County Planning also. Any new utilities need to go underground. That's all I have. Matt, I don't think you had anything. Utilities? Mike Phipps — Ozark Electric Coop. Phipps: I am not sure where this is at. I'm just west of Double Tree Estates. I know Hwy. 16 probably has to be down here. Gibson: There are two homes here across the street with driveways in there. I believe a county road goes back to the right. Hillis: South of there there is an old gravel pit. Gibson: There is the Nottenkamper stuff back in here. Phipps: We need a 10' UE along Double Springs Road. Phipps: They contacted me about moving the power line across the road, overhead power and asked for an easement there. Phipps: Any relocation of existing facilities will be at the developer's expense. Also, you will be required to obtain any offsite easements we need or any Technical Plat Review June 2, 2004 Page 18 relocation with the property development. You've got it shown right of way and UE, we need a 20' outside of that right of way. Hillis: That is not a problem. Leonard and I will be developing this property so anything you need give us a holler. Larry Gibson — Cox Communications Gibson: We are south of lot 1 overhead and then it goes across the road and services those two homes. That's the end of our line. That distribution line is pretty well extended out. To service these we may have to drop back, pick up trunk and then come back up and beef that up. If we do that we may have to ask the developer to share part of the expense. This is Phase I. Hillis: This is Phase I, there is a nice little ravine here and then on the other side of the ravine there is a plateau type deal up there and we are going to put probably 25 more homes up there. Gibson: How will you get to that? Hillis: We are going to be putting a road in. The road will be coming off of the south side of the property itself. The property is about 30 acres. It will come up here and wind up on top and then loop back around. Gibson: When they get ready to get started on this thing if they could contact me I will be glad to meet them out there and go over it with them. We will do the bulk of it but to make this feasible for five lots, our trunk line is probably 1,500 feet back down the hill. I'm not saying that we are going to have to build 1,500 feet of trunk up there but we will have to allow for Phase II also. Hillis: We'll have a road there and we can give you an easement all the way up to that. Gibson: When you get a better idea of where that road is going to be we can at least get the trunk up there. Hillis: I have a good idea. We are going to be staking it out to get cross sections on it. Sue Clouser — SBC Clouser: I agree with the 20' UE. Any relocation will be at the owner/developer's expense. That's all that I have. Technical Plat Review June 2, 2004 Page 19 Pate: Revisions are due June 9"' at 10:00 a.m. and this will need to go to the full Planning Commission. We are adjourned.